Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Suzuhime & Kuro's Wedding (C Rank)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Hardball, ok. The guy was supposed to be blind right? Bah, time to play duck and cover. "Well, legend has it that the "Sands of Time" flow freely here and I was hoping to procure for myself enough of the stuff to keep back the signs of aging. A man like myself has much to look forward too in life and I'd hate to be crippled by the likes of bad bones and an even worse hairline." He shook his head to do away with the sheer thought of it all. All in good faith though they were, this was still a well scripted rehersal of sorts for the much grander masterpiece of the evening. It would be the talk of the town, if Enzan exactly made it to town with his act. They said that the best would only accept the best and he was going for all the rewards and flashing lights tonight. "I tell you honestly though, in all truth mind you, I do indeed envy those that don't have to hide who they are. It's a much less dangerous game to simply be honest in all things . . . or so I've heard. Though it has been observed that the truth is what we make of it." he coursed. Pausing for just the briefest of moments, he let down the protective veil of lies as the curtain was barely in the air before he forced them closed again. He smirked in that moment too, as he genuinely enjoyed the dancing of minds that often accompanied his rather dangerous job.

Business! That was important, and as the ever watchful eye . . . pun . . . in the splintered cell, Enzan had to clarify a few things.
"I don't know if it's considered bad manners where you come from Sir Onryu, but I just have to know, would you happen to hail from the bloodline of the Batmen? I only ask because of your particular predicament to which I rudely missed before. The Batmen as I recall though, are born blind but see in much the same way that bats do. Echolocation was it? Yes, that's it." he snapped his fingers as he nodded quite vigorously to himself; tale weaving after all, wasn't easy on the fly. "Yes, via walking stick, or dog . . . or bat, they move about the world appearing to be blind but seeing via the use of their ears. I hear that due to such an affinity with hearing sounds that they can produce the most awe inspiring songs. Oh I once had the particular privilege of hearing one such lass sing her song and let me tell you, the girl could have calmed a sea storm with her heavenly calling. Again though, not to put you on the spot but if you hail from such a clan then I'd surely love to hear your take on the ballads of old . . . if you're up to it. Oh!"

On and on he rambled, so into his story was he that he misjudged a shifting from foot to foot to avoid another guest walking by that he kicked somebodies walking stick. Or was it simply just leaning against the wall the whole time? He hardly could remember but he offered it to Kagemaru anyway. "I don't know if this was yours or not but uh . . . hrm. Riddle me this, if a guy hails from the clan of Batmen, does that make him a Batman or simply a Batperson? Though by that logic, one has to wonder if the Alchemic element of Iron being "Fe" entitles a female to calling herself an "Ironwoman" or just a dude with a womb used to carry babies versus a pouch that . . . carries babies?" At this, Enzan did a funny jig as he totally emptied his mind of such foolish talk. "Forgive me, I'm such the thinker that sometimes you'd swear that I kept myself company even when alone. Not to say that it isn't enjoyable at times but . . . some matters are more pressing, like this tourney that they're proposing. Any proper fighter's war chants catch your ear?" By this point, Enzan was back to reality and no longer in the business of setting up Kagemaru with a more proper alibi or anything of that kind of persuasion. Straight faced, straight laced, and looking wildly in yet still out of place, he sipped on the life giving water, chatted with a blind guy that he'd just met and looked around for decent future squabbles to be had.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Tuesday : Toraono Dojo : 6:38PM​

This man, he was talking Kage's ear off, but in the thick of it all, Kagemaru understood what he was trying to do. However, the point in Kage hiding his eyes was less about forcing people to perceive him as a blind man, but allow them to assume. Every time he was asked about his eye sight, he replied with a truth that didn't explicitly state that he could see. Half truths were better then full lies to Kagemaru. Should someone find out he was not blind was not an issue. He simply didn't like to be asked why his eyes glowed. Though he didn't expect Enzan here to know that as the two men didn't know each other. But for now, Kagemaru would play this game.

Batmen was it? No no, my clan is nothing special. simply a branch of a larger clan. I'm able to move around well due to years of training though. I've had training that sharpens the other senses so that I can function without my eyes. Though I was born with normal vision. Over time, they became as they are now. A blessing and a curse all at the same time. All truths about his life. His clan the Onryu branch of Leaf were a lower branch of the Hyuuga clan main branch. Even though Kagemaru was given an offer to join the Main branch as he was the first from the Onryu clan head but was allowed to retain his Onryu name due to his father not being able to bear any more children in which to further the Onryu line. He'd also spent several years training his other senses such as smell and hearing. These were a logical precaution in the event that he'd ever lost his eye sight. His other senses were not on the level that those of clans such as the Inuzuka and Batmen clan were but he could function moderately find should he ever lose his eyes. Kagemaru also considered his eyes to be both a blessing and a curse. He held the most superior eyes of all Hyuuga currently known in the Leaf but it came with the price of having glowing eyes that could never turn off. He hid them partially to retain some form of secrecy as it was best if your foes knew as little about you as possible, and partially because he disliked the conversation that glowing eyes would produce.

If its a musical number you wish to hear, I'm sure you'll get your wish later tonight Enzan-san. I'm fairly certain the Toraono hosts have something like that planned for the evening. He shook his hand to wave away the cane that was offered to him.

No, no, thats not mine. I've no need for canes. But as for this tournament. I've opted to not participate. Too much attention for my tastes. Though I believe a few of my group members are going to participate. Though I wish the Lord of the Dojo would participate. I'm sure that would be a fascinating experience. One of the bonuses to outwardly seeming blind, Kagemaru didn't have to attempt to avoid people as they came his way. They avoided him out of courtesy or caution. As he and Enzan talked and the occasional passerby came through, Kagemaru simply continued on as they avoided his body. Sometimes it was hard to not smirk at the situation. However, now his mind wondered onto his teammates. He was sure that Mizuki was going to be fine, but Zenichi and Ginjiro were currently out of his visual range as it was increasingly hard to keep track of so many people in various different directions that were also moving as well as carrying on a conversation with Enzan. He'd have to focus on looking for them specifically if he wanted to find them but the situation wasn't in a bad way at the moment so he'd allow them to roam without his watchful eye for the moment.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As Kyojin-sama pointed the young Ayatsuri in the right direction the young boy smiled and thanked the man, a gracious and hospitable host. When he was finished, the young boy bowed slightly before speaking. "Thank you very much, sir. I greatly appreciate it. If you don't mind, I'm going to take this machine with me into the other room. It's a little too noisy in here to concentrate." And so, if there were no objections, the young Ayatsuri child would heave up the telegraph machine and make his way down the hallway and into the library. Setting it down gently, the young boy would then close the doors and lock them so that he might have more privacy. Suddenly, the boy let out a great sigh of relief as he sunk down into a chair and looked around the grand library for anyone else. His heartbeat was pounding, as he couldn't believe he'd managed to pull that whole thing off. He had wanted to get away, not just because it was noisy out there, but also because of the fact that he wanted to be out of Kagemaru-sensei's visual range. He'd been trying to figure out how he'd escape the man's vision and insight long enough for him to examine the scroll since this morning. Then, out of no where, a perfect opportunity like this comes and the young boy just knew he had to spring on it. He'd been calculating the steps he'd need to take in order for him to get away from Kagemaru-sensei's eyes, and this turned out to be just about right. Now that he need not fear being interrupted, Ginjiro reached into his bag and pulled out the red scroll with the golden twine binding it together. Gulping a little, Ginjiro was quite nervous as to what would happen once he opened it. Whatever happened, though, was going to happen. So, picking at the twine ever so gently, Ginjiro slowly began to unravel the parchment. Inside, however, was not what he was expecting. In golden writing, an elegant message was strewn out for the puppeteer...</COLOR><i></i>
Contents of the Scroll said:


A message, divided in three. Which can you read, I wonder? Will you be resourceful enough to figure it out?

