Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Bred to Suffer [Dual Contract Search]


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
The blazing sun had long set and made way for a harsh, wintry desert nights. The village proper was a ways away from Soon’s Haven but the twins had thought it better to do their traveling in the cover of darkness. Not really for safety, no. But for their own comfort rather. Though they would not spontaneously burst into flames in daylight, they’d rather go with the cool, late breeze as they strolled under the moonlight.

They had hoped that delaying their return to Sunagakure meant that Kouin would look to part ways with them. Or, at least, Akane had hoped. After all, who would want to stay in a dingy little town out in the desert unless they lived there? She had wanted time alone. As long as one can be when one is conjoined anyway. But she wanted time to think away from the Kaze heir’s company.

Story time over drinks had been... something else. Though she acted betrayed at what his brother had done behind her back, she could not find it in her to be angry at either of them for long. They had been consenting adults as far as shinobi goes, children warriors and all, and it was none of her business what they did behind closed doors. But she couldn’t get over the fact that the other boy, the man – oh they were much older now had found comfort in the arms of her twin when she had watched him from afar for so long.

She had known such a union between them would be impossible. As a young child, she had already been arranged to marry the Isaki heir, for the good of both their clans. She knew this even before she was enrolled in the Academy.

Akane remembers calling for her, and her alone. A strange thing, considering the twins were hardly separated. And in the privacy of his study, he had given her a book. One wherein pureblooded traditions filled it pages. The traditions of marriage, to be precise. One that he said had helped him get through his marriage with their mother, the true Shoukyou heir. Father had marked a passage, one about different sorts of love. It was all very poetic and, though she hadn’t known then, it was their father’s way to wish her happiness even in her arranged marriage.

There was shadow love, a parasitic sort where one cared for the other though it could never be reciprocated. And there was starlight love, wherein two partners desired to make each other better. Lightning love, quick and fleeting, for shotgun marriages that hardly lasted long or ended well. Firelight love came from old friendships, warm and constant but never becoming more than that. And then there were sunlight and moonlight love.

Sunlight love had been so idealized, the optimist’s and the dreamer’s choice. A love most fierce where two joined to become one brilliant star, always shining and giving warmth to those deserving and burning those who weren’t. A love where partners were equal, in every moment and in every way. Had she been an innocent youth, she would have imagined this would be what lay in store for her. To think they would be the sun for their families was folly.

Though really she had hoped, at the very least, that her arrangement with Hoshikata would lead to moonlight. Pure, though they had been anything but that, blissful and ever shining in the darkest of moments. They would have been moonlight for their clans. But, she knew now, that was not meant to be.

And she took great measures to close off her heart to others, knowing that she was already promised. She acted cold and aloof, to shield herself from finding any other love, even if it would only be lightning, because to find another would make her a traitor to her blood.

But Kouin... Akane doesn’t even remember when this little crush of hers had started. The older boy had been assigned along with her first squadron and he was the only one who had really stayed by her side until her dismissal from the Corps. She had sought to forget about him then but he was a persistent weed...

He stays persistent, staying with them now.

“Deep thoughts, sister mine?” Akihiko asks, worried that he would drown in the current of his twin’s emotions, though her face betrayed nothing. A passive mask as they walked over the sand dunes in one direction, only the village gates off in the distance acting as their guide.

She contemplated what she would say, if she would say anything at all, before biting back a sigh. “Just tired, little brother. I think I will feel better when we are back in our bed at the Kazekage Tower.” Looking back at Kouin, Akane hopes that this feeling blossoming in her heart would not lead to darkness love. A whirlwind romance that would eventually consume and destroy all. “You didn’t need to escort us, really now, Kouin.”

[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"][/legend]


Aug 29, 2012

He had decided to accompany the twins on this walk of theirs through the dunes. He was sure they all had a lot on their minds; they both had an idea of what they wanted, but they have spent so much time apart, separated by laws. These laws weren't uncommon, but that didn't mean he had to like, or appreciate them. Rules were mean't to be broken sometimes. People weren't property, they had the right to make up their own mind.

Then the debacle in mist occurred. Total meltdown, hypothetically. Everyone began to scatter to the far reaches of the world to avoid the freeze; he was on that fled before things got dirty, he knew that nothing could be done, but he also couldn't afford to think about the past, he had to provide shelter for his family. That's when he ran into the twins for the first time in ages, as he was scoping out the village from above. Seeing them again took him by surprise, it reignited past memories that he couldn't prioritize, but Hoshikata was still engaged to her.

Things are different now. Hoshikata had met an ill-timed fate. He wouldn't know how Akane took the word of his death, but in this world you couldn't afford to dwell on sorrow before it completely consumes you. He had told himself once, If you have someone that makes you want to be better, fight for it. If you have someone worth fighting for, protect them. He was persistent in his ways, and refused to let a lady travel at night by herself; even if he knew she could handle themselves.

Even from the short distance he was following them from, he could see the look of stress on their collective body, from the way they are walking and the silence that lingered.I know, I want to. He knew first hand what perils could lie in the dunes, and he wasn't about to let someone fall to a similar fate.

Everyone needs a knight in shining armor. He would follow up with a heroic-esque post and smile brilliantly. He would only hold the pose for moment before continuing towards her, Plus you can never be too sure what you'll run into in the wilds. He placed a gentle hand onto both of their heads, and gave a toothy smile, I can not let anything hurt my Tenshi, my angels.



Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
The trio continued to walked through the heavy sand like walking through roaring waters but unlike a cool breeze the air was thin and cold. Their surroundings was nearly engulfed in darkness if it were not for the crescent moon that followed them. This would eventually not be the case as they were introduced by three glowing red dots that hovered neared them like fireflies. As the lights continued to dance a loud hissing sound emerged from behind them with the sound getting louder as it got closer. It was unclear whether or not the highly skilled shinobi and kunochi would show their prowess but something stopped them. It was as if their wills were tied to the ground like heavy anchors. Once the got loud enough everything became silent -- an inhumane silence. A silence that was meant to focus their attention on one thing.

The moon would float closer to them revealing that the three were ostensibly separated from one another, especially the twins. They were each alone except for a stranger whose back faced them. As the stranger turned around it would be seen that the stranger would be different from each of them.

For Akihiko it was a man who was all too familiar with Akihiko and his sister.

I am disappointed in you. You are nothing but a monster and you have taken away my son.” His countenance crestfallen. His knees caved in as he fell into the deep sand as he could not bare to face the monstrosity of a son.

For Akane it was a rather tall man perhaps six feet stood like a ice sculpture raising a sword at the diminutive kunochi. “You bitch, you left me here to die didn’t you.” The man said. His teeth were clenched together as his countenance was filled with angry.

For Kouin it was the same man except this time the man was dressed in formal clothing fit for a leader of war. “You betrayed me Kounin-san. I am your mizukage and yet you let me die and now betray the Kirigakure by signing your life with the enemy. You are nothing but a failure.

In many parts of the world, this man was known to be one of the greatest leader in water country. In other countries, especially cloud country, viewed him as a murder and a perfidious traitor. His name was Isaki Hoshikata. There was one fact was certain and that this man was supposed to be dead.

[If it wasn’t clear you are in a deep illusion created out of your subconsciousness. A very powerful one that only those in tuned with the spiritual arts (ghostwalkers and dark sages) would be able to decipher. So you think this is very real. How you handle these visions will determine whether or not the snake clan find you worthy. If I make any mistakes in characterizing your opponents please let me know. I think I know Hoshikata since he was the one who kind of killed me :p]



Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
When one- or, rather, two are conjoined together, it’s hard not to notice when the other individual is missing. Whatever mind tricks another may employ to fool them into thinking that everything is peachy keen will never stop them from feeling the emptiness at their side. There’s a tugging at their brain that says this is obviously wrong, helped along by their knowledge in psychology, their Empathy and their unwavering connection between the living and the dead.

So when, while walking through the desert, and one of the twins find themselves suddenly alone... well, it brings a lot of questions to their minds. Though sometimes, the twins have to agree, that leaving questions unanswered (if only temporarily) can lead to interesting happenings.

If anything, to find themselves with each their whole bodies would be a short, welcome break from the other. Even if this is all in their heads or if this were all in a realm separate from the physical.

Whoever brought these upon them made one very crucial mistake if they were trying to scare them. The twins did not know fear. Were near incapable of it. They weren’t quite sure if it was because of psychopathic genetics or because of damaged amygdalas. It could be that too much time in a laboratory around questionable substances has promoted the bilateral symmetrical calcification of their medial temporal lobes. Or maybe they’ve experienced the emotions in spades without realizing it and had grown desensitized. Numb.

Whichever case, terror... horror... while they knew of the concept and knew of its uses and necessity well, it would be near impossible to invoke the feeling into them.

And when someone even attempts, they had different ways of reacting to the situation.

“You done with your little speech yet, papa? I’m afraid it doesn’t quite faze me. We all know mama is the real Shoukyou in the family and you’re just a sperm donor,” the youngest son drawled. Akihiko’s eyes bore into the specter of the Shoukyou patriarch, unwavering and utterly... bored.

He was far more interested in the sensation of having two hands of his own and being able to move without his sister’s body leashing him back. People often take for granted having two arms and being able to control them both on one’s own volition, really. So he took his time, running his hands from his waist upwards before running his fingers through his hair with a pleased hum. He’d enjoy this while he lasted.

Meanwhile Akane, on the other hand, wasn’t as blase. “Interesting,” sister’s inquisitive eyes stared at the Isaki that stood before her, unperturbed by his rather aggressive stance. She looked at the man as if he was a bug in a jar. And for all that she cared, he’s just an odd specimen that’s presented itself to her. “Were you real, I would berate you for such foul language. It’s not befitting a clan heir nor of my betrothed. But I do believe Hoshikata is still alive and I’ve not been informed of otherwise. And it is quite clear we were taken against our own freewill.”

She crossed her arms, not as fixated on her physical individuality at the moment. Rather, she was marveling at how quiet it is in her brain when she’s separated from her brother. With a tilted head and one eye closed, as if thinking, she hums. “Is this a Genjutsu? Definitely not one I’ve heard of, if the capability to separate two beings intertwined mind, body and soul is any indication. Must be real powerful.”

[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Marked for Training
    Words: 593
    Training Date: Feb 6-12

    It's a good thing the twins are Dark Sages then! Doesn't hurt that they have Empathy too.


Aug 29, 2012
The inane hissing sound was enough to drive any sensible man insane. Kouin was a man of facts and clarity; so he knew something was off the moment the hissing sound got so loud, and then suddenly silence. The pair by his side was no longer there, the moon was moving closer as if to destroy the planets, but what was revealed was a stern looking figure; one that everyone would know had they been from Kirigakure. His regal looks and gold hourglass irises could be identified nearly a mile out. It was none other than Isaki Hoshikata, the late Mizukage.

He was almost shocked to see Hoshikate, living and breathing right in front of him. Standing tall and healthy, everything would've seemed believable if it weren't for one critical mistake. The fact that he had written a report on his death, and even looked at the cataloged autopsy report. He knew for certain that Hoshikata was dead, but that didn't mean he couldn't probe them for questions.

