Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Some Holiday Cheer! [event]


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC: Forgive me for my transgressions v_v

It seemed he had been missing out on something, something rather important; his proximity to some rather royal figures of this village. The Steward and his family were rather close to his location and while he knew of the titles, the names, the family line, he never had seen them. To him they were a figure head for the village, celebrities to hear about or see images of but never interact with on a daily basis. He should have known that he would see them, he was in their tower after all. Here was the real kicker; he was being addressed by the Steward of the village himself. "Hah! So that is what it is, well then that is starting to make more sense." At this point in time Roku experienced something he had not felt since he was a child in the academy; embarrassment on his outfit. His carefree antics, for a slight moment, faded when he realized he looked like a begger that had just crawled up off the streets. "Steward-bossman-sama... hell I never enjoyed formalities... and my attire..." Within that staggering, dumbfounding moment the reckless youth remember why he stopped caring about such minor things in life, "I suppose I won't be winning best dressed tonight?"

Taking another sip, if for no other reason than to shut himself up, his eyes would wander around the room trying to find something or someone entertaining to mingle with. His eyes crossed over a female, one that he had previously seen, that seemed to have a familiarity to her. While he was trying to put his finger on what exactly it was his viewing priority was shifted to a much closer individual; a female that had just released an embrace with another guest and turned to him. This little creature, in a much more playful mood than the rest of the room, seemed to know a bit about him and his brother, which did catch him quite off guard. "Well, well... seems that my smell proceeds me." He slightly bowed his head to the female as his interest was peaked, "I appreciate the compliment on the tie, I struggled all day finding something to wear." His words were followed with a little chuckle to reinforce that it was a joke.

"I find it unfortunate that you happen to know my name, while I do not know yours." Maybe this party thing wasn't a bad idea after all.


Oct 23, 2012
'So tasty!'

Cup after cup of the eggnog went down Okibi's throat, although the more she consumed, it seemed like the more would end up on her dress. After her ninth mug of the drink, Okibi stopped to look down at herself, smacking her lips. Her face pinched up when she realized what a mess she was making. Chichi wasnt going to be happy about this at all~

Okibi sat her mug down and spun on her feet. Her vision wavered for a moment and she felt like she was going to fall over. How strange! However, she caught herself and let out a small hiccup before flouncing back over to the group of chatting humans. Absolutely red in the face, she stopped in front of Chiyoko first. "Sorry Chichi. Got de dress allll dirty." She bumbled out, slurring her words rather fantastically. She stumbled over to Harupia next, and did as Yume had done just moments before, hugging him tight. "Hadoo still smell purdy." She mumbled, taking a nice long whiff of his sandy/flowery scent.

Then came Sousuke, who was pretty much the center of attention. Okibi didnt care, she forced her way to his side whether he was talking to someone or not. With a bit of difficulty, she climbed up the mans slight form and clung to his shoulders. This was rather difficult, since all the folds of her dress were getting in the way. Sousuke probably wouldnt be too happy about how the eggnog on her outfit was getting all over his. Okibi didnt notice though, and only smiled broadly at him. "Okibi love Sogay!" She declared, wrapping her arms around his neck in a vice like hug and rubbing her cheek against his own. Then, with a loud and obnoxious smack, she planted a kiss on his cheek before climbing back down (and nearly landing on her rear).

Once righting herself, Okibi made a face and put her hands to her stomach. Something was starting to turn in there, and the future wasnt looking too bright. However, the sight of the boy dressed like a street urchin caught her attention. He must have been talking to Sousuke! Okibi squinted at him thoughtfully. "Okibi not know you." She slurred. Then her eyes widened and she doubled over, emptying the contents of her stomach right at the boys feet.

Okibi wiped her mouth with a groan as she started to stumble away from the group and towards the refreshment table. "Okibi not feel so goooood." She moaned as she reached the table. She tried to grab onto the edge to keep herself upright, but ended up missing and sliding her hand over the table top, knocking a few plates of deserts onto the ground. Okibi blinked fuzzily, and looked at the now cleared space on the table. It looked so soft and inviting, she just couldnt help herself. Okibi climbed onto the table, knocking more things off, and curled up like a kitten.

Promptly, she knocked the hell out.

Over by the group, Number Seven watched the entire ordeal with an increasingly disturbed expression. Who knew his humans first encounter with alcohol would be so... morbidly entertaining. Trying not to crack a smile, the dog-turned-human cleared his throat and made his way over to the sleeping child. "I suppose I should take care of this." He said, just before picking her up in his large arms. He turned back to the group and offered the Roku boy a sympathetic smile. "Sorry about your feet." He said before walking off. Obviously his human needed to sleep her encounter off. It was just such a shame she wouldnt get to experience more of the festivities.

