Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:


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New Member
Dec 11, 2012
Voucher said:
Please List any character names that you were playing as before the site crashed or were officially retired: Kanti, Minoru Kogan

Please List all other characters that were killed or suicided: Kobi

Old OOC Rank: A rank

Old IC Title: Medical Sennin (Jounin)

Old Bloodline or Core Ability: Spitiutualist

Old Kinjutsu: None

Approx Old Power Level 2200

New Character's name: Satoshi

Village you plan on joining: Cloud

New IC Rank: Medical Chief

New Bloodline or Core Ability: Empathetic

New Kinjutsu: None

Link to latest voucher:

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Name:Minoru Kogan
Age: Early 20s
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs
Eye color: Golden Brown
Hair color: Sliver/White
Job: Cheif Medical Officer
Rank: Medical Sennin
Alignment:Lawful Neutral
Class: Medical Sage

As like most members of the main branch of the Minoru clan, Kogan posses silver white hair, warm brown skin, and golden brown eyes. Because of his heritage and ancestry, his ears are slightly pointed and his canines slightly longer and sharper than most. Kogan stands at a slightly above average height and possess an athletic and muscular body build due to his focus on taijutsu all his life though he is more tone than bulky. His taste in clothing is rather simple color wise since he mainly wears white,black, and gray. His uniform is comprised of black pants and shirt with a grey ne-strap-over-one-shoulder flak jacket. While in the hospital he dons his white lab coat over, and outside of he usually wears his hooded black cloak. In addition to that he is usually wearing black fingerless gloves and black combat boot.

Determined, prideful, cunning, and ambitious are four words that describe Kogan the best. He believes that people shouldn't be judge by ethnicity, wealth, nobility, etc, but on merit, strentgh, and potential alone. He struggles between doing morally right thing and the pragmatic logical thing which happens to be a big source of guilt for him. When interacting with others Kogan tends to appear rather calm or bored depending on the mood and interpreter.

Likes/Hobbies: Researching
Dislikes: Idiots
Skills: Drawing, Surgery, Medicine, Herbal Knowledge

Name of Jutsu: Corpse Replication
Jutsu Rank: 8
Cost: 35k

Description: A jutsu when combined with a sample (blood, hair, skin, etc) of an animal or human allows the user to make an identical replica of the body. The body summoned is dead and completely indistinguishable from the real thing. If the technique is done with out a sample then a generic corpse will be summoned. In that case the user can affect general cosmetic features, but with a trained eye or medical records it would be pretty easy to distinguish it from the person it's supposed to impersonating since it wouldn't have the same fingerprint, dental forms, etc.

Reason it cannot be used in battle:
Corpse Replication jutsu is a technique that requires immense concentration and focus to be completed since detail is at the utmost importance in a situation like this and the number of hand seals required which leaves the user unable to focus on anything else besides the jutsu at hand.

Journal Entries
Kogan posses little knowledge about his life before the age of 5 since it was then a young woman with silver hair and golden brown eyes came to village of Kumogakure and convinced the Teruyoshi family to adopt him and raise him. It didn't bother Kogan at all since his adopted family took care of him very well and loved him like he was truly one of them. His adoptive father is a doctor and his mother an ANBU member. When he was of age his parents sent him to the academy. He did well enough and was praised for chakra control ability which allowed him to finished pretty high in the rankings despite being average in other areas in the curriculum.

Even before reaching genin rank he was aware of his genetic gifts, it was quite surprise when he first activated the byukagan as an Academy student. Ever since that day he was inducted into the hyuuga clan officiously since he bore the same trait. If was for the fact his his impressive insight with or without the byukagan he wouldn't have gotten much respect since they tended to favour Kumo Hyuugas. He decided early on to dedicate his skills to the medical branch since he remember his mother telling him when he was young that she wanted to be a protector of people.

