Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Shinobi Seminar [Tutor]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Entering the classroom, Kiri didn’t think he be returning to the academy like this. Wasn’t he only allowed to use the outside facility? After all, any anomalies and unexpected accidents might damage the academy building itself. But he supposed since the topic at hand was nothing of his usual destructive potential, they granted him the place. Not to mention that if this was a review for a particular part of the upcoming chuunin exam, then it should cover the ambiance as well. While there was no guarantee that this would come up in the said chuunin exam, it was a good seminar to give the young shinobis as it could give them a moment to reevaluate their knowledge.

The classroom was a typical lecture type, with a blackboard at the very front and tiered tables and chairs going to the back. Kiri looked at the empty space first before he dropped off the paper he was holding on the teacher’s desk at front. He then picks up a chalk and begins to write along the blackboard, a quote “Matters of great concern should treated lightly, matters of small concern should be treated seriously”. Then he would walk along the middle aisle and sit at the very top tier of the classroom. There, he would wait for the arrival of the students.

When the students would begin to enter, he would tell them to remain standing by the blackboard. And from there, he would take out clipboard note and fiddles along the pages in a long heavy silence. Should any of the students voice out anything, he would reply. He simply remained that way for the next ten minutes before he would look back at the students and finally

“State your name, which branch you want to enter and then explain what the quote is about,” said Kiri as with a point of his pen towards the blackboard. He was wearing his usual black coat as he sat on the table at the top tier, looking down at the aspiring shinobis. His eyes were kept sharp and his expression was as plain as it could be. “After which, take 1 paper and find a seat.”

[WC: 365]


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
It had been quite a little while since he had been at the academy. Ever since he caught news of his graduation, he sort of - unintentionally - created a barrier between himself and that place; even though he missed the academic life there, and even though it still proved necessary for his development, if they deemed him a shinobi now, then it was time to experience. He had no space to complain, and who would complain about such a thing in the first place? He should’ve considered it a blessing, but… he still thought about it. He still reflected over his life in these young days, and he ended up gazing up at the ceiling of his bedroom. “…” These thoughts returned to him now because of a message telling him to meet there again, presumably for a lesson like the old days. He couldn’t even call it ‘old days’ due to his own age, but you would know what he meant by that.

He had gotten out quickly to catch the wind on his way to the academy. Leaping his way over to the academy, he began getting flashbacks of his situation when he just got his headband. He had stood right in that spot, confused and almost scared of the news, but willing to not appear so in front of his ever so proud parents. Of course, he was different now; he knew that the way of the shinobi was for him, but everything had its pace, and he felt that his pace was a bit too impatient. Wasn’t patience supposed to be a strength?

As he entered the specified room for his lesson, the first thing that his brown eyes noticed was the blackboard and the words written on it. He then heard a male’s voice telling him to remain by that blackboard, in which he looked over at the source of that voice and noticing a white-haired man in a black coat. He just did as told and remained silent at the blackboard, awaiting the other students just as well.

He did take a good look at the phrase written on the board, though, and it fed his curiosity sufficiently. Matters of great concern…, he began thinking under his wait, … should be treated lightly? What’s the meaning of that? And why the opposite as well? As if… huh…

WC: 394


New Member
Dec 28, 2017
Nanami woke up early for this, she bathed, she dressed neatly, she ate a spare breakfast and headed out from the dorms immediately to the classroom where her lesson was being held a short time before the class was to begin. She hadn't beat the teacher inside and watched him from the doorway for a moment before slipping back around the corner. Her heart had skipped a beat nervously. She placed a hand over her chest and chided herself, smirking. What a look, definitely a scary-lookin' guy but hey, at least he had white hair like her? These teachers were sometimes just so intense looking! She resolved to wait for some other students to show up and head in before heading in herself. She had no interest in being first inside.

She had spotted the message on the board, a weird quote. Matters of great concern should be treated lightly, matters of small concern should be treated seriously. She made a bit of face as she considered them, she hated puzzles a lot. She spent the next few minutes considering it as others began to filter into the class. She followed along in the midst of the group and made her way towards the blackboard, eyes scanning the crew looking for her then back towards the teacher where they made locked. She had an odd expression, one part intimidation, one part curiosity, maybe not too odd for someone like him.

A long wait ensued, she actually started to get kind of bored but did her best to keep it from showing. She shuffled around, stretched, looking around at anything and everything she could but she remained quiet and otherwise still. When finally he spoke she snapped back to attention.

So they had to answer that dumb riddle? She grinned faintly, listening to a few of the answers before it finally came to her. Her expression sobered, she thought for a second more before speaking. "Well, a lot of things like this, it matters a lot to understand the way you're being asked them right?" She tapped her chin then lowered her hands and nodded. "I think it's like this. Sometimes little things that don't matter a lot require a lot of attention, you gotta do them carefully right? And it's easier because they aren't a big deal. But sometimes the big things are the things you can't solve by trying really hard, you've gotta let it go or you'd go crazy. Maybe you need to get stronger, maybe you need to get smarter." She paused, thinking about her own words and seemed like maybe something had clicked for her, even if it wasn't the answer her teacher was looking for.

"Oh. Sorry," she snapped out of that quickly. "Nanami Hideaki. General Branch." And she fetched the paper and made her way to find a seat somewhere in the middle towards the back.

477 WC

Saotome Asami

New Member
Dec 31, 2017
Asami much preferred the classroom to the training grounds. The field often meant fighting, fighting meant getting hurt, and getting hurt meant dealing with pain. It was an obvious thought to most, but then, most students weren't expected to avoid a fight... Right? Right. So long as she kept to the theory classes, she could hone her skills without drawing blood. She hoped as much, anyway. As she arrived, she saw but a few faces. A girl younger than her - she looked like she enjoyed fights a lot more than Asami did. A boy of similar age, unassuming in appearance. She knew better than to fall for that in a shinobi academy. Then there was the teacher. Despite her inner voice telling her otherwise, trying not to feel intimidated was a difficult task. The tattoos were bad enough, and on top of that, he was a fully-fledged shinobi. That man had seen death, she was sure of it. Perhaps he had granted it himself. Most shinobi had... right?

For the twelth time that day, she made a mental note not to anger those above her.

Fortunately, there was little about her to anger a person at first glance. Her hair had been let out for the day - purple curls trailed down her back, and elegantly framed a friendly face from the front. She offered those in the room a look of acknowledgment and a welcoming smile as she found herself a seat - close enough to the front to feel involved, but far enough to avoid intruding in another's space. Her eyes scanned the room, though there wasn't much out of the ordinary to see.

Soon enough, a command was given. She perked her head up, and for a moment, the smile vanished. She looked to the quote again, mulling the words over in her head. Surely a phrase like that could have multiple interpretations... Which meant she'd simply have to go with what felt right. She waited, ensuring that she wasn't about to speak over anybody else, only to realise there was another question she couldn't answer. What branch? She hadn't decided, and she had a feeling that wasn't the best answer. To say anything else would be lying, though...