Although... considering the mess she'd already made... perhaps it wasnt such a shame in the end. For everyone else anyway.

[Topic Left!]
(Needs mah RP space yo!)

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Chiyoko's discussion with Kumiko was going nicely at the very least. From time to time the older nin would glance over to her son and his ward. Of course things were only getting worse. The woman cringed when Okibi ultimately got sick and passed out. The violet haired woman's eyes closed. "Ah. Ew."<i></i> It took her a moment to recompose herself. All her hard work just went out the door as Number Seven carried Okibi out. "We Masashi are an off shoot branch. We deal with ... ... ... extra paranormal activities. I suppose you could call us specialists really."<i></i> Chiyoko thought it was a tasteful way of saying we deal with demons, ghosts, and their rapid destruction. "I myself never got along with the Elder... I was about your age at the time when I told him that I was going to marry who I please and not some high merchant's son."<i></i> A grin surfaced on Chiyoko's face. "I was a bit of a rebel you see..."<i></i>

"You still are a rebel." Judori spoke up. "You putting Okibi in that dress was rebellious enough as it's not her natural order. Hey, at least his apologized. Sort of." The former Steward himself was not put off of Okibi's show as much as his wife was. "I still remember the time you presented me to the Elder. Hrmph. He first stated that I was too short, and then went to comment about my informal approach to things. Didn't stop us from getting married did it?" The former Steward chuckled. "At the very least, I can say I'm pleased that you've come Kumiko. We ... old- hrmph. Well I'm not that old. We middle-aged folk enjoy the opinions of young folk. The next time your brother refuses to come... tell him it's by the order of the Steward Past."

Sousuke was a slight mess. The Steward inhaled, and exhaled. He remained perfectly calm. He took off his lab coat which Okibi made a mess of. The Steward wore a simple plain white t-shirt and black pants. "Apologies Roku. My ward has seem to ... made a mess. I would advise you, as your Steward-bossman-sama to... back up. Don't want to create a bigger mess than we already have."<i></i> The Steward did the same himself stepping away from the mess. "Between you and me, I think your chances of winning the best dressed award has ... increased. I seem to have forgotten my tie, or to dress up at all. At least you have a tie. How ... embarrassing I forget to dress up for a gathering I had planned."<i></i> The Steward snorted. "I suppose you would call this ironic."<i></i>

"Hadoo is how Okibi first called him when they met in the market."<i></i>

The Steward closed his eyes, winced, and then opened them. "Once she has ... recuperated. I am going to fix that."<i></i> The Steward's education of Okibi was a working machine. It was working strong, but from time to time it managed to break down. "Ah. Yes. How Okibi came to be my ward. An interesting story."<i></i>The Steward reflected upon that moment. It had been several months ago, but it did feel like yesterday. The Steward's silence seemed to last an eternity. "You would indeed be accurate in your observation that she isn't from around these parts. We're not exactly sure where she came from. One day a creature descended the Maw of Barynx, and set off quite an alarm. I myself went to investigate in which i found Number Seven wounded severely with Okibi in the same state. Once I was comfortable with them, I took them into the village for proper treatment. Number Seven had thought to leave Okibi here as she was not accustomed to ... our life style. All she had known was a life in the wild, and he did not want that for her. I made the choice to allow them both to live her... more particularly under my care."<i></i> The Steward paused for a moment. "Back then she spoke in growls, but I taught her the common language. It's still a work in progress as you can see, but she has made quantum leaps in terms of progress."<i></i> The Steward turned his head to the side. "Initially you wouldn't expect a person such as myself to do such a thing... but I felt it was the correct thing to do. I know at times I am described as cold and calculating, but I am capable of more... I'm just not entirely sure how to show it, given my defects."<i></i>


Oct 22, 2012
Kumiko could see Chiyoko's attention waver between herself and Okibi, the Stewards ward. She really couldn't blame the poor woman. The task alone, from what she had seen of the girl, a daunting one. But seeing as she was already a mother Kumiko was sure the older Uchiha would be able to handle said task. " Yes. The elder and I don't get along. My brother is much more acceptable within his eyes. I simply try to stay out of the way when possible. " Maybe it was the eggnog starting to weaken her inhibitions. Normally she wouldn't dare speak such things concerning her family. Especially not to the Stewards mother. Yet the thought of an arranged marriage sparked something within her mind. Would he and her parents think the same for her? If she was not as useful as her brother they may think her only worth being to marry her off for political power. The thought alone weighed heavy on her mind. Luckily Judori lightened the mood. Kumiko held her hand before her mouth, trying to hide her chuckle at his words. " No. No. it's not that he doesn't wish to attend. Once he begins a project he can't rest until it is finished...can't really focus on anything else really. But I will be sure tell him your order. "

