Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Sanitized fisticuffs. [Private]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Opting to keep on his medical robes, Umashi let his eyes scan the surrounding coliseum and get a good lead on the surroundings that he'd put himself in. While he'd never actually fought in the coliseum himself, he'd seen enough of them to know that it didn't offer much in the way not drawing at least some sort of audience. Fortunately he'd rushed off without creating too much of a scene so that nobody could possibly witness their big mouthed Hokage lose at a game where he'd created the rules. Junko not too far behind him, Umashi set bout inspecting his medical gear and making sure that his first aid kit was fully stocked. Somebody was going to end up needing a bandaid after this was all said and done.

"You'll have to forgive me for choosing the terms on the fly! I didn't want to draw a crowd!" Umashi gave the apology with a grin as he tried to figure out just what sort of fighter Junko would prove to be. What did he remember from their last medical rounds together? Things weren't coming to him but he'd prepare for most anything at this rate. Finding as good a spot as any to stop, somewhere dead center in the middle of the large space, Umashi would stretch his arms wide and embrace the moment before things got physical. "Loser buys the drinks . . ." Without saying anymore, Umashi leaped into action.

OOC: Private spar between Umashi and Junko.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

Arriving to the coliseum, Junko observed the empty space. It was just as he liked his spars, no one could see. That way, no one could get hyped up and the results was kept between the masters. Even though this was a spar and Junko would be enjoying himself, this was still a serious manner. So, Junko couldn't hold back and had to show Umashi the proper respect he deserved.

"You'll have to forgive me for choosing the terms on the fly! I didn't want to draw a crowd!"

"I respect that! This is how it should be." Junko responded with his usual smirk. Junko was already properly equipped and decided to take his suit jacket off. Carefully placing his jacket to the side, Junko continued to the center of the coliseum. Junko hated when his suits were ruined. He'd probably hate that more than umashi winning the spar.

"Loser buys the drinks . . ."

"Now you're talking." Junko said as the ground began to shake. It was time for the two to cut loose.

[Calling B-Mod]

OOC: ^_^ in hype!

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Welcome to your Modded Fight!

I will be your moderator for this fight! Send, in a PM, your actions and all your battle information: Stats, class, abilities, jutsu, items, weapons, etc.

When sending this information, I would prefer to have hyperlinked stuff or regular links. This greatly decreases the time it takes for a moderator to mod as it cuts down on searching.

If you feel that I may miss something, please feel free to add in a list of passives or effects that you wish to be given special attention, or just a list of all of your passives works as well, whichever.

Lets have a nice fun fight on this one, remember both of you will be under a 48 Hour time limit since the B-Mod goes up. Right now lets get ready to rumble!​

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank

HP: 43,800 – 135 – 135 – 135 = 43,395
CP: 43,800 – 3,800 – 2,200 – 114 = 37,686
AP: 10 – 10 = 0 AP - 10 AP next round
Status: Currently in Temporal Step

HP (Shared): 36,000
CP (Shared): 37,200 – 990 – 1,512 - 560 - 730 = 33,408
AP: 10-9 = 1 ----> 11 AP next round
Status: Fine and Dandy


HP (Shared): 36,000
CP (Shared): 37,200 – 990 – 1,512 - 560 - 730 = 33,408
Status: In Furuuken Stance, In Enchanter Chakra Style


Kinniku Baka
HP (Shared): 36,000
CP (Shared): 37,200 – 990 – 1,512 - 560 - 730 = 33,408
Status: In Earth Chakra Style

0 Seconds – Umashi enters the fight as a Temporal Strider
0 Seconds – Kioshi starts off the fight in Furuuken Stance
0 Seconds - Kinniku Baka Starts off the fight in Earth Chakra Style
0 Seconds – Umashi uses Temporal Step
0 Seconds – Kioshi enters Enchanter Chakra Style
0 Seconds – Junko focuses on Umashi
0 Seconds - Kinniku Baka focuses on Umashi
0 Seconds – Umashi Activates Hasted Step
0 Seconds – Kioshi equips the Katana
0 Seconds – Kioshi attacks Umashi with basic strike - Hits
0 Seconds – Kioshi attacks Umashi with basic strike – Hits
0 Seconds – Kioshi attacks Umashi with basic strike - Hits
2 Seconds – Kioshi uses Requiem of Death towards Umashi – Misses
5 Seconds – Umashi uses Avatar of Divinity
5 Seconds – Junko uses Perfect Resangan towards Umashi - Misses
6 Seconds – Umashi does a hidden action
6.5 Seconds - Kinniku Baka activates Anti-Gravity
9 Seconds – Umashi uses Wind slash at Junko - Misses
9 Seconds - - Kinniku Baka uses Inertial Control towards Umashi – Misses

