Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Special delivery [requesting Yukio]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
I let out a deep sigh as I stood before the gates of Hell aka Yukio’s office. My invitation letter was hard to grip with my quivering hands. This was it... I am going to die. I took a moment to get my breathing under control, huffing and puffing out of control followed by my erratic pacing from left to right. Seriously, I was starting to look like a mad woman trapped in a padded cell. Finally I drew the strength to place my knuckle against the door but I didn’t knock. Damn it, why was this so hard. I removed my fist from the door without knocking and instead started to contemplate my life with my head hung low. Perhaps I just needed to put this unannounced meeting into perspective... best case scenario *image of Yukio’s foot cracking solid concrete*, and I don’t want to know the rest. Worst case scenario, *image of Yukio’s foot cracking solid concrete*, that seems vaguely familiar and yet still to scary to think about. Ok, I’ll just knock on the door, hand him the letter and just close my eyes and maybe he can’t see me. Yep, one day I’ll be famous for my good ideas. Shacking my head I’d raise my fist once more to knock. My fist shacking worse than before. It took every muscle in my body to knock on his door... probably why it sounded like someone was punching the doors and why it echoed throughout the halls. I’d stand there petrified with the letter in front my face as if I were hiding behind it.

[Topic Entered]
[requesting Anbu sennin]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Yukio sat at his desk still looking somewhat exhausted about the events of the last few months a genuinely tired look resting gently on his features as he looked up hearing the knock on the door as he rose from his chair slowly approaching the door sliding it open to look at the women behind it. "Ah good to see you again, apologies if i'm a bit slow i wasn't expecting anyone to be here today and i am still not completely myself as i was before so please come in and take a seat." he was still as stern as always though something about the way he was acting felt softer than before, to some degree the man actually showed some emotion as he retook his seat.

"You also know that letter isn't hiding much so i would just make your way in, there is no reason to be nervous i am sure you have some here for good reason as far as I've known you you have never done anything to hinder this branch and have seen to do what you can for it." It was clear something had happened to the man, he wasn't acting the same maybe trying something new or simply recovering from a stressful event either way he had little to no issues in hearing the women out in everything she had to say at that moment in time. Chinatsu hovered over the man's desk even it seemed to be somewhat sluggish resting down on it as the Hyuuga took his seat speaking for the man to some degree.

"Take your time, we are in no rush to say the least."

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
I felt my eyes growing wide as the doors slid open in what seemed to be slow motion. The man’s towering stature casted a very large and looming shadow over me. I stared silently, my eyes just peering over the letter as the man greeted me... with the words “good to see me again...” I don’t know if my heart jumped because he spoke, if it was already jumping or if it was because this was Officially... and I mean officially officially, the first time anyone has ever said that to me. It felt nice. Really nice... perhaps he had me mistaken for another Kami which in my current circumstance wouldn’t be so bad. I took a seat and stopped hiding as instructed and listened closely. I was still nervous as all hell... no reason to be nervous he says. Are you kidding me?

“No reason to be nervous, are you kidding me? You’re talking to the girl who will burst out in laughter in dead silence because of something that happened yesterday! Haha ah *nervous laughter* ya see? Did you know that nervous and excited are the same sensation? Negative vs positive. So so we should all stop saying we’re nervous, and start saying we are excited! And I’m rambling again because I’m excited and I’m loving the positive energy in this room right now and I think it would be great to keep this positive energy following don’t you? Here’s an idea! Let’s play a game called keep the positivity and let’s totally not flip any tables when we hear our favorite little Kunochi Kami may have violated a regulation or two in order to strengthen international village affairs and relations but got herself band from the village gates in the interest of public affairs. On a positive note the ends did justify the means... I mean, we now have a powerful ally on our side. And I mean powerful. And... and... I’ll stop talking now.”

At that moment I’d manage to shut myself up and slid the note over to Yukio. I’d slowly crumble in my seat and drop my head... I prefer not to see the blade coming towards my neck and all that but I did find myself peeking up gradually.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
He listened to the women somewhat spill everything in a rather large outburst however his expression only changed slightly returning to it's rather neutral state coming to the realization that this was not the average meeting the ANBU wished to have taking a deep breath before letting out a sigh leaning forward on the desk taking a short moment to process what she had said to him. "First of all calm yourself and remember where you are, As much as i like to get to know those within my branch there is a time and place to act so familiar." It was a moment he needed to put his foot down and get things back on track.

