Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event Takaoma Town Taken To Task [S-Rank]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Outskirts of Takaoma Town
06:44 – Autumn – 6°C

It was early light yet, but the priests of the Tenouzan church were already up and about, doing their daily tasks and proselytizing the local population, like they had been for the past month or so. Today was special, as they had judgment of a chakra user scheduled for 10am. They called it judgment, but it was really an execution, and the entire village would be made to watch, lest they suffer the same fate for being chakra users. Even if they weren’t. There were guards posted here and there, all wearing the same kind of uniform, with the lining of it made of strands of dimiterium, meaning it was like a bullet proof vest, but for chakra.

In a storehouse inside the village was located several crates of equipment all made with dimiterium. Swords with a dimiterium core, uniforms lined with it just like the guard uniforms, staves and much, much more. Needless to say, they were all conventional non-shinobi weapons with the exception of revolvers of a high caliber, with the slugs used made from pure dimiterium. If a shinobi got hit by one of those bullets, it could be almost immediately fatal.

About a kilometer away from the village, a team of Kumogakurean shinobi would be moving into position, likely, probably even, hoping to do their Raikage proud. It would be a trying task, and they’d be forced to go in stealthily or face the consequences of being chased by fanatics, zealots and dimiterium armed religious nuts. For now, the town had no idea what was about to happen to it, and the game was wide open for the small shinobi force to swoop in and complete their mission. In and out, 20 minute adventure, no muss, no fuss. Right…?

[Objective: Obtain equipment, make clean getaway. Mission START!]
[Requirements: At least 7000 words per person. Rewards: 22500 Yen, +85 Stat points or ASP]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Well today was the day, the morning when everything would either go well for them or go to shit in an instant. About a kilometer away from the village, Maru lead the group to a wooded area where they would be regrouping in a clearing crouched with his aura of dread suppressed for a bit so he wouldn't draw any uninvited guest to their hideout. Maru at his side was his elemental spirit, her hands hid inside of her kimono and on his shoulders was his small youkai Jeez who was ready to get started with this mission. "Welp, it's time to put this operation into effect. Hope you all are excited as I am for this mission because I couldn't say… my role as the distraction would be pretty fun to say the least." though his role was risky since he didn't exactly know if his he'll be able to escape but he figured using attacks that would target everyone was the best in this situation. Though his role was clear he couldn't say that the roles Slim, Monkey boy, and Scarface were clear so he decided to see if they had a plan because bringing the noise was his specialty.

"Firstly, did all of you bring headsets so I could know when to stop destroying things? Got the lullaby powder in case you guys could get close enough to throw it into their faces?" Maru asked looking at the group, then clapped his hands together. "So let's go over what we know about them. We know the guardsmen are poorly trained individuals that are stronger together than they are alone and we know the knights are better equipped than they are. They do use guns and shields which could be a problem but if you guys don't get caught then Meh! That won't be a problem if you guys don't get caught. Got any questions before we get going? Because my role is clear so if we need a change in plans best do it quickly. Common, common we gotta get going in about ten minutes so let's get your questions out of the way." He snapped his fingers in rapid succession to express the urgency. The fools of the church would be getting up soon and wouldn't it be fun for them to wake up to getting pummeled by the elements as a monster rages through the small village. Not only that but if he could come up with a better plan than offering Miro up as a prisoner than he should go ahead and tell him now.

Looking back at Saki, being the strongest out of his son and Miro he decided to hear the man out since he had questions during the meeting. "Alright shoot, what is your question Saké. We are losing precious shadows here." He asked, hoping that it'll be quick, to the point, and something he could just say adjust into the plan so they could head out so they could proceed with robbing the church. After all him and his Kurū had stolen a boat before plus the big heist in tea country this wasn't any different than one of those activities he's done with the glorious academy students of the crew. The only difference being that this heist isn't being done by Kurū members for fun, just regular shinobi and him..


Oshiro Saki

Oct 22, 2012
It really was a shame that the mission had to take place so early in the morning, but that was just how things went sometimes, Saki supposed. In his perfect world, mornings would be spent reading, drinking tea, and enjoying the ambiance of the stillness of his home on the outskirts of town. Leaves blowing in the cool breeze, an agreeable clack clack clack of the gardener trimming the hedges. Perhaps, on some days, a slight drizzle dampening both the world and the mood.

Saki exhaled, breath visible in the frigidity and mood something less than pleasant. This morning was anything but what he'd hoped for.

The rendezvous in the woods near the village was the only redeeming quality of the mission to Saki's mind, as it offered some semblance of the expectations he had for mornings. The trees muted noise and what noise there was intermixed with the songs of jays, of chickadees, of thrushes. The only kind of noise Saki wanted to hear, and the only noise a village overrun by religious fanatics expected to hear. Good.

Sunrise was behind the team, but the light was still coming over the land, leaving strong, dark shadows that contrasted with other, brighter areas. This, too, was good, as it gave more cover for the infiltrating team, especially if Maru could lead the majority of anyone defending the village to an area away from where the majority of the shadows were.


Oh, Maru.

Maru seemed to be the epitome of everything that bothered Saki, and it was all he could do to mask his complete disdain for the man whenever he was around him. It had been less than 24 hours since he had met him, and Saki already missed yesterday. But alas, there must be some sacrifices made for the good of the village, he supposed, and figured that he must endure this small punishment as some form of karmic justice for something he'd done at some point in his life.

"Of course we brought our headsets," Saki snapped, before admitting to himself that it was good to make sure everyone had them. He'd just made a mistake, and towards the one person who he'd love more than anything to be objectively better than. Must have been the tiredness of the morning, and the lack of tea. "But yes, it's good to check," he said. Until, after a minute, Maru addressed him by the wrong name. Again. Saki closed his eyes and mentally forced himself to let it go. He knew that fighting it would only feed Maru's pleasure, so he let it go. "Still," thought Saki, "I haven't heard that one since the academy."

"I'm mainly just concerned as to how you're going to escape the fanatics you draw to yourself. Distracting them is one thing, vanishing into thin air is another. They may be zealots, but they're probably not stupid. We won't be able to help you, directly, if we want to remain hidden. We also need to figure out where these weapons are being stored, preferably as soon as possible. I don't want to go in there blindly searching every house looking for a cache."

