Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Family ties [Calling Myakashi]


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Feb 19, 2024
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Well today should be good, Mikki thought to himself as he sat on the head of an ancient statue of some such God or something. The perch gave him an eagle-eyed view of the bazaar below, and normally would have enabled him to locate any potential marks, but now he had a particular set of faces to recognise. Someone had broken one of the special Myakashi tokens... and as such every Myakashi from nearby had a bloody annoying 'call' going off. It seemed to be coming from Sungakure, but for some reason Migoya had radio'ed in and asked to meet here, in some weird bazaar thing full of meatbags.

Naturally Migoya was all dramatic and crap so Mikki had no idea what was going on. In any event he had completed his top secret mission of power and would enjoy the gloating he could do towards Migoya. Perhaps Kiko would show up as well! Or Yong!

And thus the little former tsukumogami would wait with baited breath!

[Entering country] - 1hr


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Mar 12, 2024
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A small, pale hand subconsciously pulled his black hood over his head, as if trying to vanish. Daiki certainly wasn't trying to disappear, but he was trying desperately to keep the sun off his pale skin. Surely his father would have told him to be careful about Suna's unrelenting sun, or perhaps this was yet another one of his family's many, many tests and trials. Why his father had summoned him here was anyones guess, and even the overly-critical boys' mind couldn't fathom why he was here now of all places. Two Myakashi agents had accompanied him, in plain clothing of course, seamlessly blending into the throngs of people around the bazaar. An armed escort in unfriendly territory? What was going on?

A small rubber figure resembling an elephant played along Daiki's fingers, dancing as it were over his knuckles in a display of childhood dexterity. For a 6 year old, Daiki's frame was far too rigid, at attention, and his face far too impassive as if he was cut out of marble. His gaze was exactly like his fathers, unnerving, and his face as cold as his mothers, apathetic. The oversided black hoody made him stand out amongst the many figures in the bazzar, and this made him uncharacteristically uncomfortable, as if he really did not belong.

Well... it was obvious he didnt belong.

He follwed his escorts to the assigned meeting place, a busy bar on the corner of an intersection where the image of a God faded to time loomed and watched over the masses below. Another small boy with brown hair seemed to be looking down at them... and waving. Gods, how annoying.

I wish father would hurry up.

[Topic Entered]
[WC: 281]
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Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Drifting through the crowds like a paper bag on the wind, Migoya would blend in as he made his way to the designated meeting spot, despite his now ominous appearance. Always one for the ironic, Migoya had selected a small cafe that stood behind the apparently forgotten statue of Primus - not technically a ‘God’ per se, depending on your perspective. Still, it amused him that few recognised the Progenitor of Wind country, and drew him little respect. Such was the fallacy of Gods - one day they would be forgotten, and in return… powerless.

He saw Mikki standing on the statue, waving at… his son, Daiki. Good, the boy had arrived safely. It often pained Migoya to gaze upon his son as his face was so like hers… his missing wife, Kirin. Perhaps it was why he had remained somewhat aloof from him during his formative years, and had only recently bonded with the child in secret. He was afraid after all that his enemies would use him against him… and thus what he was about to do would ensure Daiki’s safety. He hoped.

He would nod at the two boys as he entered the small cafe, taking a seat at a table with a clear view of the doorway. Daiki would enter soon after, but it appeared as if Mikki would continue to stand guard. Well, it was far more likely that he was waiting for any other Myakashi members to turn up to show off his new body. As Daiki approached, Migoya would give him a small hug, the boy returning the gesture in a rare moment of familial bonding. Both were rather… unemotional creatures and the physical affection between them was strained. Taking a seat, Migoya would watch with a measure of approval as the other Myakashi agents took very unobvious positions around the cafe and its exterior, ensuring that the security in the region was perfect, if unnoticeable.

A round of drinks were ordered, as Migoya looked at his son, his face impassive beneath the strange woven sand-worm silk shawl that covered his facial features.
“Daiki-kun, it would seem you bare the same burden I once did - the sun is cruel on our skin. Here - I made a paultice from these materials. Obtain them when you can and mix it accordingly. It will aid in protecting you.”

A small piece of parchment was passed from father to son. It was typical for Migoya to lend aid, but only if the person was willing to work for it. It was the Myakashi way. Both father and son would have a small about of conversation whilst they waited patiently for others to arrive.




