Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Underground Suna


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
The air was stuffy and thick. The collapsed ruins of old Suna lay everywhere. Many buildings were still in tact, but every structure that lay underground wasn't as lucky. It wasn't the criminals, nor the poverty, not even the weird creatures that stuck to the shadows that bothered the boy here. As Uziuke walked through an abandoned home he heard movement headed his way. He turned around and saw a shrouded figure reaching for his back pants pocket. With a single chop, Uzi knocked the figure unconscious. Uzi continued on, looking for a way to reach the rooftop of the place...

It was the darkness of the underground village that bothered the boy the most. The constant darkness that loomed over the old village. Located under the new village, Uzi wasn't surprised that the remains of this place was overlooked. Without a caretaker, it would just enter a dark void of nothingness. The Uchiha sometimes visited the place, wondering what it was like before it was deserted for the new village. `Looks like we aren't the only ones that lost something dear to us.´

Uzi now stood on the rooftop of the old house, watching the streets below. From his view he could see a few vendors selling who knows what. In another area of the neighborhood, a group of people were huddled together. They were having casual conversation and laughing with one another. In another area Uzi swore he saw that "Kabutops" pokemon from that one manga he was reading. He simply shrugged it off as he began collecting wood that lay scattered across the rooftop of the home. Placing it in a barrel, the boy blazed through a few hand seals, igniting the wood within the barrel, creating a fire. Of course he could be easily seen now from down below, but the flames served as Uzi's source of warmth.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The hooded shadow moved through what some would call desolate area that was the Ruins of Old Suna. But Akkuma knew better then most, this area was very much thriving. With fewer spying eyes & interference from the authorities of the village the denizens of this bleak place had all but thrived. After all the Sage had many thriving business ventures within the underbelly of the great village. Some he managed personally & others that were tended to by those who lacked any public ties to him, at least when it came to his less ethical business ventures. It wasn't long before he could see the solitary figure of his brother from his regular vantage point. Utilizing basic chakra control he scaled the building in a matter of moments. Stepping up onto the ledge of the rooftop he would smile at his brother.

"My dear brother it is good to see you well." the Sage would say with a genuine smile before chuckling. "What purpose does your beacon serve...which denizen of the deep do you wish to summon here?" he'd ask jokingly as he stepped into the light of the dancing flames. Despite the illumination from the fire the very shadows themselves seemed to cling to Akkuma. The Sage was perched on the roof like some otherworldly being, his aura washing over the surrounding denizens & slowly drawing there energy to him. His presence only added to the sense of dread & inescapable despair felt by those in the depths of old Suna.

Uziuke had been one of the only constants in his life & despite how monstrous Akkuma became or the reputation he'd developed. Uzi had never abandoned him or betrayed him. To the Sage he was perhaps the only person he could truly trust when it came to his clan. It was because of their bond & the trust they shared that he had not hesitated to maintain contact with his brother discreetly after his public demise. A courtesy he'd extended to only one other the former Steward of the great village.



12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
The boy closed his eyes, listening to the environment around him. His ears picked up on the ongoings around him. He was keen to his surroundings, something that he was taught while coming up in age. The only thing he liked listening to at times like this, was the peace that stood within the chaos. It's what kept the boy mild-mannered rather than hot headed, despite the situations he found himself in. However, it wasn't always that grass grew through concrete. One would have to cherish the moments they had, because who knew what would be around that distant corner?

Only a few moments passed before the Suna-Nin picked up on something nearing him. He opened his eyes and looked towards the ledge of the building as he heard a rather familiar voice. A grin ran across Uzi's face as he recognized his guest as he neared the flames. "Gotta stay warm in such a cold, cold place." Uziuke meant that more figuratively than literally. "Though having some company wouldn't be much of a bother in a place like this."

Uziuke approached his brother and gave him a hug. It wasn't his style to be so sensitive, but after hearing what happened to Akkuma, the boy had to reassure himself that his long time friend was actually there. "Bro, don't let any of that stuff change your view on kids... er... view on life... umm... I'm sure it's something like that." It was a touchy subject, and Uzi was sure that Akkuma wasn't ready to talk about it. Even if he was, the boy wouldn't know how to comment on it. Sometimes the boy didn't know what to say, and it probably showed in this instance. But he was genuinely glad that Akkuma was still alive.

