Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Bird Man - [ Isamu & Junan ] [Contract]


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
The rays of the caustic sun were shielded by what appear to be a bird-like creature. The creature began its decent as it swirl around within a ten meter radius. The creature was rather small with the body of a small dog, the wings of a vulture and the head of an eagle. The small pug's feet wiggled through the sand like a worm jumping in and out before reaching Isamu. Up close the cuteness of the animal began to dissipate as it was quite an ugly thing only the face Mother Suna could. It began to shriek like a loud olifant horn -- loud and obnoxious. The creature's beak pecked at Isamu and left but not before taking Isamu's shawl.

If Isamu loved his shawl as much as he loved his country he would follow the birds through the depths of the desert not knowing where he was going. He would eventually reach a large tower that seemed to partially buried in the sand. The height of the tower reached over twenty feet so tall that it almost felt like it reach the sun at the sharp endpoint stabbed the cirrus clouds.

Apparently, fate was not as gracious. The sands began to swirl around the area as the wind began to pick up. The visibility began to decrease as Junan could see nothing but the specks of gray and brown covered his vision. If Junan could wait the storm or he could continue his search for the village he so direly sought after. If he chose the latter he would find himself in the same predicament as Isamu observing the same grand tower instead of the gates of Suna.

What would the travelers do?



Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
He was looking for Sand, the village, but unfortunately it seemed that he had been found by sand... the substance.

Not like there wasn't enough of it around anyway.

It was one of those moments where he was genuinely thankful for not being human.

The sand blinded him however, and in that way he was still as pathetic as everyone else. But he wandered through, blindly, anyway.

It wasn't so much a cause for concern as if he got lost then sobeit. Really... he had nothing to lose. And if he managed to find the village and they were blinded by the sand like he was? Then he had the advantage.

When he found the tower which stood closer to eighty or even more feet (as 20' is like 3 x taller than a slightly above average human male, so not even a 2 story house, tell me to edit if you want it shorter though) he looked at it and frowned. Was this some kind of watch tower?

If it was then he had made a mistake in his movements, chances were there would be shinobi inside even if it wasn't. If it were privately owned they'd likely be rogue shinobi too, potentially less dangerous than village shinobi, but without the rules and restrictions. It was something to be mindful of. Though just at that moment a plan hatched.

If it did belong to Suna, then perhaps there would be someone inside he could kill and turn into a puppet, making his entry into the village that much easier...

Sunaku Isamu

New Member
Jul 4, 2013
Isamu has been walking lost, but not lost within the desert for sometime. He knew the way to go towards Suna, but decided purposely to continue to wander the desert. There were plenty of rumors inside the village about treasures in riches buried within the sands outside of Sunagakure. Yet Isamu had yet to find any proof to these rumors, as his ability to manipulate sand made finding such treasures easier than counting his fingers.

Isamu was distracted from his non-profitable work by a giant shadow that succumbed his body. He looked up and noticed a rather large bird swooping down in his direction. It approached Isamu after it landed and he was able to make out it features. Normally, a rather large bird would be described as miraculous or beautiful, but this creature was far from both of those adjective. In fact, one might call it down right hideous. Which by the way it responded towards Isamu, you would think the creature knew I had called it that just now.

The beast unleashed five quick jabs at Isamu, one after another with quick precision. Still, the beast was far too slow compared to Isamu's reflexes as he dodged each strike with ease. However, it happen a split second too late, for Isamu to realize the beats's true goal. It wasn't trying to attack Isamu, but grab the colorful shawl that he had wrapped around his head and neck. Upon the last strike the beast was able to grip hold of the shawl and pull it free of Isamu's grasp, and then fled quickly back to the sky.

Unfortunately for Isamu, that shawl had been a gift from one of his recent lover's and it was very unlikely she would continue to be a lover of Isamu's unless he was able to retrieve it. So with that personal agenda in mind, Isamu followed behind the bird creature hoping to overtake it and gain a chance to obtain the shawl. Unfortunately this did not happen, and Isamu was able to chase it to what seemed to be a large tower in the distance. But what exactly did that tower hold in store for Isamu, there was only one way to find out. Isamu would approach the tower with thoughts of entering through the front door, if there is any.

OOC: I said a colorful shawl for the device, as I figured device meant an item of my choosing. I can change this if needed. Also didn't RP seeing Junan, as I suspect that we are on opposite sides of the tower. Mainly because I am RPing coming from Suna out, while he was RPing coming out towards Suna.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
The two shinobi were facing in the opposite direction of the tower and like a man facing his reflection from another world, neither of the shinobi were aware of one another. They could boast about their ability as one being a prominent jounin going to Sungakure and the other a well known vagrant leaving Sungakure; however, they would quickly realize that their obtacles from the past was small potatoes compared to what reside in the tower.