While speaking to the former Steward and his wife it apparently an entire fiasco took place behind her. She she turned her head to look her onyx eyes found the Steward in a mess, having taken off his lab coat and those around him backing up from said mess. One of those people being Roku. However her mind kept playing back the words Chiyoko spoke of. Arranged marriage. Once more Kumiko took another large gulp of eggnog.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia was taken a bit of guard as Okibi had made a move next to him before she gave him a hug, commenting on how pretty he smelled. He rose a brow but chuckled a bit, guessing the girl had a bit to much of the alcoholic beverage...which was quite clear with how stained her dress was. Still, he returned the hug as much as he could, not really caring about his own attire getting a bit smudged, before he watched her climb up on Sousuke in a very clear sign of affection. it was rather touching, if somewhat amusing, seeing the reserved Steward smothered with affection...though what came next was a bit less amusing, as the girl heaved rather heavily...hmm, he guessed that was enough of egg nog for him...he needed something to bite on.

Though some of the food was knocked away from Okibi, she at least fell asleep so Seven could take her away. The party became quite messy, he could see the other people exchange some hushed words...probably this wasn’t a good showing of parenting by the steward. But at least the fuss was over...He would quickly say "I guess we can say Okibi became the equalizer when it comes to the best dressed award" chuckling a bit, noting the marks of egg nog o his robe. Glancing a bit towards Roku and Yume (finding the rather abrupt interruption of their discussion unfortunate...though somewhat satisfying) he would turn to Sousuke to listen as he answer his question.

As the slightly younger man finished his tale, and the reflection that came after, he would smile and say "Quite an interesting tale...Well, Okibi doesn’t seem to think of you as cold, and I guess her opinion matters the most in some way, hehe. And I think the display you had given us today also doesn’t portray you in a bad light. People often like to make fast assumptions. It’s just best to try and prove them wrong in any way you can think of. We all have our flaws...or defects, assuming that it was you meant. You just have to make the good points stand out more. And smile a lot. Makes you live longer I heard"
he concluded, flashing his superior a silly grin. Maybe a bit informal to say the least, but this was a time for cheer...and besides the eggnog was gently coursing through his veins. Speaking of which, he would add "Do give my best wishes to Okibi once she... recovers. I guess it’s a good thing her first contact with more...strong liquors came in a somewhat controlled environment...Despite the earlier events, I feel like I could nibble on something..." he finished, glancing at the table to see what was to chow on.

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
She grins at his joke rather amused at how easy going he is despite his rough appearance. It was Yume’s experience that most shinobi were rather morose and brooding. Stretching forth her hand, she proceeds to introduce herself.

Sagasu Yume of the Inuzuka clan and this… umm… well, if you see a desert fox around, that would be CuRua. He’s my companion.

She looked around for a moment, seeing if she could catch a glimpse of the fox’s furry little butt, but to no avail. He must have chased the larger cats inside, or perhaps took shelter under a chair or statue to hide from the mechanical monster that was on his tail. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees a wild Okibi start to snuggle everyone in sight and proceed to make her way in their general direction. Her gait was less than steady and her eyes were no where near focused. After proclaiming their lack of acquaintance, the Steward’s ward promptly doubled over and emptied the numerous glasses of eggnog. Yume sprang into action as much as her own semi-inebriated mind would allow and made sure that her mound of curls stayed out of the way.

Oh! Okik… Obik… Oh Little One. Are you okay?

Shrugging her off, Yume just watches as the younger girl stumbles away and turns one of the food tables into a bed. She wasn’t entirely sure what to make of it but decided that laughing would probably make other people uncomfortable or embarrassed. Instead she tried to ignore it as she had done when Okibi made her first appearance. Looking down and noticing after effects of the mess, Yume takes the Steward’s suggestion and also takes a step back and lets out a startled squeak when she feels her back bump into someone.

Watch where you’re going, Squirt. Someone might step on ya.

The new comer to the party was no stranger to Yume and showed his familiarity by draping his arms over her shoulders and resting his chin on her head. Wrapping her arms around behind her, she gives the man a hug and tries to look up passed his jaw with one eye. The adoration with which she addresses him can only be described as endearing.

Oniisan! Decided to join the party I see. This is Roku. He’s Saemon’s younger brother.

Shinji looks around at the others and recognizes the Steward and Kimi, but the rest are unfamiliar to him. He glances at the boy who Yume introduced him and looks him up and down, always a little wary when men speak to his little sister. It was bad enough that she had run off to have lunch with the older Banzoku but this one was closer to Yume’s age.