WC: 527
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Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
The night sky engulfed the heavens above her. Casually perched on a branch within a massive tree one gold hue peeked open to look past the leaves of the tree. Gazing at the stars Mirō watched the pitch black night slowly turned into a soft blue gradient from the black sky. Signaling the sun was just under the horizon a heavy sigh left parted lips. The thin cold air of the mountains felt crisp with every deep breath Mirō took. Stretching her limbs in all directs like a panther Mirō was finally awake enough to proceed to the rendezvous location that had been predetermined at her Sensei’s office. Hands dug into her light grey Anbu vest pocket for a small headset. Placing it in her ear she muted it for the time being so the sound of fuzzy frequency didn’t drive her to the edge of insanity. Rising up her garb contained the traditional Anbu ops vest but underneath was a small light red jacket that retained her body heat which mimicked the lining of her red bottoms. This weather was nothing compared to what she faced within the mines. Patting herself down she made a mental check of the objects on her person. “Weapons, headset, first aid, seals, kunai… powder…” Mumbling to herself while finishing the rest of the checklist it was finally time to head off. With a grin behind her black mask chakra was focused at the soles of her feet before bounding off through the trees towards the rendezvous point.
A few moments later silently Mirō appeared in the clearing of the meeting zone. Catching a glimpse of Maru and the other more slender member patiently waiting for the arrival of the two younger shinobi. At lightning speed Mirō found herself planted on the ground between Maru and Glasses. Kneeling on one knee underneath her mask lips parted. “Hey you two. Not late am I?” Breaking the ice as soon as she arrived eased her into being liable to open up towards both Maru and Glasses. “If we have a moment or two I’d like to paw at your plan Maru.” Suspiciously Mirō looked around each shoulder assuming that the other Anbu OP would be arriving in due time. Turning back gold hues glanced over towards Glasses, “It’s nice meeting you again. I didn’t catch your name... however... Unfortunately, I mustn't reveal my name.” Referring to the Anbu code her true identity must be kept secret. “Just call me…” Looking around Mirō tried to figure out an alias to be called. It’d have to be unofficial since her superiors had yet to give her a new one. Shrugging “Call me Number 3.” Figuring it would be easy enough for them to remember seeing as she was the third to arrive to the party. “Anything besides what Maru would have in store for me.” Gold eyes turned to glower at the fox demon. Never forgetting how he angered her during her training at the academy a few years ago.
That dastardly gaze turned kind once again. Collecting her thoughts she began to narrate a few questions she had about the plan. “A few things honestly. The chakra-sapping items… do they begin to drain us of chakra if we’re even in arms reach of it? Or… would lifting a box full of Dimiterium be safe enough for us to grab?” Tracing back her memory Mirō didn’t recall her Sensei explaining that in detail. “If we can’t even get near the boxes… I don’t know much jutsu that would help us carry the material.” Mirō’s expression slid to a frown behind her mask. Soft hues peered over at Glasses. Eyeing him up he didn’t appear to have much on him, let alone muscle mass. “I was thinking if that’s the case we could use your demons, Maru. Unless Dimiterium works on spirits.” Turning her head long black presses slipped in front of her left eye as she looked at Maru. “I know I am asking a few too many questions but… I know you said I should bring lullaby powder…” After tucking those rebellious locks behind her ears fingers snuck behind her back. Undoing a button to the pouch on her lower back Mirō pulled out multiple small linen bags full of sleeping powder. “This should be enough however wouldn’t a genjutsu be simpler and even.. Quicker?” Figuring casting a visual genjutsu would be more time efficient than pulling out and throwing the powder.
Mirō put a lot of food for thought down on the table. Hopefully the portions were good enough to feed useful information to everyone. These questions bothered her throughout the night prior to arriving. Deriving only a few hours of deep sleep, the thought of her first S-Ranked mission still fluttered in her stomach like butterflies.

[Topic Entered]
[WC: 800]
[Sorry for the ultra lengthy post, sometimes it be like dat.]

Kujo Kazuya

Jan 30, 2018
OOC Rank

Kazuya was quite excited for his first S-rank mission as he just joined Anbu not long ago and has now got an S-rank mission to do. Kazuya was thinking if he could get a promotion if he does a good job in this mission, as all the whereabouts of Anbu branch heads are unknown, so Kazuya thought if he could becoming head of one such branch after doing this mission. Kazuya was so excited that he wasn't able to sleep at night but when he slept, the alarm started ringing as he saw that there is quite some time left as he prepared for this mission last night, he once again tried to remember what he has put in his backpack for this mission, "Kunai, First aid kit, Smoke bomb, pouch with some medical types of equipment, mask, Headset..... Ah fuck where is my headset." as he remembered that he forgot to put his headset in his backpack, he got off his bed to search for his headset.

Kazuya looked at the time, it was so close to the meeting time and he has to go Kilometers away for meeting outside the cloud village, well he knew that he will be late so he woke Infrit up, so he could get a little bit of lift to the meeting place, as Infrit is a snow wolf so he has the speed which is required to make him reach to the spot in less time. Kazuya picked his backpack and sat on Infrit's back to go to the meeting spot in the middle of the forest. It was the time of winter, so there was indeed a little bit of snow, around the corner of the road. Kazuya didn't give any attention to anyone who he walked past. But has his full attention on this mission, as it is one of the most difficult and important mission in his life. As he arrived there sitting on the back of Infrit, he said "I'm not late right? dad." as he said that he waited for a while and took some deep breaths as well. Maru then asked them if they all came prepared with the materials which Maru said them to come with, As Kazuya responded after Saki and Miro, "we are not like someone's careless father who forgets to teach his son, how to summon an elemental spirit." as Kazuya responded, he then waited for Maru. Maru then once again explained the plan and asked Saki, if he has any questions or not.

As Saki pointed out a flaw in the plan, saying that who will help Maru when he wasn't able to escape or they are not stupid enough to go follow him blindly as he is a chakra user, then he asked on how will we survey the area near that place, this and that. As he finished talking, Kazuya said, "Mr.Saki as for my dad, he can escape quickly so we don't need to worry about him, and about the survey of the area, I can have this cute pet of mine, Infrit to survey the area around that place. so we can get some information regarding that place and guardsmen guarding the area." Miro introduced herself as Number 3, well Kazuya knows that no Anbu person will give his real name to any random person, like how Kazuya introduced himself as a death star. Miro said that if Maru's spirit can carry those anti-chakra weapons for us if they don't get sucked of chakra due to those weapons. Kazuya nodded a little and said, "Hey, Sister Number 3 even if dad's spirit can't carry those weapons, Infrit can as he is just an ordinary animal with big size and I even have prepared those bags hanging on each side of Infrit so we can put those weapons into it." Now that everything is solved Kazuya waited for the mission to get started as soon as possible, filled with excitement.

[662 WC]
[Topic Entered with my animal NPC]
[OCC: Sorry for the late post and a long post.]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Inside the village life had slowly begun again. People waking up from their slumber. Guards being replaced in shifts. An outside observer would quickly see that everything was as if scheduled. First after the guards had been replaced, they’d go to a storehouse on the left side of the village and store their gear and weaponry before heading over to a larger barracks-type building to get their rest. After that, the villagers would wake up and begin their morning routine of breakfast and light cleaning. Following that, they’d go to the local church and listen to the morning sermon from a priest who took himself entirely too seriously.

The ideal time to strike would definitely be in the morning while everyone’s distracted by the sermon, and most of the guards would be focused around the church and perimeter. Assuming the shinobi team weren’t entirely unfit for stealthy sneaking, they should be able to slip in undetected and with the right distraction, be able to extract a variety of gear made of the chakra absorbing material dimiterium. They’d need a good distraction to extract themselves from the village though as the guards would undoubtedly be on alert during the sermon.

The sermon itself was thinly veiled propaganda, extoling the virtues of the Tenouzan deities, shaming Raiden and the traditional Lightning faiths, and demonizing chakra users for being mutants and heathens. Needless to say the priest who had bought into the doctrine entirely was really laying it on thick, and if a chakra user had heard it they’d likely have decked the guy for being a complete asshole. Question now would be, what would the hidden shinobi squadron do to complete the mission objective and avoid detection?