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Oct 23, 2012
"NO WAY!?"

It was involuntary, the words exclaimed vocally from the normally reasonably stoic Shinobi, but not now! Now was a time for exclamation marks and question marks (!?). He looked again at the young boy sitting on top of the not overly large statue at the centre of the bazaar, placing the youth only slightly above the head heights of the walking shoppers politely ignoring the perched observer, after all Shinobi children often did strange things and they had important shopping to do...


The second exclamation was definitely intentional, so as to attract the small shinobi's attention, a massive unrestrained grin plastered itself unabashedly across Yong's face, somehow spreading itself to his eyes, up to a mirthfully wrinkled eyebrows and momentarily wrinkled forehead. His whole face smiled together.

"Hell yeah!"

Yong wore dirty brown pants, dirt from the gates of Konoha still fresh on the knees, though now mixed with a healthy dose and sand and general travel dust. He was shirtless and barefoot, he did not have the talents possessed by some of the Myakashi to mitigate the desert heat. His bare chest and arms displayed openly a large number of tattoos and more than a few scars. The grin still present on his face, his hands moved to his hips in the style of a proud father. As one, the herd of shoppers quickly adjusted their rushed 'quick walking' to avoid the apparent madman now 'causing a scene'.

"Well, show me were that crazy old bastard Migoya is already, I'm sure he is just bursting to tell me how he pulled of this last miracle."

He would let the young Shinobi lead the way, though in all honesty Yong was well aware of where Migoya was, and equally well aware that his old teacher had definitely witnessed his initial outburst of suprise. His eyes would look through the crowd and lock with Migoya's, his eyes looked concerned despite the smile still present on his face as he let the now mortal and vulnerable 'meat bag' child lead him excitedly forward. The Myakashi seal tattooed on the back of Yong's neck flared to life as he channeled a small amount of chakra through it, just enough for a 'private channel' with his Kage... With his oldest friend...

'Migoya... What have you done...'


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Feb 19, 2024
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The foul language spurting forth from the young boy would turn heads as it pierced through the crowd. Mikki didnt care - Yong was here! With a flying leap of gusto, and maybe forgetting he was no longer a puppet but a meat bag, he leapt from the statue to land on Yong... a bit awkwardly than normal, but enough for the man to catch him. A big hug followed, before Mikki put his hands either side of Yong's head, their eyes meeting for the first time. The tension was thick in the air as Mikki lent in and...

"Why didnt you tell me how good pooping feels?", he said in all seriousness before a wide grin crept up on his face.

Then there was a peal of childish laughter from the boy as he wiggled free, pointing towards the cafe. "Its good to see you Yong-kun! Where the hell is Kiko! I want to show off how good this body is compared to her old one! I mean, did you know she was inside a goat! Disgusting! Though they taste nice! Even better when they are cooked! Migoya is inside, being all stupid and boring. Do you know I went to Iwagakure and there was a place underground that had lots of gems and gold and stuff, and they gave me weird mushrooms for dinner and it was great! Then I killed some pirates and pushed them into the ocean! It was great!" Taking Yong's hand Mikki would lead him towards Migoya, the man clearly watching the pair intently and oh, so, boringly. "And then..."

The prattle would continue until the pair sat down. Clearly Migoya had something boring to say.


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Mar 12, 2024
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Inwardly Daiki groaned. Not at the fact that his cousin clearly didn't recognize him (well, they had never met after all), but more to the fact that the boy had screamed out and caused unwanted attention. So this was Mikki... Migoya's puppet? Now he was a human? What was his father up to? Ignoring his true-born son to create another?

Normally such things might impact on the emotions of a small boy, but this was Daiki, trained by the Myakashi. He knew there was always reasoning behind his fathers decisions.

His gaze rested on his cousin. A muscular and marked man, Yong had a vicious reputation and garnered the respect of all of the Myakashi. As he followed the pair to sit next to his father, Daiki would offer a respectful bow. "Yong-sama - I have heard many of your stories and journeys. It is a pleasure that we are able to meet at this time". Yes it was extremely formal. Yes this came from a bowing 6 year old who looked exactly like Migoya did when he was younger, but with the strength in his jaw reminiscent of his mother, Kirin. The boy would move and sit next to Migoya, waiting patiently for whatever news Migoya had summoned them together for.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
It was the voice that drifted into his mind that brought him back to the present. He looked up towards a familiar face.

