Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Tracking without blood. (Tutor)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren was thinking of a way that he could track others, who can be especially elusive if they don't have blood.
He was there, sitting at the very top of some trees, listening to blood, looking all around him so he won't be jumped as easily.
His thoughts were on Maru. His readings on Chigokai also seemed to have crossed with human puppets. It was very peculiar, since there were so many ways that other Chigokai have tried to track, to pinpoint where a human puppet is during battle. But no Chigokai that has fought or been around a human puppet has lived. Except him. And they didn't really fight. He stared at the sunset, hoping for an answer to come his way.
"On the bright side. I think I have complete control of my other self." He said aloud. He then smiled, thinking, if anyone were to come and hear that, they'd think he is totally insane. In which case, they are partially correct. But he won't mind that. Ziren was sitting there, enjoying the sunset, trying to think of ways to prepare for the worse if he were to be attacked by a human puppet.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Izumi already took his own time to get towards the destination that was on the walk. He had taken some water with him, his bow and just a happy mood. He heard the birds, the rustling of the trees... He heard many things and soon was already noticing a thing or two when just looking in towards the entrance. One for starters was that there had recently someone passed these gates.
There had been some time past since he had even seen this person... As he remembered about a year maybe in between... Ever after the exam he had been a little bit troubled and looking up towards him. He started to look more up to the sky and saw only the left blue hue.

You never knew what would come in handy right now. Yet he had been more then glad that the other would like to learn something right now, even if it was just a small thing. Izumi would stand near the forest so the other could easily spot him. He hadn't spoken so much towards him but today..... He was going to give it a try to teach him a thing or two today...

He slowly got more and more towards the person and smiled a little. "Hello, Long time no see." He replied towards him.

[Hey helloo!]
[ post 1/5 ]
[ WC: 240 / 1500 ]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren heard a voice, it didn't even sound familiar. But the blood flow. He never forgets a blood flow pattern. He looked down and seen Izumi.
He was totally surprised at the guy that stood below him on the ground.
"Hey. What brings you here?
The want to enjoy the nice sunset?"

If the guy was still angry at him from that fight they had, or when Ziren threw that kunai at his feet, he doesn't know.
Ziren looked back at the sunset and was contemplating on asking him the question. After about five minutes of awkward silence, he spoke.
"I know this is going to sound crazy, but do you know how to track or pinpoint Human Puppets? I'm asking because I unfortunately know one."
It was a crazy question. One that not a lot of people would know the answer to. But hey. It is worth a try. The guy might actually know how to do it.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Izumi was looking towards him and tilted slowly his head. He listened and held the gentle facial expression.
He would slowly nod and ponder a little about the situation he had given to react.
"Hmm..."He thought for a few seconds more... Yet only one name was popping up. Izumi had his suspisiom... But stayed at a rather normal mood. Slowly he let a bit of air go out his lungs.
"I.... Have a slight idea who you might be speaking of..." he said a bit pondering and the old habit of signing was still there lingering when he spoke.
"Yeah... I do know how to track people wothout problems... At least when they left marks as easy as that." he spoke with a small smile.
"You watch their tracks and search for them to begin with." he explained and took a small break from speaking and with ease he showed a past track of someone's heel in the dirt. "like these.."He pointed out and looked towards him. "Everything with weight... Will leave a print..."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren jumped down and stood by Izumi. He listened intently as the guy talked. Most of which of what he said makes sense. He then noticed some dried blood near the foot print. He was all too familiar with blood. Heck, Ziren can probably track using a year old dried blood. He then looked up at Izumi.

"First off, I need to get this off my chest. I'm sorry for our first encounter.
I was having troubles with my blood line, and it didn't help that our mutual 'friend' tortured my mind for a bit."
Ziren looked around. He could hear some sort of blood flow coming their way. Something big. Something hungry.

Ziren looked at Izumi right into his eyes. He didn't speak a word, nor was he going to risk it now. He just hoped that Izumi knew from just eye contact. He jumped back up into the trees, hidden among the foliage.

Whatever the thing was, that was around, seemed to be as big as a bear. Just from judging it's blood flow. That's when Ziren had an idea. He pointed to the foot tracks and pointed to where he heard the blood flow of the creature, which was slowly closing in, and he pointed at his own eyes.