As time passed on more bizarre creatures continued to fly into the windows from each side carrying some item as if they were gathering treasures for their collection. If the two shinobi attempted to ascend toward the windows they would realize that each step would be as tenuous than the last. It as as if each step resuscitated a flashback from their depths of their minds testing their resolve. Would the shinobi continue this path or would they fall?

[[@Isamu: You are right. I will make the proper changes in the my first post. In regards to contract event, I would like for you to rp climb up toward the top window, if your character desires. Each step should show you reflecting how you overcame some obstacle during your shinobi life and how it has made a better assassin, etc. The theme is about rebirth since you are getting the bird contract so keep that in mind.]]


Sunaku Isamu

New Member
Jul 4, 2013
Isamu watched as countless beast swarm through the windows of the tower. It would seem that all of them were carrying an item of such, but what were their purpose. Isamu was going to have to figure out what that purpose was, and in order to do that he was going to have to climb the tower.Normally, Isamu would simply use his Sand manipulation to quickly get to the designated location, but the sands didn't respond to him at the base of the tower. There must be some kind of chakra disruption protecting the tower.

Isamu walked through the door and took his first step up. Instantly, he had a sudden remembrance of how his father was killed by Sunagakure ANBU. Isamu was overcome with anger and remorse. He was just starting the academy when his father died, and remember saying goodbye to his father, for the last time. It was just a normal goodbye, he was even embarrassed to tell his father that he loved him. The departure ended with a hug, and his father telling him "Mind your grandfather while I'm a way. I'll return as soon as I can. Isamu wiped the tears away from his eyes as he continued up the stairs.

The next step, also brought a flashback of death to Isamu. The death of his guardian and teacher, his grand father. He taught Isamu to master his sand manipulation technique and put him on his current path as a shinobi. He also taught Isamu principles and morals. His grand father's death came as he graduated to Genin in Kirigakure. He died from an unknown illness, and Isamu celebrated by burying with his Sand manipulation sand burial technique. This event changed Isamu into a motivated shinobi who was focused on getting to the bottom of his father's death. Isamu remembered the pain of losing the only idol he had and he truly felt alone for the first time in his life.

As soon as Isamu took the next step he was transported into his mind eye. He was staring at a female Mist ANBU. It was Akira, the girl with the wolf mask. Isamu has always been bias towards ANBU due to his misconception that ANBU killed his father. She was going to help Isamu get to the bottom of it. She slid an orange envelop towards him as she said something behind her mask. "These are the reports you asked for. I hope you get the answers you are looking for." Isamu grabbed the envelop and ripped it open. He read the contents and looked up half expecting the masked ninja to have vanished, yet where there was once a mask, there was now a beautiful young women staring back at him. "If you are going to do this, than I am helping you." Isamu's responded with a smile.

Isamu's mind was teleported to another scene as his body advanced another step. It was a few days after the last memory and Isamu was speaking to Akira on their way to the first ANBU who was on patrol the day his father died. "I will get the information I need, regardless of the circumstances." Akira didn't say a word, her bright red hair simply reflected the light that shone through the forest and mist. Isamu has never liked anyone before, he simply used them as the tools they were. Akira was an exception, she has become close to Isamu and she begun to understand what motivated him. Perhaps, her helping him was a way for them to move past the obstacles between them. The little patrol hut stood at the back of a large tree trunk, almost invisible to those who didn't know to look for it. They approached it, to see their target, An old geezer, well pass his retirement age, named Krane hid behind a mask of a, you guessed it, a crane, was fast asleep. Isamu blamed this man, and those like him for allowing the death of a shinobi during their patrol. Seeing how serious the man took his job, Isamu was almost infuriated enough to end his life for him right now. Instead, he smacked the desk right beside where the man had been drooling moments before. Krane woke up with a startle and fell into the floor. "Whaaat..? Isamu got some relief out of that and it managed to lightened his mood a little. Akira spoke first, in a serious tone that told the man they meant business. "We have questions regarding case 107." What little emotion the man showed previously was gone. He straightened his self up and responded coldly. "That's classified information." Akira went to respond when Isamu interrupted her, he had no time for an honorableness shinobi to speak of honor. "Then let's make it unclassified." As Isamu spoke sand began to envelop Krane and within seconds his entire body was succumbed within a sand cocoon and the only thing left uncovered was his mouth. "Now, we'll ask again. If I don't like your answer, you won't like mine" Akira a little shocked at the turn of events spoke once again, her tone has obviously lost it's confidence and the fierceness it had previously. "We need to know the events that unfolded with case 107" There was a smile on the old man's lips. He had given up on life the moment Isamu had binded him within his own coffin. Finally greeting the death he had wanted for so many years, and he gets the chance to die with honor, a death he knew he didn't deserve. "I refu.. It was instant, Isamu crushed his head, along with every bone and organ in the man's body. Isamu had gave him mercy and an honorable death, two things that this man did not deserve. "This man.....could have been useful." She chose her words wisely, she always did. "That....was no man. I gave him far more than what he deserved."

