Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Branch Meeting (ANBU Compound) [Private]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to walk into the hall inside of the Compound, he glanced around at the rows of seats that had already been laid out the night before and allowed himself to glance up to the state, each side of a stand was two seats. Takeshi looked at them for a few seconds as he allowed himself to sigh it seemed that everything was prepared for the day ahead and the Sennin would be announcing the changes that where coming to the Branch. It seemed that the rank was swelling inside of the ANBU with the new recruits being brought into the branch.

Since the tournament everyone that had taken the letters or signed up had been waiting for this meeting and it seemed that Takeshi was about to give the speech that they wanted, it was clear that he needed to hit this nail on the head and make sure that he managed to get the point across. He allowed himself to look at each of the seats, the newest members were required to sit on the front seats. Each seat had a white mask on them, though the black robes of the ANBU were not given out to Anbu in Trainings the mask was still their signature, Takeshi looked at them for a few seconds before allowing himself to step up onto the stage and look at the documents that had been given to him.

Takeshi allowed his hand to come up adjusting himself to microphone that was on the stand as he made sure it was the right height, it seemed everything was prepared for the meeting he was only missing one thing now and that was the branch people. It seemed that they would be waking up to receiving the letter to come to this location, Takeshi wanted to make sure that he was prepared before he summoned everyone here, this much he was certain about as he needed to summon to people personally to this situation. As he allowed himself to take out his headset in that split he contacted the two numbers that he knew from the channels and instantly spoke into it.

“Crimson Snow, Nitro Zeus I want you both to the compound, it is time to explain the future that we are now heading towards, head to the stage and take your seats. I expect both of you here in your Captain robes and masks on, thank you in advance I hate the public speaking sometimes, but it’s part of my job and I know that it has to be done.”

Takeshi allowed himself to stand there now it was time for people to arrive he let his hand come to his face and he drew in the chakra as his Sennin mask appeared and he summoned it to his face. Clipping the usual mask into place he allowed himself to look out and wait for those to arrive, slowly the branch begun to trickle in as Takeshi stood silent like a statue waiting for the arrival of the members.

[OOC: Summoning ALL Anbu Branch Members!]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Walking through the halls of the compound Yukio couldn't really remember the last time the ANBU branch had all been summoned to a single place, not in many years since he was but a young academy student in part of a meeting he didn't truly understand the meaning of, there was hopes that this time would bring something interesting to the table or at least do something that would point out what the branches objectives were going to be over the coming weeks and months. The compound was as he remembered however a rather depressing place in hindsight if you weren't used to it or knew what happened on a regular basis within it's walls.

Entering the designated location he did not speak it was not the time or place for such things simply nodding as he always did in greeting as he moved to take a seat, looking down towards the front row as he leaned back to listen to what Takeshi had to say to them. It would be an interesting meeting to say the least, a chance to see what the new generation of the ANBU would have to bring to the branch and possibly what input they had on the state of the village at large.

There was a few things on the Hyuuga's mind in regards to such things, with everything happening within the village in recent months the branch had been stretched thin in his eyes. Where most Shinobi worked in teams as per requirements many a mission had been done solo when leaving the safety of the village, the fact of the matter was there was too few of them to make something resembling a team but there was always a possibility that with the new recruits coming in that would change and give them a chance to do more outside of the village than simply clean up messes that had already been made.

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
After seeing the ANBU booth at the tournament, Manzo was not surprised to hear the summons come in. The ANBU Sennin like to stay close to his branch, and because of that the branch had thrived. This was a good thing, particularly for Manzo who had been gone and was still trying to catch up with all the new ANBU members.

Manzo walked into the room dressed as he should as a member of the ANBU corp His mask was a plain black mask today. He was wearing his armor, though his sleeves were long to cover up his burns on his left side. He kept his outfit as non descript as possible though his bulk tended to make that a moot point. He had been able to get his weight down a bit but he was truly beginning to think that he had wrecked his system. Of course what he ate had nothing to do with it either. He had come to grips with it but it did not make him the most anonymous person in the corp.