"Come on guy. Let's track this thing." Ziren whispered to quiet for Izumi to hear. Only hoping that he knew what he said.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
His eyes shifted when he started to listen towards the other, he was at least a little bit surprised. He hadn't thought about him hearing a sorry to be very honest. He too noticed something was odd... birds suddenly passed away from their surrounding and Izumi saw Ziren move away in a single moment. Izumi would jump quickly up and look down. He was instantly scanning what had scared the birds except for their own look in here. "Come on guy. Let's track this thing." Were the words of Ziren that for his idea, where filled with joy and excitement. "Without your blood sense..." He said and would shift his eyes towards the other, a hint of seriousness was lingering in his gaze. "Otherwise I will make you focus on mine..." he stated with that and looked downwards and counted the sound he heard... When he thought it was saved he jumped down again and on the ground wait for the other to join them.

"It is gone." He directly called it an 'it' instead of something right now. You never knew in this case what the creature was. "Alright... let's start with, what do you notice?" He would give it a small moment before he would give a few hints for the other. "What... looks different, is there anything you would notice. Sticks snapping under a weight, for example, grass stamped down, bushes twigs moved out of the way... Anything from big to small.."
If he wouldn't be getting it right now Izumi would slowly walk towards a place and stand by it, hinting it out but not say anything yet. "In order to track something down... You always need to stay on guard, check and try to memorize every single thing. That way... if someone or something does escape... you can easily go after it.." He spoke towards him, taught him in a way.
He would slowly move a little further and you could actually see Izumi taking note on every step he set down and eventually they were on a little more open space instead of really crowded. Izumi had tracked a bit when he noticed multiple tracks through each other.

In this open space, he stretched a bit and looked towards him. "Could you turn my words in your own.?" He asked to see if he had indeed listened towards him.

WC: 788

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren listened quietly. This time, he willed himself not to be hearing blood. Shut the chakra in the blood flow off to his ears so he can hear like a regular person. It's weird. After being so used to listen to blood for so long, and then for it to be gone. It's almost as if the world is at a standstill.

He listened intently. But he couldn't hear anything. Its like all the animals and creatures were afraid to make even the slightest bit of noise. Instinctively, his mind thought up a weapon made of blood. This time, it was a bow and arrows crimson liquid came out of the pores of his skin on his arms, and some out his back as they formed a quiver full of blood arrows along with the bow and its string also made of blood. He knocked an arrow into the bow and looked at the tracks.

The immediate area was unaffected by whatever it was that was out there. Mainly the tracks he seen were that of small creatures scurrying around, as if trying to avoid something.

He turned around to face Izumi. He was quiet as to not disturb the silence of a presence of a possible predator. He looked around but couldn't find any animal, creature or thing that he could place being a serious threat against them.

Finally, after about ten minutes of standing in one place frozen like statues. Ziren whispered softly "It's still near. The forest is still quiet."

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Eyes like a hawk were looking down on Ziren when he looked at certain things, he sighed a little and scratched the nape of his neck. Sometimes he explained what animal it was and in what mood it was getting away. He saw small birds, rabbit, bear, mice... He saw all kinds of tracks and some of them were rushed... no he had to say it correctly, most of them were rushed in a hurry away. Izumi was slowly listening more to their surroundings and it was rather... unsettling silent as he frowned softly. He started to look for different signes, as tree marked by claws, tuft of fur or anything.

After a small moment of hiding away Izumi would jump down. Izumi was looking around and standing on the ground. He was in his own element, in the woods surviving... It was strange but it was something he enjoyed. A smile stayed on his lips as he tried to get the other down from there. The fact he stood there without a bow risen would be enough to mention it wasn't that close.

But when he found out the other didn't repeat what he had said he left a little sigh. "Alright... I understand you might be tense... But where is the wind coming from?" It would be from their side. "They won't smell us... We will be more likily to smell them.." He started to explain and place his hands in his sweater. "Now.... DId you still remember what I had spoken about earlier?" he asked and tilted his head a bit in a questioning matter.
"Things you need to take note more often... Is the wind, the surrounding... and what you will be thinking. Panicking or quick lookings won't do it's work. " He tried to explain to him and thought that this was indeed harder for him. "What do you think that is needed to track him without blood?" He tried to turn the question towards him instead of explaining everything, instead of gifting the whole thing. He did walk a bit more around himself and would listen towards him. "What do you think we are going after now?"

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Once Izumi was explaining it more, Ziren still felt it was difficult to understand, but decided to try harder. Blood was his specialty, and being introduced to this was new to him. He focused on the wind. The breeze felt good. But otherwise, that is the only thing he can hear. All other creatures and animals have fallen silent.