’Sup? Sagasu Shinji. Pleased to meet you.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Taking her hand, a mildly firm grip while still trying to keep it loose as he really did not understand the formality of a male/female handshake nor did he really understand if shaking it was appropriate, he would shake it, in a slower manner than he would with some random guy trying to "bro-up" with him. This sort of thing, it was embarrassing. His face, though carrying a smile, would twinge a little awkwardly during the shake showing how truly uncomfortable with the brief interaction he was. Saemon had taught him different methods of interacting with women and while being suave was one of them, it was conducted in a much different demeanor and with less sincerity towards actually showing courtesy towards the female. This might not be the right setting to play that game.

Before he could continue on the conversation the antics of another female, along with the warning of the Kage, would cause him to step backwards away from the 'action'. "Yea... seems I might be a legit shot for the title this year... Boss-guy." Mother Suna... just stick with using his damn name or the title, or titles, he was given. With that it seemed that his brief interaction with the Steward of the village would end as another male figure would appear on the scene. This man quickly approached Yume, which was always a red flag for Roku. Getting close to female of another man, especially a big guy in this swank affair, could only mean a rough conversation outside. This, however, would seem to be dismissed as the display between the two was more familial. Good

"Pleasure meeting you as well, Shinji." With that he would bow his head. Should he shake a hand? Hell, this being presentable crap was getting old already.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
The Steward stared at Shinji. "Sup? What is sup? Is it a short form for the word supper? What? Why are you using such a word?"</B><i></i> The Steward was taught proper common, as such slang was not something he was accustomed to. He knew of some slang, but tried not to use such words at all. The word in this context was being used as a greeting, or so it seemed. Why would someone say a shortened form of supper as a greeting? The Steward watched as Shinji and Roku engaged in conversation. He listened intently to Roku for the follow up to the word 'sup'. Roku in turn said that it was a pleasure to meet him. There was nothing out of the ordinary there...

With the language question in play the Steward turned to Haurpia once more. "I suppose you could say Okibi learned that anything in excess is a bad thing. A lesson from the school of hard knocks... or that's how the saying school. Why would someone name an education facility such a thing is beyond me. I would even say that it is slightly disturbing to be truthful."<i></i> The Steward said on the side. Sayings were such strange things. There were so many of them, and they were applicable only so few times. "A flaw and a defect are two different things for me. The particular defect I speak of is ... in its current state irreversible. If I find a flaw in one of my machines, I can swap out the part or reconstruct it accordingly. In this particular case I refer to a defect as a birthmark of sorts."<i></i> The Steward exhaled. It was not an easy topic for him to discuss. "I will give Okibi your best wishes."<i></i>

The former Steward and his wife still in the presence of Kumiko continued their discussion. Chiyoko laughed as Kumiko explained she tried to interact as little as she could with the elder. "Yes. Life is much easier when not having to deal with the elder of the Uchiha. We Masashi don't have to answer to the Uchiha elder. They advise us on matters, but it is us who take such advice." A smile of sorts appeared on Chiyoko's face. When it came to the Masashi elders, that was an entirely different matter. Chiyoko herself some day would come to such a position but not for some time yet. First her mother would become the elder, and then she would become the elder. Her son of course would not become an elder due to him being a Takahashi and the simple fact he did not wield the prophet eyes.

Judori chuckled at the remark of how once Kumiko's brother started a project, he had to finish it. "I used to be like that. The problem with that of course is once you're in a relationship with someone you have to learn to put things on the side. Not that I mind doing that of course." The Steward leaned a bit closer to Kumiko and spoke in a more hushed tone. "Patience goes a long way though. I would hope that when your mother peruses a romantic interest, that she be of great patience. I used to be known for wearing my wife's patience from time to time. Of course when she was styling her hair, I'd try to sneak in a few extra minutes to finish my tasks."

<B>"What was that?"<i></i>

"Nothing dear. Nothing worth mentioning."


Oct 22, 2012
A dark thought had taken root within her mind. An arranged marriage. Would her parents consider it? Seeing as her father was the Uchiha, her mother being that of the Jensaido, it would ultimately be up to him. With the view he had of her currently ... well she didn't think her feelings would be taken into account. Of course Kumiko was probably over analyzing things for she tended to do so.

Being brought back to the conversation at had she absorbed the information about the Masashi clan. She knew very little about them surprisingly. However she had to stifle a laugh towards her husbands comments. Yet once more the conversation delved into the topic of relationships. Her onyx eyes began to wonder as her thoughts ran rampid, the alcohol not helping the situation ' They haven't arranged anything yet. So until that time I will do as I please. ' That was when her eyes locked onto Roku. She cringed, remembering the time at the restaurant and his rude behavior. However he would never be approved of by the elder or her parents. And wasn't that what this was all about? Still, looking at him, he wasn't so bad. He was handsome-ish, in his own way. Yes....he would do just fine.

" Would you excuse me Chyoko San, Judori San. I seem to have run out of eggnog. Please excuse me." She smiled. it just so happened Roku was over there as well.

