Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Tea for Two [Closed]


Apr 11, 2018
The sun stood high, throwing its sunrays over the city of Kurosawa. The stones that made up the buildings seemed to shine with new life and the people felt reinvigorated as the sunrays shared their warmth with the ever moving crowd. Misaki had just recently enrolled as an academy student, and she was already seeing places that she had only been able to dream about. Kurosawa looked so different from the underground where she grew up, it felt like a dream. The houses of sand and plaster had been changed by real bricks and natural stone, and they were huge in comparison to what she was used to see in Sunagakure where most constructions were halted by the size of the underground's hollowed out areas. Reflected in those amber eyes of hers, Misaki found them marvelous. The architecture made her curious, the cool colours of the stones felt like the refreshing touch of an oasis.

Following her wiles to wherever her feet would bring her, free to roam around in the vicinity for a while, Misaki carefully set her foot on the cobblestones that made the roads of this city. She wasn't used to this sort of paving as her feet were familiar with the soft, ever-shifting sands instead, and found it a little hard in the beginning to find her proper balance. Since she was wearing a traditional kimono, she took slow steps, not wishing to dirty the red outfit decorated with white cranes. Her white hair was draped loosely over it on the back, but covered in turn by the red matching parasol in her hand that threw a shadow big enough to shelter her against the sharp sun. Unlike what she was used to in Sunagakure, the sun here was not as intense, even acceptable to suffer, but she still didn't want to take chances in a foreign country of which she knew barely nothing.

Eventually, Misaki found a terrace pertaining to a tea room and took place around an elegant white table, surrounded by four empty chairs. As she positioned herself to maintain a view on the general activity in the streets, she quietly wished she had an ounce of artistic talents within her fingers. Being able to sketch out what she saw now, capturing the moment forever to look back at it once she was home would probably one of the best souvenirs she could think of at this very moment. As she waited for a waiter to take her order, the young kitsune drifted away in her dreams for a bit.​


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Tea for Two [Open]


Umashi like tea, in fact, he loved tea, so much so that he'd invest quite a bit of stock into it and one of the best things about being in the Tea Country, was the fact that there was a plethora of Tea Shops here and there. On a day like today he was busy shopping and the like, going from one stand to the next, one eccentric locale to the most basic of stalls, generally getting his feel for the land. Unlike he normally would have traveled, today he called the guards off although they were never far behind. For him, today was a day to enjoy the city and to just become one with the people. Unfortunately for him, his dry cleaning hadn't exactly been on time and instead of simple unassuming clothes, he was forced to wear the official Hokage robes and hat. It drew attention but not more so than thought.

With the tournament going on, many shinobi and Daimyo from varying shinobi states were walking among the local people. It was while shopping and having things set up for deliver to his home that he realized how thirsty he was. Much like was always the case, when one wanted a light snack, there seemed to be no suitable place around. Instead of fretting though, Umashi remained calm and quickly began to ask around for which place was the best place for a something that would quench his thirst. The street that he was eventually directed to seem to be just what he was looking for and without caring for as the opportunity to people watch was matched by the many wonderful scents of tea that he picked up out of the air. Taking a deep breath, he welcomed it all in as he set about finding just the right place to rest.

Finding one especially quaint spot, Umashi looked around as he found only one particular table with three empty seats but already sporting one young customer clearly waiting on her friends. A frown momentarily crossing his face, Umashi had a natural aversion to bothering people unnecessarily but with little choice he put a hand on the opposite chair to the girl and in a matter of fact way asked if she was expecting anyone.
"Excuse me, but was this seat taken? I'd really like to enjoy a spot of tea and unfortunately it seems that the city is rather crowded today." It was a simple introduction, if a bit to the point. Umashi's voice was deep but kind and to sell his case even further, he gave a kind smile. If he'd be allowed to, he'd take a seat but if not then he'd probably end up standing and enjoying his tea before continuing on his way.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

Maru smirked to himself as he walked along the streets of Kurosawa, when some people got a look of the sinister look on his face they would either hurry along their path or let him pass through. However, since the crimes he committed within this city which involved attempted murder, assault, looting, arson, terrorizing the locals, and even a kidnapping in which the girl was returned safely, he had been keeping a low profile. Lucky he was able to change appearances, they were looking for a 16 year old wearing blue, with glasses on, and has wild looking hair. The body that he ‘wore’ now was of a young man with a short stature, a thin build, and very pale skin. He has purple eyes and moderately long, wavy blackish purple hair that was messy and unkempt from him constantly playing with it. Although Maru did indeed look like a shady character from how the shadows hung over his face and that sinister smile he wasn't suspected for those crimes as long as he wore a different face.

