Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

While We’re Here [Private]

Jan 12, 2015
So soft. ”Mmmmhhhh..” As he rolled over to his other side Yoshihisa gripped his pillow a little tighter, harsh realities of the waking world still subconsciously fended off in favor of slumbering bliss. But as came the turning point and memories started to trickle in as the inevitable messengers of a new day, forcing another , and this time more displeased groan from the young man. His eyes cracked open only to be met with the soft beams of light accompanying an early dawn, one in which he might have gotten away with clocking in a few hours late. Alas it wouldn’t be so, and as his last act of unproductive defiance his body tossed to the side, only to find himself staring at the face of Izumi. ”Oh, I’..’ His hushed whispers were cut off prematurely upon the realization that his sleeping lover was still very much that, asleep. And so he would just lay there, blinking sheepishly as he was at a loss on what to do next: He knew himself well enough that it didn’t take much more to be enthralled by the other’s looks only to end up staring for what may be minutes, hours or days if you’d let him, a course of action he hadn’t particularly minded at the beginning but could imagine got old rather quick for the focal point of his attention.

Before such habits could get the better of him he would lean in and pressed a kiss against the Izumi’s forehead, being extra careful not to wake him in the process. ”Sleep tight..” With that out of the way, he had already gone ahead and set the next goal in his mind. Through what was unmistakably the stinging haze of alcohol and sleep deprivation Yoshihisa had made it an agonizing set of tasks to retrace their steps and puzzle together what little he could remember of the day before. From the looks of it they had at the very least managed to make their way towards their destination: A one-floor cabin, build in such a timeless fashion from the prized mahogany the region had once been known for. Housing bare essentials bar the stone-lined hearth nestled on the other side of the room, it couldn’t help but be the definition of cozy for those who had chosen to make it their outpost for the duration of their stay. But what sold it were the endless waves of wheat dancing in the breeze that for most was the very first sight upon waking, like fields of gold they stretched all the way towards the horizon in what could only be described as a truly enchanted scenery.

Still somewhat groggy, Yoshihisa slipped out from underneath the covers and without a creak made his way over towards the window, letting the awe-inspiring image displayed sink in for a good while before eventually getting his hands on the minimal amount of clothing to make himself presentable, just in case. That made his attire consist of nothing more than his cargo pants and boots, still halfway through the process of putting them on as he opened the front door and stepped outside, keeping an eye on his slumbering partner as he shut it behind him. ”Ahhh, brisk.” For despite the warm and inviting glow of the fields there was a sense of instant regret to do away with most of the warmer clothing, forcing a sly grin out of the shinobi. By now he trusted his recollections enough to read more into their report. This had been their holiday destination, their combined efforts to break free from the everyday hysteria that had become part of their daily routine as much as brushing their teeth or being disappointed with certain youths. They would have to make every precious moment together last, as it was beyond them on when they would get another opportunity to do something like this, and that was when he didn’t care heed the thoughts put away in the darkest recesses of his mind: If anything, what would the next time be like?​

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Izumi's breathing was normal, in, out... peaceful as he slept. It had taken him some time to sleep next to someone. This was one of the first times that he was finally able to sleep through on a night next to someone. He had been sleeping, due to the warmth of this country, in simply boxers. Showing his whole body above the blankets. Pars under the blanket stuck there... Slowly he started to turn a little in his sleep, he eventually lay like something vulnerable being. Half curled up, face a bit in his hands. Hands were on the back half folded... His face still looking peaceful. Legs curled up. His hairs were everything, on his back, under his face. He forgot to place his hairs as a loose tail this time.

After his lover was out of bed he started to turn more in the sheets, first his arm, his upper torso... and so on till he was on his back. Slowly opening up his eyes. Holding an arm up to the beams that were sneaking inside... A slow groan was given and slowly he raised himself up from the place he had been laying down... His yawn was big and there were small tears erupting from it. Furiously he started to swipe those away. Izumi's hairs were standing and trying to go in every direction. "Hmmz..." He started to mutter and turn around, he was missing someone in the bed... and after a little bit of looking around... he started to get out of bed, getting at least a pants on. His weight was finally the way it should be, still a little under. But after 6 years total he was finally back on the weight he should have been.

