Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private To be Chaotic is to survive (tutor)(Neko)


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
A large explosion loomed in the horizon. The epicenter? None other than Kureji himself. The very heat of the explosion had turned most of the sand to glass from where he lobbed the clay at. What was he doing you might ask? Easy! Being chaotic! Right now he doesn't feel like causing too much trouble so he's out here blowing off some steam and whatnot. How better than to blow things up!

Sure this was once an old battlefield and kind of a graveyard, with multiple other nasties hiding around in that big fracture off to his right, but who cares? He knows nobody in their right mind would come out this way, where there is impending doom and all that gloom stuff. He would chuckle to himself on the matter. Making a decently sized clay, he would lob it into the hole that the "great Quake" made some time ago and he would hear a faint boom as his explosive must have reached the bottom finally. Though, to his disappointment, not a single sound followed. What, are all the nasties that he has heard stories about on vacation?

He laughed like a psycho of monsters and things planning the end of Sand just at the beach, possibly one or two in a floaty or whatnot. He would continually throw explosives here and there laughing like a maniac.


Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko would hear the booming echo across the vast emptiness. She could see Kureji at the point of origin, but he was familiar to her. She was in the two week waiting period for her exams and was desperate to get a jump on her studying. But seeing this familiar, though supposedly problematic, Shinobi was something she actually needed right then.

Between her fight in the alley and her class where she was beaten by an ally she was feeling a bit run down from it all. This might be the perfect thing for her, as who better to teach her some tricks than the man constantly on the run. Her mind turned to sensei Shin, what he might think of her learning from, or simply being near, this missing ninja. But, in that moment, she decided it was worth that impending lecture. She needed to break out of her comfort zone and live a little.

"Hey!" She yelled over to him with a smile and a wave, "ramen shop girl, remember? Neko?" Even if he didn't, she knew that given their last conversation he wouldn't be a threat to her until she was older. Knowing that let her close the distance pretty quickly with excitement. She looked up to him and with a small bit of labor said, "hey.. You're pretty crazy right? Like fighting wise? Could you teach me something? I'm tired of being a stick in the mud."

[Wc 239/1000]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Kureji would pause upon hearing someone calling out to him. He finds it weird that some of his fans, only to turn around and see a girl that was vaguely familiar. When she said that she was the ramen shop girl, then finally said her name. She went on to ask if he is willing to teach her something.

Kureji would sigh, which would be a first for him, given he has never been in a situation like this before. "Okay. First lesson. Never give away your name all willy nilly. Especially to someone who you don't fully know which might have ulterior motives. You'd be surprised how skilled and talented people may be to shift blame onto you and make it believable. I'll let you in on a small secret of mine. Only a handful of people know my actual name as I have kept it a closely guarded secret. I may seem lax, but it doesn't ever mean that I know when to be cautious and pay attention."

He would pause before continuing on. "Now how I've been able to keep going are two things. You've gotta risk it all at times to get what you want, sometimes doing some reckless things." He would look over at the crack that was caused by a battle many years ago. "Before you came here, I was training here, knowing full well of the dangers that Godsfall brings. But because I know of these dangers, I know that the average Sunan that knows their history would avoid this particular area like the plague if they know what's good for them." He would pause, "The second thing. Know which battles to fight. I'm not talking about the easy ones. But the ones that will leave the biggest impact on whatever or whoever they feel like, mainly Villages or maybe a particular person."

He was well aware he was telling the girl how a Missing ninja operates, but she wanted to learn, and so he will teach, in his own way.


Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko would listen intently to what he was saying, though she had weirdly grown to trust this man. He had been one of the few people to show her kindness without a reason, and that cemented his influence early on in her shinobi career. While some of what was said sounded as if it made more sense in a situation she was not in she still absorbed it, there may come a time in the near future for her that these things were the life or death factor so knowing now how she'd act may make all the difference.

"Well I you may know my name, but I am also not afraid to come and seek you out. Even when you're out here in the place I shouldn't be. That has to be risky in itself right?"
She smiled lightly as she came walking up. "As for battles, how do you know if one will actually make the impact? I know you said villages, but I think our goals aren't exactly in line on that right? So if you were say a shinobi in the village.. How would you know what would make the difference?"

She had some ideas on how things could be, or couldn't be, the changing factor in a scenario. But, she wanted to hear his thoughts on it. He had a different perspective than the senseis at the academy, and it was one that Neko had grown to like as it made her think and challenged her. If she could see this point of view and Shin Sensei's as well maybe she could be better at not only being a shinobi, but also making a real difference in the village for those peopl like her and maybe even people like Kureji.

