Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Requesting Entry Wishing for a snowman..

This thread is marked as containing someone requesting/being allowed entrance into the village.


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shion had been walking, walking, and walking through the desert till the point he had found himself finding gates. "Did I finally get here..?" At this point he had rolled up his sleeves, carrying his coat on his shoulder and his fedora on his head shading him from the sun. "Oooi... please does someone have water..? I ran out a long while ago!" he shouted towards the gates, probably no the best thing to do regards his situation... but he was thirsty and couldn't really think of much else than water at this moment. "Anything would do, even booze..." he complained a little as he would look towards the gates from under his fedora.

[Requesting Entrance]
[OOC;; ALlooo, I am crappy at starters, excuse me]


New Member
Apr 26, 2021
OOC Rank
Ah yes, many a traveler has wandered the rolling hills of the desert expanse, but many fail to survive the experience. It is rarely the direct heat that gets them despite the sun’s unflinching efforts to burn your skin. No, more often than not is actually onsetting dementia— the effects of dehydration leading to dissociation from one’s surroundings. This figure by the name of Shion had survived a march upon a sea of glass that burned at their feet for a time untold. At times, directions seemed meaningless; with an immense dune’s climb leading to more of the same. Shion likely knew now, just how determined sand could be when it came to entering the nooks and crannies of your belongings. Indeed, the perils of the wind country’s outlands were maddening to travelers with insufficient resolve. But, unlike the mirages of oasis waters or birds flying high and pointing towards civilization, the image of Sunagakure’s barricade was unmistakable in the distance.

The fortified bastion was surely a world wonder unto itself. This place was named after a revered hero of Sunan myth and legend. Primus’ Bulwark was an expansive wall that protected the village from what horrors lay beyond. Powerful protections were a must, what with gargantuan worms and the like capable of sundering lesser defenses while passing through— purely catastrophic happenstance.

Since he was old enough to comprehend it all, Jintou was awestruck at the magnitude of Suna’s walls. As a youngling, he would sometimes venture close enough to the village to see them. The grand walls would sway due to heat distorting his vision from miles away. He had never thought he’d be patrolling those same barricades someday. But now Jintou was enrolled at the prestigious ninja academy, and duties such as gate patrolling were in his syllabus. Today was his first time: he was granted a junior-sized padded vest to protect him underneath his crimson cloak. He was also granted a clipboard and held it close to his chest as the first stranger of his shift approached.

“May the winds have guided you safely, brother” Jintou called to a curious-looking man. At a mere glance, Jintou recognized him to be from a foreign land, at a minimum because of how his complexion handled the harsh sun and the materials of his belongings. “You seem parched” Jintou gleamed, or maybe just assumed safely. “Would you like some water? I don’t know if I’m supposed to offer my things but it’s okay, I know it must have been a harsh trip, aye?” The boy had a genuine smile, soft and understanding. “Been here before?’ "Let's see your passport and all that if you have it. I can run it up to the watchtower and get you some clearance— I think.”

Abruptly, Jinto spun on his back foot, cupped his hands into a funnel over his mouth, and made a whooping bird call that echoed against the mighty bastion. The sounds were still bouncing when Jinto turned back to Shino and with a wink said “Alright, someone with the right clearances should see to you soon enough.” There was going to be a bit of awkward waiting to endure though, or so Jintou suspected. There always was. He’d have to entertain his guest with some small talk, or well, he didn’t have to but it would be rude to just stand there… “So, you come here often? Oh, before I start prying— Jinto at your service, House Oba.” He ended his own greeting with a differential shrug; no one ever knew who he was but that was destined to change.

-- Welcome to Suna, Shion.

-- Jinto Oba has entered the thread.
-- I don't think I can set you free as a mere student—
-- I figured I'd say hello while waiting for my teammate's character apps to be approved.
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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Gates of the Primus Bulwark would swing open in response to the youths call. From behind the massive fortifications would emerge perhaps the last individual Jintou would have expected to answer his call for assistance. The shinobi that made his way to Shion & the young Sunan was none other then Miroku Akkuma. His long white hair shined in the Sunan sun as he made his way towards the two individuals. Exquisitely crafted black robes billowed in the breeze as he approached. "Isn't this a lovely surprise..." he would say out loud to himself as he neared the two shinobi. Those piercing emerald eyes of his held the young sunan in their gaze before moving to the form of the foreigner upon the sand. Although this was not any mere foreigner this was one of the Gekido Clan members. Kneeling down to the fedora wearing individual he would extend out to them a small gourd of refreshing water. "Drink up Shion...your Lord would be most displeased if I allowed you to perish." he joked with a warmth that contradicted the unnatural presence he wielded.

It would be in this moment that his gaze slid to Jintou their eyes meeting as he spoke his next words. "It would appear our guest is alive...granted another day in the desert & that may not have been the case." he would state casually as if the individual before him was not still currently suffering from dehydration & heat exhaustion. "I suggest you notify one of your superiors...the Hokage would be most displeased if one of her kin were to die at our Gates." he would say with a devilish grin no doubt this information would cause the young shinobi to understand the urgency of his request. With a few handseals the Sage would apply a restorative medical jutsu to the cursed young member of the Gekido clan. While doing this he would continue speaking to the youth known as Jintou. "If they lack urgency be sure to tell them I'm here handling the matter...that news should be enough to expedite their arrival." he would say in a business-like manner accompanied by a devilish wink. How would the young Sunan react to the directions given to him by an individual with Akkuma's reputation.

