Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Just getting rid of a little monster infestation

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ever since the attack on the Gates some years back from monsters, one or two make their way into the Ancient Forest. Ziren himself doesn't know all the little details as to what had happened, but once he sets his mind on some things, it is hard for him to change it.

Now, from what he had heard, there was really no more monster problem. But that doesn't mean that they are still about, now is it? That's when he came across it. Or rather felt its presence first. It was definitely a creature made of dark power. Cursed chakra. One thought came to mind. A dark sage.

Could be that he'll be dealing with whatever sick dark fantasies this person may have had. And there it was.


It looked right at him with its glowing eyes. The thing had a human like skull, but it appears as if the inside had embers in it, as a small fire glow came from the head. The thing had horns too., But not made of bone. Looks more like tree branches. The body as a whole was an assortment of bones and plants, but nothing seems to be catching on fire, only in the skull of this monster is there fire. "I don't know what the hell you are. But there's one thing for certain. Cloud has no place for whatever you are."

With that, holy chakra surrounded his right hand and he punched the monster square in the jaw, sending it flying and hitting a boulder. Fist of virtue. Good for knocking around a few undead or other dark like enemies.

As Ziren walked up to inspect the monster, first thing he noticed was that it was steaming with smoke exactly where he had hit it.


Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shinjo was finally getting a release from the Academy and back into the regular village for the first time in months. In that short burst of time, though, the kid had managed to become one hell of a student. With the direct and steady hand of the ANBU Sennin he was quickly climbing through the list of Students his age and was approaching students whom had already been surviving there for a year; a feat that had only taken him seven weeks. His unnatural speed at picking things up and mastering everything handed his way had all but assured he’d be a Genin within the year. Yet, despite his ability to learn, his sense of direction was anything but good.

Shinjo literally just took the wrong street. He had originally planned to meet his master for something called “Yakitori”, a food made of chicken he had never tried before, but turned North instead of South when trying to find his way down from the Academy. It didn’t take long for paved street to turn into trees, and since Shin wasn’t a native, he just assumed that the main city would probably be on the other side of the Ancient Forest. Instead of food though, today, he finally had to use his training just to survive.

It started with a snake twice his size, followed by a spider that was just the same - fighting each other over him. His late father’s blade at his side quickly lopped off heads and legs, but the child whom had never seen a giant creature before, was only concerned about finding his way out over dealing a fatal blow. This worked for the snake, because no head, but the spider continued to screech and chase after the student even after Shin had managed to remove three legs between either side during the chase. The mix of snake and spider blood was starting to crystallize on his kimono from the cold air as he hid behind a tree from the creature he could still hear skitter through the snow and ice. The teen clutched the handle of his weapon, waiting for another attack, but it thankfully never came. The air was sudenly still, and not even the spider continued to move until he heard the thump of something getting hit, hard. Half a second later something big, humanoid, and twisted crashed into a boulder not some ten feet away from Shin.

What the hell is this place!?” he cried in exasperation.
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Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren heard the blood flow of someone nearby. This was not good at all, especially if they aren't well equipped to fight. He had to eliminate that plant skull thing. While on the way, he saw a giant spider hobbling along, missing some legs.

The hell? Was the only thought that went through his mind as he summoned his blood kunai from his body and sliced the oversized bug. Whatever happened, it either fought and killed someone, or someone managed to do some damage on it before they escaped. He had no time, with a single slice, fast enough to cause friction in the air, made a spark and flames, destroying the bug. The blood weapon was absorbed back into his body as he neared the blood flow.

And it was a kid? Geez, Ziren doesn't know if Cloud had similar rules of academy students not allowed in dangerous forests, but what was it with kids always doing stuff like this? He walked up to the kid,

"Hey, you doing alright? What's your name? I'm Chigokai Ziren, a Medical ninja." He introduced himself. Today, he was wearing his usual kimono and other normal attire. Of course, his left arm up to the joint was made of metal, his left eye was red, but not naturally. But rather, one would see blood swirling in around the whole eye. The right, if the wind blows Ziren's hair just right, will show that it looks like an eye of a Hyuuga.

He gave a soft smile to the kid, trying to reassure him, but his focus was shifted back to the first monster he originally came across. It got back up, jaw looking like it was dislocated. Ziren knows the dangers this kid is in. But he can't really do a big flashy jutsu that could cause damage to the forest or possibly hurt the kid.