Funtc uv bycceuh, yht y duhkia uv vmysac. Fa ynuca vnus dra umt, yht vnus dryd fa crymm syga ed yhaf. Simdevyladat yht pnuyt, uin nyhka naylrac vyn.
عبارة من طبقة النبلاء, و الشفاه الجافة بفعل الرياح. لقد قطعنا شوطا بعيدا يجب وقفه. النهاية زوال لديك حتمية.
Szóval, a hazugság. Ha ránk találnak, akkor nem tudom, hogy az biztos. Nem számít, hogy mit csinálsz, akkor nem velünk szemben. Mi kell közlekedni.​
Amazement flowed through the boy as he looked over the golden writing and calligraphy. He'd never seen anything like this. The first two lines immediately stood out to him, and he was able to read them normally. Muttering the second line out loud to himself, Ginjiro pondered its meaning. "Words of passion, and a tongue of flames. We arose from the old, and from that we shall make it anew. Multifaceted and broad, our range reaches far." What in the world was going on here? At the very least, it seemed to be just a message of sorts. Though its meaning was unclear, it's mystique and cryptic ways were clear as day. Ginjiro would need to look into this some more when he got to a proper library in Sunagakure. Right now, he had only meant for this library as an escape to view this scroll. Breathing slowly, the young boy did his best to keep his head on tight. He needed to send a telegraph message to the Hokage, now. Summoning up all of his brain power, the young boy calmed himself and simultaneously figured out what he was going to say and how he would do it. Cracking his knuckles, he immediately got to work...

Telegraph said:
.-..-. -- ..- -. - / .-. ..- --. -.-- -.- .- --..-- / -.-- --- -.-- -.. -.-. .. -. . / -.- . .... --.. . -. ..- / -. .- -... ..- -. -.. . .... -.- / . .... .-.-.- / ..- .. -. / -.. .- -.-- ... / .-. -.-- -.-. / ... -.-- - .- / . -.. / -.. ..- / ..-. . .... - / .-.. ..- .. .... -.. -. --- .-.-.- / ..-. .- / -.-- -. .- / .-.. .. -. -. .- .... -.. -- --- / -.-- -.. -.. .- .... - . .... -.- / -.-- / .-.. .- -. .- ... ..- .... --- / -.-- -.. / -.. .-. .- / -.. ..- -. -.-- ..- .... ..- / - ..- --.. ..- .-.-.- / ..-. .- / .-. -.-- .--- .- / .--. .- -.- .. .... / -.. .-. .- / ... . -.-. -.-. . ..- .... --..-- / -.-- .... - / ..-. . -- -- / -.-. ..- ..- .... / -.-- -. -. . .--- .- / . .... / -.-. .. .... -.-- -.- -.-- --. .. -. .- / ..-. .-. .- -. .- / ..-. .- / ..-. . -- -- / .-.. ..- .... -.. . .... .. .- / -.. ..- / -.- -.-- -.. .-. .- -. / . .... ...- ..- -. ... -.-- -.. . ..- .... .-.-.- / .-. ..- -... .- / -.-- -- -- / . -.-. / -.- ..- . .... -.- / ..-. .- -- -- / . .... / -- .- -.-- ...- / .-.. . -.. --- .-.-.- / -.-- -- -.-. ..- --..-- / . ...- / . -.. .----. -.-. / .... ..- -.. / -.. ..- ..- / ... .. .-.. .-. / -.. -. ..- .. .--. -- .- / -- ..- -. - / .-. ..- --. -.-- -.- .- --..-- / ..-. ..- .. -- - / --- ..- .. / -... -- .- -.-- -.-. .- / .--. .- / -.-- .--. -- .- / -.. ..- / -... -.-- -.-. -.-. / -.. .-. .- / ...- ..- -- -- ..- ..-. . .... -.- / ... .- -.-. -.-. -.-- -.- .- / -.-- -- ..- .... -.- / -.. ..- / -.-- --- -.-- -.. -.-. .. -. . / --- -.-- -.-. .. ..- --..-- / -.. .-. .- / .-. .- -.-- - / ..- ...- / -.. .-. .- / -.-- --- -.-- -.. -.-. .. -. . / .-.. -- -.-- .... ..--.. / ... --- / - .- .- -... .- -.-. -.. / -.. .-. -.-- .... --. -.-. --..-- / -.-- .... - / -.-- -... ..- -- ..- -.- . .- -.-. .-.-.- .-..-.

.-.. .- -- . -.. / .- -.-- .. -. / .- .-.. . ..-. / -.. .- .-.. . - / .- -.-- .. -. / .-. .- .. ... .... / -.-- ..- -.. / .... .- -.-- / .- .-.. . ..-. / ...- .- ...- / ...- .- ...- / .--. .- -.-- / ...- .- ...- / ...- .- ...- / -. ..- -. / -.. .- .-.. . - / ... .- -- . -.- .... / ...- .- ...- / -- . -- -....- ... ..- ..-. ..-. .. - / .- .-.. . ..-. / ...- .- ...- / -.. .- .-.. . - / -.-- ..- -.. / -. ..- -. / .--. .- -.-- / ...- .- ...- / .-. .- .. ... .... / -- . -- / .- .-.. . ..-. / - . - / -.-- ..- -.. / ...- .- ...- / -. ..- -. -....- ... ..- ..-. ..-. .. - / .--. .- -.-- / .-.. .- -- . -.. / .- -.-- .. -. / .- .-.. . ..-. / ... .- -- . -.- .... / ... .- -- . -.- .... / .- -.-- .. -. / -. ..- -. / -.. .- .-.. . - / .- .-.. . ..-. / .--. .- -.-- / .- .-.. . ..-. / -- . -- / -.-- ..- -.. / .-.. .- -- . -.. / -.-- ..- -.. / -.. .- .-.. . - / ...- .- ...- / --. .. -- . .-.. / - . - / ...- .- ...- / - . - / .... .- -.-- / ...- .- ...- / ...- .- ...- / -.-- ..- -.. / .-.. .- -- . -.. / .- .-.. . ..-. / --. .. -- . .-.. / .... .- -.-- / -.-- ..- -.. / -.. .- .-.. . - / .- -.-- .. -. / -. ..- -. -....- ... ..- ..-. ..-. .. - / -.-- ..- -.. / -. ..- -. -....- ... ..- ..-. ..-. .. - / - . - / .... .- -.-- / ... .- -- . -.- .... / .- .-.. . ..-. / -. ..- -. / -.. .- .-.. . - / -.-- ..- -.. / ...- .- ...- / ...- .- ...- / -.-- ..- -.. / .-.. .- -- . -.. / ... .- -- . -.- .... / .- -.-- .. -. / -. ..- -. / -.. .- .-.. . - / -.-- ..- -.. / ...- .- ...- / ...- .- ...- / - . - / .... .- -.-- / -.-- ..- -.. / -. ..- -. / .--. .- -.-- / ...- .- ...- / .-. .- .. ... .... / -- . -- / .- .-.. . ..-. / - . - / -.-- ..- -.. / ...- .- ...- / -. ..- -. -....- ... ..- ..-. ..-. .. - / - . - / .... .- -.-- / .- .-.. . ..-. / - . - / ...- .- ...- / ...- .- ...- / -.-- ..- -.. / -.-- ..- -..
Translated Telegraph said:
[ This is what anyone who tries to intercept the telegraph would get. ]


