Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Flight Two Oh Eight. [Shin]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Aksuko Katzumi




[This is a Retired PC that has been rewinded in age. If you did not know Aksuko Katzumi before the age of 20, you no longer know her.]

* * *

The Aksuko Estate was a rather large place full of knick-knacks no one paid attention to and trillions of flowers no one noticed. Colors splashed on every surface and glittering gold everywhere possible. It was a home made of riches simply for the sake of a show. Afterall, Dr. Aksuko himself couldn't have a daughter without spoiling her out of house and home, could he? Oh no, that would be preposterous! Just the idea of his little girl having to buy things and workto put food on the table was horrifying! Everything in that house was bought especially for her--hand drawn pictures, fancy china, and some strange elephant statue that sat by the pool for some unknown reason.

Aksuko Katzumi was perched in the dining room with a glass of red wine on the table as she flipped through one of the many books she owned. A pair of red-rimmed thin rectangular reading glasses sat elegantly on the brim of her nose as she read in silence to herself. It was a beautiful spring twilight, as the sun slowly began to settle itself down, when a young house servant came galloping into the room.

"Lady Katzumi! Did you read the newspaper today?" Kat's eyes never lifted from the book as she licked her delicate index finger and turned the page slowly, "No, I have not." Her tone expressed a slight bit of boredom as the house maid, Mizuki, moved over to sit beside her. "There's an interview with the Raikage in it! It's very interesting! Here, I'll read it to you--"

"--Mizuki, I'm in the middle of som--"

"--At age of twenty six, our Raikage--"

"--Zuki, seriously--"

"--Mister Hayata Shin has come to join us--"

"--Wait!" Katzumi leaned forward,, placing down her book as she tapped the paper in Mizuki's hand, "Read that part again."

"...Has come to join us in the studio here in--"

"No, the part before that."

Mizuki scowled for a moment, trailing back in her thoughts as she looked for the line she was on in the paper, and read the line again. "Our Raikage Mister Hayata Shin?" Katzumi nodded, "Again." Kat commanded, leaning back as Mizuki read the line again. "Hayata Shin. I know that name." She would say thoughtfully, leaning back as she pondered for a moment where she could have possibly of heard that name from.

"Well, he's out Raikage, so..." Mizuki said sarcastically, standing as she felt, just for a moment, that Katzumi was mocking her. "No no, I've met him... we were... oh, wow, I was...17? Three years ago. I was just a MiT..." Mizuki gave the blonde a bored look, as though she wasn't believing a word that came out of her mouth. "Honestly, we went for a walk together in the woods, he was a Sennin at the time! I ought to pay him a visit!" Katzumi exclaimed, standing as she finished the last of her wine and headed towards the mud room.

"Lady Katzumi! I appreciate your adventurous spirit, but you can't just waltz into the Raikage Tower! Especially at this time of night! It's strictly forbidden!" Katzumi would give her a side glance as she slipped on a light jacket and winked to her house servant, "It's okay, Lady Katzumi knows how to get into places she's not welcomed." The blonde joked as she pulled the hair out from the collar of the coat and slipped on her black running boots, winking again as she headed out the door.
* * * *

It was much larger than Katzumi had expected. Sure, she could see it from anywhere in the city, but standing at the base was like looking at an alien craft. Her large caramel eyes stared wildly upwards with excitement as she smiled at the thought of being able to live at the tippy-top of this tower. To see the stars and the moon so close, and right out your window! Oh, it was so romantic.

Katzumi stuffed her hands in her jacket, flipping up the hood of the jacket to hide her blonde curls inside the hood as she leaned around the corner and peered around the corner towards the gate where the guards stood. How was she going to get past them? She'd have to knock them out without them signaling...she'd have to do it somehow...

Oh wait, she was a ninja, she could just climb over the wall.

Focusing her chakra to her feet, Katzumi walked vertically up the wall, flipping over the top and landing silently in the grass as she hurried to the very base of the Tower, leaning against it as she leaned around the corner to look inside the lobby.

More guards.


Kat sighed, wondering if it was all worth it as she took a step back and looked up. The tippy-top, eh? She thought for a moment, bracing herself as she made her way, vertically, up the side of the tower, being careful to watch her step as she moved quickly and silently--hoping no one would glance up to see her small blonde frame running up the side of the tower.

But, looking back was the worst mistake she could have used. Sucking in a deep breath as she realized how far up she was, Kat scowled and moved faster upwards, the chakra in her feet pulsing as she came to a ledge where she scooted and sat onto it, looking up as her heart beat faster and faster. Okay, so many the top wasn't the best place in the world. Turning, she gingerly placed her hands upon the glass and pushed it aside slipping into the dark and foreboding room--it was too dark to tell, even, what room it was.

