Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Yeong Su Han| Gennin

Yeong Su Han

New Member
Jul 7, 2017

Yeong Su Han
Age: 18 - - - - - - - - Gender: Male - - - - - - - - Rank: Genin​
[col]When most see Yeong passing on the street, their first thoughts may wander towards what an attractive young girl they've just witnessed. With a diminutive frame and mostly androgynous features, this would not be a difficult mistake to make. Not aiding in this misconception is the long tresses of golden hair, long enough to hang well below the waist, but normally kept in a bun and accentuated by a stylish binyeo to help keep it locked into place. No doubt adding to such confusion are the various hanboks he owns, shaded in various blues and yellows, that drape loosely over across his form. Due to his almost feminine frame, this confusion can be seen as understandable when all these things are put together.

While it can be easy to pick him out of a crowd due to the vibrant colors of his outfits, he still makes for an unassuming figure in both stature and the way he carries himself. This is as much by design as it is a result of his nature; for while he has no control over his height or lack of prominent masculine features, the way he carries himself is just as much a part of a low profile. Most of the time he can be seen with arms folded over one another across his chest in the sleeves of his hanbok, his posture rigid as he holds his neck stiff and facing straight ahead. It is this almost regal stance that does not engage with others that equally tends to stop others from randomly engaging with him.|Despite his predilection towards cheap and easy foods, Yeong Su Han prefers to keep his hands clean at all times. This is more than a simple play on words, as it is the basis of his entire outward personality. Preferring to conquer the world through both intellect and guile, he keeps an entire hands off approach to most problems he encounters. If a situation can be controlled or contained via the actions of another, it is much more preferential to him that he uncovers a way that those other individuals may be employed to solve his problems for him rather than he becomes implicated in their doings. It is in this way that his intellect is sharpened and his senses honed further than just what one might accomplish through fighting or training.

It is these same habits that keep him from comprehending his own shortcomings. He holds his own genius in the highest regard and thus cuts down any other he encounters before ever considering their merits. His appreciation of his own accomplishments far outweighs his recognition for others, unless they have the capability to serve his needs in some ulterior way that he might then recognize and design a plan around. This is the mental and emotional distance he has built over the years to wall himself off from others, ever since his past in the Land of Hot Water, in order that he may never be hurt again.[/col]
In the Land of Hot Water there resides a place where the water is known to run as red as blood, who's swirling vapors are so foul as to repel most forms of life. The outside world would come to call this place 'Hell' but for Yeong, this could simply be called 'Home.'

His mother, a merchant trader from The Village Hidden in the Frost, became lost on her trek back across the border of the Land of Fire. Inclimate weather and a poor sense of direction causing her to veer off into the Land of Hot Water where she managed to lose most of her goods in the errant springs that dotted the wild backwater. Alone and without means of survival, she would stumble across the Valley of Hell on the verge of death. Taken in by members of the long lost Chinoike clan, she was nursed back to health by the man that would become Yeong's father. No doubt a responsibility that allowed him to become close to her during their moments alone.

Deciding to stay, she chose to abandon her life as a trader. Making a home with the man she had fallen in love with over the days of her recovery, she remained among the foul stench and rough living... such was the connection she felt to her savior. In time, her love was rewarded with the birth of a child, though the life she had chosen had so disagreed with her that many thought that the boy would not survive. That Yeong did was a miracle unto itself, and his parents rejoiced at their tiny new miracle.

In any normal story, this might be just the cherry on a sunday of a happily ever after tale. Unfortunately, this is no normal story, this is a tale of sorrows and woes. The hidden truth was that dear old dad was not merely a clan member with a heart of gold, but a secret Jashin cultist awaiting orders from the cult's leader. His meeting the poor merchant in need was no chance encounter, but one set up well beforehand in an attempt to gather a number of helpless women together for sacrifice. The hidden valley made an excellent gathering point, as its off limits nature made finding any lost persons that much less likely.