Isamu was back to staring up the staircase. He couldn't understand what was going on. Each step flooded his mind with a recollection of his past. Each step seemed to be bringing him closer and closer to the present. these were memories that he had forgotten since waking up in Sunagakure. Would he remember what happen to Akira if he continued, did he even want to remember? Surely there was a reason why he forgot, Isamu just couldn't remember why that was. So he pushed on, each step flooding Isamu with emotions, and forgotten memories.

By the time he had reached the window he tried to climb through he had learn a lot about his self, his past self. Isamu had killed five innocent, horrible at their jobs, but innocent ANBU in the search for what happen with his father. He got his answers from the Mizukage, Renzo. His father was on a secret mission for Mist to return to Sunagakure when they found his body in the forest. He did not make it far from the village, which meant there was an information leak within the village to the organization that attacked him but they never proved who leaked the information. According to Renzo it was a missing-nin group called Snake. He was delivering an important package which was not found. Upon Isamu informing him that he had took care of the leak, Renzo responded coolly with an "I know" and dismissed him. However Akira stayed behind. Isamu later found out, after returning from the village that Renzo had bared a curse that transformed him. During his personal vendetta to kill the members of Snake, Renzo had succumb to his curse and killed Akira in cold blood. Apparently Renzo accepted his actions and was executed for them. Isamu also managed to kill the two twins of the Snake, the tails which was their code name. However, he came to realize that everyone that he got close to died and swore to withdraw his emotions to prevent this from happening again. He blamed his self, for if he had not given into the emotions of revenge and redemption he could have saved Akira from her untimely death. This also forced Isamu into a reckless assault against Snake, where he tracked them endlessly. This recklessness is what ended up getting him captured as he fell into one of their traps. Still he was able to get away. but he had to hide his self under the sands to avoid detection. That is where his memories begin to start clicking together to the present. He awoke, with no way to know how many days, moths, or years that has passed. He had to put his self in a deep sleep in order to survive without food or water. Thus was the journey of Isamu Sunaku and his change from a caring loyal shinobi, to the heartless mercenary he is now.

[OOC: Sorry about the length and what seems like rambling. A lot of information to cover. Let me know if I missed something, or might have worded something incorrectly and if you need clarification. Thanks]


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
He looked up to see some unusual creatures entering the tower which stood before him. Something about unusual creatures always lured him in, they were unusual, and thus something which had value to the organization. Perhaps if he caught one he could show it to them and get a price for it... Usually they dealt only with humans, but, perhaps, there would be something of value inside the tower.

There was no entrance and so he used chakra to begin his ascent. Yet it was strange.

At first he found himself thinking back to his days at the academy, training as a young eight year old, and failing. These were memories he hadn't thought about for a while, but he ignored them, they didn't mean anything now. At least he tried to ignore them... more memories of his being picked on by the students there, those who were better than him, how in the games he was the villain, he was the weak Leaf shinobi being overpowered by the Cloud shinobi, he was the missing nin being killed, he was the pathetic Sandy who didn't know his place in the shinobi world.

He ignored all these memories as they filtered through his mind while climbing the tower. But then he stopped moving. Not because he thought of any link between the two, but because he was finding it hard to focus. The memories were of him when he was weak, before he became who he is, the memories were the ones which plagued his sleep, reminding him that he was not a shinobi. Not really. He played the role of shinobi, but he wasn't one.

They faded and his chakra connection was reinforced.

Why was he thinking these thoughts now?

The window was still a way away, and he began to doubt his ability to reach it. The memories had brought his mind back from the confident young man he had become, reminding him of his origins, reminding him of what he was forever trying to hide.

Then a creature flew past and he was reminded once more of what he was there for. He was there to succeed.

So he moved again, the memories came back but he ignored them this time, his goal was to prove himself successful to the organization, to make them value him, to prove his worth to them. For if he proved that then he would prove to himself that he was no longer that kid.

