Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Kaenception [Private]


Active Member
May 24, 2015
Was this the signal? The young viewer questioned for a moment, but alas, no sight of her charges were visible. "Maybe someone changed the channel?" As she looked upon the great eye, she couldn't help but give it a whirl. "Poke" right in the center. She half expected it to work for some reason. The other half forced her to laugh at such shenanigans.

She wasn't sure what was being viewed, though vivid as it was, it must have been a memory right? She hadn't recognized Kaen in the memory. But...this ball thingy was supposed to be connected directly to him right? 'Genjutsu is such a screwed up form. It is so hard to know what is fake or real sometimes. Though...that..huh.' The question just had to be asked of course. "Are Conscious? I that seems best to start." Of course, it might have been a stupid question. Or was it? The thingy never did say hi back to her...OR!


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Sara would be preoccupied by the arrival of a mystery opponent, she could not see into the dream state that Yuii had created. Circumstances would reveal that this was indeed bad news, for if Yuii wanted to exit, the "Safe" word was not going to be an option. Whether or not there was a intentional hand forcing these factors into play, nobody could say for sure. Perhaps it was just Kaen's subconscious hard at work trying to defend itself from foreign invaders, or maybe the figure in the orb had something to do with it... In any case, Kaji and Yuii were sharing some words about the fragility and risk factors of their current path through Kaen's mind. They were safe, for now. A dreaming genjutsu was sure to be safer than a pure conscious person fighting back, for now Yuii held true to her grip on the world and Kaen slept still, unmoved by the dreams and memories that flowed freely.

Depending on how quickly they spoke, they may or may not have been interrupted by the booming voice of Kaen. It echoed throughout the void-scape plane they were located within, bouncing around a seemingly small space, but no end in sight. Though his subconscious attempted to breach Yuii's control, it was only able to slightly offset their location, sending them to this dark plane instead of the grassy knoll from before. His inner self was still attempting to narrate the story from an unknown location. It was really surprising he hadn't noticed a thing. Then again the dream world was often full of mystery. " When I awoke, it was still dark. Or so I thought at the time. I tried to move, but couldn’t, I tried to scream, but I couldn’t. I could feel myself being moved, and I could still hear. From what I could gather at the time, I was being wheeled down a hallway on a metal surface. There were two others there talking to each other." Upon completion of the sentence, the configured memory was constructed in the distance. A faint image seen in the distance appeared to grow larger and larger. In a few seconds it was upon them at blinding speed, the created world rushing past their stand-still location until finally they came to a abrupt and disorienting halt in a narrow hallway.

A large set of metal double doors at the end of the hallway swung violently open, a gurney cart was being ushered by a pair of individuals adored in white gowns. As the pair rushed past the on looking duo, Kaji and Yuii, the male staff member would bump elbows with Kaji by mistake. The doctor glared at Kaji a moment before the memory corrected itself in a glitch like visual. Something was different this time, they shouldn't have been able to interact with the memory. Perhaps it was just Kaen's subconscious's way of combatting back against his would be memory divers. The world behind them began to collapse in on itself, ushering Kaji and Yuii forward with the pair of pearly white adorned staff. Should they fail to keep up, they may risk falling deep into Kaen's dark subconscious, an endless expanse of unknown dangers and abnormalities. The cart was pushed through another set of double doors leading to an operating type area. The area was littered with stand up trays filled wit utensils, lights galore adoring the ceiling, several other strange machines that Kaen could could never tell you about. In the center of the room was another stationary metal table. On top was a body of a child, no older than 8. He was cut open, bruises and blisters covered the entirety of his body. A pair of bigger, stronger looking staff members entered and carried the body out with them, clearing a space for Kaen. Sadly they didn't spare any time to clean up after the last patient, leaving a large pool of warm blood on the metal surface. The original pair of staff lifted Kaen from the mobile gurney to the blood saturated table, dropping him with a soft splat. Kaen's young body slowly moved, indicating his slight awareness to his surroundings. The female staff member, most likely the nurse, promptly held him down. “What’s wrong with this one?” The male doctor asked the female nurse. “Broken ribs and internal bleeding sir” She chimed in. “very well, prepare the instruments” The nurse nodded and fetched one of the rolling tray tables with an assortment of metal surgical tools upon it.

" I heard a low thrum of energy and then immense pain. I could feel my skin tearing apart on my chest. I wanted to pass out but the pain kept me vividly coherent. I tried to open my mouth to scream for help but still unable to move any part of my body, only my senses seemed to be in check. My flesh was burning in pain, I was screaming in my head. Never had I felt a pain such as this, or so I thought. What came next dwarfed the experience..." Kaen's adult body materialized before them in a woosh of fire, the sheer heat threatening to singe their hairs. He was walking towards the table, stopping near the head of the table. He ran his fingers through young Kaen's hair as the doctor's hand sprung to life. Medical ninjutsu was being applied as a quick and convenient way of slicing open flesh, it was just a shame they didn't know he was still conscious. The doctor easily split apart his skin that covered his chest to upper abdomen, revealing all the soft squishy bits inside. “Yes… seems the two lower ribs have been fractured while the third is completely broken, I’ll just…” CRACK “Hmm… that should do for now, the bleeding is simple enough…” The doctor exited the cavity that was Kaen's open chest and put things back together. Using medical ninjutsu again, he closed his chest and sealed the flesh back together. The smell of burning flesh and burnt blood hung heavy in the air, an iron like taste stuck to their tongues. Memory or not, it still felt/sounded/looked real. The pair of staff started to clean up after themselves, seems they were out of patients for now... Kaen would continue; "I reached the point where the pain had lessened to the point of allowing me to finally pass out." The world around them melted once more, casting Kaji and Yuii back into a black void.

The darkness lasted only a few moments, the eerie silence aside from any conversation they might have held in-between scenes interrupted by the soft cries and sniffles of young children reverberated off invisible walls. Like clockwork, strands of sand crept in from the darkness like snakes hunting their prey. The twisted, contorted and began to fabricate Kaen's next memory. Upon completion, Kaji and Yuii would find themselves in a very dark room, a extremely dim light barely illuminating the room. Once their eyes adjusted to the new setting, they would eventually see outlines of small 4x4x4 cages lining the perimeter of the dusty, foul smelling room. Piss and shit held true upon their noses, it smelled like a zoo in there. If their eyes were sharp enough to cope with the ill lit room they would be able to make out faint outlines of little bodies in each cage. One of the bodies stirred, It was Kaen. Strangely the adult version was nowhere to be found in this scene. Young Kaen had been unconscious for a while now, only now stirring from his painful slumber. Kaen groaned as he sluggishly picked himself up from a prone like position. His eyes obviously not adjusted to the faint light of the room, he stretched out his hands outward, fumbling in the dark. As his hands met the metal bars of his cage, a small surge of electricity jumped out and bit his fingers. Kaen recoiled instantly in pain, a cringed look on his face. Wherever he was now, it didn't matter, things looked pretty grim.

Rubbing his shocked hand Kaen would call out for his sister, Kasen. "*Cough* Kasen?!" But she was not there. "KASEN!" He called out again, but was promptly shut down. Another voice responded, a boy's. “Sshhhh keep it down or they will take you!” Just then the door burst open, a man wearing a white mask and black armor stormed in and rushed towards the boy’s cell. “I thought I told you to shut up!” The man raised his hands and twisted them rapidly into different shapes then stretched out his hand pointing at the kid; lightning appeared from the man’s hand and shocked the poor kid. The boy screamed in agony as the electricity pulsated over his body. Soon after the man released the torrent of energy, the boy went limp and collapsed to the floor.

“Bring her in!” the man said. Another figure appeared in the doorway with a girl sitting in a wheel chair. It was Kasen! The first man approached her and pulled out a device from his pocket. Pressings a few buttons he then clasped it around Kasen’s neck and the other man wheeled her over to the cage that was directly next to Kaen's. They were anything but gentle with her, as they opened the cage door and lifted the back of the wheelchair and sent her limp body tumbling into the cage. The first man looked at Kaen with menace in his eyes. “You will do well to follow the rules around here, rule number one, you shut your filthy mouth after lights out, else you’ll end up like that little fuck over there. The rest you will pick up in time, sleep well you little shits.” The man gave a quick onceover of the room and exited with the other person. They would not sleep that night…

Kaji and Yuii had little time between themselves before the scene blinked away to morning. Light suddenly was present in the room and the bodies were in slightly different positions than previously. Perhaps things were beginning to move along at a quicker pace due to the similarities of each passing day. This bode well for Kaji and Yuii as it would grow ever tiresome if they had to view each day individually. Morning was signaled only by a faint shimmer of light that bled through tiny slits in the ceiling they would later discover what lay beyond. The tiny rays of light did what it could to brighten the room, but to much not avail. The door opened again, with a woman pushing a cart. On the cart was a large pot and a number of bowls and spoons. One by one the woman would make her way around the room stopping at each cage and sliding a bowl of hot oatmeal through a tray slot at the bottom of the cage door. She handed Kaen his and smiled. “I see we have a couple of newcomers, oh I do hope you last a little longer than the last batch…” her smile quickly faded and she continued her way down the row and left the room as calmly as she entered. This was to be the only kindness he and Kasen would see for the next 5 years…You might like to think they were simply prisoners of war, or kidnapped for that matter… but even that would have been far better than what he, no, THEY had to endure. Everyday save Sunday. Sunday was a special day… We'll get to that.

As expected the memories were picking up speed, stopping only at key moments that seemed to stand out the most in Kaen's life. Everyday a man in wearing a white lab coat would enter with a pair of armored individuals. The man would stop at a few cages, pointing to the person residing within and the pair would take whatever kid was in there away. Some kicked and screamed, others clawed desperately at the bars and floors to keep from being pulled away… in the end they were still taken. Whomever they took would be gone for hours, where they then were returned. The state they were returned was nearly always the same. They would be unconscious in another rickety wheelchair and thrown back into their cell. They would not wake for hours. If the doctor, as we came to know him by, felt up to it, he would take another couple kids away. Again, returned the same. Each time the doctor returned his clothes were bloodier and bloodier. Seemed he couldn’t bear to rest for the day until all traces of white were drowned by a sea of red.

Now Sunday, Sunday was a good day because wthey got to go outside. Not by any conventional way no… but instead their cages would be lifted up by some hydraulic mechanism up into the ceiling above. The slits on the ceiling would open up and their cages would be above ground. The area was not known to Kaen, not at such a young age though, If one was well versed in the lay of the world, you could see this was none other than Fire Country, as there were lush trees and grass everywhere. Perhaps this was some sort of “treat” for good behavior or maybe for surviving the horrors below.

[OOC This is where the information giving method is changed, as we discussed in discord. The rest is taken straight from my history]
Though nothing good lasts forever… it wouldn’t be but a few years of pleasantries on Sundays. That lady I told you about, yeah the one that brought the food to us… yeah well it turns out she wasn’t supposed to be doing things she was doing. I overheard an argument from the next room over, I recognized her voice. It was the only nice thing I had to look forward in here after all. I only could make out bits and pieces of the yelling, but from what I understand is that the oatmeal she was bringing us, not ok. She was using too much oats and overserving. Oh that Sunday deal I talked about, yeah that was bad to… I guess the facility we were located was scarcely staffed on Sundays, and she snuck into some control room and lifted our cages up for us to get some fresh air. A sympathizer they called her, weak minded and unfitted for the “goals” of the organization. The next day, the woman did not return. Instead in her place was another one of those armored guys. This one was exactly like the rest, rude, cruel and abusive. He made no attempts of communication; only stopping as necessary to partially fill a bowl with his dirty hands submerged into the new “goop” they would call food. It was awful… The taste was disgusting and tasted of rot. This was to be our new food source for the remainder of our years there.

Well that’s not exactly true… one night the woman found herself back inside our room, running for her life it seemed. The rest of the children could only watch in fear as we observed. She came bursting into the room, flicking switches as cells began to open. She only managed to open a few before armored men followed through the doorway. “RUN!” she screamed at the kids whom cages were open. Two of the five kids whose cages had opened made a run for it… If I my cage had been opened, I might have run to… I’m glad it didn’t though… The woman was dragged away out the door, her screams echoing down the hallway until she could be heard no more. Shortly after the silence, a man returned to the room and flipped switches until the cage doors were shut. “Don’t worry kids… ill make sure the others return home….” There was evil glistening in his eyes, tomorrow, a Sunday; we would see why... when morning came, we received no food. Instead a loudspeaker buzzed to life as a man broadcasted his message of doom. “That woman last night and the children that attempted to escape would like to put on a show for you… I’m sure it will… warm your hearts.” Immediately our cages begun to rise and the ceiling parted to allow the cages through. When we arrived at the surface, we were met with a scene of terror.