So he originally came out to see if he could meet new people from other villages, since the fight he wanted to see was over he won a lot of money thanks to his demon friend. He also met an interesting woman who he wanted to snatch up, and he even saw the kazekage talking about Akkuma. Needless to say, the event was interesting but now that it was over why not mingle with other villagers. Looking around, Maru saw a young girl sitting by her lonesome on a terrace pertaining to a tea room. Maru took in note her features.

White hair
Cute ears
Very slim looking
Very very young!

He rubbed the palms of his hands and crept off to pretend as though he was just moving along, but he was actually creeping into the entrance of the tea place. He took a lot of twist and turns but the puppet master had actually managed to find an entrance to the terrace that sat behind the girl conveniently. He moved smoothly, acting as if he was looking for a table but in all actuality he was trying to get close enough to the girl as possible. Once he stood behind her, he leaned over… reached his ball jointed hands out… then!... He touches the ears on the girls head, tugging at them pretty roughly. “WHOA THESE ARE REAL?!” Maru exclaimed. A creepy smile came to his face. “How looooooooovvley….Heheh” he looked seeing a man sitting across from her, still tugging on the girls ears.

"Howdy old man, Names Maru. Maru of Darkness is what I like to call myself." the young puppet master chuckled still holding a sinister aura about him.



Apr 11, 2018
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

Her mind lingering on the idyllic view she had seen outside the city while they were underway towards Kurosawa, Misaki had quickly lost sight of the crowd that passed by, pushing its movement and noise to the background of her mind to such a point she hadn't seen the man in robes get closer. A man such as him, wearing the Hokage's official clothes, should have been seen from far away as the position and reputation it brought with it never remained unanswered by the crowd. But Misaki only laid eyes on the man with the hat the moment he asked her politely for a seat. Caught off-guard, she took a quick peek left and right, as if to ascertain herself that, indeed, it was too crowded for him to find another place, and then took note of the red and white hat with the giant symbol for 'Fire'. Blinking a brief moment as she came to realise what this meant, she slightly narrowed her eyes and took a look at the ceremonial robes he wore under that hat. The Hokage robes. Eyes suddenly widening in realisation, she folded her parasol and double-checked if her kimono was still in place.

"Ah, uhm, I'm not expecting any one. So, please, have a seat."

As the man would take his seat, Misaki couldn't help but take another look at the hat he wore and the emblem that revealed his affiliation as proudly as an Aikayume would with their own tail. She was of a mind to ask him if he was really the Hokage, but suddenly felt a pair of hands tugging at her vulpine ears in a hard way. Under his overly enthusiastic expression, followed by a most sinister reaction, she winced at the pain that shot through her head, and with a scowl on her face she beat away his hands before turning to face him.

"Ow! Could you not pull my ears, please?", she huffed at first moment, her eyes shooting daggers for his rude and rough behaviour. When she saw his creepy smile and became aware of the sinister aura he expressed, she suddenly didn't feel too sure about herself and her offended face faltered. As her ears and tail lowered somewhat in insecurity, she spoke once again. "Yes, they are real. Fox ears are a common sight within the Aikayume clan, but pulling them so harshly hurts as much as having someone pull your own ears so please do not do so again."

As if to back her claim, she turned her head to look at the Hokage in quiet request for support. She couldn't say if Maru knew the Hokage, but surely he too was aware whom he was addressing, right? To hear him call 'old man' was once again quite rude, but perhaps all he would need was for the Hokage to tell him that as the young man looked eerie enough to discomfort her thoroughly.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Re: Tea for Two [Open]


Ziren was walking around Tea. Mostly looking to make sure that everything was good here. That no poison cloud of love was affecting people here as it did a month or so back.

He then seen a man, who wore the Hokage cloaks. A face he very much recognized, mainly since he has been to the Hokage Rock so many times. Then there was this boy, who he didn't recognize, pulling at a little girls ears, who, in which case, had fox ears. He was about to step in when he heard the name, Maru. Well, he stepped in anyway.

Today he decided to wear glasses, with yellow eyes contacts, to of course, keep his actual eyes hidden from society. He wore some nice clothes for a change, a shirt with a tie, almost looking professional if he says so himself. Heck, with how much he has matured, with that of a never ending threat from his brother wanting him dead, it sure made him grow up fast these past few months.

He looked at the person calling themselves Maru. He sighed. This was strange, he was sensing some type of blood. But it was his brother's. Dried blood. To even prove that it was Maru, there was no other blood that he could hear from the puppet except for that if the dried blood.