Taking a seat he saw that he was not the first one there, but judging from the empty seats he was also not the last. Deciding to wait on socializing until after he heard what the Sennin said he was quite as he sat down. Despite being quite he was not idle. He began looking around the room and at those that were coming in to judge if he knew them or not. Being gone for a year seemed to really make a difference.

MFT 263

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Today was the day, the meeting he had been waiting on since the day he first received that letter telling him that he was welcomed into the branch. The boy was well known around the village, but he wasn't exactly known for doing anything good nor was he known for being a great student in the academy. In the academy, he was quick to argue a teacher down and could turn an entire classroom into his enemies. Then there was the innocent in the student tournament where he tried to kill his opponent, and there was a another innocent with him picking a fight with the hokage within her tutoring session and within her office. There was also suspicion of him vandalizing the hokage rock, he even fought the the Uchiha who held this meeting! One would think that Maru wouldn't be able to qualify for the branch for his reputation for being a troublemaker and a possible threat to the village. But regardless he was here and may god have mercy on the poor soul who was in charge of looking after the little devil.

Looking around he saw the Uchiha up on stage, looking as if he was about he was about to give a speech as Maru looked for a place to sit. Finding a perfect seat to where he could get a good view of the stage without being seen himself. Maru, although looking forward to carrying the darkness of the village, was not looking forward to the whole team work thing they had going on. Honestly he felt like the team he might be paired with won't have enough darkness, hopeful individuals who have yet to take on missions that would have to carried out without guilt. Maru was ready for missions that would involve exterminating the enemy, taking out traitors within the leaf regardless of the reasons they have, to kill even children who decide to fight him, and even kill his own teammates should they be captured by the enemy.

Maru came in with the mentality of a machine that was only programmed for one purpose. To kill…

Maru would then cross his legs, his belt holding all four of his dolls should they be given a mission right here and now. The boy was ready to carry out the work among the shadows of the foundation, but was the students around him ready for that kind of darkness….

Senju Gaki

Sep 27, 2017
When Juko entered the room he immediately noticed that he apparently wasnt the first one to arrive at the branch meeting. Clutching the invitation letter in his right fist he slowly walked through the rows of seats, some of which had already been filled. As subtly as he could, the young academy student allowed his eyes to swerve from right to left and back again, taking in the many agents that had already gathered in the hall, hoping to catch a glimpse of a face that he knew. Unfortunately, he eventually had to come to the conclusion that he would probably have little chance of actually being successfull, as most of the men and women in the compound were wearing their anbu masks and robes, making them litle more than faceless ghosts.
As he passed between the rows of seated people he felt first beads of sweat roll down his neck as his mind presented him with the image of countless stares digging deep into his back and sides. He gulped and closed his eyes for a moment before resuming his walk to the front, where his designated seat was. Come on Juko, this is nothing, nothing i say. Youve had worse in the academy...
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he arrived at the front part of the big room, where he was finally confronted with a familiar face.
To his dismay the familiar face belonged to a blackhaired boy, whose spectacles made his look bigger than they originally were, atleast in Juko's opinion. Tch...
Maru... how the hell did a creep like him get invited to the Anbu. Who in his right mind would teach a moron like him the techniques of the anbu... Maru had brought several puppets along that were now hanging from his belt, making it seem like a pack of groupies had gathered around him.
Trying to observe the unwanted person as inconspicously as possible Juko sat down on the chair closest to him, coincidently also the chair furthest away from Maru. Unfortunately for him though he had misjudged the distance between himself and the chair's metallic surface so that he fell the last few centimeters towards it. As his backside touched the chair a screeching sound could be heard as the remaining force pushed the chair across the floor.
Juko's face suddenly drained of all their color and in an attempt to hide his embaressment he moved his hands behind his head and leaned back, making it seem as if he was perfactly comfortable with creating such a ruckus.
On his face a rather fake smiley was stretched from ear to ear.
Please dont look at me... please dont look at me.. pleaseeee....
WC: 451​

Uchiha Hana

New Member
Oct 15, 2017
Hana walked towards the compound, with her invitation in her hand. The room was huge, she hoped this would go well. She saw a few students already there waiting in seats with masks in their hands. Hana sat a few seats from the front, she picked up the white mask and sat it on her lap, at the Front Takeshi was waiting to give a speech. He looked well prepared, this is the first she saw him with his mask on, Hana seemed intrigued by this.