But the memories changed, moving through to when he woke up as a puppet to find his mothers body, a month old, rotting, the head still hanging from the rope but the weight of the body with the decay of her cells causing the rest to tear away from it and lay on the ground. Maggots and flies surrounded it. She had caused him to be what he was, and at that time he was little more than a marionette. He fled, as a child would to his room and found in there a body, his body, his real body.

It was perfectly made, there was a note on it for him, an address, and he left his body there to go find it.

His concentration wavered and he began to slip, the chakra faltering for a moment, but with it his concentration returning to the wall. He regathered himself. But now he was angry. Angry with his own weakness, angry at everything.

He moved upward, stubbornly, memories of how poorly treated he'd been as a child flashing through his memory, fast, unable to take hold on him as he scaled the wall too quickly for the memories to have their desired effect. He entered the window. Stood there and then slammed the back of his fist against the edge of the window. The last memory had been one which he had most wanted to forget, and it lingered, the memory of seeing a man he recognised from the organization among the dead bodies of those who had attempted to kill him. The memory which had temporarily caused him to doubt the organization, the one thing in his life which had helped him. He existed for them, he existed because of them, they had made him who he was, and in that moment he had felt like they had betrayed him.

The edge of the window exploded outwards, the force of his anger erupting.

His frown lines were deep. His teeth grated on themselves.

But slowly he regained control, he remembered their apologies, he remembered setting on the families of those who had attempted to kill him. He remembered their screams.

And he smiled.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012

Daichi ~ The Oracle​

The interior of the tower had a sense of eloquence as the central hall was illuminated by the ceiling lights. The hall expanded as high as twenty feet tall with the lights hanging on top like stars. The interior of the spires were decorated by various pieces of art that span from all across the country. Also, the art seemed to have a life of its own as the images seemed to move every moment perhaps due to the shading of the light or some other supernatural phenomena. The art failed to compared the grandiose array of bookshelves that filled the hall. The collection was rather impressive containing literature dating back a millennial. Who is the owner of this majestic display? The owner was not a man but a grand owl who was surveying the hall walking through each aisle.

The flying creatures that had entered from the windows had began to emerge as they circle the ceiling before descending near the owl. They calmly dropped the parchment and items that held within their beaks. The owl moved his large wing as it picked up the items disappearing within his feature like a magician. The owl began to speak but not with natural words of mortal of men but within the spirit of his loyal servants.

"Well done." He said "But there is something more is there not." The creature look into his beady black eyes with reservation and only responded with squawks and shrieks.

"Humans..." He said. "This is concerning. I did sense something but I was not sure what it was. Let us see this plays out."

The owl would not be disappointed at they were able to over come their past reaching the hall. The two would finally meet as they entered into the scene together despite coming from different directions.

The large owl walked over to them with its wings expanded wide like a moving shadow. It made a low screech as it approached them.

"I am Daichi. What is your purpose here human?" The owl said as he spoke to them within their bodies. His voice was commanding but with serenity, loud but with no sound emanating.



Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
He walked through the hallways and found himself looking at another man. Shit, I've been found already. he thought to himself, his motion immediately put himself in a combat stance as he readied himself to launch himself at the other man, a massive grin on his face as he looked at his first victim of the day.

The other would have to be taken out if Junan were to do whatever he wanted in this tower. It just simply was. If he was stronger than Junan then he'd find a way to escape, but one thing at a time.

So focused on his prey was he that he hadn't noticed the Owl inside directing things as if he had a mind.

There was a moment, a breathless moment (which were all moments for Junan) before he felt the twitch to signal it was time to attack, time to kill, maybe this man would make a good toy... but then just as he was about to pounce there was a voice coming from Junan's left, it seemed to be directed at him. It didn't feel like he had even really heard it it simply was.

His eyes moved behind his glasses as he looked over at the the owl, his smile dropped slightly though remained a smile, if not quite the symbol of vicious intent it had been moments before.

My purpose here is for me to know. He said, looking the bird up and down before he realized he'd been talking to an owl. Perhaps this was what he had come here for.

He stood up, his interest in the prey had gone now, now his interest was on the owl, and so he walked towards it, the prey not completely forgotten, but certainly not in his sights.

Do that thing again. You know. The talking thing. He said as he walked towards the owl, his hand waving at it like one would at something that seemed to confuse them, but at the same time interested them. Everything else going on didn't matter, he wanted the owl to do its talking thing again.