"morning..." were the words muttered from the small male as he started to an attempt to tame his wild hairs. "How did you sleep..?" And with that he started to embrace the other in his back, nuzzling to the back of his lover.
Jan 12, 2015
A smile had spread across his features a split-second before he felt how Izumi pressed against him, the major benefit that came with the shinobi lifestyle being the knowledge that he could always get the drop on the other if he so desired. But this time around he would admit defeat to his endearing ‘assassin’, glancing over his shoulder as he tried to meet his lover face-to-face. ”Are you absolutely sure it is morning if you keep the curtains closed?” Much to Izumi’s usual chagrin the messy appearance due to his bed head was a topic worth endlessly teasing him for to the point where Yoshihisa was made to stop, something that usually didn’t keep him from trying to have a laugh about it anytime he thought he could get away with sneaking in a comment. Deciding however to lay off on him just this once, he quickly stared out in front of them, scanning the seemingly endless fields which enveloped them from all sides. ”In all honesty, I wouldn’t mind just being self-indulgent for once and heading back to bed. If you’d join me, that is.”

He however knew better than anyone that while it might seem appealing at first glance, this would throw a wrench in the works. What few plans they had made for their time away called for their attention above all else: A chance to sample the local cuisine and subsequent visit to the hot springs had been something to look forward to, with only a few alterations in place which he had kept quiet about up until then, meant to keep it from getting overly ‘safe’. But the allure of keeping everything simple and above all the prospect of not having to travel across the far ends of the region was great, to which Yoshihisa turned around and worked his usual magic to make it possible for him to meet Izumi’s eye. ”What about you?” His fingers ran through the lengthy strands of hair, cautiously working to untangle the usual mess up until the point where they would need a brush for the final touches.

”Whatever it is you choose, goes, Izumi-chan.” His muttered words would turn to a soft humming after having pulled Izumi into his arms for an embrace, his chin resting comfortably on top of his shorter companion’s head. Whatever their day would end up like, he couldn’t see himself as being capable of disliking it if it meant it would get to be one together. As sappy and sweet as it might have seemed in the days before their initial meeting, in a sense the way of thinking had grown on him rather quickly, to the point where he would be more than willing to turn a blind eye if it meant they were enjoying themselves. And while he couldn’t bring himself to ask or Izumi had simply managed to avoid answering questions from time to time, Yoshihisa was well aware that the young man in his arms had secretly longed from a much needed break from life, just like him. By now it was his sole intention to make sure that this opportunity in which the other had opened up to the outside world would not go to waste.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
If it was possible... the male would have let out a low growl on the comment of the morning if curtains are closed. Yet surprisingly the male didn't go much further with his teasings right now. It made him raise his head a little and tilt his head in a questioning matter... He didn't get it... where was the teasing? Where was the morning tease? Slowly he started to drape his arms around the others sides and get him closer, nuzzling he started to enjoy the way the other went through his hairs. It always was calming to him how he was doing this. "Hmm... I wouldn't let you go alone in that scary bed... I know you are good with talking, so I will just kill the bad monsters for you..."He tried to let that sound like a small flirt, but honestly, it was a failed attempt of him.

Again... the nickname chan... It still annoyed him, but there was a boundary how he would accept it of this person, his lover and his eternal flame for him. "Hmm... What was that... Yoshi..." He muttered and looked up since his head was being held into place. A grin got to him and he was being... rather bold right now, a single nibble was placed as a mark and he hummed down a little. "How about... we lay a little in bed, waking up, then a good breakfast and go around the city to explore it bit by bit?" He commented and tried to embrace the other a little more then he was already doing. Izumi was here, and he didn't really want to spend another second wasting without him.. This vacation felt like a much needed moment.