As the boy moved away, letting the mushy feelings subside, he could almost feel the mood coming from Akkuma. It left the boy at a loss for words, but he found the courage to start another conversation. "You know I'm a Suna-nin now." A small smirk appeared on the boy's face. "I guess that makes this my new home." The smirk grew into a grin as though he accomplished something. Of course Kiri would forever be his home, and the chakra mark on his stomach would always remind him of that, but having something new to grasp unto gave him a warm feeling. And that feeling wasn't coming from the flames. "You aren't still out there traveling around are you?" Life was tough when the two were moving from village to village. Living in unknown land, not knowing where'd you end up the next day was both great and not so great. Being free was cool, but not having a home was something that always made the boy wonder.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage chuckled at the words from his brother. Uziuke approached him & the Sage stood to hug the individual he called his brother. At the words from his crimson eyed kin Akkuma lifted a hand running it through his own hair. "You know me brother nothing deters me...although I'd be lying if I said it hadn't enlightened me to a few things." he would say calmly although it would be apparent to his brother that he was still not quite over the incident. He wouldn't go on about the incident in question. Such matters would only trouble his brother & raise concern in him about what the Sage would do. Akkuma knew what he had to do but that would not be something he would burden his brother with.

Uziuke's words made a large grin form on the Sages face. "I hope they know how lucky they are to count you among their own." he would say genuinely after all his kin was a formidable individual. When Uziuke asked him if he'd finally settled yet a chuckle escaped the Sages lips. "Kiri will always be my homeland...but I must admit Sunagakure & it's denizens have a place in my heart. I've invested much of myself into this village & its people." he would say before lowering his voice slightly so that only Uziuke would be able to hear him. "So much so that I hope to formally join its ranks as you have...doing so at any earlier point would have only caused issues for the village due to the actions of my past. But much time has passed & I'm a different man now." he would calmly state to his brother.

For the Sage was not wrong he possessed many enemies & his relationship with most of the Great Nations was a complicated one. His actions had far reaching consequences, he'd irreversibly altered the lives of many individuals. Some for the best others merely to sate his own curiosity. With little to no regard about the ethical codes he broke in doing so. All too often he had seen the consequences of his arrogance & what it had cost others. He hoped to amend this although he knew it was not something that would happen overnight. In fact he wondered if he'd have enough time in his lifetime to achieve the goal. With a shake of his head the thoughts were gone from his mind as those emerald eyes of his held his kin in their gaze. "I just hope they can see that..." he would almost offhandedly perhaps more so to himself then his brother.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
"Aww come on. You're not a bad guy Akkuma." Even though the two have been through a lot, Uzi never saw his brother as a bad guy. In fact, he'd always been one of the influences in the Uchiha's life to live by his own morals. Being too good would make you seem like a wise guy. Being completely evil would lead you down a path that most wouldn't make it back from in one piece. "I know back when I joined, I told them that our home was gone, and that we were travelers." Uzi nodded as if analyzing his own story. "I spoke with the guy that was Kage at the time, and his assistant." Recalling what happened wasn't tough. He remembered most of the events that took place that day. "The Kage had me to fight some monster gremlins." The memories flooded the boy's mind. He just knew that he was going to win that fight, and prove himself to be an elite shinobi. "It only took me a few seconds to mop the floor with those things. Afterwards, I became a trainer medic." Thinking back on it, Uzi felt that it was a mistake to go into the medic field. He did give it thought, but after living the medic lifestyle for a while, he knew it wasn't for him.

"But truthfully, I don't really like the medic life. I'm used to taking down the bad guys. Tracking down my prey and assassination." Some of those skills came about while he was moving from place to place out in no man's land. "I thought mending people's wounds would be a nice way to start a new life here. But those skills never left me. That excitement became something that I wanted to chase after." Uziuke gave it a rest as he looked back down to the street vendors. He placed his hands in his pockets, his face now showing a more serious expression. "Getting the kill and bringing it home is what gave me a fill of that emptiness that dwelled within me." The boy's eyes rested on a group of people that ventured further into underground Suna. He probably didn't have to say that he was thinking about moving on from being a medic. It was something that he had to experience, but he'd leave it to those that had it in their heart to pursue that destiny. He would take things back to their roots, and help the village in another way.