Sunaku Isamu

New Member
Jul 4, 2013
Upon reaching the top floor, Isamu would meet eyes with an unknown man. He seemed to have ascended the tower from the opposite direction of Isamu. Isamu got a feeling that this man brought destruction with him, and yet so did Isamu. Wonder which of them had caused the most pain in their past? What is important right now, is the present. Presently Isamu had let his gaze drop from the man across from him and allowed them to inspect the room. The lights were bright and managed to illuminate the grand hall casting shadows everywhere. Isamu saw multiple birds like creatures but focused on one large creature that began to approach him and the stranger. It was a rather large majestic looking owl. The bird landed in front of them with his wings spread and spoke, or rather he didn't speak. He merely asked a question in Isamu's mind.

Isamu had once met a shinobi who could only talk through telepathy by controlling his chakra to his brain and linking it with another. The owl's technique must be similar in this way. Isamu waited a second to see if the owl had spoken to the stranger as well. The man never flinched or showed sign of surprise upon his face. Isamu assumed one of two things, either he had and the man like him was use to it, or he had not.

Apparently, he was not use to it. right before Isamu could speak, the man begun. He seemed quite demanding for a person in front of a talking owl. Most shinobi would be in awe, or show respect, but this man decided to question it and demand it. There was something Isamu had never expected or seen before. This may turn into an interesting turn of events.

Regardless of the other man's actions, Isamu would show respect to the owl and ignore the man for now. Every shinobi could be a threat, but you can't live life afraid. Simply sharpen your reflexes and your mind and be ready for whatever life throws at you. The fact that Isamu is still alive today, proves that he has done exactly that. So if the stranger wanted to play, Isamu would be ready. For now though the man's attention was on the owl. The question is how long would it stay that way.

"Hello Daichi. I am Isamu Sunkau. I am simply following a bird that took a gift that was precious to me." Isamu paused briefly before continuing. "It led me here, however I have lost sight of the item. It was a shawl . with a colorful design on it. It also has Isamu with a heart imprinted on it in black Old English letters." Isamu highly doubted that this owl cared much for Isamu's item, but still he had asked so Isamu told him. There was no need to lie to the creature, especially an owl. They were symbolic for wisdom. If Isamu had learned anything in his years of being a shinobi, you don't lie to wise people. normally they were too smart for a slight untruth and would see path your deception.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
The brazen man adorning his dark glasses attempted to give Daichi a cryptic response as if he knew what he needed. Daichi bellowed in laugher as the two shinobi could hear his voice vibrant within them like a ringing bell.

"Human, if you wish to know you must know yourself. " Daichi said. It was obvious that the two were looking for power to fill up their already deflated ego. Power was not something that these individuals needed they needed wisdom. Humans have always been rather curious about everything over the centuries seeking better ways to develop and sometimes destroy themselves. Power was always the second thing of importance with wisdom triumphing as first. Humanity seemed to have missed this in spades in all periods of its existence. With this lack of clarity, it made many spiritual beings weary of them except perhaps the birds. The calm bird clan did not see it this way. In fact, they were

The younger shinobi presented himself tastefully as he venerated himself toward Daichi. He stated that he was looking for his shawl, a gift that was given to him. "Ah the shawl it is a beautiful artifact." Daichi said as he waved his large wings revealing the shawl that wrapped against his feathery fingers.

"Everything in my domain is mine. If you wish to take anything from here you must need something to trade. What can you give me Junan-san and Isamu-san?"

Sunaku Isamu

New Member
Jul 4, 2013
It was unfortunate, Isamu had brought nothing to bargain with. He wasn't known for collecting items or keeping countless artifacts, as Daichi had stated it. He also shown the wisdom, of well an owl, by stating an obvious fact. Wisdom was more important than power, in fact through wisdom is exactly how Isamu gained his power. He chased after the ability to raise the dead, and to master control of ninjutsu. He was able to gain these powers through the pursuit of knowledge to do it, but what wisdom was the owl looking for Isamu to give to him as an answer.

There was still the problem with the other shinobi that was here. He had a certain demeanor about him that Isamu was not fond of. Has he been hit on his head too many times or is he just rude as hell? Isamu thought as he watched how the man reacted to the telepathic owl.

I could offer my knowledge, but would it be wise to offer knowledge to a creature of wisdom. There's is the offer of assisting him with a request or simply offering him my power to use. Perhaps a partnership of sorts. Still it would have to be worded well, so that it isn't implied that the owl is weak or needs my assistance. Best to avoid offending Daichi. Hmmm...</COLOR><i></i>

It never occurred to Isamu that a telepathic owl may be able to actually hear his thoughts. Not that he gave the possibility much though with the current situation at hand. Isamu cleared his throat and spoke.

