Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Secret Techniques (Personal Training)


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Fuuinjutsu is a dangerous and forbidden that is not for the faint of heart, or the young. Lucky I am neither Hisao frowned a little as he concentrated on the sealing technique. He had the scroll pinned to the wall with kunai, and was reading the chakra manipulation that was required to make this work. He had already failed at it twice, and it was starting to get annoying. The problem is that i'm old, and the finer movements are a bit trickier than I expected.

Hisao had started to feel his age lately, and had decided to give himself a leg up. Assuming I can ever get the damn thing to work. Moving his chakra around and making the correct hand seals, his fingers charged with chakra. Placing them above his heart, he pushed the chakra into the fresh tattoo he had placed on himself. The chakra burned, and the tattoo started moving, whirling on his flesh, before settling into place. The pain was incredible, but underneath it, a power seemed to reside within it, almost feeling like it was waiting for something.

Smirking through the pain, he smiled, and following the scroll, pushed chakra into the new seal. He could feel the chakra slotting into place, and it was like a dam unlocked, power flowing from within and into his limbs. Standing up, Hisao tried out some of his Hyuuga clan forms, moving with a speed he hadn't felt in years. Something warm and wet started to drip on his cheek. Turning to the mirror he had on the wall, he could see blood coming from his eyes, and starting to pool in his left ear.

Sending a surge of chakra to his seal, he watched it close, and the bleeding slowed. I guess now I know what the price is, it's definitely worth it though.

WC: 310

OCC: Curse Seal created

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Training Log:


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Slumped on the table, Hisao stared down at the scroll he had open in front of him. Advanced Elemental Jutsu. The blending of two basic elemental jutsu into a more powerful form, which has many variations. He had Mastered the use of Earth Techniques, as well as Lightning Techniques, and he had been told that they can be combined into Paper Jutsu. How exactly is Paper an element anyway? Back when I went through the academy, there was only 6 Elements, well, 5 Elements and Non-Elemental Jutsu.

Sighing again, he scrolled further along the manuscript he was reading, studying how the handseals combine together to form the new element. The first one he had selected to learn seemed simple enough, it was a replacement for a Kawarimi target Body Switch Jutsu. Creating a Burst of Confetti of all things, which they even named the technique after.

First racing through some familiar seals, he created some Mud Clones, and had them throw Kunai at him. Several embedded kunai later, he finally landed, with paper confetti going everywhere. Well, I can see this being useful, even if it’s a bit strange. Cutting off his flow of chakra, the mud clones dissolved, the kunai melting out of his wounds, leaving only wounds that were already healing, courtesy of his wonderful metabolism.

Carefully rolling up the scroll, he pulled out the next one, musing over the name once more. Paper Clone. Well, what else are they going to call it? Earth/Lightning Facsimile? Following along with the scroll, he read through three times before attempting it. Paper coalesced out of his chakra, shards of paper swirling around, in tiny whirlwinds, forming the shape of a person. The paper set into place, and the colour combined into Hisao’s form. Well, I guess that is actually pretty good. Smiling at having another jutsu to practice and master, he looked at the next scroll, Paper Blade, now we’re talking.

Word Count: 322

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Training Log:


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Sweating profusely, Hisao continued to go through forms with his sword. Keeping fit and mastering new weapons was keeping him entertained, so he was challenging himself with sword techniques. Not something I would normally do, as I can’t really adapt Jyuuken style to anything other than unarmed techniques, and it’s not like you can use the Gentle Fist principles to a sword, so I need to learn new styles.

Having mucked around with the Iaijutsu style, he found the constant drawing and sheathing of his weapons was just tiring, I am definitely not a huge fan of that style of combat. Not sure why anyone would want to be constantly doing that over and over again. Shaking the sweat from his head, he switched his kata into a swirl of strikes. Hisao started making shallow cuts repeated from various angles, nicking the wooden training dummy on its limbs and torso.