Shutting the window behind her and placing her hood back on her head to hide her face from anyone who may be spotting her, Katzumi turned around to try and find a light in the dark and mysterious room--


As Kat turned, her elbow knocked into an unsuspecting lamp that was on a table in the room, the china slipping off the table and shattering on the ground by her feet. Jumping back a bit, Kat's eyes widened as she tried to peer down at the floor to where the shards may of gone--but it was too late. Panicking, she backed up, sinking to the floor behind some object, not sure where the door to the room was, or even if she was in the right place.

[OOC: Leaving her location totally up to you. Her location, what she's hiding behind, if she's in plain sight or not, ect. Have fun!]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012


Kioku Ishikawa



Yojiro Kiseichu | Ikuji Ame | Otoguro Nanashi​


"And that, my pupils, is a job well done. With our report to the officials in the legation, we have received our payment and you each can have your appropriated cut." Kioku finished with a smile, opening up the envelope with the yen inside. Taking it out, he began to divvy it up evenly as his genin trio awaited their prize.

They had just completed their very first mission together, though it wasn't anything too exciting. They were needed to help quell and infestation of rabid rats in the cellar of an unfortunate couples home. No wonder they had got it for so cheap.

Of course, the impatient Ame spoke up, as she had done so the entire mission. "Come on Sensei, give it up so we can go grab something to eat! I'm starved..." She whined. Kioku couldn't resist smiling at his young squad mate, but it quickly turned to a frown as the others seemed unmoved by this display of impatience. Nanashi-- he always seemed distant. Nothing new there, but Kiseichu was focused on something; this perked Kioku's curiosity.

"What do you see Kisei-kun?" he questioned.

The aburame pointed up at the tower. "Look. The kikai informed me of it." he responded calmly.

Turning, Kioku bestowed his eyes upon a woman running up the side of the tower. It resembled... no, it couldn't be...

The taller beefy man turned to his students and gave them their money. "You are free to go, as well as free to come along. We might just get to meet the Raikage if we are lucky." Kioku said with an enticing tone. Ame greedily pawed her money away and shoved it into her pocket, then gave thought to the activity. "Ok, count me in!" she exclaimed. Kiseichu merely nodded his head, and Nanashi silently took a step forward, signifying his joining of the group.

"Well then, let's go." Kioku ordered, and hurried off into the interior. But he had one more order. "Kisei-kun, follow her from the outside, just in case she wants to make a break for it." The Aburame nodded and activated chakra concentration before beginning the trek up the wall.

After many, many flights of stairs, the jounin along with his two genin counterparts made it to the entrance of the living quarters of the Raikage. Just as they arrived, they heard the crash of the lamp and Kioku easily forced his way into the entryway.

He found whom he assumed it was.

"Aksuko Katzumi, dear cousin, the hell are you doing?" he questioned, a bit defensively. For all he knew, this could be an assassin in her skin.

Soon enough, Kiseichu was at the window she had entered through, and Ame and Nanashi were at his side. If it were an assassin, four against one weren't good odds... Speaking of which, was the Torre really so easily infiltrated?


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
[OOC: I guess Shin doesn't want to play just yet...]

Lights flickered on, Katzumi freezing for a moment, her outfit revealed, and her hood covering her face as she stared down at the floor, the only thing seen was her blonde curls laying upon her bosom. But any cousin knows even the simple body shape of his own family. Her fair skin, wide hips, and every curve is memorized from day in and day out of practice together.

Kat turned back towards the window, only to be greeted by midget versions of Shinobi. She paused, a light smile gracing her lips as her back stayed to Kioku. "Oh, my, you've always known how to ruin people's fun." She murmured as she turned, facing Kioku as her head tipped up so the shadow fell over her eyes, but her smile and neck could be seen. "When did your eyesight get so good, dearest cousin?" She asked, her dainty and slender fingers lift to push the hood off her head, the thick pools of golden curls fall out the back as her large round brown eyes looked upon the man before her.

"Though, I must say," She beckoned, moving closer towards him as she laid her hand on his chest and leaned against him and up towards his face, "You never call. We're hardly related anymore." Her smile widened as she invaded his personal space with her vanilla scent and supple pink lips, "Don't you love me anymore?" She whispered, taunting him as she turned back around to the younger ninjas.