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Welp Saki seemed in a good mood today wasn't he, Maru didn't mind a bit of tension in the group. It was actually fun since he did outrank the guy and the Raikage herself left him in charge. When the man snapped after he asked them did they bring their headsets, he chuckled then rested his hand on his cheek, a smug smile across his face. "You sure about that Saké? Seem a little grumpy, I'll treat you to the red light district after this." he said then turned his eyes to Miro who said that she had her headsets and he glanced at his son who decided to arrive late. "Well glad you can join us, we are about to start planning something." He explained. Miro introduction was standard Anbu talk, not revealing her name which was typical for what a monkey Anbu would do referring to herself as number three. Lame. "Meh, since you don't want us calling you by name I'll just call you." Maru thought for a moment. "Scarface! That's better than a number plus makes you seem like a criminal rather than some Anbu monkey. We can't implicated the village into this yanno?" After giving Miro a nickname of his own he finally the group got down to business. Currently knowing them all by Saké, Monkey, and Scarface. It was cool code names now that he thought about it, he'll come up with his later.

Sitting there he glanced at Saki who seemingly had a few questions of how he'd escape, to be frank Maru wasn't worried since despite these guys having weapons, chakra absorbing items, and a trained militia they were still… only around an E Rank shinobi range in terms of combat…. Though what was concerning was that they didn't know exactly where the storage house was in which he thought they already knew. "Uhhhhh… didn't you guys like.. look at the map that the Raikage shown us of the place? Like just stay on the left side of the village and you'll find it. The place looks exactly like how all military storage places would look and if you need more information one of you overlook the village with the crystal eye Ninjustu. If you can locate it, snapshot it, share it with your teammates, or just tell your teammates. " He asked, then shrugged since it wasn't a real problem for him at least not right now. "I'm not worried, I have like my Youkai and my Elemental who would help me out with wrecking the place. Technically speaking it'll be easy to lose em since they aren't exactly… trained shinobi?" He explained. "A clone here, a transformation Ninjustu there, turning a attack into chakra, heck I could even use a smoke bomb. Though IF… I just so happen to be unable to escape I guess… Just leave if you have the goods?" Maru suggested since their mission was to retrieve the goods, not rescue anyone their teammates included. Besides there's nothing really he has on him connecting him to the village so he'd just be some rando terrorist who was trying to destroy everything.

Maru looked at his son's pet Infrit who, just by the mere sight of the wolf, made him growl since Maru absolutely HATED dogs. He hated them ever since that mission in while he was in the academy, not only did one of his daughters had signed a pact with the dogs which hurt his soul since she was his favorite his adoptive son had a freaking shit-wolf. If another one of his children decides to take in another dog.. he's sending them to foster care. "Yeah, have that shit wolf carry the goods. Unlike my youkai it doesn't have chakra plus the shitty wolf wouldn't stand out much since every time my youkai are around people get a feeling of doom." He said, death glaring the wolf since it's very presence irritated Maru. When Miro asked Maru why did she need sleeping powder since Genjustu would be a lot faster, the fox shook his head in disappointment. "Well I guess this is why you are the Gennin and I'm the jounin huh?" He insulted, then explained very slowly since she didn't quite get what he was trying to do. "You have guys, in armor, possibility made from dimiterium that could protect them from chakra like a sort of bulletproof vest… Now Genjustu! Genjustu are PURE chakra since you have to channel chakra into them in their bodies to mess with their senses plus they don't do much damage…" he explained. "Do you feel confident that your Genjustu won't be absorbed? Will it be smart try to hammer into a person's mind with you're chakra and not be staring awkwardly at them while they bust your skull open? Use the lullaby powder." Maru ordered, now that the questions were out of the way he decided to get the ball rolling.

Standing up he pointed at Kazuya since he had an animal that didn't have chakra. "Monkey boy, use your shit wolf to carry the goods and to detect if there's any zealots near. Make it growl instead of bark so it's not too loud." He looked at Saki. "Sake, you'll be leading the actual robbery and make sure these two remain stealthy. Also if you get to the goods I want you to be in charge of touching the items to see if their safe. I mean from what I heard they can suck the chakra out of a C-Rank in less than ooo… three minutes so if you feel tired, let it go!" He looked over at Miro. "And Scarface you'll have to take out some of the guards with the lullaby powder in case I didn't distract them all." He turned his back towards them then begin to walk towards the village where the zealots were hiding. "I, Mr.Normal, will be causing a big distraction so I could draw away the attention from the storage houses.... just keep me informed through the headset kay?" He asked however still walking away, leaving the rest in Saki's hands.

WC: 1019

Oshiro Saki

Oct 22, 2012
Saki did not care much for Maru, his attitude, the way he talked, or the way he carried himself. Saki wasn’t really much for anything, but that was beside the point. The point is that Maru, more than most people, seemed to bother him to the very core of his being. His disdainful attitude was potentially getting the better of him, but he rather preferred not knowing Maru. This was the headmaster of the academy? How could someone so revolting rise to a position of such importance? Where was the justice, the order? In Saki’s mind, the world worked in such a way that the noble, the just, and the righteous rose through the ranks by way of their own virtue and hard work, noticed by those in authority over them, and looked up to by those beneath them. Who could look up to Maru? And who could look down on him and be impressed? His little world was shattering in his mind the longer he knew him, and yet...

Saki knew very well that the world was not a fair place. It was not a pretty place, not a place for righteousness or virtue or any of that. Had he himself not charged headfirst into the fray so many years before with intentions of virtue and honor, and been shit out the other end of it? Did he not live in constant pain as a direct result of his shortsightedness and naive ideas of honor? Yet here he was, clinging to a vague notion that only the pure can rise. Perhaps Saki was wrong about everything, grasping at what he thought was right for so long out of habit more than anything else. Perhaps he was beginning to let go of his own foolishness. Perhaps Maru was ahead of the curve.

But Saki could not admit this, not in the moment at least. Even though the cogs in his mind began turning, spinning new pictures of how the world worked, he could not accept it immediately. He could not mentally allow himself to be anything but superior to Maru, the others in the party be damned. Saki would go home today and take a long, hard meditation on what he believed and where he was going from here, but first, there was a mission. A mission that had to be completed, regardless of how he felt about anyone in their little merry band.

“Hmph,” Saki grunted, listening to Maru speak in his ever-disrespectful tone, with his ever-disrespectful words, with his ever-disrespectful attitude. “We will do our part. We’ll make use of lullaby powder where we need it, but hopefully your distraction will make it unnecessary. We’ll get in and get out with the wolf carrying what we can take.”

And with that, he would be off with the others, ready to disguise himself in several different ways as they left.

OOC: I’m so sorry for the wait

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Hateful eyes glared violently at that furry freak of a team leader. How dare he give her such a painful name that pointed out her misfortune and grief. That dog knew nothing of her past and continued to flaunt it in her face, passing it off as a joke or human element. Pearly white teeth grit and grind against each other nearly threatening to break. Fingers balled into a tight fist, biting her tongue it would be not use to talk back to her team leader and superior. It would have to wait until all was said and done before she could truly begin to envelop in anger. Mirō’s cold eyes continued to glower at the mutt before her. Reducing him down to a clown with a putrid aura, he was lucky that he was the leader of the mission. All acts of kindness now reduced to ash, hoping that his distraction would fail and compromise his position. It would teach him a lesson in respect if the people of the church infused Dimiterium directly into his skin when caught. The thoughts of his agonizing torment forced a smile to coil over her lips behind that mask.