Well, now's a good time as any. Ziren let his right hand go ethereal, reached through the monsters body, and grabbed and pulled the spine. The sound of ripping as the spine was forced out of the moss that made up this creatures body. It soon fell to the ground. Ziren stared at it for some time, making sure it was actually gone this time.

"This creature has no blood, and as a Chigokai, I would not be able to discern wether or not this thing is still alive or not. Or whatever you want to call it for being the way it was." Ziren explained the situation to the kid.

Shinrya Kosuke

New Member
Mar 11, 2017
OOC Rank
Much like Ziren, Daisuke sought the fabled monsters in the Ancient Forest, the same that had plagued and scared Kumogakure youngsters every night before bed in the forms of tales and stories from the lips of their parents. Daisuke had grown up with the same stories of snatched children, eaten by the ghosts, ghouls, and fiends that haunted its depths.

The difference, however, was that Daisuke was there to train and practice his jutsu against 'live' creatures. He went not for moral reasons, like Ziren, but rather selfish ones. As an only recently graduated student, now, more than ever, he had to train and master his jutsu and become a full-fledged shinobi. What better way was there to start that path than to seek out and kill the monsters that had given him nightmares when he could barely feel the chakra in his veins? To conquer a fear long held would strengthen both his mind and body.

And so, there he was this fine day, hidden among the leaves and branches of the towering trees of the Ancient Forest. (Very edgily) at home in the shades and shadows that he was once a stranger to, with a light outfit of black athletic gear that covered every inch of skin from his neck to his toes, though in some areas he had strapped heavy combat armor on. The only other items he had was a pouch strapped to the small of his back and a completely blank ANBU Mask Summon that denoted his rank as Genin operative, a fledgling ANBU.

Thus, it would make it hard for both Ziren and Shinjo to figure out who the masked boy was as he landed on the ground with unnerving silence, his body difficult to focus on as his mastered Active Camo made him a difficult target to track with the naked eye.

"Just hit it again and see if it moves," Daisuke said as a solitary black tendril, akin to those created from the Black Eruption Jutsu, slithered from the boy's shadow to stab into the creature's body a few times.

[ MFT ]
[ WC 348 ]

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shinjo stood with his back hard against the tree, held his blade out with a slight shake as he tried to align his brain with the things he saw. On reflex, he continued to pulse the energy through his body in a rhythmic fashion just to make sure that this wasn’t a very elaborate Genjutsu. Once he was sure that this was indeed the real life, (and not just fantasy), Shin relaxed his shoulders ever so slightly and tried to make a coherent response as his lungs continued to battle against the altitude from the sudden sprinting he had done to escape the beasts.

I-i-I’m Tsu-Tsu-Tsukinowa Shinjo,” he finally replied between chattering teeth from a mix of fear and cold. His body hadn’t reached the levels of his sensei in dealing with the mountain weather just yet, “an Academy Student training e-es-especially under the Sennin Miro.” The teen had never named dropped before, but, in the presence of a guy capable of cleaving that giant spider with blood and fire; he felt it best to let him know who his sensei was. The kid wasn’t super on the up-n-up as far as village control went, really only knowing that the Raikage was the top dog so to speak, but “Sennin” just sounded like an important title. The creature that had been sent flying into a boulder decided it wanted some more fun and began to raise itself back up for combat. The Student’s blade flashed slightly as he tilted to face it’s edge towards the beast, finally turning his back away from the tree - ready to fight. He wasn’t the strongest in the world, but, perhaps he could help out the man who just inevitably saved his own skin.

Or, not. Shin could really only stand there and watch in marvel as Ziren almost casually removed the creature’s very own spinal column like it was a wet stick. His blade began to lower a little, finally believing that perhaps they were safe now when a voice from the still air answered Ziren’s proposed question with a few stabs of shadowy tendrils that, to the Student, appeared from nowhere. His sandaled feet dug into the ground as his calf muscles constricted and expanded, launching him some good six feet away to plant his feet against a tree and stick there with chakra. Shin, once again, held his blade before him as defensively as he could, unaware of just how much raw power existed between the two shinobis he had encountered, but could feel something in the air that spoke levels of danger beyond a giant snake or spider.