<COLOR color="navy">" I have nothing to bargain with but myself." Isamu pulled out the pocket of his black sweat pants to emphasize this. "However, I do hold great power. I have mastered many abilities during my life as a shinobi, and in pursuit of wisdom I have gained power. Is it possible that you could make use of my strength as part of a bargain?"<i></i>

That should be fine, it gives Daichi the control of the situation and prevents me from overstepping any boundaries.

One should be careful when dealing with mind speaking giant owls from a mysterious tower that showed him visions of his life as he climbed it. There was something magical about this place and if Isamu played his cards right, it is possible that he will find out what.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Junan looked at the owl, noticing its mouth didn't move when it spoke. Indeed the voice didn't seem to come from any specific direction, which in turn meant that it was likely using some kind of telepathic ability. The grin grew on Junan's face. Not only which but this thing claimed everything within its realm belonged to it, asking the pair to give it something.

The guy who Junan assumed to be Isamu now that the owl had said their names apparently to both of them spoke up and offered himself to the owl.

Unfortunately Junan's idea of ownership and everything within the realm was probably significantly different than either of theirs, especially as he worked for an organization which sold people. So on hearing that the owl claimed everything in its territory told Junan that he was also, already, claiming ownership over him and Isamu. So Isamu offering himself... to take something away from there... when he was already owned... none of that made sense, and thus Junan turned around and laughed.

You want to offer yourself to the owl so you can get your shawl back? So that you can do what with it? Wear it, have it hanging in your room, look pretty for the older men who might like seeing you in it while doing whatever the owl asks you to do?

He laughed again and turned to the Owl.

Besides. If he's claiming ownership over everything in his realm that includes us. Technically, you're offering him his property to get his property from him. He grinned at the owl.

I offer an extended life-time for you and your friends. His grin turned vicious.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
It was clear that neither of them had anything substantial to give like to broke men at the corner of an alley. Regardless, the two shinobi intrigued Daichi as they were diametrically opposed to one another like a ice and fire -- one demonstrating humility and the other arrogance. Beneath that smug face of Junan, there was the still the small child from long ago trying to find meaning in this chaotic world.

"Junan-san, it is disappointing that you still hide behind that organization of yours. Leave it and seek chaos before order."

"Isamu-san, you must let go of your past or you will forever be blinded by it."

"Since you two intrigue me I will grant you permission to my domain but there will be a time where I will call you and you will return. You have much to learn." Daichi said.

Their skin began to burn as blue flames appeared on the right side of their cheeks embroiling the symbol of wisdom and chaos .

"Do no worry the contract can only be seen by those who are spiritually endowed." He continued. "Until we meet again."

Daichi squawked and raised his feathery wings and flapped his wings throwing gust of winds as intense as a rising tornado. The force thrust the two shinobi up in the air before pushing them out of the grand window and before they had time to react they would have landed on the coarse sand with the tower no where to be found.

[Congrats you got the Bird Contract and if you are interested you can learn the spiritual arts under Daichi and understand more about the spiritual world.]



Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The words directed at Junan bit deep. It was not so easy as to simply leave the organization, they had raised him, they effectively owned him. The birds words bit deep enough that Junan didn't even have a chance to find it amusing that it had so carefully avoided his unvoiced threat. That for Junan to give him a longer life literally meant that Junan wasn't going to kill him right then and there.

For Junan the flame didn't appear on the face of the puppet body he was using currently, rather it burned itself on the container which contained his essential organs inside the puppet inside the puppet.

Before Junan could take any action the bird flapped its wings, the wind sending him into the air and then flying out of the window, landing in the sand outside. For a moment he lay there. His head had whiplashed... but that didn't bother him because his brain was not in his head. Rather he let his chakra senses search out for any potential damage caused by the action.

His mouth moved as he lay there, a voice escaping him quietly.

Seek... chaos...

What did this mean. His hand raised to before his face and he flexed the fingers. It seemed he'd taken minimal damage, and only to the outer puppet, he could perform basic repairs easily enough to that while he traveled.

Looking over at the other man he grinned.

It sounded like it gave both of us the same instruction regarding our past. He said pushing himself up off of the sand.

I guess in your case really what the bird was saying was that he believes your item is simply going to belong to him from now on and that you should simply forget about getting it back. Junan grinned at the other.

He was teasing the other man to take his mind off of his own troubles. Seeking chaos... was he strong enough to let himself do what he constantly fought against doing? The things that he fought so hard to not do because he was so certain of his own weakness...