He gained the rank of mednin pretty easily due to his intelligence and from the plain fact that as hyuuga his skill were extremely helpful in the medical environment. During his time as medical chief Kogan became quite obsessed with researching chakra, ninjutsu, and the human body. Which resulted in experiment to try and integrate demonic cells and chakra into his body. Which turned into and utter failure and disfigured his appearance causing him to wrap bandages around his visible body parts. In addition to this he lost all his relating to his blond. Though he gained an increased skill in medical and dark jutsu.

While out on a mission, Kogan was confronted by his birth mother and she told him the truth about his past, and that he was a minoru clan members. Seeing his affliction she decided to heal him. She even changed his appearance to relect that of her family.

Power Level: 1943 Character Level: 13
Agility(525): 324
Stamina(525): 274
Ninjutsu(525): 274
Genjutsu(550): 308
Charka Control(525):447

<u>Medical Sage (vet)</u><br><b>HP:</b> (45+lvl) x stamina<br><b>CP:</b> (45+lvl) x chakra control<br>Class Bonus: +15% Melee damage  <br><i>High:</i> Melee Accuracy<br><i>Average:</i> Genjutsu Save, Evasion, Genjutsu DC, Ninjutsu Accuracy<br><i>Low:</i> Ranged Accuracy

Slot 1: Â Head Set
Slot 2&3: Chakram {Lighter Toss,High Quality,Heated Steel}
Slot 4:
Slot 5: Â Belt Pouch
-Smoke Bomb x 3
-Energy Drink  x 2
Special: Wired Armed{Crippler, Â Natural Material, Toxify(Black Lotus)}
Projectile Holster 1: Death Wheel{Lighter Toss, Heated Steel, Poison Inject(Serpent`s Blood)}
Projectile Holster 2: Exploding Shuriken{Lighter Toss, Elemental Charge, Poison Inject(Euphorium)}

Light Projectiles Tai
Burst Shot
Steel Volley
Shrapnel Shower
Coiled Viper
Red Pin
Steel Dragon
Metal Coat

Fire Ninjutsu
Dragon Fire
Mythical Phoenix Fire
Combustive Seal
Mythical Wildfire
Scorching Purgatory

Wind Ninjutsu
Razor Wind
Wind Slash
Slicing Whirlwind

Unarmed Taijutsu (5/11 Mastered):
Megaton Punch - Master rank
Pressure Palm - Master Rank
Grab - Master Rank
Janken- Master Rank
Dragon Finish- Master Rank
Grapple- Rank 1
Shoryuken- Rank 1
Spear Hand- Rank 1
16-Hit Combo - Rank 1
Lions Barrage- Rank 1
Dragon Assault- Rank 1

Weighted Taijutsu
Level 3
Twin Reaver- Rank 1
Mighty Swing- Rank 1

Lvl 4
Bone Shatter - Rank 1
Bloody Render

lvl 5
Crush- Rank 1
Titanic Louts- Rank 1

lvl 6
Cripple- Rank 1

lvl 7
Enraged Tantrum- Rank 1
lvl 8
Devastation- Rank 1

Earth Jutsu (0/2 Mastered)
Mud clone
Inner Earth Reflection Lure

Water Jutsu: (0/2 Mastered)
Hidden Mist- R1
Water Clone- R1

Lightning Jutsu (0/0 Mastered)
Lightning Clone- R1
Shocking touch - Rank 1
Thunder Fist - Rank 1
DC graps - Rank 1
Chidori - Unusable

Genjutsu (10/24 Mastered):
Mimic- R1
Novice Touch- R1
Distortion- R1
Insidious Voice- MR
Blinding Flash- MR
False Surroundings- R1
Transparent Escape- MR
Temple of Nirvana- MR
Body Double- MR
Crippled- MR
Chilling Aura- R1
Hymn Of Nature- MR
Amnesia- MR
After Image - R1
Clone- R1
Lethargy- MR
Vision Of Hell - R1
Call Of Nirvana- U
Screaming Pain- R1
Victorious Dreams- R1
Death Viewing- R1
Invisibility- R1
Reflective Hallucination - R1