"Asami Saotome, sir." She spoke anyway, aware that she would miss her chance otherwise. Fortunately, her voice didn't betray her thoughts - she continued with a warm confidence. "I think the phrase is a warning. Big issues get a lot of attention. A lot of people will be trying to mae sure they're handled, which is why they don't matter as much to the average person, unless you're depending on it. The little things, though, they can slip by really easily. If nobody's paying attention, they can snowball out of control. That small problem might have the potential to become a huge one if it isn't handled right." She nodded, agreeing with herself. A moment passed before her eyes widened a tad. Her voice lost a little confidence. "Oh, and... undecided. For now." Having said her piece, she rose, returning to her seat a short while later with a sheet of paper.
Word Count: 526​


Nov 4, 2017
There was a real sense of self-worth in being prepared well before one was expected. I was used to being early to rise, early to eat, and early to get myself out the door. Generally, I found that being earlier was never a detriment unless you couldn't preoccupy yourself while you waited for others to show up. Despite that personal lesson, I had been slightly behind this mornings after a couple grueling nights of dealing with some medical nonsense that had been assigned from Kiri. In almost exactly forty-eight straight hours, I had been tasked with doing a research paper on the human nervous system in excruciating detail, along with figured out a few cases of neological diseases that had been documented in the last five years of the hospital. Seeing as I wasn't given any information and was seriously lacking in the neurological medical field, this had not been a very fun learning experience, but at least I got it done and done within a reasonable margin of error.

It reminded me of the week earlier where I had been expected to turn in my report on the human pancreas in excruciating detail. It had taken me a solid three days of work and ended up as a nearly thirty pages booklet of the most boring and grueling scientific research I had ever been forced to conduct. Yet, that ordeal had felt like nothing compared to the two day grace period I had been given for this assignment.

Upon entering the classroom, it would seem that I was the last to show up. Finding the devil himself, I placed my assignment next to Kiri, not bothering to say anything as he was likely to know what I was dropping off for him on account of it being the due date for the work. I had been asked to come along to this little class, but I had no desire to play charades with the others. I had enough bullshit to deal with from Kiri and my team and I was incredibly tired as it were. looking up at the board, I grimaced internally. It seemed Kiri was going to plant some drivel into these kids and pull out his point seemingly from his asshole when the class was nearing its end. I had even less desire to participate now.

Finding an empty seat a small distance from the others, I placed my head on the desk and drifting into a very light sleep, not bothering to either answer or take a piece of paper. If Kiri needed me for something, he could call upon me. Otherwise, I hope he would let the greener students be the focus of this class.

Akimitsu Doi

Oct 19, 2017
Doi was currently strolling down the bustling main street that led him directly to the academy from his home in Kumo's residential area. The morning had been rather normal nothing out of the ordinary had happened. He'd awoken to his mother readying her gear and his father thumbing through business documents. By the time he was ready to leave the house, they'd both already gone out to partake in their separate activities. Doi didn't mind this at all, though. He knew his parents lead busy lives, and he was now a genin. He could take care of himself now.

After continosuly walking for a while, Doi had finally reached the Kumogakure ninja academy. He'd been summoned to the partake in a chunin exam preparation class at the academy. It hadn't been too long since Doi graduated from the ninja academy, but he'd already made great progress as a genin. Nonetheless, he still felt like this class could benefit him greatly. It wouldn't be too long before he would take part in the chunin exam.

Upon reaching the designated class room, Doi saw various other children of his age there already. Maybe he was late? As he looked at the other kids in the room, Doi only saw one boy that he recognized. The rest of the children where unfamiliar to him. The adult man standing at the front of the room, most likely their teacher for this class, immediately began to voice instructions for the class participants.

The first one was simple, it was just to stand next to the blackboard.

As everyone stood next to the blackboard as instructed to do so, the whitehaired man would write on his clipboard in silence for a few moments. This was until he finally spoke up again, and instructed them to introduce themselves and explain the quote that was written on the blackboard.

While Doi waited for his turned, he'd noticed that the one other student he'd recognized wasn't standing amongst them. It wasn't something that'd require his attention, but he did notice, nonetheless. After a couple of minutes of the other children doing as they were instructed, it was finally Doi's turn to speak up.

"Akimitsu Doi. I'll be joining the general branch."He briefly paused before continuing. "I think the quote means that small matters directly impact us more than large matters do, and so they should be handled first. It's like comparing the search for world peace to solving a local conflict."

After he'd voiced his introduction and his explanation. Doi took a paper from the front desk and sat down in the deck nearest to him.

[WC: 440]
[WC total: 440/1,500]
[Post: 1/5]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
One by one, the students would enter, and Kiri was checking them off on his mental attendance note. He then made them wait that awkward silence, trying to observe their reactions and see if they listened to his instructions properly. One of them, the girl - Asami, was it- of whom he wasn’t entirely expecting to attend this seminar– something he’ll have to remind the academy staff about since they had given him a prior listing of the attendees, which was necessary as he would have to design the seminar based on them. Then again, it would only mean that he needed to tweak just a small bit for her. Interesting, nonetheless, as he listens to her answer.

When everyone had finally said their piece, Kiri taking note of the ones who didn’t, shooting a heated stare at his personally picked student- Eishi-, collected the homework from Eishi, as he knew he couldn’t delay this seminar any furthermore. Standing up and walking down the steps up to the lower rows, he would pause and turn around to look at each of the gathered genin, and student, before he sat on the teacher’s desk upfront.

“Thanks for your cooperation,” started Kiri. “Now, let’s begin the seminar proper. As you have already tried to explain the quotation that was written on this blackboard, there was a sense of similarity along the notion that the reason why small matters should be treated seriously is because they are closer to us and would become something of a big deal. That’s true. Most of the great conflicts that he know today, or what you may have covered in your classes before in the academy, or even at home, had started from something small. Mediocre or trivial cases are often ignored, put aside, or simply overlooked, because we always think that what is important is the greater outcome… the end result. However, if you keep pushing away the small matter, you wouldn’t know when it’ll come back to bite you. In the case of world politics, as you all may know, Kumogakure is only among the three known powerful shinobi villages that have influence and potential power for war. I’m not saying that leaders should avoid thinking about international problems, but if a leader were to ignore what is happening inside the village, itself, it would reflect poorly his and the country’s state. At the same time, if the leader is only preoccupied with what his standing in the world stage and avoid to look at what’s happening and occurring in his village, he is ultimately putting down the needs of his people for his personal success. In other words, there should be a balance. But politics in the shinobi world is still more complicated than that, so let’s stop there. Instead, we’ll continue with the seminar.”

Kiri takes the last two remaining sheets of paper from the desk and walked towards where Eishi was sleeping before slamming the paper on the table, just inches from his head. “Each of the paper you got has a different scenario. Now, I want you all to think of how you would plan to address the situation, with consideration of the future that you envision yourself in, such as the branch you want to be part of or specialisations you want to be experts of.”

Moving away, Kiri would stop in front of Asami and look at her, “You’re the one who was originally unlisted for this class and in the last minute that I’ve been given your details, it seems you’re still a student. Not that it’s bad because it’s interesting for one so young and starting to take a look at how genins would approach this topic,” he then looked around, eyeing each of the other genins, “And so, I better hope you genins step up the notch and show what you’ve learned all those years in the academy or else you’ll simply make a mockery of yourself.”

