Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Requesting Entry Treaty? Treaty Who?

This thread is marked as containing someone requesting/being allowed entrance into the village.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
The Phoenix Gates. A massive wooden structure with high concrete walls to protect the citizens within Konoha. It was the only point of exit and entry like she had assumed with every village but she noticed something different. A number of open areas that allowed for strangers to brush past the gates and force an entry into their village. A low snicker escaped pursed lips. At least in Kumogakure the walls were naturally massive cliff sides to tunnel everyone through the gates.

Although unlike Kumogakure the hustle and bustle of Konoha merchants and travelers made Kumo gates look like an abandoned factory. Many different faces spanned across a horizon of diversity. Folks from all over lined up patiently to await an entry into Konoha. So much so that the line continued to move fairly quickly. 'So they just let anyone in. No wonder they’re always at risk. Those red hues cut to her side to view her subordinates' mannerisms. Without another word the duo moved past everyone who patiently waited in line. The aura of both of them alone spoke volumes to the common folk that they were important, above them and most of all, lethal.

A few merchants spoke out in an uproar but were quickly silenced by other villagers. “Are you serious? Do you want to die over that?” One man clasped the shoulder of the outspoken man. “I got a bad feeling from those two. Just let them pass…” A grunt of defeat was like a lullaby to the Golden Masked woman's ears. ‘Smart.’ A silvery voice whispered into her head.

Towards the front of the gate was a kiosk that held a Konoha ninja. With haste they were trying to inspect the luggage of a merchant and ensure the proper documentation had been overseen. Mirō intervened between their conversation. Her voice changed slightly, “We’re here to see your Hokage and Sennin on official matters involving a recent mishap that unfolded at these gates.” Those infamous red eyes pierced through the mind of the low ranking shinobi who stood before her. “Go on. Radio them.” She continued to antagonize the runt. In a panic he called over another Shinobi to inform them of the matter at hand. With a free hand the other shinobi radioed to their supervisor.
‘They’re lucky I was ordered here to be peaceful.’
[Topic Entered]
[ANBU Mask: On]
[Identity: Concealed]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna approached the Konoha gates. It's weird, she felt a sense of familiarity about the place. She does remember that her father had once told her that they had all (her family) came from here. Every time she would ask him why they left, he would always say to protect them, even when the Frost ninja had ceased their hostilities against Leaf. She has a feeling that there was more to it, but for now, she'll just assess the situation. She had made sure that her mask, complete with real looking hair would cover all identifiers of her, with the only exception of her feminine features.

She kept a watchful eye on all chakra energies, a way to survey the situation since she can no longer listen for blood flows. She had heard the talks from some of the civilians and hopes that nobody decides right now to try and play hero for no apparent reason. Once all of this is done and over with, Yuna is ready to treat herself to a nice lazy day. Or rather lazy week.

A quiet sigh escaped from underneath the mask as she waited while a Leaf Sennin or maybe even the Hokage meets with them.

(Topic entered)
(ANBU Mask on)
(Identity concealed)

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
On the gates themselves, you could still see the repairs being done to the massive gates, the structure that had hold of a battle prior. The guarding shinobi who stopped the two from entering asked what they had on business in the city. A lot of people already had been denied access this morning. To hear they wished to meet one in the higher rankings, was something he was unfamiliar of. One thing let to another and a senior in age took over. He called in radio for the ones they wished for.

Nao had just come out of the byoin and was on his way to the greenhouse when he got the call. "Sazuki Nao, med sennin. I will be on my way." He commented on the headset he was wearing. Normally he wore it around his neck with an earpiece, but right now he held on to an older model. " With that being said, he would lit a smoke before making his way to the gates. 'I wonder if this is the same Karen that wants entrance..' was a thought running through his head.

As he got to the gates, he saw the two odd ones standing out as sore thumbs with those masks on. Knowing directly those were shielding their identity. Once close enough, you could see bandages, band-aids, and all that on his body that were visible and they were still from recent times. Bags were below his eyes, which he knew the reason for, taking very regularly double shifts if not continued on a day long. Yet one thing was clear as day and that was his sennin robes, alright... they may have been cleaner than a few blood spots here or there. But it was still representable. As he was walking closer, he was radioíng another person. "Takeshi if you are on listening... you might want to make way to the gates for this one." He simply said, hoping that this time another person was at least listening to the radio.