The woman and both children were locked inside a cage atop a mountain of wood. The cage was similar to each of our own, barely allowing room for the trio to remain inside. The loud speaker crackled again. “Let this be an example to all of you, this is the fate that awaits you if you ever attempt to disobey in such a manner.” The mound of wood burst to life as flames consumed the area. The woman and two children screamed as the flames licked the cage walls, slowly crawling closer and closer. “This isn’t exciting enough… how about this…” Our cages begun to descend and re ascend to the surface top, each time the scene grew more and more horrific. It seemed another of the children couldn’t bear to look at it and began to freak out. He started screaming and rocking his cage back and forth. Then he gave one shake too much and the cage came off its bearing, but still somewhat attached to the pedestal it originally sat. But the cages were still going up and down, so when it came time for the cages to resurface, his cage was caught in-between the ceiling and the pedestal. There was hesitation and then the sound of metal on metal and the hydraulic system prevailed and pushed past the obstacle. There was the sound of bending metal and the crunch of his body. The cage had caved in on itself and crushed the boy inside, break bones and bursting organs. His face still bearing the look of horror as his cage repeatedly rose and fell while the trio above burned to death. I no longer cared for Sundays after that day.

As time went on, the experiments got more complex and twisted. At first it was simple blood work, reflexes, the usual doctor type of checkup. Then it evolved into more intrusive testing, such as testing pain tolerance or how long we could hold our breath. I thought that was bad at the time… I didn’t even know, how could I… The days of needle pricks and being water boarded came to pass and move on, what replaced it would drive most insane. I remember being cooled to a state of unconsciousness, having been submerged in a tub of ice. I would be forced to stay there until I felt nothing and soon passed out. I would be revived on a metal table with heat lamps until I began to sweat. Hours would go by with this back and forth cooling and heating. This was just one of the many so called “experiments” they performed on me. I say me only because none of the other kids there cared to share their experiences. Why would they? I certainly didn’t feel like talking after a session of that. I tried to get Kasen to tell me what they did to her, but she would always just tell me in a shaky voice “Nothing serious, I’ll be ok nii-san”. I knew she wasn’t completely honest with me, but all I could do was respect her bravery in holding on this long. I say this only because as the experiments grew more gruesome and inhuman, so too dropped the rate of returning “subjects” from the labs. One by one the kids began to disappear, leaving for testing only to never return and their cage remain eerily open. What’s worse is that I couldn’t help but notice the consistency of our meals thickening after each child’s absence. Perhaps it was just a coincidence, but I doubt it…

Every few months they would either give up on whatever they were trying to accomplish or perhaps gathered the data they wanted from each particular experiment they performed on me. With time they seemed to grow lax, openly discussing the tests they were doing, and theories about how it would affect me. Testing my body’s limits often proved painful, but that was no surprise. One such experiment I think might have just been out of bored mind seeking entertainment. With no anesthesia, they filed my teeth to a point, making jokes about how “scary” I looked now. I could barely breathe let alone eat for a week with my nerves exposed like that.

Near the end of my time there, they began to do genetic testing on me. Poking and prodding me, injecting me with trace amounts of “serums” as they called them. Some had no effects at all while others burned within my blood for days. This is when so many of the other children began to disappear. Soon enough there was only five of us left. I guess they needed to us to keep our strength up for these new genetic trials, since they moved us to a new room. It was about the same size, maybe a little smaller. No windows or openings minus the door in. Each of us had our own bed, nothing fancy of course. A straw mattress with no pillow, it laid directly on the floor. To others it may have been substandard to what they knew in their old life, but Kasen and I were in heaven. No cage, freedom to walk around. The bed beat the crap out of our cardboard box we had… We didn’t say a word about it lest they take it away and force us back into the cages.

For whatever reason or another, we proved more durable than the rest of the children that came before us. Before we didn’t think it necessary to bond or converse much, seeing as how we would probably never see them again. But these last few seemed hardy and so we bonded. Besides myself and Kasen, there were two boys and another girl. The two boys were named Taiho and Shiryo, the girl was called Gisei. We came to know them quite well and became good friends. We were each other’s support group, or hope, or “rays of sunshine” if you will. I confided in them with what had been done to me and then in return shared their experiences as well. For the most part they were the same, up until the genetic experiments started. We were being put under very different tests, it seemed. Kasen remained silent during these times of conversation, never sharing a single thought on the matter. I don’t blame her though; she was the youngest of us all.

Hmm? Why didn’t we just walk out if we weren’t in cages anymore? Well, we thought about that actually… Gisei volunteered to be our scout to see if the coast was clear. The door was always unlocked you see… She peered out the doorway down the hallways, seeing nothing. She took only a single step out the door, where then her collar, the ones I mentioned a while ago, started to blink and beep. Quickly flashing and beeping faster and faster until… -BOOM- Within ten seconds time, her collar exploded. I want to say I was shocked, but the flashing image experiment they did I guess sort of prepared me for that. Flashing pictures of gruesome and grotesque images makes you somewhat immune to gore like that. I can’t say I wasn’t upset by it though, I mean… she was a good friend, and offered up her life to attempt an escape. Seemed those things were rigged to blow should we attempt to escape without some sort of deactivation prior to leaving the room.

There was an “accident” one day; a day that I personally think changed my fate forever. During another one of their DNA tampering processes, they injected me what I heard them call C.S.1 I can’t recall the exact events that transpire, I only know that after they injected it into me, I passed out and awoke to a burning inferno around me. I was unharmed, but the lab techs and guards were dead and burnt to a crisp. That was the last time I got to see my friends and my sister for some time… They considered me a “hazard” and locked me in my own personal room. I began to have vivid nightmares, often of myself burning alive. My blood somehow turning to fire, sometimes I would see myself exploding. Each time I awoke my bed was turned to ash and my walls scorched. The doctor never explained it to me, despite my pleas. The guards avoided me like the plague, along with any lab techs. All communication had been cut off for me… I would be alone in my mind for months before I would see the face of another, not a single word was spoken to me.

My meals were scarce, barely half of what I previously was being fed. I would have starved to death if it hadn’t been for their over abundant rat problem. I can’t say they taste good, but you either get used to it or don’t care because otherwise you’d be dead. These rats were a boon to me in more ways than one. Seeing as how most rodents of that class often carried diseases; I eventually contracted something. It may have been worth it in the end, but the journey was grisly and dreadful. It began with simple headaches, eventually progressing towards my entire body aching in pain. Then the rashes formed and the vomiting came. I probably could have withstood it, but a fever set in. I could barely move save for hacking up half a lung or spilling what little I contained within my stomach. I don’t know how much time had passed before they realized something was wrong with me, but eventually they came and took me away. I hated those guards, don’t get me wrong. But the blinding light that shined throughout my room as the door opened, revealing a guard to take me away… yeah that was a good feeling, knowing I would not die that day.

I was kept under heavy guard and surveillance during my time in their infirmary. This allowed me to hear their conversations once more, giving me much peace in my mind. No longer being forced to eat rats and talk to the shadows on the wall felt nice… In time I recovered and they began to suggest moving me back to my single cell. There was one that protested on my behalf, which confused me. They never cared about us or our situation, we were nothing but human lab rats to them. But this one did and did so with ease. There wasn’t a fight, an argument, just a simple ok. It was as if by some form of magic that the agreed to it. So instead I was allowed to remain in the infirmary, gaining back much needed strength. Strength I would need for would transpire in the near future.

Over the span of a few good weeks spent in the infirmary, the guards that were normally posted there became fewer and fewer, to a total of only one guard. This one happened to be the one that suggested that I remain there. He didn’t talk much, only single worded sentences’. Any other time it seemed as if he wasn’t even there mentally. It came out of nowhere, I would never really understand what triggered it, the man turned to me and uttered the last words I would ever hear him speak, “It’s time.” With that he would run over and trip the alarm. The building went into lockdown mode and everything began to seal off. The man ducked out of the door before the bars came crashing down. It seemed I was sealed within. Whatever alarm he had tripped was a bad one, seeing as how it activated some sort of self-destruction system. Over the intercoms I could hear a monotone voice talking about it, giving off a miniscule time frame for evacuation before the self-destruct sequence activated.

Now you can imagine the mind of a ten year old being told that if he doesn’t leave, he is going to blow up. My state of mind was not unlike that of a wild animal backed into a corner. Something inside was triggered and my fight or flight senses were kicked into some other level of functioning, fight AND flight. My body became to feel strange, I couldn’t control my emotions and my body temperature spiked. I felt like I was going to die, pass out and explode all at the same time. I started to pound on the door that the man had previously escaped. It was no use, I was merely a young boy with no strength of his own, none that I was aware of anyways. I stood at the doorway all but defeated, nowhere to run; only minutes before my death became a reality. It was then that I heard it, a scream from down the hall. It was Kasen! This wasn’t the scream in pain or meaningless screams of a child fooling around, no, this was a scream of pure terror. She was in trouble and I was stuck in that damn room. I needed out, but couldn’t get out but I had to! My brain became fuzzy going back and forth with itself; you can imagine the process of my thinking. My mind went blank, and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. Destroy… that was the only word that ran through my head. My body exploded with energy, flames radiating from everywhere, uncontrolled, unchecked and uninhibited. The door burst open and was embedded into the wall across the hall. I was free, on fire, but free.

I gained somewhat of my conscious back, but I remained aflame. I could hear a guard coming down the hallway, soon enough he spotted me in the doorframe. He yelled at me to stop and get down on the ground, raising some kind of weapon at me. “No…” that was all I could think, I was consumed and enraged in my inner hate. The man instantly burst into flames, dying on the spot. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening, but I didn’t care. I had only one goal and that was to save Kasen. I ran down the hallway towards the room we were kept in, the one with all the cages. Thankfully they never bothered to cover our eyes when transporting us, so I knew the hallways well… for the most part anyways. I could hear a ruckus in the room as I drew near. I burst through the doorway to see a single guard on top of Taiho; he was strangling him to death. How he even managed to get out of his cage was what would seal his fate. I needed to get the man off of him. I ran over and will the full force of my body knocked him over, freeing Taiho from his grasp. Positioned myself between Taiho and the man, attempting to shield my friend from any more harm… I wish I could go back and change it, but this was just the way of the world. The guard got up and twisted his hands together and released a wave of energy. It seemed Taiho developed some form of power from the experiments as well, much like myself. Just as the energy beam would have hit me, I felt something pull me and I found myself in the spot were my friend was previously lying. I looked up and watched Taiho’s final moments as the energy beam hit him and could only watch as his body exploded from the blast. Pieces of him hit me and quickly sizzled away by the flames that coated my body. The smell of burning blood and flesh filled the air. I… I couldn’t contain myself anymore after that point; the urge to end this man was uncontrollable.

I rushed the man once more and punched him as hard as I could. I watched as my fist passed through his armor with ease and felt the embrace of his organs as they fried around my arm. I yelled at the top of my lungs releasing another wave of fire and the man boiled from the inside out in front of me. The man practically melted in my arms, literally. I turned and saw Shiryo still locked in his cage, staring at me with a strange combination of amazement and fear. I understood why… Kasen entered the room just after I melted that guy, seems they placed her in segregation as well. They just watched another of their friends explode and then myself melt a person… I myself would have been in shock if it hadn’t been for the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I ran over to the control panels, pressing the same buttons that lady did all those years ago. All the cages opened, releasing Shiryu. Thinking of the only way possible to escape, I yelled for them to get on top of the cages. Once they did so, I pulled the lever that raised the cages and ran over to one myself. Once we reached the surface, we would surely be free. It could never have been that easy though. Awaiting us at the top was another 10 guards, somehow knowing we would attempt to leave this way. “On my command!” One of the guards, obviously in charge prepared the rest of his group. The rest raised their weapons, and prepared to fire. Just before they fired, Shiryu made a mad dash for the tree line… he didn’t make it far, just after passing by Kasen, another beam of energy struck him and exploded in a shower of blood, guts and gore, raining down upon Kasen and I. Before I could even move or talk, he gave the order to fire… and so they did.

We should have died right then and there, but something more triggered within me. I felt my body changing inside, the heat rose within me. I felt like I was going to explode with power if I didn’t release what was inside. Kaen’s skin felt like it had begun to bubble, as if boiling.. Energy began to concentrate in his pores and once critical mass was attained… They all fired off in tandem. The horror was unreal, bodies partially disintegrated, others horribly disfigured as their legs and arms were either torn off or bones sticking out in all directions. Not even the facility was safe from his devastation. The entire complex came crumbling down in on itself. The sudden buildup and release of all that power, far beyond the reach of any normal boy his age, caused Kaen to pass out immediately from exhaustion. This was the last thing I remembered before waking up in a strange unknown location.
When I did finally regain consciousness, it was my dear sister Kasen that nudged me back to reality, her little fingers poking my sides. For the briefest of moments I had nearly forgotten everything that happened to that point and even chuckled a bit as the fingers dug deep into the perfect spot for tickling. But when I opened my eyes I knew it was all real and not some horrific nightmare. The room was dark, save for a large cluster of strange glass frames, each holding a variety of unknown symbols and pictures. Wires were strung about the room in a hastily fashion, as if ready to be packed up and gone in a moment’s notice. It wasn’t but a minute later a woman walked into the room. Slender in frame, adored with waist length reddish hair… Kaen liked her already. She had an unusual sense of fashion, with her outfit being composed of a white long-sleeved blue-rimmed dress shirt. Her shirt was tucked into a pair of black shorts on top of black tights, held up by a white belt with a gold buckle. A red tie hanged loosely around her collar, and she wore a loose khaki jacket that covered her upper thighs, and had black and white straps at the end of both sleeves and the rim which were used to keep the entire jacket on her arms. She also wore a pair of black boots which were partially unzipped and folded down.
She addressed herself as Azumi, explaining that she had “been watching us for some time now…” The creepy vibes were present, but she did save us… Given the circumstances, we gave her the benefit of the doubt. From what little details she gave us at the time, there was an inside source that had been infiltrating various facilities like the one we were held. What she did tell us is that her employer had certain goals, and she requested that we help her in those goals of liberating hell holes like the one we were raised in. We were grateful for her helping us and believed in her cause, we agreed to help.