Disregarding his valid point on genjutsu she engraved her hatred for him in her heart. This was now strike two of him picking on her insecurities of her branding. Her prominent scar on her face wasn’t a birthmark, it was a mark that trailed her like a snake to slow prey. Haunting her day in and out, life was already hard enough even to rise from her bed. Mirō watched at that flamboyant mutt disappeared into the forest. That nauseating aura of his fading away from her nostrils Mirō could finally breathe fresh night air once again. Eyes settled down on Saki, noticing his actions the mutts barking didn’t sit well in his stomach either. At least he seemed to be on her side of disliking that putrid fox leader. Watching him disappear into the shadows a heavy sigh escaped her chest.

“Tch, let’s just get this over with.”

With silent footsteps Mirō followed behind Saki, raising her arm behind her she turned back. Beckoning her teammate and his summon, Infrit, to catch up quickly behind them. Disguises still needed to be acquired so they could safely get in and out of the compound with the goods. It was only a matter of time now before the team walked within plain sight of the church unnoticed.

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Kujo Kazuya

Jan 30, 2018
OOC Rank

As Maru started giving weird nicknames to other peoples, Kazuya started feeling a little bit annoyed at him as he was much more irritated he should have but he didn't know the reason, but whatever he sighed and said, "Hey dad, stop giving weird nicknames to other peoples and explain what we gonna do in this mission." Well, Kazuya was kinda surprised that his dad heard him and started explaining the mission in which he is preparing to be the scapegoat, so we can steal those weapons, he continued saying that if he fails to show up, so just escape from that place with the weapons. Maru started staring at Infrit, as he was growling on Maru's youkai, Maru felt a bit annoyed seeing Infrit as he started giving a death glare to Infrit, Kazuya stood and said to Maru, "Hey hey dad, stop giving that damn death glare to Infrit." Then he explained the role of Infrit, well giving pitiful eyes says that they are kept genin while he has become a jounin for this particular reason of having high IQ and stuff. As he finished explaining and scolding them, he pointed towards each of them giving a particular role, as he gave the role of scout and good keeper to Kazuya and Infrit, he thought at least he gave a role nevertheless he didn't keep him roleless. He told Saki to lead the mission and left the role of Soldier dealing with number three.

As Saki dealt with Maru in the same tone as he tole them there roles, saying that he can lead this mission in a very good condition and will use the lullaby powder when it will be necessary to use without showing any respect to Maru, as Kazuya interrupted him says, "Hey, Mr Saki I think we should at least be respectful to a high shinobi even if he is this arrogant, and Yeah we can do our part very well, but that distraction part ain't it a bit exaggerating." As Kazuya agrees to what Saki says to Maru nodding little by little because he didn't want to offend anyone as they were a team for this mission.

Kazuya felt a deadly Aura coming from the lady standing near him, as he knew that Maru might offend quite a number of peoples without any second thought, as Kazuya turned back headed towards number three, whispers, "Hi number three, can you please hide this aura of your which is just keep cursing my father, at least lets finish this mission first and after that you can curse my dad as much as you want." After Maru was gone to do his part in this mission, they started moving as well, as Saki was in the lead and after that was number three filled with anger. She waved towards Kazuya showing that its time to start the mission, as Kazuya started following them, then he glanced towards Infrit, only showing his eyes to him gesturing to scout the area around some kilometres ahead and that village where the mission is going to take place.

[518 WC]
[1180/7000 TWC]
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Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The guards had begun their patrols of the village perimeter. Two guards per group, patrol style being that they all walked synchronously and as one group turned a corner, so would the next, so any one stretch of village border wasn’t without someone looking at it. This of course also means if someone were to sneak behind the guards before they turned a corner, they could enter the village. It wouldn’t be easy as they all had good hearing, and any intruders would do well to avoid the actual entrances as the Tenouzans had guards posted at all of them.

Assuming the team of shinobi were looking directly at the village from their vantage point, they’d be on the western side of it, and the store house was located near the eastern wall, only a building or two over from the Tenouzan chapel. That meant it’d likely be heavily guarded, and even with a big distraction taking place outside the village, there’d be left guards at the entrance to the storehouse to protect the valuable goods inside. The big question now was, could the shinobi team manage to lure the other guards away and then knock out the storehouse guards and hide their unconscious bodies, hitman style? Probably.


Inside the chapel, the clergymen had begun their usual daily rituals, cleaning their effigies, ordering the parchment sheets containing their hymns, all that general busywork. But one priest in particular stood out. He was carrying a staff with a circular ornament at the tip, as well as wearing an important looking hat. In his other hand was a rather large leather-bound tome, adorned with golden lettering, and small metal bracing on the corners and the spine. Clearly this book was very important to the Tenouzans, and with good reason. It contained the decryption keys for their encrypted communications, and if anyone were going to have a shot at decrypting their internal communication, they needed one of these books.

The priest carrying the tome went over to a nearby table and began decrypting the morning report from HQ, only to be surprised at the contents. They’d given the order to begin exterminating the village. Not just the chakra users, but the entire thing for harboring chakra users. Apparently it was a crime beyond forgiveness and as such they had been judged by the Tenouzan church to be guilty, and the punishment was extermination. Now if only there were someone nearby that could hinder it, that’d be swell.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Now it was time to put their plan into motion, while he trusted that his team members wouldn't divert from the plan. It was time for him to get prepared, after all he would be drawing the attention of a lot of zealots and from reading about this church it isn't advisable to fight them in the city… However, they are but mere mortal men, they don't have chakra and they aren't born with any weapons.. Enough area of effect justu, and he's sure that he'll take down a lot of them. While Maru didn't have any shinobi back up with him, he was never actually alone since his contract beast were always with him. From underneath his mask, Maru pulled out a blue gem shard gifted to him by his ice elemental. He channeled his chakra into his Aqua shard, then dragged his fingernail on the surface of the shard to create the Osore character on it. The character for fear beginning to glow a ghostly blue color..

"Here's your power's Cold-Blooded! We got work to do!" Maru commanded. From the Japanese character of fear shot out a blue hitodama, that floated in front of Maru it flew straight into his Ice Elemental Cold Blooded's heart and she was now at her full strength. The ice spirit wore a thin the kimono made from what looked to be snow. She has long raven black hair, deep blue eyes, and icy butterflies sprites fluttering around her head as her abilities that were suppressed had been brought back through the ritual. Maru knew that she would be able to help him since all elementals are known for being powerful. Cold-Blooded placed her hands inside of her kimono, without so much as a thank you for my power's the spirit simply asked. "What.. do you.. WANT?!..." a cold wind blew by to show that she wasn't in the mood for any games nor jokes from the fox. Maru shook himself off so the snow that was on him from the wind the proceeded to ask. "Well nice to see you're already giving me the cold shoulder. Anyway, what I want is simple. We will be causing mayhem as a distraction while the other go and get the goods." he explained, she already knew that but it helped explaining twice. "Since you can hold onto the Natural disaster Justu for a bit longer I was hoping that you could call upon your blizzard so it'll be easier on me to flash freeze some Zealots."