And with that, the message was finished. Having sent it off towards its recipient, Ginjiro knew that it would go directly to the desk of the Hokage, Yamaguchi Kami. Even if the message was to be intercepted, both parts of the message were sent in transliterated versions of their own languages so that nobody would be able to read it. It had been difficult for the young boy to translate all of the message in his head properly first, but he had done it well. Now that it had all been taken care of, Ginjiro decided that he might as well pack up his things and join the rest of the crowd once more. Packing the scroll back into his backpack, Ginjiro also picked up the telegraph machine and brought it out of the library with him. Locating Kyojin-sama, the young boy gently handed the machine back to the man.
<COLOR color="brown">"Thank you very much for allowing me to use this. I am finished with it, so you may re-seal it whenever you desire." And with that, they young boy would go and join the festivities. Perhaps he'd go wait for the sparring matches to begin?

Marked for Training.
Telegraph sent to Leaf Gates. Five hours (300 minutes) to reach Leaf Gates.
Oct 23, 2012
“Incredibly so.”

Chizuru would say in response to Iori’s question about her being nervous. This had to be the single most largest event she had ever been to. Family reunions with her own family were pretty big but nothing like this. Between the massive structure of the dojo and the sheer amount of people, Chizuru just wanted to hide under something and wait for it all to be over. Instead of staying in the carriage, however, Chizuru took hold of Iori’s outstretched hand and grabbed hold of him tightly, clinging to that arm for comfort and as well as to be escorted inside with him. Far to intimidated to really say anything, she was at least able to greet Kyojin in a proper manner by performing an incredibly graceful curtsey as he looked their way. She would be quite unaware of the thought going through Kyojin’s mind about Ikkadan. All she was worried about right now was not getting herself lost in this crowd, so after that curtsey, she went right back to clinging to Iori’s arm. The telegraph machine caught her eye and her interest though and before she knew it, she had already once more released Iori’s arm and began moving towards Ginjiro whom was returning the interesting looking machine to Kyojin. Suddenly all that nervousness was gone, replaced by pure curiosity.

“What’s this?” She’d speak up, her voice filled with confidence now. Whom she asked the question was anyone’s guess since she was looking between Kyojin and Ginjiro, waiting for one of them to answer her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
In mere moments after arriving to the room, his "doctor" appeared from the sand on the ground. It was definitely different, and could be a teleportation jutsu for all Mizuki know. To be honest, he didn't care...he was here to examine their medical system and get himself healed up. She introduced herself to him, and he smiled at her and allowed her to speak before he would say anything. She basically said he had an interesting body, and she wished to know more so she could fix him up.

Continuing to smile, he said: "The pleasure is all mine Ms. Toraono. I don't quite understand how I have a unique body structure compared to everyone else, haha. I just push my body to the limit because my family/clan believe that a fight is a matter of life-or-death and that we must die by our blade." Pausing, he shrugged his shoulders and continued. "It may sound retarded to you, but that's my family's way. Anyways, I was in a fight with my teammate and he harmed me externally and internally. I'll be fine externally aside from some bumps and bruises, but could you possibly check me internally for damage and patch me up please. I'd rather not keep living with harm, haha."

And that was that, he would await her response while he observed his surroundings. He was impressed with the sand and how she got here the most, maybe there was something special about this country.

[Lack of sleep and motivation along with being swamped with school. Sorry~]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro & Suzuhime in Sanctuary

Kuro looked at Suzuhime lovingly as he began to put on his black & white Kimono. "Everything seems to be going well, my love, are you ready to meet and greet the visitors?"</COLOR><i></i>

Kyojin & Chizuru at the main foyer
Kyojin had just received the telegraph machine back from the young man from Leaf when Chizuru stepped forward asking what it was. Kuro as ever had a soft spot for children and took a knee to show the young lady a telegraph machine. <COLOR color="indigo">"Ahh greetings Lady Yamazaki Chizuru, I am Toraono Kyojin, one of Kuro's royal guard, and this machine is a telegraph, a way of sending messages through electric pulses like our head-sets but over greater distances without a voice. I am not up to date on how to use it myself, but I can let you learn if you want to read about it in the Dojo library..."