His eyes narrowed quickly as the man began to speak of Kouin's misdeeds; it took effort not to roll his eyes in the illusions face. The information being spewed was highly inaccurate and borderline pretentious. Maybe you fail to remember how you were exiled from Kirigakure? Never in my life had I seen a shinobi be exiled, am I truly the worthless one? He could feel the heat rolling off his tongue; if it was one thing that irritated him the most it was false accusations, and he was chalk full of them.

He slid his hands into his pocket and slowly paced back and forth, back and forth. He pondered what truth his words did merit, but he failed to understand the context. You are right in some sense; I was a traitor to my people, but the same could be said for anyone that didn't stay to become human icicles. But... He cut his speech short, and pondered on his words, Can you conceptualize the need to protect your family and make sure they don't die, because your father decided to stay behind like an insane idiot? He scoffed audibly, he didn't choose to join Kumo, he joined so his family would be protected at the cost of his servitude.

His eyes turned a light hue of blue, he began seeing the intercrossing lines of time and fate; where they would go, and where they would end. A smirk drifted to his face as the final nail in the coffin so to speak. The man spoke of how he let him die. Oh? I don't recall being anywhere near Kumogakure when you attacked Hayata Shin with a group, and then after you felled Shin they turned on you to finish you off. He relinquished his hands from his pocket and gestured to the world around him.

It's quite evident really. The intensity of his eyes only grew brighter, the silent wind in the air began to swirl around him as a small temporal pocket began to open up. It showed him what the world looked like before this distrubance happened. The man I knew as Hoshikate has long since been dead; I know this for a fact. I even obtained a detailed report of when he fell. He would push up his glass in a sort of tact manner, Further, no man that would refer to himself as my Kage would refer to me as Kounin, surely not a man held honor and respect above all else. His head tilted upwards to the sky and stared into the pale moonlight, So why don't you show me who you really are? His tone would grow stern and his face serious as he stared back towards "Hoshikata".


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
Each of the shinobi had a stronger resolve than anyone could realize, although it was mostly due to the twins knowing they were in an illusion. No matter. The creatures who controlled their minds were not concerned for capricious emotions nor their aptitude but their responses. Each showed indecorous behavior as they slander their loves with a viper's tongue. The man who identified himself as the young boy's father rose from his feet with great disdain in his face as he could not believe what he was hearing.

"Is this how you speak to your father, Akihiko." The man continued. "If it were not for my sperm you would be nothing.” Obviously, the boy was not listening focusing most of his attention on his newly acquired arms and legs that were once discarded for the limbs of his sister.

"You should show some respect to your father.” A soft voice said behind the young man. The wind was redolent with a mother’s breath as another familiar presence appeared before him. It was his mother clothed in her traditional attire as he stood at her side resetting her gentle hands around his shoulder.

As Akihiko continued to entertain his parents, Akane continued to ossify her stance against the Hoshikata imposter, the man unsheathed his sword from his back as he pressed the blade close to her neck. It felt as cold as ice as it barely grazed her jugular. “How do you know that I am not the real thing, perhaps you already dead killed by one from Kumogakure. That man you are infatuated betrayed me and let me die. He will do the same to you.

While this Hoshikata continued to manipulate the young woman, Kounin was not convinced. The shinobi from mist was able to pick apart his imposter with succinctly as he laid out all the flaws. It was true that the man did have physical evidence of Hoshikata but this would prove meaningless without the document. The other counterargument was that Hoshikata, the late kage, would never refer Kounin with such lack of obeisance in such a way that anyone from the village could tell that this was not their mizukage.

Hoshikata could not help but bellow in laugher. “If you can defeat me in battle perhaps you will know the truth.” The man’s skin began to produce arcane marks as it emerged from his countenance down to his lower body. He quickly disappeared like the wind than reappear as he began to strike Kounin from behind with his sword.

[I didn't know the father had less of impact to Akihiko than the mother. I will just roll with it here]



Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
He wonders and wonders and wonders. Just who was behind this little illusion and why carry it out in such a way? Were they some Sunan, insulted that a foreigner was being given preferential treatment due to their nobility? Did they believe they- he was some spoiled little brat who thrived off mommy and daddy’s approval? That would certainly explain this whole acid trip he was experiencing. The scowl on his face is apparent as he turns around to regard his mother before it turns into a wide grin.

“I’ve got a haiku for you, mother:
You speak of respect,
Yet, how can I give it to
That which does not live?

The boy grins cheekily, covering his eyes with both of his hands. And wasn’t that still an odd sensation? He doubted he’d ever not miss having his limbs to himself. Though he could not begrudge his sister their fate... he was the one who had put them in such a state to begin with, after all.

Though when he pulled his hands away from his face, there appeared two small metal spikes, one in each hand. “Wanna see a magic trick, mommy?” he asks so innocently, ignoring the fact that electricity started to charge up and course through his conjured items. “I’m going to make you and daddy disappear.” He laughs, wicked and wild, before he so casually inserts them into the sides of his head, metal digging deep into skin and flesh, two trickles of blood dripping down his temples. Four hundred and sixty volts of electricity, carefully measured, fires through his brain for what seems like eternity though it could be no more than six seconds in reality.

Self-administered Electroconvulsive Therapy... or Shock Therapy as the uninformed would call it.

It was a plan, a theory, thought off in a split second. Physical harm would often knock a person out of an illusion. Actual physical harm would be unreliable, say, if they were bound in the real world. Even if he could stab himself in this reality, who’s to say he can in actual reality? Electrocuting himself, on the other hand, was a bit more handy wherein he didn’t really need to move to send lightning through himself and, inevitably, his sister.