Ziren sighed. "Maru, how about you stop acting immature for once. I have heard of your demise of being demoted. Don't make this any worse." Ziren looked around the man wearing the Hokage robes, he nodded in his direction, at the very least, giving indication that he respects the man.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

Sitting down, Umashi thanked the girl as he waited for one of the waiting staff to take his order. "Thank you so much, I really appreciated it. Whew, it's quite the day today, all the wonderful little shops that they have here are just too good to pass up!" He gave a chuckle as he took his hat off and sat it next to him on the table. Looking around his alive eyes, he once again took a brief moment to appreciate the beauty that was the city that he was visiting. Fortunately for him he hadn't been tested by any pickpockets but so far as he saw it, this city just simply didn't have any riff raff running around looking to start trouble. It was a welcome site and indeed most unusual considering the size of the city that they were in and the general commercial aspect of it. No doubt there was some sort of underworld where the general scum of the earth waited for the weak and innocent to wander by but Umashi would do his best to avoid such seedy places at night.

In a sheer bout of irony, Umashi was interrupted by the eerie presence of a creeper in his midst. In-tune with the natural alignments of the earth, his cool, calming and refreshing aura was suddenly bombarded by something dark. Though his head was turned elsewhere, he instinctively turned his head at just the right moment to see a rather normal if but odd in a way looking boy approach the young lady across from him. One to mind his business, Umashi didn't fret over it overly much and instead turned his head to continue people watching when he heard the clearly not intended exchange occur. Though he longed to rush headlong into battle at the first cry of distaste from the girl he again minded his business as he listened and grew more creeped out by the moment. It was clear that the girl didn't know the guy and that was the second strike after the first of clearly touching a young lady without permission. Not recognizing the voice, Umashi blinked and prayed that the young man would continue moving along after fumbling with the woman but he didn't. Referring to Umashi as an "old man", Umashi wasn't overly annoyed because despite his appearing to only be a man half his age and in his prime, Umashi was most certainly old enough to have grand and quite possibly great grand children. It was however when he referred to himself as "of the Darkness" that Umashi turned his head around and stared at the kid.

Sizing him up, he did a quick approximation of his possible skill set and assumed that even if he was a low grade threat, that the girls clear lack of enthusiasm along with the tell tale signs of her ears and general demeanor pretty much confirmed what he was clearly a big enough problem for her that she didn't want him around. Sighing, Umashi shook his head and gave an audible low whistle. Being a visiting dignitary, he didn't want to cause a commotion but sometimes one simply couldn't wait for the garbage man to come around in order to take out the garbage.
"You'll have to forgive me Lady Aikayume, but I've decided that I cannot enjoy my tea without first shooing this vermin away." Moving to secure his hat, Umashi pushed it towards the girl. "Please take care of this for me while I handle this small matter." Smiling, he nodded and then disappeared from her view before reappearing behind Maru and attempting to put a hand on his shoulder. It seemed that this was just at the same moment as another person tried to calm the boy. "Excuse me sir, I need a moment with Maru . . ."

OOC: I've no recollection of seeing Maru before so I've no idea that he's a Leaf-nin.
OOC #2: Giving Misaki the Hokage hat to explain the Plot Armor she is allowed (kek?)
OOC #3: Calling a Bmod (unfortunately)

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

Welcome to your Modded Fight!

I will be your moderator for this fight! Send, in a PM, your actions and all your battle information: Stats, class, abilities, jutsu, items, weapons, etc.

When sending this information, I would prefer to have hyperlinked stuff or regular links. This greatly decreases the time it takes for a moderator to mod as it cuts down on searching.

If you feel that I may miss something, please feel free to add in a list of passives or effects that you wish to be given special attention, or just a list of all of your passives works as well, whichever.

Lets have a nice fun fight on this one, remember both of you will be under a 48 Hour time limit since the B-Mod goes up. Right now lets get ready to rumble!​

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Re: Tea for Two [Open]


Maru chuckled, pulling the girls ears even though he clearly wanted him to stop. “Haven't seen something like this before, common surely you would've done the same thing Ziren! “ he said, a ugly giggle passing through his lips. Maru stopped pulling the girls ears,however still holding them in his fingertips he watched as the man said he would take care of this matter, and the smile on Maru's face widened at the man. It looked like he was about to deal with him, he would possibility enjoy this little bought and also see what this guy was made of. After the man disappeared, he waited for the moment the man would attack so he could see how tough this man was.

A hand on his shoulder… he twisted his head all the way around to get a glimpse of the man, a creepy gesture but he did show no interest in harming nor bothering the girl. “Now it is a party.” Maru began to weave hand signs then disappeared himself before reappearing behind the man only to begin weaving hand signs for another Justu, a justu he saw Maki use at one time but of course his goal wasn't to win, Maru wasn't strong enough for that. But he was looking to do a lot of damage by doing his sweet strategy of attack, attack, attack. Let's see what happens!