Hana saw Maru and just grinned and shook her head a little. She didn’t know he wanted to be an ANBU. He gave her that weird evil look, Hana just shook her head more. She kept her distance from him. Some of the others she didn’t recognize. One of the students seemed very nervous. Hana wondered why he was so nervous. Wonder what is going now, Hana thought to herself, for this boy to be so nervous. Her looked her way and she gave him a smile, the boy saw her smile, and sort of smiled back than looked away. She waited quietly, to see if more would come. Well I think this is going to be fun Hana thought to herself. Wonder who else will show up. Seems there will be many different kinds to that join the branch. Hana just hoped she’d get through this, and not to fail Takeshi on what she promised, after all she signed her life away to this.

[MFT 251]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
”Crimson Snow, Nitro Zeus I want you both….”

Maki’s eyebrow slightly rises over it’s counterpart hearing this. Nitro Zeus? What the hell? He looks to the Captain’s robes that he’d been wearing with a slight frown. Ever since that kid found out who wore them, he’d been hesitant to keep them. He sighs and rises from his desk, double clicking confirmation on his headset. Whatever was going on was not the time for showing off his new outfit, that much was definite. ”This is Nitro Zeus, will be in shortly Glorious Supreme Leader.” He had to get a slight jab back about the Nitro Zeus comment.

Moments later, Maki was entering the hall itself that would be the point of the meeting. He’d been in his office. He spent most of his free time in there, it seemed. Getting reacquainted with his home was going to take time, and by nature he wasn’t exactly a social butterfly. The sight to the new people would likely be interesting. Midnight blue robes with silver trim that shined when the light caught it just right. They were large enough to hide his arms and armament, but not so much as to hamper movement. On his face was a white mask with the visage of a crying face.

He took note of some people as he walked in. Yukio and Manzo he was familiar with already. The other three already present, not so much. He strides past them and up to the stage to take his seat. Under the mask, his eyes laugh slightly. ”Nitro Zeus?” His voice is carried by a small breeze so only Takeshi would hear it. It was a bit humorous, but that name would need some changing before long. He'd sooner be known as M'lady than....well no, not that far come to think of it.

Kaguya Jikan

New Member
Sep 14, 2013
A single lit candle illuminated what it could of Temujin's dark apartment it flickered twice and Temujin's deep meditation faded and was replaced with the urge of violence that surged through his body. Removing his headphones he looked around to find the void aspect that bothered him incessantly. "What do you want Vol?"

"Temu-sama, there appears to be a summons here you haven't opened. something ANBU related." Not feeling the need to move he unraveled his arms and directed them towards the summon, grabbing and opening it quickly in front of him. As he gazed over the notes. "I was hoping the branch would keep me busy as serene as meditation and the lack of you are to me Vol, we must go.["/b] raveling his arm back into something resemblance of a human he looked at the location before moving to get ready.

Gathering his overcoat he cast it on, bringing his Robes and Mask with him need they be worn. He rushed towards the branch meeting, using the rooftops towards the branch meeting location. Arriving, he stopped briefly to take a single breath. 'Time to meet the colleagues' Silently as he could he moved into a seat giving himself space on both sides.

He looked around and silently took in the faces of the ANBU branch, whose faces were not covered by masks. Shrugged his shoulder at his void aspect to make it give him room and folded his arms. 'Just pretend like you don't exist during this meeting Vol.

If I had feeling I feel they would be hurt by your comment.

Temujin let out an inaudible sigh, at least to his knowledge. Dealing with peers was easy. The Violation of Light, or Vol as he called it, was another psychic hell he had to deal with on his own ever since slipping prey to the void realm.