Thankfully Maru didn't need to explain much since she was there for the meeting, besides with the sun being out she was more than happy to make things a bit cooler for herself. "I will call the storm. Tell me when it's appropriate and be sure to use an ice justu otherwise you will slowly freeze as well." she explained since a natural disaster doesn't discriminatiate everything will be a target. Upon realizing that Maru thought to himself. 'Oopsie forgot to tell them that part…' Maru thought to himself then smacked himself, he didn't have to worry since he could befriend the blizzard by using his inorganic reanimation justu! Just as the blizzard to protect his allies from the storm and it'll be all good for them…. He hoped. No longer worried he then teacher in his tail, sticking his tongue out as he tossed out a gun, a life sized doll, an entire ton weight… then 'Ah-ha!' he pulled out his trusted Youkai side kick Jeez!

"There you are, I need you to do me a favor." Maru said as the small, clown looking, hard candy shaped head youkai began drooling a rainbow coloured slime. "Now listen carefully, I need you to heal me with Angelic Blessings if I take so much as one hit by their weapons. Also if I unfortunately miss an attack you hit as many enemies as you can with your heartseeker senjustu. You get me?" the small Youkai nodded, then Maru placed the Youkai back on his tail then the little clown imp crawled underneath his fur as though it was bottomless. With his commands given, he was now ready to attempt at destroying this village for a distraction..


Maru hiding in one of trees near close by the border to the village that these Zealots live in, he saw some of guardsman patrolling the border. In groups of two no less which wasn't a problem for Maru, he thought that they would be a goon squad but he guessed that more will more once Maru wild out. Maru pressed a button on his mask then spoke through his built in headset to his teammates. "Mr Normal is at one of the entrances, how's it looking Sake?"

WC: 792

Oshiro Saki

Oct 22, 2012
The problem with an open field, much like the one that the team of shinobi was about to walk through, was that, by nature, there was very little area that a group of ninjas could hide behind when approaching a village that happened to be in the middle of it. Where they currently were, in the treeline some distance away, their figures were broken up, impossible to discern within the shadows and the jagged trunks. If they set foot outside though, there wouldn't be much time before they were spotted by any alert guardsmen. There were no hills, no bumps or dips in the terrain that could be used for some kind of advantage, no low shrubs. There was only grass. Grass, and dirt, and mud, and a surprising lack of fog considering the time of day. Any one of these things could have been a little bit of a nuisance on their own, but put together they made quite the mess, and proved quite the problem.

"Speaking of guards..."

They were significantly more organized than Saki had been anticipating. When Kitsune had informed them that there had been a Tenouzan church uprising, with genocide happening practically in the streets, he'd been expecting more smoke. He assumed there would be a great amount of disorganization, walls falling apart, fires burning down houses and smoke rising high in the air. But there was none of that. There was no acrid smell of burning, no pillars of smoking rising high into the sky, no shrieks of pain piercing through the morning air. All seemed business as usual, and on top of that, there were pairs of guards in neat formation actively patrolling the perimeter in a motion that suggested organization, training, and experience. This was not what Saki had prepared for

"Well then," Saki said flatly, without looking at the two ANBU he was addressing. "It would appear that this is going to be a great deal harder than we originally anticipated. Both of you will follow me; I assume you know how to camouflage yourselves. We're going to have to keep a bit of a distance between ourselves and the eastern wall of the village, about thirty meters. We'll wait there for Maru to create a distraction. I assume we'll have a short amount of time between his attack and their reorganization, so we'll need to be quick. The guards will be distracted in the initial attack, so we'll use that opportunity to climb over the wall and get into the storage building. From there, it should be in an out, but we may have to use the lullaby powder on any guards who've decided to stay at their location. Death Star, keep your wolf here for now; it can carry the supplies we steal back to Kumogakure, but he'll be a liability in the village itself. I'll carry any materials until they can be passed off. Now let's go."

With a rapid series of hand signs, Saki's full-bodied robes blended into the background. A tinge of green came over his neck, then his face, then his head, too, began to resemble the grasses surrounding them in a very literal sense.

Then he was off.


"We are ready for infiltration when you are, Mr. Normal. We go when you start."

And for a moment, all was silent.

[Active Camo activated]
["Just a Plant" Cursed Seal Activated - Start each round in stealth]

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
‘A whole lot of nothing from the trees to the hideout…’ Golden hues panned across the open area that lead to the village of the church. A gentle breeze strolled by making the grassy field resemble the flowing waves of the sea. It was peaceful however the dark deeds of the church could not go unpunished. Executing those who possess even the slightest hints of chakra was a foolish mistake. ‘Some of us just want to live peacefully like the rest…’ Looking back on her history maybe odd she hadn’t been recovered by the CPSS she would’ve met the same dreaded fate. Continuing to scan the proximity Mirō noticed how orderly the organization was. She had figured as much, anything too out of the ordinary would attract much more unsolicited attention from across the land. Even when subtle their actions would be unveiled and brought to justice. That’s why her team was here to snuff out the damned dogs that plagued a wide area of kumogakure.

Two by two they walked in formation up and down the roadways and alleys of their village. Their coordination strikingly impeccable for what was supposed to be an ‘In and Out’ type of mission. The damned mutt would have to put on quite the performance to cause disorder to the enemy. Even if the Mutt wreaked havoc across the village enemy forces would still be on guard of the weapons rooms. Cutting a quick glance towards a taller building Mirō could see more patrons gathering and entering into it. The unique symbol erected at the top of the building was a dead giveaway of its importance. ‘That must be the Church itself.’ Thinking calmly her attention turned down to Saki while he was on the ground floor of their perch. Mirō listened carefully from the treetops, making a mental note to remain in stealth and keep a distance of thirty meters. Reaching behind her, a gloved hand patted her pouch to confirm the many sacks of lullaby powder. If things were to go awry would Mirō be quick enough to incapacitate her target with swiftness and precision?

Nearly bursting out with laughter at the thought of being unable to subdue an enemy Mirō looked back at the other Anbu member. Deathstar as he wished to be named was ordered to keep Infrit on the sidelines. A great beast like that that would have no issue running to our aid to get the rest of the materials out of the storehouse. Who knows… that could even be a quick means of escape and a deterrent to lowly church members.

It was nearly time to set off. Awaiting the command of her current superior a rapid hand seals were made. Her body slowly faded away, taking the appearance of the green leaves behind her. Within seconds her entire body had vanished into thin air. The ANBU camo fulfilling its duty. Mirō tuned into the headset chatter. Keeping her distance from Saki she too sunk into the grasslands like a chameleon.

Activated Active Camo]

Kujo Kazuya

Jan 30, 2018
OOC Rank

After all, the planning and things were done, Maru ordered to start the plan, Guard was moving in groups of 2 or 4 according to the intel. As Maru was busy distracting the guard so the others can steal the weapons. Kazuya was waiting for his teammates to get the mission started as he was ready from the start as he specializes in assassination and stealth nature. When they were not even starting Kazuya started feeling excited for this mission but a little disappointed that this is not an assassination mission but an infiltration one. Well he thought that it's too late to regret now as he was observing the area, he says that the area is full of trees and small grass around every place and corner but the base of non-chakra users was made developed, with barricades outside stopping wild animals, while the inner is so spaces so that peoples can live easily and at the centre of the camp is a small church and execution corner where they execute chakra user in the name of god.