[actions sent!]


Apr 11, 2018
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

A new place, new people and this... It all was a little too much for the young kitsune, trying to cope with an eerie person such as this 'Maru of the Darkness', and see the whole deal escalate in a battle conflict. One part was glad that a couple of the people stood up and intended to preserve the peace, but with this sort of crowd Misaki was quite uncertain if starting a battle amid tables and chairs, between people and drinks, was that great an idea.

Still, the girl was handed over the Hokage hat in blind trust, having already decided to step away from the troubles as good as she was possibly able. Clenching the hat against her chest, she stood up and carefully backed away from Maru and the Hokage who then stood behind him, resting his hand on the creepy kid's shoulder. What then followed was even more unsettling, seeing as how the kid simply turned his head without effort, like an owl could, looking straight at the Hokage. At that point, the kitsune's ears were plain flat, tail wrapped around her leg, and her brows frowned in distress of the whole picture. Then, when hand seals were being formed, she scurried away to hide as that would be the beginning of the end.

OOC: Actions were PM'd with stats prior to the post.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

Ziren listened to the blood flow of Umashi. And just by judging from that, he was ready for a fight. He sighed, well, it can't be helped. Maybe this would teach Maru some humiliation. Then again, he is a bit hard headed.

"Don't worry." He said to the girl. "We got it from here."

Ziren noticed what the Hokage had said, he wanted to do this alone. But he also felt like he needed to do this. Considering how Maru tried to group Ziren with him. What little respect he had for the puppet was gone now. He studied the situation. Either way, he was going to have to fight.

"And Now you just made it worse. Why can't you go one day without trying to cause a scene Maru? And no, I would not have done the same thing." He clenched his fists, knowing better than to run straight into battle. He instead, got in front of the girl, acting as a body guard, that is, until she ran away.

He turned to Umashi. "Hope you don't mind if I help you out. Maru can really be hard headed."

(Actions sent)

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

Hp = 45,000 - 2888 - 1103 - 1531 - 3872 = 35606
Cp = 36,600
Natural Energy = 16,740 + 9150 - 3,800 - 4800 = 17,290
Status: Sage Mode, Soul Regalia, Bleeding rank 3, Bound
Ap: 10 -

Kin Joka
Hp = 26,550 - 986 = 25564
Cp = 22,050 - 2400 = 19650
Ap: 5 - 3 = 6ap Next Round

Hp = 20100
Cp = 14100 - 650 - 110 - 625 = 12715
Ap: 6 - 5 = 7ap Next round

Hp = 195
Cp = 0
Ap: 1

Ziren Clone 1:
Hp: 2397
Ap: 1.5ap Next Round

Ziren Clone 2:
Hp: 2397
Ap: 1.5ap Next Round

Ziren Clone 3:
Hp: 2397
Ap: 1.5ap Next Round


Hp = 40800 - 606 = 40194
Cp = 27825 - 3030 - 420 - 625 - 3030 = 20720
Ap: 10 - 10 = 10ap Next round

Round 1:

Ziren bows to Umashi and gives Maru the "Why" Look = 0 Seconds

Umashi Enters Stealth = 0 Seconds [Maru is unaware]

Umashi Enters Sage Mode = 0 Seconds

Maru equips Oblivion = 0 Seconds

Maru Declares a Dual with Umashi = 0 Seconds

Maru uses Stardust Nova against Umashi = 3 Seconds [Maru is aware] [Crit, Miss, Miss, Hit, Miss, Partial Hit 25%, Miss, Hit, Miss, Miss, Hit] [Umashi Rank 1 Bleeding]

Ziren uses Destiny Bond on Mikasi = 3.33 Seconds

Umashi uses Gaias Vengence = 4.5 Seconds

Maru uses Needle Shower against Umashi = 4.75 Seconds [Hit, Hit, Partial hit 50%, Partial hit 75%, Hit, Hit, Crit, Miss, Hit, Crit, Hit, Hit]

Ziren Transformes into Umashi = 4.99 Seconds [Maru aware]

Maru uses Kill Driver against Umashi = 7 Seconds [Hits, Hits, Hits, Miss, Hit, Partial hit 75%, HIts, Hits, Hits, Hits] [Umashi Bleeding Rank 2]

Umashi summons Kin Joka = 8 Seconds

Kin Joka uses Soul Regalia = 8 Seconds

Ziren uses Elemental Clones = 8.32 Seconds [Ziren in stealth]

