Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

To prove oneself (requesting Berserk)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The ANBU Compound. Ziren has had bad memories of this place. Mainly because of Maru, and his stupid Genjustu. But Ziren can't blame the half demon human puppet for Ziren being here once again. He himself has made mistakes that were solely on him.

It's been a week since Takeshi has talked to him. About him losing his job as an ANBU operative. Today. He wore a plain black garb with black jeans. Something he never did. He has to admit it. He has changed, both for the better and the worse. A lot has happened since Ziren was told to go find Berserk when he was ready. He fought his inner self, inside his own mind. Not knowing that that fight caused physical damages to his body. He has healed now. And before the fight, he talked to a Chigokai while visiting Tea. There, he learned that not all Chigokai are evil as the books have said they were.

Here. He now has to talk to an ANBU Captain, Berserk. To test him to see if he is still able to be part of the ANBU. Or will he be kicked out with shame and disgrace. Ziren took a deep breath. "No matter what happens. Just know that you did your best." Ziren assured himself. He could feel some tears coming. But bit his tongue until he was certain that they won't come out. He especially made sure his other self is dormant. He doesn't want any rude interruptions from his other self.

Ziren wore a plain expression, hiding his fears, determination in his eyes. As he entered the compound, he found himself in some sort of lobby area. Which was weird because this wasn't here when he did Maru's nightmare class. It was all extravagant, if you don't count for the whole area looking like some kind of haunted house mess. Complete with moss and creaky floor boards.

He sat down, right in the middle of the lobby on the dusty old carpet. He knew that someone out there was watching him. And if they seen him come in with a weapon and act all stealthy, that he would die because they would think of him as an intruder. But, walking in and sitting in the most vulnerable spot will show them that he doesn't plan on fighting. Which he doesn't.
He decided that listening for blood would kind of be hopeless now. Especially since this is a very skilled ninja. He could hear their blood all he wants, but he won't be able to match their speed with his reaction being super slow.

After waiting a little bit, Ziren stood back up and took a deep breath. He was ready for whatever judgement they were going to give him. He will try to keep his ANBU rank, but now, it's up to an ANBU Captain to decide his fate.

"Berserk. I am ready for my judgement." His voice echoed throughout the old building. Nothing seems to be there, except for a few mice that scurried at the sound of his voice. He waited. Waited for an answer to come his way.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
From the darkness of the compound the sound of heavy footsteps echoed down the hallway a pair of green glowing orbs giving dim light to the otherwise dark and uninviting areas of the compound he knew why he was summoned the job that was required of him and for all Yukio was the newest of the three captains it would be seen to with no less professionalism and integrity. He wore the white robes showing the Hyuuga's stature within the branch and making it painfully obvious he was the one Ziren had been sent to speak too coming to a stop before the young AiT.

A brief silence followed though the blank stare of the captain brought a heavy atmosphere with it taking a moment to look over the boys features before speaking. "Well i never thought i would see you like this but here we are, I know why you are here and what it is i am expected to do so if you could come with me, i would prefer we not waste time with idle chatter." Turning on the spot the captain moved back the way he came leading Ziren through the complex though never speaking nor turning his head to see if Ziren was still following him.

The path taken was a winding one twists and turns taking them through the many winding halls of the ANBU compound if one wasn't keeping track it could begin to feel like they had been walking for hours and getting nowhere and after some time had passed he finally spoke once more the severe and direct tone filling the empty corridors. "So tell me, what brought you to this point? how did you come to fall so far from the branches favour? i want to hear it in your words and not from a report" blunt and straight to the point some things never changed.

It was clear only the truth would count as passible given the circumstances one of the only things the Hyuuga left unspoken expecting that much respect from the AiT safe to say depending on the answers given would lead to the next step the rhythmic beat of his boots against the hard floor being the only resonating sound between speaking arms hanging by his sides still never looking back, never making eye contact and never changing posture.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren looked in the direction of the ANBU Captain. He knew that it was Yukio. But now, there was no informalities. Ziren will be on his best behavior for this. Choosing all of his words carefully.