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
An expression of embarrassment seated itself on the older Sagasu’s face for being called out on his grammar. His attempt to make Roku more comfortable seemed to have backfired when the Steward overheard him. He was going to offer the boy a fistpump, but if the Steward had a problem with his speech he would definitely have a problem with such base behaviour. Before he can remedy his blunder with an explaination, Yume does her best to smooth over the situation.

It’s a shortened version of “What’s up?” which is a slang way to ask someone how things are going in their life. I love my brother but he wasn’t burdened with an over abundance of schooling.

Leaning up on her tiptoes, she places a kiss on her brother’s cheek which he returns by simply patting her head. It was probably a better explaination than he would have given, but did she have to point out that she was the smart one? Ever since they were children Shinji was more interested in training with their father while Yume was always curled up with a book or watching as Kara would perform acupuncture. She was naturally curious and as such, her next question came as no surprise to her brother. He knew she couldn’t help herself. The more she heard Sousuke speak, the more the question probably ate away at her thoughts until she just couldn't take it any more.

Takahashi-sama, I don’t wish to sound rude but you speak with a different dialect than most. It’s fascinating. Is it biological or simply a learned speech? I noticed your father speaks in a similar manner. It’s quite pleasant.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Well the Steward was back on the scene after doing some damage control on the tiny one but his return marked for an awkward moment with Shinji. It was like the ultimate mood killer as a brother and a debate on dialect had begun. Roku would politely smirk as he no longer felt a part of that conversation, and begin to slink off to the table with the egg nog. Hell if he continued continue the conversation with Yume he could at least get a little liquor of his system. Filling up his cup he would raise it to his lips but before he could take a sip he would notice a female making her way to the table. Another tiny figure.

"Hey, you shouldn't drink that until you are older. Can we get the adult of this child to keep a better eye on her... don't need more throw up accidents around here."

And within his mind he felt like he handled the situation like an adult. How was he to remember that he had encountered this female before...

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia listend to Sousuke both adress the foregin notion of "sup" and the exaplin how Okibi was learning from experinace...sometimes the hard way. He found the way Seitoshi spoke somewaht, he was highly intelgent,no one could ever doubt that,yet he was puzzled by some morewhat trivial notions of slang or sayings...perhasps the Stweard had lead a more shelterd life then one would think...that would exaplin why he didint see him much during academy years... And the notion of a brithmark he wasnt proud of was somewaht telling. Seeing he reched a sligtyl uncomfortable ground, he said "I understand...I dont mean to pry of course. Hopefully you will find a way to make this defect disapear...nevertheless, carrying such a burden along the title of the village leader must be quite a daunting task. If I may be so bold, I truly respect such dedication. Let you reign as the Stweard be a fruitfull one for both you and our contry" he conluded with a nod, taking a sip of his egg-nog in a toast of sorts

As Yume and her companion apoched them, exapning the mystery of "sup" and commenting on how Sousuke spoke, he chimed in "Yes,your voice is quite unusal...excelent for explaining various things, calm and precise. Bt he way,I dont think we have met yet. Sunaku harupia,pleased to meet you "he said,offering his hand in greeting to Shinji

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Judori and Chiyoko waved Kumiko off as she made her way over to the eggnog table. Judori nodded his head. "Nice girl." He commented as he was coming to form his opinion of her. The former Steward turned to his wife. "Well mannered. I suspect we can expect great things of her in the years to come. Her brother sounds like an interesting lad." The former Steward felt a tingle in his ears. Was someone talking about him? The former Steward let out a grunt. "My ears are burning..." He mumbled to himself.

The former Steward was quite right someone was talking about him, or more accurately his 'accent' that Yume claimed. The Inuzuka had explained to Sousuke that 'sup' was a slang word. The Steward processed the word in his head. His eyes widened as the word's meaning surfaced in his busy mind.

1. very informal usage in vocabulary and idiom that is characteristically more metaphorical, playful, elliptical, vivid, and ephemeral than ordinary language, as Hit the road. 2. speech and writing characterized by the use of vulgar and socially taboo vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. 3. the jargon of a particular class, profession, etc. 4. the special vocabulary of thieves, vagabonds, etc.; argot. 5. to use abusive language.

The Steward's deadpanned expression turned to Shiniji. In particular the fourth definition came to mind. The Steward analyzed the man trying to read him. Was this man morally insane? Was he a danger to pocket books? The Steward's eyes narrowed. Yume seemed like a friendly girl, so how could it be that her brother was a rogue? "Ah. Slang. I cannot say I am familiar with the ..."<i></i> The Steward paused. "... language of rogues and vagabonds."<i></i> The Steward's eyes narrow. "You're not a man who is within or tittering on edge of moral insanity are you?"<i></i> The Steward inquired in a very plain manner. "My experience with slang came in the form of ... trying to be pickpocketed and then apprehending said man with an ... iron grip. Literally."<i></i>

Takahashi-sama, I don’t wish to sound rude but you speak with a different dialect than most. It’s fascinating. Is it biological or simply a learned speech? I noticed your father speaks in a similar manner. It’s quite pleasant.