Maru uses Gate of Emna against Umashi = 10 Seconds [Maru is aware] [Hits, Umashi is bound] [Umashi Rank 3 Bleeding]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

Umashi was always one to play the long game and one day soon it was probably going to get the best of him. Fused with Joka, the coy voice of the sometimes annoying contract echoed over his own thoughts. "You know . . . messing around prepping is going to get you killed one day. I really hope that you don't try this same stunt when you fight Takeshi because you'll lose if you do!" Listening to the contract speak on the proposed duel that he and Takeshi were supposed to have, Umashi quickly changed the subject as he stood frozen for the moment. "Can we focus on the task at hand? This kid just tried to actually kill me, and he certainly isn't caring about our current whereabouts. We gotta end him and end him quick. Besides . . . I'm a medic, I heal and prep. I'm not cut out for this front line mess!" Laughing, Joka allowed Umashi to continue to fret before finally getting serious.

"Fine . . . all work, no play, Umashi! King of the support unit Medics! Alas, the kid is only focusing on you, which means that he's probably by his stance, is only going to continue targeting you which basically means that he'll fall for the ol' switcheroo. Heck, he's also not shy about spending chakra so . . . in my professional opinion, it's probably best to let him work himself into a frenzy. You're bleeding and he used puppet jutsu so he's going to probably try and bleed you dry. Do that medical thing that you do and then watch him burn out. This should be easy, you got this!" Mentally scoffing, Umashi realized that even with Joka's less than stellar attitude that he probably did have a good assessment of things, and with the game plan set, he waited for just the right moment to spring into action. Thankfully the other guy that knew the troublemaker had managed to make some clones that looked like him and the young lady was still hiding behind his enchanted hat. So far , so good.

OOC: Actions sent.


Apr 11, 2018
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

With the battle going on, people scattered to the four winds either in terror or to leave room to the fighting shinobi. Misaki had positioned herself somewhere behind a pillar, peeking only once in a while from behind it to see how the battle was going. Hokage hat still in her arms, the speed with which these shinobi fought was unlike anything she had seen so far. Still an Academy Student, her eyes could barely follow up, having to register the situation time and time again just to be able to understand what exactly happened. What had begun with three shinobi now had a bunch of Hokage's all over the place. Clones, she assumed, but that didn't explain why the other nice guy was nowhere to be found. Was he hidden and looking to strike unexpectedly? She could only guess.

Somewhere deep within, she wanted to help out, but knowing no techniques, having barely had any training and her bloodline still dormant, she was certain she would be nothing more but a burden. The weakest link in the situation, even though she had to admit the creepy person called Maru had yet to actually attack her. He had pulled her ears, which she disliked, but she didn't really want the whole discomforting situation to escalate to such an extend. In her eyes, there was no need to start a fight with potential collateral damage. She had been the only annoyed person a little while ago, but now the whole place was in an uproar as civilians didn't feel like lingering around such a hostile occurence. Lowering her eyes, Misaki wondered if all of this was truly worth just for a pair of ears, but in the back of her mind she already knew the answer.

Of course it was!

The Aikayume kitsune were a proud folk. They had been hunted for their ears and tails before, so to have a couple of Leaf shinobi fight to preserve her delicate ears was nothing more but a proper consequence of action. She was not to be hunted or mistreated. Even at her age, though still young, no one was to touch the Aikayume's ears, tail or main branch's blood without explecit consent of the kitsune in question. Such consent was a real honour considering the pride they put in their tails and ears, the time they spent grooming it. Not to forget, Misaki, as the daughter of the current Priestess, was a member of the main branch. Even her very blood was sacred for it was said to hold healing properties. Granted, the young kitsune didn't consider herself a goddess or anything of that sort. She was not suffering from a god-complex, nor was she actually arrogant in nature, but vain...? Yes, that certainly was the case. She could not undo the unwanted touch of Maru of the Darkness, but she could quietly root for the Leaf shinobi trying to make him feel sorry for it.​

OOC: Action sent.
OOC: Sorry, Maru, one post too early x.x

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

With the hand signs woven, Maru rained balls of energy are launched upon the hokage, shooting the man down with comet like balls of fire. Some hit, some missed and hit some of the neighboring buildings which caused panic on the streets below! Scattering like little cockroaches at the sight of explosions and debris slinging everywhere. Maru summoned to his hand his Oblivion keyblade, gripping the handle the dark puppet master gunned for the man as the dust from his last assault had been still covering him! He pressed a small trigger on his blade then when he saw the figure of the man preparing something he fired Senbon needles in one swiped which turned the man into a human pin cushion but Maru didn't stop there!