Mizuki & Sashi in the Infirmary
Standing at five feet eleven inches and weighing in at a healthy, muscular, 160 pounds, Toraono Sunaku Sashi was one of the few women capable of being a royal medic. Sashi was the only adopted daughter of Toraono Kaibudo. Sashi bore a remarkable resemblance to a famous actress named Ryushi Ryu (Lucy Liu) would be identical were it not for devilishly red hair. Her mother had died shortly after birth and her Grandmother raised her till the age of six giving her a strict religious upbringing so she learned a lot about Mother Suna and healing. Her Grandmother's family was reasonably well off, so they had enough money to live comfortably as they worked as medics and entertainers for other royal families. Sashi’s hair was a lustrous vibrant crimson with gold overtones. Her eyes were a beautiful hazel like amber from the Elderwoods but would turn crimson when her emotions surged or she called upon the sands. Sashi was all speed and ability when she wielded a giant sand touched blade she took after her mother and grandmother in that she never allowed herself to sweat without a good reason. Her soft off white two piece medic uniform made her resembled and exotic swimmer, as anyone could tell she was well muscled. Her skin was more honey brown than and sparkled gold and crimson in the sun. She wore six leather bracelets with gold seals upon each arm and beautiful silk and sandalwood sandals upon her feet. Around her waist was a he and amethyst obi with pearl white threaded runic terran sigils marking her as old nobility. Sashi nodded to Mizuki as she pushed him onto a soft crimson sand examination chair she created from the sand around them. Like a goddess rising to the occasion, she strode with a confident sexuality and purpose. As she summoned more crimson sand with a gentle ease, sand rose to form delicate foot size stairs as Sashi proceeded to walk on rising sand streams to stand over then lower herself to straddle Mizuki. Her eyes began to glow a vibrant crimson as the very air began to swirl with crimson sand as the soft white light of the chamber became red from her bloodline abilities. The sand answered her call and with it she controlled the entire environment even the temperature. Her voice grew heavy, deep and husky, as the air began to smell of cinnamon and the coppery tang of blood. Her long crimson hair fell over Mizuki's chest, his clothing was stripped away as everything grew dark only his pants, and his sheathed weapon were still in contact with his body as the crimson sands stripped him of all else. "Internal injuries are one of my specialties but I am not going to cut you open to heal them. Unfortunately I will need to enter your blood-stream to get to your damaged organs. It will not be as unpleasant as it would be if you were someone I didn't like. I can only be honest when I tell you this will be a bit rough on you so forgive me for being so forward as I take over your body ever so briefly. You may feel taken advantage of, and again for that I apologize. I will be more or less gentle but for now your body is mine, and I shall heal YOU as best I can, and as I see fit." He was half naked to be sure, inside of a bubble of healing crimson sand with a beautiful warrior medic straddling him. Her ankle long hair fell over his body as it grew dark until nothing glowed save her eyes. Her right hand pulsed with warm crimson chakra as his chest began to feel really warm as she healed him. Her left hand cupped the back of his head as she brought his lips to her own and kissed him deeply. It tasted like he was kissing a tangy cinnamon mint then his mouth and throat went dry for a terrifying moment before he realized she had passed some of her own sand into his body. His body began to glow a bright crimson within the bubble and he felt like he was on fire for a moment before everything grew extremely cool and soothing. The darkness left as quickly as it had come as the crimson sand bubble fell away leaving Mizuki sitting comfortably on a cool, crimson sand medical couch. Sashi slowly pulled the sand she had placed inside his body out through his pores. That part was indeed painless. She then ruffled his hair as she placed a ball of black sand pulled from his body in a special container for disposal.
"You are clear of all internal injuries but take it easy for a while, say 4 hours then you should be okay for battle again."
Oct 22, 2012
Suzuhime had joined her meditating groom, enjoying the alone time with him as time passed by. All that was left to do was await for their guests, or to be specific, those that wanted to attend. She was unaware that fellow foreigners would be here at the wedding, but she was doubtful they were from key. While Kuro and Suzu sat together, she had been resting her head against Kuro's arm in silence. A content smile drawn upon her face as she began to think of the future. While she did not like the notion of following some sort of prophecy or destiny. This was... nice. Perhaps this would be the only time she would follow some sort of predestined route. Only because she had first envisioned it. She had managed to determine from a blurry image of premonition that consisted of herself, Kuro, and two children in a rather family-esque setting. The natural scientist she is, Suzuhime deigned to first try a relationship as an experiment. Which evolved rather quickly when she truly began to notice how much a devoted person Toraono Kuro was. The relationship was unusual. The pacing was terrible. But that was of no concern to anyone else. Perhaps the decision for engagement was hastily made. But Azame must have seen something in Suzuhime that that even Suzuhime couldn't see. And now the lovely couple consisting of a fiery haired dwarf and a hulking half demon was here today, wedding day. Soon enough Kuro would speak up, Suzuhime half asleep when she stirred abruptly from his words. Rubbing at her eyes when Kuro suggested they go meet their wedding guests.

"Ja... of course mein love. Wir sollten sie nicht warten zu lange..."
(We shouldn't keep them waiting to long...)

Suzuhime agreed. Gently taking Kuro's hand when he would be ready. Adjusting her head piece from her earlier napping, she pulled at an occasional stray anything. Not wanting to be seen in such a delicate outfit. Then others would begin to think she was just some pansy. Then again, why was she giving a rat's ass when she normally wouldn't. Maybe is Suzu-land, their impressions would reflect onto Kuro. The weird and completely inaccurate connections she could make. She would gingerly follow behind Kuro, while it was not intentional, she would be rather easily covered by his hulking figure to her own.

"Lassen wir dann mein herr."
(Let us leave then my lord)

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
ooc: Seems no one else wants to post so here WE GO...

Kuro stood and led Suzuhime from sanctuary not because she couldn't walk by his side but simply because today she was to be his wife. So for appearances she would walk behind him at first. She would then lead him from the ceremony after becoming his wife as she would now have the right to do so officially but at all other times until she became Queen she would walk side by side with Kuro. This would not occur because they were exactly equal by House Toraono rites and traditions, it would occur because Kuro and Suzuhime loved eachother and wanted to be side by side. Amaterasu and Hyakujuuonouu would not have it any other way. As the main body Demon Kuro led her from the meditation and reflection chamber known as 'Sanctuary' (because of its beauty and being at almost the exact center of the fortress known as the Toraono Dojo) to the main foyer for announcement of the timing of events leading up to the final wedding ceremony and the three days of rejoicing that would follow. It was also Suzuhime's birthday and as such she would be given many gifts by her family and the other clans within House Toraono. Sharingan Kuro stepped from a shadowed alcove and took up watch along Suzuhime's right. At five feet ten inches in height and weighing two hundred and seventy pounds few could understand how he could move so swiftly or silently. His physique where it was visible through his black reinforced silk ANBU robes and fighting gi revealed massively over defined muscle that were built up from years of martial arts and ninja training. His every breath, every movement was steeped in thousands of years of martial arts and ninjutsu tradition. As such he is able to control his body to such an extent that he can even use his long flowing hair as a weapon or a shield. His hair was almost completely silver but was more platinum in tone, it hung free and flowing to his mid shoulders. His eyes were shockingly violet with a gold iris; his scent was a mixture of cinnamon and manly musk except without the overpowering sweat scent. Ornate black ANBU guards with the Sunan symbol etched into them were laced on his forearms and shins. Black ox horns were on both sides of his head protecting his temples while his tiger skin tail with a silver white fur tip swayed back and forth in a gentle motion just above the sands. He wore an ANBU mask over his face and his Suna Insignia around his waist. Sanryoukyogan Kuro emerged from one of the medical chambers to come stand on guard on Suzuhime's left. At five feet ten inches in height and weighing three hundred pounds, His physique was no less impressive, This portion of Kuro wore his off white reinforced silk medic robes where open showed his fighting gi beneath and hinted at massively over defined muscle that almost resembled dark chocolate steel as it shimmered with a metallic sheen when the light struck it just right. His hair was almost completely silver but was more platinum in tone as well and was carefully braided into a single braid to allow him to keep it out of his way while performing medical duties. His eyes were also violet with a gold iris, but here and there it shimmered rainbow like a gem. His scent was a mixture of jasmine and clean fresh breeze like someone whom had spent their entire day doing nothing but laundry, there was no hint of a sweat like scent. He too wore a mask but it wasn't an ANBU mask it was a ceremonial mask of the clergy of Mother Suna. To any onlooker it would seem like they were paying homage to the training and heritage of Kuro, only Suzuhime and Kaibudo truly knew that Kuro had more than one body.