"And replacing me with...students? Yes? Pleasure to meet you all, I'm Kioku's long lost lover." She said with a serious and straight face, as though to drag out the joke even longer as she gave a little wave before shoving her hands back in her jacket pockets and turning to look back at Kioku. "I'm sure you haven't told them about me, the infamous Katzumi, no?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Blonde hair, that was a good sign as to whether the man's assumption was correct or not. The shape of her body, which Kio had apparently memorized from a time long ago when they trained together, was the second best sign. Of course, she had always had the look of a woman who could produce plenty of children and still keep her shape. But now it seemed that it had been amplified with age. Of course, neither of these were confirming, but they were a step in the right direction.

The unknown woman turned to escape, which only made Kioku's decision in sending Kiseichu up as a cut off a good one. The young Aburame would remain expressionless as he squatted in the way of her escape. Had that been Ame, Kioku would probably be embarrassed by some ridiculous comment. She did not face me, but I didn't need to see her face; the woman spoke and thereby clenched the assumption. "So it was you..." he thought as she turned to face him and the two genin. Katzumi looked up at him, revealing her visage and asking a question that Kioku could only respond honestly to.

As she removed her hood, Kioku could only stare into those big brown eyes of hers and shrugged with a slight smile. "It isn't. It was my pupil Kisei-kun who spotted who, or rather his...friends." Kioku said, taking a moment to think of the right word for the kikai. The hooded boy gave no visual response to the remark, so Kio felt that it had sufficed well enough. But by the way she moved-- or rather advanced and spoke, Kioku realized it was more of a rhetorical question. As Katzumi drew near and placed her small hand on his immense form, followed by the rest of her body, Kioku could only roll his eyes. "Really?" he thought. As she continued, and grew closer still, Kioku grew tired of the game and instead looked into her eyes with frown. "Stop being such a dork." he whispered back. Unfortunately, she continued on with the foolish attitude toward his genin squad.

As she turned to speak with them, she got mixed reactions. First was Ame with her loud mouth, but she wasn't really speaking to Katzumi. Leaning over, she nudged Kiseichu. "Didn't they mention they were related?"

He only nodded his head with a furrow of his brow; the thought must of brought some strange imagination to mind.

GROSS! Sensei-- Ugh!" she exclaimed, sticking her tongue out and fake gagging.

However, Nanashi was in awe with her. This was something Kioku had never seen before. The normally solemn and depressed look in his eyes was nonexistent and replaced with one of awe. It was like... he was staring at an angel.

As soon as Kioku could tear away his attention from the momentary distraction, he gave a stern look to his cousin. "You know that they are going to believe that you dolt! Don't prey upon the impressionable, it's unbecoming of you." He retorted and shook his head with a sigh, looking to his students. "None of it is true, don't listen to this lying woman."

But there was more to this situation other than Katzumi saying things that were no doubt scarring to the young minds of his pupils. Images of their sensei smooching his cousin was no doubt running rampant in their minds. A sensei kissing was bad enough, but she really had to take it up a notch. Kioku needed to take control of the situation. "What are you doing sneaking into here Katzumi, or should I say, getting caught in here. You know that if the Raikage Guard were to catch you, there could be serious implications.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
A voice. Katzumi stopped her toying to turn and look at the girl who spoke with such a pleasant voice. She was a pretty little thing with a strong personality. Kat looked upon her, her eyes tracing over her form for a moment. She showed promise. The best thing for a woman to be in this world was a pretty fool. Nothing but a pretty fool. Kat let loose a large menacing smile as she fake-gagged on her faux finger as Kioku seemed to get uptight about the rumpus she was causing. He spoke of her unlady-like ways as her large caramel brown irises looked upon the doe-eyed boy who watched her every move.

Katzumi was nothing short of a gorgeous woman with a sick sin of lust chained to her belt because of such beauty. She was slender and toned with an angular, almost elfish, face. A small nose, high cheekbones, fair skin, large eyes, supple lips, rounded breasts and long legs--nothing short of her mothers' very own beauty. Her artistic eyebrow raised at him as her once-menacing-smile softened into a warm one and she gave him a quick wink before turning back to Kioku who accused her of being, well, careless.

The group had found themselves in a guest bedroom, clearly untouched in a long time. The sheets were made up and pressed without a single wrinkle. The walls pristine and sterilized. The pillows fully fluffed without a single crease. Of course, such beauty and perfection needed to be ruined. Kat had already shattered a lamp, why not continue the mess?

