Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Ryuu Rei -> Toraono Michino [Kumo to Suna]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Old Character Name: Ryuu Rei
Old Village/Missing: Kumogakure
OCR Type: Retire
Last Known Where-abouts: Kumo; discovering her divine self
Old IC Rank: S-Rank

New Character Name: Toraono Michino
Preferred Username: Toraono Michino
New Village/Missing: Sunagakure
New BL/CA: Berserker/Dragonheart (to be re-flavored as “Demonheart”)
Custom Class:

The Toraono’s Prideful Claw
HP: (60+15) x Stamina =
CP: (40+15) x Chakra Control =
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu | +1 Acc
High: Taijutsu Acc
Average: Dodge/Gen Save/Nin Acc
Low: Ranged Acc/Gen DC

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: Jounin

Character Age: 37
Gender: Male
Character's Physical Description:
Recently trained from a…heartier, form, Michino is the epitome of Toraono strength. With the forced return of his missing left leg, the Sunan warrior quickly picked back up a training sword. Standing at an impressive 7’1’’, the swordsman is a muscular cut figure with broad shoulders that his body has finally fully filled into. No longer the lanky half-demon/half-Ryuu of the prideful Toraono clan, Michino has filled in the shoes of a powerful leader. His clothing resembles this on part that he wears the furs of desert beasts he’s hunted down to test his budding new strengths. Apart from this he wears only loose baggy pants of light tan shades as his feet are thick pads of callous able to ignore even the most intense of the desert’s heat. Michino’s hair is long, dark, and wild; though when stirred it has a knack for turning white as his Ryuu heritage comes in full display.

Character's Mental Description:
Once a tormented child on the brink of sanity, and then a pacifist barely willing to lift a weapon, Michino has come far in his mental fortitude. Having stepped into a leadership position within the powerful Toraono Clan in representing Hyou, the black panther, the young man has risen far and even without his leg was able to stand toe-to-toe with supposedly more able clansmen to keep his seat. With the return of his leg, some of the humble that Michino was famed for has faded away into a more prideful man as he constantly seeks to hone his blade technique. Constantly seeking a worthy opponent the Toraono has become a man of the desert until the 11th was declared missing. He’s retained a position within the homestead since, guiding missions and teaching at the Dojo.

Character History:
Thirty-seven years ago a man by the name of Ryuu Tengokai, creator of the God Pact that cursed his clan, seduced and impregnated a woman of the Toraono Clan in the attempts to create a “super weapon”, created in the hopes to ruin his eldest son’s life. In theory, Teng had hoped combine the powerful enhancing genetics of his own bloodline to further strengthen the genetics of the Toraono in the venture to create a human-born demon. Thankfully, for the Wind Country and the world at large, Teng was not the geneticist his eldest son was. The Cursed One’s genes did indeed enhance the child, but it triggered a rare survival trait buried deep within the Toraono bloodline. By sacrificing the mother’s life the child came to term almost instantly, and in doing so split off a portion of the clan’s demonic heritage that infected the boy’s soul instead. The mother’s death immediately following his birth split the infant’s soul in twain, and the demonic powers meant to be his birthright was instead siphoned off by the twin-soul.

Michino grew up in the clan as an adoptive by the entirety. Though his mother was of the Hyou Clan, a rare and mysterious part of the Toraono who’s blood-power is fed by the Black Panther, his parents were everyone. His brothers and sisters number infinite. Always a part of everything, but never a part of the clan itself, Michino grew up with the wisdom of every part of the Toraono and was also trained similarly; save the “Hidden” techniques beholden only to those blessed by their various Demons Lords. This gave the child a very rotund mix of martial arts to pull from and, by birth and blood, should have been the next big thing to come out of the demon clan; instead, he was often mocked for his weakness.

Aside from a natural aversion to confrontation, his demon twin-soul was blocking the boy’s chakra coil, and slowly absorbing the clan’s natural strength in a bid to eventually take over his body; which she did. Many times. Yet, every time the demon took over, Michino learned a little something more about himself. All up until one day, instead of fighting for control of his body he allowed the demon to assume pilot, and asked her a simple question: what did she really want?

That single moment of diplomacy was enough for the twin to open a bridge of trust, and the two eventually began to share the body and powers to conquer life. Owari, as she named herself, would take over for combat, and Michino would keep the body otherwise. Since he was a shinobi, and a Toraono with a prideful title to uphold, the two worked as a pair well until his body could no longer handle having two souls. So they sought aid from the Youkai Realm, and through them was able to ascend Owari’s soul into their realm to become a full demon with her own shell. The first thing Michino did was summon her back into the human realm briefly, to finally give his sister her first hug.