This style might as well be called “Death of a Thousand Cuts.” I can imagine this would really be terrible to be on the receiving end of this. Switching speeds, he started trying out jutsu that he had read off of the scroll he had borrowed from Doku. Manipulating his chakra, he moved with the sword, slashing in and out, feeling his chakra move along through his arm, and applying itself to his weapon. With a grunt of effort, and a final swing, the wooden dummy lost it’s head. Hisao smirked to himself, I guess that will do for now.

Word Count: 251

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Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Water Jutsu huh, this should be easy. Hisao poured over the scrolls he had in front of him, yet again regretting all the wasted time not bothering to learn more Ninjutsu, instead focusing on Taijutsu, and lets not even get into Genjutsu, which I have basically ignored that they exist, which fortunately hasn’t yet backfired on me.

Reading the scrolls, he read out each one to himself. Water Whip, Aqua Fang, Rinse Off, Grand Waterfall, Impaling Hydro Jet, Water Prison and Rain Dance… Well, some of these have better names than others. But they all appear to have some good uses. Rain Dance makes it easier to use other Water Jutsu, can dampen Fire Jutsu, and can cause Lightning Jutsu users to shock themselves. Looking at the next one, he was intrigued.

Water Prison appears to be pretty useful, and leaves a hand free for handseals, but if it’s disrupted too much from hitting the person bound within can dissipate, which makes sense. The next scroll painted an impressive picture of a pressurised stream of water, able to be precisely aimed, Impaling Hydro Jet, seems to have many uses, and can be used to specifically hit someone’s limbs, which is always useful.

And finally, looked at the last one he was going to try to learn today, Aqua Fang, spinning water that can pierce a target, seems simple enough, and looks like if you alter your chakra usage while using it, you can power it up, or even cause two to form. Sighing, he stood up, bones creaking with age, and cracked his fingers, ready to start practicing. Let’s do this.

Word Count: 271


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Hisao wasn’t really sure what to think of himself. He was old, yet he was still an ANBU. He still competent at battle, but he lost his most recent fight against his old mentor’s new apprentice. I just am not as spry as I used to be, maybe it’s time to think about retiring. He turned another page in the family album he had in front of him. He was looking at the pictures of his life, such as it was.

His daughter Atsume had never gotten past the academy, not really showing an aptitude for combat, or the will to hurt others. She had worked at a tea house, until she had saved enough for a deposit for her own. Looking at the photo of her on opening day, he remembered the warmth she always provided to everyone around her. I did something right there at least, regardless of anything else.

Turning another page to the pictures of his grandchildren being born, the twins Kaikaku and Kaizen, they would both be around academy age now, and he was looking forward to spending some time training them, and seeing if they had any interest in following in his footsteps. I guess the light against Yong’s apprentice has made me want to make sure to actually leave a mark on the shinobi world. Someone to take my skills and put them to good use.

Slowly closing the album, he stood up and put it back on the shelf. Maybe I will go visit Atsume and charm some free tea from her.. Walking out, he took a deep breath and closed the door behind him. He had work to do.

WC: 276


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Stepping away from the front of his house, he looked down the street, to his left and right. Usually it was bustling with people running back and forth on the daily lives, but tonight there was hardly a person is sight, even to his Hyuuga eyes. Must be later than I thought, I hadn’t realized I had wasted so much time reminiscing on old times staring at that book. Shrugging, he adjusted his jacket, patting his pockets absentmindedly to confirm his keys were on him, and set off to Atsume’s work.

I wonder if Kiku and Kaizen are still awake, they should be training for their Jounin recommendations. I know Kaizen is feeling the chafe of being a Chuunin when he believes his skills make him qualified for more. Wiping a cold sweat from his forehead, he shook away a feeling of slight dizziness, That’s odd, it doesn’t feel that warm and I certainly am not moving fast enough for a sweat.. oh well.