But it would be forgiven if the pain would knock them both of out their own illusions – he assumes she might very well be in a Genjutsu as well. After all, if she wasn’t, Akane would have taken him out of here by now.

And if this doesn’t work, he just electrocuted himself in this plain for no reason whatsoever!

Well, he did quite like the pain, to be honest. Apparent at how he kept laughing, even through the electrocution.

And Akane...

All she sees is red. She would like nothing more than to paint the ground with this treacherous leech’s blood. To bring a blade upon her neck is grave insult; even more so, if he was actually who he claimed he is. “I would take that away, if I were you, heir Isaki. Even if I were not the heir to my clan, I am still of the main house. You dishonor the treaties between our families with your actions that you’d be better off dead anyway,” she says, a deathly calm about her. The formal and cold manner in which she addresses her supposed betrothed speaks volumes on its own. No marriage contract shall save him from her wrath if it were to be incurred. “And I’d like to think I know when I am truly dead. That is, after all, my expertise. I doubt hell would be so kind to keep me with my brother.”

Dead. Halfway there. Sort of and yet not.

She knows this in the back of her head. But as long as she spoke and thought, she was as good as alive in her books. Cogito ergo sum. She thought therefore she existed. Wasn’t that the true factor in deciding what is living and what is dead? Because even if a human being continued to function with a beating heart and breathing lungs, were they really alive if they were nothing more but a vegetable in a hospital bed?

“If you were truly dead, it would suit me just fine. Till death do us part, darling. And part I will, if you will be this insufferable as a husband,” she drawls with a sneer. If looks could kill, this Hoshikata would be dead by now. Perhaps she could even arrange that, if he continues to irk her. Really, she’s already started a plan, judging by how black mist started to waft from her mouth, growing with each word she spoke and with each breath she took.

[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Keep rolling, rolling, rolling.

    I'm so sorry. The twins are just mentally fucked up. Really, the only thing keeping them remotely human is their Empathy? And there is only one person important to them in their immediate family and it's definitely not their parents.

    Akihiko used Senbon Coating [Mastered] to make metal spikes and Electroshock [Mastered] on himself, hopefully to knock him out of this genjutsu. Akane is using Black Mist [Mastered].


Aug 29, 2012

The visage of Hoshikata seemed to grow silent after his ruthless deduction, he began to take calculated steps towards this apparition, Has the great Hoshikata gone silent in front of a mere traitor? Or is you finally run out of tales to spin? He would carefully remove the glasses from his eyes; as he removed them a hidden fact would be revealed. He didn't have normal eyes, he had the coveted Rinnegan, the god eyes. He would slide them into his inside jacket pocket, and discard the jacket to the side. His instincts told him exactly how this was going to go down.

His eyes narrowed as his laughter bellowed through the night, Do I sense slight trepidation hidden among that laughter? Kouin would slide his feet apart and take a stance. Star shaped runic seals began to illuminate across his body, I have faced years of hardship just for the sake of upholding my fathers dying promise. The wind began to pick up as chakra started to swirl around him. I'll show you the strength one must have to abandon everything to protect everything. And it was just like that, Hoshikata vanished from his sight, but Kouin was no mere rookie, and the real Hoshikata would have known about his uncanny ability to catch glimpses of events yet to pass. You're. Too. Slow. Storm cloud began to form in the sky, lightning jumped from cloud to cloud, and thunder boomed loudly.

With his words the sound of air being cut erupted through the air as a blade of lightning crashed from the sky; the two blades would collide and the sound of metal screeched through the silent night. Kouin would quickly pivot on his right foot and quickly grab the hilt of the sword in an underhand grip and slide Hoshikata's blade away from him. For an old man you sure can move quick... A snarky smile coiled on his face, time around him seemed to be moving differently. His rinnegan narrowed down on his target, But like I said before. You're too slow.

With a silent shift of his body weight down, his body vanished from sight leaving behind kicked up dirt in his wake. The sword wasnt the only thing that came from the clouds; Kouin had been biding his time, waiting for the storm to be ready. Kouin reappeared high in the air, slowly falling back down to earth. A wicked smile was on his face, Hoshikata-sama I hope your ready for the pinnacle of the event. Because it will be electrifying. He would then pull the trigger on the hilt causing the blade to erupt in a golden electric flurry. He guided his hand up towards the clouds and beckoned them to further infuse it with the power of the storm, Prepare yourself.

Kouin began to dive downwards towards Hoshikata backed by the power of his blade, but that wasn't all; the storm behind him took the form of a mythical dragon, which followed swiftly behind him. Kouin would keep his blade pointed towards to pierce through the air to increase his velocity. He could feel a voice silently beckon to him; it was telling him to weave an attack into one. The thought was preposterous, jutsu weaving had been a lost art, Guess it doesn't hurt to try...

The attack would be a three-factor move, factoring in contingencies. The first strike would be aimed towards Hoshikata, but he would expect him to move out the way, so he would aim the strike a foot away from him to act as a feint.

He would finally make contact with the ground, just a mere foot from Hoshikata, but the impact would leave the two in a shroud of dirt, perfect. The electric current running through his sword would emit outwards and shock anyone in the near vicinity of him. Kouin would stand quickly and move force his chakra to push the dirt outwards to remove the veil. It's over. Than the finale, the massive thunderclap from above finally came crashing down in an attempt to strike them both; even more dirt would shroud the two leaving the results unknown for the moment. He stared in awe at his own hands, it wasn't a true weave, but it was close. Close enough to pique his interest.

[WC: 720]

List of actions:

Activated Astral Seal
Activated Storm Guider A-rank Storm Jutsu
Summoned Chakra Disruption Blade from Rikudo Sennin Table(old table) and activated lightning channeling and ignition augment
Used Kirin through Storm Guider
Channeled Chidori Control: Current through sword.