He started to remember how it came that Yoshihisa asked him... it was just a foggy memory by now... as he had just come home.
Another death... Izumi looked at the distance on where he had shot the other. A wolf-like creature slowly ended up behind Izumi, who raised his hand to pet the creature. "Yoku yatta." He said in a soft whisper. This job... It made him feel colder than usual... It was number 14 that he took from this planet. The wolf only reacted with wanting another prey to hunt. A soft sigh left the adult as he started to let his fingers roam the parts of fun.
"Job done." He had said through the headset as he started to make his way back when he had done everything.

Once he was back at his place he dropped the bow just on the side of the door. Kicked out his shoes and walked further, letting his long hairs lose from the small knot he had made. He let his body drop on the couch and looked at the top. "jū yon.." He repeated for a moment and stood up to make himself some tea.

He had been on a lot of jobs as of recently and had finally some time on his own... Yet when the door was simply knocked, Izumi was already ready to defend himself in a matter of simple moments... Seconds passed as he took note of what he had been doing right now... "Shitzu..." He mentioned to himself, scolding himself as he opened up the door. "Hey..." He said as he saw it was a familiar someone... And Izumi wasn't used to getting visitors that much...

A smile got to him. "Still glad how you picked me up that day...." He muttered against the skin of the other.

[MFT: 593]
Jan 12, 2015
It were moments like these he knew he would look back at with great pride as it meant the world to him to experience this side of Izumi, one which dared to be bold and opened up: It drew a stark contrast with how he had initially come across, like a caged bird too frightened to dream let alone realize it. He never spoke of this out loud, instead quietly nurturing an environment in which said bird could finally spread its wings, be as happy as it could possibly be. That is not to say there weren’t any items worthy of concern for there were plenty, but these had long since been decided to be his burdens to shoulder. ”I would say a compliment is in order, for next time I might actually buy that you aren’t about half as eager as you think you are.” Parrying the flirtation with some of his own, Yoshihisa had adopted quite the cocky smirk to commemorate what he could only label as a clean win from his end, knowing that it would most likely tick off his lover in just the right way.

”Izumi-chaaaan.~” Foregoing another witty comment, he instead drew a deep breath and whispered taunting into the other’s ear. No truer low hanging fruit of teasing, but regardless he had to admit it was a shame that the nickname had never seemed to stick with Izumi, or at the very least not to the other’s liking. It couldn’t be helped, although he wasn’t in a hurry to find another method of showing affection anytime soon. Izumi’s nibbling was met with a response in the form of a playful jab to the ribs and armpit, hopefully getting the younger shinobi to fully submit before hoisting him over his shoulder, like the prize after a succesful hunt. ”Stop, stop. You got me at the first half, so shouldn’t mess with perfection now should you?”

While his wide grin and constant teasing between the lines would serve as a solid means to conceal it, Yoshihisa was if anything slightly taken aback by the proposal for them to tour the city during their stay at the countryside. Even during private outings like these it couldn’t be helped that the mentality of an ANBU had managed to seep in somewhere along the way, dead set to avoid any potential complications if it could be helped. Too late had it come to light that it hadn’t exactly been the ideal holiday destination to start with, and so he had worked tirelessly in order to salvage what he could and built around the idea that it would be just the two of them, no commitments. He had even gone as far as to resort to reading into Izumi’s work assignments, past and present in order to draw a conclusion about what was behind this reluctance on display. As much as he hated going behind his lover’s back, he was well aware that more time was needed for certain subjects of their past, this being among them: Aside from the fact he had left the Sand’s territories at a very early age, there had been no real connection to go by, just speculation.