In such a close proximity to the Sage they would be able to see the extensive scars that ran across his figure. Not too mention the forbidden seals that covered his form, some visible while the rest were hidden from view. He could feel the eyes of the other guardians on the Primus Bulwark upon them. Trying to discern what the Sage could possibly hope to gain from the situation. When in truth this whole encounter was already due to bare fruit from his earlier endeavor to Fire Country. He wondered where Nobu & his other retainers were. Perhaps Shion had been sent ahead to confirm that the Sage would indeed hold up his end of the bargain.

OOC: Entered to help pass the time until entrance is granted. xD Went to post & saw Jintou had posted! This shall be glorious!​


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
"guided me.. sure.. after a hit or two.. safely... that is a debate thing..." he answered rather soft almost as if it were thoughts said out loud. To tell the truth, he felt like his head would pop, he saw a bit blurred and dizzy. He was sure he didn't have any alcohol in his system as of the moment as he had been clean for a good week now. As he began to check himself... he noticed his breathing was a bit quicker and shallow... and thus started to focus a bit more on that to keep that under control, but despite that and the heat that was little in order.

"some water would be amazing.." he would comment as he then heard a loud whistle. "Nice to meet you..." he said as he slowly opened up his second eye after closing it. ' that... was loud...' with a headache everything would be loud... Not to mention he couldn't even sleep much on his journey despite his attempts.

One unfamiliar face... After a sharp whistle a familiar face. Yet in his mind, something didn't fully add up. 'something isn't right... but I cannot place my finger on it...' he thought but once he got water offered. He couldna help but drink it and drink it quick. He was parched, to say the least, and he did cool down a bit on his neck. He knew he had something caught by now... but as the other placed a seal on him... All he could think about the thing he was missing. He had lost ability over gates... that was for sure. He had stopped that bleeding before, but with that seal in place that would most likely heal now.

"Thanks..." he muttered after he had drunk the water. "Shion Yoshino.. Shion for simple matters. I am a Mercenary... and frankly, I do not own such documents. Throughout my origin city, I was never given them and left out without problems.. Never knew you needed such documents to roam free...?" He questioned that a bit back towards them all kid before he would sigh. He should know better as he used to be a kid himself, despite many people underestimate him at this very moment. "Since I left my home... it has been a bumpy ride... Not sure how I am going to explain to brother how I lost chakra after 6th gate before..." The last bit was a bit muttered as he would be looking from one person to another.

' not sure she would care if we died yes or no.. She is almost like with of a silent hill.. just there to haunt your dreams... Never knew what Nobu saw in her.. see in her... present sentence idiot...' He looked away while he thought that as he would look towards the sage once more. "How do you guys even walk around in this heat...." for him, being ginger.. it was safe to say he barely got even sun in his face, and given the fact his cheeks and nose were red... he was burned, pretty much from the sun despite him trying to shade himself from them. "We don't even have this much of a heat back home..." He would offer back the empty water thing towards the sage and muttering other thanks. He had reminded him to stay polite. "Kids these days have fun or...?" He looked towards the youngest one out of the group.

[ooc;; allooo]


New Member
Apr 26, 2021
OOC Rank
When those monolithic gates part, they let out an unmistakable bellow. It’s not a normal sound— not like systematic clangs that come with any mechanism moving heavy metals. The opening of the gate is more like a heavy metal wail. It is an aching moan: some say it is the calling lamentations of Mother Suna when her children march off to battle some distant foe. More conservative urban legends cite that it’s the inverse— cries of warning when the enemies of the village are setting foot within our hallowed ground. If that’s true, wouldn’t that make just about everyone coming from afar an enemy? Jintou was fortunate to have never been subject to those stories. However, as the gate made its wailing call and spread to spit out its answer, Jintou made a discerning squint.
“Wait a minute” Jintou breathed, recognizing one of the outspoken ninja from that eventful gathering in the Kazekage’s Open War Council.

By the time that figure closed the distance between the gate and the guest, Jintou was certain and flinching. He was Akkuma, head of the black-clad Miroku clan, out in the open and without his entourage— not that he needed one. Jintou’s eyes were glazed over as Shion introduced himself, resembling clusters of whitestone more than barion cut diamonds. He was slow to respond: his mouth opened like a Pez dispenser but nothing came out of the gaping maw.

“You are… a mercenary?” Put in Jintou amidst a bit of back and forth among the present company. “The Hokage? You know a Hokage?” Between the two of these so-called freelancing ninja, Jintou was slightly curious. How can ninja, who are by proxy warriors who endure for their cause, do so noncommittally, free from solemn vows and sacred oaths? Without beliefs in right and wrong, and rules to abide by, what separates the ninja from the bandits who’ll sink a blade into anyone for the right price? At a glance, Akkuma seemed unscrupulous, even corrupt, with faceless henchmen galore who’d do the most unsavory things if he bade them. That Shion fellow though— he had Jintou’s eyes narrowing again with that intense focus. What was his game?