After a bit later when Maru was gone, Saki spoke up looking towards the group of guards and paused, after a bit of wait he again spoke up but not even looking towards his teammates standing behind him, but looking forwards saying, that both of them to follow him, Kazuya keeps nodding to his orders, as he asks them an unlogical question if they know how to hide themself, Kazuya thought that there might be a problem with his head, he simply nodded to his question. He ordered to keep Infrit at the same position, as Kazuya turns his head towards Infrit and whispers, "Stay" a normal command Infrit turns and walks a bit back and sits behind a tree out of vision from anyone. As Saki does some hand seals and hides himself telling Maru to take action cause all of them were ready.

Number three starts preparing the material on the treetop, As Kazuya also jumps on a treetop hiding in between leaves, he starts doing some hand seals and activates his Shadow technique merging together with the shadows around him so he can jump through shadows making his movements untrackable, as Number three starts complain about some of the commands of Saki saying that Infrit should be at the frontlines when they steal stuff, he can scare of the church peoples or intimate them from moving, well Kazuya didn't actually care about it, because he believed in his own skills which were far superior to any person around his age because of him playing with his life every single day in battles for his own freedom even though he was just a normal son of a blacksmith, but because of her mother his whole life changed from being a nobody to merciless assassin who doesn't care who he kills. After Saki asks maru to do his work there was an unbreakable silence between them, stopping them from being noticed.

[501 WC]
[1681/7000 TWC]
[Used Dark Displacement]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
With the distraction underway by the so-called Mr. Normal, who was anything but, it distracted most of the guards, and a lot of yelling could be heard ”Quick, to the front!”, ”Over there! What is that?!”, ”You lot stay behind and guard the church! Don’t let the book fall into enemy hands!” were some of the yells made. The team would probably wonder what book they were talking about, and if just one of them had a good head on their shoulders, they’d want to investigate that on top of their existing task. One might call it a bonus objective. But frankly, it was more like a hidden second objective.

Inside the town it was total chaos with guards rushing to their posts, and villagers scurrying back and forth from building to building, spreading the word that they had to stay indoors and avoid coming out. The guards had mounted a defense in the direction that Maru was causing the distraction, and being the mooks they are, they had no clue what was going on elsewhere in the village. Ideally the team would be rushing inside to grab the equipment and also the book from the church, but who knows… Maybe the assault team leader had a better plan.

Regardless, there were still a small contingent of guards at the church, and they’d be protecting the priest and book with their lives, so in order to obtain it fighting was basically guaranteed. It made sense too, as losing it would screw over their message encryption scheme and make it so any communication sent would be crackable. Of course, getting the equipment was also important, as without it, Kumogakure couldn’t formulate a defense against it. In ancient times, one of the reasons Kumogakure was founded where it was, was quite simple. That entire mountain and surrounding area was free of that chakra sapping mineral.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Maru chuckled, hopping out of the tree he was hiding in. Floating down was his elemental who looked at the bodies moving around after seeing them approaching their village. After hearing Saki giving him the okay for him to start, he nodded to Cold-Blooded giving her the okay to call the storm. "Hey, these guys need to chill out. Why don't you give them the cold shoulder." Maru told his elemental, who then looked up into the sky. The eye's of Cold Blooded clouded over into white orbs as she focused on a certain point in the sky to combine her natural energy to pull the water in the air to make a storm cloud and used the freezing winds from her realm to turn this sunny Autumn morning into a mighty snowstorm! This wasn't just some diamond-dust harmless snowstorm neither but it was a straight up blizzard punching you right in the face. All heat around the area had been purged, the natural disaster creating a winter hell where the cold not only ate away at the bodies of those around it but also chilled their very soul due to the spiritual nature of the attack. This attack wasn't discriminatory neither, it affected every entity within the area from the zealots down to the ants. Though the senjustu was dangerous to even the shinobi attempting to sneak around, Maru had a plan for that since the only way to save yourself from the cold was to use an ice justu.

Maru clasped his hands together then pulled in natural energy from the storm, his hair turned white as the snow became one with his hair, his mask turned into a storm cloud that covered his face. Maru's robes also change from it's normal multicolor to a deep blue and a dragon red with the hairpiece on top of his head turning into a small crown that was strapped to his head by a blue ribbon. A cold aura now surrounded him, spreading throughout the city which would made the weak minded fear him, whether that be locking up in horror or wanting to flee rather than fight. Maru knew that his simple display wouldn't be good enough to make him a convincing threat. He needed to put the fear of God into these zealots and he knew just how to do it but first his teammates…. Maru clasped his hand together then blew a fierce wind to breath life into the ice, snow, and the environment itself! 'Hey Environment, could you do me a solid and protect all my allied and Mirō. I'll really appreciate it.' as a response the wind howled an approving sound which made Maru smile. An ice Sprite appeared next to him, Maru made a sky blue fan using the frigid natural energy. "ALRIGHT HERE I GO!" He screamed as he made a giant 70 meter snowflake pattern appear before him in some strange magical seal. "WINTER… LOOOOOOTUS!!!!!!!!"

Sacrificing control over this ninjustu along with choosing to overpower it with the natural disaster that his elemental caused.. with a wave of his energy fan Maru not only froze the area but the entire city became frozen becoming a field of sharp Ice crystals that began where Maru stood then sprung up from the snow in a wave of spikes that would easily rip through exposed flesh if you weren't careful. His teammates could even see the sea of spikes springing up to hit them as well only to be blocked by an invisible force preventing them from taking damage. His allies shielded from the assault thanks to the snowflakes gathering at one point to block the icicles from impaling them. This attack using natural energy which not only would impaled by the sharp shards of ice will also feel a strain on their mind and will find it hard to move.

Though Maru protected his allies, he did prick himself on the ice shards thought it was nothing that he couldn't handle. He was impressed with how far the justu got. "Wowsers, I casted quite a ninjustu." Maru said as his Youkai healed him up before sliding back into the endless abyss of his tails. He couldn't distract himself with how powerful that ninjustu was, focusing on three mooks then created more hand seals before tearing a rift into reality itself and countless dark arms that come from within the rift made from dark chakra attempted to grab three guardsman to tear them apart! Maru smirked, as he continued advancing to cause more having! Feasting off the suffering that the ones unfortunate enough to be caught up by his first attack wondering what he should do next. After all he showed that he couldn't get to everyone easily plus the cold around them would continue doing damage to them until his elemental is gone. Was this good enough of a distraction?....

WC: 814
Word total: 3,243


– Cold-Blooded uses Natural Disaster Senjustu against all entities in the city.

– Maru enters Sage Mode: Elemental and uses Archsage's Breath Of The Wild to breath life into the environment and orders the environment to PROTECT Cold-Blooded, Saki, Mirō, Kayzua, and… Infrit.

– Maru attempts to Attack everything using Ice Transmutation- Winter Loutus and uses the power of the Natural Disaster Senjustu to make all of this justu secondary effects activate.

– Maru attempts to Attack three Guardsman with Gate Of Enma]

Oshiro Saki

Oct 22, 2012
The silence stretched out, blanketing everything in a wave of calm, a veil of peace just before the tsunami, the eye before the storm returned. A soft wind blowing over grass and into Saki's ears drowned out everything save for his heartbeat, save for his breath, save for the sheer knowing of what lay just beyond the silence. He was crouched low, Mirō somewhere in the distance behind him, Kazuya in his own place. He shifted his weight, antsy and almost impatient for the moment the distraction came. His hands began to shake of their own accord, adrenaline pumping, time slowing, tension rising.