[MFT 311 words]

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
The female Captain stood at the side of the Sennin at his other side stood Maki, both where draped in their white hooded cloaks that marked their rank as Captain both of their faces where covered. Yuki watched the room in front of her, it was the large room that as mainly used for branch meets much like this one. The silence was broken by the addition of people entering the room they carried with them the sounds of ideal chatter and the metallic clang of moving chairs as the member of the branch filed in and took a seat, there were many faces that the female recognised and some new additions that she hadn’t seen before. She spotted a commotion at the front of the room seeing Juko in full Juko fashion making a scene, completely missing the chair altogether sending it flying backwards almost hitting someone seated behind him, she was beginning to wonder what she saw him and brought her hand to her forehead shaking her head. She had to give him credit for the rather smooth recovery.

The atmosphere in the room had a strange mixture of curiosity and fear with tinges of excitement, the latter two of the three mainly seemed to emanate from the newer faces and especially those that we still students of the academy. Yuki stood silently at Takeshi side her mask covering her expression from those on the outside and listen to him speak. She had to fight back a giggle hearing Takeshi speak Maki’s codename, out of the corner of her eye she could see Maki turn to look at her if he wasn’t wearing he was would probably be painted with a look of someone who was less than impressed. Takeshi then spoke her codename and glare daggers at the Sennin and returned Maki’s signal with her own shrug, she wasn’t really sure where Takeshi had got those names from but she was pretty sure that it was a punishment or something as she could think of another reason to refer to them by those codenames, still she wasn't about to correct him.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to pause as he watched the new and old file in as he gave them time, noticing the appearance of both of his Captains he couldn’t help but allow a smile to come to his lips it seemed he was managing to have some fun with both of them and giving them codenames that neither of them appreciated, but that didn’t matter to the Sennin, the future of the branch mattered and he would be making sure that was the goal and the outcome of today even he knew that everyone had a task to be completed and he was the one stood there to give them the instructions.

“Thank you for all coming at such short notice, now it has come to my attention that we have seen an influx of new members recently. With training progressing steadily and new recruits its time we forged this branch into the fires that it was born from and come out sharpened and skilled to a knife point.”

Takeshi let the words set in for a few seconds, he wanted to make sure that everyone understood what was taking place as he allowed himself to let that sentence linger he let his eyes glance around before going into details about what would now be happening with the Branches, as he held a scroll out he put a piece of paper on the table that was below the stand, with a pen ready for people to take their names.

“I have assigned each of you to teams, you will be eligible to pick a code name that will be what you are referred to inside of the branch, make sure you think of one that is appropriate for you. They cannot be changed without a Captain approval so please once I call your name out and have placed you into a team sign up below with the code name that you will be taking and using this will make life easier.”

Takeshi allowed himself to wait for a while as he wondered how they would react to the teams ignoring the Captains comments about their names, so they wanted to get a new name each, then they would have to make their own if that was tehre choice. He allowed a small pause to come to his lips as he looked around the room seeing the new faces that would join the branch.

“First team, this will be referred to as Team Alpha for now, consisting of the ANBU Team Leader of Yukio, squad members joining is the newly appointed Anbu in Training of Juko and Maru, both of you will be combined into a squad for missions and teaching. Yukio will be from now on reporting directly to the ANBU Captian to my right here, he will oversee your training and you will fall under him to guide you threw the first bumps you may come up against, I expect reports handed from missions and I expect to see results.”

Takeshi allowed his hand to come out as he was speaking about the Captains letting himself demonstrate which Captain, Yukio would be having to directly report to as he glanced over to one of his friends in this life. Maki the newest addition of the Captain ranks he allowed his head to tilt down as he nodded his respect to the man.

“Second team that will be created will be Team Bravo, this will consist of a few more experienced members than generally is seen, Team Leader assigned to the squad is Manzo and experience vet of the branch, you will be taking charge of Hana a new Anbu in Training that recently joined as well as Temujin who will be forming your team. You will be reporting to my second captain on your missions. Now with that sorted does anyone have any questions moving forward.”