They reached the hall with an entourage of kin and guards, it was almost time for announcements. Kagemaru could easily view them now since they were no longer within chakra enhanced crystal lined chambers which somewhat skewed his actual vision. Then his vision would catch sight of beings alot like him and he would know that among the Byakko clan his secret was out although they wouldn't tell.

The Kindred of Byakko: Some of the Toraono Clan descend from the blood of the celestial beast Byakko, the great white tiger. As such they are normally born with white, gray, or blonde hair with exotic gray, blue, or ever rare completely white eyes. These warriors are able to use taijutsu that combines their inner energy flawlessly with their movements resulting in a combat style known amongst the Toraono Clan as Tora no Ken or Fist of the Tiger. Lady Yanshi stood at the wait to greet those in attendance for the wedding of Toraono Kuro. She was intensely beautiful as her skin seemed to sparkle, like snow on a sunny day, it was said she could summon a blizzard in the middle of a sandstorm. To see her standing there with her white hair tied up in a tight bun with white lace and her shimmer silk white battle robes she could have been made of unmelting ice. Eyes as blue as the clear skies looked upon all their guests, as her half brother Byakko Tsuchi looked upon them all with pure blue eyes that glowed slightly, markings along his face and around his eyes marked him as one of the chosen of Byakko and his robes marked him as a participant in the upcoming tournament, he looked to be reasonably young.

The Kindred of Ox-King: Some of the Toraono Clan descend from the blood of one of the demon beast Kings the Oushi-ouja Ox King whom was actually defeated and absorbed by Hyakujuuonouu, the King of demon beasts and cousin of the celestial white tiger Byakko. Those whom show traits of descent from this line are known to be born larger than most babies. Many are born with special chakra seal crests upon their foreheads, chests, abdomens or backs. As they grow older they show off their inhuman strength and tend to be taller than many of those of the Toraono Clan, the tallest of these warriors actually tapered off at eight feet by the time of her twenty third birthday. The males of this lineage occasionally grow ox like horns, sometimes the women do as well but it is very rare. They are also able to master jutsu’s that allow them to turn into giants. They tend to be born with full heads of black, blue, or brown hair with large brown, blue, or rare jade green eyes. These warriors are able to use taijutsu that combines their great strength and massive size to level mountains, and forests. Master Nabushin stood at the wait as well. At eight feet in height, broad chested and strong, Nabushin resembled a man that had been made from a bull, even his shoulders were thick, so much so he seemed to have no neck. An spark of jade green lightning leapt from his left horn to the right. As he stood near the main entrance in his black and brown battle gi slightly ragged at the shoulder and at the base of his feet from years of training and use. His jade green eyes seemed humble and calm. He watched over the guests entering with a practiced patience as his daughter Hira stood by waiting for the tournament. She was a much more slender and daringly beautiful version of her father but she carried the horns of power with pride.

The Kindred of Hyou: Some of the Toraono Clan descends from the blood of the celestial beast Hyou, the great black panther. As such they are normally born with extremely dark skin and hair. These members are often born with gold or completely black eyes. These warriors are able to use ninjutsu and Genjutsu in a way that allows them to remain undetected until they strike. Their stealth is so naturally and flawlessly accomplished that their movements can influence the shadows. They tend to be lazy when not challenged but when a hunt is brought forth there are few that can match their natural stealth and hunting skills. Lord Onimaru stood in wait for his clan's judgment of the newcomer, his mask covered his face, but his completely black eyes gave away his identity immediately, it was said no target had ever escaped him and few would ever doubt it. Covered in all black combat gear he was one of the few Hyou Clan whom were rarely caught in a lazy state. His daughter Hyouka stood by waiting for the tournament as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Tuesday : Toraono Dojo : 6:50PM​

As Kagemaru continued to converse with the disguised Umashi, his enhanced eyes picked up a powerful chakra signature. He recognized it as it was similar to the other Toraono around the Dojo, but this one seemed to be a tad stronger then the rest. Kagemaru thought it would be safe to assume that this was the Lord of the Dojo. As the bodies appeared, Kagemaru realized that his secret was out, He knew this to be true as at least one of the entorage of Toraono that had made their way within his visual range, had locked eyes with him. Who locks eyes with a blind man? Someone who knows the man isn't blind. There were some there who'd had the same abilities that he had though not to the same degreee of his eyesight. But it was all the same, there was no longer any point in hiding his eyesight and judging by the chakra signatures of the lot of them, the Toraono clan was not something to be taken lightly. That would most definitely be going into his report. Though there was more to actual strength then just the amount of chakra you had. It was at this time that Kagemaru decided that he would retract his earlier statement and would test these strange Toraono and their battle prowess.

Excuse me for a moment Hikari-san. I've got a request to make. Initially, Kagemaru was not going to challenge anyone here as it was a special occasion, but he no longer wanted to pass up the opportunity. He wouldn't force the issue, but if this dojo was anything like he thought, they would hardly refuse a challenge from any challenger. Kagemaru took his leave of Umashi's presence to seek out Kyoujin. He was the only Toraono that he'd spoken to and knew that he would be able to help. It wasn't hard seeking him out after just over a minute or so of walking. He'd found him conversing with a girl and now that his location had changed, Ginjiro was once again within his visual range and under Kagemaru's watchful eye. However, Ginjiro was not the target of Kage's concern so what he was currently reading was of no importance to Kagemaru at the moment. He'd ask him about it at a later time.

Pardon my intrusion Toraono-san. But I believe I've been impressed to the point where I'd like to issue a challenge to your Lord. As I've observed the surroundings, I believe that he may be the type of person who would appreciate a gift such as that of a worthy challenge from an outsider. So I humbly ask for your advice on how I should go about making that happen. Kagemaru was still in the clothes he'd arrived in. His travelers clothes that were very unbecoming of the current event though, he'd hardly had the time to change. Hopefully Kyoujin proved useful once again. As he waited for a reply, he would smile politely at the small girl who'd been there as well. Though the thought of this girl brought upon a reminder that he'd lost track of Mizuki and Zenichi. Kagemaru had mental reminders of an approximate time of how long he should wait before checking for his teammates' chakra signatures, and the two of them were coming upon that time. He could only assume that Mizuki was behind similar walls as those that protected the Toraono for Kuro's sight which didn't ease his thoughts and Zenichi had snuck off not too soon after they arrived which was bothersome in and of itself. However, he would allow the boy a bit longer to go on his own before Kagemaru began to actively search for him. For now, his concern was making his challenge to Toraono Kuro known and accepted.