He stayed quiet until he was finally given permission to speak. He took a deep breath. Where to start. He doesn't know. Finally, he remembered about the start of the forming of his other self. "I have made mistakes too stupid and too childish that shouldn't be acceptable in the ranks of the ANBU. I have wished to travel to Kumogakure to learn more about my family when I don't even have a pass port. To not be careful of what I say to others. But I have to say one of my biggest mistakes was taking a tutor class that Maru held. His dark chakra had different effects on my mind than others." Ziren had to explain everything. He can't let a single thing out. Even though Maru was a bad guy and his powers caused Ziren to have a split personality. He still knows that there were some stuff that he could have prevented.
"Though I do blame Maru for what I have become, I realized that was only the small factor of the picture as a whole.
Now looking back at the whole situation, I see now that there were situations that I could have avoided entirely if it wasn't for my own stupidity. Me, insigating our newest member, before he was even considered part of the ANBU. It happened right after Maru's tutor, and I was still on edge. But that's no excuse. I brought him into an unnecessary fight that ended poorly for me. And then there was my initial isolation from the Leaf, as I fought my blood line for half a year. Wasting that time on myself and not the needs of the Village."

Ziren took a deep breath. That was about it of what he had covered. He wanted to add that he has now changed, but knew that if he spoke other than what was required that it will end poorly for him. He didn't even know where they were. The ANBU Captain has led him through twisting turns, this way and that, making it hard to get his bearings but to just follow. He stayed quiet and followed Yukio through the tunnels, waiting for his response to how Ziren has been acting as if late.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Care was taken listening to the boys words a single detail could not be overlooked the process of selection into the ANBU branch was not a simple one and remaining as one of them was very much the same make too many mistakes and questions would be raised about the individuals ability to keep moving forward. "Many words and phrases stand out to me in describing your actions Stupid, Childish, the matter of being on edge." There was a brief pause before continuing stopping by a door to open it the room inside being a simplistic one with two chairs and a desk.

"This will do now take a seat Ziren" the ANBU captain took a seat leaning forward on the desk fingers tapping against the hardwood top an unblinking stare meeting the AiT "You say you thought of yourself more than the needs of the village and that is something the branch and the village cannot stand for, having objectives of your own is all well and good however" His tone was stern his words carrying weight behind them. "Had you left the village did it occur to you what would happen should less desirable individuals come after you? Did you think of those who would have to give chase after you should it come to that?"

His tapping became heavier more impatient than prior picking up the pace the more time passed within the room. "You say your isolation from leaf influenced your actions but is that the truth or a simple excuse to cover your own shortcomings? the work we do is kept within the realm of shadowed mystery always under pressure, always ready to crack at any moment and your actions to this point aren't showing your ready for that. so i wonder do you think you will ever be?" the situation was becoming more of an interrogation than a simple questioning but then again such things could be most effective if applied correctly. "These are all important questions that require answering will stress break you or will it build you? can you keep moving forward with the branch or will you be left by the wayside like so many others."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren listened to the ANBU Captain, he could hear the anger in his voice. He waited patiently for his turn to speak. While it was true that back then he was mainly thinking for himself, wanting only answers and whatnot, not thinking of his actions and only doing them. But now, he has matured. Sad to say, that it took threatening his career to finally mature.

Ziren thought about Yukio's question about if Ziren wasn't stopped at the gates. "If I passed the Gates, I would be considered an enemy of the Leaf. And I would most likely be hunted down and killed for my actions. And those who would be going after me would probably be ones that once knew me. Feeling betrayed at what I did."

He sighed as Yukio brought up him isolating himself as an excuse. "I do honestly believe that my isolation was a part for being an influence of my bad choices.
Especially since it failed in making me any better than the person I was before."

The last question the ANBU Captain had asked is does he really think that he is able to stay in the ANBU or should he be separated from it.