Send me actions for round 2 when you get time, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to PM me or hit me up on Discord.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
As quick on his feet as ever, Umashi danced around the attacks that Junko and soon his posse began to throw at him. Doing cartwheels and flips galore, he made sure that poured copious amounts of chakra into every action. Receiving a few blows himself, Umashi couldn't help but brush the dirt off of his shoulders as he smirked at Junko and laughed out loud. "So I see that this was a decided crew battle, eh? Gang, gang, it is then!" Though it might have seemed that Umashi was talking trash just to talk trash, in fact he was quickly making sure that any continued efforts by Junko were only going to be on his terms.

Though he was unable to see the ebb and flow of chakra around him, he could slowly feel it coming more inline with what he preferred as he in what appeared to be a careless motion, dragged an open hand in front of himself. Whether Junko understood what he was doing or not, Umashi used the motion to assume what he assumed a fighting stance that allowed him to continue to be quick on his feet. Puppets, contract summons, chakra enslaved bodies, no matter what Junko next threw at him, Umashi was just waiting for the right moment to strike. Nothing would be able to distract him. Like the finest baker he knew that the temperature had to be just right before he could start on his masterpiece. As the seconds slowly ticked down to the perfect moment, Umashi inhaled and then exhaled, and then he leaped into action.

OOC: Actions being sent now.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

Slapping his hands together, a cloud of smoke exploded on both Junko's sides. Beginning the assault, Junko was able to land three good full hits before Umashi started deciding to dodge and show off his agility to show he wasn't a scrub.

Upon an explosion from Junko's missed resangan, a massive crater was put into the ground as dust and steam began to spread. Man, this was only the warm up round and Junko was getting ahead of himself. Slowly stepping out of the crater, Junko held his smirk as Umashi dusted himself off.

"So I see that this was a decided crew battle, eh? Gang, gang, it is then!"

"Something like that." Junko said as his rinnegan began to burn through his contacts. He didn't show this to many as he wasn't the type to show off his abilities. Now, Umashi would get to see a little more of what took Junko years of training and control. As Umashi moves his hand forward, Junko watched as the Hokages chakra began to stir. Once again, the colosseum began to tremble as the pressure of the two powers collided.

[Actions already sent]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank

HP: 43,395 – 7,053 – 6,930 = 29,412
CP: 37,686 + 1,314 – 115 – 3,333 – 2,887- 637 – 430 = 31,598
AP: 11 – 11 = 0 AP - 10 AP next round
Status: Battered slightly

HP (Shared): 36,000 – 4,033 – 320 – 320 – 320 – 5843 = 25,164
CP (Shared): 33,408 – 3,960 – 744 – 143 – 2,604 – 2,062 = 23,895
AP: 10-9 = 1 ----> 11 AP next round
Status: Bleeding Rank 1, Chakra Sever x2


HP (Shared): 36,000 – 4,033 – 320 – 320 – 320 – 5843 = 25,164
CP (Shared): 33,408 – 3,960 – 744 – 143 – 2,604 – 2,062 = 23,895
Status: In Furuuken Stance, In Enchanter Chakra Style


Kinniku Baka
HP (Shared): 36,000 – 4,033 – 320 – 320 – 320 – 5843 = 25,164
CP (Shared): 33,408 – 3,960 – 744 – 143 – 2,604 – 2,062 = 23,895
Status: In Earth Chakra Style