It would be nice to say that his fathers love for his mother overcame his religious zealotry, it would be nice to say... However, such things do not come to pass in the world. His mother would be lulled into a false sense of safety by a loving husband and lured into a sacred place in the mountains where her blood would be spilled in an attempt to appease Jashin. A young Yeong would remember precious little about these early years, though the smiling face of a blonde woman would frequent his dreams for years to come. If not for the actions of an elderly matron of the clan, he might have well been his fathers next victim.

Sensing the disquiet that was the low rumblings of her clan's desire to tear itself apart, she saw the massacre of an outsider as the prelude to their own destruction. Rather than attempt to put a stop to this, something she was sure she would have no power to do, she chose instead to save one little boy from the horrors to come. Taking him from his home in the middle of the night, she crossed the boundary of the Valley of Hell and made her way to the nearest village she could be sure that none of her clansmen would look for her... for their hatred of the Uchiha was so great that none would ever seek to find her in Konohagakure.

Attempting to blend in as just another villager, the woman Yeong would come to call 'Granny' used all of her savings to open up a sweets shop in order to ingratiate herself to the locals, while at the same time providing enough money to get by. She decided that while the boy was older than most of the other children, he would still require an education if he was to get by in this world and sent him to the Academy for training. For a child that knows what is expected of them, the admission requirements were easy enough to pass... even if some of them turned out to be untrue.

Yeong handled classes with exceptionalism, at least when it came to ordinary education. When it came to courses that covered the shinobi world, he found himself faltering in the fields of taijutsu and genjutsu and only just barely coming to grips with chakra control. Of some enlightenment were the few weeks where he was accidentally assigned to the kunoichi classes and learned about how they were taught infiltration and subversion, something he took a liking to much more than his ordinary Academy work.

His final exams were expectedly easy, at least when it came to the written parts. Proving his skills with random jutsu provided to be difficult, but not something that he failed to pass. When he was given his forehead protector, he refused to sully his perfect hair with it and instead chose to wear it as a goreum. The final test to graduate to the level of genin was where everything went drastically wrong. Separated into a three man group under the supervision of a jonin-sensei, they were marched out to the forty-fourth training ground for 'independent survival testing.' Meant merely as a test to determine if the group would be capable of surviving in the field, one entrenched with danger, the group was unprepared for the arrival of an omukade.

The creature, a massive human eating centipede, charged at the group of unprepared children and in the course of minutes had removed two-thirds of the team. The jonin in charge quickly stepped in to eliminate the threat, but it was already too late for Yeong's compatriots. In acknowledgment of his survival skills in such a precarious situation, he was allowed to graduate to the level of genin. At the same time, he would forever earn the ire of a certain jonin instructor. For while others would blame him for the deaths on that field, he had defended himself by claiming it was 'that monster's fault.' No one thought that he might be referring to Yeong.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Hello, I like the app. In order to approve your application we will have to submit it to the Lorekeeper (Plot) team in order to approve the use of the Land of hot Water and the Land of Frost. You are free to change them to just generic places in order to avoid this but I wanted to give you the option before your application was sent to them.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
While that's waiting, your username on NC must, in some way, match your character's name.

for instance I am Tonkon Maki, so my username is Maki. Most people use their full name.

Either way your's will need to be changed. Have you decided what you want it changed to?

Yeong Su Han

New Member
Jul 7, 2017
Yeah, I posted above about needing it changed... and I already have a name change request put in:
Just waiting for it to happen is all. :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank

Congratulations, you've been accepted to Konohagakure!
Thank you for your patience!

Please post a request for a Leaf Genin Banner HERE. If needed please request a Name Change HERE to make your account name match your character name.

Now you're ready to go forth and roleplay! Have a nice stay here!
The spring of youth!

Once in Leaf Usergroup please post your character profile HERE
As a new player opting out of the Student package, please post your starting stats as reflected as below in your profile. We commend you for advancing beyond the student stage and starting from scratch at genin, it's easy to make up for the starting package.

Agility: 5/50
Stamina: 5/50
Taijutsu: 5/50
Ninjutsu: 5/50
Genjutsu: 5/50
Chakra Control: 5%/50%

Starting Yen has been given, and Leaf Access has been granted!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
