Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Underground Wonder's (Open to anyone)

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia learned a bit about Eiji as well though their brief encounter, though he wasn’t quite as open as the sand artesian. He knew that male had a much grimmer, or perhaps, down to earth outlook of life, but was respectful about least to someone who's company he enjoyed. He also was a lot more reserved, cold in a sense, probably due to past experiences. He guessed he should remember that, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable. Though knowing himself he'd probably try his best to cheer the other up in one way or another... he already managed to survive through his long tangents, he could hope he had a good resistance for some cheery goofiness.

As they walked slowly towards their destination, Eiji explained just where they were heading. He rose a brow and then smiled saying "Art gallery hmm? Kind of hard to imagine one being placed in the slums...but the way you presented it does make sense. Well, I’ll be glad to take a peek of that...maybe give it some publicity...though I doubt a lot of people will be convinced to see anything outside of their comfortable residential houses... I don’t think my name is famous enough just yet. Assuming the owner himself would want the endorsement. Is there any information about who runs this gallery?" he asked in the end, crossing his hands behind his back as they walked along.

He came to a halt as Eiji rose a single digit towards him, and headed forward a bit without him. However he didn’t have much time to pounder on the reasons, as he sooner turned, with a newcomer along with him. Well, wasn’t this a chance meeting. Giving her huge, happy grin, he would say "Ahh, Aika, well met indeed. I wouldn’t expect we would bump into each other this soon. My name is Sunaku Harupia, pleasure to meet you" he said extending his hand for a nice, polite greeting. He looked into her eyes, taking in her facial features. While they were some differences, he could clearly see the family resemblance. And the nice tan. Fitted both of them really.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Eiji tired not to feel uptight when the two met, but his natural protectiveness of his sister was something he couldn't quell, not entirely. His eyes were sharp and studied his new companion as he looked over Aika. It wasn't out of order or inappropriate, but tell that to the semi-rational mind of an overprotective older brother.

Once they were at Harupia's side, Eiji slipped a hand around Aika's waist. He dragged his eyes away from Haru and they landed affectionately on Aika's face, "Aika is 17 now." That was a warning, even if it was posed nicely, "And an amazing medical shinobi. One of the finest they have." He boasted. Eiji didn't think much of the medical department or it's "pussy members" but Aika was very talented regardless and they were lucky to have her. And despite the fact Eiji thought the medics were a bunch of sissys, he was much happier knowing she was applying band-aids than hunting down S rank criminals like he did.

"Aika, I was going to take Harupia here to "The Gallery", you know the one in the Grand Slums. Harupia here is an 'artist'." he wasn't mocking him, but he also only had the man's word on it and one sketch he'd seen. He was skeptical of everyone.

"Would you care to join us?"

wc: 220


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Aika nodded and smiled softly before taking Harupia's hand. She studied him as he did her. He wasn't bad looking, though she could certainly tell that he was older than her. Older guys tended to grope less, but it did depend on the situation. She felt her brother's arm snake around her waist and she had to force herself not to roll her eyes or hit him when he mentioned her age. She was an adult in ninja society.
Her mood changed however when her brother praised her medical abilities. He knew her brother's views on most med-nin, so she was grateful that he saw her abilities as worthwhile, especially when he didn't feel like going to the tower. Of course, her brother didn't know yet about her ability to make medical jutsu hazardous to an opponent's health.
"I may be a medic but I can handle my own." she said stubbornly, crossing her arms and pouting. Her arms unconsciously folded under her bosom, giving them greater presence. The wrap dress she was wearing instead of her normal clothes didn't help matters, accentuating her waist and womanly form. She was just glad that her brother hadn't forced her to go change into the extra outfit she always carried on her.
"The Gallery? That sounds like a welcome idea. Date went terribly. Very terribly. So I could use a distraction from the pervert."

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
He would shake her hand in a firm manner, before she was swooped away by Eiji. Not something he didn’t expect, he did mention that she was pretty much the only person he cared about. He was a bit surprised as he said she was seventeen...personally he'd give her at least a year or two more. But he guessed that when you were in the middle of your life, it was sometimes tricky to gauge your age properly. Either way, she did look quite attractive, just like her brother. But still, he would prefer to be with someone a bit closer to twenty...though who knew where the roads of life would lead him.

That aside, he would smile as Eiji introduced her as he said "I see. I have met another medic some time ago. Sagasu Yume. Always nice to have some more friends at the doctor's office" he said with a chuckle. Though he himself wasn’t seriously injured all that often. His sand could offer quite considerable protection when necessary. It kind of fit his general style. He like the act of combat, but he didn’t like the resulting mess of blood and crunching of bones. Then again, that was part of the beauty of it. A single strike being able to break through the strength of stone and bone...

He was brought out of his musing as the suggestion to see the gallery was met with the approval of his sister, though she did mention a bad date. Rising a brow he would say "A strike at the groin is a good way to deal with perv's...though use the weapon wisely, it takes a while for us guys to recover from such a blow" he said in a joking manner to try and lift her spirit up a bit before saying "Since there is an overall agreement, I’d be glad if you showed me the way. I’m quite intrigued what this gallery has to offer" moving towards them, waiting for them to lead on. He knew the way to the slums', but there he would need to really on his two companions.