Sorry for the delay


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
The boy did not seemed phase by the sudden introduction of his so called mother. He remained calm and jocular as he tried to lighten the mood with a haiku followed by the boy thrust two metal pikes into his temple like a drill to a piece of wood. His forehead slowly oozed dark red blood before glowing in a hue of blue as white bolts of lighting flowed through the metal and into his skull. Attempting to disarm the illusion was a foolish considering he had no idea if his actions would dispel or make matters worse. Unbeknown to the child, the illusion was grounded on the spirit and less on the physical even though there was some connection between the two. He would see the world began to morph as the parents became ephemeral as their physical presence began to move in and out of existence.

The parents looked as each other as they both knew the charade lasted long enough. His perpetrators were gauging his mental fortitude and concluded that it was remarkable but disappointing at the same time. The boy continued to have a wave of arrogance and parochialism by not changing his stance, perhaps the forms that the perpetrators had chosen were not the ones that would bring a change in the boy’s mind.


Akane remained strong like her brother as Hoshikata continue to unravel her esteem trying to break it down little by little. Her viperous tongue recoiled Hoshikata’s blade not just because she was trying to kill him poisonous gas but it seems like none of his words had any effect on her. His golden eyes stared deep into her as he began to muse on what to do next.


The battle between Kouin and Hoshikata the last variant continued to insue. The initial strike that was aimed for Kounin was quickly met by another blade unraveled by the Kumogakurin. The incipient rumbling of the emerging storm began to permeate the battle scene. The lighting lit up the two as their eyes crossed each other. “For an old man you sure can move quick.” A snarky smile coiled on his face. Hoshikata made no remark as he remained stoic. The momentum began to shift as Kounin’s body vanish like a flash of light and reappear from above as he fell toward Hoshikata. Hoshikata moved away but was caught by the grizzling lighting that emanating from Kouin’s blade as it moved from the coarse sand into the man’s body. Kounin would have noticed that the pain that should be inflicted on his mysterious assailant was partially inflicted on himself. He could feel the slight sensation of raw energy flowing through his body.

He did not take mind as Kounin initiated his final attack as he summon a storm of white lighting to crash onto Hoshikata. The surge of energy became more prominent in Kounin’s body as he could feel the burning sensation on his flesh. As the smoke cleared, Hoshikata remained standing unscathed by the attack. “Impresssssive, if the attack was any sssstronger you could have killed yourself or not.” Hoshikata said as he unsheath his blade knowing that Kounin was too distracted on the turn of events than to be bothered attacking. His voice began to modulate sounding more and more like a slithering snake. “I am more impressssed that you attacked head on not underssssstanding your current ssssituation. I thought humanssss were sssssmart. The only way you are going to get out of this isssss to kill me letssss hope you friendssss don’t kill you.

Kouin, Akane and Akihiko would be engulfed in darkness and visited once again with the same shrilled rattling sound that they heard in the beginning. Akane was once again attached to her brother but something was wrong with Kounin. When he opening his eyes he was looking at himself. In fact, the twins would identify Kounin as someone else too familiar. The real Kounin was in the body of Tatsuya, a very close relative of the twins. The creatures were still pulling the strings in this elaborate illusion but would the twins find out. What was their game?

Akane-san, Akihiko-san. Are you alright. What the heck happened?” Kouin said as he rose up to his feet.

[[OOC Note: You are still in the illusion and the only one who knows is Kounin but he is not in his body]


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
Mad laughter rang out from the boy, even as electricity continued to run through him as if he was a live wire. It had some effect, at the very least, as his parents and the world around them started to fizzle out, clinging to reality in a very poor manner. But then... it all changed in a whiplash motion.

It was jarring, like the sudden onset of vertigo and the buzz of booze as they were snapped out of their solitary illusory worlds. It was like the cutting off the limb, only for it to be exchanged by the weight of another human being. The sensation was both upsetting and comforting in equal parts as they found themselves conjoined once more.

Akihiko panted in adrenaline while Akane merely scowled in discomfort. “Why do I feel like I’ve been sat in an electric chair?” she growled though her twin would only reply with a small oops and a laugh. Rubbing her forehead and shaking the pain out, she was ready to berate him for his idiotic move only to stop and stare.

“Brother?” Akihiko asked with a tilt of his head. There was a distrusting gleam in his eye. And there was good reason for it too.

This certainly wasn’t their brother. No illusion, no lie, could ever replicate the emptiness that the Shoukyou heir carried about him. The void that he is. Of course, they couldn’t tell that this false Tatsuya was in fact Kouin. After all, there was another Kouin. And unlike their brother, they hadn’t been with the other man for so long lately, as to easily pick up his emotional signature nor that of his life essence.

The boy was about to call him out on it too. Try to aggravate this impostor that dare pretend to be their dearest elder brother like he did with their false parents. But Akane stopped him with a tug at his thoughts and a shake of her head.

“We were in an illusion. One trying to... aggravate or pull some form of reaction, I’m assuming. A torture method most likely,” Akane spoke up in a flat tone, devoid of the fire and venom her voice had when she spoke to the false Isaki. Though she couldn’t be quite sure if they were still in one or not. It was a common enough tactic, to layer one false world over another and another and another, as many worlds within worlds that the Genjutsu user is able to muster. Though she didn’t voice out that doubt. It was often better to have the enemy believe that they had the upper hand.

A concerned look happened upon sister’s face for a moment as the false Kouin went up to his feet and the twins stepped up, putting themselves in between the man and their big brother.