Derived of his violent aid, Michino had to learn the hard way how to come to terms with his pacifism. It took the reality check of failure via the death of two elderly shop keepers during a pyscho’s rampage for the boy to finally realize what the title “shinobi” meant. In the depression that followed when he also realized just how alone he was, Michino took to working through it the same way any other Toraono would; through repetitive violence.

Underground Boxing was one of those things in Suna everyone knew about, but no one did anything to stop it. One of the last “open illegal secrets” of desert shinobi village, Michino took to the scene like death did to the dunes. His need to let off steam coupled with scum bags that had incredibly punchable faces, really did a lot for his mental woe’s at the time. Climbing the social ladder of the Underground while rising through the ranks helped his confidence. Yet the thing that really flipped his world around was the woman he met during this time; a person that he had to be willing to die for just to even date.

Her name, was Uzumoreru Chiyoko. Yes, that Uzumoreru. Sole daughter of the current, at the time, King of the Underground, Chiyo was a frequent flier in the bars that hosted the boxing matches. While not much for the actual sport itself, she mostly hung around to drink herself stupid, flaunt at those who wanted to touch her and couldn’t, and piss off her father. Both of these children in their later teens basically met by complete accident during a troubled phase, and the love that sparked from a single night of passion carried them through the rest of those hard times. For the first time in his life Michino actually found someone he was willing to die for; which was in constant proof as Toushin tried really hard to kill the demon-kin dating his daughter.

It all culminated in a celebratory dinner with Sousuke, a man that was like a father to Michino, and his recently proposed fiancée - Chiyoko. They were celebrating Michino’s up coming title match that would make him the top Underground boxer. It was the first time in history the match would be made completely public as the owner had been persuaded by the old Steward to go full legit after the match. However, another guest arrived that ruined the entire event, someone from Michino’s past he’d never thought to ever see.

Ryuu Tengokai.

With the Blade of Asura, a soul-eating weapon of mass destruction, Teng cut off Michino’s left leg from the knee down; it was instantly absorbed into the weapon. Unable to fight and bleeding out, Chiyoko quickly pulled them both away from the fight before preforming triage as best she could. Given her limited knowledge in medical application, she couldn’t leave her lover’s side for fear he would bleed out if she didn’t constantly keep a healing technique going. It was Sousuke, the Tenth Kazekage Katsou, and Ryuu Tama who teamed up and put a final end to Tengokai. The latter then healed Michino’s leg, but, it was quickly discovered that the sword had done something to him more than just remove a limb.

Shinobi had been using special prosthetics for years up until that point and their designs only got better every year since their invention. Yet not a single one would work on Michino. Tama theorized that it was because his soul no longer existed beyond where his knee once was like it would for most. Upside? No ghost pains. Downside - he could no longer be a shinobi. Unhindered by this injury, the Toraono went back to his clan for answers. It was decided that the best course of action would be for Michino to be trained by one of the Demon Lords themselves in the hopes that he could become a Black Tiger Sage.

Unfortunately for him, that meant stepping into the black panther’s realm; Hyou, a god of death. Normally, any Toraono trying to enter the demon realms of their gods would be met with beast that showed strongest in their bloodline - and few were as merciless as that black cat. Said to be awaiting a “chosen” child to train fully, he only shared limited knowledge with a total of three Toraono in the entire clan history; everyone else who dared entered his realm, he ate. Michino was the first of the clan to step into the realm and be greeted warmly; well as much as Hyou is capable of. He was then trained deeply in the panther’s demonic arts until his soul had been seeped in the god of death’s realm of death so heavily it had permeated his soul. When Michino stepped out of the realm and back into the desert, they did so a new man. For the first time in his life the male no longer saw the world as a place in which to live - it was now his hunting grounds.

Through the power gained from his Sage Training, Michino was capable of drawing his twin sister’s soul from the Youkai realm to grant him a leg made of demon fire. With it he was back on top of his game, and quickly began to hone the sword-skills taught to him by Hyou into a deadly razor. Instead of perfecting, the warrior chose instead to augment them by taking a page from his Ryuu heritage. Michino is trained and mastered in every single blade art the Sunan military has to offer. From them, he took very specific techniques that flowed into the ones taught in the demon realm. Together he made a style that encompassed his new beastly nature - quick, powerful blows that shattered a body instead of cutting it. Due to the nature of his sword-style he can use it with literally any bladed weapon so long as it has a stable tang.