Toraono Seika

New Member
Oct 7, 2012
An escape was what Seika needed. She had taken some advice to go out on a date with this bozo, but thing had started to deteriorate after dinner. It was clear that he wasn't interested in her as a person, but in her family. It was that which made her cringe in anger. She had ripped her hand from his grip and was now outside the restaurant, trying to suppress the urge to kill this idiot. She was not a bauble to sit prettily at home with kids, she was a warrior.

“Milady, why did you leave me at the table all alone?” A voice said from behind her, and she wheeled around to see her date behind her. His tone repulsed her, everything about him repulsed her. “I thought that you may need some help.” Before she could say or do anything he was on her, like a cat on a mouse, trying to kiss her and hands going to inappropriate places.

'Kill him, kill him for his indiscretion!' Seika could feel the light inside her seethe. 'He is a fool, and a moron who doesn't know how to treat a woman right!' With her hand on her blade, Seika had a choice, she could run, or kill as her inner voice said. Although she knew that her family would protect her, especially when she told them, the last thing she wanted to do was take a life, no matter how perverted that life actually was.

Ditching all pretence, she set herself up to give him the shock of his life. She moved in as though giving in to his advances before she drove her right knee between his legs and ran. 'Hit and git' as her instructors had told her, and git she did. She could hear some voices heading in her general direction and she ran towards them. "Come here, you bitch!"Yet just before she broke free into their line of sight, her persistent nightmare grabbed her hair, and she let out a piercing scream that would alert most people in the vicinity and her hand flew to her sword. She hoped that someone would get involved before things got more serious.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The trio was able to move from the beautifully shaped 'trees' to the Grand Palais without much further issue. While it was a bit of a walk, he doubted any of them would feel troubled by that. Mostly they would pass in silence. Eiji has long since released his hold on Aika and he simply enjoyed being in her company. Silence was a prize some men never came to understand. Comfortable silence, hopefully the others would feel the same.

As they passed into the large city structure, and the smell of freshly baked goods and grilled meats and the sounds of a busy place full of life came into contact with the three, another sound met them as well. It was a scream. Many people turned to see the commotion. At first Eiji felt himself tense and took a reactionary step before his sister, then realized it was a rift between two people and nothing that would harm Aika. It appeared as though a woman was being attacked by a man. He had a hold of her hair and then... she went for a sword. A smile graced Eiji's lips. He wondered if the man was about to lose his life for that mistake.

Eiji certainly wasn't going to aid her. In his opinion, she had it handled. However he couldn't speak for the rest of his entourage. Aika, he knew, was very against any man laying hands on a woman without her consent and Harupia seemed to be the heroic, lovey dovey type. He suspected either might get involved. Coyly, he gripped onto the back of Aika's dress, a stealthy maneuver she probably wouldn't feel, unless she attempted to run to the woman's aide that was. In that case she would have been scruffed like a cat.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Aika just smiled and nodded every now and again while Harupia spoke. She walked along side them and looked up at the sky. She trusted the tingle to keep her close by and she knew her way to the gallery. Her thoughts were broken when she heard a woman's scream. Her blue eyes snapped to the woman running away from a man. When he grabbed her hair, Aika tried to leap into action, only to be stopped by a hand on her clothes.
Another good look at the woman, and Aika saw that she would probably be fine, so long as she was able to draw a weapon.
"And why exactly are you not letting me go help? Oh, and I wouldn't try to catch this." She glared at her brother while forming a crystal kunai and launching it at the man's wrist. She even fed chakra into it, medical chakra focused to harm instead of heal. Even if the kunai missed, he'd still end up with a nice gash on his arm.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
While Harupia was not really a creature of silence, he could enjoy a bit of comfortable quiet in companionship. He kind of assumed the siblings would maybe want to talk with each other, but maybe his presence didn’t make it feel like a good idea? For now he simply was quiet along with them, leaning a bit lower before they left the area with the great crystalline tree's to get a bit of the soil from it into his hand. He spent years sculpting and learning how to make the earth and soil do his bidding, but he learned to make it something more. To enjoy the way it felt on his fingers, how it poured between them. He took a bit to see how well it would work for a sculpture. It was a bit darker than typical sand, perhaps small grounded pieces of the crystal tree's was what the soil was made of. He was careful not to cut himself, but he formed the small clump of sand into simple shapes like a ball or square. Was part if it showing off with his skills? Just a bit maybe. Mainly he liked feeling the ground. And keeping his hands busy.

As they moved to town he sized to mold the sand, opting to make a nice round ball out of it. Rolling it in his hand he simply enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the city. If only it was under a brighter sky. However, he also got attracted by the violent interruption of the typical city scape. What it turned out to be was some male harassing a armed women. Well, that didn’t seem like the wisest idea in the world. As he saw Eiji try to separate his sister form the commotion, and the other Motomori trying to insert herself in the situation via a kunai, he felt the urge to take action himself. Not that he doubted the fair ladies had the situation under grasps. He just preferred to see it resolve without someone drawing blood.