Shutting the door behind them as he slid Izumi into a more comfortable position by choosing to carry him in his arms from there on out, Yoshihisa sat down with a muted thud on their bed all the while keeping his gaze averted in favor of focusing on their embroidered bedsheets. ”Are you absolutely certain you want to promise to visit such a densely populated area, here of all places?” While he was being extra tender in his handling of his lover as he lay him down next to him, there was an overwhelming urge to do away with the day lurking just below the surface.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
E-eager?!" He stumbled out and threw his hands in his sides. "I-I... never!" he said and crossed those arms, trying to be pouty with the other. Eventually, he did something different on which he soon had a jab in his ribs and armpit. It left him with a small yelp and soon he found himself over the shoulder looking to the backside of Yoshida. "O-oi!!" he said, trying to be a macho but in fact, he was already too submissive to the other as he started to lean on the others back to keep him a little upright... After he called out an idea to do... What he did was slowly hang again, trying to position his hands... and play drum on the behind of Yoshihisa. A grin played on him as he tried to be teasing back forgetting a major thing maybe that he was the one being stuck in this position...

Once the doors were shut behind them, and he was in a comfy position near Holding his hands up for a second looking to them.."I... Just want to do something with you. Something else then sitting inside all day... I first was thinking of looking around all the time, but was unsure about what to do most." He confessed with his words and looked a bit beside him, towards his lover, giving off a small smile. Yet one of his morning yawns escaped him. "We... could sport for example or something like that..? If you want that? Sightseeing.. Or do other things?" Innocent thoughts went through his head right here you know!
He knew what this place was part off... And he wanted to know if she was here also, or had left traces... but you could easily see that this male had no clear idea how to start the real reason behind it as he was slight looking into the distance about it, a soft sigh was left him and he smiled once more. "what do you think panda?" he said, naming him once more something silly because of the chan earlier. He... started to adjust to it but kept acting like he didn't like that at all.
Jan 12, 2015
Even the darkest of moments couldn’t suppress the sense of joy he experienced each and every time he saw Izumi adapt or open up in his own subtle ways, more often than not accompanied by the delighted smile it brought to his face. Despite the tough image the boy wanted to represent himself with, it never failed to amuse him how it had more or less the opposite of the desired effect by making him incredibly adorable instead. During their few months together it had gradually become easier to read one another, however it were moments like these where he still found himself very much in the dark of his lover’s true intentions, for deep down he knew they were present as certain decisions were made. ”Let me pick you up on that offer to exercise, as it can’t hurt to stay in shape during times of active duty, can it?.” He smiled in return, genuinely relieved to hear these suggestions and was inclined to go with any of them if it meant keeping Izumi safe and secure.

It however was short lived, the off-handed inclination to his point of view on the matter made it so his expression got dead serious as if flipping a switch. ”I possess enough common sense to know that you haven’t shared the whole story as of yet, but going public in these territories was a dead giveaway. You want to feign ignorance, meaning that someone has to look out for your best interests.” His words came out harsher than originally intented, causing the man to be immediately torn between part of him indeed looking to act as a guardian to Izumi, while the other half was kicking himself for being incapable of persuading the other to confess something that by all means was a matter very close to his heart. ”.. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have treated you like you’re nothing but a child.. But I can’t help but be genuinely concerned if it is a matter of life and death and I don’t have much but speculation to go on.”

Yoshihisa looked down at his hands, defeated despite the conflict having resulted in an indecisive draw at best. He had silently hoped to make it through their weekend together without having to raise this point, but alas it appeared it couldn’t be helped. Might as well go through with it instead of taking half measures to find out what had preoccupied the person he held dear more than anyone else. ”The djinni won’t go back in the bottle, that much is true. Honestly.. isn’t there anything I could do that allows you to trust me and share what is on your mind?” It was doubtful to assume Izumi would share his innermost thoughts with nothing but a plea, although as it was often the case Yoshihisa loved -loved- to be proven wrong. Otherwise it would mean that in the future the scales had to be tipped during his inner debates, a prospect of something he didn’t hope to make an intricate part of his relationship if he could help it.


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