Thanks to the teachings of Azumi and a few of her “associates”, we soon figured out we had great power, able to perform great feats of magic and strength. Over the years we stayed in her service, assisting her in her own goals. It was the least we could since she essentially saved our lives. And her ambitions were not completely unattractive from we ourselves wanted. Under her tutelage we honed our own unique abilities and grew in strength to an immeasurable level. We traveled the lands searching out those who would dare attempt the things they did to us, liberating and destroying facilities and those working them, in the hopes that one day that evil would be gone from this world.
Our searches eventually brought us to Wind country, rumors of taboo medical experimentations were running amuck. We were given orders to enter as refugees and begin our search. We did as best we could to blend in with the other inhabitants of Sand. There Kasen took a liking towards the medical field and studied under the teachings of a ninja called Akujin. With him she learned the magical marvels of medical ninjutsu. I kept myself occupied in doing miscellaneous work doing manual labor or commissioning a random mission as a freelance. Acquiring official missions from the main village of Sand proved difficult as they were somewhat persistent on keeping outsiders and refugees away from the knowledge of their inner workings. Kaen believed in time they would eventually agree to let him participate in their “Ninja world” as fewer and fewer shinobi were available or willing.

Finding work as a manual laborer was easy enough, Kaen's body was strong and capable. But it was no proper living wage, like that of the shinobi of Wind Country. With the aid of his sister's medical mentor, Akujin, he was directed to inquire about joining the ranks of the elite at the academy. From there he met with the headmaster and eventually worked out a deal that would allow him to take the final exam in lieu of attending classes. While his written exam did not go as well as he had hoped, his practical applications of ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu were exceptional for someone of his age. His ninjutsu is what fascinated the instructors the most as his unnatural genetic injection experimental powers were far beyond what was normally capable of a child of his age. With such a display, it was unanimously decided that Kaen be given the rank of Genin and would begin missions immediately.

For the time being we reside in the boundaries of Wind country, searching for any clues as to the location to the ones we seek. The future for Kaen and Kasen still remains untold, as is the fate of any other “shinobi” that dares threaten the safety of myself or Kasen…

[OOC obviously that's not the end, just the end of this particular saga of Kaen's memory and all I had in my history]

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
There was some kind of solace to be found in being together there; he and her, the crow and the blue bird, free from Kaen’s storm. If Kaji and Yuii had come to this place— this void— for a different reason than to attempt an intrusion into the mind of a broken man, they might have used this place to strengthen their bond. But, despite the storm of Kaen’s emotion and memory looming outside of the black bubble that was this void, Kaji challenged himself to hold faith in Yuii's judgment as she was a master of illusion. Yuii's confidence in her knowledge was reassuring for Kaji, yet he couldn’t shake the vision of her helplessness when the blizzard swept over her. Kaji still felt the cold chill of the hard-packed snow crushing him in the deep freeze, leaving him to wonder just how much control Yuii really had. He knew she wasn’t any safer in his arms than she would be adrift, but he refused to let her go despite the fact: Kaji’s definition of love. Yuii boxed Kaji into a submissive role as he turned quiet, and she offered him a detailed explanation. She would see to his safety if things went awry, seemingly implying that her own safety was inclusive to the matter. Kaji wasn’t sold on Yui's explanation but bit his tongue in favor of giving her his trust, and a compliant nod. “Yes… I understand” he answered, swallowing his concerns.

Not only did Kaji swallow his concerns, but he wanted to double down on gambling his faith in Yuii, and admit the adoration he felt for Yuii— and for her willingly taking on this endeavor. But Kaji was interrupted by thunder, and the sound of Kaen’s voice echoing through the void Kaji mistakenly saw as their safe space. And with the monologue, reality fell back into place, and the black void scattered like one million marbles falling and bouncing before sinking into the panels of a linoleum hospital hallway floor. The illusionist and her paramour were still intertwined here, now awkwardly, given the new dream in progress. The world was sharply fighting back as they went, now subtly interacting with the interlopers, physically and with side-eyed glances. Kaji only looked to Yuii though, reasonably concerned once as the crumbling edges of reality urged them to keep up with Kaen’s take on reality.

Kaji had to stop himself from drawing Eelspine when Kaen manifested himself through a flare of hellfire. It was merely instinct for Kaji to take a step forth, almost eclipsing Yuii with his urge to defend her and himself. Kaji’s mind betrayed him with the mental image of Kaen turning back into the masked, flaming deathmonger who summoned the abysmal harbinger. But Kaji felt foolish, and took a retreating step, back by Yuii's side once the vision of Kaen went to interact with his own memory. He blushed slightly with embarrassment, feeling as if the environment was making him out to be a simpleton.

“I cannot flinch” became his new mantra, knowing he’d have to rely upon himself and Yuii alike in order beat the ordeal, and make it to their destination, hidden beneath years, and years, and years of another man’s pain, fear, and misery.

From that moment forward, Kaji felt as if he had to manifest a mirror image of himself in front of the flurry of images passing; it was a necessity he required, remembering who Kaji Okada was as he shared the Life of Kaen with Yuii. He found her hand, or she found him, at some point through this menagerie of time and space shifting, peeling, and transforming as a swift passage of Kaen’s lifetime. Kaji knew only he could see his own mirror image despite sharing the rest of the experience with Yuii. His concept of identity was like a totem, and the phrase “I cannot flinch” kept Kaji intact as his mind became like a boat, trying not to capsize on the storming seas of Kaen. The mirror Kaji would shift on occasion, sometimes a shift in hair color to the Shinku sibling’s fiery red, or he would suddenly be donned in their bloody rags— but every time, the mirror image of Kaji reverted to resemble the man who first entered the illusion. “I cannot flinch.”

All the meanwhile, as the two shinobi endured the falls and rises in the telling of Kaen’s story, Kaji’s physical body remained limp within the hospital room where it all began. On occasion he’d fidget, sometimes holding tighter grips on Yuii's hand, only to slacken up again. His head jerk every now and then, and a foot might have tapped whenever they had to follow behind Kaen on his adventures. The look on Kaji’s face seemed displeased but not miserable. Sometimes he would murmur unintelligible things, mostly the same phrase, probably unknown to Sara, drowned out by the telling of Kaen’s tale.

Kaji wasn’t in a position to absorb Sara’s encounter with the being who emerged in Sara’s view through the magic mirror while displayed the illusions he and Yuii were experiencing.But, knowing how this adventure was going so far, it was only a matter of time until they encountered this being first hand. Would Kaji be expected to hold his action and tongue once that moment comes? Could he battle back once the ancient one’s flames attempted to burn him? He knew he wouldn’t comply if the danger came to him, or even more so Yuii, rather she was confident or not— Kaji would never forgive himself of harm came to her while in this perpetual nightmare.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
"Dearest Watcher, I know of your voyeuristic intentions. It must be painful to see and hear but not touch or savor. To only experience such passions vicariously. Is it fear that you only linger in the darkness and watch? Why don't you step into the light? I know you are almost as curious as I. About what I am and I what you have become."<i></i> A deep and rumbling voice announced in this open expanse. There was nothing else there, not another man, monster or beast and that was because this was not a memory. He was attempting to make contact with the lurking presence he so keenly felt. He was looking at you, yes YOU Sara. He could not see you through the eye but he knew that you were there because you entered an already full house. While not the master but merely a guest, he knew when his temporary domicile was being invaded.

"Are Conscious? I that seems best to start."

"A woman..." he growled in a low husky voice. There was a hint of perversion in the tone, the sort of sound a man or in this case an Ancient would make when one has practiced celibacy for a few centuries. "Strange..." he mused with humor dripping from his fiery lips. "That they would allow a woman full view of a pervert's mind,"<i></i> he laughed. It was nothing against Kaen, all men (and women for that matter) were insufferable perverts. Still, there was (or at least there used to be) a gender dynamic between the fairest of the sexes and their masculine counterparts where sensibilities and sensitivities became a concern. For Homura it was never a question of love or lust but rather passion, humanity perverted and made even the purest of acts into something dirty and shameful, such as war. Yes, his mind was on battles as often as a teenage boy's mind was on sex. "I recommend that you do not riffle through thoughts that are not your own without consent. However mine I would be willing to share for recompense."<i></i>

He was breathing...



Watching you Sara. Waiting for your answer.

"Curious dove? I know you are. Just give me your consent."<i></i> His voice almost soothing. Almost... There was a trace of malice, a whisper of danger. The sort of sensation that should place one's heart in their mouth and fill their empty breast with dread. His eyes would be focused on you despite the fact that you were not there, his gaze never departing. His hand would reach forward, illuminating the air with the fire in his grip as his hand would attempt to touch... no to pass through an unseen barrier that was very much felt. He was attempting to extend through the crystal orb, his hand grasping at the air. He was not attempting to escape, no Kaen was nice and warm. He was going to attempt to pull the scopophiliac inside this mindscape with him laughing wickedly as he tried to do so.

"Come-come dove. I am bored and you are curious"<i></i> even if you say that you are not "in war there are no spectators, only combatants and casualties."<i></i>


Active Member
May 24, 2015
Sara had no response for the odd statement from the orb. All she could think was the person on the other side wasn't, or rather had sexual issues. He obviously had something he wanted to convey to her, but she was starting to wonder if the information would be worth it. Why Kaen did what he did. Why he went so far. Though that was what they wanted to know. As far as she was concerned, Kaen was just being a little to into the fight.

Then it dawned on her. Was it really him? Maybe...maybe it was this thing she was speaking to. It had answered her question. It knew she was there, and it responded to her. And, it seemed to be serious in nature, threatening in fact to a degree. The 'Unknown' gave a warning about what they, what Yuii was doing, but she had no manner of stopping what was already happening. Well, outside of stabbing Kaen. But she couldn't be sure what they had been searching for was found. Maybe, she found what they had been looking for. The question was, could she keep this 'Unknown' from interrupting what was happening. In fact, maybe given it knew Kaen and spoke of him as separate, it truly was the matter at hand.

Sara gained some confidence from that thinking. She had a theory now, and it felt strong. She wanted to help Kaen, maybe this was a great way to help him. To quash this creature, or learn of the 'Unknown'''s nature. She would need to stop it if she could, or learn about it as much as possible.

"Recompense? What is recompense? Why...?" She was a little confused. What was the being offering? Was the information worth while? Should she give permission for...well whatever was to be offered or? Did recompense mean to give something? "What do you offer me?" It was a good way to draw more out. It was a valid question as well. He was inviting her along, but to what she had not known. Apparently he, it was bored, and wanted her for something. Then he sounded to be threatening her at the end. Was she a combatant or a casualty. She hadn't wanted to be a casualty of this thing. And if what it was inviting her to was a genjutsu world of it's own, that is what she might become.

What was he trying for though really? "I don't know...Will what you share be worth while for ME!?" She was playing it coy now, along with trying to entice it's apparent nature. Would it respond to her greed? Trying to keep his attention on her while they, her partners in the room, were doing whatever the hell it was. She would of course accept the 'Unknown''s offer, whatever it might be. If it were to be to stop it, or otherwise.

"Fine...Fine. I will accept your offer. But first..My name is Yaku, what is yours?

Kagetsu Yuii

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
They dogged Kaen through his childhood spent behind bars. They witnessed experimentation, undernourishing meals and dark nights spent surrounded by the whimpering of children. They attended every needle, heard every scream, sat through every guilty moment of relief when Kaen was not picked for the day's operations. Sundays blinked by, at first rare moments of sunlight and warmth then dark reminders of the kindness that was destroyed by fire. They did not feel physically feel Kaen's pain, sickness or hunger, however, the memories pressed upon them until in moments of weakness they felt like their own suffering.

And yet, each day passed for a brief microsecond and slowed slightly for the most vivid memories. The death of his would-be rescuer and the two caught children filled ten seconds with their horrific death, as did the filing of his teeth. An entire year then another, and another soared by in just fifteen minutes beyond,

The sad scenario was made worse by the young age of its victims. Some might call Kaen the lucky one as his fellow lost children whittled down in numbers until there were only five, then four in a bloody explosion. He was starving, he was ill, he was isolated but he was alive and that was more than any of the other children sacrificed to bloody science got. It was comforting to know that the red head they were coming to know intimately would survive and grow to adulthood. She was already trying, like the child they were watching, not to know the faces or names of the little creatures in the other cages.