Okay, seriously, where the hell are we and who are you people?! Is everyone in Kumo capable of this??
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Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren heard another blood flow nearby, but with his eyes he can't really see anything. Someone hiding in the shadows, perhaps. Soon, they made their appearance, or rather made a show of a jutsu that they know of. The man looked in the general direction of the blood flow of the unknown ninja.

"If you were hiding from a normal shinobi, you would be well hidden. But against a Chigokai, I can hear your blood quite well. Please, come out so this kid here won't have a heart attack at a young age."

Ziren had also taken note of the kid that introduced himself as Tsukinowa Shinjo, training under a Sennin named Miro. Now which one was it, Ziren wondered. It would have to either be anbu or main, since he knows his medical branch Sennin.

Then shadow tendrils shot out and stuck the monster again, and Shinjo jumped back, afraid. He asked them, Ziren and the unknown person, where are they, who are they, and if everyone in Kumo was capable of this.

"We are in the Ancient Forest. A place full of mystery and the occasional monster. I am Chigokai Ziren, as said before. Though it would be evident enough to say that I am not just a Chigokai, someone that controls blood. I am a Chimera, part ghost walker as well. I don't really know our friend over there, but if I were to guess, maybe a Nara, since they favored using a shadow jutsu. As for if everyone in Kumo is capable of doing the stuff me and our friend just did, I will say that we only showed a fraction of what we can do, as well as each shinobi and kunoichi are different and possess different abilities or skills that sets them apart from the rest."

He saw movement, apparently this thing doesn't know when to take a hint. Bones shifted around until it could move again, the creature stood up. With a sigh, Ziren brought up his left hand, the metal one, and released the chakra holding it. The arm shot off, hitting the monster before freezing the whole thing over. Glacial shot. With a single punch, the monster shattered to pieces. With that done, Ziren picked up his metal arm and reattached it back on.

"You all okay?"

Shinrya Kosuke

New Member
Mar 11, 2017
OOC Rank

It was not often that Daisuke ran into Chigokai; in fact, Ziren was the first. He had not a clue that people could hear his blood flow and track him using that. That was a highly unusual ability, a rare one, an suddenly a brand new, powerful counter to his stealth. He already began to think of ways to counter that counter, but his use of audial Genjutsu was non-existent. He considered the metal-limbed man as he spoke - he was really forthright when it came to his personal abilities. Daisuke was quite the opposite, and only answered one of the younger boy's questions, and only partially.

"I am Apex," he said with a small smile. He was unsure how much either of them knew about the ANBU, but he figured that the older man would understand that 'Apex' was only a codename far separated from his real identity. He ignored the small flurry of activity as the monster reformed, and instead paid more attention to that insane metal arm of Ziren's.

"I've seen that technique before. You perform projectile Taijutsu through that arm? Do you not have a mechanism for auto-retrieval? What would happen if someone took the arm, would you be without it or do you have extras?" Say what you will about Daisuke, he was an insanely curious lad.
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Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shinjo was confused for a moment. He wasn’t a native to Kumogakure and the ports didn’t have anything like monsters or [/i]demons[/i] running around it. Oh, giant bears for sure and the occasional tiger, but nothing like the giant creatures and whatever the hell the thing was that kept getting up is. Yet, despite this, both the mysterious voice with shadow tendrils that revealed himself and Ziren at the very least didn’t seem to be the hateful type. Shin released the hold his chakra had on the tree and landed gently with a crunch on the snowy ground before sheathing his weapon with a blur of his arms. Carefully, he approached the two. He gave a full bow to Apex, the man holding some kind of air of professionalism, and rose, repeating his name to the stranger, unaware that he probably heard him the first time,
Tsukinowa Shinjo, S-s-student,” he replied no longer feeling the need to mention Miro. Clearly, these two were far more versed in Shinobi Arts than he was. There was a strange sort of assurance that they would help him, at the very least, get out of the woods unscathed. “I was t-tr-traveling this way from the Academy. It’s my first trip back into town after a f-few months of hard schooling. Sensei gave me a little bit of money so I can enjoy myself b-before the Exam. Apparently…it’s really hard. Deadly hard. But, I got lost…I’m really not from around here.” As if his clear full body shiver in the wake of the mountain’s cold didn’t already give that away.