She fell back onto the bed, stretching out her slender body, her stomach slightly exposing in the process, as she over-dramatically threw back her head into the pool of blonde curls behind her. "Oh, pity a woman!" She cried out, her thin arms stretching above her head across the sheets, defining the muscle in them. "I had hoped I'd be greeted by a guard with handcuffs--" She sat up quickly, her alluring eyes catching Kioku's, "Instead, I got you." She said coldly, clearly joking and beating around the bush.

"Oh, yes, it's true, dear pupils." She said, sitting up and tucking her legs beneath her firm ass as she stretched her arms above her head, her stomach exposing again with those toned abdomen lines. "I was kidding--we are no longer lovers." And so the taunting continued as payback for the long-lost time between the two cousins. "But rather, I was sent her in hopes of meeting with my fianceé--yes, it's true, we are to elope." Her tone was overdrawn, for she was quite the storyteller.

That story was much more interesting and believable than the actual, nonetheless. "But, it seems Kioku doesn't want that for me." She said as she slowly slid across the bed, moving to grab his shirt again and pull him back towards her face, "Have you missed me?" She whispered, half closing her eyes as she took in his scent before giggling and releasing him.

"Oh, I don't know," Her eyes turned back to the children, "What do you think I should do?"


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
There was much noise going on in the deep cavernous of the quite hallway. A tall figure walked by the noisy halls passing by the open windows. The showering moonlight wrapped the figure illuminating his appearance. His face was long and wide with seldom wrinkles here and there. He was near balding with a long black pony tail flowing out toward his wide broad shoulders. He was dressed in simple evening attire with a gray vest and simple white long sleeve white shirt. His hands were covered in white silk gloves with gray circular cloud designs wrapped around showing the pride of Kumogakure. He wore a singular pince-nez on his right eye.

The man approached the source of the noise as he positioned himself toward a door at the far end of the hall. It was one of the suites for specially acclaimed guest visiting Kumogakure. Strange that a suite that was meant to be vacant clearly was occupied at that moment. He reached for the door slowly disappearing into black shadows.

His body was dressed in darkness completely hidden from the view of the unwanted figures within. He volantly moved his hands aside bringing our many strands of ninja wire and thrusting them near the assumed assailants. The wires floated dangerously close to them the wires were hanging deadly close to their necks.

"State your purpose." The man said. His eyes shifted toward the figures and noticed who they were. "My apologies, I was not aware of who you were." The man said relaxing his hands. "However, it would have been more appropriate if you followed protocol."



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
It was unsettling for the large jounin who was trying to be the responsible one to have his own cousin give questionable looks toward his genin. Lord knows the problems that would cause if any of them fancied this irresponsible act of hers. Kioku's eyes darted between the visage of his cousin and that of Nanashi, they boy who rarely took an interest in anything in his life. "Of all the-- Please not her..." Kioku thought as his cousin winked to the boy. Nanashi's face burned red and he quickly looked to floor in embarrassment. Had he really been oblivious to her eyes watching him that entire time? The poor boy was bewitched!

Her theatrics took her to the bed, that of which look untouched in some time. Probably cover in a minuscule layer of dust, it looked like a waste of space at this point. But that was when Kioku kicked himself in the butt. He hadn't noticed this before hand. He might have to go practice with Zaku, since his younger cousin seemed to be astute to things like that -- perceptive.

Anyways, miss Katzumi made a joke that seemed to go above the children, which only received a rivaling glare to her seductive eyes. But her words brought a smile to Kioku's face-- those cold words were words that he could appreciate.

Her words continued to spin a web of lies and deceit, and in turn, Kioku was really beginning to regret even showing up here. If there was going to be a time to defuse this situation in his students minds, it wouldn't be here. With Katzumi still in the room, there was no way his words would cut through. The only one who probably would believe him at this point was Kiseichu, and that because Kioku knew the boy could tell an elaborate lie just as well as he could. The aburame trained their prodigies well...

Nanashi however, was still transfixed with her, tracing her every curve and movement. He was hanging on every word like a proper student in a classroom.

Ame was busy making unique gagging gestures as her words conjured images that she didn't want in her head.

And Kioku just stood with a frown as she neared her conclusion. He was dragged near to her, by hidden strength no doubt. Her body may have been beautiful, but she was a shinobi after all. "Have you missed me?" she asked, to which Kioku only looked into her eyes sternly. A short "Maybe." was all she got in reply.


"I think you should--" he began only to be cut off by an intruder to their little situation. Now this, this man looked like an assassin. But, very few people in Kumo ever dressed like this. So it was either Shin, or an attendant with access to this room. Kioku would assume the former as the wire hung near his neck, ready to pierce or strangle.