“Luscious green as far as the eyes can see!” Jintou was still thinking about the faraway land he’d heard stories about on the hottest and driest of days. “I know it’s hot out but, would you tell me more about the Fire Country, mister Shion? I heard some of the trees can black out the sky and grow tall like mountains. And… I don’t know much about it but— my big brothers always talk about how pretty the girls are there. I mean, that’s not how they say it, but, you know...” The boy’s words trailed off from the awkward rant and his eyes dropped to count stray pebbles in the road. “That was inappropriate, wasn’t it? “Umm, pardon me, sirs, I’ll go see what’s taking my senpai so long.” With a skittish gait, Jintou hurried away from the embarrassment, but couldn’t move fast enough as a seasonal wind spun him back around with a heavy gust. He could have died inside.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Exchange between the two young shinobi made him smile warmly. While he spoke he could hear the faint inaudible commands carried on the wind from the other gate guards. It would seem his presence here had caused quite the fuss. He listened intently to the words spoken by the two youths, focusing instead on them. So rare were the international exchanges such as tournaments nowadays. At least in comparison to the days of his own youth. This realization only made the Sage more sure that the path he had chosen to walk was the right one. The ties of shinobi once more needed to be strengthened, they had been dulled & weakened in their isolation in the face of past calamities. Akkuma chuckled at the words exchanged between the two, an oddly warm reaction from the mysterious individual.

A devilish smile would flash upon the Sages face at the questions posed by the youth. 'So that is how she mitigated the myriad of problems their agreement had posed...well played Lady Asuka.' he thought to himself standing & extending a hand to help Shion up from the sand. Should Shion prove to be to weak to stand the Miroku Lord would support his weight with ease against his form. "Mercenaries are much more common nowadays. Especially in such dire times, when peace restricts their ability to act." he would admit, after all over the years he had served almost every village & their Kage in some capacity. Jintou seemed shocked by the knowledge that they knew a Hokage. This caused the Sage to chuckle as he answered. "I've kept the company of many Kage over the years. Lady Asuka is certainly an impressive individual...Konohagakure will do well under her reign." he would admit to them both. Perhaps a surprising revelation given the Sages tendency to clash with such authoritative figures. It was then Jintou asked for more information about Fire Country from Shion. Perhaps the Sage would nominate the youth to accompany him on one of his next journeys. After all he seemed to yearn to experience the world. There was an undeniable sense of awe in his gaze as he imagined Konohagakure & the land in which it resided.

Jintou would apologize for the way he spoke before going to go see what was taking his senpai so long. However it seemed the Fates had more in store for the youth. For as he turned to leave a gust of wind billowed snapping his form back around to face the two Mercenaries. "It would seem Mother Suna would prefer you stay here." he would say jokingly, for he knew how superstitious some of the Suanns could be. Fortunately he knew all to well that Mother Suna was no deity at least by standard definition. She was an Ancient, a being that despised his kind. They had come to know each other quite well. In truth when it came to beings he'd clashed with in his lifetime, none had compared to her. There was no doubt in his mind that she had been his greatest adversary, he doubted another individual could pose such a threat to his position as she had. Her efforts to undo his hard work were almost surgical in their precision. In truth the foes he'd faced since then only paled in comparison.

A sigh would escape his lips as his gaze moved to the horizon of the desert. Those were thoughts for another time however, his gaze would move back to the youths. "Tell me Shi is your Lord out in the desert? Or have you been sent in advance to make the necessary preparations?" he would ask using a shortened version of the youths name & a devilish smirk. Knowing full well that the young shinobi would undoubtedly be annoyed by such informality from the Sage. The Sage had little reason to believe Lord Nobu had departed yet, for he had Agents watching the border for their party. But in between skirmishes with the Swarm & the other natural predators of the dunes. It was quite possible they had managed to enter the country without detection. No matter how small the chance he needed to know. After all he couldn't have his comrades dying in the desert, it would be a most disappointing waste of talent if they were to fall prey to the horrors of the desert.

Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu took a slower approach to the entrance of the village, after all, there was no point sprinting at it, it would just gather him unwanted attention and right now he didn't need that. Shapes were coming up in front of him, it seemed that he wasn't going to be the only one that wanted to have a chat this time, as he looked towards what started as silhouettes it seemed that people came into view and of course, right now he could start making out clothing, the familiar black cloak that he worse allowing the red cloud to stand proudly in the sunlight as he approached the group.

Spotting two of them as he got close he recognized them of course right now his face turned into a smile as he knew that he had found the man he was searching for, even if Shion it seemed had already managed to beat him to it. Only managing to get to the very end of the conversation which was a shame as he would have loved to hear more about what was being discussed, but that was life sometimes you missed out and sometimes others missed out, nothing special about that.

Feeling the presence of the Sage from his walk only confirmed further the identity of the man, so it seemed Akkuma was good on his word so far. Well, at least that was another notch in the man's trust in the eyes of Nobu. As he sauntered towards the group grabbing the last bit of conversation, he frowned slightly as it seemed his soon to be wife was still coming up in conversation, no matter how far away he got from her, she was always coming up that was strange but nothing that he would deny would happen in his life. After all, the title of Hokage would be something people talked about.

"My wife, to be still coming up to this day Akkuma? It's good to see you, as promised I have turned up and it seems my representative to my family made it before me, I apologize for that, something kept me preoccupied, a running with a man called Maki it seemed held me up. But that is gone for now so nothing to worry about there, how are you both doing?"

Looking towards the stranger he inclined his head slightly as he looked towards the man, wondering what would be taking them a while to enter into the village, but right now he knew patience was going to be needed from all of them, as he glanced towards Akkuma a small smirk on his lips as he looked up to the Sky. The food, drink inside was what he was looking forward to, the more serious talks less so but still conversation if good or bad was just that conversation at the end of the day.