The Steward looked over to his father for a moment who was conversing with his mother. Dialect? He had a dialect and so did his father? "I'm speaking... as I always do."<i></i> The Steward seemed puzzled, or at least that is how it would have seemed due to this pause. "I was taught how to speak proper common, and Okibi will be taught the same. Her common has come quite a way, since initially she spoke in growls."<i></i> Harupia who was praising the Steward on his dedication added his own view point on his apparent dialect. The Steward thought hard for a moment. "I'm not quite getting what you mean by this dialect I have. I don't think I speak in ... 'tounges?' Yes I think that is what they call it, and I certainly don't speak in the beast language either. If I could do that then Okibi would understand what I'm saying all of the time instead of part of the time. It is most unfortunate she is unable to comprehend concepts of imaginary numbers. It is a necessity to understand their absolute vitality in some of my scientific and mathematic equations and theories such as the Indivergent anti-photonical spacial theorem which is needed to fully produce a grade four titanium-material gear which is then used for the momentum drive that requires a focused mechanism to begin propelling movement in..."<i></i> The Steward paused and made a hand gesture. He held out his hand and made a series of circles indicating that things would go on and on. "I just wish Okibi could understand what I need to go through in order to manufacture armour, weapons, and puppets. It's not just simple metal or wood work. "<i></i> By this time the Steward's pet lumbering over to his side, blinking lights and all. The create let out a woof and was then patted underneath the jaw by the Steward.


Oct 22, 2012
The black haired Uchiha was pleased with her conversation with the former Steward and his wife. They weren't exactly how she pictures them, though how she pictured them before she couldn't remember. Refilling her glass, it appeared this drink was very popular since the bowl was past the half way point, Kumiko could vaguely overhear the conversation the group of people near the table were having. However one voice drifted loudly above the rest. And said voice wasn't saying something she wished to hear from it. ' Why can't he simply keep his pretty mouth closed. ' She sighed inwardly, slumping her shoulders at the thought. ' It would have made what I wish to do so much, well, more pleasant at least. '

Normally it could be considered common for Kumiko to be mistaken for a younger iindividual, what with her long pig tails and all. But now? If anything she thought she looked more...well grown up. Her black hair was slung up in an up-do, revealing her slender neck. Even her red floor length gown exentuated her figure. Yet here he was calling her a child! Maybe he wasn`t the one she needed for this task. Yet how could she ask anyone else here and not feel shameful.

With her drink still in hand she quickly turned to face Roku, not spilling a drop of her eggnog, and a frown plastered on her face." Excuse me? You better not be referring to me. " Her onyx gaze burrowed deep into his own. " If you call me a child you'd be referring to yourself as one as wel, seeing as I'm your age. "


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
The girl turned her attention towards him, her face was not impressed nor amused. It was at this time that Roku got to do his brother's patented rescan. His eyes started at the top of the girl, her hair was pulled up and look like time was put into it. Slowly down her neck, his eyes would continue down the frame of the female. So maybe she wasn't so much of a kid. "Now, now Miss... where did you get those vicious eyes from?"

She had the eyes of an individual that wasn't enjoying the moment. Maybe he had crossed a line, maybe he needed to try and smooth this over. "You do not have the expression of someone having fun, lighten up and enjoy the party." He would follow this with a smirk as he raised his glass up to her in the fashion one would do when toasting. "Now you look familiar... do I know you from somewhere?" This wasn't a joke. He had no idea why but she felt very familiar.

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
The eldest Sagasu was struck dumbfounded. He had no idea that such an informal greeting would have such an impact on the Steward. Clearing his throat and arching an eye brow, Shinji gives Sousuke a quizzical look.

Sir, I can assure you that I am neither a criminal nor insane. My mental faculties are about me at all times. I am a shinobi of Suna and I take pride in being a defender of this village. I am familiar with Roku’s older brother and thought it social acceptable to use an informal greeting. My sincerest of apologies if it has offended you in your home.

The unusual display of linguistics has Yume beaming up to her brother. She was always proud of anything he did, even if she liked to tease him about constantly training and improving. She aspired to be as dedicated to healing as she saw him be to the protection of the village. It worried her slightly that he hadn’t been out on any missions as of late. Whether it was true or not she blamed herself. If it wasn’t for her, he would be free to do as he pleased. As she still lived with him, he felt it his duty to protect her first and foremost. The village would come second.