Maru began to go on a ramage, hacking and slashing. Ripping at flesh, tearing at the pretty clothing, and making the man bleed while he continued to shred at him. “Uh-oh!” He said, with a cheeky smile on his face he skipped backwards. And finally he summoned some… he didn't know what the hell it was. But whatever he had he fused with it which gave Maru enough time to slash a dark rift into hell. “Neeee-Hehe eat this! Gate Of Enma!” With his hand on his hips, hands from the underworld stretched out to Umashi while he had a deep conversation with himself from what it looks like. The demonic hands grabbing ahold of the man, channeling demonic energy to rip at the man, both in body and soul.

“Neee-hehe! You're getting sloppy old man!” The boy taunted, putting his hand on his right hip.“Those arms come straight from hell, there's no way you'll break out of that. A little payback for starting a fight with the shinobi of darkness. Oh, Keep the change while you're at it.” With that, Maru gave a glance around to see that Ziren had hidden himself in midst his clones. He chuckled, holding his blade in an arrogant fashion at the little army that the boy made. "Well, looks like you you're gonna be annoying but you aren't really that much of a problem so I'll ignore you for now.” He turned his attention to Umashi, who seemed to be planning something but he couldn't hear from where he stood. “My friend over here is the real challenge, the next one is for you cutie!” He looked over to the fox girl before blowing her a quick kiss. Clearly he wasn't interested in hurting a little girl, dark as he maybe there was a limit to how much evil he had. Hurting a cute kitsune was out of the picture but hurting the hokage! Now that would be fun! He didn't care how much chakra he was going the lose nor did he expect to actually win. He just wanted to tear the man to bloody pieces! Maru went in for another assault with his demonic aura flairing up….. Giggling the entire way there with a blood thirsty smile on his face….

[Actions sent]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

Ziren just finished his hand seals when he looked like Umashi. And from looking at the fight, Maru was going at the Hokage with all that he has. Ziren grimaced as he made more hand seals, making clones of his transformed self. Making three more fake Umashi's show up.

"Sorry Lord Hokage for taking upon your style, hoped to divert his attention somewhat. Just know, he is a human puppet. " said one fake Umashi.

The one that was nearest to the kitsune slightly turned his head, still focusing on Maru. "There's no need to be afraid. Maru is just a puppet who is just a bully somewhat."

Another fake Umashi looked at Maru. "You call me annoying but you haven't looked in the mirror. Turning a blind eye to an opponent just because you don't see them as a threat is a big mistake on your part."

After Maru binded Umashi, Ziren sighed. Looks like Maru really is this dumb to go out in an almost blood lust state, against the Hokage.

"When this is all done, I will personally see to it that you are punished in front of the whole Leaf. Your actions have been immature, and that's even putting it lightly."

(Actions sent)

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

Hp = 35606 + 1350 + 1125 [Healing for last round] - 110 - 3300 - 1225 - 4400 - 1170 + 5800 - 1350 + 578 + 1125 = 34029
Cp = 36,600 - 2196 - 578 = 33817
Natural Energy = 17,290 - 2750 - 1188 + 2200 - 324 - 910 = 14,318
Status: Sage Mode, Bleeding rank 3
Ap: 11 - 8.5 = 11ap next round

Kin Joka
Hp = 25564
Cp = 19650 - 1320 - 1760 = 16570
Ap 6ap - 5.5 = 5.5ap Next Round

Hp = 21600 - 4400 = 17200
Cp = 12715 - 70 - 1000 - 300 = 11345
Ap: 7ap Next round

Hp = 195
Cp = 0
Ap: 1

Ziren Clone 1:
Hp: 2397 - 4400 = Poof
Ap: 1.5ap Next Round

Ziren Clone 2:
Hp: 2397
Cp:2397 - 300 = 2097
Ap: 1.5ap - 1.5 - 1.5ap Next Round

Ziren Clone 3:
Hp: 2397
Cp:2397 - 300 = 2097
Ap: 1.5ap - 1.5 - 1.5ap Next Round


Hp = 40194 - 5568 - 2835 - 385 = 31406
Cp = 20720 - 3030 - 688 - 462 - 3025 = 13515
Status: Arms Sprained, Neck Sprained
Ap: 10ap - 10 = 10ap Next round

Round 2:

Ziren equips Blood Gauntlets with quickdraw = 0 Seconds

Ziren uses basic strike against Umashi [Hits] = 0 Seconds

- Umashi is free from the bind

Umashi enters Earth Style: After Quake = 0 Seconds

Kin Joka drops out of Soul Regalia = 0 Seconds

Ziren does a hidden action against Maru = 1.42 Seconds [Miss]