During the next decade, Michino got into the political side within his clan and raised up in popularity until he was one of three candidates to be the next Toraono Clan Head. Secured in that position of power, he took the advice of his former demon panther master, and became relaxed and fat while in a time of relative peace. During this period, the Toraono Lord sharpened his wit and constantly bickered with the Ox King’s heirs on the direction the clan should take - often allowing them a few victories to keep from getting bored. It was with the disappearance of the Eleventh Kazekage, Raizo, that his instincts told him to start getting ready to hone his body once more. As if on que, his quirky asshole of a brother regrew Michino’s leg one random night through a new formula Tama had concocted.

With his leg back and no longer a need to use the Demon Sage mode, Michino quickly began to create a new style of sword combat that he had been thinking of during those years he had purposely remained dormant. Instead of drawing on the temporary strength of Hyou’s Realm and his sister’s Youkai powers, Michino sought to pour out all of his demonic chakra into an armor around him, and use it to enhance his strength to create a form of bladed combat never seen before. By alternating between a powerful defensive form and an all-out offense, he’s gone into the desert to test his strength against the mighty beasts that reside within. The furs of his defeated foes he wears as trophies, with a large black tiger hide that covers his face like a deep hood. It is unknown if he can actually see through the hide, or if his senses are just that acute, as Michino is completely unhindered by the lack of sight wearing the hide in this fashion would normally bring.

According to rumors within the Toraono, he sports a new scar on his chest that was put there by a Carnasaur he battled to a draw. While he humbly admits he did lose to a beast recently, he also doesn’t deny what it was he fought; just slyly smiles in response to the question.

[This is an older character so, he shouldn't need another approval from Kuro but if I need to go find it lmk. Michino's Profile/Dojo/Training might also be in The Archives, if you can't find it in the normal places.]

Death/Retirement Thread: Old Profile: Old Training: Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: Kumo Council/Lore/Admin/Dev/Battle Mod

Old Stats:
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
Current Powerlevel: 3600
Old OOC Rank: S-Rank

Stat Cut: N/A

New Stats:
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
Current Powerlevel: 3600
New OOC Rank: S-Rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:
Keeping: Everything

Swapping: Nothing

Other Refunds: Nada

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:
Chaos Witch

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Ryuu Rei
Old Village/Missing: Kumogakure
OCR Type: Retire
Last Known Where-abouts: Kumo; discovering her divine self
Old IC Rank: S-Rank

New Character Name: Toraono Michino
Preferred Username: Toraono Michino
New Village/Missing: Sunagakure
New BL/CA: Berserker/Dragonheart (to be re-flavored as “Demonheart”)
Custom Class:

The Toraono’s Prideful Claw
HP: (60+15) x Stamina =
CP: (40+15) x Chakra Control =
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu | +1 Acc
High: Taijutsu Acc
Average: Dodge/Gen Save/Nin Acc
Low: Ranged Acc/Gen DC

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: Jounin

Character Age: 37
Gender: Male
Character's Physical Description:
Recently trained from a…heartier, form, Michino is the epitome of Toraono strength. With the forced return of his missing left leg, the Sunan warrior quickly picked back up a training sword. Standing at an impressive 7’1’’, the swordsman is a muscular cut figure with broad shoulders that his body has finally fully filled into. No longer the lanky half-demon/half-Ryuu of the prideful Toraono clan, Michino has filled in the shoes of a powerful leader. His clothing resembles this on part that he wears the furs of desert beasts he’s hunted down to test his budding new strengths. Apart from this he wears only loose baggy pants of light tan shades as his feet are thick pads of callous able to ignore even the most intense of the desert’s heat. Michino’s hair is long, dark, and wild; though when stirred it has a knack for turning white as his Ryuu heritage comes in full display.

Character's Mental Description:
Once a tormented child on the brink of sanity, and then a pacifist barely willing to lift a weapon, Michino has come far in his mental fortitude. Having stepped into a leadership position within the powerful Toraono Clan in representing Hyou, the black panther, the young man has risen far and even without his leg was able to stand toe-to-toe with supposedly more able clansmen to keep his seat. With the return of his leg, some of the humble that Michino was famed for has faded away into a more prideful man as he constantly seeks to hone his blade technique. Constantly seeking a worthy opponent the Toraono has become a man of the desert until the 11th was declared missing. He’s retained a position within the homestead since, guiding missions and teaching at the Dojo.