Looking down the the Hyuuga, Chinatsu grunted sharp breaths exiting between clenched teeth as the head moved towards the ANBU spinning round her back slowly speaking in a rather serious tone. "Violated regulation? Well I hope this ally is as powerful as you claim them to be though it seems there is something you must cover with us first." Nodding slowly the man leaning back into the chair the air around him felt cold as the serious atmosphere only built up as time passed. "First of all what regulations have you broken?, Second off who is this ally? where to they hail from and how much did you speak of to them? Depending on your answers will decide what actions i will need to take at this moment in time after all you are a member of my branch and thus is it my prerogative to decide the merit of your actions."

With that the two fell silent his unblinking gaze set firmly on Kami Chinatsu continuing to float silently in the air around her the wide grin on it's face more than likely how its features were stuck white eyes locked on the back of the ANBU operative.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
My eyes would follow the freaky looking thing in the room that began circling behind me. How uncomfortable. Once it was out of sight it unfortunately was not out of mind... just what in the hell is that thing? “Umm... sir, it’s actually more or less an unspoken rule than an actual law or by-law. I looked it up, after of course and you know what? There’s actually no written doctrine as to a code of conduct aside from our code names being top secret and espionage that threatens the Leaf village is punishable by death... which isn’t why I’m here of course! No.. umm sir, I may have removed my mask at the gates to gain the trust of said powerful ally. Her name is Murakami Tomomi sir and she’s from Tomoe Country. I’ve told her everything a tourist would need to know and nothing a terrorist could use. I am a member of our elite diplomats, Zeta Squad am I not?”

I’d blink slowly before continuing on, my voice no longer shaky nor my demeanor that of a nervous kid but instead I’d sit up right with eyes glaring a deep bloodshed ruby red. A far cry from the calm beach blue they were a moment before. With sternness I’d continue on, metaphorically removing the mask of Kami the dimwit. Surely Yukio knew the truth about me considering his position so there was no need for the song and dance.
”Not everyone will understand my methods but they are effective and hasn’t failed yet. Isn’t that the reason you enlisted me in the first place sir? My out of the box thinking and unconventional methods amongst other reasons? I ask that you take this in consideration when... deciding what actions to take.”

The air felt cold and stale at that moment and would remain so to accompany the silence that followed my words. With that I digressed, continuing as I did before. My eyes returning to a soft cheery blue. My demeanor, that of a school girl unsure of herself on her first day of school that just let out. “Phew! I’m so glad I got that off of my chest. The anxiety was killing me sir which can’t be good for the heart... sigh. Well, you’ll be please to know that I have learned my lesson. No more caffeine before a meeting.”

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
The man would listen to what the women had to say and throughout the whole thing he didn't give anything away, simply staring at her unblinking even when the air around her change he didn't seem to flinch until she finished and only then did things start to feel different. It was subtle at first, only a feint hint as the Sennin's companion returned to his side a change in the rooms atmosphere as he sighed standing out of his chair as a dark aura hovered in the air around him. "Well if we are being so honest it is only right that i return the favor."

The Uchiha began to pace slowly around the women's chair not caring much for what persona she decided to carry only caring about what had been said to him. "A member of the diplomats maybe, and though it was a branch the previous Sennin created i never was one to understand it. A secret organisation that acts as the faces of leaf with other nations, strange wouldn't you agree, however what is done is done and nothing we say or do can change that your identity is known to this outsider and you have yet to speak of the merits of this thus far. What outcome has this yielded and what do you expect to come of it."

It was Yukio's turn to stand behind the ANBU as he awaited an answer, the looming sensation that dwindled in the air was familiar to most that went to visit him regarding matters such as this one. "Safe to say it puts us in a bind should this go south and it be revealed to those outside the village who you are. Though that is not the only thing on my mind as where as some would come here of their own accord to admit all this you carry a letter, something i have yet to inquire about to this point so please tell me. Who sent you here?"

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The freaky looking head had returned from behind me and now Yukio started to circle back. What was happening right now? Where we playing musical chairs? Duck duck goose? Whatever was happening, I now was being forced to stare at the weird floating head... that or this was the ugliest dog I’ve ever seen. Resisting the urge to swat it away, I’d cringe in my chair as if I was face to face... with a face that wasn’t attached to a human body. Yukio began to speak from behind me while I nervously smiled at whatever this was in front of me.

“Um sir, Asuka-sama sent me to deliver this letter to you. I’m not sure as to it’s contents but I’m sure it has something to do with, well everything I’ve said thus far. And as far as Tomomi goes, we are becoming close. I simply hope to form a strong relationship between her country and ours. I mean, could we really afford another enemy? With the Snow country situation and the... I’m sorry, can we stop acting as though there isn’t a floating body less head floating around your office... with respect, sir, your sir-ness.”

[ooc: hey I’m ocring into a past character for this transition but want to continue this. If it’s ok with you, I’ll continue as Kami being an npc.]
[Retiring Kami]
[Requesting Kami to be NPC]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