As soon as he was two arm's length of a distance from them, he would come to a halt, first throwing the cigarette away and then closing in. Making sure he took care of them to not be in the smoke while doing so. "Sazuki Nao, With what may I help you?" He would question to see what they needed.

[topic entered]

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Those red eyes watched the bustle of her surroundings. In the distance a bright essence of chakra came to fruition. Mirō’s gazed shifted to watch the figure draw closer. With each passing moment the Sennin noticed more and more about the person. Pale, white hair, covered in bandages and medical gauze and the dark bags under their eyes. Their chakra reading had to be a mistake. This sickly gazelle contained such potent chakra.

‘This must be their… official.’ She thought. Her assumption slowly came together as the garb the person wore had the embroidery of a higher class ninja. ‘Just like Kishiko Nagisa. Except, it’s much more modern. Where the hell is she at?’ It had been ages since she had seen Nagisa. Has she retired? ‘Then this person must be…’ At arm's length the now Sazuki Nao spoke out towards them.

In a voice in a lower tone than her own she responded, “We’re looking for the Hokage or Sennin. We have important documents for them regarding what happened at these very gates not long ago. From the looks of it…” A wicked smile crept on her lips behind her golden mask. “You may have been there.” Her body turned to fully face Sazuki Nao. Covered head to toe in a black hood and cloak the woman moved to place a hand on her hip atop the scrolls for Leaf. “It’s dire that the Hokage or Sennin meets with us diplomats.” All she sought was a little confirmation.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Sitting in the office, it seemed that he had been writing out paperwork forever but alas this was what the situation had fallen to, with a lot of the work falling back onto his desk he seemed to be waking at the crack of light and leaving the office in the night. The coffee cup on the side slowly let off steam as he let his fingers grasp at the cup and lift it to his lips, taking a sip on the drink he heard the radio crackle into life. Hearing the voice of Nao asking him to come to the gates, he smiled slightly at the opportunity to leave the office finally, he stood up from the desk and made his way outside heading from the Hokage mansion straight towards the gates.

It seemed that Nao had managed to beat him toward the gates as he headed over to the group to see what was going on it was clear that he was interested in the topic that was being had as he walked over he tapped Nao on the shoulder before glancing towards the two travelers that had arrived, as he glanced between them he nodded his head slightly in acknowledgment before speaking.

"Hey Nao, here as requested, so what did I miss"

With that, he would wait to see what the situation was before coming in and deciding to make sure if he needed to get involved or not. Waiting patiently it was now a case of just seeing how this would go from here, watching the merchants the hustle and bustle of normal trade. It was good to be back home but work would wait for no-one and even these two newcomers with how things had been lately made for an interesting time to be alive.

Catching the end of the conversation as the new people spoke he turned his attention towards them as they spoke and smiled with what would be considered a gesture of pleasantry between the two groups as he cocked his head slightly watching the person for a few moments.

"Without being rude, it's normal custom for people to identify themselves at the gates of the village they seek an audience with first, so seems we are skipping that bit today, so let's get to the point. Passports please"

His hands stretched out as he waited for the passport to be delivered to them, the fact that his face was on a mountain should give away who he was as he waited to see some identification from those hiding behind masks.

[Topic Entered]
[MFT: 300]

[Topic Entered]
[MFT: 300]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
He may have been the one looking scruffy... But which sennin wouldn't be after what they as a village had been through? Who wouldn't have if no one else was around anymore? He wasn't impressed by the red eyes of the female and soon noticed she didn't even recognize the sennin robes he was carrying. 'blind? he questioned himself in his mind before looking back to where Takeshi came in closer. "Ah- Takeshi-san." He said formally and looked from the green-haired back to the masked duo.. He stood silent for a moment before looking back to Takeshi going to explain it in their language Fiero. A special cipher that only the shinobi of Leaf would know, capable of speaking or writing in a way that foreigners couldn't understand.