Perhaps it’s because we grew up close to the surface. You speak very properly. I don’t find the need for it in most situations but I suppose this would be an exception. It is a party after all.

The young woman’s eyes glaze over while she tries to keep up to what Sousuke is saying. She followed him until he started to discuss the use of mathematics in… Indulgent anti-fanatical special theorem? That couldn’t be right. Yume had the basic understanding of math and sciences. She had to in order to properly calculate dosages based on height, weight, fats, muscle mass, and other biological factors. She looks up to her brother and sees that he is trying to follow the conversation but probably is having as much luck as she was. Her brow knits together when Kitchenzilla barks. It was obvious that it was canine but she was having difficulty understanding it. Did it simply make noise to sound like a dog? Or was it the mechanical aspect that gave her trouble? The Stewards displeasure in Okibi’s learning coupled with Yume’s knowledge of the feral tongue prompted gave her an idea.

Takahashi-sama, I’m an Inuzuka and I can speak fluently with beasts, specifically creatures of the canine variety. Unlike most in my family, I have a fox. His name is CuRua but he still falls under the canidae family. Canida vulpes zerda. The point of me bringing this up is that I could help you perhaps explain things to Okibi in a speech that she understands so that the language barrier is removed. That way she could perhaps learn complex material while she continues to work on her spoken languages.

As if on queue, the reynard appears at Yume's side and leaps to her shoulders in one fluid movement. He presses his cheek affectionately to her double fang marks on her right cheek and she returns the gesture with a smile.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
After a very brief greeting with the brother of Yume, during which Sousuke was silent, both of them were kind of dumbstruck at Sousukes reply to the explanation what sup was a slang term. That was a bit...harsh assumption to make towards someone just for using a shortening of a word...then again, his experience wasn’t the most pleasant with such form of language, so that was somewhat understandable. Still somewhat harsh. But the older Sagasu seemed to handle the issue quite well., so all seemed well.

Sticking to the topic of linguistics, as both of them commented on the way Sousuke spoke, he replied it was nothing special. Which was somewhat true, he spoke normally, if not a bit more calmly then other people. Maybe it was the way he used it...actually, he would be quite sure of that, as Harupia started to listen to Sousuke explain what he wished Okibi would understand about his work. Somewhat easy stuff, but he had no idea what special theorem was.... and how it tide to photons...or any photons...

Letting out an awkward cough he would say "Well, with due respect, it would be difficult for someone fully understanding common tongue to fully appreciate the work needed in constructing something. I can relate somewhat, since I also am a creator...but there is not that much mathematics involved in my sculpting. At least not on the same level as with forging combat tool's... This might be a bit of a redundant request, but have you tried showing Okibi your work? I don’t mean just the end result, but the entire process, from laying down the plans to the actual creation. Of course, that might be hard with one so...lively as Okibi, but I think that seeing someone’s hard work is the best way for one to appreciate it..." ending it there with a soft smile, not wanting to draw on with his point more when he needed.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
The Steward coughed. "Right then."<i></i> He paused for a moment, "I'm not questioning your proper mental sanity, merely ... your capacity for moral good. I am a moderate believer in Graphology, in which one can determine the mental capacity, intellect, and moral capacity of one through writing. It isn't entirely accurate, but it is ... if anything helpful in the extreme. It's not a trick, merely advanced observation technique. People see things all the time, except when they are blind of course, but they do not observe. A proper observation can lead one to deduce and induce properly of course. I merely induced that from your use of slang that you had the possibility of being a roguish character. Induction of course can be wrong, even if one has the correct facts."<i></i> The Steward merely made a motion to Roku. "Take Roku for example, his appearance is that of a slightly more relaxed individual. His attire is if anything truly if too overtly casual, not that it offends me or anything of the sort. Before having a word with him, I suspected that he would refer to me in an overtly longer semi- formal title which he did as he called me Steward-bossman-sama instead of the Steward or the Kazekage as it was perhaps not on his mind that I would associate with him. At the time in which Okibi was sick and made a mess on the floor, I merely advised him accordingly to step back instead of ordering him to do so. He complied most willingly because I too adopted a less formal means of ... command, but I doubt that even he would wish to step on such a mess. Even the most overtly casual people have a particular level of cleanliness. Now should have Roku referred to me on the level of Steward, or if he were to wear a suit... I would suspect that he would have grown more upset at Okibi's display and would have stormed out with a perchance of walking through the mess as people who are angry have a tendency to forget their surroundings."<i></i> The Steward turned his view over to Roku and nodded his head. "I hope you don't take any offense Roku. I mean no ill of course."<i></i> The Steward made a gesture with his hand in a circular motion. "I myself am not offended by the word 'sup'. It would take certainly more to offend me. I should be the apologizing to you, ... ... my sincerest apologies for questioning your character Sagasu Shinji."<i></i>The apology didn't sound or seemed forced, and it really seemed that the Steward was trying to be sincere which was being hindered by his monotone voice.