But they were recognized and the danger subsided. Kioku as one of the few jounin in the village, Katzumi as one of the most beautiful kunoichi, well known by men of the village no doubt.

The blonde man took point to explain the situation. "Sensei, my squad and I are here because the hooded one (referring to Kiseichu) there noticed the woman infiltrating the tower. And if I may say so, I find it incredible disturbing that just one person can infiltrate it so easily. Perhaps the raikage guard are lax in their duties sir."


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
[OOC: You're crazy Shin, it's my turn.]

She held him in her hands, her body crooked to look him straight in the eyes as she watched him with a heavy expression. It was clear that her games were just that: games. Her fingers looped around the fabric of his shirt as her eyes widened with excitement as he expressed the slight bit of sorrow he may of held for her absence. Finding this to be substantial for the ending of her childish behavior, she moved to stand, puffing shoulders up and back as she nudged Kioku playfully out of her way and brushed herself off. It seemed he had a few things to say to her before they moved on, but they were interrupted by the strangest thing.

It came as a threat, but only for a moment. Wire falling around them like small knives, viciously threatening to lick at her skin. He moved from the shadows, a stranger that Kat had never seen before--but at the same time he had a hint of Shin's features. Who was this man? Or rather, what? He retracted his weapons, Kat letting out a breath of relief as she looked carefully to him as Kioku spoke first. "Infiltrating is a harsh word." She butted, tipping her head towards him with a slight glare. "They aren't lax in their duties, I'm simply a trained professional." She inquired as she flipped her hair and put her hands on her wide hips, gripping them tightly.

"I'm a friend of the Raikage, not to worry, I'm unarmed." She gave a brief smile as she rocked back on her heels, looking between the two. How did this stranger know her anyways? Certainly, yes, she was beautiful and well known for those angel eyes and blonde hair, but still, she at least, normally, knew the people who addressed her. Had he been in the hospital recently?


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
"I see." The man said removing his pince-nez and retrieved a handkerchief from his coat pocket. It was natural that shinobi would try to test their abilities by presenting them in the shadows not like the common folk who presented their futility in the light. What did she gain by doing this? The man wondered as began to clean his monocle. "Anything foolish attempts like that again will result in bad repercussions. I hope you do understand, Katzumi. Yes I know who you are."

The man turned toward the blond man responsible for controlling the situation. His comrades stood idly by as they asserted their surroundings.

"I can assure you that I am not who you believe me to be. Well not completely." The man said as he calmly tucked his handkerchief back into his pocket. "I will notify the Raikage of your presence." The man continued as his gloved index finger reach toward his inner lob. "Hayata-sama. It appears that you have company." There was a moment of pause. "Yes I asked the very same thing. You should come quickly." The conversation ended with minutes to spare.

"The Raikage will be coming shortly. I believe formal introductions are in order." He said as he clapped his hands summoning the dim candles to grow brighters. His counternance was in full view.

[Apologies for the late post. Almost at the end of the semester]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kioku could only glare back at her after she sent one his way. What trouble this had turned out to be. Though, Kioku couldn't have expected less. Before he learned who it was, there was a tiny chance it could have been a legitimate assassin and he made his move knowing that. However his words were still true, and her's couldn't have been more illogical. "Really, you expect me to believe that you could get passed a true ANBU shinobi? They are the elite. Not only that, you were discovered by my subordinate, a new appointed genin. Of all the ninja to catch you, I hardly think you can take pride in your 'professionalism' as a reason you weren't caught. It is as I have said; either the Guard is lax, or you are extremely lucky." Kioku said with a frown. He glanced over to Kiseichu for a moment to catch what had to be a slight smile. This small emotion made Kioku's mouth curve towards the sky as well. It was good that they boy was allowing himself something other than that impenetrable seriousness.

That being said, the conversation continued and the man informed us that he was going to let Shin know of what had happened. Kioku nodded firmly and assumed a more relaxed position near the trio who seemed to be fidgety. With a pat on Ame's head, Kioku sighed as he understood their restless mood. Many a moment such as this came to him when he himself was a genin. Those inevitable moments when the team leader was speaking with the officials, or with the mission employer, were unbearable. However, they did volunteer for this, so no reprieve would be given.

The man used some kind of jutsu, Kioku assumed, to make the light brighter. He was requesting formal introductions. The tall blonde man looked to the trio and beckoned them forward to introduce themselves.


"Yojiro Kiseichu. Genin." the young ninja spoke monotonously. He gave a short bow and backed out, finishing the requested duty.