'Migoya... What have you done...'

The words stung, and Yong would feel an almost sheer amount of guilt wash over him as Migoya responded.

"I… I erred. And I have paid the price."

It would be his eyes that Yong would notice first, beneath the hood. Migoya’s once crimson gaze had dulled, filled now with solid black, as dark as the depths themselves. White hair would normally frame his face, but now there was none. Clearly something had happened, and it was something Migoya clearly did not want to discuss right then and there. He stood, placing a freezing cold hand on his cousins bare shoulder, a smile on his face.
“It is always good to see you well, cousin. It seems you have more scars… I trust nothing… out of the ordinary?”
True concern was in his voice, as if he knew something else… was happening.

He stared at his cousins face, always facinated how the man hid his emotions through a facade of... confidence? Ambiliance? He could see his father in his face and that brought back painful memories, but good ones as well. Migoya offered Yong and Mikki a seat opposite him, pointing at his shoulder - a place where the Myakashi seal had been branded years ago. Each of them could communicate via the seal without others interference. After he felt Mikki and Diaki join the conversation, he continued.

“Well, it would seem that our little clan has drawn some attention. Kiko’s display in Konoha and especially Kumo has apparently caused them to place us all on their bingo books. Suna has also placed Kiko in their book… which, as you will see, is more of a diplomatic exercise rather than anything else. Akkuma has been appointed a Sennin in Sand, heading up international relations”.

Migoya would let the information settle in before continuing.

“The Kazekage and him have offered a meeting between us to discuss our futures together. I believe that is who has broken Kiko’s seal. I have asked for two things in order to agree to this. An acknowledgment of Yamigakure as an official shinobi village. In doing this we will have authority to take missions without having to go through Tskuigakure’s tedious processes. And secondly… access to come to and from Suna."

“This is where you come in Daiki. As you know, I have arranged for you to stay in Sunagakure. Your quarters will be comfortable, and your training will be completed in the Toraono dojo. This way I can keep you safe, as well as have eyes behind the walls of sand. Be sure to make friends there son - they are a strong people, and the Kazekage seems to be more… open than those of the past”.

Migoya's black eyes were impassive, but there was a hint of love behind them. He knew Diaki hated him from taking him away from his friends and moving him across the globe - yet the boy would not complain. It was his way. In order to stop the accusing gaze from his son, he turned to face the muscly, sweaty thing… and Mikki. What a pairing.

“Yong… Mikki. I have something of a favour to ask. Given Mikki’s recent transformation, it is clear that part of the… process prohibits me from training you directly. I cannot obtain nor provide jutsu-related information… I am simply blocked from doing so.”

His gaze rested to Yong.

“This nephew is where I ask for your help. At this point in time Mikki is vulnerable, and I would be indebted to you if you could train him until such time as he is capable of looking after himself. Mikki - you will do as Yong tells you to do… no complaints.”

The boy would scowl for a second, before realising that he would be GOING ON A FRIGGIN ADVENTURE WITH YONG! The boy looked ecstatic, looking at Yong for confirmation of a dream come true. Boring Migoya would continue.

“As Akkuma has informed me, a direct threat has been made against our clan by Silent, an agent of Sunagakure. I would like to go to Cloud to remind them that threats against one of us is a threat against all of us. With Sunagakure as allies… perhaps we can cause a Sand…storm.”

He turned to Yong.,

“If Kiko is unavailable, I would enjoy your company in reminding Cloud to mind its own bloody business, or we will make their faces just as bloody.”

The coldness in Migoya’s speech was uncommon, as if coming from a deeper, darker place. Well, it was. A threat had been made against his family, and it would be repaid.