"Takeshi, vnus fryd E lyh caa, drao yna ihghufh du dra Konoha nyhgc. Drao ybbayn fedr sycgc yht tasyht du cbayg du dra Hokage un sennin. Ryjehk sennin ybbayn eh vnuhd uv dras tuach'd sayh yhodrehk vnus dras, ehtelydehk drao ynah'd vnus ynuiht. Hud du sahdeuh, drao yna yfyna cusadrehk rybbahat yd uin kydac. Lynnoehk sycgc uhmo yht hud dammehk fro drao yna rana pyc ryjehk dryd saccyka yht dras paehk tebmusydc. Tebmusydc mega dras syga sa fecr drao teth'd lnyfm uid uv dra cafan. So kidc yna dammehk sa, drao yna dnuipma. "

With that being said... He already was growing annoyed, something that even rarely happened for Nao. But seeing his circumstances one might say it was even normal in his current time. He would take a step to the side and put up a new cigarette before offering one to them all, after all. That was something that could count as being nice. After that Takeshi asked them for passports, which was the only logical reason for the gates.

Fiero: Takeshi, vnus fryd E lyh caa, drao yna ihghufh du dra Konoha nyhgc. Drao ybbayn fedr sycgc yht tasyht du cbayg du dra Hokage un sennin. Ryjehk sennin ybbayn eh vnuhd uv dras tuach'd sayh yhodrehk vnus dras, ehtelydehk drao ynah'd vnus ynuiht. Hud du sahdeuh, drao yna yfyna cusadrehk rybbahat yd uin kydac. Lynnoehk sycgc uhmo yht hud dammehk fro drao yna rana pyc ryjehk dryd saccyka yht dras paehk tebmusydc. Tebmusydc mega dras syga sa fecr drao teth'd lnyfm uid uv dra cafan. So kidc yna dammehk sa, drao yna dnuipma.

Fuego: Takeshi, from what I can see, they are unknown to the Konoha ranks. They appear with masks and demand to speak to the Hokage or sennin. Having sennin appear in front of them doesn't mean anything from them, indicating they aren't from around. Not to mention, they are aware something happened at our gates. Carrying masks only and not telling why they are here bas having that message and them being diplomats. Diplomats like them make me wish they didn't crawl out of the sewer. My guts are telling me, they are trouble.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
‘Ah! The calvary came!’ Mirō exclaimed to her summon. The other man who arrived with the sickly one had a recognizable face. He was the Hokage that made a visit to Kumogakure with Nagisa. His aura glowed brightly and the chakra that subtly radiated from him spoke volumes regardlessly. There were only moments when her hues took the chance to evaluate him but he never had the chance to return the favor. Once they began to speak in tongues Mirō held up her calloused hands at her side. Hopefully they would understand that her open palm meant to interrupt their little talk.

“No need to display our passports. We have other business to attend to.” There had been enough evidence to Mirō to hand over the scroll to these dogs. “I had hopes to give this to a recognizable face or the Hokage themselves. Even that one Medical Sennin Kishiko Nagisa.” A sigh felt past her pursed lips behind her mask. Her free hand moved to unbutton a button on her hip pouch and reveal a scroll with Clouds insignia on it. Neatly tied with fine string the Sennin held up the scroll in front of her face.

“A letter from Kumogakure. Even if you aren’t Sennin the rules have already been set in stone within Kumogakure.” Underhanded the scroll had been tossed directly towards Nao. The contents within explained every detail.

“Dear Konohagakure,

Through interrogation of a captured Missing Nin, it was revealed that your country had been subject to an attack from the current Prisoner. Methods were used to produce the truth from the prisoner and it had come to our attention that Konohagakure failed to inform Kumogakure of the impending threats. Due to such failures Kumogakure had suffered massive loss even though the Missing Nin had been captured.