Through it all, Yuii concentrated on making certain Kaji knew the reality of time passing. The genjutsu user pressed upon his mind that the years they lived like ghosts to Kaen were flashes of his memories. His mantra was a good coping method, and she admired her lover's strength of will to have endured such a tirade of dreams with no training. "I've got you," she reassured, pressing and massaging her fingers between his knuckles, "Just concentrate on me if it's too much." It was like they were children clinging to a park merry go round except the entire world moved around them in all directions. It was easier then to concentrate on what appeared to be a fixed point, which to Kaji would be Yuii.

"What a horrible place," she caught herself whispering, driven to state the obvious as Kaen became ill on his diet of diseased rat's meat. The dream slowed again enough for them to really absorb the scene of the rescue. Yuii unapologetically rooted for the remaining children as they made their escape and was disappointed when all but Kaen and his sister perished. "They're free now," she sighed, resting her head against Kaji's shoulder, "I'm glad."

The memories were becoming more vivid as they went now, and to Yuii's delight Kaen and his sister, at the behest of their liberator, entered the village of Sand. The new blend of familiar shinobi and exotic lands excited Yuii. She even caught glimpses of a cat featured man that looked uncannily like an older version of the little sand nin, Yanjirou. The urge to explore was near overwhelming, but tied to Kaen's memories as they were she could only take satisfaction in seeing the village as he had. "We are at least half way through," Yuii observed, measuring her free hand above the visage of Kaen' that held still long enough for her to observe,"Managing alright?" They were about to begin the transition into his adolescence and most importantly his years in Sunagakure. It stood to reason that 'Mother Suna' had its origins in their sister village of a distant land.


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Yes, the horrific show went on and on. Each moment more painful to watch then the last. But at least Yuii and Kaji had each other to grasp onto, lean into each other's warm embrace in search of stability and reassurance that everything was going to be ok, no matter how strange and deranged the scenario was. But that would soon change... Having an aversion to Yuii himself, Kaen's subconscious felt their love, recognized the relationship that was developing within his mind. This would not do, no. Something would have to be done about this.

Kaen's most recent memory took them to the gates of Sunagakure where Kaen and his sister has recently just entered. On either side of the entrance stood a standard of sorts. The first standard was a glossy sand tone material carrying the banner of Sunagakure. The second flag was made of black silk with the of a tiger perched triumphantly atop a dragon. The air was still, no wind. Funny really, considering the country was named after the wind. The sun was high in the sky pelting down devastating rays of sunlight towards the earth below. Strange really that they could feel the sun's warmth within Kaen's memory. Perhaps the illusion was just that strong.

Yuii would turn to her lover, comforting him concerning their trip down memory lane."Managing alright?" she would ask her partner Kaji. Unfortunately Kaji would not have ample time to make a proper response. Whether he simply nodded or would try to initiate a conversation, he would be cut off abruptly as the sands below their feet began to swirl around violently. The sandstorm kicked up, encircling both Kaji and Yuii. Kaen's memory was becoming more vivid and lifelike with each passing memory almost as if the closer it came to present time, the more powerful they became. But this was different, Yuii could tell. This was not just another memory, but Kaen's mind influencing the flow of her dream state illusion. The sands raced around their bodies, biting, nipping and tearing at their clothes and skin. The wind's howled, threatening to damage the pair's eardrums. The sands thickened and their vision was nearly completely lost. They would have to shield their eyes from danger if they wished to protect their sight. An unseen force would grasp each of them by their waste attempting to pry them from each other. They would perhaps struggle for a minute, attempting to yell out to each other over the roar of the storm, but to no avail. In the end they would lose and succumb to the will of Kaen's mind as it pulled them apart sending Kaji cascading away into the wind far away from Yuii, the sands would part one last time as if allowing a last farewell glimpse of each other before being swallowed whole by the sands of Suna.

(For Kaji)

The swirling sands that had carried him away left him stranded in the desert expanse of Suna. Everywhere he looked there would be nothing but sand stacked on more dunes of sand. The harsh sunlight beating down atop of Kaji. A lone cacti stood vigilantly among the sea of sand, the slight breeze carried a dry and brittle tumbleweed across the distant horizon. There was a heavy silence about the scene, it was only him among the sands of Kaen's mind. It was not yet midday, the heat was surely already creeping well over 100 degrees and climbing still. What would he do?

(For Yuii)

As she watched her lover sail away into the great unknown, the sands swirling around her would begin to slow. They slowed all nearly all the way to freezing in place, barely moving, but still in motion. The specs of sand sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight, their beautiful sparkle danced upon her eyes. It was strange really, how something so beautiful could be found in something as equally destructive... The sound was gone now, but everything else remained. For a moment it might seem like everything would remain calm. But that hopeful thought would be short lived. Yuii began to sink into the sands like quicksand. The more she struggled, the quicker it swallowed her. Try as she might, she would be unable to break free from the grasp of Kaen's sandy grip. A feeling of deja vu may of crossed her mind, the symbolism rang true with a not so distant memory of the well. But this time she was not brought to darkness, no. After nearly suffocating on the sands of time, she would find herself reawakening, perhaps coughing, gasping for breath, back atop that grassy knoll she started this perilous journey. "Anyways... You could say Kasen and I didn't have the best upbringing. I don't know why I told you all this, it's almost a little embarrassing." Like nothing had even happened, the dream sequence brought the creator, Yuii, back to familiar ground. Only this time, Kaji was no longer in sight. His spot untouched, unmoved as if nobody had been sitting there at all. Curious...

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
"Recompense? What is recompense? Why...?"

"Repayment in kind,"<i></i> his rumbling deep voice answered. "Because there is something I want from you, human,"<i></i> he explained. What he wanted from her was simple, he wanted her to know because there were rules for this sort of thing. The Rules of Engagement were not guidelines for a relationship, they were so much more than that. The world had rules. Something humans commonly neglected.

"What do you offer me?"</B><i></i>

War. "The answers that you seek dove,"<i></i> He replied, speaking to her with another truth that was not nearly as great.

"I don't know...Will what you share be worth while for ME!?"

What avarice. It was actually humorous, humans were infamous for their insufferable pride. It was why he took such pleasure in watching them do battle. "No, but you'll accept none-the-less... because you're curious. Because... perhaps, like me you are bored. Or..."<i></i> was that a smile? It looked like his face had split in an aberrant manner. "It could be because you know I am something different... something better... stronger... and therefore you would like to reconsider your side."<i></i> He was playing a dangerous game with Sara, dangerous games were the best kind. "Unless you are lost in the woods of dear Kaen's mind," yes he was fully aware of his host. His name. His intentions. And most importantly his predestined fate. "In which case, all the more reason dear girl to come to me,"<i></i> he beckoned.

"Fine...Fine. I will accept your offer. But first..My name is Yaku, what is yours?"

"We are dead so it matters not,"<i></i> the beast within answered. What called out to Sara was merely an echo. A shade somehow cognizant because Sara was having a discussion with a 'dead man' that had been slain centuries ago. He could not be the dead Ancient he portrayed if Sara knew Sunan history. "But if you must know --<i></i><B> Homura,"</COLOR><i></i> the name seemed to echo. The Ancient claimed he was Flame Court Lord, he was not but he would be the closest remnant to the felled titan in existence and if one truly argued the point he was the same thing. The legendary sword Shoki might have negated Homura's existence but there were others, some nearly as aged left scattered or in their case hidden in chains. Homura was indeed slain on that day remembered in infamy by his kind as 'Godsfall' but all was not lost. That was the difference between Ancients and mankind. Ancients were steadfast and they never changed. They reproduced but independent of a partner. There was no variety, no diversity. Each and every time they made another it was nothing more than a clone of their maker experiencing the word through a fresh lens at a new genesis. It was this that made certain seals and certain curses so potent against them. Barring mutation, what could harm one could harm them all and devastate their kind. It was an ingenious method of warcraft. Thankfully Ancients were incredibly strong, impressively durable and with protracted spans that dwarf the existence of the human race. He was old, but not the first but he was the same in most ways that truly mattered. He was Homura.

All he needed to take her inside was her consent and she had given it, his fire wreathed hand would reach our for her. <COLOR color="maroon">"Take it,"<i></i> he demanded. It was a display of impressive and perhaps terrifying will that he reached out for her, his massive hand reaching towards and through the eye and tried to grip her hand with a deep and resounding laugh. "Come-come... the time for war comes soon."<i></i>

What did he want from her? It was simple really. He wanted to make her see. He wanted to make them fight.

His hand would be searing hot but it would grip with an impressive, constrictive force that would yank her in. Movement from one plane to another was unpleasant, like being born but in reverse. The crushing weight of his mind and the fiend's searing touch that did not burn would be only mere seconds but to Sara it would feel multiplicatively longer. It was enough to take one's breath away. But once inside if she took his hand and endured this journey she would find herself in the same cinderal ruins she saw before. This was the portion of Kaen's mindscape that he occupied and had remained dormant for all these years until the forged hybrid. The air was heavy with the scent of sulfur and ash and it would feel as if she had stepped into an oven as a burst of hot air would slap her across the face.

Why here, inside the hidden recesses of his host's mind? Again it was simple really. He wanted to make her see. He wanted to make them fight.

The earth would start to fracture and break underfoot, dark lines delineated what would appear to be nothing more than a fragile egg shell. Beneath the soot and blackened sand was what appeared to be hell. The flames would lick the air through the cracks but the realm would appear no hotter, the air was stifling already. "Look into the below,"<i></i> he would order. If she did, she would see something through the heated haze she would see a grassy hilltop with a woman standing on top of it.

"Anyways... You could say Kasen and I didn't have the best upbringing. I don't know why I told you all this, it's almost a little embarrassing."

A voice seemed to echo from the deep. Homura's index finger over his lips he gave the girl a mischievous expression as he joined her and looked down. "She won't survive,"<i></i> he confided. Yes, he was referring to the girl below. "She lacks passion,"<i></i> he explained "she lacks the will."<i></i> There was a tone of humor in his voice as he gave Sara this grave warning. "Will I find you lacking, Yuka?"<i></i> He would then push Sara in.

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
From under the thumb of a mad god he jammed his scimitar beneath the nail, if only to aggravate him more.

Many wise scholars and time-tested philosophers have agreed upon the idea that liberation and imprisonment both begin within one’s own mind. Perception is everything. But, for all the in-depth thinking done by the world’s brightest minds, most of it was done from cushions of fine leather arm chairs with mahogany pipes in hand— or maybe from the peaceful confines of some monastery high in the mountains of Kaminari no Kuni. Gentlemen and scholars of every possible origin. What would those bright minds think now if they were here feeling the increasing sensation of being at the mercy of another man’s perceptions?

Kaji wasn’t quite so sure what went wrong this time around— it was a worsening trend that recurred every time he blinked his mind’s eye. Years had already passed within this place— this illusion— yet his totem focus kept Kaji’s will strong and unperturbed by the life of his broken enemy. Only a moment ago, Kaji was in the only place he could desire to be, in the presence of Yuii, who was like a beacon of hope within the darkness of Kaen’s personal hell. Her confidence never wavered: the last Kaji remembered, she was still trying to convince him that she was still in control of this place as if she kept the key to this mental prison. But for all her love and kindness, it did not prevent the inevitable. Yuii was long gone— or Kaji, more correctly, was the one erased from the tour of Kaen’s proper mental space.

There was no point in asking himself “where am I?” as Kaji knew the answer full well: he was wherever Kaen wanted him to be. Apparently, he was nowhere, as that was all Kaji could see as he spun around in a slow reveal of his surroundings. A simulated desert sun was barreling down upon him as if it were the devil’s breath as he leaned in to fondle him forcefully. Kaji’s own perceptions first hinted at Kaze no Kuni, but Kaji had been there before and this place was even more exaggeratedly desolate. He nearly felt foolish in his leather armor and would have succumbed to heat exhaustion if he had not experienced this all before and preconditioned himself to thrive here.

“You’ll have me wallow out here in your pity,” Kaji said aloud to the God of that broken fragment of reality. “This is your hell to suffer, not mine— I’ve seen mine... ‘seen a lot of things you couldn’t imagine, and I know it would break you, Kaen.” Receiving no answer to his open call, just the howl of more seething hot wind, Kaji began a fruitless trek to the top of the tallest dune he could find. Without his illusionist, Kaji was meant to be powerless in this place, left to wander and be hopeless until Kaen fulfilled whatever intentions he had in separating him from Yuii. Kaji was not without hope though, and a glint of determination shined within his squinting eyes. He knew Yuii would not suffer— this was all her doing after all. They were in the theater of Kaen’s mind, and she was directing, but where did that leave Kaji?