ANBU (0/3 Mastered):
Hidden Strike- R1
Signal Flare- R1
Snapshot- R1

Ninjutsu (7/15 Mastered):
lvl 1
Transformation- Master Rank
Body switch- Master Rank
Chakra Concentration- Master Rank

Conjure Shield- Rank 1
Sticky Oil- Rank 1
Stunt Double- Rank 1
Wall Of Spirits- Rank 1
Barrier- Rank 1
Reflection- Rank 1
Energy Transfer- Rank 1

lvl 6
Jutsu Sealing- Rank 1
Psychotic Fury - Â Master Rank
Cancel - Master Rank

lvl 7
Atmospheric Nova- Master Rank
Rasengan- Rank 1

Medical Jutsu (3/12 Mastered):
Mystical Hand- Master Rank
Chronic Bleeding- Rank 1
Seizure- Rank 1
System Shock- Rank 1
Spontaneous Dystrophy-Rank 1
Mystical Force- Master Rank
Regeneration-Rank 1
Chakra Scalpels- Master Rank
Spark Of Life-Rank 1
Angelic Blessing-Rank 1
Decomposition- Rank 1

Blade Jutsu (0/5 Mastered):
Ascending The Tower - Master Rank
Descending The Tower R2
Power Lunge
Piercing Rain

Sound Jutsu (2/3 Mastered):
lvl 1
Vibrate - Master Rank

lvl 3
Silence - R1

lvl 4
Ultra Sound- Master Rank

Gravity Jutsu (2/3 Mastered):
Push- Mastered
G-force- Master Rank
Gravity Distortion- Rank 1

Big Blade Jutsu (0/5 Mastered):
Swirling Grind- R1
Hyper Extension- R1
Kill Driver- R1
Execution- R1
Titanic Thrust- R1

Tai buff Jutsu (0/13 Mastered):
Block- R1
Speed Boost- R1
Strength Boost- R1
Chakra Extension- R1
Eye Of The Tiger- R1
Dodge Roll- R1
Chakra Absorption- R1
Aura- R1
Shadow Dance-R1
Awakening The Dragon- R1
Counter-Strike- Unusable
Limit Break- Unusable
Devastating Aura- Unusable
Myriad Aura- Unusable

1) Bull's Strength
2) Pugilist*
4) Weapon Mastery: Unarmed*
5) Dim mak
6) Martial Artist
7) Jutsu Mastery
8) Called Shot
9) Human Anatomy
10) Enchanter

Kir- Raven
Strength(54) - 25
Intelligence(214) - 58
Stamina(120) - 56
Agility(126) - 78


New Member
Dec 11, 2012
Satoshi said:
Old Character Name: Minoru Kogan
Old Village/Missing: Cloud
OCR Type: Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts: Cloud
Old IC Rank: Medical Sennin

New Character Name: Hazuma Satoshi
Preferred Username: Satoshi
New Village: Cloud
New BL/CA: Benevolent
Custom Class:pristine Warrior
Custom Class said:
Pristine Warrior
HP: (60+lvl) x stamina
CP: (50+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +5% Max HP & CP, +5% Medical Healing
Average: Evasion, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu DC,Melee Accuracy
Low:Ranged Accuracy
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Medical Branch
IC Rank: Medical Chief

Character Age: 23
Gender: Male
Character's Physical Description: Despite his age Satoshi is quite boyish in looks, he barely produces any hair aside of that on top of his head.In addition he posses short shaggy blond hair, brown eyes, and a genuine warm smile practically painted on his face. He stands just slightly above average at 5'11 and is a little more on the lean side than the average shinobi. Most would see him as handsome. He wears a pretty general and nondistcitive kumogakure shinobi uniform. While in the hospital setting he wears a white lab coat, white gloves, and a black kumogakure headband. In combat related mission however he switches out the gloves for his gauntlets and headband protector for a bandana one to keep his hair out of the way.
Character's Mental Description: Satoshi a kind, loyal and protective gentlemen. Always ready to help a friend and usually even complete strangers if he has the time. Being born in the capitol of Lightning country he is fiercely patriotic and sees all citizens of lightning country as his brothers and sisters. He is very protective of those he cares about, and he places a kot of importance on duty and honor. Despite being a shinobi he choses to perfect his skills in defensive and healing techniques preferring jobs that involve protecting, escorting, and tracking than assassination. Despite that however he becomes easily enraged when those he cares about get hurt and will do anything in his power even killing to protect his friends or his village.