Ziren thought about the question for a long time. He already knew the answer. But he wanted to make sure that he knew what he was doing, and what he was going to say. He then took a deep breath. "A week ago... I would have said that I am not able to keep going in the ANBU with all the guilt inside me, with the weakness that I've shown to everyone, along with my own stupidity. But now. Now I've pushed myself and my own abilities to be in control of my blood line, and not the other way around.
To put the Leaf and the ANBU before me. To put myself last in all situations. I've learned that just worrying about my own mess ups and not moving forward will only get me into more trouble. I now believe that I can go forth, working for the ANBU. For the Leaf. And all of the people that live in the village. I won't ever give into stress anymore, never let it break me, for I know that the Leaf will be depending on me and I can't let stress feet to me when there are so many people who will be looking to me.

He stopped for a minute. He has answered Yukio's question. But he wants to add one more thing. "If you give me one last chance, I promise to you, to Takeshi,
to Umashi and everyone in the Leaf, that I am a different person that I was one week ago. And that I will never put myself first and I will be one of the best ANBU you will ever have. I promise this, with my life, my blood to be spilled if I ever break my promise."

Ziren finally stopped talking. He wasn't going to let anything break him. Not even Yukio standing over him. Ready to give him the final judgement at any time. His own future of a career unknown. He stood there, with a determined look on his face, not ready to give in easily to what would have broken him a week ago.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
It was an interesting series of responses from the young AiT that much was certain remaining seated for a short time the Hyuuga took a brief moment to think on all that had been said up to this point. Even after the short discussion it seemed Ziren had an idea about what had gone awry and the specific areas in which he'd made mistakes however if it could all be sorted with simple apologies then missing and criminals would be welcomed back with open arms a rather extreme side of things but the point was there.

"You have many flaws as did we all in the beginning the only issue with yours is they are a lot more prominent than most others directly or indirectly effecting those around you in a negative light. What has to be thought about now is what are you going to do about this? how will you prevent incidents like this one from happening in the future is there a plan in place or do you move forward with uncertainty and doubt prominent in your mind."

The question was justified within the ranks of any branch self doubt and second guessing could prove fatal if brought to the front of the mind in the most crucial moment that was something Yukio had learned in the very early days of the ANBU branch. The point of living outside the village being a hindrance was something that nagged at the Hyuuga having been in the same circumstances himself however at the end of the day what occurred in those days was different for everyone so letting the topic linger was not preferable.

"Within the world of Shinobi finding your weaknesses and learning to overcome them is crucial your skills must be a sharpened blade and not a hindrance when you find yourself in a dire situation, should you find yourself in the field and let things slip it could mean the end of you or a member of you team and that is something i will not stand for."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yukio's question about what Ziren was going to do about him being trouble and being a nuisance at times, made Ziren sigh. This past week he has done all that he can to make sure that his more evil self doesn't mess anything up. But some of it wasn't even his evil self's fault. Some of them were his.

"I have already learned to break hold of what my blood line has over me, to not give into the blood lust. As for some things that has happened before that,
I will make my amends, to fix the mistakes that I have made. As for how will I prevent further issues coming from myself. I will think before I act. Not just run into a situation without a plan. I have grown much in the past week. Learned who i was on the inside. Not just me being a Chigokai, not just the chakra that runs through my blood. And with that,
I have found tranquility. I will keep moving forward with my head held up high, no doubts in my mind of what to do. But also to not be foolish enough to consider each scenario and how will the end factor in of what I do."

And Ziren very truly feels that. He has changed so much from when he first found interest into his own bloodline so many months ago. Almost a year later, here he stands. His listened as Yukio spoke up again. This time, he spoke of weaknesses and if Ziren was to be responsible for the death of himself or another member that Yukio will not like at all.

Ziren nodded, "I understand completely. That my past mistakes have became an issue within the ANBU ranks.
But I have also changed. That I won't be tempted to make the wrong decisions only because they are the easy ones. I can promise you that. And I also will do anything and everything the ANBU and the Leaf needs me to do. I won't let my past mistakes happen again."

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
It was interesting how Ziren often brought reference to his bloodline and the unstable factors that seemed to be associated with it given all that had happened involving the Chigokai it was a surprise the Hyuuga had never heard of the clan before then again considering complete clans seemed few and far between within the leaf village it shouldn't have been all too surprising though he had come here to receive judgement for his actions it was clear to the Captian that though there was still a long way to go Ziren was beginning to get the right state of mind.