Takeshi waited to see if their was any questions on this matter as he spoke showing Manzo team the captain that they would be reporting to, he allowed himself to wait for any questions or if they would just write the ANBU names that they wanted on the paper and get to work, it seemed the branch was moving forward question was where they all ready for it.

[OOC: Team Alpha: Yukio (Team Leader) Maru, Juko. Reporting to Maki]
[OOC: Team Bravo: Manzo (Team Leader), Hana, Temujin. Reporting to Yuki]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Maru crossed his legs, the boy didn't seem nervous at all, rather full of confidence that he'd have what it takes to act as a real Anbu because he was a dark shinobi. His life now will forever be remain in the shadows, becoming one with the darkness of the hidden leaf. Hearing a lot of ruckus, Maru gave a glance at the source that ruined his thinking. The noise was coming from none other than Juko, a boy he met up with twice already in the academy. A malevolent grin spreading on his cheeks, Maru turned around to give Juko a quick shout out. “YOU FUCKING UP AIN'T CHA GASSY!” Maru shouted to Juko, knowing that he'll know how he got the nickname gassy from his little show on the first class he crossed his path when he fell on his face in front of everyone AND broke wind in the process. It was a surprise that they'd let him join because he looked more main branch material, he wouldn't be able to be tainted by the darkness nor was he an elite ninja. Clearly the Anbu must be desperate to pick Juko being a goof ball, and Maru being a famous trouble maker that almost everyone had his eye on. Unfortunately Maru had to wear glasses that were a bit bigger than his last pair that was stolen from him, but whatever.

When Maru turned he saw a not too bad looking red head he saw during the Anbu lesson, Hana. She shook her head at him, then Maru gave a malevolent grin at her which made her shake her head more, reaching his hand up to rub his chin he didn't address her so he could examine her closely.

Red hair
Emerald Eyes
Not too tall
Pale skin
Long hair length

Maru began to think, wondering if she was a Doll how would he weaponize her, then before Maru had a chance to think further his team was called out… and it looks like Maru was stuck with Gassy! On the bright side the captain was Yukio, but now that the failure Juko was teamed up with him now Maru and his dolls would have to pick up the slack. He honestly should have put down all four of his dolls names so he'd only have to deal with his dolls, but to work together with someone like Juko is like a mouse having to work together with a cat. Let's just say Yukio would have his work cut out for him. Regardless the last team was read out, and the floor was opened up for questions. This was it. A question he's been holding back for a while now. The thing he wanted to ask the uchiha when he got there, Maru stood up proud and took in a deep breath then shout out his question so loudly you could hear him outside.

“DID YOU GET MY GLASSES BACK FROM THAT WITCH!?” The Uchiha would know who Maru referred to as “The Witch”, and he still seemed to be bitter about Yomi still having his glasses. Perhaps this would be a reminder that he still wanted those glasses back.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi seemed a bit amused at their responses to the codename situation. That was an invitation to war, as Maki saw it. He began mentally making a list of fake codenames for Takeshi as the man spoke about the branch. Magic Eye Man. Edgelord. Six Eyes. Necrophiliac Supreme. A few interesting ones in a mix of horrible lame ones, but all would do the job of making Takeshi regret Nitro Zeus. He wouldn’t interrupt the meeting with childishness, save that for in private. Or infront of guests from another village. Or the Hokage if he was being petty. Instead he focuses once more as the talk of teams crops up.

He was apparently the captain over Team Alpha, led by Yukio. He couldn’t fault that decision. Yukio had greatly impressed him during his ANBU exam, and he knew the younger man would be going places if he didn’t end up dying in the field somewhere. He had no clue about the other two, but then again his job would be to aid Yukio from a higher position and let Yukio manage his team. He wouldn’t step in unless he had to. It was a more hands-off approach, but it also meant that the team leader was just that, and not a sock puppet for the Captain.

He was about to rise when one of the AiTs began shouting, the same who did so before the talking began. Maki lets out a piercing whistle, one that overshadows even the yelling of the boy. As the whistle dies, the boy’s screaming would also, a barrier of sound formed around him that was bouncing his own shouting back at him. There would be no damage, just an endless echo of his own words for the brief half minute that it lasted before Maki dropped the jutsu and turned his masked face to the younger male. ”You’re in a meeting. Act like it.”