Umashi uses perfected Rasengan against Maru = 2.72 Seconds [Hits, Partial hit 25%, Hits]

Umashi combo's into Water Shark Bomb against Maru = 2.72 Seconds [Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit] [Maru Arms Sprained]

Maru uses Stardust Nova against Umashi = 3 Seconds
- Umashi attempts to use Naturalization against it [Failed]

Umashi uses Sinkhole fist against Maru = 3.17 Seconds [Hits, Maru's neck Sprained]

Ziren uses Rasengan against Maru = 4.99 Seconds [Miss]

Kin Joka uses Medical Ward on Umashi = 5 Seconds

Maru uses Kill Driver against Umashi = 5,25 Seconds [Miss, Hit, Hit, Miss, Hits, Hits, Hits, Hits, Miss ,Hits] [Umashi Bleeding Rank 4]

Ziren uses Water Whip against Maru = 6.41 Seconds [Miss]

Maru uses Perfected Rasengan against Umashi, Ziren and Clone 1 = 8.25 Seconds [Hits Umashi, Hits Ziren, Hits Clone 1]

Clone 2 uses Water Whip against Maru = 10 Seconds [Miss]

Clone 3 uses Water Whip against Maru = 10 Seconds [Miss]

Maru uses Needle shower against Umashi = 10 Seconds [Miss, Hit, Hit, Crit, Hit, Crit, Hit, Miss, Hit, Hit, Hits, Crit] [Umashi Bleeding Rank 5]

Kin Joka uses Angelic blessing on Umashi = 10 Seconds [Bleeding Reduced to rank 3]

Umashi uses quick healer = 10 Seconds


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

More puppet jutsu and more wasted chakra, Umashi wasn't exactly a mind reader but he certainly knew a quickly extinguishing flame when he saw one. Separating from Umashi, Joka appeared as a similar looking individual to Umashi but was clearly not him by the way that he wore a fancy gold version of Umashi's outfit. Quickly moving to lay hands on Umashi, the contract began to heal the Nidaime Hokage has the medic in turn brought the heat to Maru. Aiming to break Maru, Umashi was slowly but surely starting to think that perhaps he wasn't human.

There was something about his actions, they were too calculated, too unnatural, but without having any further information to go off on, Umashi continued his own calculated but much more finessed assault. Thankful for the help that he'd had in breaking free from the bind that he was in, Umashi yelled out to his newfound friend.
"Hey, I really appreciate what you did back there, thanks a lot! Let's hurry up and sit this guy down though, because he's making a mess of the place." Weaving through hand signs, Umashi allowed the earth to dictate his motions as with every action, he managed to cause little saplings and shards of grass to grow in its wake. Completely in tune with the Mokuton element, one of the great things that it afforded him was the ability to not ruin a tea party originally meant for only two . . .

OOC: Actions sent.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

Maru charged in with a leering grin on his face, the man broke the binds from hell but it didn't matter. At least so Maru thought because when he got close to strike, the dark puppet master was perfect Rasenganed straight in the face which sent the wooden demon flying backwards! He didn't have time to even recover before he sent a water shark bomb at him, in which Maru ended up using his arms to block the incoming assault causing his hands arms to chip. 'Seems like the old man can move after all.’ He thought to himself before he crashed inside of the tea place and hit a wall. He snapped to his feet, running at Umashi again weaving hand signs to create another rift from above the man to rain down more comets from the sky which caused more destruction and more chaos! It was a miracle that this building was still standing.

Maru didn't see the mans fist coming for his neck causing his neck to chip, as Maru stubbled Ziren came to him with a Rasengan but he was too slow and Maru ended up hopping up then landing on Ziren's head to thrust himself towards Umashi. Blade ready, he began to go on a blind assault to rip and tear at his flesh. "NEEEE HEE HEE!” Maru spat, then backed away when seeing Ziren's whip attempting to lash at him which missed. Skipping a couple steps back he spun his blade to create a sphere of chakra. ‘Bigger!’ The sphere got bigger, almost the size of a normal sized ball. ‘BIGGER’ Now the sphere was as big as a giant boulder! 'Perfect' Maru thought as he ran toward Umashi, Ziren, and his clone. The earth below the huge sphere crumbled and Maru hopped up then yelled. "RASENGAN!" Before sending it crashing down on their heads! Then finished off with firing needles at the man as he came down.