"Hello there, I am also seeking entrance into the Village. Is there a problem here or did I just join a nice conversation that was happening?"

[Topic Entered]
[Village Entrance Requested]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
As he took the hand, he made one error. He still had that wound on his back that had run deep and he was already lucky. With the jolt of pain going through him, he found himself gritting his teeth and he inhaled his breath sharply. "Okay... That still hurts..." He would mutter under his breath and he was somewhat glad he was able to hold the other as a support for this moment. ' Wish I did take that situation differently...' he complained in his thoughts as he dulled the pain a bit and standing up better now while leaning against him.

'Yea-- I know a Hokage... Asuka- Not the best individual there is around, but you don't hear me complaining about her anymore..." he would look towards the kid. He wanted to know more about his home..? "Well... It can be amazing, indeed trees going high until you cannot see the sky... The people make it amazing too if you ask me. But more those inside of Crater City rather than inside the walls... but inside the walls, my life wasn't as easy as anything. Hence why I got this far I guess. But I can tell you far more another time if you do not mind. As that would end up in a lengthy conversation."

He quiets down as he thought back... just before he went through the borders he had been attacked... One that had a result he didn't like but was too stubborn to tell. As he went through the fourth gear of his sins... One of the bandits managed to hit him hard in his back. Something happened and he was thrown out of the gates and severely weakened. He remembered a spike of pain in his back, further inside than he thought before... and before he knew, he had made a grave error with his opponent. They knew well about the human anatomy along with the chakra points.
He had defeated the men that attacked him, but only thanks to the curse seal. Yet much more couldn't be said after that as he woke up on the ground unable to use chakra for the first bit until later he regained some of it. Summoning his Yokai, he managed to patch it up, or rather bandage it up. "Shion... you have damage that runs deep... You took a full hit of some kind of energy blast... perhaps a Rasengan or something... It runs deep till your bone almost... but more importantly... your chakra gate... That... is probably why.." His yokai always did care for him, but no matter what Shion was stubborn and moved along through the desert, the yokai changed the bandage once but urged Shion to get someone to look at. But he was too proud and stubborn yet he did get basic aid, at least till the flesh was back, but the damage still remained.

"I can no longer open up gates... as a hachi" He simply stated softy, lost in thoughts till he heard the sage talking. "Tell me Shi is your Lord out in the desert? Or have you been sent in advance to make the necessary preparations?" "Oi oi oi! I will call you something too!" He already started to complain and even though he was weakened, his demonic aura started to seep out he got an annoyed grimace on his face, eyes were almost spitting fire towards the sage. Yet even he knew he would be no match now nor ever. He left a heavy sigh, moved a little to stand a bit more firm and less tense on his back or rather his spine. "I went on ahead... Thinking smart but failed horridly... Hence the state I got here or what I cannot even do anymo--- !@#$" The last word was cut short and filled with a scold. He saw one person he kind of wished not to see now, not in his current state. "Nii-san..." he said soft and would sigh. At least he didn't flip a switch at the shortening of his name at the very moment. What would Nobu think... Shion was the youngest, probably most stupid one out there... and now he was one to show that too towards his brother.


New Member
Apr 26, 2021
OOC Rank
Oh yes, nothing to see here but a super casual hangout at the hottest spot in the big five. All it took was the time a crow’s feather fell from the height of the bulwark to Jintou’s feet. The apprentice ninja had gone from meeting one to three “shinobi without borders.” I’m coining that term for mercenaries and already have the merch thought out. Let’s call it Merc Merch! Perhaps some keychains would have made the image of a third stranger less disconcerting as a tall, dark, and handsome sort of fellow traipsed towards that former trio. But before his arrival, “The Count of the Miroku Clan” and “The Wandering Rouge”— marketable titles— were already having a bit of dialogue concerning a matter that was apparently personal to him.

The scarred man: Akkuma, was proving to be as illustrious as his position in the war room suggested. It was likely a misunderstanding, but Jintou had a slight blush as he considered what Akkuma meant by “kept the company of many Kage over the years.” The boy contorted his visage to emulate Akkuma as he recited the words back in his best, albeit cheap impression of him: a husky a baritone oboe that was hard to emulate.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Having only met one Kage by the age of twelve, and hearing that the Hokage was a woman, Jintou began to imagine this unknown Lady Asuka as the great lord Raizo, but as a gender-bent rendition. Not bad, not bad. But with how Shion seemed to dislike the mysterious Asuka figure, and by Jintou’s account Shion seemed gentle, this made Asuka sound like a powerful and mad baroness! His vivid imagination contorted the image of a lanky straw hat woman into a hulking beast ready to crush windpipes and call a legion of demon ninja to battle with a mere war cry. It probably sounded like that gate opening.

Jintou was silent again and squinting amidst the back and forth of his company, daydreaming to their faces about the Hokage. A big and powerful lady who knew how to lead— indeed, she sounded impressive. He let out a bit of steam, but then came this Nobu cretin. Yes, this made him a cretin now, who’d dare to betroth such a magnificent woman and speak of her like his property. “His wife?” The boy murmured low, and looked up at Nobu with a deadpan stare, lifeless, with diamond eyes crushed to resemble black dots. His cheeks went temporarily gaunt. One might have thought Jintou was contemplating ending that man’s life. Red lights began to shine in those delicate orbs, it was the look of burning passion as he thought “one day, she will be mine!” Oh, to be twelve and experience one's first love... How sweet.
“Sure I’ll grant you access into the village,” Jintou said, staring daggers into Nobu. “But you’ll have to enter in a pine box.”