Character History:
Thirty-seven years ago a man by the name of Ryuu Tengokai, creator of the God Pact that cursed his clan, seduced and impregnated a woman of the Toraono Clan in the attempts to create a “super weapon”, created in the hopes to ruin his eldest son’s life. In theory, Teng had hoped combine the powerful enhancing genetics of his own bloodline to further strengthen the genetics of the Toraono in the venture to create a human-born demon. Thankfully, for the Wind Country and the world at large, Teng was not the geneticist his eldest son was. The Cursed One’s genes did indeed enhance the child, but it triggered a rare survival trait buried deep within the Toraono bloodline. By sacrificing the mother’s life the child came to term almost instantly, and in doing so split off a portion of the clan’s demonic heritage that infected the boy’s soul instead. The mother’s death immediately following his birth split the infant’s soul in twain, and the demonic powers meant to be his birthright was instead siphoned off by the twin-soul.

Michino grew up in the clan as an adoptive by the entirety. Though his mother was of the Hyou Clan, a rare and mysterious part of the Toraono who’s blood-power is fed by the Black Panther, his parents were everyone. His brothers and sisters number infinite. Always a part of everything, but never a part of the clan itself, Michino grew up with the wisdom of every part of the Toraono and was also trained similarly; save the “Hidden” techniques beholden only to those blessed by their various Demons Lords. This gave the child a very rotund mix of martial arts to pull from and, by birth and blood, should have been the next big thing to come out of the demon clan; instead, he was often mocked for his weakness.

Aside from a natural aversion to confrontation, his demon twin-soul was blocking the boy’s chakra coil, and slowly absorbing the clan’s natural strength in a bid to eventually take over his body; which she did. Many times. Yet, every time the demon took over, Michino learned a little something more about himself. All up until one day, instead of fighting for control of his body he allowed the demon to assume pilot, and asked her a simple question: what did she really want?

That single moment of diplomacy was enough for the twin to open a bridge of trust, and the two eventually began to share the body and powers to conquer life. Owari, as she named herself, would take over for combat, and Michino would keep the body otherwise. Since he was a shinobi, and a Toraono with a prideful title to uphold, the two worked as a pair well until his body could no longer handle having two souls. So they sought aid from the Youkai Realm, and through them was able to ascend Owari’s soul into their realm to become a full demon with her own shell. The first thing Michino did was summon her back into the human realm briefly, to finally give his sister her first hug.

Derived of his violent aid, Michino had to learn the hard way how to come to terms with his pacifism. It took the reality check of failure via the death of two elderly shop keepers during a pyscho’s rampage for the boy to finally realize what the title “shinobi” meant. In the depression that followed when he also realized just how alone he was, Michino took to working through it the same way any other Toraono would; through repetitive violence.

Underground Boxing was one of those things in Suna everyone knew about, but no one did anything to stop it. One of the last “open illegal secrets” of desert shinobi village, Michino took to the scene like death did to the dunes. His need to let off steam coupled with scum bags that had incredibly punchable faces, really did a lot for his mental woe’s at the time. Climbing the social ladder of the Underground while rising through the ranks helped his confidence. Yet the thing that really flipped his world around was the woman he met during this time; a person that he had to be willing to die for just to even date.

Her name, was Uzumoreru Chiyoko. Yes, that Uzumoreru. Sole daughter of the current, at the time, King of the Underground, Chiyo was a frequent flier in the bars that hosted the boxing matches. While not much for the actual sport itself, she mostly hung around to drink herself stupid, flaunt at those who wanted to touch her and couldn’t, and piss off her father. Both of these children in their later teens basically met by complete accident during a troubled phase, and the love that sparked from a single night of passion carried them through the rest of those hard times. For the first time in his life Michino actually found someone he was willing to die for; which was in constant proof as Toushin tried really hard to kill the demon-kin dating his daughter.

It all culminated in a celebratory dinner with Sousuke, a man that was like a father to Michino, and his recently proposed fiancée - Chiyoko. They were celebrating Michino’s up coming title match that would make him the top Underground boxer. It was the first time in history the match would be made completely public as the owner had been persuaded by the old Steward to go full legit after the match. However, another guest arrived that ruined the entire event, someone from Michino’s past he’d never thought to ever see.

Ryuu Tengokai.