"Ikuji Ame!" The girl with colored hair said in almost a shout. She seemed to be in thought for a moment as if trying to come up with something else to say, but backed away when nothing surfaced.


Nanashi looked over to Katzumi with a small smile. "She is going to know my name..." he thought before looking at the stranger before him.
"Otoguro Nanashi..." he spoke in a soft voice with a slight bow before shying away behind the other two with red cheeks; pale eyes darting over to Katzumi in embarrassment.


Kioku stepped forward. "And I am Kioku Ishikawa, Jounin of Squad 11." he concluded. There wasn't much else to say. In fact, he didn't even think it was necessary for him to remain.​


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
[OOC: Thank you guys so so so so sooooo so much for being oh so very patient. I have been doing a lot of work trying to finish up this semester. Job hunting, final projects, parties--yanno, being irresponsibly annoying. So, please expect more delays until, at least, 18 June. Thanks!]

Sure, she was being scolded, but she couldn't seem to focus. Her eyes, tracing slowly to the young boy that had been looking her over ever since he entered the room, were unfocused. Katzumi had a tendency not to listen very well. She waited, the two others giving their names as she watched him. It was quite like a lioness stalking her prey. Her eyes hidden behind the tall, metaphorical, grass as she gave him a deep and blank stare. She was beautiful, and feminine in the very sort of way as all women should be. Her lusciously long blonde hair that showed no signs of physical strain, as much shinobis' did. Her skin fair and smooth, without a common callus in sight. It was as though this irresponsible woman had found the fountain of youth somewhere. As though she put those supple pink lips to a pool of water, clear as glass, and drank up the years so many people had lost in their lives. What was it that kept this Mental Health Director so beautiful and young?


The answer, itself, did not seem plausible. No, be not afeared, at first, this does not make much of any sense. But, it is, in fact, knowledge that keeps the frail and dying bodies of humans alive. The more she searched out to learn about the world, the more active her mind was. The more she ventured out into the forest to search for these medical wards, the healthier her body got. She was a doctor, and as all doctors are, a curious soul. She spent a lot of time on the move, in vicious time constraints. But, as a Yamanaka, her interest in herbs and poisons made her youthful and blissfully pleased with herself.

But, had one bothered to get closer, they might have noticed that Katzumi was not quite as flawless as her overall image painted her to be. She had light creases from the inside corner of her eye and down, just enough to suggest the forming of dark circles. She spent many nights awake in front of a merciless desk, filing away papers one at a time. The inside of her lip was scarred, with the strangest white lines from her teeth grinding and chewing on the inside of her lip--as nervous quirk she had.

On her back, not that anyone had seen that in a long while, she had a long scar from her right shoulder blade down to her left hip, that was mostly covered by a large tattoo that had a double meaning of her Yamanaka status. There were, indeed, flaws to an angel. Be it the tiniest physical flaws caused by stress and intense training, or be it mental flaws of lust and irresponsibility, she was, in fact, not perfect. However, a professional at wearing the mask, as all people do, to fake this sort of perfection and high-level standing among her peers. It was the best she could offer.

"Otoguro Nanashi." She mumbled under her breath, as though to try and memorize that. "And you are correct, stranger." She said, her long and lingering steady stare moving from Nanashi back to the helper of the Raikage, "Dr. Aksuko Katzumi. I needn't ask where you know me from, but bare in mind, I am the slightest bit curious." She shrugged, giving a gentle smile as the man lit the candles brighter, revealing his strange form.

"Well, then, Kioku, since you were so quick to join me up here, you and your squad should stay for tea--Shin-Sama does enjoy offering orange tea, still, right?" It was more a rhetorical question mixed with a joke. "Certainly, you have no better place to me, than with me, on this beautiful night."


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
"It is a pleasure to meet you all." The man said as he gave a slight bow with his arm rested toward his chest. Their greetings were a bit mismatched. Among the shinobi excluding Katsumi, two of them stated their ranks but the other two did not. It was easy to tell that Kioku's subordinates were genin. A genin's rank was nothing to boast about perhaps their terse replies exemplified that observation.

The door slowly crept open as a man dressed in gray and white coat covering nearly every corner of his body like the endless ocean. His countenance was covered by dark tinted glasses revealing only the man's austere demeanor. "Good evening. I hear that I have company." Shin said as he walked closer to the group.

"Ah. Katsumi-chan and Kioku-san. It has been a while. I see that you are creating a strong squad, Kioku-san." Shin said with a smile. "How can I be of service to you.