--Welcome to Suna, Nobu.

-- Sorry for the wait for the actual entry.
-- wc492
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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Concern would briefly flash in his eyes as he noticed the state of his guest. Evidently his journey here had been a rough one. Shion informed Jintou about Fire Country while the sunan youth began to imitate the Sage. A change in body language that had not gone unnoticed by Akkuma & caused him to chuckle. Fortunately for him the Sage was in a rather good mood. Nobu was now close enough that the Sage could feel him enter the life draining aura he possessed. This was when Shion informed him that he'd lost his Hachi abilities, nothing of true concern to the Sage for he had options for the youth that would serve him vastly better. "I can assure you...should you require it I can give the training that will surpass the capabilities of what you lost." he would say to the young Gekido clansmen. Unfortunately his young comrade had been damaged. It would only serve to momentarily hinder the plans he had for his guest. "I have many names by all means give me another..." he would say to Shion for the Sage had operated under numerous monikers throughout the decades.

Nobu was close enough to hear their conversation & his words made a devilish grin appear upon his face once more. For more than one reason after all the shinobi known as Maki was someone he knew. "I'm sure it won't be long before people begin to speak of you in such a manner Lord Nobu. That's a name I haven't heard in sometime...lets hope he didn't surprise you the way he did others." he would say given who the individual was betrothed to it was only fitting he use such a title. "There have been some interesting developments since we last spoke. But that is a discussion for another time." his words were casually spoken. While his attention had been briefly focused on his new guest the passionate realization & awakening of Jintou had gone unnoticed. That was when he heard the words of the Sunan youth. When his emerald gaze shifted to the youth he almost laughed at the death stare being given to his newly arrived comrade. If not for the disrespect he could've allowed it, but there were many dangerous individuals out in the world & if the young sunan wished to survive to become one. Then there were a few things he would need to be taught.

"I wonder how your Lord Raizo would feel knowing one of his shinobi had threatened a delegate from another country. Let alone the fiancé of the Lady Asuka." he would say with a raised eyebrow to remind the youth that he was a sunan shinobi. As such his actions carried with them more weight & potential for consequences than he may have initially thought. "Tell me, Jinto of House Oba..." he gave the briefest of pauses to allow the weight of the realization the Sage knew who he was. " I strike you as the type of individual who tolerates threats against those I've given my hospitality too?" his question carried with it an obvious implication, one he hoped was not missed by the youth. Miroku Akkuma had few things he regarded as sacred in his life. But when it came to those under the protection of his hospitality it was something he did not take lightly. After all such things were a reflection of himself & with the carefully crafted reputation he had built over the years that was something he could not allow. All the while watching the youth to see how they reacted to his words.

Apologies on the delay!
Edited to fix some errors.
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Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Kaen was no stranger to the gate, a quasi-sacred duty that nearly all shinobi would have to endure. It served to temper patience and diligent paperwork skills. They never taught you that bullcrap growing up on the streets. He could only hope Suna prepared their young for something of the sort. Cuz it's not all karate moves and chakra blasts, no. I suppose it's unfair to complain so loudly when these things were self inflicted. The further you advance in this ninja world the more your homework grew.

But there were pros and cons to rank. Con number... who knows. Checking in on subordinates. Pro, happening upon an escalating scene that should the worst come to pass, favor would not be in the Fiery Hybrid's favor. Exactly how he liked it. He was not aware of the entire conversation prior to this particular heart pumping rise in interest, but he felt it best to pop in and say hi before the young man he met in the marketplace became another statistic. Whether that was an increase in child deaths for the year, or another one added to the list of test subjects in Akkuma's long list of amalgamations.

Before Jintou would have a chance to speak he would feel a heavy hand rest gently on his right shoulder. A familiar deep voice would calmly boom past his left ear. "To be young again, such spirit." Looking down to Jintou he would give a reassuring smile. "Well done for watching over the bulwark. Seems your hands are a bit full, how can I help?" Kaen would recognize Akkuma immediately, he pondered whether he would recognize him. He wasn't the same, scrawny red head he might have remembered years ago.

[Topic Entered]
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu let his eyes fall onto Shion for a bit as he studied the member of his Clan, a small sigh escaped his lips as it seemed that something was off, even he knew that he would have to look into this at some point, but for now, there was no point in asking too many questions in front of others. Even he wasn't that stupid as he turned his gaze to the other man that spoke it seemed that he really didn't understand the world at all, he made a small note of the wording and the open aggression, maybe he did need to learn some lessons in life, but right now the Yamanaka had more important business around the place than getting into a scrap at the gates of Sand.

Watching Akkuma speak instead he decided to keep himself silent at the moment after all there was already one Shinobi doing the talking for him. And no point in him getting involved when it really wasn't down to him to do so. Though it seemed someone else would be entering the conversation as well as he knew full well that he would just have to blend in with Shion, after all both were in similar situations from leaving Leaf and right now they came here to deal with Akkuma. That was a simple fact and he wanted to make sure that he kept to the point, after all, the walk here had made him hungry for food and he could think of nothing else.