Then the creature began to move once more. Shin’s hand shot back to his blade but didn’t draw it, waiting now on the first two to act before him as he doubt tangling with such a horrifying beast would be in his best interest. The Student didn’t have to wait long, seconds really, before Ziren shot his arm at the beast, froze it, and shattered the creature’s frozen form with a second blow. Apex asked a reasonable question, one that Shin no doubt will think of himself later in the day, but he was too awestruck at the sight of Ziren’s metal arm being used for combat.

Truly not a native in the least.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren instinctively gritted his teeth when he heard the word Apex. And it probably showed on his face that he hated that word. But he took a small breath and regained his composure. "Apologies. The last time I had heard that word it was coming from my parents killer. A man who believed wholey in becoming an Apex predator in terms of hunting down rare but strong bloodlines or core abilities."

The very man that had almost killed him too. Damn, Water country was a whole mess not even including that man. Ziren focused on the one that called themselves Apex. "I take it you are of the ANBU branch, correct?" Not a lot would be able to get past Ziren, for one, he was once part of the ANBU branch, though in Leaf. Another, as an effect of the first reason, is that he is very observational and will analyze things. Even if he was wrong, he could still deduce that whoever this is wants to be an ANBU. Then there was him not even answering or verifying to Ziren he was a Nara, which could very well possibly mean Ziren could be right about that fact. A trick into getting information out of people, to to notice the lack of information they share, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, until one is actually talking with people.

He turned as the one called Shinjo spoke, speaking of how he got lost and how he isn't from around here. "New places can be daunting, especially if it is your first time coming through an area. Can't tell you how many times I got lost walking around when I first came here five years ago."

It was after the time when he finally dispatched the bone/mossy monster that the one in the shadows spoke to him. Mainly asked him about his metal arm.

"Yes I do use projectile taijutsu through this arm, though it seems the actual firing compartment is busted. I'm no mechanist to do wonders with stuff like that. And when it comes down to it, in a real fight, I would either do one of two things. Treat it like a puppet, to pull it back into place, or just do without it. As for extras. Heh. I don't know how many times I had to replace this thing when it gets destroyed. But each time that it was destroyed, it saved my life."

Shinrya Kosuke

New Member
Mar 11, 2017
OOC Rank

There was a certain lack of reaction at Ziren's admission on the word 'apex'. He simply watched the emotions blatantly flit across Ziren's features, and waited until the man spoke again. This villain from the Medic's past sounded as if he had had the right (albeit immoral) idea, and Ziren was just another victim. Daisuke briefly wondered if the villain had been taken care of, before he answered Ziren's question with a small, near-imperceptible nod. He still was not sure what he was allowed to reveal, and what he should keep a secret. He assumed, of course, his identity and relations, obviously; the anonymity would allow him to complete covert missions in the future. But whether to reveal he was ANBU at all? Yet another mental shrug of his shoulders.

"The best way to learn the lay of the land is to get lost until you return. Of course, you should always create some unique, well-hidden mark that only you would look for or notice. To retrace your steps, of course. It is the type of preparedness that Sennin Mirō looks for," he said with a wink, as if to reveal that he had some experience with the ever-so-serious ANBU Sennin.

He looked back to Ziren as he revealed more details about his mechanical arm. Some part of Daisuke wanted to dissect it to see what it contained, if anything; but he knew he would not be able to, and even if he was allowed, he did not have the technical know-how to fix it quite yet. "Does it only do projectile Taijutsu, or does it do puppet Jutsu, as well?" He asked, as he heard a small, suspicious rustle from somewhere behind Shinjo. He did not move, however; he sort of wanted to see what the Academy Student could do.

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shinjo’s breathing started to get a little shaky as his asthma started to react a little in response to all the high-octane excitement. The teen placed a hand on his chest and tried to calm his lungs with deep breathing. Ziren remarked negatively to Apex’s name, and how easy it was to get lost in these trees. Shin agreed highly with the latter comment as he had been wondering through for the better part of a half-hour before the snake showed up. Apex then imparted on him some tips, and named dropped the Sennin as well, which caught the boy’s attention handedly. The man with the metal didn’t seem to remark much on Miro’s name, but the masked guy did. The kid wanted to put together why, how, and for how long by trying to ask “the right questions”, as they had been teaching in the Academy. The subtle art of information gathering.

