Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private The Crazed musician and the Dragon (Ayeka)


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Kureji would find himself wandering in some deep forest. "Eh? I take one wrong turn and now I'm lost in some Forest. How is there just a random huge forest in the middle of a Village anyways?!" Kureji would look around. This whole Village was peaceful. Too peaceful for his liking. But even though he isn't necessarily a good person. He is one to keep his word. He, along with the partiers won't cause trouble within the Village.

This lead to a very bored punk rock musician to wander around until he had found himself in a huge forest. Kureji would hop up into the trees and get a vantage point. As he stood atop the trees, he thought about previous events that lead him to being like this. Him and his band met Myakashi Migoya, and he had betrayed their trust by not being forward with them on what he wanted, ended up using them for his own gains. A little bit later, Kureji had found himself back in Wind Country where he met with his father. Telling his father his plans, Akkuma had encased Kureji in a crystal that grows over living organisms.

He tightened his fists. Back then, he felt betrayed. Now, that feeling is full of anger. Kureji put his mind to it. He will dismantle everything that his father had built up till this point. The only problem is... One, he needs his team, and two, he feels as if he needs that final push.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
As the years had gone by Ayeka had slowly come to the forest of death more and more often to train herself against the dangerous fauna that inhabited these woods until before she realised the old gnarled trees had become her hunting grounds much to Aria's joy who had once lived illegally within these woods much to her teachers and friends chagrin at the time. As Ayeka had become more and more in tune with these woods she had found her sage mode had become more sensitive here until she found she could sense the exit and entrance of anyone within these woods within a decent range around her which had allowed her to detect the presence of a chaotic chakra she hadn't recognised and was now slowly stalking from far above in the canopy out of curiosity.

'Hmm I don't recognise this guy, definitely not someone from this village? What's he doing in the village and why isn't Anbu all over him for coming in here?' Aria's thoughts gently drifted across Ayeka's mind as the host of their body slowly nodded in agreement deciding to call out to the possible intruder. "A...a..ano are you p..p..ermitted to be here M..Mercenary Nin-san?" Ayeka's voice despite the stutter echoed around the clearing as the girl hid herself within the foliage making sure to stay hidden while she determined if this was someone she needed to apprehend and report to the anbu for entering a restricted zone that only leaf shinobi were permitted to enter and this p-erson was definitly not someone from her village as he had a fairly memorable appearance.

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Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
If Ayeka were to sense Kureji, through her senjutsu and closeness with natural chakra, she would feel that Kureji had a cursed chakra near his neck. But that wasn't all. His very appearance is something to be unnerving to just about anyone. If looking from one side, he looks like your typical punk rock person. But looking on the other side, the left half of his body is covered in blue crystals. Not only that, his eyes seemed to be almost gone as an eerie blue light comes from them.

He leaned back comfortably in the foliage as he heard the voice. Word gets around fast that his appearance and his title of Mercenary are connected. He didn't really think much of it when she asked him about he got here. Though he thought of the why is different from her why. "Eh. Some red haired medical Sennin dude let me in as long as I don't start any fights or such." He tried to discern the voice. It sounded much like a kid, probably around his age. Wait... How old is he now? Kureji had to think about it. He has been a human puppet for a bit, then hijacked someone else's body to be a real person again. And then he was also frozen in time for probably a few years. His own appearance would suggest he is about nineteen, but he figured that his own soul is probably older, most likely around the mid-twenties. "It looks like no matter where I go, all the Villages do their best to make child soldiers." There was disgust in his voice, though would Ayeka figure out that it's not towards her? "You don't gotta worry about me kid. I might not look like it, but I am one to keep my word. That, and I am just in a party mood right now."


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Ayeka couldn't help the frown that painted her features as the strange man kept calling her kid over and over again which coming from someone close to your age felt extremely condescending and the sickly caustic nature of his chakra didn't help foster any positive emotions as Aria decided to step forward her chakra gently moving Ayeka consciousness aside in order to protect her host personality from this dude should he kick off. Standing up straight as Ayeka's hair changed from black to white to signify the change in personality, the girl began a few light stretches by rolling her shoulders back and forth before stepping off the branch.

From Kureji's perspective the ground would have suddenly exploded as Aria hit the floor hard with all seven foot of her muscular physique the girl simply stepping out of her crater and surrounding field of dust she had made as if she was walking up stairs her hand resting on the nape of her neck like she was trying to work out a kink. "Yeah that sounds like Nao but that is access to the village." The hand resting on Aria's nape was thrust out toward the mercenary with an outstretched finger before pointing down at the ground. "But here is restricted access no outsiders allowed." Aria said with a grin in an almost provocative manner. 'Aria.......your doing it again.' Aria grind faded at Ayeka's mental reminder that she was trying to start a fight again with a village guest and she should be trying to be more responsible. Sighing in annoyance Aria spoke up again in a tone much less confrontational than she had been a moment ago. "But if your lost I can guide you back to the village I guess." Sounding exasperated and most likely crazy to this guy Aria turned to the side with an outstretched arm as if inviting Kureji to start walking in that direction to the village.