"Hello there, I am looking to enter into Suna to conduct business with Akkuma here, this was already discussed in fire country and a deal struck, on the condition of coming here to sort the final parts out. I have been traveling for a while and need a place to sleep as well if you know anywhere good?"

He left the conversation to the others, keeping it to the matters at hand and nothing else, he wanted to conduct his business and leave it was simple really for the Clan head, just another day of deals and trades.

[MFT: 354]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
He had called his brother and he noticed how silent he remained... He knew... He knew he fcked it up badly. Or at least somewhat. "I have many names, by all means, give me another..." He stopped facepalming and let his eyes slide to the corners to look at Akkuma. "Pannekoek..." He muttered as he had settled at that name, he didn't mind that the other probably had no idea what it meant. If anyone even knew what it would mean. Yet he had been glaring somewhat to Akkuma with saying that nickname. Just to spite him back, or rather attempt to.

It was then that he heard the young kid say those things regards of his brother... Now he already was annoyed, which could be noticed by his devilish aura leaking out a bit, yet somewhat kept surrounding the two devils at this very moment... Yet Shion didn't find much fun in those words, and despite his brother not reacting... He couldn't really sit still with that. But as he opened up his mouth to say something, yet was cut short by the moment that the devil started to speak. ' And here I thought kids back in leaf wanted to die quickly...' [/I]He left a little sigh as he said that in his mind.

He closed his mouth once more as he saw another individual walk ahead. He studied the man... He was taller than him, meaning he had to remain careful with that fact... It was another redhead... Which let him question a thing or two which he himself never could get answered. Now that he heard his brother.... He reminded himself of two simple things; telling who he was, was a part of mannerism. So he decided to try out the things he had learned from the books.

"Shion Yoshino... Leaf Mercenary, same as my brother here." He took a breath in to remain the pain above. "We came here after our deal with Akkuma... but I would like to make a deal with your current Kage too... But a bed with food sounds good too...." He muttered the last part, as he felt, he could crash down on a bed belly flop first and just lay there numb.
He tried to not be such a heavyweight on Akkuma thus tried to stand a bit more on his own, at this point, he was just glad he was wearing black and the seal from Akkuma to not die at least.

[MFT: 415]


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Apr 26, 2021
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A few choice words turned the gathering of mercenaries into a situation. Jintou had spoken out of term— indeed, strangers and ninja were not the folk to entertain with death threats, real or satirical. The boy had forgotten the antics of this despot Akkuma and the danger he posed. He was not beholden to the laws of the Hidden Sand, and despite their cordialities, he was not to be confused as Jintou’s friend. And in his childish naivety, the boy had spoken an idle threat at one of his so-called associates.
Now, the young ninja-in-training was like a tyke half his age facing an electric stove— his tiny hand was outstretched and reaching for the bright red spiral that was Akkuma.

“I don’t know…” Jintou spat back a frightened response to the quiz posed by the Miroku Clan’s Patron. “What would Lord Raizo do? Oh no… What would he do if he found you talking to me in front of two guests you brought to his village?” Jintou’s attention darted between each of the freelancing trio, but it kept coming back to the one who prompted his revelation. “I’m sorry Mister Akkuma, I should have let your friends into my village already but I lack that privilege— and unfortunately so do you!”

“Mister Shion and— Lady Asuka’s Husband... Does Lord Raizo know that you are here at Mister Akkuma’s invitation?” The boy clutched his two-pronged walking staff tightly to his chest and made a heel crunch into the sand with a step back. “They say he is a despot in our village and a milk drinker. “Mothers tell their children that the Akkuma will come from behind their coat racks after midnight” and there were three pop-up books as proof: a trilogy. “If you misbehave, it will drain your blood like a goat for the slaughter.”
Despite his hazy recollection of the event that took place in the Kazekage’s war room, and even bedtime stories that were well-read, he didn’t believe this lunatic to be so threatening. After all, how could he be a vampire and walk in the daylight? Vampires aren’t real, right?

With his palms sweaty and losing the grip on his bident, and his heart racing, Jintou took a last, long, concerned look at the waning Shion. It was the gate guardian’s job to not only stave off threats but to welcome the needy to their oasis. Running was instinctual for survival, but if he could not defend the gates, and neglected those in need, what good was he to anyone? He expected to be remembered for wetting his pants if Akkuma’s ire left him drained of blood. The funny-looking outsider boy who died for insolence. Good riddance, with his prized bident left to wither and crack under the unforgiving sun. With a thought of the shame breaking his father’s stoic jowls, Jinto spun and got a single foot forward for an intended dead sprint.

There was about that much distance between Jintou and Kaen as the boy unexpectedly turned to collide with his senior. The stature of Kaen Shinku was not something to disregard, especially to the diminutive form of Jintou. He was a mountain of a man in comparison to the boy, full of fire and might as a ninja in peak form. Jintou stumbled back and rubbed his nose as if he had faceplanted against a wall, but Kaen seemed unbothered and recognized the situation as a dutiful gate procedure.