“So - if everyones task is clear, let us make way to Sunagakure. From there, we can head to Kumogakure - and then onwards. Any questions my family?”
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Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
'I… I erred. And I have paid the price.' Migoya's telepathic words echoed through Yong's mind, the guilt felt beneath them. Despite the momentary inward turmoil though, Yong gave a hearty chuckle as the young boy began to speak, the gruff Shinobi lifting the small boy off of the ground and hoisting him on to one shoulder to give him an eagle-eye view over the crowd. Yong chuckled again as he realised that Mikki had not stopped talking even while being lifted, and continued with an almost endless barrage of information spewing forth as the pair made the small walk through the crowd to where the hooded Migoya sat, another young boy, no older than six or seven stood beside him. The family resemblance between the older Migoya and the younger boy obvious even at a casual glance, he must be Migoya's son Daiki all grown up. The boy would offer his older cousin a deep, though formally respectful bow. Yong would give Daiki a smile and a nod in response, as good as a bow to those who knew Yong well. Yong lifted Mikki off of his shoulder and directly onto one of the empty seats at the table. Daiki would be the first to speak, his words so formal and cold, but Yong could also sense the child's barely hidden jealousy at the interactions between his cousin and his father's 'other child'.
"It is wonderful to meet you at any time cousin, though you were barely walking when last I saw you, it looks like you grew up strong!" Yong would reach his hand out and scruff Daiki's neatly brushed hair affectionately, the boy then moved to take his seat beside his father Migoya. Yong would pay attention to how the boy responded to the scruffed hair, it would give clues to his much harder to read disposition, he was definitely Migoya's son...
Also taking his seat at the table Yong would closely look at Migoya for the first time, the trademark red eyes of his albinism no longer looked brightly out at the world, his skin looked more pale if that were possible, and his normally signature white locks completely absent... It seemed that the 'price' had not only been one of spirit but one that had taken its toll in flesh... As he sat Migoya greeted him formally for the first time, asking of his new scars, Yong would give him a warm smile as he responded.
'Nothing to worry about, we can speak of our new scars later...' Yong would feel the subtle mental shift as the telepathic connection now branched out to Mikki and Daiki, all four Myakashi now mentally linked like a conference call of the mind. He would smile outwardly as he learnt of both Kiko's success as well as Akkuma's appointment to Sennin within Suna, it seemed nothing could stop the stone his daughter had started rolling. After the information had settled in Yong would respond telepathically.
'Good.' It was such a short response, but it conveyed so much. The villages would not have the strength to stop them now. When Migoya continued he addressed his son Daiki directly, suddenly his young cousins place in all this was becoming clearer and clearer as Migoya continued to 'speak'. Migoya could feel the world changing just and Yong could, the Myakashi needed allies... When he continued his thoughts were now directed towards both Mikki and Yong, this request too made sense and Yong had already surmised as much before Migoya had needed to say them.
'Of course Migoya, I would be happy take him with me...' there was so much more Yong needed to say to Migoya but with the boys both there that conversation would wait... But it would be had. Migoya continued speaking of a direct threat from Kumo against the Myakashi in general and thoughts of retaliation. When asked to join him in Kumo Yong simply nodded, it was a Sennin's place to stand beside his Yamikage. It sounded like a good plan, Yong had no questions but he did have a small conformation that he knew would solidify Migoya's course of action.
'Agreed. Suna and then I will go with you to Kumo. Sennin Nao of Konoha too has warned us of the vengeance of Kumo, they seek allies against us, it is good we do the same. Do not make their mistake though uncle, the Myakashi ARE Clouds bloody business... Kiko explosive introduction has seen to that...' Yong would give his uncle a smile before standing once more, hoisting the excited Mikki once more on to his shoulder and turning towards Suna. Yong turned to Mikki, speaking out loud again for the first time since sitting at the table.
"You just have to tell me all about those pirates you pushed in the ocean! Spare no detail, we have a little walk ahead of us!" Yong would give his uncle another smile as they all began to leave together, this one with the hidden message, letting the worried Migoya know that he, Myakashi Yong would keep Miksurendo safe.

[Topic left with everyone, off to Sand!]


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Feb 19, 2024
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Mikki basically squealed, or at least made the telepathic sound of a squeal, when Yong indicated that he was happy that he tagged along. For a meatbag, Yong was always his 'favourite', well - after Migoya and Kiko and Doku and Hisao (when he was drunk), and he knew that Yong was far more interesting that Migoya ever was. I mean, why talk when you can blow things up and cut them and stuff! They then talked about boring stuff - Kumo hating them and wanting them dead because Kiko exploded or something. Kumo nin were all so... whats the word? Arrogant! Yeah that was it. Uppity terds full of poop. Knowing that Migoya and Yong were going to visit them, and hopefully bring him along... how exciting!