Walking further, Kiri would stop by the Hyuuga kid, known as Honnou on his data that Kiri had been reviewing earlier. “You didn’t answer at all, so I’m placing you as Raikage for this scenario aside from the paper,” Kiri said as he gave Honnou the last sheet of paper. “The bookshelf near the windows have been filled with materials from Politics 101, to Agriculture, to Art of War, to Leadership for Dummies. You have one hour to prepare your ideal action towards each of the scenarios given to you with them. After which, we’ll begin with your presentation.”

Kiri paused, eyeing each one again before pointing to them one by one, “Eishi, you’re the Medical Sennin. Nanami and Doi, you’re both occupying the Main Branch Sennin’s status, Nanami for advisor of foreign affairs, while Doi for advisor of domestic affairs. Asami, you’re the principal of the Shinobi Academy as well as one of the attendant advisors of the Raikage. Honnou, needless to say, you’ll be the Raikage in this scenario, though you were only recently established as the previous Raikage had untimely died. And if you all are wondering what about the ANBU Sennin, the Sennin was imprisoned by previous Raikage after gossips of a coup d’état began circulating. If you want to discuss your actions with your fellow Sennins in this matter, you’re free to do so. I’ll simply observe how you go about it.”

Kiri goes back to sit on the teacher’s desk and grabs hold of Eishi’s homework. “Your time starts now.”

[WC: 916 + 365 = 1,281]

[OOC:] Below are what’s written in each of the papers given/taken by the student/genins. Spend the next 2 posts (per person) coming up with strategy or consult with each other. Each post will be equivalent to 30mins of timeline.

Eishi’s Paper
The imprisonment of the ANBU Sennin has affected the morale of the ANBU as a whole. There’s also tension along the Lighting-Leaf Border due to the conspiracy of the coup d’état. Trades with other countries have also taken a hit, mostly due to insecurity with Kumogakure’s current regime. As such, medical supplies, raw materials and spices not usually found in Lightning Country have become scarce. Furthermore, the conspiracy has created a rift between the Daimyo of Lightning Country and Kumogakure, and there’s word that the Daimyo is forming his own mercenary army.

Aside from this, you had been visited by an emissary from a Daimyo of Wind Country, claiming that they are willing to help ease out the trade troubles, in return for exclusive alliance and exchange of shinobi technology.

As of this month, your branch has suffered a 20% budget cut and has become less effective.

What will you do and what will you offer? You must present your case to the Raikage and persuade him if needed.

Honnou’s Paper
The imprisonment of the ANBU Sennin has affected the morale of the ANBU as a whole. There’s also tension along the Lighting-Leaf Border due to the conspiracy of the coup d’état. Trades with other countries have also taken a hit, mostly due to insecurity with Kumogakure’s current regime. As such, medical supplies, raw materials and spices not usually found in Lightning Country have become scarce. Furthermore, the conspiracy has created a rift between the Daimyo of Lightning Country and Kumogakure, and there’s word that the Daimyo is forming his own mercenary army.

An emissary from Konohagakure has come to deliver a truce along the border clashes in return for the execution of the ANBU Sennin who was implicated in the coup d’état attempt. However, there has yet to be sufficient evidence to prove his guilt as the imprisonment was partly due to internal hostilities between the previous Raikage and the ANBU Sennin. Be wary that you are also being watched by other shinobi villages.

A major drought has affected the lowlands. Lightning Country’s crop yield suffers 30%.

What will you do and what will you offer? You must present your case to the Raikage and persuade him if needed.

Asami’s Paper
The imprisonment of the ANBU Sennin has affected the morale of the ANBU as a whole. There’s also tension along the Lighting-Leaf Border due to the conspiracy of the coup d’état. Trades with other countries have also taken a hit, mostly due to insecurity with Kumogakure’s current regime. As such, medical supplies, raw materials and spices not usually found in Lightning Country have become scarce. Furthermore, the conspiracy has created a rift between the Daimyo of Lightning Country and Kumogakure, and there’s word that the Daimyo is forming his own mercenary army.

Threats of intra-village disturbances have risen in the last month. Your branch has been greatly affected due to disruption of daily activities in different ways (such as a sudden fight happens). Furthermore, connection with the Raikage’s Office has been compromised due to the failings of the previous Raikage. As such, an emissary from the Daimyo of Lightning Country has come to give you aid in return for support any cause that the Daimyo of Lightning Country will endeavour.

What will you do and what will you offer? You must present your case to the Raikage and persuade him if needed.

Doi’s Paper
The imprisonment of the ANBU Sennin has affected the morale of the ANBU as a whole. There’s also tension along the Lighting-Leaf Border due to the conspiracy of the coup d’état. Trades with other countries have also taken a hit, mostly due to insecurity with Kumogakure’s current regime. As such, medical supplies, raw materials and spices not usually found in Lightning Country have become scarce. Furthermore, the conspiracy has created a rift between the Daimyo of Lightning Country and Kumogakure, and there’s word that the Daimyo is forming his own mercenary army.

An emissary from Sunagakure has come to meet with you and appeal to have an alliance along the portsides of both countries, as a wave of piracy and smuggling have become rampant. With the current unstable situation in Kumogakure, however, you cannot promise stricter measure in the port, which angers the emissary and makes known his opinion that Kumogakure is merely looking after itself. Somehow, you managed to save the meeting with further diplomacy and promised to give your response to the emissary on the fortnight, however, such a response must have the approval of the Raikage.

This month, there was sudden increase of criminal activity in the outlying regions of Lightning Country, more or less due to the unresolved case of the ANBU Sennin.

What will you do and what will you offer? You must present your case to the Raikage and persuade him if needed.

Nanami’s Paper
The imprisonment of the ANBU Sennin has affected the morale of the ANBU as a whole. There’s also tension along the Lighting-Leaf Border due to the conspiracy of the coup d’état. Trades with other countries have also taken a hit, mostly due to insecurity with Kumogakure’s current regime. As such, medical supplies, raw materials and spices not usually found in Lightning Country have become scarce. Furthermore, the conspiracy has created a rift between the Daimyo of Lightning Country and Kumogakure, and there’s word that the Daimyo is forming his own mercenary army.

An emissary from Tea Country has come to speak with you concerning the trade matters that created a rift in both economies. However, this is not simply a show of concern, but a negotiation on possibly permanently severing trade routes between the two countries. This is due to the fact that Tea Country was also depending on the stability of Kumogakure’s jurisdiction that it was able to continue with its development. However, other hidden villages of shinobis are becoming more appealing, especially since the incident with ANBU Sennin has made the image of Kumogakure weak in the world stage.

As of this month, your branch has suffered a 30% budget cut due to the constraints and instability of market flow.

What will you do and what will you offer? You must present your case to the Raikage and persuade him if needed.


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
A good amount of individuals had entered the room, and when he found the space to do so, he spoke as pre-requested by the tutor; however, to his surprise, Kiri already planned his scenario as the boy was given his sheet of paper. Maybe he shouldn’t have waited… perhaps his patience backfired this time. For a second, he considered breaking a sweat, but his curiosity about this scenario took over. First of all, did Kiri decide this due to his absent answer? Was there a wisdom behind it?