His moves were quite fast, before Aika could finish forming the Kunai, he would quickly move both of his hands, muttering the names of the jutsu silently to himslef, rising his left one with a quick seal made with his fingers,the other one simply chucking the small sphere he had created earlier, his final movment being him steping forward and stoping on the ground. While small, the Stone Bullet was just what he needed for his intentions, that is knock the men's hand of the girl's hair. He did it because from underneath the guy a clump of sand would lunch at him, a blunt Sand Cluster aimed straight for his face. Unless the men's strength was much greater than he anticipated, he would most likely let go of the women's hair as he got hit with the bullet in the wrist, and then would be knocked away if not down by the cluster move. All in time for the thrown Kunai to miss the man. While he did not enjoy idiot's, sending someone to the hospital over a case of bad manners seemed a bit too harsh.
(If someone is botherd by some of the liberties Ive taken in this post, please let me know so I can edit acordingly)

Toraono Seika

New Member
Oct 7, 2012
Seika had been in luck as three others appeared, two of them getting involved as she saw a crystal kunai being thrown, and the sand shake and rumble as it forced the man to release her. Suddenly free from the grip she turned and glared at him, her hand still gripping her blade, still in hopes that she didn't have to draw it, doing so meant a blood sacrifice, either of his or of her own. Now that she had the ability to track his movements better, she could easily take him out if he tried again, but as luck would have it, her assailant decided that one woman wasn't worth the effort of getting tangled with three others and with cursed promises, he disappeared.

With a relieved smile, she bowed to the trio. “Thank you.” She said. “Although that monster deserved being run through with my sword, he didn't deserve the pleasure. As my custom dictates, should my blade be drawn, then it cannot be returned to the sheath without having drawn blood, and I would have hated to have ruined this dress, as it was a gift from my parents.” She said as she bowed once more. “My name is Toraono Seika.” Should Aika recognise the name of a colleague, she would be even more grateful. “Do you mind if I tag along with you just now?” She asked. “It would help settle my nerves before I head back to the Dojo.” She sincerely hoped that they would allow her to join their group, because the way she felt, she would hunt down and kill that man before the night was through otherwise.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Eiji endured the expression on his sister's face. He was used to her being grumpy with him and could only return her a grin. Yet it faded as the blond woman started to approach them. She had nice hair, a pretty face and something haughty about her. She also ended up being a damsel in distress, which only caused Eiji to roll his eyes.

The others would no doubt be welcoming to the girl, but Eiji not to much. He had no interest in the addition of the ditzy female to their group and when she bowed and asked if she could join them, Eiji turned and placed a kiss on Aika's cheek and said, "Why don't you take them to the gallery. I'll see you at home later."

He then stepped up to Harupia and placed a hand on his forearm. "It was nice to meet you, hero. Don't you do anything I'd kill you for to my sister, ok?" And he let the hand slide away. The blond girl would end up remaking the group into a trio. One lost, one gained.

[topic left]
[I'm sorry, I have to split with 1 thread, I'm gonna be over my max. x.x)


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Aika just rolled her eyes at her brother's grin. Shortly thereafter, he supplied his own eye roll, though at the woman she and Harupia had helped. She was a little surprised at the kiss on her cheek. Her brother wasn't much for public displays of affection, though the odd time was nice. Then again, he did just put her in charge of the expedition he had started. He moved from her to Harupia and Aika couldn't help but huff at his words. She just shook her head as he walked away and turned to smile softly at the woman she somewhat recognized. The name was the clincher.
"Ah, Toraono-san. I thought that was you. Good to see you outside the Tower. I don't mind if you join in. Perhaps next time if someone grabs your locks stabbing him with a senbon would work. That way you wouldn't have to tarnish your clothes and he'd back off."
Before the woman could reply while looking at Aika's face, the young medic turned and started walking in the direction of the Gallery.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia would chuckle as Eiji gave him a pat on the back, though he couldn’t help but to feel that the little moniker he gained was said more as another tease than anything else. Still, he didn’t really mind being there to resolve the situation in a way which didn’t involve any blades entering anyone’s body. As for the latter part he would say "She seems quite capable of taking care of herself, hehe. But don’t worry, Ill play nice. See you around" as the feminine male left. And then there was three...again, so nothing a weird way

As the other girl introduced herself, he would give her a cortouse bow as he said "Well met, Toranao-san. Sunaku Harupia at your service. And I would also be glad if you would join us. I always enjoy meeting someone new. And I’ll be glad to make the rest of you day a bit more enjoyable" smiling warmly at her. He hoped she wouldn’t take his disposition the wrong way, after all the other guy might have been all nice before as well. As Aika started to lead them towards the gallery, he would carry the conversation on asking "So, are you two acquainted with each other? Also, Toranao-san, I am a bit curious, is this tradition of you clan as...binding as you make it sound? I mean, there can be situations where even if you draw your blade, shedding blood isn’t exactly necessary...Of course I mean no offense to your clan's tradition, I’m simply curious?" he concluded, looking towards her with an interested gaze.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