“Oh uh, good afternoon Senpai” Jintou answered before side-stepping out of Kaen’s path. Before Jintou could rattle about his fears, the mercenaries spoke for themselves. The duo shared their intent with hints of truth— just the absence of some key details. He held out some sense of hope for Shion, who sought to meet with the Kazekage. As for Nobu, you know Jintou’s deal.
“Senpai, their stories line up” added the boy in a surprising alignment, perhaps in a bid for peace with the estranged Akkuma. “I have recorded their passport details and taken statements… as they said, they’re the guests of Lord Miroku, here.” He lightly pointed his bident in a nod to Akkuma, as if a mere look at the man might justify some suspicion.

Miroku Akkuma

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Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
A sigh of exasperation would escape the Sages lips. The words spoken by his guests & that of the Sunan youth did not ease the frustration he had been feeling. For the briefest of moments a look of surprise would appear on the half-demons face. Such impudence he had been shown by these Sunans, how fortunate they were that his time within Sunagakure had taught him much patience. Like a tangible tidal wave of force his aura would roll out from his form. There was no hiding the bloodlust that emanated from his form. He would lean down & lock eyes with the youth as his guests elaborated as to why they were here. Meanwhile the Sage was still contemplating how he would deal with the impudence demonstrated by the Sunan.

It seemed that this had been enough to chip away at the boldness of the youth. Perhaps the gravity of the position he was getting himself into was beginning to sink in. "I assure you child that the stories pale in comparison to the truth..." he words were almost hissed at the boy as those emerald eyes burned with a sinister intent. That was when he saw the looming figure of an individual he did not recognize at first. That was until he focused his gaze upon the bulking figure of the newcomer. Upon focusing his attention upon the individual he recognized the familiar chakra within the being. A wide devilish smile would form upon his face as the Sunan youth turned in what the Sage could only describe as fear.

If not for the youth colliding into the massive frame of Kaen, he was sure the youth would've made a break straight for the massive Bulwark Gates. The hybrid placed a reassuring hand upon the young Sunans shoulder as he stepped out of the veteran shinobi's way. His emerald gaze moved up the hybrids form as he stood their eyes would lock with each other. "Well this is a pleasant surprise..." he would say as his gaze dropped down to the youth standing beside Kaen. Jintou adjusted his behavior perhaps due to the fear of repercussions from a superior. "Perhaps when our business is conducted you can...reinforce to the youth how lucky he is." there was much left out of the statement but he had no doubt Kaen knew what he meant. After all many shinobi had been unfortunate or fortunate enough to earn themselves a spot within his attentive mind. Regardless of ones perspective about the Sage there was something they could all agree on. He was a dangerous individual one that should not be provoked.

"There is much we have to discuss...but first I would think it prudent we get these two clearance to enter the village first." he would say nodding his head in the direction of his guests. "They have important business with the Kazekage, but before that is done I would suggest Shion be taken to the hospital for a check up. I would normally tend to such matters myself...but I think this is something left to the proper channels." he would say in a business-like manner, his gaze once more making its way back to the hybrid as he spoke his next words. "It would prove...problematic for the village should anything happen to Lord Nobu & Shion during their stay." his words were spoken in a calm manner, it would seem for now at least that all of the Sages animosity had subsided. "Next time you see me Lord Kaen we may be family, from what I understand my son is betrothed to your sister." he would say in a business-like manner. His family was tied to numerous great houses within Suna. Like a corruption the Miroku had spread through the village & despite the efforts of many. It would soon become more then apparent that the roots they'd established within the village would not make them easy to remove. With those words he would turn & walk up to Nobu handing him a scroll. Within it would be much of the information Nobu required to get himself properly acquainted with the village & its populace.

Essentially a more personalized tourist information booklet, down to property brokers who would be amendable to an individual such as Nobu. Should anyone decide to investigate the scroll & its contents they would find nothing of great worth. After all providing individuals with helpful information settling into a foreign village was not illegal. Even if the individual doing the helping was a monster such as he. "Lord Raizo the Kazekage is an emotional individual...but his intentions & ideals are noble. I doubt you will come to have the same troubles with him that I have." he would calmly admit to his associate. To say that Akkuma's relationship with the Kazekage was a complex one would be an understatement of the century. Something that had not gone unknown by the villagers & as such had resulted in a confrontational dynamic to emerge from many of its populace towards him. This is something he would attend to in due time, unfortunately there were still a few matters he needed to take care of before he did so. "I assume we've settled the matter & these guests may enter?" he would ask in that devilishly warm voice of his, turning to hold the hybrid in his gaze. Waiting for how the individual would react to all that had been said & done. Akkuma couldn't help but wonder how the little sunan would react & more importantly what his guests thought of this matter.



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Jan 17, 2014
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With his arms folded across his chest he would listen as Akkuma rattled on as he always does when he wants to sound impressive in front of his "friends". Akkuma had known Kaen for nearly 15 years now, he should know best that the word 'problematic' was one of his favorite words. He had no qualms with reminding the Miroku where politics stood on his list of cares. Outsiders were another thing all-together. Potential risk factors the lot of them. The Hybrid may not have cared about such things in his fiery youth, things have changed with age. Captain of the Anbu Corp. as well as serving as Lord Sousuke's bannerman, as Akkuma boldly blurted out 'Lord Kaen' just moments ago. The point being, he had more than Kasen to look out for these days. Sunagakure had ceased to be the pitstop it initially was meant to be, and evolved into something he might dare to call home.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't wave around our private matters as if were a dirty laundry, Lord Akkuma. I won't sit idly by as you rub my nose in it, more so with an audience." The so called audience would likely have no idea what he was going on about, but Akkuma knew well that Kaen was against the marriage as a whole. "But yes... Lord Nobu, Shion, you're both granted entry into Sunagakure. I trust Akkuma will show you the way, I have other business to attend to." Turning around he would place a hand behind Jintou's shoulders and usher him forward, away from the group. "Come on, kid. I'll show you how to enter in their information into the records." Somehow Kaen knew that he would be seeing Akkuma again, far sooner than he would like no doubt.