Of course, before Shinjo could pose his question, there was a movement behind him. The teen might have relaxed enough before the two shinobi due to a sense of strength they exuded, but that didn’t mean he had relaxed his guard all together. His sensei was not kind in the boy’s training. Hell, there for a week he was trained on how to sleep on the very edge of consciousness no matter how tired he was; it was either that or get cut. The scars on his upper arms and legs were proof enough there would probably never be another day to pass when Shinjo would ever fully let his guard down. The very moment the sound rustled behind the shinobi-in-training, he shot chakra through his feet and into his sandals. When he pushed down against the loose snow, the chakra evened it out and distributed the weight of his push and the wooden footwear so that it felt like he was shoving against cement as opposed to loose ice. The effect caused him to launch himself just slightly pass Ziren and Apex. As he flew past the two his hands were flipping through seals, channeling chakra from his core and out through his body to snake a chakra tendril full of Genjutsu at whatever was moving behind him. As his launch brought him back towards the ground his body would twist so that he landed facing the noise, his sword already drawn and ready to combat whatever new thing rose to face the trio.

So, uh, training by f-fighting a bunch of m-monsters was not on the list of things to do today…anyone mind helping me back to town?

Better than the chickens, Shinjo thought for just a split second.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The one known as Apex more or less not really answered Ziren's question if he was an ANBU, which is fine by him. Having served in the branch for some time he knew that secrecy was above almost everything.

There is one thing that he would have to agree with this mystery person on, and that is how to learn the lay of the land. Apex then asked Ziren more details about his metal arm. And instead of giving him a straight answer, Ziren said with a sly smile, "Well don't we have a detective here asking all the questions. If you are wanting to know if this metal arm is good in combat I can assure you it is reliable."

Ziren is slowly taking in any kind of information he can of this "Apex" as he is doing with Ziren. Well... When Ziren was in the branch at least in Leaf, he had learned to give answers that don't really help in giving information. Neither really saying if his arm is projectile limited or if it could also do puppet. He had always found it interesting to have conversations with ANBU who don't know about his past. As in his whole past, the part that includes him being part of the ANBU. Very select few know of that, and even then those were people high up in Leaf. But he was also one to pick the brains of anbu nowadays just by conversing only to see how they were trained in the way of words. They say, an influential person can be very powerful. So in his mind, words have the potential to be more powerful than actions.

He noticed something in the bushes was moving, and it was still clear the kid with the sword didn't like this place one bit. A thought jumped up in his mind. Ziren went over to a tree near the rustling bush and leaned on it casually.

"Tell you what, kid. I'm going to help you with your fear and help you get out of here. The only catch? You tell me what to do. It is important for a shinobi to not show fear and be able to lead in the face of adversary

Shinrya Kosuke

New Member
Mar 11, 2017
OOC Rank

Daisuke shrugged at Ziren. "Just a bit curious. Puppetry and robotics is not all that common in Kumogakure," he said as he looked the man over, and his eyes lingered on that mechanic arm. He really did want to get a closer look at it, understand its capabilities. His own weapons, simple chakra blades, were not all too special, and came in handy, but could be better. Ziren, though, walked about with a technical marvel, something that Daisuke would want to use as inspiration to fashion his own weaponry. Or, at least, have someone else create it for him; he was not at all skilled enough to remove his own arm and put a metal one in its place.

Regardless, Daisuke watched as the boy (which, now that I think about it, why is Daisuke calling him 'the boy'? They're nearly the same age!) Shinjo launched himself, again, from where he stood, and flew two stand with his sword at the ready. He had already casted a Genjutsu, though Daisuke was not knowledgeable enough to know what; he would have to study more.

"Ooo, and Ziren with the smasher of an idea. Yeah, what'll it be, Captain Shinjo?" The mask-clad 'suke smiled back at Shinjo, and indicated that he, too, now played along to Ziren's idea - though, he did not lean so casually against a tree. He still stood, at the ready, as a growl emanated from inside the bush. It began to shake, quake, and quiver; leaves flew all about as whatever beast began to become more and more active.