0 Seconds – Umashi Uses Gravel Shift at Junko - Missed
0 Seconds - Junko uses Body Switch
1 Second - Umashi uses Use Stardust Nova at Junko, Kinniku Baka and Kioshi – Junko: Hit, Miss, Hit, Crit. Kinniku Baka: Hit, Miss, Hit. Kioshi: Hit, Hit, Hit
1 Second - combo'd w/ Perfected Rasengan at Junko – Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Miss, Miss
- Junko is Chakra Severed 2 Times!
1 Second - combo'd with Shattering Shards at Junko – Junko Auto Dodged! Kioshi – Miss, Hit. Baka – Hit, Miss Hit
2 Seconds - Umashi uses Wrath of the Artist from last round at Junko – Hits, Hits, Hits, Hits
3 Seconds – Umashi used Life Drain at Junko – Junko Auto-Dodged!
3 Seconds - Kinniku Baka uses Gravitational Pull on Umashi – Hit
6 Seconds – Kinniku Baka uses Shinra Tensei at Umashi – Hits
9 Seconds – Junko uses Odama Resangan at Umashi – Hits


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
In what amounted to a split second, Umashi was weaving chakra like dough between his fingers. Stomping his foot on the ground, he attempted to shift the ground beneath Junko's feet but it was to no avail as the man body switched away. A familiar tactic of ninja but Umashi wasn't star struck in the least because he instinctively began to follow up with a devastating combo for the ages. Continuing the well choreographed dance that was the bout, he summoned a a shower of stars as he attacked first Junko's chakra directly, trying to sever his connection to the lifeblood of all shinobi. Attacking all three, he left no room for error as the wave like attack was brought back around in a quickly sweeping motion. Seeming to control the stars with one hand, Umashi began to run at Junko, as a very familiar spiraling ball of chakra appeared in his other hand and he threw it with great force at his target.

The momentum shift of throwing the spinning shuriken of controlled chakra threw his own body into a spin as he skid to a halt and gathering a handful of coliseum sand in one hand, he applied just enough chakra to it to rise up with a sweeping wave of chakra enhanced glass aimed at the controlled paths of the Kumogakurian Medical Sennin. The attacks would hardly have time to all converge on his foes before he was whipping up a torrent of ink from the ground beneath Junko, attempting to weigh him down with the enhanced sludge. Fortunately for Junko, a sly trick to try and take more of his chakra was avoided, and the retaliation effort was just as swift and brutal as Umashi found himself being tossed about by the warped gravity manipulation efforts of one of Junko's bodies all before he came face to face with a rasengan that was even larger than his own.

Completely blown back and suffering from the humiliating effect of having his medical robes now tattered, Umashi climbed back to his feet and wiped the grit from his face as he twisted his face in an appreciative grin.
"Well, you certainly do pack a punch, but unfortunately controlling Kiri will take more than just that." As he spoke his body began to glow with a visible white colored chakra. "You'll have to show me more of this power of yours. I need to trust that you can keep things up instead of only being a one hit wonder!" Weaving hand signs, Umashi began to walk towards Junko at a slow pace, before finally breaking out into a run. Calculating his intended trajectory just right, Umashi was going to see just what sort of mettle Junko had or if he was simply hiding behind a famed doujutsu.

OOC: Actions sent.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank

HP: 29,412 + 1,314 – 6,050 – 968 = 23,708
CP: 31,598 + 1,314 – 76 – 2,612 – 616 – 3,333 = 26,275
AP: 11 – 10 = 1 AP - 11 AP next round

Status: Battered slightly

HP (Shared): 25,164 – 3,162 – 2,112 – 5,225 – 720 – 360 = 13, 585
CP (Shared): 23,895 – 976 – 744 – 1,909 – 2,976 – 132 – 3,025 = 14,133
AP: 10-9 = 1 ----> 11 AP next round
Status: Bleeding Rank 2, Chakra Sever x2


HP (Shared): 25,164 – 3,162 – 2,112 – 5,225 – 720 – 360 = 13, 585
CP (Shared): 23,895 – 976 – 744 – 1,909 – 2,976 – 132 – 3,025 = 14,133
Status: In Furuuken Stance, In Enchanter Chakra Style, Bleeding Rank 1