“Huh…” He had no choice but to look down at the sheet of paper, feeling that he shouldn’t waste time any more than he already did. Time was important in its own way, but as he read, the content of the sheet truly challenged him. It sounded as if the main reason for the problems that would arise in this little sheet was the case of the ANBU Sennin and the conspiracies of a coup d’état. Furthermore, there would obviously be a huge pressure on the new Raikage - whom in this case was Honnou - and that came from many corners and other countries as well. “Hmh…” he hummed in deep thought, Now, if the ANBU Sennin was found guilty, then he would certainly be taken care of. But it’s not the case here… then again, there were internal hostilities between him and the previous Raikage.

He would pick up his sheet and move over to the shelf filled with the materials that the tutor had suggested and thought things through whilst hoping to find supporting ideas in the material. Perhaps, in order to recover the rift between the Daimyo and Kumo, I should decide to deal with the ANBU Sennin… that would also support in form of a truce between Konoha and Kumo, which would, hopefully, put a stop to the tension between us. Yet again, he would need to find sufficient evidence for that if he wanted a strong spine to support the decision, so perhaps the first thing would be to investigate the ANBU Sennin’s actual position in this case.

About the drought… he quickly moved his gaze towards the books about Agriculture, and if the lowlands’ crops were affected that much, then a Raikage was obligated to act fast. He could plan to construct dams at the lowlands thanks to their locations which is given away in the name ‘lowland’, and dams could supply additional water in these times of drought. However, the young boy also wanted the weather to have a role, and thinking about it for a moment, he got a brief idea; shinobis could create a sort of ‘intentional’ weather modification to induce the amount of rain needed for the drought to be reduced. However, that also depended if some were capable of such feats, and he had never seen a shinobi play with clouds before. Although, it sounded possible in comparison to what feats that he was capable of performing.

“The lowland farmers could also change their choices of crops to be less water-dependent in order to survive drier years to come…” he suddenly mumbled to himself. He made sure to remember these thoughts for later as he had to present his ideas… presentations… crap. He quickly moved towards Nanami now that he had permission to discuss these cases with his fellow Sennins. As the tutor had stated, Nanami had the status of advisor of foreign affairs, in which he would ask the white-haired, neatly-dressed fellow: "Hey, Nanami... what are your thoughts about the ANBU Sennin's case? Would it reduce the tension between all the borderlines if he was to be dealt with..?"

WC: 394 + 610 = 1004

Saotome Asami

New Member
Dec 31, 2017
Phew. For what it was worth, nobody seemed too surprised that she didn't know where she belonged. For the moment, she was safe, and the teacher continued his lesson. Though the girl was attentive as ever, it was hard to miss that one of the students was much less so. Was he... sleeping? Intersting, she thought, but at least he would lower the standards for the rest of them.

She looked to Kiri again. It sounded like her explanation was, for the most part, spot on. She had come to expect nothing less of herself. She just needed to carry that confidence into her next task. An imaginary scenario, with a cute little role to match. There had to be a reason why she was the Academy Headmaster, though...

He knew of her. He'd chosen her role specifically. If he could match her face to her name, then he'd surely heard of her academy antics... Her less-than-subtle efforts to avoid physical sessions, including any fights that might prepare her to survive. There was no other reason why she would be given a role so far from shinobi combat.
...Or maybe, just maybe, he'd remembered the name she had just told him, and the rest was by chance. Chill out, she told herself. Letting thoughts run wild couldn't end well for anybody.

A faint smile showed itself, even if nobody was looking her way. Showing that everything was fine was more for her benefit than anybody else's. It helped that she performed much better in the classroom than any physical challenge. Asami turned to read her sheet.

Her smile fled the scene. What on earth was that about? Wasn't a headmaster supposed to deal with students? As bright as the girl claimed to be, political intrigue flew over her head. What child was expected to take an interest in that jazz? Asami gave pause, taking a deep breath. There was a lot to unpack, and panicking wouldn't help any of it. Key points. If anybody bothered to look her way, they would see had begun annotating the paper, underlining major points. Mercenary army. Bad news. Tension and trades. Poor relationship with other countries, but not entirely relevant to internal struggles. Until they start causing problems.

Assistance. She could read between the lines on that one. A man attempting to build his own army had a lot to gain from allying with the Headmaster, who could cherry-pick the best of each class and send them to him. Yes, it would be helping the country... at first glance. Much like two catty girls in the playground, offering to 'help' the Daimyo would only add cannon fodder to the Land of Growing Tensions. In the worst case scenario, the 'small problem' would add to the snowball that would be civil war.

Of course, Asami's thoughts were much more scattered, tended to run in circles, and resulted in a mess of notes on the blank space of her page. All the while, she bore a look of intense focus, much like a child in their final exam. By the time she had managed to tie the scenario back to the man's opening phrase - and even that was a stretch -, she had almost used half her time! A second opinion was in order. She looked to the 'Raikage'. In theory, she could go to him first, but he would have an obvious bias, and presenting the suggestion without a solution couldn't do much good. The next choice was the domestic advisor! Doi (funny name, she mused) would supposedly have a lot more to say about her predicament, even if the bias was still present. That was still hypothetical - she couldn't count on a young child to be an expert, but she worked with what she had.

She crossed the room without much hesitation, stopping before him. "Hey. You're the advisor for domestics, right?" As always, she showed a warm smile, but her tone was much more relaxed than he had last heard it. Without the teacher involved, she could put herself at ease - though he was probably eavesdropping without her noticing. "I'm guessing you know about all the village troubles already. They're really getting in the way of teaching young shinobi. The Daimyo wants to, er... help with the problems around and outside the village. To return the favour, I'd have to help out with any of his future plans." She paused, but the smile remained. She'd basically told him her whole problem, which wasn't very helpful. "Do you think saying no to that deal could cause problems later?" She deliberately kept her thoughts on the matter quiet, to see if he'd unearth something she hadn't.
Word Count: 784 + 526 = 1310 (2/5)​

Akimitsu Doi

Oct 19, 2017
So all he had to do was play the role of advisor of domestic affairs? That seemed simple enough. Doi looked down at the paper on his desk and began to read through it.

'So the ANBU Sennin was imprisoned by the last Raikage and other countries have decided to stop trading with us as a result,' Doi thought. 'Now Kumo and the Daimyo aren't on the best of terms... and it looks like the Daimyo is attempting to form his own mercenary group.' At first glance, Doi didn't think the formation of a mercenary group by the Daimyo to be much of an issue. But after thinking it over, a couple of issues arose. What would be the purpose of this mercenary group? Would this group affect the number of missions that Kumo receives? And more importantly where would the members of this mercenary group come from? Would they have to give up shinobi? Doi figured he would look into that later, and began to focus on the next part of his assignment.

This emissary from Suna didn't seem like they'd be happy with a simple 'no'. Still, there wasn't much they could do. They not only had to deal with internal problems thanks to the attempted coup d'etat, but they had to deal with increased criminal activity in the outer regions of Lightning Country as well. The addition of imposing stricter measures in the port would stretch their numbers too much.

This didn't mean that the alliance was something that should be given up on, though. Kumo's trade has already taken a hit, so piracy would have a larger impact on the economy now than it would've normally.