With the Blade of Asura, a soul-eating weapon of mass destruction, Teng cut off Michino’s left leg from the knee down; it was instantly absorbed into the weapon. Unable to fight and bleeding out, Chiyoko quickly pulled them both away from the fight before preforming triage as best she could. Given her limited knowledge in medical application, she couldn’t leave her lover’s side for fear he would bleed out if she didn’t constantly keep a healing technique going. It was Sousuke, the Tenth Kazekage Katsou, and Ryuu Tama who teamed up and put a final end to Tengokai. The latter then healed Michino’s leg, but, it was quickly discovered that the sword had done something to him more than just remove a limb.

Shinobi had been using special prosthetics for years up until that point and their designs only got better every year since their invention. Yet not a single one would work on Michino. Tama theorized that it was because his soul no longer existed beyond where his knee once was like it would for most. Upside? No ghost pains. Downside - he could no longer be a shinobi. Unhindered by this injury, the Toraono went back to his clan for answers. It was decided that the best course of action would be for Michino to be trained by one of the Demon Lords themselves in the hopes that he could become a Black Tiger Sage.

Unfortunately for him, that meant stepping into the black panther’s realm; Hyou, a god of death. Normally, any Toraono trying to enter the demon realms of their gods would be met with beast that showed strongest in their bloodline - and few were as merciless as that black cat. Said to be awaiting a “chosen” child to train fully, he only shared limited knowledge with a total of three Toraono in the entire clan history; everyone else who dared entered his realm, he ate. Michino was the first of the clan to step into the realm and be greeted warmly; well as much as Hyou is capable of. He was then trained deeply in the panther’s demonic arts until his soul had been seeped in the god of death’s realm of death so heavily it had permeated his soul. When Michino stepped out of the realm and back into the desert, they did so a new man. For the first time in his life the male no longer saw the world as a place in which to live - it was now his hunting grounds.

Through the power gained from his Sage Training, Michino was capable of drawing his twin sister’s soul from the Youkai realm to grant him a leg made of demon fire. With it he was back on top of his game, and quickly began to hone the sword-skills taught to him by Hyou into a deadly razor. Instead of perfecting, the warrior chose instead to augment them by taking a page from his Ryuu heritage. Michino is trained and mastered in every single blade art the Sunan military has to offer. From them, he took very specific techniques that flowed into the ones taught in the demon realm. Together he made a style that encompassed his new beastly nature - quick, powerful blows that shattered a body instead of cutting it. Due to the nature of his sword-style he can use it with literally any bladed weapon so long as it has a stable tang.

During the next decade, Michino got into the political side within his clan and raised up in popularity until he was one of three candidates to be the next Toraono Clan Head. Secured in that position of power, he took the advice of his former demon panther master, and became relaxed and fat while in a time of relative peace. During this period, the Toraono Lord sharpened his wit and constantly bickered with the Ox King’s heirs on the direction the clan should take - often allowing them a few victories to keep from getting bored. It was with the disappearance of the Eleventh Kazekage, Raizo, that his instincts told him to start getting ready to hone his body once more. As if on que, his quirky asshole of a brother regrew Michino’s leg one random night through a new formula Tama had concocted.

With his leg back and no longer a need to use the Demon Sage mode, Michino quickly began to create a new style of sword combat that he had been thinking of during those years he had purposely remained dormant. Instead of drawing on the temporary strength of Hyou’s Realm and his sister’s Youkai powers, Michino sought to pour out all of his demonic chakra into an armor around him, and use it to enhance his strength to create a form of bladed combat never seen before. By alternating between a powerful defensive form and an all-out offense, he’s gone into the desert to test his strength against the mighty beasts that reside within. The furs of his defeated foes he wears as trophies, with a large black tiger hide that covers his face like a deep hood. It is unknown if he can actually see through the hide, or if his senses are just that acute, as Michino is completely unhindered by the lack of sight wearing the hide in this fashion would normally bring.

According to rumors within the Toraono, he sports a new scar on his chest that was put there by a Carnasaur he battled to a draw. While he humbly admits he did lose to a beast recently, he also doesn’t deny what it was he fought; just slyly smiles in response to the question.

[This is an older character so, he shouldn't need another approval from Kuro but if I need to go find it lmk. Michino's Profile/Dojo/Training might also be in The Archives, if you can't find it in the normal places.]

Death/Retirement Thread: Old Profile: Old Training: Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: Kumo Council/Lore/Admin/Dev/Battle Mod

Old Stats:
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
Current Powerlevel: 3600
Old OOC Rank: S-Rank

Stat Cut: N/A

New Stats:
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
Current Powerlevel: 3600
New OOC Rank: S-Rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:
Keeping: Everything

Swapping: Nothing

Other Refunds: Nada

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:
Chaos Witch

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