The sounds were a bit familiar to Daisuke, though not one he had personally faced; maybe it would be a bit of a challenge, he thought, as a great, ugly quadruped simply ripped out the annoying bush and threw it away to reveal it's large, muscular body. "It's an ugly one, too."


[ MFT ]
[ WC 314 ]

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Panic, was the best way to describe the emotion going through Shin at that moment, but even that would be underselling it. The two far stronger than himself, literally licensed to kill shinobi wanted his instructions? The Student’s blood-pressure raised again, his heart clutching and beating hard enough to be painful. Then the whatever that was shaking bushes came crashing through the woods towards them, revealing it’s full form and the small bit of panic almost doubled. Shin’s hands clutching the weapon shook a little as the asthma began to rake harder at his lungs. How exactly was he supposed to know what to say? What to do? He only had an idea of what each person was capable of! The creature unleashed a roar and Shinjo swore he could feel the heat of it’s breath, even from his spot just past the AiT. The creature’s overwhelming presence pushed the teenager’s mind into the start of a panic attack; the breaking point.

Most people in this state would shut down. Their body unable to process the fear of encountering the supernatural almost always resulted in two paths: fight or flight. Shinjo usually tended to lean towards a defensive mind set, and was still easily frightened. Hell the way Miro appeared out of nowhere still outright nearly gave him daily heart attacks. Yet the panic attack instead triggered the memory of Miro’s sharingan, the illusion she had drove him under, and the “steel gut” feeling he had when he broke free of that illusion to fight back. Not for the first time, the imprint the Kotoamatsukami left on him from his first encounter with his sensei drove away the panicked emotions that demanded the youth to back down. A fierce gleam suddenly took his ruby-colored eyes as fear and panic melted away into a more serious look and tone. The sword stopped shaking and returned to it’s resting place with the same unnerving speed in which it was drawn. Shinjo’s hands came together to form three seals and mold his chakra to strengthen his connection to the best with his Genjutsu, preparing to Shatter the illusion he had placed there. Before he broke the Genjutsu on his opponent in the hardest way possible, his triggered mind decided to roll with the situation the shinobi had placed him in. To simplify the “why”, he filed it under “training”, and carried on.

I’m about to Shatter the Genjutsu I just placed on it. When I do it should open up a window of approximately one, to one and a half seconds. When I do, Ziren, pin it in place by removing it’s functional capabilities, and Apex, use your shadows to pierce through it’s vital organs. Brain would probably be your best bet. I’ll prepare another Genjutsu to slow it down if it manges out somehow,” the chakra had finished building and held a steady line between himself and the creature. “Go!” he shouted as an expressive wave of willpower rolled an overpowering signal full of chakra to break the Genjutsu, and part of the beast’s mind, permanently. The act drew his legs to buckle ever so slightly as he was still getting used to using the technique.

[OOC: I would of liked to use Daisuke first to pin the creature down, but, post orders. :3]
[Void Walker's Sensory Deprivation used with Shatter Ilusion]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Well at least this Apex was down with the idea Ziren had. He still leaned on the tree as he saw Shinjo tremble all over. He kind of felt sorry for the kid, not everyday you run into monsters that want to kill you. And finally, the monster made it's appearance, Ziren jumped back calmly.

He put his hands in his pockets as he is willing to put full faith in this kid. He seen what both him and Apex can do. He even told the kid about him being a Chigokai. And finally, it happened. The kid seemed to calm down, get a fierce look in his eyes. And then he gave the order.

Ziren smiled, at least the kid now has a level head. And, once things were set in motion, Ziren decided to do his part. He focused on the monster's blood. Focusing on stopping it. To also draw the blood out of the monster. A bind in the most dangerous form. Blood break."You have thirty seconds at most to act Apex"

The blood that was being forcefully drawn out of the monster was forming a sphere of blood above it. That was one thing about Ziren. Not a whole lot of people knew about his more sinister side. The side he keeps locked away, the side that almost never appears. He doesn't wear that side with pride, no. He kept the calm look on his face as he held the monster in place and slowly destroying it at the same time.