Sunaku Isamu

New Member
Jul 4, 2013
The wisdom of an owl knows no bounds. As Daichi spoke out to Junan and then Isamu. He informed Junan to release himself from the organization and seek chaos before order. While Daichi told Isamu to forget about his past or be blinded by it. Understanding the truth behind these two sentences of wisdom meanings was the true task dealt to them.

As Isamu pondered the statement that was made Daichi went on to inform them that they were given access to his domain and that they would be a call to return. With that Isamu looked up to meet the gaze of Daichi and take in his beauty. It is true, Isamu would returned once called but not because he was told to, but because there was much he could learn from this being. Isamu cheek began to burn, but Isamu was informed it was the mark of the contract and only those that are spiritually endowed could see it. Isamu imagined this meant those that were allowed entry to Daichi’s domain such as Junan and himself.

With a large flap of Daichi’s wings, Isamu’s body went flying out the window and he called the sands to catch them to break their fall. The sands obeyed, but once Isamu pulled his self to his feet he noticed the tower was gone. Was it all a dream?</COLOR><i></i> Isamu thought as he turned to look for Junan. Spotting him easily it became apparent that it was not a dream.

Seek..Chaos was mumbled by Junan and Isamu remembered his own piece of advice. Forget the past or be blinded by it, it was simple enough to figure out once Isamu gave it time. It meant to forget about vengeance for his father’s death or be overwhelmed and obsessed by it. There was truth there and Isamu knew it, but being able to accept that truth was a completely different truth of it’s own. Isamu was more interested in Junan’s revelation than that of his own, it would seem that Junan was part of an organization, but what was its name and purpose. Also why should junan seek chaos over order? Order and Chaos were opposites, so was it for balance?

Isamu was brought out of his daze by Junan’s teasing voice. Isamu smiled in reply ”Yeah it would seem that I am destined to break the heart of my lovers regardless of my actions.” Isamu sighed, there was no returning to her after this. The suspicion and mistrust would start, and that all it takes to end a relationship, especially in Isamu’s line of work. O’ well. Nothing ventured nothing gained.<i></i>

Isamu would reply back to Junan’s mocking tone with one of his own. <COLOR color="navy">”Your case seemed much more serious though, Daichi seemed to understand the true nature of your arrogance. Care to share some light on this organization you hide behind?” The first part of the statement was mockingly while the question was serious. Isamu was interested in what this organization was, perhaps Isamu had stumbled onto a Snake member without knowing it. So much for heeding the call of Daichi.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The other had taken a dangerous topic to mock. Junan was very protective of the organization for which he had worked, which had raised him in its loving embrace. He never questioned them or their orders, he cared not for the lives of anyone else... though the organization would frequently tell him to not kill. It was indeed the organization which kept him from committing the more heinous acts which he so desperately wanted to perform. Murder on a massive scale, the enslavement of shinobi and selling them to the highest bidder. To have villages bow down before him, to kneel in his presence, to fear his arrival... but he was much too weak, and he knew that. His mothers wish for him had been to live forever, so he wouldn't do things that he knew would kill him.

You mistake me for having arrogance. He said, his head lowered, his tone darkened.

Nor do I hide behind an organization. I simply work for one, one which raised me when others would not, one which accepted me for who I was and helped me become what I am today. His grin widened, stretching out almost unnaturally across his face as he began to walk closer to his prey.

I do not understand why they would wish me to leave them. On my own... I... do not know what I would do. That part was very true. He had no idea. Life without the organization was unheard of for him. He was a shinobi for Cloud because the organization told him to be. He didn't kill people because the organization told him that by doing so it would draw too much attention. He had never been allowed to do many things, told he was too weak, reminded of his lack of training, allowed to serve despite his weaknesses.

He stopped his movement, his eyes searching the ground for something which wasn't there.

Without the organization to keep him in check... he would need to relearn what he was and was not capable of.

This dangerous thought crossed his mind, and then suddenly his eyes moved back to the man before him.

Was this man stronger... or weaker... Should he find out...

You are a trained shinobi yes? He asked, his voice clearly interested, but at the same time, there was a dark undertone.

Sunaku Isamu

New Member
Jul 4, 2013
Mistaken? Isamu had a feeling that it was more Junan's denial then Daichi's mistake. Still the man seemed to be offended by Isamu's words, as he jumped on the defensive and approached Isamu. Junan seemed like a lost puppy when he spoke about being without the organization. Literally lost, without purpose are we not all lost though. Perhaps that is what this organization was for him, a purpose. Still anyone could find purpose in something if they looked hard enough. The last question came off strange, but with a strange tone behind it. Isamu answered Junan's earlier statements before answering the last one. It was easy to tell by Junan's body language that he was on edge, but Isamu was unsure. Was it due to this organization talk? Was he really that indebted to them that the thought of leaving them made him uneasy?