[WC: 600+]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Word G? Really now? Was this guy going to show up . . . or attempt to show up Enzan? No sooner had Kagemaru left his side, then Enzan officially opened up his mind. There were those in the world who had powers much like his own but who flaunted them around as if they were toys to be played with. Enzan was no such individual, he always believed that ones "Ace" shouldn't be revealed before "Jokers". Much better to save it for the "King" and "Queen". As such, once he began to peer into the minds of those around him, he knew that he'd be instantly spotted by others with the ability but who was counting, this was going to be the best field trip ever! That is, if Kagemaru didn't try to off him first. For a fact, Enzan considered it the utmost rudeness to just go about peering into others minds willy nilly. Never the less, moving to match pace behind the man, it was when he was approaching the approaching party that Enzan suddenly understood what it was that Kagemaru was seeing. Real power recognized real power and what Enzan was sensing was great power indeed. More so for him he was focused on the minds, yes, the mind is where he'd find motives of the heart and wherever ones heart lay; there he'd find their true strength.

Ironically, somewhere else, in another time there was an occurrence going on just like this in the stream of all things universal. Yes, only in that universe, Kagemaru and Enzan represented a different , more wetter nation but the locale was just the same. Hopefully this time, the battle wouldn't be interrupted but on this side of the coin, Enzan was prepared to be a team player and Kagemaru wasn't as weak. That being said, he too spoke up to the Toraono who was apparently taking the sign-ups.
"Mind making that a two versus two run? I do believe that I'd already signed up before my friend here but it would be an interesting sight, no? Why, it's rare that we get so many wonderful displays of talent and skill under one roof where I'm from and I could barely fathom passing up the chance to see where I rank in." He'd smile at this point as he'd coyly move an arm to reach behind his head and give it a nervous scratch. Well scripted, well crafted and totally normal for such a moment right? One motion caused for another emotion and secondary life learned skills of preservation would kick in. "Neh, pardon the intrusion of course, I'm just ever the eager beaver." Yes, that right there and he was good, gold and solidly placed in . . . Wait, if what he was picking up was true then maybe he could just as easily just simply bypass the guard and ask ever so kindly of the great Toraono Kuro himself for a dance of the fist, no? It was worth a shot though he was sure to be seeing the procession train with the ever wonderfully clad wife to be in tow now. Oh how he loved weddings!

OOC: DA x Abom w/Third Eye + D. Aura activated.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Toraono Kyoujin had just passed Chizuru one of the telegraph devices the dojo had recently acquired when Kagemaru returned to request a match with Toraono Kuro, himself. Another obviously strong individual decided he would like to participate in a match as well. Kyoujin smiled genuinely and wrote them down as a duo before placing the chart for match ups back on the main foyer wall. It was just that simple, and with that Kyoujin turned to them and motioned them towards the dressing chambers where fighting gi's, robes, wraps, mirrors, and assorted sparring gear was set aside for any and all participants. Kuro found himself smiling at being challenged directly and it couldn't have come at a better time. He needed to test himself against strong opponents and not just hunt prey or accept the missions presented to him. To make matters as simple as possible Kyoujin would hold up his right hand and signal 2 on 2 in ANBU hand speech which Kuro would nod his approval to.

"Gentlemen, your two on two match has been accepted, it will be a five round match, prizes will be given regardless of win or loss but simply know that a win as approved by the referees and judges is a win and there will be absolutely no bias in the Lord of the House's favor as that would dishonor the dojo and the competition as a whole. The colosseum is equipped with medical wards and emergency repair systems so even near fatal wounds can generally be healed in a few moments. Lethal assaults will be avoided but should you be forced to use a lethal technique, such actions will not be held against you, Let me know if you have any questions prior to the tournament which will start in twenty minutes. Please enjoy yourselves..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Tuesday : Toraono Dojo : 6:57PM​

It would seem that he and Umashi were of similar mindsets. Though this was actually part of Kagemaru's mission, he also wanted to test his mettle against the Toraono clan. After a short moment, their names were registered and their challenge acknowledged and accepted. A glint of emotion crept upon the bottom half of Kagemaru's face which manifested itself into the form of smirk while Umashi would be able to sense a mixture of thoughts that would feel like excitement, and confidence at the same time though the difference between arrogance and confidence was a like splitting hairs.

Not at all. I fully understand and expect no less from such an establishment. Kage said in response to Kyoujin's words. Then the two were shown where the dressing rooms were however, Kagemaru didn't trust wearing their gi due to a combination or self preservation, old habits, and logic. In his mind, wearing their equipment could open up a plethora of issues that would be folly for a fighter or shinobi of is mindset. As he didn't know or trust the people of this dojo 100%, he quickly assumed their gi and equipment could have some secret equipment that could analyze his movements, chakra or techniques. He was already going to be showing himself in front of a large amount of people, they didn't need the opportunity to gain any more information then they would already gain from that. But as they made their way to the changing rooms, Kagemaru needed to know a good bit of information from Umashi if they were going to work as a team. Though luckily for him, he knew that Umashi could read minds. This would come in handy for any prying ears that were around, though perhaps his thinking was moot since he'd also assumed there were those with similar abilities to Umashi as well. Hopefully there weren't any within their mental range though that was only wistful thinking. With that, Kagemaru cleared his mind of the mental steps he took to keep out mind readers and allowed his surface thoughts to be read.

You know how this works... in order for us to work as a team, we need to know a good bit about each others fighting styles. I'm hand to hand with a focus in chakra based attacks and stealth. Your turn. Though keep in mind, I can't read yours...

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
So it was finally the day…it seemed like only yesterday that he was conversing with the guess in their engagement party, and now Toranao Kuro was getting married with his lovely fiancé. The last time he was at a party hosted by the clan, the result was quite…unusual. Assassins breaching the parameter, flames erupting, hijinks ensuing all around. With little wounded on the side of the Sunan’s, but no real resolution about what the hell happened in the place. Something he would have to discuss with Kuro eventually…he would like to help. But he guessed today was a time of festive happiness… though he imagined he’d have a slightly more changing time enjoying himself now.

Harupia found himself in the center of attention of the people he passed by on his way to the Dojo. Well, he wasn’t the only one, but the sentiment was the same. For he was in the head of a large group of people, members of the Sunaku, around 15 people heading there together for the wedding. Of course more of them were welcome to join, this was the representative group of the clan. The most prominent figures, and on the head of them, the head of the clan, Sunaku Shigeo, his wife Sunaku Kohana, and at her side his son, the potential heir of the mantle, Sunaku Harupia

The members of the clan were dressed in the traditional, brown-gold colored robes of their clan, each of them bearing a symbol of their branch upon their chest. Only Haru beard no such insignia on his clothing, which drew the annoyance of the elder male before they left the clan compound…not that it wasn’t easy to annoy the man in the first place. With a sigh he said “Who would have though the Toranao son would find a women who could keep up with him. Becoming the de- facto next in line in the clan…those are quite some shoes to fill in”. Kohana would chuckle a bit saying “Well, ladies do like their man to be wild and strong… you should be the last person to be surprised by that my dear” as she moved a bit closer to her husband’s arm, which he accepted with a huff of sorts. Turning his eye t Harupia he would say “Hear that son? Your little arts and crafts are one thing, but people truly strength and combat prowess would get you married a lot sooner than that. Your only a year younger than the Kuro you know…” to which Haru replied “Well father, seeing how our current standings are 3 to 5 in spars with my advantage, I think it’s safe to say my combat prowess match my skill in making wonderful gifts for my bride to be” he concluded with his usual grin. Shigeo would simply roll his eyes as they walked along. As much. While he truly scoffed at such frivolous behavior, he knew very well that his son was right. He could hold the family mantle in combat. But the question of heritage was something that needed to be settled…and they both realized it.