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kioku looked to his dear cousin with a contemplative stare. An offer to stay for tea, a staple for every visit to the raikage, if one could go back through every thread. In fact, Kioku would bet twenty dollars that there wasn't a topic without tea in it.

Nonetheless, this visit with his cousin actually came at an inconvenience, so he would be declining. "Unfortunately my dear Katzumi, we have just returned from a mission and were looking to grab a bite to eat before this little escapade. So once the Raikage arrives, I will be making my decision." he replied with a curt nod.

Meanwhile, Nanashi was busy fidgeting about as he realized had been looking at him as well, though this was something only Ame noticed.

Soon though, the Raikage arrived and Kioku bowed, urging his pupils to do the same before listening to the former main branch sennin.

"Thank you sir, I am sure they are glad to hear your praise, aren't you?" Kioku said looking to his subordinates. They all simply nodded their head. But no matter, Shin questioned how he could be of service and Kioku needed to correct him.

"I am not in need of your services sir, but was actually going to leave once you arrived. My cousin is the one who was seeking your attention. I just thought I should let you know to take up words with ANBU, as it was this genin here," Kioku said proudly, gesturing to Kiseichu. "That spotted her infiltration attempt tonight; not one of your guard. Now, we shall be on our way. Come on my young shinobi." the man concluded and quickly made for the door.

[Topic Left]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
"A pity, dear cousin!" Kat's voice protested as she gave him a frown, her hands moving to rest on her hips casually. "I must suggest to you the beautiful little sushi café that just opened down in the district!" Her body leaned towards him as she patted his shoulder playfully, "It's absolutely fantastic!" A smile widening across her face before she would lean back, giving the countenance a light smile.

It was at this time, that the Raikage--oh, what fun, calling an old friend by the title of a Kage!--arose into the room, Kioku taking his leave after gloating about one of his students. "Oh yes, an impressive student, nonetheless." The cornsilk blonde was speaking with a hint of sarcasm as she rolled her eyes with a moment of annoyance as Kioku took his leave.

After the impeding people left the room, it became clear that the air settled into a personal aura, Kat becoming more comfortable as she would take a few quick steps to wrap Shin in her arms--or rather, herself in his, being significantly smaller than him. "Oh, congratulations, Shin-Pyon!" She used a slang suffix to expression her lovey-dovey behavior with him. "How dare you not keep in touch!" She pulled away, keeping her hands on his upper arms as she stared him in the face, "Certainly we must catch up!" Rising on her toes, she planted a light kiss of affection on his cheek before gesturing to the door that led, hopefully, into a more appropriate room to chat. "I bet a lot has happened to the, very much so famous, Shin!" Katzumi inquired as she made her way towards the door, pulling lightly on his hand, "Please, Shin, share with me!"


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
Kioku took his leave as him and his comrades left the scene. The only people that remained were Shin, Katzumi and Shin's mysterious associate. Katzumi's demeanor quickly change to sweet and subtly salacious. Her arms grasped his body like a covers of marsupial's pouch. Her gleaming eyes peered toward Shin vivid dark glasses. Shin took a quick glance at the elder man who was glared at Shin with curious contempt. The old man's brown furred signalling Shin to not do anything brash that he may regret in the future.

"You never change Katsumi-chan." Shin said with a humble grin. It did not pass him how illusive Katzumi was with her body. Shin could not deny that she was attractive; however, Shin could not afford to be in a relationship now as the raikage. His life was for this village and he felt it dishonorable to love two beloved. Katsumi was not the only one as Shin recalled Lady Ami's advances toward him. "I am sorry I have not kept in touch. My status as raikage has kept me...busy." Shin said as he paused at this last statement. He did not want to go into his entire ordeal with Makoro. She must have had to deal with all the death and injuries his uncle brought to the village. Her lips pin against his soft cheek as she pulled him toward the door.

"I will be alright, Deta." Shin said toward the elder man. The man replied by nodding his head not completely convince at the raikage's remark. In a brief moment, there was a bright light and the elder man had disappeared.

[Would you like to continue this in another topic or you just want to end it here?]



Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The bubbly blonde adored Shin. Be it not taken for any more than that, for the time being. It was no sort of romantic interest, but rather an appreciation and affection for him as a being. Her trade-mark kisses were signature marks that nearly every formal greeting, and above, had burned permanently into each civilians cheek. She found it to be a sweet and personal gesture that was unique, memorable, and packed with emotions. Kat loved people.