Refusing to be powerless, Kaji was determined to bend the realm until it broke, if only to distract Kaen’s mind from its current scheming. There, at the top of the mound, Kaji searched his belongings and found an artifact both precious and powerful to him. He revealed an ivory chess piece, finely crafted to make a horse head shaped figurine, a knight. Underneath the piece was clearly etched glyphs so small that the eye could barely register them. Kaji set the piece into the sand, triggering the creation of a magnificent seal design which was maintained despite the wind constantly blowing the surface apart. It was a summoning seal. Believing something would come from the deed, Kaji threw his gloved hands together in a familiar combination and slammed an open palm atop the seal. “Come to me, my steed” he called, unsure how his summoning would fare if at all within the confines of Kaen’s mind. The red rogue had not seen Kaji’s horse before, so how could he possibly allow it to come to be here and now?

The silvery mist of the summon portal rippled into the air, first as expected, but then in excess, all before turning black, to smoke and ash. It was not the sunan mare he tamed to be his riding horse those years ago… No, but it was something, someone quite familiar to Kaji. From the smoke came cinders and flames, along with an aura that burned at Kaji worse than the sun’s rays. “You…” Kaji grunted— anger building in his brow, and a scowl hardening from cheek to cheek around his gritting teeth. Just addressing the thing made his throat burn.

“Yoouu” a sinister voice echoed Kaji, but was much greater in volume and depth, so much that he made the sandy mound quiver and quake. A crimson mountain of rippling muscle reached into the sky as the harbinger stretched its leathery wings, and towered high over Kaji. “I have returned to be your tormentor once again... We have unfinished business, Kaji Okada!” The Harbinger spoke to Kaji with its bestial maw, just as hideous and fit with rage as it was the first time Kaji met him. His horns were just as sharp, as were his spiked protrusions, and the blade edge of his vorpal sword, which suddenly formed in one hand. In the other came a crackling lightning whip which turned the sand glass when it rested on the ground. “Here there are no shadows for you to hide in… no reprieve… only suffering. I know your desire by name and keeping you from her shall be my greatest pleasure in centuries.” The Harbinger’s clawed hand lifted his whip high overhead, and the weapon made an arc of voltage reach down from the hellish heavens before racing towards Kaji. “Now suffer!”


Active Member
May 24, 2015
"Home Ra. .Unusual" She was being antagonistic. Behind her she looked for a pen and unable to find one created a chakra needle, etching the proper name given to her. "Home Ra doesn't sound like it comes from these parts." She finished writing his name and then jotted down below it, War.

As she turned around his hand reached out towards her and she was taken back and silent now. "Right..this is mmmumost certainly a mistaaakke on my papart isn't it.. Well...ah damn it..what the hell..really I guess.", she spoke under breath, with a slight slur. She stepped forward, bringing all of her courage forth from her now truly bothered quaking body. "How dud do I always get into these situations..." Her hand trembled as she tried to raise it but it had a mind of it's own it would seem. She should have taken a hint, her body, her emotions, her instincts were screaming. But...she had a want to help. A strong desire to know how to help Kaen. And somehow...that was just a little stronger.

Sara reached out and gripped the flaming hand, her chakra growing with intensity, staving off the vileness that emanated. A ripple of radiated chakra burst forth, fighting back the flames, deteriorating the oxygen and chakra that fed them.

Sara had examined all that passed within the short moments, prior and current. The hand she saw, it appeared real as her own. Chakra could be seen, though different, it still flowed similar. Her journey into the orb, horrible as it was, seemed slow, making her feel every little jaunt of his muscles churn, the pressure from the creatures feelings, even the burning of the air within. It was like that time from the man in white that had killed the previous ruler of the Fire Country, and that ice fox. Well, no that wasn't right. This was stronger, but still similar for some reason...

Kami Speaking
Back in the room, where now only three bodies were strewn about, and an every watching eye burning in the middle, a creature of a different sort stepped forward, rippling as they entered the dimension, as if coming from nothingness. "You pathetic yokai. You picked the wrong person to meddle with." The figure cast in white threaten with a fierceness to his voice. A tongue came out from under the mask and licked at the face of Kaen, seeming to get something from the act. "She has the protection of the Kami, and if she should ask for it, we will save her from your grasssp." The masked creature hissed. He was most displeased by this turn of events, it was easily recognized. Though the look on his face was hidden, the aura in the room was most grim.

"Be warned..for I am here for a soul. And yours is most certainly ripe for the picking...Demon." He wanted to take his life right then, save the girl, save all those in this room at that very moment, but he couldn't. It wasn't his place to do so just yet. But most certainly he was here for something, and soon it would take place, his ushering of a soul to his master.

Sara looked at her new dimension of scorched earth. 'This..this was real right?' It most certainly felt real to her. As far as she could see, nothingness and rocks. She looked at the great beast, not fearing it as much as she probably should. "Why did you bring me to the worlds largest kitty litter bin?" Sara wasn't sure of the why, but she had a desire, and that was to piss this guy off. Anger tended to reveal more then happiness, especially in shorter time frames. And she felt this thing knew something. The only creature besides her being the inflamed one with a pageantry for escalated sadism would have to be her target. She followed what he said, it not being a big deal for she saw everything at once. She took the scene before her, a large cat beast, spying on the girl with blue hair that started this what would soon be a disasterious mess. She did as he ordered, looking down on the scene.

"Why? What have you got pla.." She saw it coming, but allowed his will to be put upon her. His simple touched cascaded her into the abyss, and again she felt like space was distorted. this time a much calmer repression on her face. It was one of watch and see. The transition though this time less painful. The air grew cooler, and the atmosphere greener. The transition was much easier, and she without her cape on, was unable to alter the course she was most certainly on. And with a thud, collided with the figure she had been watching, arms and legs flailing about. Or would they? She was now entering a different realm, one of the mind. And it seemed, only her body was the real deal here.

Kagetsu Yuii

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Everything was going according to plan, or so Yuii thought. Kaji was safe in hand, the dreamed memories were on track and giving them a lot of valuable information and now, finally, they were about to see a place Yuii had only heard of from the many travellers that had visited her fair village. The wanderer's curse, the drive that pushed her to see the world had stirred at the sight of Sunagakure. She so wanted to cross the many countries of their land, see the mysterious little-known corners of their world and experience all that there was on offer. Perhaps, when Kaji was set to return with his Kage, she would appeal to Ayumu's kindness and go along. Fire country first, with him, then beyond to Wind. She would ask him.

Her request and the raven haired man she meant to ask it of, were ripped away suddenly in a whirlwind of Sand. This time, unlike the last, Kaji was truly parted from her. The force with which the storm ripped them apart was beyond the power of any normal event. It was like a pair of invisible hands wrenched them apart with fury for their closeness. There was a moment when their fingers caught, and she willed them to stay but that same force pushed ripped apart. Yuii screamed, not for herself or fear but in anger as her grip on the world was lost and with it the newly placed centre of her universe. She was supposed to protect Kaji from the horrors of Kaen's mind. It was her obligation to guide him safely through each scenario and help him to find the answers to his many questions. She had assured him that she had control of their situation and that she could him to the end without damage. How could she do that if he was forced into a far off corner of the red-haired man's mind?

The woman was returned to the grassy clearing, amidst the tall pine and shimmering birch trees. It smelled so clean after the awful memories of Kaen's childhood and was so unlike the forest his sweet Sundays had passed in. Yuii had worked hard to weave this place to be perfect. The smell was exactly like the forest they had first met in, complete with the lingering crisp scent of rain from the night before and oddly clear sky. The sun had fallen in their dreamscape now, adjusting for Kaen as he had perceived time passing during the long tale of his childhood. The moon she had picked was full and round as it had been that evening, and gave them just enough light to see by but made the shadows between the trees dark and deep.Yuii was alone save for the vestige of Pepper who nuzzled gently at her fingers just as the little doe habitually did.

With a deep breath, Yuii centred herself and found peace with her loss of control. This was exactly the scenario Kaji had been trying to warn her about, but her hubris had been too great. In the future, she would take her lover and his outside perspective more seriously. She had been so certain she could keep Kaen unaware in the dream AND look after Kaji. Their red haired patient's mind had been so pliable so far, so open to her suggestions like warm clay imprinted to a thumb. Even now, the dream hadn't shifted violently of given any signs that he knew he was in a living dream. It was almost as if he had unconsciously torn them apart, but why?

'This should not have happened,' she thought, glaring at the grass beneath her feet as if it had a part her separation, 'I've missed something.'

Kaen's sudden words, admitting his own embarrassment, cut the trees. A cold chill went down her spine. Did he know? Should she continue the dream? Was it time to take control before Kaen made a dangerous move too many? The urge to twist and tear apart Kaen's living dream to find her Kaji was twisting her judgement. Their mental game of Go was at a dangerous stage and she needed to decide if attack or defence would be her best chance to win the game.

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about," Yuii assured, cautiously rising to her feet. She couldn't see Kaen yet but felt he was close.

Pepper nipped her hand again, and she regarded the white deer silently. 'Go and find Kaji,' she thought, feeding her desire and will into its little body, 'lead him back to me.' Pepper's eyes brightened and turned from red to her own shade of blue. Fed with her strength, it flitted into the forest with unnatural speed and raced, presumably, to the corner of Kaen's mind that caged her beloved.

Yuii decided to continue her play defensively. when her little white beacon could find Kaji, then they would be able to continue their mission of discovering all they needed about Mother Suna. If it did not, she would have Sara end the dream for Kaji and re-think her approach. "One's childhood is not something we have control over. It's when we're at our most vulnerable and must rely on our elders for support. You were robbed of the security you ought to have, as many of us often are." She said evenly, not with pity but remorse for what Kaen had lost. Why else would he have shared his pain with them- now her- if he did not want some measure of confirmation that his early life had been wrong.

Suddenly, as if thinking of the small medic summoned her, Sara suddenly dropped from the sky. Yuii had only a second to react and reflexively brace as the child's weight slammed into her. The collision would have been enough to knock the wind from Yuii's lungs in a normal situation, but in the dream, she had all the strength of ten of the greatest cage and enough control of their realm to slow the young one's descent enough that she did not injure herself in the fall. "What in the nine hells?" she breathed, staring at Sara like she was an alien species, "what have you done?"


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Not but a few moments after the culmination of events that inevitably brought Kaen and Yuii back to her original scene of grass and trees did a fiery portal open above. Through the opening spewed forth ash and sulfuric aromas that threatened to decay the bountiful array of greenery below. A few seconds later a young lady would drop through, surprisingly. At first her decent was quick, just as gravity would have it be. But Yuii being the creator of this realm and possessing much power within her own realm space, slowed the fall of young Sara. Sara collided with Yuii nonetheless, but with a safer impact. "What in the nine hells?" Yuii seemed to gasp at the sight of Sara, something so foreign and alien, how could she be here right now? "what have you done?" This was strange indeed, how was it possible that Sara was here, IN HERE to be exact. At first though, you might think it was an illusion, but Kaen had never met Sara before, how could he have replicated such detail?

The sudden appearance of a new face startled Kaen. His eyes bulged and his pupils widened as if he was afraid. He jumped to his feet and staggered back a few paces. "T-this... This isn't right. Where did she come from? Who is this girl? I think I'm going to be sick..." Such a peculiar reaction for such a simple event. Ah but it wasn't that simple, was it? Such an anomaly in the system threw the illusion off balance, things were not well for Kaen's mind. He was beginning to reject the scene. Yuii would have a few moments to converse with themselves while Kaen attempted to gather himself, with much difficulty.

[lull for Yuii and Sara's possible conversation]

A sudden explosion would interrupt whatever meeting of the minds that Yuii and Sara might have been having. Kaen's section of grass and trees were lit ablaze with Kaen at the epicenter. Not unlike a mirage, the air around his body twisted and contorted in response to his sudden rise in body temperature. The fires of his mind were made literal in this scene, the flames reaching outwards licking the senses of the two girls. "AAGGHHH! No No No, this isn't right, this can't be right!" Kaen was clutching his head, obviously in a great deal of pain. The inconsistency of Sara's sudden appearance conflicted with the perfect, flawless scene Yuii had so carefully constructed. Suddenly a large plume of black smoke exuded from Kaen's body as his flesh failed to stand his own flames. Such overwhelming power was too much for his body to handle, at least the human body Yuii had allotted him in her dream world. She couldn't have known what he was exactly. Limited to the frailties of humanity's body, his fire soon overtook him. There would be little either Yuii or Sara could do but watch in horror as they watched Kaen burn alive. His hair had burned away and so too his skin, leaving behind a bubbling surface of fat and muscle as he was cooked in place. His screams had stopped now, he dropped to his knees in defeat. The fire was too strong, stronger than they could have ever anticipated. It quickly overtook the landscape, yet leaving the small circle grass that the girls currently stood upon, strange...