"Perhaps it was a mistake, but I understand why you would feel indebted to them. My father was murdered when I was young, if it wasn't for the old man that took me in I may not be here today. I owe him my life, I assume that is how you feel towards this organization. " Isamu paused to try and read the man's expression there was nothing there to read but the sadistic grin. "As for what to do on your own, that is up to you. You could become a mercenary for hire, the work is shady but the pay is good. That's what I chose to do, and you are technically working for yourself so you have no limits or bounds to what you can do. Except when accepting work, they tend to want targets alive at times, that is always a messier situation. Then again, I am unaware of what this organization is. My apologizes, what is it that this organization of yours does?" There it was, the one last thing Isamu had not asked, and here he was depending on the opinion of Daichi to tell the man to separate his self from something he knew nothing about himself. Perhaps this organization was the chaos to the man's order as Daichi spoke.

Isamu continued before the man spoke again "As for your last question, I am indeed trained. Mostly by myself, however." It was a true statement, Isamu never had a mentor or sensei since he was young. The old man was much too old tot each him, but he was able to guide him. At least that was something.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Junan grinned.

No. My issue regarding what I would do is more one of where to begin.

The grin grew, there was maliciousness there, and the ideas which flooded Junan's mind were the cause.

You seem similar to me... Junan said looking at the other man ... I am also mostly self-taught. My father too died when I was young. Now we stand here having both gained access to whatever that bird gave us access to. Maybe we are destined to work together? What is your stance on the sale of shinobi to the wealthy citizens of the world?

He watched and waited for the others reply. Junan wasn't known for his tact, and thus straight to the point was the route that he chose to go.

Junan's organization dealt with more than just human trafficking, but it was the only area that Junan was familiar with. Thus it was the area that he was attempting to promote and grow through his travels.

Sunaku Isamu

New Member
Jul 4, 2013
This man, or the lack of a man as his humanity was less than most, was full of malice. His grin was evident and only grew as he pondered the possibilities of which being free to do his own bidding meant. It is different from shinobi to shinobi, to be free of village rule and to take their power into their own hands. Junan wasn't much different then Isamu, he had done heinous acts in the pursuit of knowledge and power, and he would again if it meant he could become stronger. Who was he to judge Junan for his own acts.

Junan must have been thinking the same thing about being similar as he voiced his opinion. Apparently, his own up bringing was the same as his. However, Isamu could not have knew what Junan was going to ask, and it caught Isamu off guard. Yet, he didn't allow his self to show that his question surprised him and chose to answer it truthfully.

"We shinobi are weapons, what is a lost weapon, but another man's treasure. The same could be said for a stolen weapon. Like they say, one man's lost is another's gain. As long as there is a want and a buyer then there is profit in it. Profit is exactly why I sell my services to the highest bidder currently. However, I am always looking for another way of making a profit. So how does this business of yours work? I would be pleased to work with you and see where destiny takes us.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Then you are in luck. Junan said grinning and pulling out a metal tube, larger than a finger but hollow.

I work for an organization which is looking to expand its business outside of its home base. We get orders from the wealthy for human merchandise, but we deal mainly with chakra gifted. Our clients tend to be those who've been wronged by shinobi at some point in their lives. Perhaps a family member murdered by one on the orders of the village, perhaps an item stolen from them. Whatever the case they give us a description of what they want and we deliver it to them for our fee. Because we deal with chakra gifted we charge a lot of money, and I have very little need for much money so those who do these jobs for me will be very handsomely rewarded. He grinned, spinning the metal object in his fingers, though it seemed to move unnaturally, as if pulled by strings rather than moved by the force of Junan's hand.

If you're still interested in this then place this on your finger. It will give me the ability to send you a message directly to you, where ever you are in the world. If you're not interested then our business is done here. If you're offended then you're welcome to roll the dice and see whether your life ends here, or whether mine does.

In truth Junan hoped the other wouldn't make a move on him. He had no idea how strong the other was, but as a missing nin chances were pretty good that he was strong. They had to be strong to live without the support of a village. While Junan had no need to be strong, he had the villages support, and the organizations support, and he didn't need to eat or drink... really... in his own mind he was weak.

Still none of that doubt would show. Only the brazen, self-assured, egotistical role that he played in this world as Junan would be seen. A surface which when investigated was as hollow as his puppet shell.

So what'll it be?

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