(Used Chigokai Mahoutsukai path Blood break rank 3)

Shinrya Kosuke

New Member
Mar 11, 2017
OOC Rank

Daisuke watched the other student closely. It would have been easy for himself and Ziren to take the beast out and escort Shinjo home, but that would have taken a good opportunity from a future shinobi. If he could not handle a simple monster, then he would not be able to handle much else that was thrown his way. It was another moment to instill the proper fight response in Shinjo's mind, where the average person would have long since taken flight. But they were not average people, and it did not seem the swordsman was, either.

Daisuke merely nodded a single time as Shinjo issued orders. They were long, and loud; he would have to learn the proper way to communicate with his squadron, should he survive and become a full-fledged ninja of Kumogakure. If it was an intelligent adversary, they would know exactly what they were doing, and information was power. But, he would let it slide one-time, but barely: he waited until Shinjo caught his eye, then placed a single finger on his lips before he simply Vanished into thin air, nary a single footprint left behind.

He watched and waited from his vantage in the shadows, a pair of maroon chakra blades grasped in his hands. He idly wondered if Ziren could still track his blood over the monster's likely excess of the same liquid, but did not get much of a chance to consider it as the Chigokai set it into a blood bind. Ziren had barely uttered one and a half words when Daisuke's attacks came from three directions - two eruptions of darkness from the shadows to the left and right of the beast as a pair of Specter Shades had set themselves, and one from suddenly under the monster as Apex's shadow-cloaked figure drove a blade deep into the monster's throat, with enough power to lift it's front legs off the ground. A following strike came a bare few nanoseconds after, widening the first slice to spill what looked like a gallon of blood, before a third and final chakra blade slammed directly into the monster's temple.

"You both speak too much in a fight."

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
For not the first time today, Shinjo stood in awe of the two shinobi he had run across. He witnessed as Ziren completed a simple few handseals and the creature, ready to pounce, suddenly stopped as if it’s joints had rusted shut. The timing based on Shin’s shatter couldn’t have been more perfect. The Chigokai then spoke up and told Apex his exact timing, to which the AiT only placed a finger to his lips while looking at the Student before once more vanishing into the air. His return was heralded by shadows, chakra blades, and a lot of blood.

The sight of the voluminous blood fountain disturbed Shin. The steel of his gut was starting to waver as the imprint of his master’s Genjutsu loosened ever so slightly. Memories of his fears came rushing back: everything he had done with his own two hands, and everything he was learning to do to perfect his killing technique. The two males before him showed their superiority and exactly what Shinjo was heading towards if he continued on this path. Suddenly the snow blanketed forest became pitch black in his peripherals, while a single path of snow that laid between himself and the dead creature became stunningly clear. Blood was soaking into the snow, creating a pool of red slush that seemed to flow towards the Student. The warmth of the blood melted the snow, stopping it just short of his feet. Turning his head back behind, he could still see the entire forest in all of it’s pristine, but deadly, calm. The swordsman’s heart began to pick up a rapid beat. Shinjo realized as panic began to swell in his mind and body that this was his brain forcing him to decide.

Did he stay a child of the ports? Or, would he abandon his old life for one of violence and strife, all to forever protect the country beneath the mountain range he once called home? Then Apex mentioned they all spoke too much, breaking his thought process as the entire scene lifted back up into one of normality.

He was a Student, wasn’t he? Miro selected him on a chance meeting to begin training personally, and that had to mean something. The kid had a raw power that was quickly being tapped into. His chakra control and ability with Genjutsu was beyond most of his peers and had even gave the ANBU Sennin pause. If he continued any further after today, after witnessing two fully trained soldiers in action, Shinjo knew that there would be no turning back into being a normal citizen of the Lightning Country ever again. He lifted his sandal protected foot, hesitantly at first, before finally stepping down on the bloodied snow to walk towards his new acquaintances. He rested his left arm casually on his sword’s hilt as he neared the beast and the two shinobi with a wary smile,
That’s what Sensei keeps telling me too, but I don’t think training for coded messages is until…next month? Guess I can pick up a book and figure it out…

Shin continued to be an overly honest person, regardless of his choices.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren barely got any words out before Apex finished the beast and then told him that he speaks to much in battle. "Eh, I like to have pleasantries while fighting, helps me understand people more. Plus, you never know. Sometimes talking could be the best distraction for your teammates to get into proper places when fighting. Keep the enemy's eyes and focus on you. It may seem not your style, but a little bit of talking can go a long way."