Kaen's body was now still, no movement nor sounds. Nothing but his burnt, crisp body was left behind. So too did the environment change, having being lit ablaze it was reduced to nothing but ash. It would be silent for a brief moment, magnifying and compounding on the only thing to grab any attention, Kaen. It would remain this way, nothing but the subtle sounds of coals smoldering hanging loosely upon the air. When either of them chose to move, a gust of wind would pick up out of nowhere and sweep the ashen scenery away. Kaen's body crumbled and fell with the wind. The large body of ash struck the ground and a large burst of ash and soot was cast into the wind. Yuii and Sara would need to shield their eyes, mouth and nose unless they wished for them to be promptly filled with ash. When the wind finally died down and they uncovered their eyes, or cleaned out their facial orifices, they would be met with a familiar topography...

The crystal granules would magnify and reflect the blazing ball of fire that was the sun. The glare would be bright at first, in contrast to the soft daylight they previously had sitting upon that grassy knoll. As their eyes swept across the endless gritty expanse which marked the shift into a new memory, they might feel the winds of change upon their backs, hinting towards certain danger. A memory you ask? Yuii could tell the difference between a simple change in scenery and the entrance to a new memory. Granted she would notice this was slightly different, a more malicious feeling would sweep over her, perhaps even raising the hairs on the back of her neck and sending a slight shiver down her spine, despite the overwhelming heat of the sun upon the desert landscape. For a moment, they would have silence again, save for the wind that wisped its way across the sand dunes around them. They again would have time to speak, should they choose too.

Again they would be possibly interrupted, this time by a rumble beneath their feet. The sands around them shifted with the quake that washed over the land. "EEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRYYYYYYRRRRRR" A ear-piercing scream roared over the airwaves around them. If their senses weren't too overwhelmed by the battle cry, the would know from which direction it came from. Would the duo trek onwards through the desert to search for the noise? Should they give in to their curiosity, or even Yuii giving chase to an even more curious Sara, they would crest the the furthest reaching sand dune they could see. What they saw might have surprised them, unless either of them have ran into one of these creatures before... A sandwyrm! And there were people down there too! What was that gleaming sparkle across the way? If Yuii's eyes were trained enough, she would faintly make out he visage of her love crossing theoretic blades with the beast, the valiant Kaji...


Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
And so the game of division and torment continued as the mind of Kaen sent its creations to work, attacking Kaji and his companions. This Harbinger would have his vengeance first, and on came the flash of white lightning, screeching and reaching for Kaji Okada. The hilt of Eelspine was hot to the touch when Kaji took it in hand, but when he pulled the blade out from its slumber the emeraldine glow shine like a second sun. The image of a determined warrior was merely a shadow behind the mighty Eelspine, which was raised to meet the whip. The Harbinger’s snouted maw was crinkling into a wicked smile in those milliseconds before impact. The resulting clash rang out like the crack of thundering as an arc of light narrowly deflected the attack, matching bolt for bolt. Smashed atoms created a burst of steam which rolled out from the center of the impact as the Harbinger withdrew his whip. His massive wings flexed to drive himself skyward to a superior position of attack.

But Kaji didn’t show hesitation and was after the Harbinger until the demon withdrew reach. The shinobi was bravely chasing the Harbinger, seemingly undaunted as time and the thought of Yuii in similar peril added pressure like a vice grip. The rage filling Kaji was burning hotter than the desert, only boiling hotter as an echoing guttural laughter rang out from the Harbinger. His promise of torment would be fulfilled slowly, first by biding time for the mental torture of Kaji’s apparent powerlessness against him.

Staring skyward, Kaji’s mind was racing— he had been in this place for so long that he nearly felt one with the illusion as if he really was at the disposal of Kaen’s imagined macrocosm. But Kaji had encountered this Harbinger before in real life and witnessed its fear-inducing aura and tools of its trade: when Eelspine clashed with the whip, his power should have failed, but it was sheer will that made the difference. “Your time is through, Harbinger” Kaji declared with force. “This encounter will be just like the last, fiend.” He then wound his sword arm back as if he were about to strike, and reached upwards at the Harbinger with his free hand. And that fiend was tempted by Kaji’s words, aiming to barrel down upon him with his Vorpal blade pointed forward.

Kaji pulled back his free hand, drove Eelspine upwards, and it was as if the sky itself came crashing towards Kaji in an instance, and space was distorted. Using sheer will, he commanded the Harbinger to close the distance in a frozen action, even faster than the fiend was aware. Eelspine was driven deep into the fiend as Kaji merely shifted his posture to defy the vorpal blade flying down beside him. An arc of verdant energy began at the fiend’s head, going completely through it before Kaji sliced it downward and one clean blow.

The single blow turned that illusion back into cinders and dust. Suddenly, Kaji was back to the silent winds and empty desert where this hellish stint of illusion began. He felt no kind of satisfaction from the deed; only the longing for this madness to be done. His breaths were heavy as if he had exerted himself, but in truth, his mastery of the truth of this reality put him above any feelings of exhaustion now. He could have sliced one thousand Harbingers here for all he cared. “Maybe I can just think myself back to the forest” he pondered aloud, but to no avail as such thoughts changed nothing. Little more than a moment of fruitless meditation brought Kaji to the realization that a shift in reality on that level must have been out of his depth, at least not with contesting both Kaen and Yui's grasp on his mind. He thought himself doomed to wander a bit more, or maybe encounter another Harbinger or something more formidable, but then he heard the sound of something small shuffling on four legs over a tall dune behind him.

The ears of a snow-white fawn perked up from behind the tall sand before its body arose in full. “Pepper… am I ever happy to see you” Kaji said with anticipation as the little doe shuffled forth. Even though Kaji was relieved, Eelspine was still clutched tightly in his hand, just pointing to the ground. He raised his empty hand to pet the doe across the top of her head and behind the ears, stroking her gently as he observed her innocently, and noticed the blue color in her eyes. The doe then turned to hop away suggestively, and Kaji followed suite.


Active Member
May 24, 2015
It was a wierd feeling, going from one location to another, like one of those slider like portal things that she read about. A space warping reality jutsu or something along those lines. It was something she never had, no that wasn't true. She had gone through it before, twice in fact. Still, it was mind blowing. She didn't expect to be falling into the same place that she had been watching though. It was as if she was looking through a one way mirror, and now bursting through it. Well, not exactly.

At first, Black, pure black. Then wisps of red like fire, tinged with blue chakra everywhere. It was a disturbing and unsettling feeling. The young girls first sensation felt like she was falling, maybe flipping, the wisps of chakra moving around her constantly. There were two, wait, three, at least three chakra's around her. One was far far away though. It took a few seconds for the chakra to pass into her and alter her perception, influencing all her senses to that of akin to Kaen. The second sinsation was color, slowly the appearance of the world, and then of two figures. She wasn't sure what that wisp of chakra was, but felt it was most likely going to be the blue girl she was watching.

What was more amazing, she fell exactly like those movies, where someone is portaled to another place, and they seem to slow down as they fall, except she wasn't very stylish in her landing. More of a, "AAHHH, holy shit catch me pleeeeease!!!" Hands waving like she was swimming rather then flying.

Things were different here, after she got her bearings, and eventually released her bear hug grip on Yuii. You know, being able to see all around you, is a fantastic skill, nothing like it. But when your "falling" without any control, worse so when being transported from one area to another, that shit is crazy. Up is down, left is right. Hopefully Yuii understood. Though even she couldn't understand the full depth of Sara's situation.

After that momentary bizarre rush, she released Yuii and looked around, realizing where she was, remembering the place of slight, and also being able to feel but not see the chakra around her. Here she knew she was in a genjutsu. "This...this is nothing like that other place...this is obviously fake." Here she now only saw things as being what others would most likely see the world as. It had been a long long time since she saw the world like this. It was much more..colorful yet dull. She could still see all around her, and every once in a while get a glimpse of the "real" world, that of chakra wisps. This was certainly a heavy duty genjutsu.

Sara heard the words Yuii uttered, but was still trying to grasp the world around her. Genjutsu sucked... So full of itself, literately. Eventually she focused on Yuii, and saw her displeased appearance. "No, this isn't hell. Maybe the place I was...Oh...uh...right. Hiya. Right." Where the hell to start.

Kaen started to speak, uneasy by the on goings, though it allowed a moment for her to realize the situation a little better. "Genjutsu, right. Well shit since he seems to know now....Yuii, Kaen isn't the only thing your screwing with. There is this other thing, some...oh. Homura., er. Um..He? Well Homura showed me things. And seemed elated to meet with me so. Well, somehow using your big ball he physically pulled me here. Homura I think is some kind of demon or something godly like being living inside Kaen, I guess? And he is..well actually delighted and bored of all this? Ya...well. Let's just say, he is looking forward to a battle. Or possibly sex....not sure. Um maybe both?"

Again Kaen broke in, seeming to be more perturbed by the experience, and certainly the conversation wasn't helping any. More so as he burst into flames. "Holy shit Yuii, what the hell are you doing!" This genjutsu was going south quickly. Kaen was apparently dieting, which in a genjutsu could mean... so many things. Sara stared blankly, unsure of what should be done. She hadn't any jutsu that could be used to stop someone from burning, more so from a genjutsu fire. Sara continued to watch, now she felt this wasn't Yuii's doing as she watched. After he was crisped and stopped moving, Sara stepped forward, sure he wasn't okay, though watching as he puffed into ash, it was an unbelievable sight. The ash struck her radioactive field, being broken down as it hit her and she just continued to watch as he swirled into nothingness all around her.

When the dust settled, they were in a very different place. A much more arid environment, devoid of life. It was a sudden hit, but much more similar to what she was used to seeing in colors and brightness. It was her first time seeing so much sand, she bent over and picked it up, feeling the coarseness of it. Her body was getting a little over heated and she put her hand up to block the sun some. At least she was dressed for the occasion. "You're...not controlling this are you?"

Silence around them, except the wind sweeping across the sand. It was a very different sound from leaves. If anything were to be said, maybe now was best. "This creature, Homura. He is similar to something I have run into long ago in Kirigakure. Much stronger though that is certain. To create a physical form within Kaen's mind. That can't be normal. When I met him, he had his own chakra, his own physical form. He was as real as I am. Oh and I am real just so you know. I know you are a chakra form of yourself, I saw it before you put me into this genjutsu. Or he put me into it? I..." She shook her head. This is why she didn't get an A in Genjutsu. To many ifs and maybe's. To much breaking of physical rules.

Then she spoke softly, but easily heard by Yuii, "Oh, I fogot to mention. Homura..he doesn't like you." It was right then that they heard an eerie wail was carried on the wind. The young girl looked around, and figured out where the sound was coming from. Yuii wasn't in control anymore. That she was certain. Or at least, not as in control. It felt smart to follow the games rules. For the last several minuets she was trying to stave off this Genjutsu, at times gaining partial sight, but then quickly falling pray yet again. This wasn't a battle she could win. So Sara felt only one course of action could be acceptable.

She hurried off towards it, the sound, running as fast as she could. In this sand, running was harsh to say the least. It took a moment but eventually she focused chakra onto the feet and was better able to stride through it. She picked up speed and stood atop the tallest hill of sand, and saw it from afar. "What the..." It looked weird for a snake. More...segmented. "Is that a worm? It sure is ugly...and big. Very. And..are they fighting it?" Little ants were all around the creature, seeming to try to damage the great beast. "This...this isn't right. Is that.. Nope, it isn't. I..I forgot to ask you Yuii. Where is Kaji? That looks like him but.."

Kagetsu Yuii

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The world and her grasp on it were fading; unravelled by the arrival of a child. Yuii cocked her head to the side, neither comprehending nor enjoying Sara's explanation for her sudden appearance. Her story was disjointed, and the few details within were impossible by the very laws of this incoherent, scattered world. There was no time to argue, however, as more pressing matters saw it appropriate to explode in an inferno. Already the landscape was beginning to warp and change in reaction to Kaen's volatile state created by one girl's curiosity. The world was transforming from the realistic patchwork forest she had convinced their quarry was real to the sinister and less hospitable reflection of Kaen's emotional state and Yuii had no ability to protect the mind of their adventurous mednin friend.

In truth, the world had never been exactly right but Yuii had pieced together a place that was believable enough with the right convincing. There was a lot of subtle power at work, all directed through Yuii's body and the symbols painted on their physical beings. Sara had no such tracings, and thus, Yuii had no direct control over her mind and what she saw. Sara's mind would have to adjust to the oddities in this world without protection.

The pupil's of Yuii's eyes narrowed to tiny dots of black as Kaen's body burst into flame. A pair of goggles materialised over her face, shielding her eyes from the effects of the heat and flame. "His mind is breaking, Tiny Medic because little girls don't fall from the sky." Their speaking disturbed the air around them, and Kaen's ashes scattered in a torrent that was meant to assault them both. Unperturbed, the genjutsu master pulled the manifestation of her scarf up to protect her face and ears. The idea of breathing in Kaen in any world was unappetising.