“What is it you seek, stranger? What is the purpose behind these... attacks?” Akane asked with a small hum. “I would strike you down where you stand. For pretending to be the Shoukyou heir. But you have yet to, I assume, truly harm us. Beyond your pathetic attempts at playing with our heads.”

“Probably just some bored upstart,”
Akihiko growled in annoyance.


Aug 29, 2012
As his sent surges of lightning through the ground to strike at Hoshikata, has the lightning made contact he could feel the lightning course through his own body; if it hadn’t been for his Santaru heritage the attack might caused him some slight recourse. As the smoke engulfed the area he disarmed himself of his chakra blade, sure that would be enough to halt the fake Hoshikata. The smoke began to settle when the sound of Hoshikata speaking in a tongue of snake, You severely underestimate the Santaru lineage if you think I’d be quelled so easily by my own force. His skin coursed with a low volts tingling sensation, yet smug smirk crossed his face, If you think I’d be beaten so easily than you mustn’t know what I’ve accomplished. The only thing that surpasses my cunning is my raw tenacity.

Suddenly a thick darkness enveloped his body; the same shrill rattling noise reverberated through the air. When the darkness cleared and he opened his eyes he was glad to see a familiar face, but the irony was all three faces were familiar. He gave a faint smile towards the twins, but he immediately shifted his gaze towards the faux Kouin.

He took a moment to assess his own looks. He was surprised to now look like the Shoukyou Heir, Tatsuya. Interesting… It appears they have cast an illusion over my body to try and deceive the twins…

The twins then decided to finally confront him, called him stranger; it’s obvious they would know if he were actually their brother, Tatsuya was the avatar of the void, something you couldn’t replicate through a mere illusion. Silly Aka-chan, I’m no stranger. None of this is real; we are trapped in a layer world of different realities, manifested by some manner of illusionist.

He paused for a moment; it dawned on him how ludicrous this sounded coming from someone for all they knew was impersonating their beloved brother. The silence drew on as he took a moment to collect his thoughts. He would release a confident breath of air, I am clearly not your brother, but. His eyes shifted to his doppelganger, He isn’t him either. He allowed the twins to let that sink in for a brief moment, Ever since we heard the shrill rattling noise the first time, we have been caught in some strong illusion. He lifted a finger at the fake Kouin in concise accusation, He isn’t Kouin, I am.

He let out a terse sigh, as they accused him of being the one to have played with their minds, You have to understand, it wasn’t me. Did I ever peg you as one specializes in genjutsu? You who have studied the mind and the psychosis, you know how much skill it would take an illusionary arts to form such an elaborate illusion. . He swallowed a deep breath, You have to believe me.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
The demagoguery continued as Akane reprimanded the true Kounin. His mind remained austere as presented his claim. It was true that he was not Shoukyou Tatsuya but Kounin himself; however, his line of evidence was nothing more than conjecture hoping that the twins would receive his words in blind faith. Blind faith was surreptitiously removed from the minds of train assassins as the shinobi so to believe that a shinobi would use faith to appease his comrades was rather disappointed.

Tatsuya pointed out that the man who appeared as Kounin was indeed the fake and possible inferring that he may be the perpetrator to this elaborate game. Of course, both men knew this was a game but more so for the man calling himself Kounin. Actually, this man was no man at all but one of the perfidious snakes masquerading as Kounin to test their wills. The entire event was orchestrated by the snake and was finally revealed to the real Kounin but it was up to him to prove this to his comrades.

If what you say is true then is it not possible that you could be an illusion as well.” Kounin said as he made no apparent reaction to Tatsuya’s accusations. “Regardless, of your response, we need to make the decision for ourselves for anything anyone says as this moment could be a lie” Kounin quickly drew out a single senbon as he pricked his finger letting droplets of blood to ooze out. The blood dropped to the ground as it began to paint the coarse brown sand with spots like the back of a ostrich. The blood felt real as real as it could ever be and yet this world could be an illusion or it could not.

After a few moments, the sand beneath their feet began to rumble and shake; then the sand began to dance as the wind began to blow strong and stronger. Eventually, their vision began to be obscured only hearing the cries of Kounin. "We need to get to shelter. I saw a sand dune nearby just follow my voice." He exclaimed.

Whether or not the group would listen to his voice would be up to them but it was in their best interest to follow. The true Kouin would have his reservation given that the creature masquerading as him could not be trusted. Eventually, they would reach the dune but the true Kouin would find himself bound by sand as it swarm around him like a sand worm’s cocoon. He would turn around to see twins raising up their hands showing that they were the ones responsible for Kounin's imprisonment.

Do you peg me for a fool. I know we are in a illusion but that doesn’t prove that you are who you say you are. Get us out of here now” They exclaimed.

The false Kounin stood by with his arms folded as he accessed the situation. Of course, the two men knew how to get out of here, especially Kounin but whether or not he would be able to convince the emotionally charged twins was another thing. The only difference was that the twins had been replaced with another set of illusion so it was up to Kounin to find out.

[EDIT] Making the appropriate changes to accommodate for Adell/Aka's inactivity. Aka/Akahiko are illusion and not the real characters. Once Aka returns she is free to rp freely but she will not be receiving the Snake contract]


Aug 29, 2012
The twins remained silent through his entire conjecture; their body language even appeared to remain completely unphased. He should've known that this was a possible outcome, but he still wasn't ready with a response for such stoic feedback, but with a sigh, he turned to who he believed to be the ringmaster; the imposter Kouin. He took a step forward and looked into his eyes intently "Your honey coated words may delude others, but I can see through your deceit." The subversive undertones in his voice rang out to him like church bells.