Kinniku Baka
HP (Shared): 25,164 – 3,162 – 2,112 – 5,225 – 720 – 360 = 13, 585
CP (Shared): 23,895 – 976 – 744 – 1,909 – 2,976 – 132 – 3,025 = 14,133
Status: In Earth Chakra Style, Bio-Flood

0 Seconds - Kinniku Baka maintains Shinra Tensei on Umashi - Hits
0 seconds – Umashi enters into Temporal Step
0 seconds – Umashi uses Initiative w/ Renewal reversing the damage from Shinra Tensei
0 seconds – Kioshi attempts to enter stealth – Kioshi entered stealth
0.5 seconds – Junko attempts to enter stealth – Junko entered stealth
0.909 seconds – Umashi uses Stardust Nova at Junko, Koshi, Baka – Miss, Hit, Hit, Miss, Koshi – Miss, Hit, Miss. Baka – Hit, Miss, Hit
- Junko is brought out of stealth, Koshi is also brought out of Stealth
0.909 seconds - combo'd w/ Molecular Collision at Junko – Hits
0.909 seconds – combo’d w/ Rasen-Tsunami at Junko – Crit Hit!, Koshi – Missed, Baka – Hit
- Baka takes Bio-Flood
1 second – Junko uses Raijins Vengeance at Umashi – Hits
1.909 Seconds – Umashi used pressurized mist at Kioshi – Crit Hit!, Baka – Hit, Junko – Hit
- Kioshi now has bleeding rank 1
4 Seconds - Kinniku Baka uses Chibaku Tensei on Umashi – Partial hit (25%)
7 Seconds – Kinniku Baka used gravel shift at Umashi - Hits​

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

Before Junko knew it, he was seeing stars. Literally, as they were coming directly for him. Upon the devastating combo hitting the sennin, Junko under stood and fully gauged the strength of the man before him. Umashi was strong, his technique excellent, but nothing was ever perfect. Holes were beginning to be revealed, but perhaps they were being revealed too late. A smirk still sat upon Junko's face. bending the gravity around umashi as Junko clenched his fist, He drew back as if pulling the man.

In an instant, his body was gliding towards Junko. Thrusting his hand forward with an open palm as Umashi came in close, Junko repelled him back with another intense force of gravity, sending the hokage gliding once more. Continuing, Junko instantly formed another perfect Odama resangan. Connecting with the Hokage in full, once again the coliseum quaked and shook.

"Well, you certainly do pack a punch, but unfortunately controlling Kiri will take more than just that."

"Teh, I could handle that boy with one hand and you know it. Just say you're tired of paper work, I'd understand!" Junko said laughing a bit.

"You'll have to show me more of this power of yours. I need to trust that you can keep things up instead of only being a one hit wonder!"

"Well, let's go then!" Junko said as the two once again was on the move. Beginning a set of hand signs and accumulating chakra, Junko utilized a path to use another force of gravity to repel Umashi instantly to gain space. Meanwhile, his paths had other things in the works.

Unfortunately, So did umashi as more stars began to rain upon the battle field with speed and power. Following up, another resangan followed, but this time held the chakra nature of water and Junko took a critical hit, everything seemed to be at a stand still. At least until lightning fracked through the sky guided by Junko himself as he now stood bleeding on the battle field immensely.

Blow for blow, the two high classes shinobi went at it, ending the round as Junko shifted the gravel under umashi's feet. "Ah man, you're getting caught by that?" Junko said with a smile now plastered upon his face. His paths were on their knees as if they were lifeless. An aura bursted around Junko, sending a wave of energy across the arena. The hidden power of the sennin had been reawakened and his combat instincts were back to their all time high. Junko's right hand crackled with lightning as his left hand swirled with dangerous winds. "Thank you. I haven't had this much fun since I was a boy. Drinks on you right?" Junko said as he put up his guard with one hand before the two would clash once more.




Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
A talker, Umashi could definitely find something to like about a man who wasn't afraid to laugh. Unfortunately for Umashi, Junko proved to not be one to trifle with though as again, Umashi fell for the gravity manipulating path of Junko's. His body thrown about like a rag doll, Umashi landed in an akward way and found himself tripped up by the same earth jutsu that he'd attempted on Junko. "You know, I've grow tired of that trick." Umashi rose to his feet as he yelled a warning towards the path that he was sure was the blame for his recent uneasiness. Apparently his attempts at wiping out Junko's chakra reserves wasn't working quick enough and despite managing to inflict cuts and bruises and slowing his ability to manipulate chakra down, it still wasn't enough to stop him. Though he was sure, that Junko was preparing to counter his next attack, Umashi didn't falter as he clapped his hands together twice and suddenly like a spark a glowing construct began to take shape. Seeming to expand at Umashi's whim, Umashi stretched his arms wide as the cube threatened to overtake everything in the arena. "Let's see you laugh at this!"

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Uchiha Takeshi said:

HP: 23,708 + 1,314 - 65 – 75 – 6,875 – 6,875 = 11,132
,CP: 26,275+ 1,314 - 2,976 – 2,025 – 3,125 = 19,463
AP: 11 – 10 = 1 AP - 11 AP next round

Status: Battered slightly

HP (Shared): 13, 585 – 8,021 – 1,080 – 720 = 2,743
CP (Shared): 14,133 – 115 - 3,333 -2,976 – 2750 – 1,336 = 3,428
AP: 11-11 =0 ----> 10 AP next round
Status: Bleeding Rank 3, Chakra Sever x4


HP (Shared): 13, 585 – 8,021 – 1,080 – 720 = 2,743
CP (Shared): 14,133 – 115 - 3,333 -2,976 – 2750 – 1,336 = 3,428
Status: In Furuuken Stance, In Enchanter Chakra Style, Bleeding Rank 2


Kinniku Baka
HP (Shared): 13, 585 – 8,021 – 1,080 – 720 = 2,743
CP (Shared): 14,133 – 115 - 3,333 -2,976 – 2750 – 1,336 = 3,428
Status: In Earth Chakra Style, Bio-Flood


Demonic Statue of the Outer Path
HP: 7560

0 Seconds - Kinniku Baka maintains Shinra Tensei on Umashi – Partial Hit (25%)
0 Seconds – Umashi uses Renewal and undoes Shinra Tensei
0 Seconds – Kioshi uses intimidation towards Umashi – Hits!
0.909 Seconds – Kioshi uses intimidation towards Umashi - Hits
2.72 Seconds – Umashi used Fate Twisting
3.629 Seconds – Umashi uses Particle Destabilization at Junko, Kioshi and Baku
- Umashi Auto-Failed!
3.636 Seconds – Junko summons demonic statue of outer paths
6.349Seconds – Umashi uses Rasen-Shuriken at So Junko - Crit, Miss, Baka - Crit, Crit, Kioshi - Crit, Partial (75%)
- Junko is chakra severed
6.356 Seconds – Junko uses Odama-Rasen towards Umashi – Hits!
9.076 Seconds – Junko uses - Chidori Spear: at Umashi - Hit


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
His clothes visibly tattered due to Junko's attacks, Umashi now found himself contending with a new creation to deal with. Mentally disturbed by the fact that his initial attack hadn't gone off, Umashi tried to shake away the thoughts of intimidation that he felt at finishing the job. True, he wasn't exactly scared of Junko but the man's potential was definitely awe inspiring. Unfortunately for him, Umashi wasn't one to back down from the challenge of breaking those who thought that they were strong. Partially pleased at the fact that he'd managed to get the guy on the ropes, Umashi hastily got back into his fighting stance instead of dwelling too long on what could have been instead of what had actually transpired. "You're looking a little worse for wear my friend! If you need a break then give me a few more seconds to make it easier on you to relax!" Saying the last part with a bit of a smug, the Hokage prepared for what he hoped would be the final offensive. Surely with all the pain that he'd inflicted, the man couldn't hope to stand much longer.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Breathing slightly heavy as blood oozed down his face, Junko could barely hold his smile. The battle was coming to an end, but Junko wasn't planning on tapping out. They both were beaten badly as their abilities were put to the ultimate test.

Reaching in his pocket, Junko pulled out his box of smokes. Pulling a herbal cig out and placing it between his lips, Junko inhaled deeply before letting out a very slow exhale.