Character History:
The Hazuma clan have been naturally gifted with the abilities to utilize barriers and since the dawn of their formation have served the citizen of lightning country as shinobi of kumogakure, warriors for various nobelmen, and clergy at many shrines and temples. Satoshi was born to Hazuma Suma a caretaker for a shrine located near the eye of Raiden and the third son of local noble. He spent most of his time with his maternal side of his family due to his father be quite the adventurer. Having quite the happy childhood being instilled with the values of both his mother's and father's family who long claimed Lightning countrynautral as their home he decided at the age of 11 to travel to Kumogakure and become cloud shinobi. Despite his late enrollment, his natural talent in barrier and healing ninjutsu which granted great chakra control and some combat training by his adventurous father allowed him up to catch to his more experienced classmates and graduate in a timely fashion.

It wasn't until he was chuunin that he decided that he wanted to join the medical branch. In one of his mission he lost a teammate due to his low level medical jutsu not being enough to save her. Satoshi realized he had relied too much on his natural talent and wanted the training necessary not to have another friend die in front of him. So at the age 17 he joined the medical branch and trained under Minoru Kogan. Now two months after his 23rd birthday he became the medical chief of forensics division and assistant director of the morgue.

Justu Mastery Swaps:
Transformation (Mastered)
Body switch (Mastered)
Basic Summoning(Mastered)
Elemental Clone(Mastered)
Chakra Shield (Mastered)
Natures Guard (Mastered)

Mystical Hand (Mastered)
Coagulation (Mastered)
System Shock (Mastered)
Skeletal Fortification (Mastered)
Anesthetic Infusion (Mastered)
System Restoration (Mastered)
Mystical Force (Mastered)
Medical Assistant (Mastered)
Tranquilize (Mastered)
Medical Ward(Mastered)
Resuscitate (Mastered)
Angelic Blessing (Mastered)
Regeneration (Mastered)
Pristine Aura (Mastered)

Dragon Assault (Mastered)
Step-in Flash(Mastered)
Shoryuken (Mastered)
Grapple (Mastered)
Spear Hand (Mastered)
Fist Of Virtue(Mastered)
Falcon Punch(Mastered)

Expel (Mastered)
Old Stats:
Agility: 324/525
Stamina: 274/525
Ninjutsu: 274/525
Taijutsu: 316/525
Genjutsu: 308/525
Chakra Control: 447/525
Power Level: 1943
Character Level: 9

New Stats:
Agility: 400/525
Stamina: 324/525
Ninjutsu: 281/525
Taijutsu: 281/525
Genjutsu: 257/525
Chakra Control: 400/525
New OOC Rank: A-rank


Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Refund! Calculations say you're getting a grand total offfff... 543416 yennies!

Satoshi yennies: 0+543416=543416.

Undistributed masteries: 30 - Note you can only keep 10 of these if you do not distribute them now.