He squeezed his knuckles at a sudden feeling of cold. His breath began to show. A chill crept up his spine, and Saki wasn't sure whether it was the weather or a premonition of something foreboding to come. Or was it both?

Then the sky erupted into shattered glass, clouds taking the place of the sun, hail and sleet falling to earth and stinging everything underneath. There was a cry from the town, an uproar of people followed by the clanging of metal that could only be men of swords and shields scrambling to answer something out of sight. Saki lept from his position and sprinted in the direction of the palisade walls already coated in a thin layer of slick cold, patrols previously organized now clambering in the opposite direction towards whatever it was that Maru was doing. He ran as fast as his legs would take him, nearly slipped on an unexpected formation of ice beneath his feet, regained his balance, focused chakra to his soles and continued on. The walls were thick, sturdy, and well built, but no wall could contain the flowing water. He flowed up and over like the snake up a tree, then spilled down and into the town, smooth as the breeze through the forest, silent as the sun setting.

The town was complete chaos. Zealots ran in every direction, some grabbing spears, swords, axes. Some gathering things from houses. Some didn't move at all, frozen either in fright or in ice. The sheer insanity of the picture before him. Women running with children, men yelling, blood already clinging parts of some walls, doors slamming, screaming from... somewhere. There were people impaled on icicles coming from nowhere, blood spattered across the way, drizzling down the sides, gurgling from victims' mouths. Sleet fell, making vision difficult. If it hadn't been for all the ice, he would have thought he was in hell itself.

Saki could feel the other two behind him, somewhere nearby. A cry came out from the center of town above the others, something about a book, something that sounded important, something that sounded valuable. Saki turned to where Mirō was, taking a moment to pick her out amidst the camouflage, amidst the confusion. "You, go to the church. Find out what book they're talking about if you can. See if it's worth something. We'll handle the other things."

It was not difficult to slip by unnoticed amidst the nightmare they were in. Even without active camouflaging, Saki and the others could have probably moved freely about the town as it was. Hell of a distraction. Focused entirely on the next step, Saki and his follower moved building to building, avoiding windows, avoiding bumping into anyone rushing by, drawing ever closer to their target. And then there it was.

The warehouse.

[Please message me if something doesn't make sense. I'm recovering from a concussion and sometimes make silly mistakes.]
Last edited:

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
‘The clouds.’ With vigilance Mirō noticed the rapidly changing cloud patterns. An ominous aura lingered with the rolling storm, overcasting the vast valley of the church complex with a menacing grey sky. A deep chill ran down her spine forcing the hairs on her neck to stick up. An icy chill bellowed through the forest freezing everything it touched. Breathing out Mirō took a deep breath of icy wind. The cold felt as if she was inhaling needles that pricked and stabbed her throat. Those golden eyes caught a glimpse of her breath clouds, refraining from breathing heavy it was found to be a tasking within these unwelcoming conditions. It was impressive, a blizzard of devastation engulfed their vision. Icicles mixed with sleet violently darted in every direction. Serrating anything within its path. Chaotic. Reckless. The blizzard threatening to bite and nip at their flesh. Its speed stunned her, the Dog proving his usefulness. Luckily each member had made it past the wall that encircled the compound.

Nevertheless a potent distraction. One flaw spoke volumes, ‘Is that Dog trying to kill us too?’ Gritting her teeth Mirō hasilty glanced around to find her comrades. With no hesitation she focused her chakra and quickly blinked her eyes. Turning once gold hues into beautiful red orbs with three tomoe twisting around her pupils. The massive blizzard engulfing the complex with its barrage of icicles cursed their mission with reduced vision. Through the madness Mirō noticed the shards of ice avoiding her body. Leaving her unscathed allowed her to maintain her camouflage. ‘Is he smart or just clumsy…’ Striking the Dog with more hateful thoughts Mirō had to applaud him in some aspects. ‘The Dog making clear and decisive plans that play to our advantage..? No.’ Luck of the draw some would say, the blizzard allowing their camo to be impossible to witness. Staying calm and alert her sharingan allowed her to capture even the slightest movements.

Picking out her comrades through the blizzard a command was barked from her leader. The order resonated inside her. Through the chaos an assertive “Yes” was tossed back towards Saki. Veering off towards another direction Mirō mysteriously faded away toward the church into the blizzard. ‘If I’m struck, he will regret it.’ Mirō grumbled on about the Mutts plan of distraction. Cutting off her rant the scent of blood flooded her nostrils. It hadn’t taken many steps to see the carnage spewed about. The enemy lie dead in their own pools of blood. No one was showed mercy. Bodies engorged with icicles, the flesh had been serrated and cut just like her own. ‘Tch. Maybe now they’ll understand even a droplet of my pain.’ Turning back to face front the gore hadn’t phased Mirō. In the world of Shinobi, no one said it would be care free. Remaining in stealth Mirō crouched low towards the walls of accompanying buildings. Remembering the location of the massive church proved easier than she figured. Even through the Dogs distraction Mirō was able to locate the building.

Pressed against a wall Mirō peered over her shoulder. Scanning the area for any fleeting guardsmen or unfortunate civilian that entered her path. Void of life the streets grew eerie. Screams and groans never ceased to play out into the world. ‘Nobody is coming to help them. A pity.’ Her sinister side chuckled to herself, redirecting her attention to a stone stairway. It lead up towards two heavy doors with the church’s symbol plastered on the front. Besides it’s heavy fortifications the stain glass windows shouted out that this building was the church. Many of the windows had shattered from the storm. Bricks and stone littered the vicinity allowing outsiders to peer in from the roof. With a plan in mind Mirō silently scaled the side of the tall stone church. Crunching the snow that rested on top of the roof she kneeled down. Peering into the church Mirō spotted what Saki was talking about. A massive tome lay centered on the large teak table. That leather book being the key that unlocks the way to Tenouzan ideology. With it Kumogakure could have intel and encryptions of the church’s powerful individuals along with cracking the code on where and how the chakra sapping rocks worked. Gloved fingers dug into a pouch on her back waist. Grabbing the multiple bags of lullaby powder her skin on her right arm peeled into thin sheets of paper. Masterful in her craft the sheets folded themselves around hand fulls of lullaby powder. Compressed into small white balls her explosive lullaby pellets were made. The paper crafted itself into paper bombs to coat the entire area in sleep aid. Within a minute multiple handfuls of sleep bombs were made, storing them away safely. Smiling underneath her mask Mirō rose up forcibly breaking her stealth. Hands clashed into each other to perform a simple hand seal. In a puff of smoke two identical clones appeared on her left and right. Filled with lethal intent the two clones darted off in different directions. Careful where they went in order to avoid the debris of icicles, a paper clone posted itself in front of the main door whilst the other peered menacingly through the shattered window.