"You're looking a little worse for wear my friend! If you need a break then give me a few more seconds to make it easier on you to relax!"

This time, Junko had no response. He'd simply gamble and roll the dice. This fight, was coming to an end.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank

HP: 11,132 + 1,314 + 6,875 + 21,900 = 41,221
,CP: 19,463 + 1,314 - 2750 -2750 = 15,277
AP: 11 – 10 = 1 AP - 11 AP next round

Status: Standing Strong, Barrier in Place

HP (Shared): 2,743 + 2,691 – 2750 – 2750 = - 66 HP (KOed)
CP (Shared): = 3,428 - 630 = 2,798 (Fight over at this point)
AP: 11-11 =0 ----> KOed
Status: KOed, Bleeding Rank 3, Chakra Sever x4


HP (Shared): 2,743 + 2,691 – 2750 – 2750 = - 66 HP (KOed)
CP (Shared): = 3,428 - 630 = 2,798 (Fight over at this point)
AP: 11-11 =0 ----> KOed
Status:KOed, In Furuuken Stance, In Enchanter Chakra Style, Bleeding Rank 2


Kinniku Baka
HP (Shared): 2,743 + 2,691 – 2750 – 2750 = - 66 HP (KOed)
CP (Shared): = 3,428 - 630 = 2,798 (Fight over at this point)
AP: 11-11 =0 ----> KOed
Status: KOed, In Earth Chakra Style, Bio-Flood


Demonic Statue of the Outer Path
HP: 7560

0 Seconds - Demonic Statue of the Outer Path Heals Junko!
0 Seconds – Umashi uses temporal step
0 Seconds – Kioshi attacks Umashi with a basic strike
– Umashi uses Pristine Aura barrier blocked the damage
0 Seconds – Kioshi attacks Umashi with a basic strike
–Pristine Aura barrier blocked the damage
0 Seconds – Umashi uses Renewal against Shidori Spear!
2 Seconds – Umashi uses Genesis on himself
2 Seconds – Junko summons Rock Golem
3 Seconds – Umashi uses Particle Destabilization at Junko - Miss, Kioshi - Hit and Baku - Hit
- Rock Golem used Stone Guard to barrier the attack against Junko! (Ignored!)
3 Seconds – Junko, Kioshi and Baku KOed!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Decisive was one word that came to mind as the battle ended in about the amount of time that Umashi expected it to have ended. Fully expecting Junko to try and use a barrier, Umashi was able to rely on a well timed barrier busting jutsu to completely ignore the Sennin's tactic. Brushing his clothes off as he healed away most of the wear and tear on his body from the spar, Umashi walked over to Junko and did cast the same jutsu on Junko as he had himself. Much like the name implied, the Genesis technique was powerful in many ways. One of which was almost completely undoing all the damage that had occurred to an individual. Watching on with an almost childlike glee, Umashi marveled at the way cuts and bruises disappeared from the Sennin's body and the better part of his wounds were healed. Offering a hand to the man, Umashi would attempt to help him up. "Well, you certainly proved yourself today. Kiri is free to go in your care. I trust that you'll keep him contained. Let's go give him the good news." Keeping things professional, Umashi didn't linger on the way in which Junko lost. There were some glaring holes in his technique but Umashi was a battle hardened veteran who'd seen many styles of combat. Over drinks he'd give Junko some helpful tips if he could.

OOC: Topic left unless stopped. Going back to the original topic with Kiri.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

The fight was over and Junko now had to buy drinks. Opening his eyes to the all too familiar feeling of medical jutsu, Junko raised a brow. "This is a very powerful medical ninjutsu." Junko thought lifting himself up with the help of umashi. The two fought well, but Umashi even better. "Drinks on me." Junko said giving umashi a fist bump.

"Well, you certainly proved yourself today. Kiri is free to go in your care. I trust that you'll keep him contained. Let's go give him the good news."

Giving a nod, Junko went to retrieve his jacket. Junko would have to clean himself up on the way. A few holes were realized in his fighting and even in umashi's that he waited too late to take advantage of. Nevertheless, the medical sennin combat instincts were back up to part. It had been so long since he was able to smile like he did.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