"Well, it certainly seems your mind is in the right place however you have a lot to learn about what it means to be within the ranks of the ANBU branch this will be a matter of proving yourself from this point forward." His tone was calm yet direct and serious in equal measure hoping the young AiT would learn from the past in order to keep moving forward. "Consider this a warning I'm deciding to give you another chance to remain in our ranks, however, should I hear of yet more incidents involving yourself without good reason then I will see to it your road in the branch ends here."

With a swift gesture of his hand, the ANBU motioned to the door giving the implication Ziren was allowed to leave. "Unless you have any other questions you are free to leave but keep what you have learned in mind and use it to keep moving forward or find yourself left behind like so many others before you."

[Ziren allowed to keep rank of AiT]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
What Yukio had said. Was like taking a mountain off of Ziren's back. With the adrenaline running through his blood to keep a calm and collected face, he finally let out a sigh of relief. He wanted to cry. Of tears of joy. But he knew better. For this especially was a formal meeting and he can't break down, even if it is just to show happiness.

He allowed himself a brief smile, before putting on a straight face, once more. Business, is business after all. He bowed to the ANBU Captain, "I will not disappoint you or Takeshi or anyone else in the ANBU ever again. I can promise you that."

The ANBU Captain gestured toward the door, before asking if he has any questions. Ziren thought about it for a minute. Then he shook his head. "I will Berserk. Keep everything that I've learned up to this point in mind. And also. Congratulations on becoming a Captain." Ziren got up and pushed the chair in. He walked out of the room, back through the winding tunnels. Out into the haunted lobby and finally, out of the compound as a whole.

Light shined upon his face, momentarily blinding him, but then it felt warm and comforting. He took a deep breath in, enjoying the nature air. Momentarily shutting off his powers to hear blood, just to hear the sound of nature all around him.

He then sat down and decided it was time to talk to his other self. He was back in his own mind, his other self was there, waiting for him.
"So, the meeting. It turned out good, didn't it?"

Ziren looked at his evil self. His eyes narrowing. "We have improved a lot since you finally started to help instead of hurt. But there's still a long way to go. And now, it seems like we are at a new point of our career. We need to work together even more, to hone our skills, to be able to work together, and make decisions that the other will find difficult to make or chooses not to make. And that last part, I will out restrictions on. You may have temporary control of my body at times, but I have the final judgement. Previous rules still apply.
No killing and no causing unnecessary troubles. Are we clear?"

His other self thought about it for a while, and then he nodded. You got me there bud. Okay, I guess I'll do it.

Ziren nodded and let himself be going back to his body. He woke up, by looking at the sun, only an hour at most has passed. He decided that now would be a good time to continue on his day.

To continue on as part of the ANBU branch, an AIT.

(Topic left unless stopped)

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Listening to he AiT's words Yukio nodded slowly it seemed the intended message had rung true and the attempt would be made to lessen the trouble caused towards the branch. A smile came to his face the congratulations on becoming captain causing the Hyuuga to give Ziren a slow nod in thanks it was a strange thing really having come so far through the ranks of the branch his mind now rested on the new generation those like Ziren, Maru, and Soku coming to mind. One day in the far future one of them may be his equal and it was up to the captains and Sennin of the branch to make sure they didn't stray far from the path like few had done as of late.

Rising from his chair a yawn escaped him the still adjusting to the change of pace and responsibilities that came with the rank walking out into the hallway to wander the winding corridors scratching his head from time to time in thought. Ziren had seen the error of his ways and made the choice to better himself from this point forward but that was only the beginning of the problems at hand, there were many others looking to prove themselves and not all were doing so in the a healthy manner.

The first one that came to mind was obvious, Maru, the boy had talent none could deny however unlike Ziren he had taken a much different path to the numerous scoldings and punishments for the actions taken towards peers and betters alike, But there was hope in the Hyuuga's mind hope that this encounter with Ziren would give a hint or idea as to how to deal with the problem student.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