He then rises and moves towards the paper for codenames, pulling a pen from his robes and signs down his own preferred codename to it. Inquisitor. He could think of nothing better suited to his current specialties in the branch. He then turns to the assembled mass. ”Team Alpha. I would like a meeting together when this meeting is over.” With that done, he resumes his seat.

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
Manzo listened to the speech Takeshi made. It was a vastly different meeting than the last time a Sennin had called the entire branch together. Just thinking back to that meeting he had as an ANBU in training still made his skin crawl. But they had been given order not to chase the traitor down so unless he wanted to go rogue and become a traitor himself he had to deal with his hate.

As soon as Takeshi finished speaking it seemed that the yipping Puppy decided he wanted to speak, He was torn on whether or not he had wanted Puppy to be in his squad. On one had it would be a great challenge. On the other it was going to be a full time job just trying to keep him in line. Just like in this meeting. Manzo was about to start to form hands signs to deal with the loud moth but Maki beat him too it. No matter how Manzo felt about getting Maru in his squad, putting him under Maki was a smart decision. There were few that could scare someone like Maki could. Hopefully manner could be taught. Perhaps he would suggest a code name change to Maki for Maru. The thought made him smile.

Getting up he walked to the code name paper and wrote down Zeta he wasn’t good with code names but he really did not want something that could be identifiable to himself. That was the purpose of a code name after all, wasn’t it.

”Bravo Squad, unless the Captain has something for us. Meet at the gates first thing in the morning.“ he needed to see how they handled themselves.

Uchiha Hana

New Member
Oct 15, 2017
Hana, sat and Listening to Takeshi speech, everything seemed fine for a while. He spoke of everyone using a codename, Hana thought on this a bit. “ what should I choose” she thought. She looked over who was all in her team. She hoped all would go well, with this mission. Hana was glad Maru was on the other team, she didn’t want to work with him at all. She hoped this all went smoothly, and didn’t know what else was to come.

All sudden Maru, stands up and yells things disrupting the meeting, Hana’s eyes grew big. “What is he doing, I shouldn’t be surprised she though, so disrespectful”. Hana covered her mouth with her hand, and shook her head looking at Maru. There is this loud piercing whistle Hana’s eyes grew even bigger and just as the shouting was going on it stopped, oddly she saw Maru still yelling but not hearing it, like he was mute. All came quiet at attention, Hana shrugged this was fine with her, it creeped her out enough that Maru always was looking at her, she didn’t want to listen to him too.

Hana waited a little till everyone put their code names on the paper up by the stage. She decided she better go up and put hers down she picked. She slowly got up and precede towards the stage where the table was with the paper. Hana jotted down the name she chose for a code name, Yuri. Than quietly went over by her team mates.

[MFT 256]