He turned to poke out his little pink tongue at Daiki. Nir nir - you have to go to boring old Suna and training with the children. I get to hang out with Yong. Nir nir! Now, Mikki wasnt the best at understanding others feelings, and in his mind the teasing was all fun and games. He honestly didnt know anything about Migoya's son, other than he was trained hard and that Migoya rarely spoke about him - probably because he reminded him of his mother or something. How dull. Kirin always hated Mikki for some reason, so Mikki tended to avoid her as she was scary.

He felt Yong's strong hands start to lift him up onto his scarred shoulders, and he looked at all the weird tattoos as he was placed on his broad back. It was then that Yong would probably start to regret what he had just asked Mikki... it might be a long journey to Sunagakure, but Mikki might make it seem that much longer.

"Well - I had just come from this place in Iwagakure - the stone lands - called Arcadia. Its underground and full of lots of people who are really rich! I mean, the kids there play marbles with rubies and stuff! So, naturally, I took everything I could. I then went fishing with this old guy..."

It was going to be a long walk to Suna.

[Topic Left with everyone]
[WC: 364]


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Mar 12, 2024
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At last his famous uncle noticed him. Having been raised on the stories of Yong and Kiko, as well as Yong's father, his heroic escapades against Konoha inspired the younger generation of Myakashi. He gingerly accepted the hair ruffling with the attitude of a grumpy cat getting petted by someone who wasn't giving them food. His eyes slowly met those of his uncle and he attempted a small smile which looked more like a wince.

I am still growing, Yong-sama. I hope one day to fight beside you. His words were short and to the point, with a no-nonsense kind of tone - a very foreign sounding voice indeed for a 6 year old. His hands would reach into his black kimono and pull out a simple white comb to comb his hair back into place. This action would tell his cousin much about his need to seem... well... perfect.

It was then that Migoya spoke about Daiki's mission to Sunagakure. So he was to train there - for what purpose? Was he a bargaining chip? Or did his father simply want him out of the way.

So father, I am tasked to go to Sunagakure and train. It is as you command. The boy said the words but would not look at his father, as if barely holding onto his emotions. A silent sense of sadness and dejection could be felt throughout the seal. He knew his place, and the role that his father had given him was indeed important, but why was his father always pushing him away? Was he not good enough? Why did Mikki get to spend so much time with him, and he was forgotten. He was not his mother after all...

As he thought about this, Mikki started being, well, Mikki. Barely resisting the urge to roll his eyes as Mikki blurted out about how rich some place called Arcadia was, Daiki realised why he was going to be sent to Suna rather than Mikki. That would have been a rather large mistake on his fathers behalf. Perhaps, just perhaps, his father did care about him enough to send him to this village. In any event, Daiki was going to prove that he was worthy of the name Myakashi, and that way he might, just might, get his fathers approval and love.

Seeing Mikki climb onto Yong's back caused him to have a strange sense of jealousy for a split second before he banked it away. His father would not do the same to him. Standing up from the table after waiting respectfully for his 'betters' to leave, he would simply follow quietly, playing with the strange white comb, letting it dance over his knuckles.

Much was to change in the young boys life.

[Topic Left with everyone]
[WC: 450]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
There. It was done. The information had been given, and the tasks aghead layed out for all those present. The Myakashi ‘leader’ rose to his feet, a number of the other patrons of the cafe, all Myakashi agents, watching him carefully.

“Then to Suna we go”.

He could feel Mikki’s excitement, he could feel Daiki’s disapproval, and he could feel Yong’s… hope? All strong emotions, driven by past experiences and the vision he had set before them. This pathway may lead to conflict - in essence it must in order for effective change to be done, but there was a slight hope of an… agreement with Sunagakure that could spare them from the destruction that was about to come.

Perhaps if they knew that it was the Myakashi that kept the darkness in check, rather than the ones who were unleashing it?

Kurrope, Genhui - take point. Suisu, Duoi - right. Hana - left. Move.


The Myakashi were on the move.

[Topic left with anyone - off to Suna!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