Since Konohagakure did not send a message to Kumogakure about their attack on their gates, Kumogakure has decided that failure to comply with the treaty proposed between the nations has broken the alliance between them. From now on, any persons, whether it be civilian, merchant, trader, ninja, even the Hogake will be heavily scrutinized and/or turned away at the gates of Kumogakure.

Mayhap there will be a chance to redeem yourselves in the future but that ray of light is bleak at best.

-Shinrya Kitsune, 11th Raikage
-ANBU Sennin of Kumogakure

She’d be a liar if she wasn’t a bit excited to see their response to the letter. It had been a while since she had gotten to share bad news. Once more the Sennin looked over both individuals. They looked strong but even so they failed to stop the missing nin at their gates.

[Official Document Signature Here]
I don't know why there's two spoilers. There should only be one.]
[Admin note: Fixed your spoiler code]
Last edited by a moderator:

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to the words spoken, if the diplomats didn't want to hand over passports that were not his problem after all they had a right to visit the gate, just not enter inside it without this information. Takeshi watched as the scroll was tossed towards Nao, reaching out quickly he caught it mid-air with ease as he nodded back in reply to the words being spoken.

"Well I am grateful for you traveling all this way to give us this information directly, it's always lovely to hear from those in Kumo, well if you don't mind as you have yet to identify yourself I will check this letter out and of course, we can go from there, I think that seems the most sensible option."

Takeshi allowed himself to open the scroll and allowed his eyes to scan across the writing that had been given, the seal was signed by the Raikage so at least that part was correct from what information they had given the two Sennin at the gate. As he allowed a sigh to escape his lips he rolled the scroll back up and passed it back across to Nao before turning his attention to the two others in front of him.

"Well thank you for getting in touch with this scroll, I will make sure it gets passed on to the right people with this information, shame but cannot say I am surprised, Kumogakure seems to forget when Leaf allowed their transgressions to slide, but if the same favor cannot be returned clearly a one-sided relationship was never meant to last. I will inform the station to cease operations as well for travel."

He allowed his words to sit in the air for a bit, he admitted it was a shame but considering how Kumogakure had treated the relationship in the past, turning Leaf visitors away anyway from the gates he really didn't see anything changed, but this has given him more information that he would have considered possible, and this was always a good thing. Smiling pleasantly as always, after all a breakup didn't need to be uncivilized now, did it?

"Thank you for bringing this information to us, and I do hope that you have a very safe and pleasant trip back to Kumogakure. Unless there is anything further you wish to discuss?"

With that, he stood and waited to see if any more information would be given before sending the two back on their way since the information they came for had been delivered.

[Scroll Taken]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Seemed that no one wanted to have the cigarette that he offered. Not that Nao really bothered, that would only mean there was more for him and later to buy new ones.

Nao was searching inside of his mind as to where the information could be regards of this whole treaty thing.. He knew he had somewhere to read over it a little bit along with it all. Yet it pained him to say he couldn't think of much, that they would help each other out, keep the students safe when they had exchange students, always open and fair... Oh, and the puppet that was supposed to be dead is still very much alive inside there that was breaking already a treaty... But there was something to that. Yet still, the scroll that he got from Takeshi paid him no interest. He tucked it away in the robes before looking back at her.

"Seeing... as to how blind you are with those red eyes... I have little to nothing to say to you. Seeing as one of the Hokage's faces on the mountain is standing right in front of you, not to mention you had been talking to a sennin the whole time." He simply said as he exhaled some smoke. He started to point out to the cross on his arm and the letters sennin on the robe he was wearing. "The sennin you mentioned... she is no longer around." As usual, he looked bored and even looked toward Takeshi if he still needed to be around this joke.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Mirō stood motionless while the leaf ninja snatched the scroll from the air and opened it up. What followed only made the Sennin smile. ‘Just what a sound Kage would do.’ Smile and wave, a fake sense of friendliness never moved her to trust a stranger. His acts were normal given the situation even though the transmission felt odd. Leaf’s continued travel to and into Kumogakure still remained intact. ‘Heh.’ Mirō thought, if that’s how they wanted to perceive the letter she let it be. Konoha was the least of Kumo’s worries. Hell, the duo wasted too much time delivering the letter personally.