Doi sighed and rubbed the back of his head "This won't be as easy as I thought."

Before he could continue thinking of a viable solution to the issues presented to him, he was approached by one of his fellow class participants. If he'd remembered correctly, she was Asami, and her role was that of Academy principle.

It seems she wanted a second opinion on her part of the assignment. After she had voiced her predicament, Doi began to think of a proper response. To his luck, her problem presented a solution to his own.

"Well... if this mercenary group rumor is true, he will probably want our support as compensation for his aid. We have our hands full dealing with internal and external conflicts at the moment. The Daimyo's support would be a great help in dealing with these situations, but it would hit us hard down the line." The Daimyo approaching the principle of the Shinobi Academy would only make sense if he was looking into future prospects for this mercenary group. Could Kumo really afford to give up young shinobi that had potential to become valuable assets?

"To be completely honest, I don't think giving up future assets is a good idea... but we could really use the Daimyo's resources. I'd suggest accepting his proposal. It'll improve relations between Kumo and the Daimyo, as well as relations with Suna. We can deal with any issues the deal may present down the line when that time comes."

Doi smiled after giving her his input, hopefully their little conversation would prove as beneficial to her as it did to him.

[WC: 550]
[WC: 990/1,500]
[Post: 2/5]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Kiri was halfway down the report of Eishi’s previous assignment, his red pen already doing the work of checking, encircling and making notes to every part of the page. But it wasn’t like he wasn’t paying any attention to what was happening around him. His ears were sharp and was open to every and any motion and word being thrown around. He smiled at the thought that this kids were taking this seriously to a certain point.

He glanced up from the homework and saw the clock on the further side of the wall and nodded. “It’s about time, huh?” said Kiri as he put down the homework and stood up. He would then reveal a folded sheet of paper he takes from within his coat. “Technically, the two 30-minutes that would be spent strategizing and consulting with fellow sennins or raikage would result to a day’s worth of meeting. And in that one day of paperwork and consultations, something unprecedented has come up.”

Kiri looks over to the door, seemingly cuing for someone to come in. “Come in, Ikko. You’re just right on time. Sorry you had to draw the short end of the stick for this one, but you were quite promising.” Kiri would wait for the boy to enter and give him the folded sheet of paper, but did not assign him to find a place to sit. Instead, he made Ikko stand and face the blackboard with he quotation. Turning to face the rest of the class, Kiri would continue, “Now, you all might be wondering what is happening. For those of you who had studied under me, you would know how I like to change the rules of the game. After all, in a real setting, rules easily change depending on the scenario. You cannot expect your opponents or rivals to be a righteous shinobi to very end. But that aside, this simple alteration may prove significant to how you would assess the current situation. This here, is your ANBU Sennin who was imprisoned by the previous Raikage. It has been three months since. But as you all may know, even while imprisoned, the entire ANBU Branch is very much loyal to him and the recently instituted Raikage has yet to formally unite all the divisions. That is to say, he is Raikage out of desperation and convenience. Not necessarily of need.”

Kiri walks aside to sit on one of the student tables, near the door so he could see everyone in the classroom now. “He is currently standing by the blackboard, not facing you all, not having the chance and access to all your book materials and reference just to recreate the idea of being imprisoned. Furthermore, the quotation you see on the wall was from a famous book on Bushido, but it was the last statement that the ANBU Sennin spoke during his brief trial with the previous Raikage. Ever since, no communication with him have been established.”

Kiri pauses to let that new bit of information sink into their heads before continuing. “Now, with the deadline for certain emissaries coming up, matters within Kumogakure needs to be addressed. If you come to the conclusion of a trial or investigation of the ANBU Sennin, you must do so with protocol, that is to say, a unified decision with every Sennin and the Raikage. But that may only delay other matters. You may also choose to ignore him, but I won’t really give you all that option. It’s too much to waste our seminar’s time on. Instead, I’ll play the messenger, the Warden at the Tarterian Specus, who has come to present a sudden revelation. Somehow, word of the meetings with the emissaries had reached the ANBU Sennin, probably because there are enough ANBU spies to keep in touch with him. Or perhaps there are other means we don’t really know about. But you see, the ANBU Sennin has decided to want to speak with the current Raikage about the matter, and since it seemed important, whatever the matter was, he would not tell the Warden.”

Looking back at Ikko, Kiri continued, “Whatever agenda the ANBU Sennin has, only he could make it come true or fail.”

[WC: 704 + 1,281 = 1,985]

Ikko’s Paper:
The general news known those concerned is: “The imprisonment of the ANBU Sennin has affected the morale of the ANBU as a whole. There’s also tension along the Lighting-Leaf Border due to the conspiracy of the coup d’état. Trades with other countries have also taken a hit, mostly due to insecurity with Kumogakure’s current regime. As such, medical supplies, raw materials and spices not usually found in Lightning Country have become scarce. Furthermore, the conspiracy has created a rift between the Daimyo of Lightning Country and Kumogakure, and there’s word that the Daimyo is forming his own mercenary army.”

As ANBU Sennin, however, you know that you have only acted out of duty and responsibility to Kumogakure. What could possibly have happened that led to the rumours of a coup d’état? What personal trifle with the previous Raikage had created this scenario? Furthermore, who was doing the right and wrong in that scenario?

If anything, as the ANBU Sennin, you know that your hold over the ANBU branch is still strong, especially when you can still receive access to outside information so easily even in Tarterian Specus, which would otherwise have been impossible. What is your course of action to take in order to rescue the plight of Kumogakure?

That said, for the time being, you may consult the Warden of Tarterian Specus, seeing how your case of imprisonment is well kept within the files of the Warden’s Office.

[OOC:] Please continue as earlier instructed. Don’t think of this as changing your posting time or order. I will post in between, if necessary and also to accommodate Ikko to catch up with you all.

Funai Ikko

Aug 6, 2017
Ikko was playing the role of the good boy, for now. It wasn't one he was good at and while he waited outside the classroom, fidgeting restlessly, he quietly cursed his performance in their last little foray with "training" with Kiri. Actually, the one preceding it was atrocious too. Why did he keep letting himself get involved with Kiri? Why did he bother paying any attention when Kiri said he owed it to him for being dumb enough to, as he phrased it, "Adventurously slide into your own trap." which was immediately followed up by "Kids..." as if Ikko would be upset at being equivocated to a child...and then stamp his feet and call Kiri a doo doo head. That definitely wouldn't happen...despite Kiri's obvious doo doo headship. Then he delivered the hammer blow by promising Ikko that Suika might show up. You'd think he'd know better by now but noooooooooooo. Ikko angrily kicked the nearby wall, was immediately sorry that he kicked the wall while wearing sandals, was then even more sorry as he curled up into a ball and quietly wept, and then was somehow even more sorry when Kiri's voice finally wafted through the door as if foot fungus crossbred with rotten eggs, beckoning him inside.

When Ikko followed that pungent voice, he was greeted with considerably more faces than he was expecting. The first one he saw he recognized as little Honnou, his brave compatriot in the holy search for Lord Raiden's Legendary Lightning Log and Ikko beamed at him, giving him a little wave. After Honnou though, Ikko was met with a sea of faces that he did not recognize, though he had the distinct impression that one of them really wanted to punch him in the face. Then he saw it, the face he truly wanted to see.