[wc 533/1000]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
He'd nod when she said that their goals are not aligned. He would give it only a small thought about a few seconds when she had asked him who he would attack, given how much of an impact could be made. "The obvious answer would be to strike the Kage of the Village. Striking them down will severely cripple a Village and have the rest of the hierarchy frantically scrambling around trying to figure things out. There are problems with that though. One, you would have to fight through the whole village if you are some deranged person or be cunning enough to get through them all, which isn't very likely. And two, they aren't the kage of their village just by good looks. It would be expected that they are the strongest that the village has to offer."

He would pause before saying, "There are, two others that come to mind. One, someone who isn't the kage, but well known and could very well be the face of the village. This would usually fall on the Main branch Sennin as they would be the more well known shinobi. And the other. Anbu Sennin. To be able to find out their identity along with decimating them would be no small feat. It would be a show of how a Village can't even keep it's own secrets for it's own ANBU Sennin was found out."


Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko would nod a long, assessing the words and attempting to apply them to her own thinking. Not necessarily for anything other than a understanding of his logic, as it wasn't something that actually applied word for word to her future. But the concept of removing the head of the snake, or close to it, that was something she fully understood.

"So is that why you've come back to Sand then? Are you trying to cut down the hierarchy or just visiting on your with your band?"

The question held no accusations in tone, more genuine curiosity. If he had any insightful prowess to him, it was clear to see she was buying what he sold during these chats. She had a bad life and his seemed far grander than anything she could dream of. So to her, the concept of blind loyalty was never what it was about. Hearing him speak about it, and now discussing the mindset of a missing sand ninja in particular, it was resonating with her. Arguably, it sat with her too well.

She was easily impressionable as shed had no one in her life until the academy. It was hard to tell which way Neko would wind up going, but one thing was definitely clear. She was someone who wanted to know about everything, even the things she really should not learn at her age. The realities of the world around her weren't fascinating to her, but rather she needed to know because if she wanted to help people shed need to know the full story.

[Wc 794/1000]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Her question was one that could put Kureji in a bad position. That's if he cared. Also he hasn't done anything to get on Sand's radar. "Nah, I'm just visiting my old man. While the Village wanted to make use of my powers caused by trauma. And Unlike the Village, if he asks me to do something, I can just say no if I don't feel like I'm disobeying an order."

He would stop talking about his father, as Kureji is indeed a wildcard in his father's deck of cards. While he does have freedom, he does intend to do things his own way to get results of his own. "What I usually do with my own band is make people aware. Aware of how abusive they can be if you're not in their clutches. Now there could be exceptions, the lapdogs and pampered. But you should know, while we have our own codes, we will cut down anyone who would want to shackle us with their own ideologies or use of through their deception."

"For me it goes for everyone. Whether it be a village ninja or another rogue. One thing I won't stand for is if someone decides to use me for their own personal goals without clueing me in on what they want. So tell me. Once you get older. If you are tasked with taking me out. Will you follow through?"


Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko listened to the stories and explanations of his, let's call it philosophy. Ideology didn't really fit in this situation, though with how passionate he was about freedom one could make the argument. But it was landing, she was following his explanations and the logic there of. It didn't make sense to just write everything off, there was a lot of useful information he was giving her. But when he asked that question, it froze her in place.

Her heart jumped into the back of her throat and she could hear nothing but it's beating. Everything seemed to almost stand still around her, as if the moment itself was stuck until she answered. She had no bad will toward him, in fact she was beginning to idolize his passion and will power, but on the other hand that was harsh reality of her future. She would never really know if that could be the next thing on her list of jobs, and it was a reality she'd need to face at some point.

"I.. I think there's more to it than just yes or no. I have no issue with you, I don't see issue with how you're living your life, but.. I guess in the hypothetical sense.. of what you're saying.. it would depend entirely on what you did to get me called on you. I also would want to hear your side before that judgement was made."

Justice and logic in her mind were still the same, cause and effect. Nothing could be further than reality, but at her age she hadn't had the experience to prove her wrong yet. She had dealt with a lot on the streets, but nothing from the point of view that would imply corruption. Simply the cruelty this world has toward her and those who had written her off for her means. But never something so grand scale as a systematic failure, but time would show her reality.

[WC 323]
[Twc 1117/1000]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Listening to what she had to say, Kureji couldn't help but smile. Soon that smile would turn into a laugh. He would continue to laugh for about thirty seconds until he finally calmed down and looked over at Neko. "Then I surely look forward to when we do meet again. It'd be interesting indeed." He would turn to walk away, waving a hand as he would speak, "Just don't die before then. And if you do, you better not have it be some useless idiotic death."

He would wonder if the information he had given her about how a Missing ninja thinks, if she would ever think of using that information against him? But he would shrug off the thought, sounds like a future him problem.


Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
He would laugh and smile brightly, "You got it boss, stay alive and if I die make it cool. Easy peasy!" She called out after him as he walked away. She took off back toward the village feeling refreshed and like she learned something of actual value for once.
[WC 49]
[Twc 1166/1000]
[Leaves topic]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