He turned his thoughts back to his grandchildren, I know Kiku is patient, but Kaizen still hasn’t learnt humility, which will prevent him from ever getting recommended at all. Shaking his head, he noticed he was a little out of breath, but put it down to he must be getting a cold. I know he was disappointed that he didn’t inherit my Kekkei Genkai’s doujutsu, but his mother’s is just as valuable a gift as mine is.

Hisao acknowledged his own role in his grandson’s anxiety, he had been too slow to supress his momentary disappointment at seeing the first tomoe appear in Kaizen’s eyes, his mother's uchiha blood was strong in him, but he couldn’t be more proud of his progress through the academy. Followed by his quick succession through the Genin and Chuunin exams. Perhaps if I spend some more time with him, I can make an excuse of asking him about Genjutsu, as he is quickly becoming an expert, and use it as an excuse too… to..

His thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pain in his chest, not quite unlike being stabbed, which is certainly a feeling he was familiar with, followed by a tingling sensation down his right arm, followed by a numbness, and then stabbing pain turning into a vice crushing his chest. Grasping for breath, he stumbled, tripping and falling to the ground. Mud splattered on his suit as the pain intensified, and his vision started to fade.

Directly in front of him, his vision blurring, he could see his wife, Hanako, smiling down at him, beautiful as he remembered. Gasping for air, he managed to mumble, ”Kāsan, this is a bad sign, as you are long dead, and I am quite old.” Hanako bent down next to him, her kimono falling into the mud, and he felt her hand brush the hair out of his face, ”Oh sush Tōsan, it’s time for you to rest, you have done enough.”

Hisao could feel himself weakening, and he certainly couldn’t see a reason to argue with her, she was certainly usually right when she was alive, the pain started to recede, and his consciousness started to fade. He could feel a more primal part of himself resist, and could feel the curse seal appear to also be trying to protest, but these concerns faded, as he slipped into unconsciousness.

WC: 559


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Pain was what woke him. Pain and the sound of beeping. He could tell from the smell he was in a hospital, and could feel the sheets under him. His chest felt like fire, and he could feel a drip in his arm. Consciousness was a struggle, and he was quickly losing the fight. He briefly opened his eyes and could see Kaizen and Kiku sitting in the room, both fast asleep. He could assume it was night time from the darkness of the room. Losing the fight, HIsao fell back asleep.
Beep. Beep. Beep

Waking again, the pain still existed in his chest, but the edge felt dulled, obviously the pain killers were doing their work. The thought occurred to him that some medical jutsu would usually have been used to restore an injury, but he was still in pain, obviously seriously ill. Makes me wonder why I bothered waking up at all, seems like a waste of resources if I can’t be fixed. Smiling for his own amusement, he slowly opened his eyes.

Atsume sat at his side, sleeping with her head against his bed. Moving his hand, he brushed her hair out of her face and spoke, his voice rasping, ”Shouldn’t you be at work, and not worrying about an old fossil? Waking up, she moved her hand to hold his, and called out for a Mednin. ”Otōsan, you really scared us for a while there, they weren’t sure if you were going to wake up.

She paused as the Mednin entered the room, and Hisao could tell from the look on his face, he was about to receive bad news.

WC: 274


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Hisao could see the mednin steel themselves, the body language tensing as he looked from the clipboard back to him. Watching him struggle to muster the courage, Hisao gave him some motivation, ”So I take it you drew the short straw or are you just a Mednin in training? Just tell me I’m dying and get on with it.He regretted the painful chuckle that followed the shocked look on the poor trainee’s face.

Atsume tapped his bedside admonishing him, but her smile through the tears showed she still appreciated his humor. The mednin recovered his wits and spoke, ”Your heart has been damaged by some unusual changes to your chakra system around it. Something caused the flow to be disrupted and it has caused a cascade effect throughout.” He held up a sheet of paper and pressed a seal in the corner, showing a scan of his chakra system.

To say it was damaged, well, the mednin was being polite. He also could see the familiar marks of his curse seal, which he was not surprised to see intertwined through the damaged areas. This was very much a problem of his own making. “Well, that’s not great, and explains a few things. I noticed you failed to mention if I was dying or not” The mednin looked at Hisao, seeming to find his confidence.

