Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Contract Search One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish...

Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Standing on the beach and looking out across the sea towards an oncoming storm, Suigetsu relished the thought of once again becoming one with the fundamental element for life. With the waves crashing against the shore, and the wind whipping his clothes too and fro around his body; he could feel the power of the storm in the air, and he knew that it was going to be a big one. Suigetsu had been standing there for some time, watching the storm approach. He was not afraid of the storm, but he was curious about its power and concerned about what sort of storm it would be. He had never seen a storm like this before, and he wanted to see what it would be like. Like all things, each storm was different and unique unto itself. Though most would not consider storms to be living things, as an Ancient, Suigetsu understood the truly innate way that even forces of nature proved to be alive.

As the storm grew closer and closer, and the waves grew higher and higher, Suigetsu could feel the water in his body beginning to stir. Though it was not a form that he took often, he knew that he could change his body into water if he wanted to, but he decided to stay in his more human form. He wanted to experience the storm as a human, not as an Ancient of the deep. However, if this storm proved to be one that was truly special, then he would give it its due and join it in that special way.

Briefly closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Suigetsu felt the spray of the waves against his face and tasted the saltiness in the air. This storm was certainly starting to pick up power and it seemed that the locals knew as well. Though powerful storms rarely made landfall, it wasn’t unheard of for a particular stronger than normal one to at least remind the residents of the Seaside Paradise of their proximity to an element just as powerful as the wind itself. Standing all alone with his thoughts, he thought about Sora and how the boy was truly in many respects, a figment of his imagination, a fracturing of his mental psyche that was both a protective barrier and a entrapping prison.

For too many years Suigetsu had lived locked away in the recesses of his mind and the boy’s parents were charlatans in their own right. Their involvement in things was something that Suigetsu was still trying to figure out. Were they allies of his that were keeping his secret or were they secretly working for his mother, Suijin. If they were in on her schemes then as much as it would hurt the boy to witness, Suigetsu would have to deal with them. If they were secretly allies of his then he would have far more questions for them, such as how they had found him and what had he been doing for all of the centuries that he had been trapped within his own mind.

There were so many questions to ask and so many questions to be answered but he was determined to get to the root of them all. Seeing a bright flash in the distance and then shortly thereafter hearing the sound of thunder, the force of the strike echoed with such force that he felt it in his chest. The storm was edging closer and closer and soon it would be upon him. Dressed in the light clothing that he was, Suigetsu had been sure to only take what was necessary for storm watching. Few could understand the force of the pull on his spirit when a good storm washed away the collecting cares of his life. For most people who professed to be from Sunagakure, the thought of standing and welcoming a storm of such proportions would have seemed preposterous but for the likes of him, it was an event that he readily marked on his calendar. True, the shinobi arts made such natural phenomena mundane to most, there was still something to be said about the power of a storm that was purely natural and uncontrolled by man or Ancient alike.

Sensing that the storm wasn’t likely to move any closer to shore, Suigetsu cast aside his light outer coat and walked towards the water before fully going under to swim towards the storm and to meet it where it was. To most, he would have seemed a man deranged, but as he swam, he found that he was joined by a peculiar school of fish that also seemed to be inclined towards going to the storm. Continuing to swim into the danger zone, Suigetsu was sure that most fish would have gone towards deeper waters to protect themselves from being swept up in the storm but it seemed as though this school was different than the rest.

Clearly made up of differing species, the Ancient picked out many different sorts and types. Some were muted colors and others bright and shiny, but most peculiar of all, they all seemed to glow with an almost electrical charge of energy. Were these fish not mere fish at all? He couldn’t know for sure, but as he continued to make headway towards the now seemingly stationary storm, his powerful legs continued to power him forward. As something to marvel over, his Ancient biology was sometimes even a surprise to himself. While there were many different courts, the fact of the matter still remained that his was one of special mystery. Long ago had his kind left the land and while a man made of pure flames might have seemed pedestrian to most, the feeling of dread that most humans would feel, knowing the horrors that his brand of Ancients could inflict, would likely start another war. Humans were mostly made of water, and all it took was one assassin of his ilk to end a battle before it even began.

Coming near enough to the storm that power of it dragged him closer, Suigetsu was soon swept up in the swell as he once again spotted his fish friends tagging along for the ride. Reaching out to one of them, he felt a kindred spirit within despite having no initial plans to do so, he became one with the water around him and entered his true form. With the sky dark and foreboding and the sound of the thunder and waves all around him, Suigetsu leaned back and enjoyed the ride. His form nearly transparent, he took in the view once more and he noticed that the fish while somewhat apprehensive to engage him before, now seemed to swim about around him and surround him, including him in their apparent makeshift school. Feeling an feeling of completeness, Suigetsu allowed the sound of the storm to lull him to sleep.

As he slept, Suigetsu was tossed around by the wind and waves. The storm raged for hours, but Suigetsu didn’t wake on account of any danger. As he slept, he dreamed dreams that were scattered and strange. Some dreams were of a lifetime that he had lived long ago, and some were of days and years that he had never lived. He dreamed of searching for the mundane things of life, food, shelter and family. Dreaming of finding a mate and being a part of something bigger than himself, it didn’t take long for Suigetsu to realize that he had managed to truly become one with the peculiar school of fish. Continuing to sift through their dreams, Suigetsu realized that they were probably just as easily moving throughout his own, experiencing life on land probably not making sense of it. Though they couldn’t speak each other’s language with words, the feelings between those within this new school was pure and something that didn’t need words to explain. Having long since been disconnected from his own “school”, Suigetsu was happy to find a home in something new.

Continuing to explore and connect, Suigetsu dreamed on as the storm raged on until he finally woke on the shore. Having at some point reverted back to his human form, Suigetsu stretched and blinked his eyes as he stared up at the early morning sky that was the greeting of a new day. Getting up from his slumber, he shook the sand from his clothes although he realized that it was a futile effort. Having woken up before the earliest tourist or fisherman had gotten started with their day, he knew that he had time to sneak away before he, the deranged storm rider, would be made out, but as he looked out towards the sea, he longingly looked at the ever-disappearing signs of the storm from the day before. Seeing a glint of light, he smiled and saw the tell-tale signs of the strange school of fish. There would be other mysteries of the deep to explore with him and he was certainly looking forward to them.

OOC: Using the Discovery of Contract of your Choice card.
Searching for the Fish Contract
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