The church clergy was heavily guarded. Each individual fully prepared for an attack on their leader. ‘Perfect.’ Mirō dashed over to an opening on the top corner of the church wall towards the front entrance. The crumbled gap was wide enough to let two hands into. In position the paper clone in front of the main entrance performed a complex hand seal. The red sharingan frantically looking around before focusing at the center of both doors. Focusing her chakra around her being the two doors blew open with devastating force. Blasting the heavy doors off their hinges they struck two of the guardsmen within the large room full. The paper clone perched on the window jumped through the glass. Shrapnel and shards of glass flooded the church floors and air. However as the doors were blown open though all the commotion came the hidden touch to her plan. Dropping hand fulls of sleep bombs into the gap on the roof Mirō controlled the bombs to fling towards the leader and all the men that guarded him. Sweat dripped down her curled brow. Focusing on multiple tasks piled onto her mental fortitude. Feeling a strain in controlling the paper bombs that were scattered in every direction. The paper clone that had dash through the window would be sacrificed for the greater good. The room was quiet for a second, suddenly full of devastation. Multiple explosions went off like a barrage of firecrackers. The initial explosion itself was minute but with multitudes of sleep bombs the guardsman defenses were unmatched. The paper clones had detonated with the explosions. Shredding itself into small sheets of paper sharper than glass, dispersing throughout the room. Any exposed skin would suffer lashes and minor cuts to cause bleeding. A sweet scent Mirō had grown to acknowledge.

The collateral explosion emitted the lullaby powder into the air. The air exposed with paper and lullaby powder made the entire room a purgatory. Watchful red eyes gazed in to view her plan in progress. Screams of terror slowly faded into nothing. The sleep powder setting in. One by one each church guard fell to his knees then to the floor. Slumped into a deep stupor even the leader couldn’t hold back their eyes from drooping shut. A moment of silence filled the church. ‘Get the book and be wary of their weapons.’ Figuring that the risk of the chakra sapping rocks weighed heavy against her favor. Vanishing from the rooftop Mirō dashed through the open window her previous clone broke through. The one clone at the door carefully meeting her inside the room. The bodies laid still before her. With a wicked smirk silently Mirō darted over to the downed leader. Sound asleep and clutching the leather bound book with gold lettering in his hands. Those infamous red hues never left his shut eyes. Pulling out a kunai she drove the sharpened edge directly into his neck. Severing his carotid artery those hands that had a titans grip relaxed. Releasing their grip of the book Mirō stepped on the dead leaders face. Pulling the book from his grasp and placing it on her back. Tightly strapped. Her stomach churned with disgust at the degenerate acts the Tenzouans performed. Kidnapping and killing, executing due to a special gift. ‘Pigs.’ Muttering to herself her clone began to act. Taking out its kunai it too began executing each sleeping guard within the church. Speeding up the process and adding blood marks under her belt a few minutes went by before the building had been polished off.

With blood tainting her face and mask Mirō loomed over the silent bodies. Her clone next to her vanished in a thick cloud of smoke. Blood had tainted her hands before. Inner conflict of killing fighting her tranquil side. They were the enemy. Seeking to destroy fellow chakra users and dismantling Kumogakure. It was her life or theirs; Mirō chose the latter. Looking out through the shattered window snowflakes began to enter the church. Wonderment congested her mind. Hoping her squadron had an easier time getting the weaponry. Casually Mirō walked to the blown out entrance. Departing swiftly to catch up with her comrades. The tome strapped to her back.

WC: 1579
In this order: Sharingan (Rank 3), Paper Clone Mastered x2, Gravity Distortion Mastered (Blew Door open). Book acquired (I hope :3)

Kujo Kazuya

Jan 30, 2018
OOC Rank

There was a complete silence not a single sound from anywhere, it felt like a silence before a storm, well it indeed was the silence before the storm. Kazuya was hiding in the shadow of the trees around that area without anyone noticing. He activates his Sharingan to see how Maru is doing. As Kazuya sees him doing open fire in front of those guards as Kazuya whispered to himself, "What the heck is that idiot father of mine even doing?" well it didn't matter that much to him, cause he had to focus on his own part of the mission. As they heard some guards yelling something about the book well Kazuya was kinda curious about that book which they have to acquire but the most important thing he was curious about is those Anti-chakra weapons which could be used in future and Kazuya really wanted to get some of those in his own hands as a collection because he liked collecting a different kind of weapons for fun and other things.

As Saki knew that they have to get that book from those peoples, he turned towards the place Miro was and gave her the orders to get the book from the church, as in this chaos they can even just walked around the town without getting caught but Saki ordered them to be cautious of the surrounding. As Miro moved out to acquire that book, Saki also started moving into the town saving himself from peoples view. As Kazuya was thinking that why he didn't get any orders well it didn't matter because he knew what he has to do. As Kazuya also started moving via shadows into the town, as he saw some of the peoples wearing anti-chakra armors and are equipped with weapons like sword, Axe etc. Kazuya whispered to himself, "Guess I found my target for today." As Kazuya runs in front of them lurking them into the alley. So Kazuya starts moving towards the backside of the alley where infrit was waiting, but he didn't know that the soldiers were this big of idiots following him all the way to infrit. As soon as they reached there Kazuya did some hand seals and the shadows underneath them started growing spikes and pierced through the open parts which were not cover by any kind of armor, As Infrit then took of there armor and weapons, as Kazuya thought this should be enough for my collection.

As Kazuya collected some extra armor and things for himself, As Kazuya once again entered the town, this time he got out of his shadow and was on the rooftop around the church where Miro was destroying places and peoples together. As Kazuya didn't know where Saki is or what he's up to. He was trying to find Saki but in the end, he gave up because he didn't know about his behaviour and other things like his personality. So he was just watching that place if no civilians enter that place which Miro is destroying at full force without any thoughts. As Kazuya notices some small kids which were stuck just at a distance from the place Miro is destroying, Kazuya once again moved into Shadows and reached near those kids pulling them into shadow together with him and leaving them at a safe distance because Kazuya didn't want any unnecessary deaths in this mission like those of innocent kids. This time Miro finally broke into the church through that gate after some destruction. As Miro was simply walking through those broken church gates with blood all over the place and on her face and body, her clones next to her vanishing. She entered the church, Kazuya got chills down his spine as he saw that bloodshed, and wanted to take part in that execution like assassination. But he couldn't have been jumped carelessly, as once again Kazuya does some hand seals and makes a shadow clone and send it to search for the priest of the church. As he knew that there might be some difficulties with that book, then he jumps down from the roof and silently walks over those dead bodies with a smile on his face and the feeling of excitement in his heart. But he knew that she will be able to do her mission, Kazuya starts moving towards weaponry where we hope to find Saki so they can get the mission done as fast as possible.

Kazuya once again jumps over the top of the church and starts observing the town in search of weaponry as he founds it and starts moving towards it with his full speed. As he sees Saki standing on the roof of the building waiting for the write moment because there are still many soldiers guarding the weaponry. As Kazuya whispers to himself, "This will be fun." then he turns towards Saki, "Hey Mr Saki I'm kinda excited after seeing the bloodshed Miro caused can I do the same right here as we have to get anti-chakra weapons as fast as we can, and I can finish them off without causing any kind of problem for those civilians living near this place and for us also but they will just die silently, Can I." As Kazuya makes a smiling face with a please mood, so he can get the permission from Saki, as he remembers one more thing and says, "Also Mr Saki I sent my clone made of shadow to search for the priest as he might be of some help for us during some decoding and interrogation, luckily if Number three haven't killed him yet." As Kazuya was waiting for Saki's replay to continue with his work in this mission.

[OCC: jutsu's used: Sharingan(rank 3), Black Eruption mastered, Dark Displacement mastered, Specter Shade mastered]
[955 WC]
[2636/7000 TWC]
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