New Member
Dec 11, 2012
Satoshi said:
Old Character Name: Minoru Kogan
Old Village/Missing: Cloud
OCR Type: Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts: Cloud
Old IC Rank: Medical Sennin

New Character Name: Hazuma Satoshi
Preferred Username: Satoshi
New Village: Cloud
New BL/CA: Benevolent
Custom Class:pristine Warrior
Custom Class said:
Pristine Warrior
HP: (60+lvl) x stamina
CP: (50+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +5% Max HP & CP, +5% Medical Healing
Average: Evasion, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu DC,Melee Accuracy
Low:Ranged Accuracy
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Medical Branch
IC Rank: Medical Chief

Character Age: 23
Gender: Male
Character's Physical Description: Despite his age Satoshi is quite boyish in looks, he barely produces any hair aside of that on top of his head.In addition he posses short shaggy blond hair, brown eyes, and a genuine warm smile practically painted on his face. He stands just slightly above average at 5'11 and is a little more on the lean side than the average shinobi. Most would see him as handsome. He wears a pretty general and nondistcitive kumogakure shinobi uniform. While in the hospital setting he wears a white lab coat, white gloves, and a black kumogakure headband. In combat related mission however he switches out the gloves for his gauntlets and headband protector for a bandana one to keep his hair out of the way.
Character's Mental Description: Satoshi a kind, loyal and protective gentlemen. Always ready to help a friend and usually even complete strangers if he has the time. Being born in the capitol of Lightning country he is fiercely patriotic and sees all citizens of lightning country as his brothers and sisters. He is very protective of those he cares about, and he places a kot of importance on duty and honor. Despite being a shinobi he chooses to perfect his skills in defensive and healing techniques preferring jobs that involve protecting, escorting, and tracking than assassination. Despite that however he becomes easily enraged when those he cares about get hurt and will do anything in his power even killing to protect his friends or his village.

Character History:
The Hazuma clan have been naturally gifted with the abilities to utilize barriers and since the dawn of their formation have served the citizen of lightning country as shinobi of kumogakure, warriors for various nobelmen, and clergy at many shrines and temples. Satoshi was born to Hazuma Suma a caretaker for a shrine located near the eye of Raiden and the third son of local noble. He spent most of his time with his maternal side of his family due to his father be quite the adventurer. Having quite the happy childhood being instilled with the values of both his mother's and father's family who long claimed Lightning countrynautral as their home he decided at the age of 11 to travel to Kumogakure and become cloud shinobi. Despite his late enrollment, his natural talent in barrier and healing ninjutsu which granted great chakra control and some combat training by his adventurous father allowed him up to catch to his more experienced classmates and graduate in a timely fashion.

It wasn't until he was chuunin that he decided that he wanted to join the medical branch. In one of his mission he lost a teammate due to his low level medical jutsu not being enough to save her. Satoshi realized he had relied too much on his natural talent and wanted the training necessary not to have another friend die in front of him. So at the age 17 he joined the medical branch and trained under Minoru Kogan. Now two months after his 23rd birthday he became the medical chief of forensics division and assistant director of the morgue.

Justu Mastery Swaps(Used All 30):
Transformation (Mastered)
Body switch (Mastered)
Basic Summoning(Mastered)
Elemental Clone(Mastered)
Chakra Shield (Mastered)
Natures Guard (Mastered)

Mystical Hand (Mastered)
Coagulation (Mastered)
System Shock (Mastered)
Skeletal Fortification (Mastered)
Anesthetic Infusion (Mastered)
System Restoration (Mastered)
Mystical Force (Mastered)
Medical Assistant (Mastered)
Tranquilize (Mastered)
Medical Ward(Mastered)
Resuscitate (Mastered)
Angelic Blessing (Mastered)
Regeneration (Mastered)
Pristine Aura (Mastered)

Dragon Assault (Mastered)
Step-in Flash(Mastered)
Shoryuken (Mastered)
Grapple (Mastered)
Spear Hand (Mastered)
Fist Of Virtue(Mastered)
Falcon Punch(Mastered)

Expel (Mastered)

New Stats:
Agility: 525/525
Stamina: 501/525
Ninjutsu: 320/525
Taijutsu: 322/525
Genjutsu: 300/525
Chakra Control: 500/525
New OOC Rank: A-rank

Barrier Mastery
Weapon Mastery: Unarmed
Jutsu Expansion
Bull’s Strength
Healing Factor
Jutsu Mastery
Medical Knowledge (Benevolent/Free)
Combat Medic(Benevolent Free)
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