Harupia himself tried to distance himself from the thought. He truly hoped he would get a chance to tell his best regards o Kuro and Suzuhime. As their family entered the gate of the Dojo and registered at the entrance, they all made their way into the main hall in a generally quite but pleasant mood, wondering when the actual ceremony would begin.
Picture tiem :eek:
Sunaku Shigeo
Sunaku Kohana
These pictures belong to their authors as presented in the links. The next Picutre was drawn for me by Ejij which I am very greatfull for :)

[spoilername="A general idea how the robe looks, itll be difrently colourd,but I dont have the details worked out yet, pardon for that x.x"]
Oct 23, 2012
Chizuru seemed lost in thought, or incredibly amazed at the device, it was hard to tell since she just kinda took hold of it and froze up a bit as she let the process of how the machine worked process in her mind and tried not to come up with a million questions for the man to answer and instead figure some of them out herself. She’d be brought out of her thoughts when Kyojin spoke up about a match and tournament rules that was going to be starting in twenty minutes.

“Oh…so. This telegraph doesn’t use voice? Does that mean there’s some kind of special code one must know in order to translate whatever the electric pulses are being sent mean? What is the maximum effective range of one of these?”

Despite the fact that Kyojin made mention that he had no expert knowledge on how the thing worked, Chizuru still winds up asking him questions about it. It was more of a knee-jerk reaction on her part but she couldn’t help it. She just had to know!

Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
After Zenichi signed the ledger and entered his name into the tournament's participants sheet, he stood off to the side to see if anyone else was going to sign up. He didn't notice too many people that were his and Ginjiro's age but hoped that they were just shy about being first to volunteer. As he grew antsy, he happen to look down at his attire and realize that not only did he not fit in at such a festive occasion, he had a bit of a body odor problem. He had only recently started to grow hair in the nether regions, maybe the manly odor was the next stepping stone to becoming a man. Whichever the case was, he had to find his way to the area mentioned before about proper attire and hope that they had a shower.

As he wandered off, he wondered if he should tell any of his teammates where he was going. A quick scan showed that the blind was already engaged with someone who looked oddly familiar, the barely conscious one was busy receiving medical treatment, and the know-it-all was infatuated with a shiny new toy. He figured that none of them would notice him missing. It would be the perfect opportunity to slip out of the Dojo, and then the country (if he knew which direction to head towards while in a desert). He would keep that in mind for when things go south later.

A few wrong doors, a flustered/embarrassed restroom attendee, and an almost too dark hallway, Zenichi finally found the wardrobe room and directly behind it, a locker room with showers. It was perfectly timed because the moment he thought about a warm shower, the more he couldn't wait. Ten minutes later, he was squeaky clean. His clothes were in a stinky pile on the floor by the shower. He stepped over them with nothing more than a towel around him as he explored the formal attire hanging on hooks. That was when a odd thought came to him. He had no idea how to put on delicate attire that most of the attendees were wearing. looking through the delicate clothes, the garments baffled him. There seemed to be several shirts for one suit and a over sized rope/belt. the more he tried to figure out the way the fabrics worked with each other, the more confused he became. It was even worse when he tried to figure out his size. The units of measurements were different here. Either that or he was trying on womens clothes. The fabric was so nice, he wouldn't be surprised (he was actually trying on women's security outfit). After several moments of frustration, he decided that he would make his own style. Grabbing the first pair of pants that fit, a vest, and one of the oversized rope-belts, he made it all work. He might be laughed at by the Torano people but he was going to be comfortable at least.

What Zenichi looks like now

As he made it back to the party, he caught eyes for a second to the old chap who was in the bathroom. Both of them diverted their eyes quickly upon recognition, praying for the images to linger no longer. As he made it to the registar, he noticed that a biggest cock match between Kagemaru and the familiar guy against one of the tallest people he had ever seen had begun. Zenichi was hurt that he had lost his spot in line and was instantly discouraged that this event would have anything to offer him now other than wonderful food and maybe a stolen drink or two. Neither of those interested him as much as a fight to test himself.

Head sunk down, eyes upon the floor, Zenichi made his way outside to see the what the stars in the desert would look like.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped.]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Toraono Kyojin reached out to tap Zenichi on the shoulder in appreciation of his clothing choice. "Your match should be coming up young one, stay close by so I may call for you."

Toraono Kyojin nodded to Chizuru as she deduced that it required a special series of taps to do anything. "You are highly intelligent perhaps you might try your hand in the tournament? While I am thinking about it perhaps Lord Harupia might participate as well?"

Kyoujin waved to get Harupia's attention as he showed him the wedding/tournament chamber for Harupia sama's appreciation and to talk him into participating. The chamber itself was massive in both scale and design. From its center to the main mural on its northern wall it was exactly sixty feet. To the eastern and western walls from its center was exactly thirty feet and the distance to its rear wall from the center was another sixty feet. From the floor to the ceiling the chamber was thirty six feet in height. Two twin pillars supported both the east and west walls in especially harmonious religiously sculpted elemental crystal laced and embedded black marble. One set twin white pillars supported the north and south walls in their center-points. An elemental crystal laced/embedded mirror marble formation that created a six point star stretched across the ceiling connecting all six points from the pillars giving the room a very archaic and mystic ambiance. Violet rose petals had been specially layered for the bride to approach the center chamber upon. The family and guests would be seated upon ceremonial pillows with their names and positions along with special gifts from the couple to be wed near the Southern wall so that the entire ceremony could be observed safely from afar. The central area would be used for the tournament so everyone could cheer and place bets as crimson sand filled the floor up to 3 inches deep; as it dropped down twelve feet into position. The thirty by thirty foot stone chamber was immaculate.

(Zenichi is stopped by a request to wait if he accepts)


Oct 23, 2012
Slamming the money down on the blacksmith's counter, Asagao quickly paid the man, bundled up the weapons, and rushed out of the door in a hurry. He had spent all afternoon at that blasted shop, listening to that drunken fool pound his hammer onto his anvil for hours; the infernal clanking sound of his tool forging steel still ringing freshly in his ears. He would never be able to forgive the man if he had caused him to be late for the wedding, never in a million years. Clutching the two weapons underneath his arm, they rattled carelessly as he ran through the streets, secured in place only by a protective cloth he had wrapped them in. Asagao was an avid sword collector and he had chosen these two particular blades for the unified bond they signified. He thought it fitting to present them as a gift to the bride and groom to celebrate the bond they were about to form with one another on their wedding night.