All pretense was lost as Ikko began jumping up and down and waving excitedly at his best friend in the whole wide world. The class was marginally less pointless now, but he couldn't help but being a tad crestfallen when the third face he was looking forward to was nowhere to be found. If Eishi was here, he had let his hopes get up ever so slightly that Suika would actually be here as was promised, but he rather quickly had those dashed as no cute caramel skinned smile illuminated the room. Ikko flashed a dangerous, furious look at Kiri for his deception before trying to placate himself for appearance's sake.

Ikko took the paper off the desk when Kiri addressed it and scrolled through it. He had gotten rather decent at reading and only needed to skip every fourth word, so he got the general gist of it, but Kiri continued to prattle on in the background as he read. Ikko looked up as he spoke and crossed across the room and as Kiri had moved to turn back and address him, Ikko was already at his side tugging at the man's sleeve to get his attention.

"Um, Kiri. You sure this is...I mean this is a good first draft but it's missing a bit of...pizzazz and all. Where's the drama here? The intrigue? The action scenes!? Government conspiracies are so four months ago, we need to spice your script up a bit. Now hear me out. Anyone without a grudge would know instantly that I didn't spark a coup, I have no motive. So let's give me one. Ok, now, picture this. I'm the widowed lover of the previous Raikage's super cute sister who died under mysterious circumstances involving a candelabra, a garden hose, the study, and an impeccably placed bowl of plums and Eishi is the spurned ex-lover of the recently deceased sibling who has forever held a grudge because he could never quite fulfill all of her hopes and dreams like I could because as a medical sennin, he could never quite be as attractive as doctors on the movie screens. And the sister can be a really cute little caramel skinned gypsy girl, I mean we'd win awards for this screen play, Kiri."

Ikko delivered all of that gibberish with a completely serious and enthusiastic tone as if he wasn't just pulling random things out of his rump to annoy Kiri and Eishi, but the pair of them probably knew he wasn't actually as insane as he acted...well...probably not as insane...jury was still out really.

[WC: 740]


New Member
Dec 28, 2017
(OOC:Assume this happens before Kiri's last post and I'll catch up when someone else posts!)

Nanami looked over her fellow students and the few who stood out. Honnou, a boy her age but of Genin rank, irritatingly. Seemed nice enough, someone she'd almost certainly challenge as soon as possible. Eishi, another boy, this one even younger and a Genin too! He looked like pretty intense too, maybe a little more than Nanami would even want to handle. He was also put on the challenge list. Asami, finally another girl, and older than her and still an academy student. Whew. She was starting to worry she was a slacker. She looked like a princess, definitely not ninja material, which definitely made her want to pick a fight to find out what she was hiding. Doi rounded out the notables, a boy she knew little about, but she liked his answer, made her feel a little embarrassed about her own. She realized quickly that the list of who she wanted to fight was basically just people she looked at or thought about. Hm.

She felt out of place, a small fish in a giant pond, but something about being in a situation like that ignited her determination. She wanted to stand out, show everyone what she was capable of, at the very least not embarrass herself.

She decided that she liked the teacher, he seemed capable and patient enough that Nanami wasn't immediately worried she was about to get into trouble which let her relax, and think. She was just glad she wasn't Eishi, not that he didn't bring that upon himself. The actual subject of their class turned out to be some kind of...pretend game? She blanched a bit when their teacher explained it, it sounded incredibly daunting. Medical Senin? Raikage? She was an advisor of foreign affairs? She took a deep breath when the paper was given to her, scooping it up to read it as a mild panic swept. She almost missed the last bit of the explanation.

"Wait so she didn't even really do anything?" She said out loud, before turning her attention back to the paper. This was serious, she had to take this seriously. She'd played make belief before, like any other kid it was a popular pastime. Pretending to be ninja's, the Raikage. Sometimes it was a brief glimmer of fun in an oftentimes upsetting life. She released the breath and calmed down. She would stop being Nanami Hideaki, Academy Student and embrace the role of Nanami Hideaki, attendant advisor to foreign affairs for the Raikage.

She read the paper once more. The ANBU had low morale due to the arrest of their Senin. The ANBU were sharp, if Nanami was going to start mistrusting them, they were in serious trouble, right? If they thought the arrest was unjust then it probably was...right? She puffed up her cheeks as she read through the scenario two, three, four times, making little scribbles and notes about the situation.

Fifteen minutes went by and she decided only a small handful of things. Most important was that the Senin's innocence didn't really matter. This meant that it was a decision between satisfying the loyalty of the village internally by setting them free, or securing the stability of the village externally by imprisoning and maybe even executing them. The Daimyo almost certainly would want the ANBU Senin removed, but the ANBU would almost certainly rebel meaning....there was no good answer. Either path would lead to complications, and carry a great cost either way. The budget cut felt unimportant, what did that mean. She made a note, she'd cut her own salary out of the budget.

She hurried over to grab a selection of the texts that seemed related, but unsurprisingly it felt like a dead-end, no way she'd find anything relevant in such a short time span. Still she had a few open while she scribbled away at her notes. A voice brought her out of her concentration, she, sitting crosslegged in her chair turned and squinted at Honnou for a moment. She bowed her head for a moment respectfully. "I think you're missing the bigger picture, the ANBU are pretty steamed we have their Senin held, to 'deal' with them means angering them and the rest of our comrades further, not to mention the incredible loss of strength by sacrificing such a capable individual, right? Our own ninja might think we're too weak for them to stay here, the Daimyo might be mad at us for having harbored them in the first place."

She tapped her pencil against the desk and looked over her notes. "I don't think selling out our own comrades is the right answer. I think what would be best would be to launch a thorough investigation, one that would satisfy Daimyo but also clear the Senin's name. It's vital we maintain our village's image, or even if the Daimyo's pleased we'll end up having everybody leave because we don't stand up for ourselves. We can't ignore the Daimyo's wishes...but I don't think it's best to just roll over. This is a good compromise, provided the investigation is handled right."

"Something you may not be aware of, the Tea Country is considering cutting ties of trade if we don't prove we can handle matters like this properly and decisively. And those mercenaries the Daimyo is raising, I think they're to threaten us if we don't do what he says regarding the ANBU Senin. We should tell the others to be careful, right?"

wc 905


Nov 4, 2017
The slamming of paper next to my head was annoying, but it wasn't the first time Kiri had done it to me as I fell asleep while being forced to study. It only made me slightly flinch. Raising my hand, I snapped my fingers into the bird towards Kiri's general direction before continuing on as I were. Kiri would punish me later, I'm sure, but for now, I would continue ignoring him without a care. It wasn't that I wasn't even appreciative of his teaching, but I already did everything he asked of me. If I gave him sass all the while, that was the price for my compliance. It's not like I even asked him to become my master.