He knew it would be an uphill battle to out trick a trickster like himself, but he had spent years mastering his craft and honing his skills for situations such as this; all he need was the right moment. He watched carefully as he tried to do the classic pain simulation test; in some cases, if an illusion was strong enough it would do absolutely nothing, any studied shinobi would know that much, but before he could make any conjecture the ground began to rumble, and sand started to spin around them. He was positive this was also the work of the imposter, but there was no time to dillydally, he was right about the fact that they had o make decisions on what to do, and quickly.

He was a bit hesitant to follow the lead of the imposter, but this storm would only get worse; he may be able to control storms to a degree but he couldn't possibly gauge how massive this one could get; reluctantly he followed the voice of the imposter to the nearby sand dune he mentioned. Surprisingly he would feel himself being trapped in a swarm of sand, but not by the imposter, but by the twins themselves, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh. I had a feeling this could happen. His arms became constricted to his sides, making hand seals nigh impossible. "I never called you a fool, and as for getting out; I do have one idea".

He took a moment to gather his thought and thoroughly analyzing the situation; he was almost positive his idea would work, but just in case he had a backup plan than he was positive about. Being a master at seals that you are, you should be able to seal one's chakra temporarily." He would gesture his head to the imposter, "Seal his chakra if the illusion dismisses that proves everything; the if that fails, seal mine." His face would remain stern, having his chakra sealed would prove risky for himself if he had to fight, but this was all just an illusion. If it came down to it he was sure he could dismiss the veil over his eyes. "Simply put, one of us must be maintaining the illusion, and having our chakra sealed would thwart the illusion handily."


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
Kouin remained calm despite his movement constricted by the sand. He sighed as he looked onward at the twins as exhorted them to seal the fake Kounin. Kounin had made the observation that sealing the imposter's chakra could possibly dismiss the illusion. It was a sound plan even though the Snakes had specially told Kounin that the only way to leave the illusion was to kill him. Perhaps the idea had arose in Kounin's mind but he dismissed in fear of enraging the twins.

The twins look at him with a pensive glare deciding if they should commit to the act. The fake Kounin did not resist as he sited to the twins. "You should do what you have to. Don't worry about me I will be fine." Kounin said. "Brother, keep Tatsuya sealed while I attempt to seal Kounin-san's chakra." Akahiko said as the shared hand of the twins made seal to constrict the fake Kounin. His body began to tense up as fell toward the ground like a lifeless corpse. There was silence. Nothing had changed not even the strength of the wind had changed.

It seems that you were wrong Tatsuya-san. Do you have any other ideas. Akane replied as he continued to glare into the man's eyes. Akane grip on Tatsuya remained firm as the sand continue to ossify his movements​. Obviously, there was only one course of action.


Aug 29, 2012
He had his doubts about if this would actually work; all of this seemed all too fluid to truly be a genjutsu. Kouin was a man of reason, who was it to say that it was impossible that their being something more deceiving illusions than in the art of genjutsu? It wasn't outside of the realm of possibility; and if that were the case this whole plan was going to totally fall through. He wasn't some brute that resorted to killing when it was the quickest immediate option available; killing required a reason and purpose. but was never a first option. Though if this doesn't work. I will have to kill him.. The thought seemed to be a slippery slope, as he recalls when he was fighting Hoshikata, he took damage when ever attacked Hoshikata. We'll cross that bridge when we get there

He hadn't forgotten what the trickster and told him earlier in their adventures; that to end all of this he would have to kill him, but he would've like to avoid needless bloodshed if he could just force the illusion to end by suppressing his chakra. He pondered his situation for a moment; not having full access to his hands proved to be more troublesome than he had initially anticipated, but he had another trick up his sleeve that he'd been hiding from Akane, and even from the rest of his village. He dispelled his own façade over his eyes to reveal a pair of crisp emerald ripples.
~"I am the perseverance of my will
Determination is in my body and cunning is in my blood
I have created over a thousand storms
Unknown to failure
Nor known to despair
I have withstood pain to get to where I am today
Yet, my will ceases to not falter.
My entire life has been the Calling of a Storm.~

If his estimations were correct, this shouldn't be a completely different realm than the one he was in before; Kouin was banking on the air in the area to still be ionized from his previous encounter, and even if that weren't the case he had years of intensive training to be able to fully emit the ions from body into the surrounding environment. Kouin could hear faint crackles of thunder and soft flashes of lightning through the raging sand storm outside.

He continued to clear his mind of the current distractions, and began focusing on molding the storm outside; he could feel the vibrations of the wind lifting the sand into a whirling tempest, but though careful manipulation of his Santaru heritage he began to force the wind to aid his storm. His emerald ripples shifted to a glimmering shade of sky blue; if the imposter could still see, and had any knowledge of bloodlines he would know the sky blue eyes revealed his blood lineage. "My swords are the ones that will expose the Truth" His eyes were now dead-focused on the incapacitated and bound 'Kouin'.

"Reveal the Truth."

As he spoke the final word a myriad of sandstorm infused storm blade ushered violently into the enclave, and veered towards the imposter. Kouin was hoping this took the twins by surprise, making them unable to react; he was sure he had the imposter in checkmate.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
There was a brief pause as Kounin collected his thoughts. His countenance had changed from to a man of certainty with his eyes glowing like vibrant green foliage underneath the white moonlight. The room around them began to crackle and pop as the sand shifted from the coarse ground into the air. It was clear that the Kounin had an affinity with lightning as he showcased the ability against the faux Hoshikata. The difference between then and now is instead of a lightning strike emanating there was a swirling lighting storm rushing straight toward the faux Kounin. The confusion in Akahiko’s eyes led him to release faux Kounin but not in time for the whirlwind to engulf Kounin in its dark embrace. They could see nothing but they hear the sonorous screams of the man as the blue energy ripped through his flesh. It was only for a few seconds before the electric wind disappeared only because the room was beginning to be filled with toxic smoke coming from Akane’s mouth.