Finally arriving at the Dojo, out of breath, but hopefully not out of time. He whispered a silent prayer, calling out to Mother Suna, or to any other god whom might be listening, praying that he had not already missed the ceremony. After all, he hadn't been able to attend the bachelor party, it would be down right disgraceful if he were to miss the wedding, as well. Pushing open the front doors, he would head and locate the gathering of people, following the crowd noise all the way to the party. Feeling relieved, he would exhale a soft sigh from his mouth, as his rattled nerves returned to normal, he had thankfully made it on time. Glancing around, he would see many familiar faces, and some who were not so. Locating Kuro, he would make a beeline towards the Demon King, silently preparing his words for when he presented him and his bride to be with the blades he had brought.

"I do believe a congratulations is in order, Master-Toraono." He would say, as he approached from Kuro's side. "It is an honor to be a guest this evening, even more so to attend now as a member of your family." He would bow his head in complete admiration and in pride that he was able to utter such words. "I have actually brought you and Lady Suzuhime a couple of gifts to commemorate this celebration." His smile was wide, his eyes glanced around the room looking at all the people enjoying themselves. It was a happy evening, one to be remembered, and the night was still so young, there was so much more to experience later on. "Would it be inappropriate to give them to you now, or would prefer later on?" His eyes once again darted around the room, before locating a most pleasing sight - a bar. Giving his lips a sliver of a lick, he would greatly enjoy tossing back a few shots of sake in honor of tonight's festivities. It WAS a night to celebrate, after all.

[Topic Entered]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Upon his returning of the telegraph machine, it seemed as if a young girl seemed quite interested in it. Ginjiro could see her eyes studying it, and he could tell that she was just bursting with questions. Instead, she managed to control herself enough to ask only a few questions. Even though the question had been directed towards Kyojin-sama, Ginjiro couldn't help but frown when the man failed to answer the young girl properly. Ginjiro wouldn't stand for that. Speaking directly to the girl, Ginjiro spoke in a clam and reasonable tone. "You are correct, little girl. This device doesn't count on sound to relay messages; rather, it uses a specialized code that can be sent off via an electrical signal. As for your second question, these devices can go as far as you have cables, or wireless receivers, set up to relay the signal. Why, these things can even send messages across an ocean, if you had a long enough cable!" As Ginjiro finished up with his explanation, he smiled at the young girl in a friendly and non-hostile way. He conveyed that he was a friend, and by no means a threat to her. "I could show you how it works, if you'd like." As the young boy awaited the girl's response, he would look up and around the room to see that a bunch of things were going on all at once. There were some new Sunagakure natives still arriving, and it seemed as if Kagemaru-sensei was deciding to pick a fight with the head of this dojo, the man who was getting married today, Toranono Kuro himself. Chuckling a little bit, Ginjiro couldn't help but feel bad for the groom to be. I mean, it must be pretty shameful getting beaten up on your wedding day...

Deciding that now would be a good time to try and gather some good information for their mission, Ginjiro turned back to the little girl and gave her a big smile.
"Say, how old are you? You can't be too much younger than me, can you? Are you an Academy Student, or are you a Genin already?" Looking around the room as more people filed in, Ginjiro wasn't sure what else he should be doing. He figured, for now, he would try to lay low and snoop out some more intel. That, and carefully observe Kagemaru-sensei's fight with the Demon Beast King. Kagemaru-sensei might not have a chance to noticwe everything happening int he fight, so the young boy would be there to record everything for later analysis. So far, it seemed as if everything was going along smoothly.

Marked for Training.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Perhaps his friend thought that he actually enjoyed listening in on peoples thoughts. Sighing to himself, Enzan face palmed himself. "You know, I don't exactly like being a natural eaves dropper anymore than you do. Or is it fun to always know when women are on their periods?" Yeah, how about some of that medicine back at him. Sighing once more, he shook his head as he instead thought of how to matter of factly state how he was going to make the perfect partner. Then with a snap of his fingers he suddenly seemed to have it. "While you're rather short sighted, I've been known to chuck a football a quarter-mile. Though to be fair, I was more apt to be playing hide and seek from the neighborhood bullies. For those that happen to know of my graduation exploits though, it could be said that my winsome way of mixing the shadowy arts of the mistifier into one comedic sideshow was a front to my true potential. All in all, you could say that I had the potential to be anything that I wanted but instead I settled on being a pirate . . . Still working on the 'King' part but it's coming soon." he shrugged as if he had nothing left to say but then he muttered something else under his breath that might have been picked up as being a smarty pants antic but was more hidden double talk. "I'm not the perfect partner but I'm more than capable of changing up my style . . ." At that he'd simply throw his hands into the air and declare it all a bust for nothing if they didn't work out now. The next go around, he'd definitely make sure that it came across as if they'd already known each other instead of happening to be newly kindered acquaintances.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Tuesday : Toraono Dojo : 7:13PM​

You can't turn yours off either? Kagemaru asked quickly at the mention that Umashi couldn't turn off his mind reading. There was a feeling he couldn't quite put into words when he was told that. That feeling of similarity between them as Kagemaru also couldn't turn his Byakugan off.

It can be a blessing and a curse... I'm all too familiar with how that feels. Then he continued to listen to Umashi's explanation on how he battled. It was a witty reply and Kage would give him that. He followed his meaning to a degree though a couple things could have been mistaken. But if what Kagemaru heard was correct, then Umashi was a nice compliment to his own skill set as the man probably predicted.

An interesting history you have my friend. In my youth I was pretty good at avoiding bullies myself. Their walk and conversation lasted them a while as now they were simply waiting for the festivities to begin. Kage's thoughts drifted to how Mizuki was doing. His wounds weren't fatal but they were still cause for concern. It could have been far worse as Kagemaru didn't HAVE to focus on internal injury but they were just so much more humane then external ones. They were also less messy. Broken bones, external bleeding, it all looked horrible on the outside. But if the body looked fine on the outside but was morbid on the inside, no one would have to know but him. Fighting that way also helped with assassinations but now was not the time for that.

Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot when we first met. You don't seem to be as bad as I believe you to be at first. I'm not quite used to conversing with many people of similar mindset to myself. I think we'll make a pretty good team in this coming battle. It'll be a shame to see the groom lose a match on his wedding day, though I can't say its not his own fault for accepting a challenge on such an important day. I wonder how the bride feels. It wasn't exactly his place to be concerned with her feelings, but he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like. He'd only known weddings to be joyous occasions and a sparing match between the groom and some strangers was common place in this dojo, then so be it. Kagemaru didn't actually care so much as he was simply traing to gather information. He could tell by the chakra levels of all the Toraono that they were powerful. He could also see a connection with a few of them to the groom. That aroused his suspicions a bit but he'd keep his assumptions to himself for the time being. For now he'd wait until their time was called.

Shouldn't be long now...

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