Anyway, I held no interest in playing this silly little game and I was properly getting my rest from the time stolen from me by Kiri. He knew full well this held both little interest or practice for me. I was young, hell, I was younger than some of the people here, but I was already dealing with plenty of responsibility and burdens unbefitting a ten-year-old while. It wasn't until Ikko showed up that I decided to pay some heed. The bubbly boy was here to both annoy and entertain me. He had come to decide I was his best friend. I honestly didn't know if he was fucking with me or actually thought of me in such high regard. Either way, I had done little to correct him on his assumption. At this moment, however, I was tired and held little interest in playing babysitter to Ikko. I could only sigh and cry internally before greeting Ikko with a nod and a flick of two fingers in an informal salute.

His opinion of Kiri's script was appreciated by me. I dryly smiled at his berating, but internally I wished I could do the same. I didn't want the price of more work in my near future for doing so, however.

"Does the sister happen to be named Suika? If so, I'll only play the spurred lover if you can get our Suika to admit you look better than me. Cuter? Sure. But you got a long way to go before you look even slightly as good as this beat up cripple," saying in response after finally deciding at that point I was awake enough to participate. I didn't bother with the first part of my task in role-playing the negotiation of goods. I frankly didn't care. The second part of the class held my interest a bit more. Taking a deep breath, I focused my mind out of my sleepless delirium before acting the role to start us off.

"I have conducted a psychiatric evaluation on the former ANBU Sennin, and I'm afraid I must declare him mentally insane. What do we do with him Raikage? We can't actually listen to anything he says," I commented before deferring to the boy who was playing the Raikage.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Kiri watched as Ikko entered the room in his normal bubbly self and started to do the most unprecedented thing… but it was already expected by Kiri. He had gotten to observe the boy from their previous class, and even that incident in the coliseum that he was already sure that this kid had a few screws loose. Well, objectively speaking, he was a free man. That was to say that the boy wasn’t as naive as others would think him to be, nor would he be the type to simply believe whatever was being taught him. From that fight, Kiri could tell that the boy was someone who aspired, so much so that his struggle for perfection was only balanced by his carefree spirit. And so, despite Ikko’s persistence on rewriting the script, Kiri would only sigh and pat him on the head.

“You’re the ANBU Sennin. You can spin any tale you see fit,” said Kiri before looking at Eishi who decided to join the world of the living and play along with Ikko’s antics. “I already spotted a dozen of typographical errors in that report.” Kiri then stood up and walked towards where the pseudo-Raikage was. He coughed to clear his throat and took out a burnt piece of paper from his pocket before speaking, “Raikage-sama. It’s me, the Warden of Tarterian Specus. As per the command of the Previous Raikage to keep all evidence of the case of the Suspected ANBU Sennin in file, my team has discovered a burnt note from one of his utility scrolls. We suspect that it was burnt in a hurry, and that perhaps he was trying to flee. However, the embers might have been blown by the wind and so pieces of the yet to be burnt paper had come to slide into his utility scrolls’ pouch bag. Furthermore, it appears that a past-relationship between the ANBU Sennin’s sister and the Medical Sennin has come to light, and so…. the name on this burnt paper is in fact, Suika. We believe that there is a deeper conspiracy behind this and perhaps there were more involved in it that initially thought.” He gives the piece of burnt paper to Honnou. “As you can see… the remaining readable words are: ‘…in honour of my love for Suika, I…’ This newfound evidence will surely change the investigation process. Also. regarding the ANBU Sennin. He wishes to have a private meeting with you. Content was not disclosed.”

After that, Kiri shot both Eishi and Ikko a long stare before Kiri went towards the opposite side of the classroom and sat by the window pane to continue observing them.

[WC: 447 + 1,985]

[OOC:] As usual, this is just an interjection post. Please continue with your plans. Only Honnou would have received the message from the Warden.


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
Okay… there were, surprisingly, things that the young Hyuuga had overlooked. He may as well ditch the whole ‘All-seeing Eye’ reputation now, but he was also extremely grateful to hear this from Nanami. The ANBU Sennin was, undoubtly, a huge need and support to the ninja village, but at the same time, there was this dilemma between prioritizing the village or the country’s Daimyo. Now, if the Raikage knew of the Sennin’s guilt for sure, then things would force him to take one decision.

Nonetheless, Nanami had the same thought; a proper investigation to clarify the ANBU Sennin’s guilt or innocence in order to both keep up a functioning and spiny organ in the country sounded like a good plan. Also, she further elaborated by mentioning the Tea Country and their ultimatums if the village didn’t act in a proper way. Starting an investigation would most likely shut their mouths, and he felt that it would also show the countries that when something like this occurs in the Hidden Cloud, then it’s surely taken care of. However, the quote from the blackboard suddenly came to mind: “Matters of great concern should treated lightly, matters of small concern should be treated seriously”. In this case, wouldn’t the case and conspiracies of a coup d’état be considered the ‘great concern’, while… something like the drought in the lowlands would be considered a ‘small concern’? It pulled Honnou off of the decisive turn that he had taken just a few moments after Nanami’s input. “I believe that you got a point,” he replied rather insecurely, “It’s eye-opening how all this could occur from just a single person, though…”

Things took a turn when Ikko entered, and the Hyuuga’s face brightened up as he was waved at. Exchanging a wave himself, he didn’t expect Ikko’s role to be the ANBU Sennin, but hey, that meant that things would get a bit more dramatic now. The man behind the scenes as one would say… or maybe it was just him, but it also brought a hilarious turn of events. Apparently, the ANBU Sennin was now involved in some kind of… uh… love-triangle drama stuff? That was his first thought, and it also included the Mednin and Raikage’s sister…

Great, the ANBU Sennin was declared mentally insane by the Medical Sennin. What about his last sentence in the trial with the previous Raikage? His mouth was left half-opened in confusion, but he quickly moved his eyes up at the white-haired tutor who approached him, suddenly holding out a burned piece of paper. He referred himself as the Warden of Tarterian Specus and stated to have found a burnt note lighting up information of a past-relationship between the ANBU Sennin’s sister and the Medical Sennin, but the name of the burnt paper was the same name as the suggested name to Raikage’s sister, Suika.

A deeper conspiracy inside the already known rumors… and now, the ANBU Sennin wished a private meeting with him. “That’s… going to be difficult, especially after the Medical Sennin’s declaration,” he expressed with a sweat pearl trickling down, “But…” Honnou would turn his glare towards Ikko and move towards him, wanting to straighten his own mind once and for all. Now, if the Sennin had anything cheeky such as a trap or anything, then Honnou trusted in the expected capability of a Raikage to counter such event.

“I have a few things to ask… but you invited me, so you speak first,” he would speak to the ANBU Sennin whislt pretending to have a pair of glasses on by balancing his middle finger on his nose. Extra cheese to the scene…

WC: 1004 + 609 = 1613

Saotome Asami

New Member
Dec 31, 2017
The young lass' smile never wavered, but she found herself a little disappointed. He didn't tell her anything she hadn't already considered, but perhaps his reiteration of what she had could be helpful. Could she blame him, really? None of them signed up for The Beginner's Guide to Politics, so she couldn't hold herself to a particularly high standard. Oh well. The words of the 'advisor' were acknowledged regardless. She gave him a brief nod. "Sounds like there's a lot to consider..." The girl let out a meek chuckle. "I can't say I know what this has to do with Suna. Maybe you know something I don't, but I think I have a better idea of things. Thank you, advisor." Another nod, but this one was a little more energetic. With that, she was off, to the other side of the room.