Uziuke turned back to Akkuma. "Do you know how you want to aid the village?" Uzi was curious to his brother's answer.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage gave a smile of gratitude to his brother at his words. If only Akkuma could believe them he did not doubt it was how his brother felt. But in his heart he knew there were monstrous unspeakable things he'd done, things that had resulted in him gaining the monstrous reputation he had. In truth even those who spoke highly of him did so because they'd seen only slithers of what he'd truly done or were individuals who were true believers in doing things for the greater good. The light of the dancing flames would show a an almost apologetic look in his eyes as he listened to his brothers words. He didn't deserve the trust & belief his brother had in him. This realization on served to prove that his current path, one to serve the village was the only way he could make amends. "It feels almost as if it were a lifetime ago when we arrived here..." he said in response to his brother speaking of their arrival to whom he could guess was Sousuke & Mother Suna not that he had known her by that Moniker when they had met.

A smile formed on Akkuma's face as his brother spoke with pride about overcoming the challenge he'd been given in a matter of moments. "I'd expect nothing less from you." he would say warmly & sincerely. When Uziuke said he'd become a Medic the Sage raised an eyebrow of curiosity. It was an odd choice for his kin but perhaps he to had been seeking a way to make amends for their past. He noted the hunger for the hunt once more in his brother as he voiced his realization that the field had not been for him. "The hunt is a hard instinct to kick. In the current times your skills might be more suited to the Anbu Ops. If the corruption I've seen within their ranks is anything to go by they will need someone like you Brother." It was a statement based on his experiences with those within the Anbu ranks, both personal & business wise. Along with what he knew about his brother & the man he was. If he was accepted into the Core he'd be notably more loyal to the village then those who merely sort the power that came with that position. But he would elaborate no further on the matter unless his brother pushed him for more information.

Uzi's question was one that the Sage had spent a great deal of time on. "I do...whether or not they would trust me to do so I don't know. The Academy could certainly use a teacher with my experience. Although due to past events I don't know if they would allow me such a position. Black Ops would suit me due to currently being dead by all public records. I doubt they would trust me in such delicate village affairs due to my past grievances with some members within the corps..." he would finish with a slight pause for he knew the path he had to walk. "Main Branch will suit me while I gain the trust of the village & it's people. Once I've done that perhaps they will allow me to branch out & utilize all of my knowledge." for the Sage knew no matter what field he entered would become enriched. Even the Medical field, in truth it would perhaps benefit the most. Although he knew the temptation to use his Forbidden knowledge to aid those who needed it, sometimes the cost of that aid was too much on those who received it. No he would need to stay out of that field until he was certain he'd properly caged the monster he was.

MFT (Edited to Fix Spelling)


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uziuke nodded. Catching up with Akkuma was something the boy knew would come to pass. Uziuke bent down near the ledge of the building, taking out a kunai and twirling around his finger as he watched one of the street vendors speak with a potential customer. He wondered what type of purchase was going down. "You know, I've lost all of my curse seals while out here in the sands." The curse marks were powerful, but they became something the boy relied on less and less as his training progressed. The potential customer at the vendor began to run off as the vendor began to shout at the run away. Uziuke threw his kunai with precision. His pupils grew into black mesmerizing swirls as he called his mark. "Eight ball corner pocket." The words escaped his mouth as he watched his kunai fly into the pocket of the thief, pulling his pants down and tripping him over in the middle of the street. The vendor caught up and bashed the guy over the head with a stick before taking something from the thief and going back to his station. It made Uziuke chuckle. Looks like no one could catch a break here.

Uziuke stood up, turning to Akkuma as he continued on. "Those curse seals gave me great power brother, but the person that I was becoming, didn't remind me of the person I once was." The boy knew that he was a worthy shinobi without the curse marks. He just had to prove it to himself once more. He gained the knowledge, wisdom, and strength of each mark through intense training over his timespan within the sands, as each one vanished from his body, taking their power with them.

"The only mark I have left is the mark that everyone received in Kiri." The boy spoke of the chakra mark that the shinobi of Mist received to identify them as ninja. The mark on his stomach, the image of the lone wolf surrounded by flames. He revealed the mark to his brother, it was one way to identify him as himself. No clone could ever take his place... hopefully? He tucked his shirt back into his pants. "I don't believe the search of my shinobi way is about power anymore." The boy paused briefly before continuing on. There was obviously a lot on his mind. He looked towards where the sky would be, he looked towards where the new Sunagakure was. "There's so much more to the shinobi life then that. I didn't know that when I was younger. I guess you could say I was blind."