"Lots of things don't like me. I and you should be more concerned it liked you," Yuii replied matter of factly once the ash had subsided, "Or are you in a habit of consorting with mind demons?" The violence of Kaen's end and the chill in the air seemed to have no effect on her. Truly, Yuii was fearless in the face of illusion. Even the cry of a monster far more terrible than any mythical beast found in Kumogakure did not shake her. She loped after Sara in an easy manner, moving but not moving as the scene shifted them to the place it wanted them.

The creature, worm, sand snake, whatever it was called, was grotesque and awe inspiring at once. More impressively, the detail on the creature meant Kaen himself had seen and perhaps fought this same monstrosity. It was horrid, but the primal part of her stirred with a desire to join the tiny ant humans who were fighting below.

A familiar name snapped her from her reverie, however, like an incantation for Yuii's attention."Kaji?" For a moment Yuii feared the worst for her raven haired partner. Her leaf counterpart had been struggling with this new world already and a violent death might cause psychological damage. With a flutter of panic, she reached her hand out to the horizon, bent reality to their perception, and plucked the heroic figure from the scene. "Not him; not real," she sighed, knowing now that the little visage could not have been her lover. Pepper was with the real him, or the piece of her self that took form as Pepper, and the little Kaji had no such white companion. With a gentle blow the dream creation scattered into particles of sand.

Far off, the fighter reformed and continued its battle.

"The real Kaji will find us. Right now we need to find Kaen's new manifestation so I can reset the scenario. He's memory shifting us but removed himself from the scene and is partially aware that the world isn't real." Yuii wasn't as certain as she sounded, but Kaji inclusion in this memory already made it dangerous. They needed to be a bit more proactive. From the air, Yuii pulled a second set of goggles and a green muslin scarf that she tossed for Sara's use. "Try and remember nothing is real here, no matter how it looks or feels. Without my genjutsu ritual, I can't augment or protect your mind so do keep close. Also, do your best not to go insane. I really don't want to do the paperwork that incident would cause. " With that warning, she started a quick pace down towards the sand monster. It was as good a place to start as any as long as they could avoid being eaten.

[Sorry for the wait. Now back to our normal posting schedule. Beeep]


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
[For Kaji]

Kaji and his valiant companion, Pepper, had been wandering through the endless sea of tan waves. Pepper was Kaji's only solace in hopes of being lead back to his lover, Yuii. Time seemed to stand still in this desert void, the sun unmoving but unrelenting in it's rays of fiery heat. Bright as ever and burning wildly, so much so you could almost see the nova bursts licking outwards into the space around it. You could almost say this was the core of Kaen, his ever burning soul as real and fierce as the actual sun. Such power in such a small vessel, a recipe for disaster, Kaji knew this well already. What felt like days would surely only be hours, but how could one tell when the world didn't turn. Was there even a reason for Kaen's subconscious to have separated them as such? Surely Kaji was already contemplating a wide array of reasons, but these thoughts, or others, would be cut off with a tremendous break in the silence of the ocean of sand. "EEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRYYYYYYRRRRRR" A deep roar echoed over the sands causing light pieces of sand to vibrate atop the heavier sands. Such an effect from just a noise, what could possibly be behind such a cry?

The creature's call would have came from over the crest of the tallest sand dune to the north, not far off from the direction that pepper had been leading Kaji. Pepper would bolt towards the noise and would disappear from view as it crested the hill. Surely Kaji would follow considering Pepper was his only possible chance of being reunited with the fair Yuii. A gust of hot, searing wind would pick up hinting towards certain danger. Wild and frantic bleating noise would reach Kaji's ears, surely he would quicken his pace over the hill. Upon reaching the top he would be met with a chitinous visage of armor and teeth. A sandwyrm had appeared and seemed to be battling other shinobi. Their respective village signs were not in sight, but the level of detail, if Kaji could even tell, was so realistic that this was surely another memory of Kaen's. It just happened to be a little bit more intense and real than the previous manifestations. Surely Kaji would have seen the signs along the way, the further they delved into his mind, the more it put of defenses. The doctor back then even made physical contact with him and seemed to react to the collision. How much would this current creature effect them?

Kaji would have little time to deeply contemplate these wandering thoughts as Pepper had gotten a bit to excited and found itself with the grasp of one of the many tentacles that strung forth from the central wyrm. The fawn's eyes bulged in its sockets in fear and the pressure of the wyrm's grasp. Pepper would surely die if Kaji didn't intervene. But would he care? It was just an image created to suit the needs of that grassy knoll. Something warm, kinda and inviting. A symbol of goodness in the midst of such fearful malice that was Kaen's mind. What would Kaji do?

[For Yuii and Sara]

As Yuii, and most likely Sara, approached the looming body of carapace, chitin and raw nature power that was the wyrm they would soon realize that distance played a great deal part of deceiving their senses. The closer they got, the larger it became. It may have appeared a normal kinda of big, whatever that meant, but as they drew nearer, it grew larger and larger, soon quadrupling the size of most average sized one story houses. And only it's head portion and a small part of its neck/body were above ground. For now it's attentions were drawn away from Yuii and Sara as the other shinobi were doing great battle with the legendary beast. An explosion shook the ground and set bits of the creature's armor speckling down upon the two girls like a rocky pebble rain. One of the shinobi would spot the approaching girls and darted quickly to them landing like a rocket sending a plume of sand and dust into the air.

"You there! I beg of thee, aid us in this fight. Many of my men have fallen already, I fear that if we cannot stop this beast here and now the village of Sunagakure would surely be doomed. What say you?!" And with that he burst back into the fray of water, fire, explosions and a wide array of rare kekkei genkai were being displayed, yet barely holding off the advances of the monumental beast. Yuii and Sara were left with a choice, ignore the event and keep searching for the valiant Kaji, or stay and assist the shinobi doing battle. As they were surely debating or conversing whether or not to aid the shinobi, a frantic and distressing sound would echo over the sound of battle. The shrilled bleating of Pepper could now be heard from the opposite side of the sandwyrm. While not in sight, the sound was unmistakably Pepper. Would Yuii go to investigate or would she... A scream from behind would draw Yuii's attention backwards. Sara had been grabbed by a tentacle, its sharp grip embedded itself into the flesh of Sara causing blood to instantly seep from the wounds and drip into the dry, thirsty sands below. Yuii was at an impasse now, Investigate the whereabouts of Pepper or rescue Sara from certain doom...


Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
Journeying with the fawn along the rises and falls of the desert scape was like following instructions for passage through an otherwise invisible door. The aura Kaji felt in the presence of the white fawn was all too familiar, so he trusted the creature enough to become its shadow. In fact, it was more than simple familiarity— when he closed his eyes, it was as if Kaji could sense the presence of Yuii by his side once more, and this constructed reality was again powerless against him. They were back in the Aesculapium with their hands overlapped, comfortable and safe with the mad man strapped down to the bed, powerless. When Kaji’s eyes opened he was back in this desolate place again. Hot wind and grains of sand were burning anew as they never failed to fall underneath his outer shell of garments, worsening with time.

Normally time was the enemy in a place like this, yet now it seemed merciful. It was bent to the will of stronger minds who’d had enough of clashing wills. All the wandering seemed to fast forward, and what was so far just came closer in an instant. It was just like when the Harbinger had closed the gap before his expectations but on a grander scale. This was the power of will— already, years had become minutes as Kaji bared the sins of Kaen by Yuii's side, so what was a meager stroll under the sun but a few passing seconds? Following the fawn for a mere moment brought Kaji to a new place where one final hill of glass climbed higher than any he traversed before. It was then that the sands shook from an unforgettable shriek that pierced the mind as much as the ears.

The sound excited the fawn, sending it hurrying forth as if the direction of the noise meant nothing. Kaji called out “Hold fast, Pepper,” but to no avail as the illusion’s newest fiend could barely wait for the fawn to cross the peak of the hill. Suddenly, a tendril crashed through and seized her in its grasp. The doe was bleating as she was swept away, becoming airborne in a tight serpentine grasp.

When Kaji emerged over the hill with Eelspine drawn, he nearly lost his balance as the world around him was rapidly terraforming. Man-made structures and naturals ones alike were rising from the sand, along with countless faceless villagers fleeing in simulated terror. Many had the same voices but with minor changes of pitch and tone. The masses were fleeing from a denizen unique to the Land of Wind known simply as Sandworms— a gargantuan annelid with an appetite for destruction. Few denizens of the land were capable of incurring high death tolls like this one; Barynx the Ancient. Dust rained down from every crevice of the beast, which towered over one-hundred feet high, and was wide enough to swallow the Torre Celeste whole.

As you might imagine, that single tendril had come a mighty long way just to steal Pepper the Doe from Kaji, and now it was withdrawing the long wiry flesh. This dreadful scene was enough to drive most shinobi away, but not Kaji. He took on a heroic stride, undaunted as he chased behind the doe from the grassy patch in the ancient forest. The Hunter’s movements were swift like running fluid across the sand as if he were skating. There was a silvery glow building beneath his every step until Kaji was practically gliding with a silver trail glowing in his wake. His target became one of many as the doe was nearly lost amongst a flood of more spindly appendages. Countless tentacles were extended from the worm, seeking out victims which were generated by the illusion, if only to intensify the horror. It was the definition of Kaji’s role as a guardian of the wild to act now, even if it was in some illusion brought on by his enemy: he could not deny his duty— he would not fail.

“I need you now; come forth, Dracospine!” To answer the call and go beyond, and to go deeper, Kaji left solid ground and his silver streak ran along the side of a tall building before he leaped airborne towards the massive beast. Pepper was merely one of many creatures being retracted, but she, like the many of them, would be severed from the pull by a wave of silver vapor with an emeraldine glow infusing. The rolling fog came in one mighty wave from the end of Kaji’s blade, which doubled in size and in a new exquisite shape, revealing its true form. Heavenly light radiated in a silver shade with the familiar emeraldine chakra lining its outer glow. The force of the enchanted silver plume hit the sand worm with enough force to budge it sideways and vaporize the many tendrils running along the worm’s left side. The light darkened the sky by comparison, and the many shinobi gathered by Kaen’s memory came to witness their hope renewed by their newest ally. Kaji Okada had come. But against such a creature, his effort was merely a contribution to a larger effort. His timely attack created an opening for his allies, Yuii and Sara. Unaware of the latter’s presence within the scene, it would be up to Yuii to aid Sara, or action from the girl herself, as she plummeted from the heights where the tentacle lost control.

Kaji’s speed resulted in him landing against the spell of steam as it dissipated against the beast’s thick hide. He had only a split-second to acknowledge his handiwork before adjusting his trajectory and vanishing again in a flickering burst of speed. The falling doe was suddenly snagged out of the air and came skidding to a halt as Kaji emerged on the ground with Pepper in his arms. The fawn buckled once he set it down in the sand, but Kaji knew Pepper’s job was finished her as he released her. His feat earned the notice of the many brave shinobi of Kaen’s recollection who had gathered to face the Barynx— and while he’d know many of them, he picked out a single face from the courageous crowd… He had found her; Blue.


Active Member
May 24, 2015
"A mind demon?" She sounded uneasy saying the words. Not because of the thought of what it was, but by the physicality that she saw. She could tell there were rules governing it, like the natural world. "Well, lets say I haven't sought them out, but I do tend to attract their ilk. And that demon, it didn't seem very fake when I saw it. That was no genjutsu, it was as real I guess? Nothing like now.. Not as..." She sounded sure of the words she spoke, but trailed off in the end. It might have been augmented in some ways, but the location was physical, not mental. It felt very different from where she was as of now. And that thought, the thought of having some physical being living within, might have been slightly more disturbing.

Yuii was showing her prowess within the genjutsu she created. Picking up the small warrior and holding it within her fingers. was a pain in the ass to grasp in it's entirety. The fake world, with it's fake people. The ability to pick someone off the field from the distance, and just as easily blow them away and back to the combat zone was inherently obvious at how false it truly was. How could one be duped by such an act. Of course, the thoughts might have come to soon. First, the giant worm like thing. It seemed fake, most certainly it couldn't have been real. Well, as in real life of course. She had laid witness to much weirder, but nothing on that grand a scale. And that was more akin to the world of gods and demons. The details at a distance were amazing. Up close, it was creepy. Yuii created a few items and she put on the set of goggles and a green muslin scarf, realizing it was fake, and seemed pointless, yet it did have an effect on her. She stopped feeling the grains of sand hitting her cheek, but placed little thought on it, taking in the worm more so. The shinobi around it were less detailed, including the one that asked for aid. Something wasn't right about this. It couldn't have been real. She hesitated to get closer, but Yuii moved forward, and told her to stay close. Why was she getting a bad feeling in her stomach. It hadn't seemed prudent, but she followed...