She had a second opinion, but not a firm answer. Just as she reached for Politics 101, the teacher spoke up. As always, she looked up and gave him her attention. Unfortunately for her, he didn't have much good news to share. Another student (was he a student? How could she even tell?) was playing the troublesome Sennin... Or Senile Sennin. Something told her his behaviour wasn't part of the act (past experience, perhaps), and for a few seconds, it made her forget her predicament. She smiled. Not a smile that masked worries or feigned warmth, but a little cheerful moment. A few giggles escaped her before she remembered to focus.

One problem. One big problem. She had no idea what the ANBU Sennin had to do with her problem, and apparently ignoring him wasn't an option. On the one hand, if he could wrassle his men together, they could handle the infighting that plagued her 'job'. On the other, wasn't he accused of treason? Damnit! The teacher had already singled her out for being new. He was going to be expecting a masterpiece of a strategy, and she didn't have it.

Those that looked her way would notice her expression growing increasingly flustered until she reached for the book. It seemed that nobody cared for the advise of the Academy Headmaster, and she found herself not caring that much. She needed what time she had left to study, and perhaps pick up something that might give her an insight.
Word Count: 392 + 784 + 526 = 1310 (3/5)​

Funai Ikko

Aug 6, 2017
"See Eishi!? I keep telling everyone you're smarter than you look. It's not your fault you constantly look like someone smeared dung under your nose. Don't worry best buddy, I got your back."

As soon as Kiri finished patting Ikko's head, the boy bounced backward a pace and landed butt first on Eishi's desk, obscuring his entire writing surface with his backside and distractedly swinging his legs excitedly as Kiri continued speaking. As per usual, nothing on Ikko's face betrayed whether or not he realized how rude and insulting he was being. He listened with rapt attention...for about 3 seconds before turning his attention to scan back out across the faces in the room. Honn had remembered him it seemed, excellent. Ikko liked the Hyuuga, he had the right kind of adventurer's spirit that looked risk in the face and then did something incredibly convoluted and borderline idiotic to solve the problem. He was a damn hero.

The other reaction was a small, pretty red-maned girl, or was it brown, or seemed to change somewhat drastically depending on the angle you looked at her, who seemed to try and fail to suppress a giggle. She followed that up with a warm smile at Ikko and he reciprocated in kind, beaming a winning smile back at her before she managed to force herself to pay attention to the task at hand. It was just then that Ikko heard Eishi's follow up to what he assumed was a continuation of his beautiful script writing and, in his excitement, Ikko slid slightly against the desk and threw himself backward so that he was lying atop of Eishi's desk, a look of jubilation adorned on his face.

"Eishi you're a genius! Betrayed by his unfortunately hideous best friend, the tragic hero, ANBU Sennin, has been driven mad by grief and loss as his beautiful wife to be was ripped from his arms and his life collapsed around him as he was cast into a hellish prison of his own mind, struggling to reclaim a small piece of his sanity in, the name, of justice!"

By the time Ikko was slowly punctuating the last bit of his script, his arm had raised triumphantly into the air to really hammer home the gravity of the narrative. It wasn't until Honnou finished whatever he was saying at Ikko actually got up and participated in the task properly as anyone was expecting Ikko to do anything.

"Oh, yes, right my side of the story, ahem. Raikage-sama! I am here to report that I am innocent of all charges, I have only ever acted in The Hidden Cloud's best interests and this is clearly an attempt to undermine the integrity of our village from external forces and, perhaps, dare I say, internal ones. The Medical Sennin has long since harbored an envious grudge against me as he has always had his advances spurned by my beloved and the previous Raikage did nothing to attempt to sway poor Suika's affections toward him. He also kicks puppies, he's kind of horrible. I rest my case."

[WC: 516(+740=1256)]

Akimitsu Doi

Oct 19, 2017
Doi let out the deep sigh he'd been holding in once Asami had left to the other side of the room. He doubted his response to her inquiry was what she was looking for, but it didn't seem like she minded very much. She'd probably get her answer by asking someone else in the class. Their short conversation did provide Doi with a very important piece to his puzzle, though. There was now the possibility that they could receive some support from the Daimyo. The only problem was that it depended on wether or not the Academy principle agreed to the terms under which he'd be providing said support.

'Ok, so... now we have the Daimyo's proposal involved,' Doi thought to himself. 'Getting the Daimyo's support would be perfect, but it depends on the Academy principle too much.'

Doi wasn't sure how to proceed with his planning. He knew including the Daimyo's support in his strategy wasn't a good idea, but it was all he had. The support Kumo would receive from such a deal would prove invaluable. 'I've got a big piece to the puzzle, but now I have more doubts too. Perfect.'

The only options Doi had without including the Daimyo weren't very ideal. If he focused on the Sunagakure deal, the rise in crime wouldn't be dealt with properly. This would lead to more problems for Kumogakure shinobi as well was civilians.If he focused on the rise in crime and quelling unrest within the ranks, Kumo would no longer have Suna in their favor.

The latter of the two scenarios seemed like the a Raikage would be more likely to agree to. A Raikage would choose to handle the problems in their country first and worry about Suna at another time. At least, that's how Doi figured any village leader would think. He looked over at the student whose role for the assignment was that of Raikage and noticed that the boy was currently engaged in a conversation. He was speaking with the newcomer whose role was that of the imprisoned ANBU Senin. Doi figured he'd plan out what exactly he was going to tell the 'Raikage' once he was free talk.

[WC: 370]
[WC Total: 1,360/1,500]
[Post: 3/5]


Nov 4, 2017
I was surprised at the barrage of comments over my appearance. I originally said mine in only a light jab, but it seemed it pissed Ikko off more than I had figured. I questioned that conclusion, It could be just as likely that he may be an actual worthy verbal duelist. The childish nature of his insults was throwing me off a bit, though. It made me feel like I was actually arguing with the slow kid at recess.

"I didn't hear a rebuke to my claim, though, did I?" the edges of my lips almost betraying me as I reproached his berating with an instinctual comeback. I was able to hold myself back from smiling, but I was now interested in roleplaying like a couple of louts.

"She always did like a man with a small... Weapon." I nodded my head at Ikko's general person before continuing,

"But that is not why I'm here. I have declared you insane, so no take backs." I responded with a retard leap of logic that only someone like Ikko could accept.

"Raikage, do not listen to the madness this man speaks! He only wishes to finish what he started and reclaim his former spot along with perhaps yours!" I exclaimed in an impassioned yet monotone voice. I took the time to look at the remaining students before speaking in the same tone to the lot of them,

"Do not fall for his ploy for he only wishes to destabilize our central government. It would be foolish to think he won't replace every last one of us if given the chance. We have already stood up against him. He would never allow us a penance!".

I didn't even care at this point what we were actually trying to accomplish. I just wanted to pit the room against Ikko for no other reason than it was funny and I always wanted to play the irate magistrate type character. They generally either become the main antagonist or the realist who ends up living in the end. Either option sounded entertaining as I tried to derail this class.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