Uziuke wondered as he stared to the new Suna with smoldering intensity. His shinobi light burned bright within him, probably shining to where one could see it on the surface. "Do you have any idea what makes the shinobi light within the Kage's and Sennin of each village burn bright? What makes them want to continue, even though they are already at the top?" As he asked he turned his head to look at Akkuma before turning back and looking up towards the new village. It was a question that Uzi doubted any two people would have the same answer to. The question would probably haunt him for a while, but he knew he'd find a solid answer one day.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage listened with surprise to Uziuke's word. Curse Seals were no easy thing to remove, it seemed his brother had indeed grown much. He chuckled as Uzi voiced his aim & succeeded in foiling a theft as they had their discussion. Those emerald eyes watched Uzi as he stood, turning & confessed that the person he was becoming because of them had not been what he wanted for himself. Even Uzi had been cursed with his bond with the Sage, at least he had broken free from the corruption of the seals. "Corruption is the cost of such Dark Gifts...I'm glad you were able to free yourself from it. A feat in of itself proving you are an exceptional shinobi." he would say with a relieved smile, although he knew the damage had already been done. It at least seemed Uziuke was now on a path that would safeguard him from the corruption.

When Uzi revealed his chakra mark upon his stomach the Sage would pass chakra through his body & his own crimson colored wyvern chakra mark would be revealed. No matter the form Akkuma took he was always ensured the mark was replicated. He listened to his brothers next words about there being more to the shinobi life. A chuckle would escape from the Sage as he spoke in response. "You weren't the only one least we've lived long enough to learn that lesson." For many others had not had that fortune. The Fates had decided to take them before they could learn such lessons. The questions posed by Uzi deserved honest answering.

"In my experience their motivations vary greatly. For some it's the glory, power or authority. But I've found those who've entered such titles under such pretenses rarely endure. The true leaders do so because they believe it is their duty. A selfless motivation to better life for those they care about & to protect what they hold dear." he would say after all he had experience dealing with Kage from multiple nations & the Sennin that served them. Akkuma believed this was why he had failed his clan. Yes he'd served them well for a time, but he'd also allowed himself to become corrupted by his goals. Assuring himself the ends justified the means, but this was not the case. In doing so he had allowed himself to regard them as nothing more then tools to achieve his goals. But in doing so he had lost sight that the individuals were just as important as the collective. Each sacrifice for the goal would only serve to taint it when they achieved it.

How he would make amends to all of his kin the Sage did not know. It was something that troubled him greatly, many still revered him. But that was what concerned him. His actions had inevitably corrupted those he held dear & now he had to help them return to the proper path. To do so he would have to lead by example, become better then what he had been. In order to become someone once more worthy of their admiration. He would not see his people fall should the Fates claim him. To ensure that he had to make sure they had a strong foundation of unwavering ideals.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
'Everything in life comes with a fee.' Uzi would remember that the next time he took up an offer that seemed to be to good to be true. Akkuma revealed his own chakra mark, proving he wasn't a clone or a dake Akkuma. Though his brother's answer to his latest question made him cringe a bit. 'Hmph, so not every Kage or Sennin has the same ideals. Some just wanted to be looked up to.' The Uchiha wasn't angry at these types of people, and neither did he look down upon them. Everyone wanted to be great, or at least feel that they've accomplished something. But if power or glory, or just to boss people around was their aim, what would become of the ones that looked up to them. Would their underlings follow in their footsteps and continue a cycle of power hunger? Uziuke didn't see himself any better than these people. He didn't have a true aim to his shinobi life, at least not yet.

Uzi continued to listen to Akkuma's words. "So there are people that care that much about others?" The boy's eyes were dull as he sort of asked the question. He wasn't looking for an answer to it. Of course having friends and family was something the boy would never take for granted. He cared for them and loved them. He would do anything for them, but a whole village? His mind sort of grasped the weight on the higher ups shoulders. It was a lot to live up to. His equivalent of a brain blast quieted down as he tried to push the topic away from his mind. He was now speechless. He remembered his friend Shinzaemon from The Mist Village. He could remember the two were just Genin, but Shin already knew he wanted to be Kage. Uzi promised he'd be there when Shin became the Mizukage. His memory phased away as he remembered he hadn't seen his friend since leaving the village. Most people went their own way.

"I wouldn't know where to begin if I wanted to become Kage. I don't know, run around helping people in this village? Try to find everyone from Kirigakure and try to build a new village?" Uzi sort of chuckled as he threw a couple of scenarios out there. To be the leader of a shinobi nation never was his dream, but he could better understand those who wanted such a title. Respect. Who knew? Life had a way of developing characters and molding them into people they'd never thought they'd be. Maybe he really would want to become Kage one day? Maybe not. Uziuke now wondered what Akkuma's true motives as a shinobi were. The boy knew he was getting older, the topics on his mind held more meaning. He wasn't a teenager anymore.