When Akane asked that you had any ideas I was not expecting this?” Akahiko’s said as he began to prepare for battle. “If you think about attacking Kounin-san again you are going to have to go through us.

The faux Kounin began to rise from his feet but barely as his burnt hands pressed against the soft walls. His eyes glimmered at Kounin with contempt as he was disappointed that Kounin was not going to follow through with killing him. The illusion was still in motion and now he had his own allies against him. What would he do now?



Aug 29, 2012
The precise storm blades came hurling through the room, in the dimly lit grotto the blades appeared to be a menacing laser light show, but with a much more vicious intent than pure entertainment. With a subtle shift in his chakra output, the blades began to whirl around the imposter in a merry-death-go-round style, quickly gaining more and speed, while slowly encroaching in on the imposter. A ballad of crimson liquid scattered through the air as the blades began to rend his flesh to pieces. Kouin would've finished him off right then and there had it not been for Akane. She had really been getting in his way as of late, ever since his body switched to that of her brother Tatsuya; though something seemed off about her disposition entirely.

The Akane he knew, the Akane that he went on missions with, and risked life and limb with and for, was acting passive, meek and most of all asinine. She refused to listen to his cold hard facts, and even looked past the fact that he just used his signature technique on the imposter. Kouin's eyes narrowed into slits resembling those of a snake. The pieces of the puzzle started to form in front of him; he had already knew that this was an illusion, but before the only real thing he was sure of was Akane, but now everything that he knew about her was completely wrong; also how the imposter was playing the part of him terribly. He would've already been at work slow breaking each and every bone, in a slow, agonizing pain as he watched the last glimpse of life leave their body.

A new resolve resonated within, and a fiery ire coiled through his veins. Breaking though the silence, he would project his voice, You pathetic, meek, carbon-copy of the person I know. Do you really think the real Akane would be such a passive, naïve, meek little girl? You are nothing but a hollow shell, you fail to comprehend the clear hard driven facts lying right at your feet, yet you continue to act against me. You are neither this bodies brother, nor this souls love interest. You are just a shell. He couldn't help but spit to the side in disgust, but he wasn't finished just yet. His attention shifted to the bloodied imposter.

And you are even worse than she is. I am not a pacifist, nor do I simply just sit and take orders. I am a man of action. I am a man who seeks the truth with his own hands, not the hands of others. These hands have been stained with so much blood, innocent and guilty, but never have I just stood around waiting for the answers to come me.. He paused for a brief moment to take in some air. You may look how I did, you may even speak similarly, and certainly you are just as conniving as me, but you are nothing that I have built upon and created. You can walk and talk like me, but you are the antithesis of me in every other way. His face remained stone serious not giving an inch in his disposition at all.

You may beat my body, but you'll never break my Will or Spirit. I will live a thousand more lives if I have to, but you will not win His final words echoed an unyielding determination that would not waver.

[ooc: 100 apologies for such the long wait, finally got a temporary place situated for the time being, thank you for understanding.]


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
The true Kounin's disdain for Akane was conspicuous as he began to pontificate her actions as nothing more than a mirage of the real Akane that he knew. He surmised that Akane, her brother and this faux Kounin were nothing more than another mirage to incite more random violence. He continued to lecture them stating that he was a man of action who refuses to sit by and watch as the answers dropped in front of him. The faux Kounin could not help but chortle at the impressive monologue that this shinobi professed as if he was trying to convince himself or the snakes that were commanding this charade. The faux Kounin began to compose himself as his blood dripped right palm began to brush against a wall like a red paint canvas. His eyes shifted into the sharp yellow eyes of

"Ironic that you sssssay that you are man of action but the sssssimply task of killing me ssssseems to elude you." The man said as words slipped and swirl like the sound of sand flowing through a small hole.

"Yessss, why is that?" Akane said who mimic the same vocal tone. The scene that surrounding them began to melt like a wax candle as the walls started to turn into wet clay moving toward the center of the cave. The sand followed suit as it began to shift to the middle leaving behind nothing but the empty void. Before the true Kounin knew it his body began to warp and deform zipping toward center. He would feel nothing but pure agony as he could feel his body torn asunder. It might be more than anything he had felt before unless he had encountered something similar by the hands of the Uchiha. It was said that the Uchiha bloodline could warp reality but this was far different. It was not just reality that seemed to form but also the spirit as Kounin might have felt a shift in his emotional deeper than anything could imagine. Why did he not feel this before he and his companions were ensnared into this trap? The answer is pointed to Kounin's resolve. His disposition ignited the flame of his spirit like a caustic firecracker ready to pierce the dark night but it came as double sword as the very thing that keep him strong was destroying him.

What would feel like eternity for the young shinobi only lasted for a few seconds. He would wake up on the cold sandy ground with a great shadow hovering near him. He would look up to see a great white snake with yellow eyes pensively examining him. His body would be as heavy as the ground that he stood on and his heart may feel as cold as the air. If he shifted his gaze he would see the twins still laying there motionless.

"We meet at lasssst Kounin-sssan." The sound of the snake felt more powerful than what he was hearing in the illusion. It shifted its body to the side to reveal the moon causing the light to illuminate the scene. Kouin could see that he was surrounding by an eldritch graveyard filled the with bones of various sizes.

"I am impressssssed that of your ssssstrong resssssolve but humans are really idiotssss. Alwayssss trying to prove ssssomething insssstead of following ssssimple instructions. If you had ssssstayed any longer your sssssoul would have been trapped in that endless illusion.

[It's not a problem. I hope things are better for you now]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