[OOC - So sorry for taking so long. Life will always find a way. Also entry granted]
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu listened to those speaking as he stood there patiently, though time was ticking on and he knew that this for him at least would be a flying visit, he still had other places to go and other deals to be struck, but that was the way the world worked sometimes you had to be in multiple places at once. Nodding to the man seeking as it seemed that they had been allowed in for now this was the first step in the right direction, even he knew that much. Turning back to face Akkuma he studied the man before speaking.

"I presume the meetings we would need to have will be set up by yourself? After all the business idea for this land, well most of that comes from the assets you already have, we just need to see to the travel in and out and make sure that the current head of the village knows our intentions, though they may purely be profit-based it's better to be out in the open with them than keeping them hidden in the dark. So where do you need us to go, after all both myself and Shion will follow you and get this done. I cannot linger too long as I do have to go to Stone after."

Nobu knew full well that he had to be in other places, see other people but Shion being set up here first would go a great way in making sure that they had a foothold and profit was being made in this land. He stepped inside of the village a smile on his face as he admired the beauty of the work that had gone into creating this place. Waiting he would simply follow Akkuma to get this ball rolling.

[Village Entered]
[Topic Left]
[MFT: 275]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shion was just more glad that they had been granted access into the village, but still, something kept gnawing on his mind as if something didn't sit right... But he let that be, he noticed that he had been tensing his muscles on his back a lot more, and not to mention his concentration started to waver. "Thank you, Lord Kaen..." He said simply as he had caught the name earlier from the conversation with Akkuma.

He then listened towards his brother who seemed to have a chance of mind... no longer it seemed to be the cloud for his next destination but stone.. Something he wanted to ask about but left it be. As for the moment... Just getting things through would be a lot easier. After all, the seal started to work and he started to feel better. He even started to stand a bit more on his own and walk in the direction Akkuma and Nobu would most likely get going.

"Ah-- reminds me... Thank you, jintou, for your time." He said as he walked off..

[Topic left]
[Village entered]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage would chuckle given the recent events of the week things had gone reasonably better then he had suspected they would. Despite his comrades inability to read a room so to speak. Nonetheless thanks to Kaen's eagerness to not have any more of his frustrations aired in public the validation of his guests went over smoothly. "It's much doubt our paths will cross again." he would say with devilish grin before motioning for his guests to follow him into Sunagakure through the Primus Bulwark. There was much to be done & his guests needed a tour of their new territory. Although they would need a quick update on the events that had transpired recently.

Walking past the Sunans his gaze would slide to Jintou flashing him a smirk as he did so. Their paths would cross again, the Fates seemed intent upon that. Akkuma had yet to determine what role he would play in the times to come. But Akkuma was a patient being despite what many would think. He had all the time in the world to determine who would prove to be an asset to him or how one could be used should they refuse to play their role. Placing the thought to the back of his mind for now he would guide his guests towards the clans Casino. "There are a few things that need to be discussed if you are to establish your business here." the Sage would say casually refraining from using the territory in the presence of a rather rebellious youth.

It would not be a long journey to their destination as they made their way to the establishment Akkuma would give them the necessary information about those districts. Discussing them as a means of both passing the time & informing his new guests.

[Topic Left & Village Entered with muh guests]
[I'll throw up the topic later tonight my ninja's. It's been fun everyone.]


New Member
Apr 26, 2021
OOC Rank
Jintou couldn’t have been more eager to turn away from that scenario. Invited back into the protection of the bulwark by Kaen, Jintou nodded and followed closely, turning to look back at the travelers as they went their separate ways. To the boy born as an outsider, guarding the village perimeter felt like an impossible task. How could he ever be expected to turn away anyone in need just because they lacked the proper credentials? To think himself more righteous than their cause was to overlook his own experience as someone who lived freely but without privilege. The ideas of borders as a means to divide people seemed like a weapon against the common man, at least to Jintou’s young yet open view of the world.

Striding through the mighty bulwark, Jintou could easily acknowledge the duality of the village walls. If he was to serve the hidden sand in a way that might allow him to live according to his ideals, he would have to find a way to do it outside of those mighty walls.

“I know it probably wasn’t a big deal or anything, but thanks for coming down to help, senpai,” Jintou said as he looked up at Kaen. “My family has been coming to the village for years now, usually just to trade goods. They're not ninja or anything, or even fighters by our measure.“If that Akkuma fellow is allowed to reside within the village, but he seems dangerous when left unsupervised... and visitors who are strong but don’t swear the oaths to serve our community come to do business with him… Does that mean that the gates really exist to keep danger out, or in?” While the chapter of the guests’ coming was surely behind them, it seemed as if Jintou’s thoughts on the matter were only beginning.

Once the pair of shinobi and their mercenary entourage were through that towering portal, the bellows of iron and steel called out to the desert beyond. The gates came to a close with a heavy clunk and drop of locks.

À la prochaine.

-- Jintou has left the thread accompanying Kaen unless stopped.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