Senju Gaki

Sep 27, 2017
Luckily for him, nobody seemed to pay much attention to Jukos little mishap. Or maxbe theyre all just laughing behind my back already!? As carefull as possible the boy turned around to glean a look at those behind him but there didnt seem to be much in that direciton either. Obviously relieved he turned his attention back to the front where Takeshi had just started talking. The young boys eyes started glowing. Oh my, Codenames? Awww YESS! Nows the Time to shine for God-Lord, Juko the Supreme and Mighty Ruler above all! Master Ninja of Time, Space Porridge! Firelord Juko, Avatar of all Jutsu and Leader of Konohagakure! Most awesome Hokage of all! As his thoughts slowly drifted away from reality he began drooling lightly, entirely caught in a selfmade story about him and several kunoichi that required saving.
It wasnt before he heard Takeshi call out his own Name that he woke up again, and as quickly as that stopped himself from shouting out. Whafhh.. Two hands in front of his own mouth prevented him from continuing.
What!? Me and MARU? Come oooon really? Can i not get someone at least sliiiightly interesting? Just as he was about to stand up to give air to his frustration he noticed how Maru was about to shout something towards him but was suddenly interrupted by... something that Juko couldnt exactly put any words to. All he could see was a weird ripple in the air surrounding the boy who was then shouted at from one of the masked man standing side by side with Takeshi. Juko gulped and swallowed the reply he had worked all of the past 10 seconds on. Probably for the better if i do not say anything righ tnow.
He had only managed to rise a few centimeters from his chair so that it seemed more like uneasy twitching than an actual attempt at standing up.
Instead he slowly moved forward, making sure not to make eye contact with the masked man that had punished Maru before.
Yep, good job Juko. Got yourself just the right people to work with, didnt you? Seems like youll be quite happy here... not. Sighing lightly to himself he picked up the pen and took a look at the paper. Not many had written down their names yet, and except for Juko only the masked man had written down something on the paper. In...jisitor? Oh wait, thats a "q" Inquisitor? That sounds rather weird, i wonder if that has a special meaning in here?...
His brows moved like two blonde caterpillar, waging war at each other as his mind pondered his great deckname. Everything he thought about turned out to long to be catchy, or to short to be fitting enough...
Finally, after multiple attempts at a codename that he liked he scribbled "Yabujin" into the upper right corner of the blank space that had been waiting patiently in the row of Team Alpha. Man of the Grove... that does sound good enough for now... i do belong to Konohagakure after all, and that means everything... doesnt it?
WC: 518​

Kaguya Jikan

New Member
Sep 14, 2013
Temujin sat back in his chair, a sense of Deja vu overwhelmed him. Captains and loud newbies, but last time he was the loud newbie so he decided to dismiss the issue. Times change, shinobi change one thing that didn't change was skill and how well people handled themselves in battle. VoL came out of the shadows and whispered in his ears "Sidewinder is what they used to call you, I remember it well. Snakes for grass," Acting the norm he got up and went to sign Sidewinder into the call book and took a seat. When he heard Tram bravo mentioned, he quickly turned his head. 'Meeting in the morning, I'll have to wake up earlier to meditate' He nodded in Manzo's Direction

Looking towards his apparition he was actually pleased with the knowledge brought, Sidewinder, had a nice ring to it and Temujin fell back into his seat. Silently waiting for anything else that may pop up per dismissal. Temujin gave one last glance at his skin, burnt and disfigured and hoped it wouldn't be a problem for the team. He had seen utter disgust in other shinobi just because of his looks, disgust leads to betrayal and he had no time for that. It was a constant insecurity of his, even though the mask and robe will cover most. He wondered in his mind how people could work with something that even he despised. Shrugging once to his appearance, shrugging twice to his aspect and returning his attention to Takeshi was all that mattered now.

[258 WC MFT]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
It was an interesting turn of events leaning back into his chair pondering on what would be the best move considering the team he had been put with, safe to say it was going to be a challenge the two couldn't be more different one being rather open and attentive to the lessons he had to teach the other being more defiant that he could give them credit for. Safe to say even in the best circumstances they would more than likely clash without a careful and watching eye on them at all times, it also made the prospect of taking them out on missions a rather dangerous thing if they could not work together it would more than likely get one of them killed.

His confidence was not going to be enforced anytime soon however with Maru deciding the best course of action at that moment in time to be to stand and cry out to his betters making quite the scene casing him to bring a hand to his face with a deep sigh as he pushed himself to his feet taking steps towards the front row a disappointed look taking over his features as Yukio shook his head raising his voice to speak "I do apologise for his behaviour, I shall see to it such things do not happen again. If you would free him I will take them both and make sure they both know how things work within the branch."

Turning his head to face to Juko he looked the boy up and down shaking his head but not as disappointed as he was in Maru "Don't think I didn't notice the noise you made sitting down, maybe not as much as Maru but it was there all the same. If you could please come with me and i would expect no complaints about who you're in a team with, our Sennin has decided as such and so we will follow those orders." his glare was then set on Maru, piercing through him as his voice deepened "And you come quietly let's not make more a scene than we already have" With that he crossed his arms waiting for both to respond.