Uziuke turned to Akkuma. "Akkuma, I don't think I'ved ever asked your shinobi dream. If I did, I was probably too young to understand your answer. What are you aiming for?" He figured he'd share his own after hearing his brother's.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Uziuke seemed to be dwelling on the answer he'd received from Akkuma but he was old enough to hear the truth. To know that the world & the motivations those in it were more complex then they often appeared. His kin seemed to almost doubt that there were those who cared so much for others. The question posed by his brother stung a bit, only serving to show he had failed him as he had the rest of his clan. "Indeed...there are those who burden themselves with duty knowing the inevitable pain of such things. All in the hopes of bettering the world for those who come after is by no means an easy path to walk." he paused as he remembered the numerous monstrous acts he'd done to accumulate wealth, knowledge & in turn power for his kin. The sacrifices he'd seen people make in order to save another or provide them with a better life. Yes in his time the Sage had both performed & witnessed such feats.

"It would certainly take some effort either way. No doubt you would have to commit yourself to these people. But also become a part of their life. A worthy role model, someone they looked up to & trusted." he would say in answer to his brothers next question. Those emerald eyes held the dancing flame in their gaze. The Sages aura seemed to get heavier & the sense of despair that permeated from him would seem inescapable. "Kirigakure is gone brother...the shinobi of the world can barely keep themselves safe. Let alone lead such Fate defying endeavours." it was a truth he accepted & it seemed his brother still needed to come to such conclusions. When Uziuke asked what his shinobi way was he smiled, he had forgotten how young & carefree Uzi had been back then. Yes, he didn't doubt that the man before him had not understood what he meant when he'd first told him. "My Shinobi was used to be to protect the Shinobi way of life. I saw stagnation & entropy affecting the great nations. I believed the the fault lied with peace & the regulations that limited our capabilities..." frustration became apparent on his face as he spoke. "I was a fool. The reason why the world is in chaos & shinobi face unending because of individuals like my younger self." it was a confession that was not easy to make, especially to his brother.

"Bonds are what will save this world & it's people Uziuke. If you seek Kageship you must form the strongest bonds, maintain them. Finally never betray those bonds." it was a harsh lesson he'd had to learn. So single minded the Sage had been in his youth. Only interested in looking out for those he deemed worthy. When in truth he should have been watching out for everyone. If he'd been true to his shinobi way. "That is why my path has changed. Now I aspire to make amends for my past & to safeguard the shinobi of the world." he spoke calmly but there was a seriousness to the words he spoke. Hard truths about his own character & failings had to be faced for him to reach this point. Even now he wondered if he was capable of changing anything. Or would he be just another casualty in the war against what he had formerly considered the nature of things.

MFT Edited to fix spelling
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12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uziuke's mind was clear as he listened to his brother's older dream. It was something that never crossed his mind. As Akkuma gave his answer in dismay, he seemed a bit angered by what he was trying to carry out. 'If the shinobi way of life was wiped out completely, we wouldn't have anything left. Everything we've worked so hard for, everything we strive for, all the people we fought for, it would all be a waste.' The thoughts grazed Uziuke's mind after hearing Akkuma's answer. As his brother continued, the boy kept open ears, listening to the Sage's new shinobi dream, and some advice at becoming one of the greats that upholds the shinobi nation. "I'm sure you'll become recognized as a great brother. Not many care about the wrong they've done in the past. And the ones that do, rarely do anything to fix what they've done. Some stay living that life, not caring who they're hurting."

Uziuke paused before continuing on. "But don't feel foolish about what you were pursuing Akkuma." Uziuke thought back to all of the villages the two visited. Akkuma always seemed determined to get his tasks done. They'd always run into a Kage or have one of those "long important conversations" as the younger Uziuke used to call them. He never really paid much attention back then, but now, it made sense. "Why my dream is just as unattainable as you thought yours was. Yours is actually believable, and commendable. But mine..." Uziuke trailed off. He hadn't had a real conversation about it with Akkuma before, though he may have mentioned it. He didn't know where to start. "Thing is, even when I want to give up, there's a flame in my heart that won't allow me to give up. I have no idea how I'm going to accomplish such a feat." Uziuke chuckled as he gave his life's work thought.