”You aren’t dying, but more than likely your shinobi days are over. The damage to your chakra system is irreversible, and it looks like the pathways simply won’t work anymore.” Hisao laid back in his bed and closed his eyes. Well, that’s worse now isn’t it.

WC: 271


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
The kunai twirled between his fingers, moving fast with practice ease. The hand was scarred and hardened with age, but still nimble despite the obvious wear. Hisao was sitting down on the gates of Leaf, contemplating what his next move was. He had managed to alter his curse seal enough that his body was able to reforge the connections around his heart, and he was able to use Chakra again, but it was merely a stopgap.

I’m getting too old for this crap, and who knows the strain this is putting on my body, it can’t be good for me. He took a sip from his flask, choosing to ignore the irony of his drinking habit while complaining about unhealthy habits. There was a faint shuffling noise, and the shadows next to him seemed to thicken. There is another way you know, I can show you. The voice was deep but raspy, yet faint, echoing in his mind.

Hisao took another sip from his flask, paying the shadowy mist no mind. It was in his head, and he wasn’t sure if it was even real. It had appeared after he had altered his curse seal, but it hadn’t started actually talking to him until he had allowed Migoya to use the mental link jutsu on him. You can’t ignore me forever, you will talk to me eventually.<i></i> Tilting his head, he considered the voice’s words. It was probably right, but that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t continue to try. Taking another sip, he set out to prove him wrong, for as long as he could.

WC: 264


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Sighing as he turned another page in his novel, Hisao wondered why he was even bothering to read the junk he was reading. It was so full of tropes that the plot was predictable and there had not been a single non-predictable twist. The main character was generic, the love interest, even the problems, Life is never as simple and neat as this is, just the problem appears, you pose and preen and eventually the problem is solved without any complications.</I><I>

He couldn’t stop reading it of course, but that didn’t mean that he could stop reading it, he was entirely hooked even if he wouldn’t admit it, plus it had one additional benefit. Stop reading this drivel! I have nowhere else to go, no one can find this interesting!<i></i> Turning another page he continued reading finding amusement in the voices discomfort.

There is nothing wrong with reading a little trash now and then, and the different social structures shown by the author in the society groups they portray is useful as research for interrogations and investigations. Taking a sip of his ever present flask, he realised his mistake too late, he had implied a reply to the voice, and tried to just ignore it and not bring attention to it.

Starting to slip I see. It won’t be long. With or without your trashy novels, you are going to break before I will. I am ageless, I have time. Really you should just give up and start talking to me, it will go easier for you.<i></i> Frowning, Hisao simply concentrated harder on his book, and continued to try and ignore it, with various degrees of success.

WC: 277


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Hisao did not feel well. He had a sore throat and his nose was stuffed, not even his sake was fixing it. The more he thought about it, the more he had a feeling that whatever it was up there, that was looking out for him or helped with his life, was also feeling under the weather. It was strange to think of an unseen force controlling his life or destiny, being sick, but he was almost certain that is what had to be happening.

Too many things that happen in my life are too coincidental or too outrageous for something to not be causing this all to happen, like a guiding hand forging a path for my life, which considering the crap that has happened in my life makes it rather a dick. Frowning, he drank his sake, and considered leaving the house to go get some ramen from the shop two blocks away, but not really willing to get up and go get it.

Really? A guiding force controlling your destiny? You are obviously crazier than I thought you were, but I can still work with that.</I><i></i> Hisao shook his head at the sentence, <I>I’m crazy, says the disembodied demonic voice in my head, for believing in a higher power. That really fits the theme of my musing you know. Sighing, he had not caught the fact he was talking to the voice again instead of ignoring it, finally deciding the call of ramen was too much to ignore, he stood up and left the house, missing the barely visible grin in the darkness of the corner of his room.

WC: 272

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