It was shortly after that she felt herself being flung into the air. No, not flung, held. The sensation was a first. The pull of it was grand, and then it slurmed it's body around her, squeezing tight. It felt like sandpaper, rubbing against her skin. The pain was horrible, and she could feel blood running slowly down her harms and off from her head. The thought of getting away, the feeling of blood going up rather then down, the smell of cow hide and crap, and the dry taste of air. Along with the sight of the ground below, she knew something was not fake here. This was real, or rather, this was really affecting her physically. If this was supposed to be a genjutsu, then why would she feel this pain? She tried to stop her chakra, and dismiss the genjutsu. Nothing was happening, she was just going higher and higher into the air. Her arms were locked, she released her chakra from her body. She could smell it's flesh burning, yet no release. She hadn't screamed, it never occurred to her for some reason. Well, actually that was it, reason. It was reason that told her she should be fine, reason saying it wasn't happening. It was reason going out the window.

Glittery sparkles and silver streaks. The grip on her released, and she now felt a more familiar feeling. The lack of control or gravity as she was free falling from the sky. She weaved her hand seals, the ground coming quickly, releasing from her mouth a torrent of wind. The closer she got to the ground, the slower her drop. The wind from anyone below would feel the harsh coarseness of the sand whipping passed them. Her descension slowed greatly, as she used the wind to flip her just enough to land on her feet. She finally was able to see the damage caused to her. This wasn't right, something was wrong here. She ripped through several handseals. "This is a genjutsu right. So...what happens if you take the charka that makes something up?" She again went through other handseals, and touched a piece of the creature that had fallen off. It's chakra, and any that solely made it up would slowly be absorbed. Hopes would be it would vanish from sight. If not, she would need to be ready to dodge the next blow to come.

Wind Release - C Rank - Mastered
Infusing chakra into their breath, the user is able to blow air from their mouth to manipulate the force of air around them. While not condensed enough to cause harm, the force of this gust is more than enough to clear the surrounding area of distractions and lingering hazards, such as smoke or flames.

Energy Transfer - B Rank - Mastered
A technique used to create a link of chakra between the user and a target, bonding the two together in many ways. One of the most powerful aspects shared with this technique, is that it allows the two to transfer energy into one another, giving or taking chakra from each other so long as this technique is managed.

Kagetsu Yuii

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Yuii made an annoyed cat-like sound in the back of her throat as the vestige of a man tore across the sand in their direction. His speed was impressive, beyond human or regular shinobi, and the blue haired woman wondered if the true man was so swift or if Kaen's mind remembered him thus. In an archaic but polite speech, he begged for their aid against the monster writhing in the background. If this world was true, she would have been moved to meet his call. The horrors below were a song to their warrior blood and a challenge only the most cowardly shinobi might ignore. And yet, it was a waste of time to attack a wyrm whose fate was already sealed in the memory of their charge. They needed to find the core of Kaen, not indulge in battle. They needed not find the words to say no to the echo of another man in Kaen's mind, as with the same incredible speed he returned to the fray before either girl could answer.

The illusionist didn't lead them down the hill immediately but took some time to take the sand wyrm in and appreciate the sheer mass, ferocity and devastating power it contained. The detail Kaen's memory imposed up them, from the screeching call it made to way it moved, was realized. This was only possible through the heightened awareness that adrenaline and danger caused. Kaen must have been in the thick of the original clash; a horrifying thought even for a 'criminal'.

"All of his emotions seem to be concentrated in this single event," Yuii observed mostly to herself whilst adjusting her goggles against the glare of the Sunan sun, "We'll need to get closer still." She could feel him close by, though it was impossible to pinpont where but all they needed to do was follow the taste of ash and scent of charred human to find him.

Tiny figures danced around the giant wyrm, like moths around a lantern light, trying to fight off the destruction and death. In greater numbers, people fled. It was odd to see copies of the same dozen people running, their faces plastered with horror, but they were likely all Kaen had perceived during the fray. The dead had greater detail, a telling and normal occurrence that bled away at Kaji's earlier claim that Kaen was a psychopath. Their deaths had left an impression on their youthful prisoner.

Taking Sara's sleeve, they approached the wyrm. In a dozen or so steps they crossed the space between them and the wyrm as if the world had skipped forward beneath their feet. Yuii was, after all, the anchor point for their adventure into Kaen's mind. They were still in that room, asleep with interlacing hands, and space in Kaen's mind was the greatest fallacy. They didn't really move, the world moved around them just as it had done during Kaen's story telling. This would be Sara's first skip, but she seemed to manage it with a solid constitution.

"Stay close," she urged the youngster once they were near enough to smell the beast, "I don't know that I can pro-" The warning an incantation for disaster Yuii didn't even get to finish. Sara was suddenly stolen from her side and carried away by wyrm appendage which moved with only the slightest hum as it cut through the air. Yuii made a grab for the little medic but came up short just as she had when Kaji had been torn away.

"Shit!" the swear was lost to the winds and sand. The same rush of air found Yuii's ears and with a single sweep of her hand and all the finesse of a sunaku she created a barrier of mirrors It formed in the same instance another of the wyrms tentacles tried to smash into her static form. They deflected with a deafening crash that echoed into her bones. The ground shook beneath her feet, vibrating the soft sands until her ankles were below its surface and fine sand coated everything. If not for the goggles, she would have been blinded.

"Shit!" spitting the grit from her mouth, Yuii eased back her protection enough to search the sky and the beast's many appendages for Sara. "Shit!" There was no scream to mark the whereabouts of the girl and she was one of many to be captured by the wyrm. She was lost to the sea of dead and dying. Kaji was going to be so upset with her when he found out.

Then she saw it, a mop of white hair held fast and flying. "Shit, shit, shit," she repeated, her mantra punctuating a dozen hand seals that she flew into without thought. It was easier to act in the familiar, especially under stress. As she unleashed a maelstorm of fractured mirrors at the wyrm, her eye caught a bolt of silver streaking across the body of the worm. Amongst the attacks of the shinobi of memory, it had the fluidity only a true human could have. Her heart fluttered with the knowledge her mind came to slower. Kaji had found them.

Distracted by her lover's appearance, Sara was left to save herself from the toe curing height the Wyrm dropped her from. The little medic acted quickly and effectively, slowly herself with the power of wind. Yuii bridged the gap between them whilst Sara absorbed the wyrm's appendage. She gave Sara a twisted impressed grin, and whistled over the disappearing wyrm. "Look at you getting in and out of trouble like a pro," her voice barely carried over the sound of battle, but Yuii punctuated her compliment with a hearty smack to the light haired girl's back, "you're getting the hang of this- at least on an elementary level. It's all about will."

Enthused at the sight of her lover, Yuii directed Sara towards safety and the last place she has viewed him. "I've spotted Kaji. Find him that way, tell him you both need to brace and be ready, snowflake. I need to reset Kaen's mind before he damages himself. "

Calm now, Yuii put her whole will towards finishing the battle below. With a breath, she knelt and placed her hands on the charred, blood and ash muddied sand underfoot. Her gaze levelled on the writhing wyrm that seemed unable to die. Its presence meant something, it has only appeared once Kaen went berserk at the sight of Sara. Yuii only needed to unlock the puzzle. But first, it needed to die.

Heat began to bleed from the sand beneath the worm. The air shimmered and crackled with the intensity of a volcano. Every breath Yuii took became laboured as her lungs burned from the lake of lava forming below the wyrm. "Melt," she commanded the scene before her to bend to her will. Gravity intensified then lightened in protest of her mind's imposition, sending a shower of stones raining down. Then, at once, the ground gave way to the wyrm. It's many foes vanished into bursts of light, destroyed as the scene became something it should not.

She brought her hand up, three central fingers raised in a salute. Her eyes sought out Kaji and Sara, if only to reassure herself they were alright. Then, in one fluid motion, she brought her arm down like a gavel chopping the air until in lined up with the Wyrm


Black, molten glass erupted from the ground into pillars the pierced the body of the worm three times. The ground beneath is churned and liquefied until it formed a lake of lava began to eat away at the beast. The last found its 'head,' and impaled up through whatever skull the creature had. It's gaping maw opened wide and gave one last high pitched screech as the life drained from its body. The lava cooled as if suddenly subjected to sub arctic temperatures and a burst of steam and sand mushroomed out from the half buried wyrm's body.

Yuii removed her goggles and peered through the rain of ash that snowed across the landscape. Forcing the death of the creature in Kaen's mind was certain to have repercussions if she didn't act fast. She needed to find him, they needed to reset.

A small, white body darted from cover and ran towards the wyrm's remains. Yuii's brow creased as she realised it was not her directing the vestige of pepper. It was unlikely Kaji or Sara had worked out how to focus her, which left only one other man.

With a silent prayer to Raiden and his disciples, Yuii followed the white fawn.

Pepper found him first. Tiny, grey from layers of soot at the bottom of a well that looked all too familiar surrounded by the gore of the Wyrm. He'd reverted back to the child they'd seen the day of his mother's death. Without hesistation, the fawn had crawled down into the dark and nestled itself against Kaen. "I'm sure there's some signifigence that I'm supposed to understand right now," she sighed, easing down the side of the well then kneeling at the little boy's side, "but this isn't the time for analysis. You need to wake up now. No more nightmares."

A blue glow formed under Yuii's hand, and if he allowed it or had no more tricks, she pressed it against tiny Kaen's forehead.

Abruptly the world would end and all four of them would awaken in the hospital room in which they had begun, surrounded by the sounds of machinery and the ticking of a clock. Oddly, however, while Kaen was still strapped to the table as he had been before there would be no pain or burns. Likewise for Kaji.

[I write very literal to avoid losing impact, but feel free to change things and/or ask me to change things]


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
The culmination was arriving with light speed quickness. The valiant Kaji coming to the rescue, Sara using quick wit and pinpointing a vital flaw in this nightmare fueled wyrm. Yuii, the mastermind behind the entire ritual, powerful as ever. In this deep and complex genjutsu ritual, genjutsu rained supreme. For what is genjutsu then a manifestation of a thought, in here genjutsu became literal and physical. With such overwhelming power, Yuii's technique cosumed the wyrm in its entirety, leaving only a storm of ash and soot raining down upon the battlefield. The crowds, other shinobi and miscellaneous debris had mysteriously vanished with the wyrm, leaving only the shadowy ashen outline of a muscular man walking towards Yuii.

His steps were slow and sullen, a plume of ash was pushed outwards as the man forced himself through the cloud of soot and dust. He was grey from head to toe, save the few clear spots that ran down his face. The man was undeniably Kaen, spots of red shining through the grey upon his head. Tears washed away the soot that covered his face, each step another path cleared by the salty liquid. In his arms was a familiar face, Kasen... She was limp in his arms, a look of utter defeat was stricken across his face. Though the battle was won, his heart was crushed and defeated. A gaping hole where a tendril once was seated was eerily present in Kasen's abdomen. Kaen stopped short of Yuii and looked to her, his eyes filled with sorrow and dread. "Won't you help me... Help... Her..." Tears streamed down his face as he pleaded to Yuii. Despite all his drive, all his raw power that was infused into his being from that laboratory so long ago, he remained incapable of protecting the one thing that truly mattered to him, Kasen.

"I'm sure there's some significance that I'm supposed to understand right now," Yuii sighed, easing her way closer to Kaen. "But this isn't the time for analysis. You need to wake up now. No more nightmares." A blue glow formed under Yuii's hand as she pressed it against Kaen's forehead. The world around them began to crumble, pieces of the scenario would break apart like a window shattering upon impact of a stone floor. It happened so fast, feeling as if he was falling and then suddenly being stopped by the bed. Kaen found himself back in his bed, tears still streaming down his face. The sullen tears that he cried may have made him appear weak, but is such a powerful emotion fueled by love a weakness? Not for this particular person, no. Kaen was a hybrid Flame Court Ancient and his fiery prowess was fueled by such forces of feeling. Had his body not just been defeated and left drained, surely a raging fire would have enveloped the room in response to his triggered emotions. Though Yuii's ritual was strong, Kaen's memories were far to big a factor in Kaen's life for the process to not go unnoticed. Kaen would be the first to speak after emerging from their deep genjutsu slumber. "I carried my sister's near lifeless body across that desert, In all my capability, I was powerless to protect her, to save her..." Kaen still found himself crying, with no other outlet to release the feelings, it was inevitable. "Please... No more of this, I can't bear to relive these dreadful memories over again, They have scarred me so much already..." Kaen would pause a moment, deep in contemplation. He would slowly raise his watery eyes to Kaji and Yuii, his stare filled with regret. "I'll tell you whatever you want to know, just please don't do that again..." Kaen then let his head drop once more into a relaxed position, staring into nothingness.

Yuii and Kaji and both demonstrated their capabilities this day, Kaji in battle and Yuii in spirit. Kaen was at their mercy now. Sara on the otherhand would find herself waking from a similar slumber. What appeared like the great manipulative powers of Kaen's inner secret, would reveal itself to be only another genjutsu. Ritualistic in nature, not so far off from what Yuii had performed. It allowed Sara to also enter Kaen's mind to rendezvous with Kaji and Yuii. The question now was; would she tell them what she saw in there, or rather who she met...

[OOC MFT, just changed a little bit with Yuii's permission. No little boy Kaen, but instead what I wrote. Everything else remains the same]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