“No. We’re done here.” Responding to his final question. Her hood shifted to look over at her subordinate. “Let’s leave Leaf to their own devices shall we?” She turned to move away from the Leaf shinobi when Nao decided to speak out. The woman looked over her shoulder. Her eyes slowly looked Nao up and down. Covered in bandages, bags under the eyes, Mirō could only chuckle behind her mask. “That’s why I gave you the Scroll, Sennin Nao. You must be blind to notice our gesture of good faith. Perhaps that’s why there was a massacre at your gates.” It was a shame that Leaf had moved to such levels. Mirō turned back to face the distant horizon. “Perhaps if Nagisa was here then things would play differently. Her kindness towards strangers surpassed any hospitality I've seen to us.” Her shoulder moved slightly to shrug off the weight of weak insults. Just before they set out, Mirō spoke one final time. “Bear your fangs towards Sunagakure. They’re your true rival.”

Strange times these were. A moment of sincerity coming from the woman who remained stoic most of her life. A final warning to Konoha from Kumogakure, even if the treaty had fallen apart. Trade between the nations would and needed to continue but the security checkpoints simply got more scrutinized. All business and politics. With that the Sennin embarked back onto the roads to their next destination.

[Topic left]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna watched it all unfold before her. She could sense that these two individuals of Leaf were very powerful from her being able to sense chakra since she became an arch Sage. The Medical Sennin, Nao had a similar chakra signature to her.

From their wordings, they had tried to insult Cloud and her Sennin about letting some things slide along with the jab at Mirō from the Medical Sennin. She wondered what the man had meant by having things slide. Better to ask her when they have the time. But for now, the masked anbu followed the other one out of the Village area.

(Topic left)

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
As soon as she started to talk, he would already be turning around. "Never judge a book by it's cover until you read the story, my dear." He called out to her as he wave to leave, he was done. He would probably hear about his behavior later. But at least he was wearing the wounds of teh battles, unlike her. It made him even wonder... 'We don't even have an identity of the one that attacked us, who even knows to say that they were officials and not just the missing nin taking that seal on her own. He thought as he would walk to the kage tower and lay the scroll down.

“Dear Konohagakure,

Through interrogation of a captured Missing Nin, it was revealed that your country had been subject to an attack from the current Prisoner. Methods were used to produce the truth from the prisoner and it had come to our attention that Konohagakure failed to inform Kumogakure of the impending threats. Due to such failures Kumogakure had suffered massive loss even though the Missing Nin had been captured.

Since Konohagakure did not send a message to Kumogakure about their attack on their gates, Kumogakure has decided that failure to comply with the treaty proposed between the nations has broken the alliance between them. From now on, any persons, whether it be civilian, merchant, trader, ninja, even the Hogake will be heavily scrutinized and/or turned away at the gates of Kumogakure.

Mayhap there will be a chance to redeem yourselves in the future but that ray of light is bleak at best.

-Shinrya Kitsune, 11th Raikage
-ANBU Sennin of Kumogakure

Along he placed a note of his own...
'Day xx-xx-xx
2 people in masks came to the gate asking for higher-ups. When they were met with higher-ups they questioned it and gave us the scroll. I was wary of the scroll as they couldn't or rather wouldn't provide proof of their origin. They were knowledgeable regards of the situation, almost like they had been her themselves. Could they have been the missing ninja? Did they invade Kumo or not... I leave this message with you, Kage, to have my two cents of thoughts regards the matter. Was this message real and who were those two individuals?

With that done, he would make his way toward his home, drink tea and already fall asleep on the couch while the tea was cooling down.

[Topic left]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to watch them leave, he allowed a sigh to escape his lips, it seemed things would get interesting around here, but that was for the future, the present had a much more demanding role on him and one that he was going to have to get to work on, he had enough problems right now but that scroll that had been given to Leaf had solved one less issue, as he turned on his heels he walked back inside of the village and headed towards the Hokage tower, it was once more time for him to begin to get back to work. After all, time wasted was not time well spent.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