In all honesty, Ziren knew where this Apex was coming from, but as Ziren himself said, he likes to pick at Anbu's brains, see how they were trained with both the way of words, how they act and all. "Well, in all fairness, you are right by some accounts and-"He cut off mid sentence. There were multiple blood flows nearby. From some decently sized... things. there would be no doubt him and this Apex could take care of this, but he doesn't know how well Shinjo would be to fare against whatever he is hearing.

With a sigh, Ziren spoke, "Seems like that thing has some friends. Good job kid on being able to give out orders, but now it's my time. Apex, you take Shinjo away from here, I'll lure or take out our 'friends' that are deeper in the forest. Shinjo, listen to Apex."

He isn't one to give out orders on the fly, but he is one to go head first into battle, to fight whatever these things are. Should be a piece of cake. There seemed to be five creatures milling about. some type of giant beetles. He'll make short work of them with his slightly buggy Metal arm. A few minutes had past and there was nothing left but bug... stuff everywhere. Ziren didn't come out unscathed as he had some bug parts on his Kimono. "Well, looks like I need to change out of this. Who knew giant bugs would explode so much?" With that said, Ziren then hung around the Ancient Forest to see if any other monsters were coming too close outside the forest boundaries.


Shinrya Kosuke

New Member
Mar 11, 2017
OOC Rank
"Pleasantries can get you killed. If an enemy is distracted by your speaking, then they are not strong enough to warrant much care in fighting." Daisuke watched as Ziren seemed to notice something that the other two did not, which caused the masked boy to cock his head in slight curiosity. He had to work on his awareness, it seemed, as he had not known there were more monsters lurking 'mongst the shrubberies. He would have gladly aided Ziren in the next bit of monster removal, but the older man was right - Shinjo did need to be escorted out.

"A'ight, let's go, Shinjo," he said with a nod to Ziren as he leaped into battle. Daisuke turned and walked in nearly the opposite direction, to get back towards the main village area. He seemed to know the route by heart, and the surroundings to boot - he seemed to somehow walk in perfect step to make as little to no noise as possible. He did not speak much, either, until the trees around them began to thin and get smaller, which helped indicate they were near the exit.

"It's easy to get lost in there. But fun, if you can handle yourself."

[ Sorry for the super late reply, forgot about this thread. Shinjo, up to you if you want to end it here, or we can keep going. ]

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shinjo smiled at both of the shinobi, warmly, though he did it as they were speaking on the nuances of having a conversation during battle. The Student couldn’t help but have to agree with Daisuke, but, also really liked Ziren’s response as well. The older shinobi had an air of “casually serious”, and it spoke levels of confidence and strength that Shin just plain admired. Apex was cool, and sharp, but Ziren reminded him of some of the kids at the Academy that liked to be everyone’s “older sibling.” Of course, Shinjo didn’t noticed the sounds of monsters rustling up until the other two mentioned it. It left him shocked in believing that there was still levels of awareness above his own; which he had thought was pretty keen. The entire experience with the practiced shinobi gave him levels to think about.

As Daisuke began to walk opposite of Ziren, Shin did his best to follow in the AiT’s footsteps as literally as he could. As far as the kid was concerned, the other teen was his senior and there was always something to learn from a senior. His eyes watched closely to ever single step Daisuke made, and tried to follow, but couldn’t quite master exactly how the masked individual was able to walk so cleanly across the snow without making a mark - and with such confidence! However, by the time the two exited the forest and returned back to the main road with the roar of beasts behind them, Shinjo had nearly half-way mastered the silence in which Apex walked. It had required far more chakra control than he had originally guessed, but got the idea that chakra had something to do with way the shinobi walked without leaving a trace. Sure enough, channeling chakra into a flat surface on his feet was exactly what allowed him to walk over the snow easier, but Shin still left light footprints in his wake.

He’d have it mastered in another couple of days.

Once the two boys reached the road again, Shin bowed deeply in thanks to Daisuke and smiled when he returned to a full upright position,
“I hope we meet again! I have a weird feeling in my stomach that you’re important. Maybe I’m just hungry. Anyways, thanks again!” and Shinjo was off as the night air began to settle in.

[Topic Left!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