All these high level justu were eating at his chakra, but he didn't care. However, Maru noticed that the thing the man had called on was healing the man! That was going to be a problem. “Well, looks like you're going to be more of a problem I thought.” Maru said, a sly smirk on his face. “But I guess that'll mean I'll get to play with you longer… however. “ Maru gave a look towards Ziren and his clones, cursed chakra coated his body crimsons red with glowing red hellish eyes. He could feel the inner demon within him coming out, telling him to tear this boy to bloody pieces. “So you actually think you stand a chance against me? You know how fearsome my darkness can be, and the abilities of my puppets aren't nothing to scoff at neither. And as of now… I'm going to tear you apart." He said,swinging his blade. “It's going to be messy and if you think I'm not going to try to end your life think again! You're just a insect! And insects live very short lives always.” The Maru that had once looked at the boy as a ally was gone, in a split moment he forgot that he was an ally, he forgot the promise his made to his brother, hell he even forgot about the girl for a moment. All that was left was his furious bloodthirsty personality that worsened with the more darkness he took into his heart.


The atmosphere suddenly gotten heavier, Maru's Aura growing sinister. "HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA….” Suddenly darkness! Literal darkness!The inky blackness bled down from Maru's eyes and mouth, this was not blood but a symbiotic blackness that cloaked Maru making him pitch black…. Before their eyes, they all watched the wooden demon puppet turn into a jet black nightmarish creature! Ebony horns that were once smaller grew to a larger extent, his teeth as sharp as knives, he opened up all of his hideous eyes crimson eyes and six mouths appeared in various parts of his body. “I'll make sure I send you back to konoha in pieces, for your sake I hope the one who I am really fighting takes me down. If not….” He dashed at Ziren at bullet speed! ”I’ll have you in my collection!.”

[Actions Sent]


Apr 11, 2018
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

Though relative safe at the distance she was from the ongoing battle, the persistent presence of the dreaded puppet didn't make her feel any more comfortable. As if the previous abilities had not been powerful enough, Rasengan and other things were thrown into the fight now. The Hokage seemed to split in two beings wearing a slightly different cloak, while another Hokage poofed in a puff of smoke as the rasengan hit him and a couple of others. It was rather confusing to distinguish all these Hokage's, but she assumed the real one was still out there doing whatever Hokage's did. Of course, there was the other young man that was still around, but even now Misaki couldn't see him as he, too, was probably just one of the many Hokage's out there.

By now, most of the people had run away in terror. The place looked deserted aside from a couple of daredevils, chairs and tables were blown away by the expressions of chakra and the tea palace where Misaki had intended to have a cup of tea before was now coming down as the puppet crashed into it. With a yelp, Misaki moved to yet another place as wall, stone and roof was making a dangerously creaking noise before the whole place came down. Hokage hat still in her arms, she hid behind the fountain in the middle of the plaza instead, granting herself, unfortunately, a clear view on the puppet going demon. As if the sight alone was not sufficient to make her eyes open wide in terror, the sickening aura of demonic corruption was enough to have her stomach reel in discomfort. Being used to the Aikayume's balanced spiritual energies, the heavy amount of darkness that poured out was simply too much of a downpour. Sitting down, half tucked into a ball, the kitsune tried to regain her composure as this moment felt like she'd need all of her strength just not to feint.

OOC: action sent

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Re: Tea for Two [Open]

Ziren growled. He really thought that Maru had changed for the better. Or at least to be somewhat good. And now. Here he is, facing off against someone Ziren would have called a friend some day.

What pissed him off even more was the fact that none of his attacks seemed to hit Maru. Maybe it was for the fact that Maru doesn't have any blood. Ziren thought to himself. Maybe he has become too dependent on listening to blood to have when fighting. It reminded him when he first met Maru, when he turned himself into a puppet. Back then... Ziren was not himself. Back then, he had an equally evil being.

For just a brief moment, broken, shattered memories of what he once was came back. Even as a fake Umashi, his eyes glowed blood red for a brief few seconds. It seemed sinister, as he looked at Maru. After a few more seconds have past, he was back to his senses.

Ziren frowned, he hasn't had an episode like that since forever. He looked up to see Maru change forms. A monster, demon, as people would run away.

Not him. No. Anger and adrenaline coursed through his veins and blood flow. He wasn't scared of death. He felt pain in his stomach as where he was hit with a Rasengane. But no. Ziren will not let this bother him. He will not let Maru get what he wants. Because in the end, he is never afraid of Maru. And he may not be as strong. But he knows he must be doing something right if Maru is now going to focus on him.

Ziren stood, with his two clones by his side. When he spoke, he spoke calmly. Almost scary calmly. "Silly Maru. You think I'm scared of a little magic show? Either way. I forgive you for your own stupidity."

He looked up at the demon made of shadows, "But I won't go down that easily!"

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
