Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private No beach episode for an Anbu on duty (contract search)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The silent anbu operative sat unmoving. The day in of itself was hot in Wind Country. No surprises there, since the place is a literal desert. Yuna was in her normal anbu attire fitted to deal with the dry heat. She would walk out into the tidal waves, knowing that she would be unaffected by it since a) she is a ninja, so of course she is well equipped to stand on water, and b) she is a tidecaller, more so an archsage. The Anbu operative would be able to control the very tides of this ocean, given enough time and focus.

But she wasn't here to prove to anyone anything by causing random water based natural disasters. no. She's here to train, reflect, and search for a mythological creature. So first things first, the anbu operative would mimic the movement of the ocean, feeling how it moves so that she can incorporate the naturalness of the ocean into her own tide caller techniques. Forming hand seals, Yuna would channel the very water around her to bring forth an aquatic dragon made of water. Such a high level of a jutsu would cause a lot of chakra to use, something the woman has an abundance of, but an even more control to not just slam the jutsu down on whatever poor soul that may be out surfing the waves. No. Yuna made the water dragon fly through the air, merging with a wave that was crashing down, for the dragon to appear on the other side. The water made dragon flew about some more until Yuna released the chakra holding it together and left a soft sea spray in the wind,

Walking further away from shore, mainly where it was evident that there was nobody around her, Yuna would concentrate her power further, this time, making the water shark bomb jutsu in the water. Five sharks swam around. Focusing on the power of the jutsu, Yuna made the water sharks swim faster and faster until they would make a whirlpool movement before slowing back down and exploding far down in the water away from people.

The Kumokagure anbu operative was content with her little training session and decided to take a break. Walking back over to the beach, Yuna would avoid most of the other beach goers. since she herself is an anbu operative. no real use to mingle too much with the natives here, especially if she isn't on actual business. Sitting down, away from any other people, who might as well be tourists from some other place other than Wind Country. She would think about the events that had brought her here to this very spot today.

It had all started when her father had come back from a mission. He... They... It was a weird situation, and she made her father promise to not go out on dangerous missions ever again. Eventually, he had agreed, but on the condition that she would take up his mantel and try to bring peace to the world through any means necessary. The first to go was the Death Organization, which was just a bunch of frauds, her own grandparents, thought long to be dead were at the head of that problem. Eventually, she would make it back to Cloud... Only to find the gates unmanned and the place like a ghost town. When she had went on to search for her Sennin, she was dumped with the news of the attack on Cloud. She didn't know it at the time, but things had spiraled way out of her control as time went on.

The separation of the alliance with the Village hidden in the Leaves. That part had left a sour taste in the anbu's mouth. Instead of them trying to reach some sort of new treaty, they instead shown a great dislike for the anbu duo and sent them on their way without further explanation on their part, neither the effort to try and keep the alliance going. Upon entering Wind Country, Yuna had the inkling that they would run into Mirokou Akkuma. And low and behold, they did. He dumped a lot of information onto them about the dirty laundry about the other Villages. How the Fifth Hokage married a missing ninja, how Sand Village made the Sennin games to try and put a show on and bolster their strength. But even with that said, the demon himself had decided to participate in the Games.

Connected to the Games is the Kazekage. Now unlike their 'warm welcome' from Leaf, the Kazekage was genuine and actually wanted to talk things through. Going through the Sand village and into the Kazekage Tower, they had learned about who might be the true culprit behind the attacks on both Leaf and Cloud. The one and the very same Mirokou Akkuma that Yuna had gotten bad vibes from the start on. There, they learned that it could very well be possible that he was the one behind the attacks, of orchestrating. And having his agents plant seeds of doubt and hate between the Villages. It was agreed between her Sennin and the Kazekage that Cloud and Sand will continue to work together to put a stop to the Demon's efforts.

Which now brings the timeline closer to why Yuna is here. She herself volunteered to be part of the team to both a) gain evidence on Akkuma, enough to have reason to strike him down. And b) kill him and put down any other of his operatives. And in order to find out more about Akkuma, along with if there are any sympathizers or agents of Akkuma, she will need to partake in Sands Sennin Games. It is said that there is another group that might be involved, the Ancients of Sand, their whole deal is a little bit of the confusing side for Yuna's head to wrap around. On one hand, Raizo had told them that the Ancients would never refer to themselves as that, along with the fact that finding one would be like finding a specific grain of sand in the desert. On the other hand, she did overhear a sand anbu operative that goes by the code name Psychosis inform the Kazekage of the Ancients. So the woman stayed in Sand Village while her Sennin made her way back to Cloud to inform the Raikage.

One more piece to the puzzle was a rocker girl by the name of Momo. She had claimed to have fought the one shinobi that had attacked Cloud gates. Myakashi Kiko. Once Yuna is done training the rocker girl the way of the snakes, it would be good to have a talk with the Kazekage. Even though it has been a while, and no doubt that the man would be busy, Yuna would need to give him the rundown soon of what she knows, along with the introduction of Momo and the letter that was given to her by the Raikage herself. Try and rekindle that alliance along with kill Akkuma. Also inform the Kazekage that the Raikage will be visiting soon. She remembered reading the letter back in her room at the Kazekage tower. It sounds like the Raikage will be trying to bring a new alliance between Leaf and Cloud. Which means that Yuna will have to make sure everything over here runs as smoothly as possible.

She sighed beneath her mask. It all brings her to this day. There just so happens to be a certain creature that can help her out in terms of shifting the tide of the battle into her favor. It had taken the anbu operative quite some time to think about it, but in the end, she had cut ties with the youkai contracts, knowing full well that her type of power will be needed more for something else. Something that can mix and compliment her being a tide caller arch sage.

This was the true reason why she chose to be out here. Taking a deep breath, she would release the chakra at her feet, instantly plunging the anbu operative into the warm ocean waters. Under the sea lay a vibrant amount of hues that no person would think of being able to mix perfectly. Yuna would swim around, trying to look for any clear indication of the contract creature type that she is searching for.

Eventually, she had to swim back up to the surface. It would be a surprise to anyone that might be on a boat to see a tiki person suddenly surface from the water, but thankfully, nobody was close enough around. Yuna would attempt to swim back down, once, twice. Each and every time she could feel as if her lungs were being filled with iron. This is such proof that despite being a water affinity ninja, to a very potent degree, that she is still human enough to need to pace herself to not drown. She allowed herself to rest on top of the water using chakra to stay on top. She waited there for about ten minutes, and then she would try again.

(Using discovery of contract of your choice to find Fish contract)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