Ziren squatted down to take a look at the tracks. Ranging from as small as mice to as big as bears were the foot tracks. And he noticed that the wind was blowing in the direction of the tracks going away from the area from which all this wildlife has rushed away from.

Ziren then thought about Izumi's question about tracking with no blood. "Well I gotta say go against the wind. For whatever it is obviously doesn't know where we are. And these animals seem to be going away from a certain area in a hurry. Which means..." Ziren thought about the situation slowly. Trying not to jump to conclusions. If he was a predator in search of food, where would he go? That's when he realized.

"There's only two certain areas that whatever it is, either it will be here within about a minute. Or on the other side of the forest, maybe even going to break the fence that acts as a barrier. Whereas for what it is? I can only guess that it is something either big, or it has a sinister aura on it.
Because even bears have ran from whatever it was."
He pointed towards the tracks.

He now had a question for Izumi. "Now, how about we find out if I'm right. We can either both stay here,
or go to the other side of the forest. Or one of us stays here while the other goes to the other side of the forest."

Either way, the only way for them to find out without Ziren reactivating his hearing of blood is to guess the possible areas that it could be.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Izumi stood there, crossing his arms and have his eyes in a rather calm but questioning look. He was waiting for the other to finally start thinking. He too squatted down and started to look with him Eventually he stood up again and tilt his head to hear more of the others explanation. "uhu." he said and would nod a time or two on top of that. "That is correct... Not to forget... Sound... The pray won't only smell you but once the wind is in your back towards your pray... it means they can most likely hear sooner then you would honestly expect of them." He explained and gave it a little sigh... He hated kind of to talk this much all the sudden, but his hands still kept doing the movements of signing alongside it. He saw the other's facial expression turn and he was soon wondering why he was that puzzled. He listened once more and he couldn't help but to get a big smile on his face. "So... It is big... and you found it..." He said and pointed out at one more track. "What you found was a bear on a hunt... A black bear on a hunt." He explained a bit further. "This is the forest of death... which means you are always a prey in here..." He started to explain more and more in the hope things got more clear. "You now know how you need to track them and not to forget explain how to see it was fresh.

"Now, how about we find out if I'm right. We can either both stay here or go to the other side of the forest. Or one of us stays here while the other goes to the other side of the forest."

"We do not need to.." He said with a huge grin on his face and showed a piece out today's news. "I let you track the older bear tracks from the bear that has been murdered today... and let you scent out my contract Wolf..." And right on that moment, a ghostly figure like wolf approached them. A mask was delicately placed on the others head, a mask of a lamb. "This is my Canine contract wolf... Good job buddy.." He spoke to the contract who only got a snappy answer in return. "Can we hunt? I am hungry." She only replied and Izumi let out a huge sigh. "Guess... This is the training... Hope things are alright now and you know a thing or two about tracking... If you want we can do another training on an alive one?

1500+ words.

[You can claim your rewards after they have been on approval! Tutor complete.
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Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren listened. For once, he wasn't mad that he was tricked. In fact. He smiled. He hasn't had this much of a challenge in forever. To actually be surprised about stuff coming his way.

He let his hearing of blood return and looked at Izumi. Maybe they were alright after all. He walked through the Forest by himself. Ziren even went to see if Izumi was right by heading out to the other side of the Forest. And sure enough. Nothing was there to be of any dangers.

He looked as he heard blood coming towards him. It was a bear, but it didn't seem at all interested in Ziren at all. He smiled. I'd like to see Maru get the jump on me now, he thought to himself. Ziren let the blood bow and arrows seep back into his skin. There was no other business for him here. He looked up to the sky one last time before jumping over the fence and leaving the Forest of Death behind.

And for once, he actually had a good memory here. No fighting. No fear of losing control of his blood line. Heck, even his evil self lay dormant which was actually usual. Then again, the last time they were here, Ziren had made a deal of whoever won a battle inside their mind, would be in control of the body. And he even promised to erase his evil self if it makes a problem of the situation.

Ziren was heading back to the Leaf, knowing that who he is, is a different. More better person than who he was before. He had finally taken initiative of his life, and now it seems him and Izumi are friends.

When he makes it back to the Leaf, he will look forward to what the Village has in store for him. The people he might meet. Both new and old. Hopefully those that knew him will also see the change that he has made too.

(Word count. 1513 words)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