Yume next spoke about how she could help Okibi out with her own knowledge of the language of the beasts. Kitchenzilla and Sousuke exchanged glances. "Bark. Woof. Woof."<i></i> (Okibi gets bored really fast. Sousuke does read to her about her Inuzuka heritage from time to time. She really likes that but she doesn't like science at all). The mechanical lizard let out another few barks. "Bark. Bark."<i></i> (Hey. CuRua. You better be careful. I don't think Sousuke has ever seen a fox before... so he might suddenly become fascinated with you. I would run if I were you.) Almost as if on queue, Sousuke's gaze shifted over to the fox. His eyes widened slightly as he indeed took an interest in the Canida vulpes zerda.

"What a fascinating life form."<i></i> The Steward leaned closer to observe the fox. "May I hold him?"<i></i> The Steward inquired. He was fighting the urge to simply reach out and pick up the fox. The Steward before he could go any further was spoken to by Harupia. The Steward never really did show Okibi his word in the early and middle phases. "That's a thought I had not considered, but there are some things I would prefer to keep ... secret of course."<i></i>


Oct 22, 2012
It appeared Kumiko and Roku were in their own little conversation, away from everyone else. At least she wouldn't be embarrassing herself in front of everyone. Hopefully no one would notice her leave if things went according to plan. She couldn't help but cock an eyebrow at his actions. Was he...actually checking her out? An unwelcome blush crossed her cheeks. Sure the way she dressed sometimes attracted attention but it was never so, so blatant. So intentional. And never was it done to her face. Yet a sly smirk played at her glossed lips. " You can thank the Uchiha for my eyes. "

Whoooooooa. Was she actually flirting wth him! What was wrong with her! Why was she acting like this? Why did she feel so warm? " Maybe I would be having more fun if I wasn't being addressed as a child. Women tend not to like that. You seem like you would have been the type to already know that. ' Maybe she had been wrong. Maybe he wasn't the right guy for the job She couldn't help but let out a small sigh.

Ah, so he did recognize her. ' His memory doesn't seem very good. That could be good. Maybe he won't remember in the morning. Yet at the same time she felt slightly insulted. Guh, which instinct did she follow. Thanks to the eggnog she went with the first. " That would be because we met before. At the thirsty cactus. You practically assaulted me and my brother at our table. Then insulted me by thinking I was my brother's girlfriend. You didn't leave a very good first impression on me. "

It was then the Steward had the perfect timing, saving Roku after Kumiko jogged his memory of their first meeting. She was, for once, rather amused by someone.

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
Shinji listened to Sousuke’s discourse while taking up his own glass of eggnog and small plate of goodies. He hands to plate to Yume whose cheeks have taken on the blush of liquor, in hopes that maybe the food would stop her from being too inebriated. She may be 18 but her naivety knew no bounds.

If I may be so bold, Sir, as we are talking about experience it has been mine that everyone has the potential for poor moral conduct, perhaps even yourself. Morals are a construct of society and while they are needed, each circumstance requires assessment unto itself. An action that could be right in most scenarios might be all together wrong for a very vital instance that could mean life or death.

Holding his drink in his left hand, Shinji gives a small offhanded wave with his right as if dismissing the troubling subject all together. Calming his movements, he reaches forward in a show of no hard feelings, offering his hand to the Steward.

No apologies needed, Sir.

The fox’s ears perk up at Kitchenzilla’s warning. He was used to Yume poking about on him when testing acupuncture techniques but she was gentle. He wasn’t so sure that a complete stranger with a scientific fascination would be as kind. They had their own motives of discovery and often less inclination to care of the well being of their subjects. No sooner had the counsel been given when the Steward drew closer to inspect the fennec. Was it rude to back away? There was no smell of malicious intent, only the tone of curiosity in the Steward’s voice. CuRua’s fears were calmed the moment her felt Yume reach up and rub between his ears. Pressing them as horizontal as possible and closing his eyes, he settles in for an enjoyable scratching session.

He’s a dessert fox. They’re found mainly on the surface or the near-surface, as they live in burrows to shelter from the heat and the winds. Their large ears keep them cool. Here…

Don’t worry Sweetie. I won’t let him hurt you or take you out of my sight.

Taking CuRua under the front legs with both hands, Yume extends her arms to present her friend to Sousuke. Ears still flat out to each side, he pulls his hind legs under him and wraps his tail up to his chest as best he can. He knew that Yume wouldn’t let him get hurt but he still wasn’t entirely okay with being poked at by a stranger, Steward Kage or not! CuRua knew that all hope was lost when she turned her attention back to the conversation and nodded in agreement with Harupia.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