They moved into the parlor, where she would quickly take a seat on the other side of the table, her eyes flickering to her friend with a spark of humor. "Oh, I can't believe you, Shin," She said with false-offense, "Not a letter in my mail from you! I swore you loved me!" Her words were thick with joking as she gave a large smile and fiddled with a few things left on the table. "How is your new status treating you?" She inquired, her eyes wandering around the area again.

It was a nice and modest living space. It made her house seem cluttered with the different riches her father insisted he bury her in. Though, her home could be considered cultural and dripping with diamonds, there wasn't really a hint of personality anywhere--save the bedroom, which was totally untouched by any of her father's demanding decorations. Somewhere in her heart, she was a bit jealous.

"Who is 'Deta', Shin-Pyon?"


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
They were quickly pulled away into another room. It was a much smaller private room compared to the bedroom. The room had two large sofas faced to each other with a medium sized glass table in between them. There were window enclosed by beautiful silver gray blinds that slightly glittered as the moon light seeped into the room. At the far back there was a small restroom with an array of sinks and toilets and at the side was a small bar where

Katsumi and Shin took their seats facing each other. Her eyes flickered at him with great glee as she jocular reprimanded him. "Oh, I can't believe you, Shin," She said with false-offense, "Not a letter in my mail from you! I swore you loved me!" "How is your new status treating you?" She inquired.
"I do that is as a brother to a sister." Shin said chuckling nervously brushing his spiky hair. She could not see the expression of his face due to the collar covering most his face but she could see the elevation in his cheeks.

"I suppose being Raikage has its benefits. It is nice to be admire by so many and to be approached with such formality can be a bit different. I really do not like shinobi calling me 'lord' or 'master', in fact, ever since Shinbatsu the Kumogakure have a very unhealthy relationship with their kage. It is as if they believe that each kage is some sort of deity. I still shutter at those words. I hope that Kumgakure will see me as a servant rather than a god. As a leader I will deliver Kumgakure into servitude to their country. I can not believe it has been so long since we have lost talked. I am rather ashamed of it myself."

Her eyes began to wander as she surveyed the room, it was apparent to see how her surroundings mystified her. "Who is 'Deta', Shin-Pyon?"

"Ah yes that name did slipped my tongue didn't it." Shin said. "Simply put, Deta is my chakra personified in physical form...well most of my chakra. Deta posses chakra from my old-friend Akira Saito, Karubin, Kogan, and Karubin-sama. They all helped me reform him. He is not enamored by human emotion but he is capable of understanding them. might be erroneous of me to call Deta a he. Chakra does not have a definite sex..." Shin paused as he realized that he was rambling again as he looked

"How have you been my dear?]" Shin asked.



Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Perhaps Shin was correct. Katzumi, herself, treated the Kages as though they were gods of some sort. The formalities, with Kages other than Shin, of course, were very worthy and humble. She quite often used honorifics pertaining to lord and master to show her respect. It was, in hindsight, the way she was raised. The servants of her household treated her father with such a respect as well. Though, Shin had a point. However, habits were hard to break.

He admitted to being absent for too long, and her eyes came back to lock with his with that 'knowing' look she always had, before offering a gentle smile. He explained the likings of his chakra-made being, her eyebrows raising in a moment of surprise. She had not expected such an answer from him but she nodded with approval and impression. "Oh, my my, a lot has changed." She agreed as she played with her fingers playfully as he addressed her.

"Oh!" Kat said with a bright smile, "I've been absolutely fantastic. Terrific, never better." Her eyes looked back up to lock with his. She enjoyed eye contact; it transferred her sincerity well. "I'm just working hard in the office down at the hospital. I spend very little time home." She figured he wasn't interested in hearing about Ayumu, and decided to skip it. "But at least I have an alibi for not calling." She teased with a bright smile.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
"Are you sure, Katzumi" Shin asked. His tinted glasses glimmered in the dim lit room. Shin was a bit skeptical toward her last remark considering what has happened in the past few months. Aesculapium had increased its security and its protocols had become more strenuous each day. It would have overtly clear to see Katzumi complain about how he was handling the medical complex and what Kushin was doing about it. However, Katzumi never really indulge herself in friviolus politics so perhaps Shin was exaggeration . His eyes peered right at her bright caramel colored eyes filled with intensity. If there was something bothering her it was not obvious.

"Actually, forget that I asked." Shin quickly said disregarding his former inquiry. He shift back on his seat taking a calm breath. "Do you remember that day when I was selected as main branch sennin. I believe you were a chunnin at the time. It was the first day I met the garden in the summer."


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