When the two were traveling was when his dream became concrete. They saw so many places, met so many shinobi that guarded their homes to the T. It was something he thought of from time to time. His tone turned rather serious as he continued on. "I want to restore our village. I want to restore what was home." To this day it sounded impossible to the boy, at the most he thought he'd become an old hermit living on the outskirts of his old village. He didn't think it would be possible even if he had the help of others, but he wouldn't let it go. Besides, he saw himself too green for anyone to take him seriously. "But it's something I want, and I'm sticking to it." Uziuke quieted himself, looking to the streets once again with an expression that said he was tired.
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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage smiled warmly at his Brother's words. He understood why many failed to come back from that path. It was a hard one to walk, many did not wish to face the true consequences of their actions. Perhaps he was right after all his wishes had been been unjust. He'd just allowed himself to become corrupted which had in turn corrupted his end goal. It seemed their conversation was causing his kin to do some reflecting. Akkuma was always surprised how wise Uziuke was at such a young age. When Uziuke spoke next about his dream he noticed the tone & wording was heading towards one of self doubt for his Brother.

He still pursued that hopeless dream of restoring their homeland. The Sage could not blame him, it was a noble wish. There was a determination in his brothers words that made him smile. "I hope I'm around to see the day Brother...worry not such Impossible dreams are the truly commendable ones. For if they are achieved they change the world itself." Akkuma had been quiet as his brother spoke listening intently to his brother. After all Uziuke had done for him & supported him through. How could he ever cast doubt on his dream? The robed figure that was Akkuma stood as his gaze followed his Brothers out over the streets below them.

"Kirigakure may be my homeland Brother but Sunagakure is my home. It has been for quite some time." he would say calmly for in his time here the Sage had been through a lot. "I'll do whatever I can to help you. But I fear Sunagakure still has many more threats to face..." Akkuma paused as his gaze moved to meet his Brothers "I will not lose another home." there was a seriousness to his tone & a determination in his eyes that showed he would do anything to protect this place now. The Sage could see his Brother looked tired & sighed "Perhaps you should rest Uzi...there is much ahead of us if either of us are to achieve our goals. Brother you look tired, perhaps you should treat yourself before exerting yourself to much." he would say his tone hinting at concern. The Sage knew all to well the burden of impossible dreams.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
"Aye! Just a bit tired, but getting some rest sounds great right now." The fact that the boy was a shinobi of a village again gave him something else to live for. It meant more missions to complete successfully, more bad guys to take down, and more training to do. All sounded like tough work, and things procrastination would take over, but Uzi loved those aspects on the shinobi life. There was no griping here. "As for our goals, only time will tell right? I mean, I may just become a pirate." The boy shrugged. There was sarcasm in his voice, but it was still an option.

Sunagakure meant a lot to Uzi as well. They did accept him as a ninja for one. "You're right brother, a new village means a new home. I don't plan on letting go, or letting it fall either. Suna will always have our alliance. After accepting me in and treating me like one of their own, how could I leave them in the dust?" Uziuke put his fist out for dap with a smile on his face. Afterwards he would say "Love, bro." Before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Once the smoke cleared a log would appear where Uzi once was with a ~ XP ~ face drawn on it with a bold black marker. The boy was headed home, remembering what he'd seen while traversing underground Suna.

Of course his brother's words stuck with him as well. He wouldn't forget their conversation anytime soon.

[ Topic Left ]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage chuckled he was glad his brother agreed with him. When he talked once more about the possibilities the future held for them he smiled. "I can see it now. You & your crew sailing the sands on an adventure." with those words he stood listening to his brother with a wide grin. Akkuma was glad he felt this way it helped reassure him knowing he had someone he could depend on within the village for its defense. "Be safe Brother..." he would say as he watched his kin vanish in a puff of smoke. Chuckling once more at the face his brother had drawn on his Kawarmi. At least he had managed to maintain that wonderful nature of his through his journey to this point. He hoped to never see the day when his brother was not so positive or free spirited in nature.

He would do everything within his power to ensure his brother never had to sacrifice that part of himself. Although he wondered if that would be something he could do given his brothers goal. It would be something he pondered as the Sage was enveloped in shadows & vanished from the rooftop. Through the shadows of Old Suna moved the Sage, eager to continue his propel himself forward onto his chosen path. Soon he would see if he had what it took to achieve his own goals. Little did he know he'd be seeing his brother again much sooner then he knew.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