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
"Oh?" Kureji said. He hasn't seen who he was talking to, but the girl finally made herself known. Or... rather themselves known? He felt as if there was some sort of personality shift in the girl. She definitely is talking with more spunk than before. "That, I didn't know. I was just lost." He thought about this whole encounter. It reminded him of one other now that he is thinking about it. Back in Sand. Some boring blondie he had talked up one day and then met again another day. The second day he acted different, sounded different, heck, even looked a bit different too. Then it hit him...

"Say... You're something special, huh? And what I mean by that is you have two people in that noggin of yours instead of one." Kureji had always kept a naive personality as a facade, only innocent when he truly doesn't know anything. Deep down though, he is one to quickly pick up on things as he had learned once he first decided to be out on his own in the world. But now? Now, he is starting to question himself. His life. His own mind has been exposed to the Void, torn to pieces and fixed up twice, when he transferred his soul from body, to puppet, back to body. Two betrayals, one from someone he barely knew, and another from someone he had trusted with his life.

"Why... My own mind is fractured and I have dealt with betrayal from the one person in this forsaken world that I thought I could trust." He followed suit and jumped down. But before he could fully stand up, there would be something different about the air around him. Took you long enough to start questioning things A voice echoed in his mind. Whoa! Who are you? He responded in his own mind I am you. You but I will do the things that you are unsure of to do. You can call me Kyōki. I am the madness, the insanity that will always be with you, willing to spread such to all who oppose you. Now... Sleep.

Aira/Ayeka would see the guy that looks to be around her age scoff, before bursting out in an insane laughter. He would look down at his own hands, and then at her. "I have to thank you. Kota was always too cautious to go the extra mile. Questioning himself once he met a second person with a split personality was just what he needed for me to finally wake up. I've waited for this ever since that head of Myakashi Clan revealed how he was using Kota and his friends. And then there is his father." He would go back to laughing in an almost sinister way. Even though he was human, there was definitely something unnatural about his smile and movements. Once he was done laughing, he would then have a bored look on his face. "Kota did make a promise to... Nao, was it? He made a promise to him. And while I absolutely despise all ninja everywhere, I am a man of my word. Now, introductions are in order, I suppose. I am Kyōki" He waited. Wondering if the girl would introduce her original personality, split, or otherwise not even bother. "Go ahead and lead on." He would say in response to her saying that she can guide him back into the Village.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Aria had to stop as Kureji called out to her causing the tall girl to sigh in annoyance as she hadn't wanted to spend any long length of time with this creepy guy she had met in the forest but the unknown ninja wasn't as opposed to taken his time in one of the most dangerous places within the leaf village. Apparently the guy had noticed Aria soul shuffling back and forward with Ayeka who was currently hiding away behind Aria in a sense as she didn't enjoy tense social contact. "Oh boy...... Well what I am is a whole Saturday cartoon of complicated issues and soul manipulations so I'm not fractured more conjoined than anything." Aria personally hated the insulation that she or Ayeka were insane or diminished in anyway due to the fact that they shared a singular body with two souls rather than the fact of one of their personality's were a fracture of some sort of main psyche however before Aria could admonish the mercenary, he himself had decided to open his own basket of crazy as he burst out into insane laughter.

'Oh joy he is full blown crazy not diet crazy like us.' Aria thought dryly as she turned to face the giggling ninja while Ayeka whined back to her other half. 'I'm not....we a..a.aren't c..crazy.' Aria just gave her other half a playful roll of her eyes as she focused instead on the possibly dangerous man in front of her. "Riiiiggghhht Kyoki then. I'm just gonna nod my head and pretend I know your clan and lead you back to the village then." Knowing better about putting more than a pinkie finger in crazy Aria slowly turned back to continue walking the now name Kyoki back to the village while also keeping a careful eye on him her body tense as Senjutsu chakra slowly filled in coils in preparation of the man possibly getting violent suddenly.

[Leaving Topic unless stopped]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
"It's all fine by me. You've helped both me and Kota far more than you think. All that's left is to visit my old man and give him a piece of my mind." He would giggle psychotically. There would just be something about his whole demeanor that screamed not normal. Even amongst those who could be hardened criminals, Kureji, or rather Kyōki would follow Aria out of the Forest. The madman would have to admit, his awakening was by mere chance, but a happy accident. Kureji had long lost reason as to why he wanted to come here, to learn about the Myakashi Clan, but in the end, everything worked out. He has his sights set on Sand. And more importantly, his father. He wants to tear apart the very foundations that his father had worked to build.

(topic left)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