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
Yuki stood still, sentinel-like over the proceeding she listened intently to Takeshi speak as he designated each of the then one ANBU, under that was a group of trainees. To Maki went Yukio and under him Juko and Maru, a name that she was glad not to hear in partnership with her name. She stood patiently listening to him finish reading off the list of names before turning to her, she looked at his mask through the slits in her own porcelain visage, Manzo she knew he was a strong ANBU one that Takeshi trusted, enough to accompany him to another village. The other names on the list Yuki was less familiar with, Hana’s name rang a bell she was sure that she had taken part a lesson of hers once, the other one she had heard little to nothing of, she wasn’t sure if this was a good thing or bad, however, she trusted her Sennin’s judgement all the same.

A sudden noise broke the room she knew the source of it, Maru, he was soon silenced by Maki providing another reason why she glad that he had been given to her fellow Captain. Yuki remained silent as Manzo took charge of the group as they gathered around him, she approached them and listen to each of them speak.

“I have nothing further to add Manzo, I will arrange a meeting with you soon once you have grown accustomed to your new position inside of the branch. I expect nothing from you but your best. Manzo, you can take it from here.” Yuki spoke her voice was as cold as her soul as she addressed the group, she would make her introduction with them formally another time she returned to the side of the Sennin and her fellow Captain knowing that the two of them were in Manzo more than capable hands.

[MFT – 315]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to stay silent threw the ordeal it was clear that he still had a lot of work that needed to be done and this meeting was being finished up with speed and grace that was to be expected of anyone inside of his branch. As he allowed himself to glance around at the two teams it was clear that they still had a lot of work to polish the teams off to make sure that they were the best that they could be, with missions not being required and tasks being needed to be completed it was clear that each of them would be expected to perform.

Takeshi seemed to ignore the situation that had transpired between Maru instead a small sigh of irritation came out from the Sennin’s lips as he looked around at the others that where around trying to gauge how many of them had potential. Takeshi turned back to Maki and Yuki now giving them teams it was clear that they had leaders to develop them further that they could, Takeshi allowed himself to stand up and address the room once more as he cleared his throat, Takeshi ignored the situation that Maru had caused it seemed that with the keen eye of Maki on that team things would soon change in the way he was with people.

“Now you have been assigned your teams, make sure that you listen to your leaders, we expect progression and we expect results, you joined this branch to be the best that you can be. Failure to follow these rules will result in the iron fists of the Captain’s coming down on you, I do not expect anything less from my team. With that in mind each of your team leaders will be able to help you develop and progress yourselves, it requires discipline and strength to progress inside of the ANBU branch. I want to see results with that you are all dismissed!”

It seemed the meeting had come to an end at that moment in time. Takeshi allowed himself to stand up as he moved away from the group, it was clear that he still had work to do and holding the teams up any longer was pointless, as he allowed himself to walk away it was down to the team leaders now to make sure that they completed the tasks that would set the direction of the branch that he had a goal for.

[Topic Left]
[Meeting Finished]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
As Takeshi leaves, Maki rises. ”Alpha, here.” He makes his way to one side of the stage and waits for the team to group up before him. Yukio was a solid pick, and he knew the relationship there would be good. Of the two lower ranked members, he swiftly realized one was the kid he’d chastised. He pulls off the mask he wore, his face under it stern but not angry.

”I am Tonkon Maki. As our Sennin said, I am one of the two ANBU Captains currently helping with this branch. I am a native of the old Konoha, before the Daimyo took over. I know Yukio already, but not the two of you. So an introduction, and a little about yourself, if you please.”

He folds his arms to wait on them to introduce themselves. Only after they had done so would be continue. ”Yukio is your first report. This means you go to him, do not try to go over him head to me. You go to him, and only then can you come to me if you feel he’s being unreasonable. I’m not going to be a taskmaster holding you to account for everything. I’m leaving that up to Yukio, and I’ll him to account for your own actions. So do well to make sure our branch is represented appropriately. Dismissed.”

(Topic left. Letting all of you go to RP also.)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
