Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Destruction of Kumogakure [Going Missing]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

I watched in horror and disbelief as a iron coffin rose from beneath my older sister, unconscious, battered body. I could judge the distance from her and I... I was too far to make it in time, to stop her coming doom... but, by the grace of my Lord, the death coffin was shattered by a woman with golden hair. I rushed to the area keeping my cool and wits about me. The situation was unclear, murky even... A giant snake, Souji and an unknown woman both a top it's head... Kyoko, her savior and another unknown woman... Nothing was adding up and nothing was making sense initially but... As I approached carefully but calmly, I came across a conversation amongst the party. Talk of martyr and traitor were vague and only added to my confusion. I did not rush over to Kyoko... I don't know why. Maybe... I was afraid to see her... to see a dragon's eyes closed. The creeping thought of my sister's body being lifeless kept my eyes shifting to everyone but her. At this point I was unsure of who the enemy was... Souji was on a snake with another and I know him to be on my side but then there were the other two... The blond haired girl just saved Kyoko but was conversing with the one who opt to deal the finishing blow... Why was Souji not the one to save her? What was going on here?

"Guardian of Shadows! Sit rep if you please.. (Situation Report)"

Expecting a quick briefing, I knelt into my kill stance to get ready for who ever was the enemy. If someone bested my older sister then I needed to be ready to go all out...

[ooc: I'm going to assume the fight is over...]

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012

"Souji... not bad."

Not sure what in the hell was this technique he used that bound me, real freaky like, his shadow extended and tagged to mine... Not sure why I could not move but em... here comes that freaky coffin again... I could barely stand by this time, fading in and out of consciousness, I placed my hands along the iron coffin's walls in my own sentiment. That's when I felt the vibrations from within. Something was coming like before. "Ah crap this is gonna hurt." I focused my chakra in order to brace myself but it was too little too late. Iron spikes came crashing through my lito dungeon and frightfully face. This was definitely the end however I clung to my life by avoiding my vitals from puncture. As the coffin was shattered apart, my sisters chakra was radiant and close. This caused a smile to lay across my face as the sudden shock of impact knocked me unconscious... There I laid, smile upon my face, completely in bless... Everything had fallen into place. I was dead, my sisters would surely arrive to bare witness, and the reason for my death will only spark animosity between Iwagakure and Kumogakure... All that was left was for Hitomi to play her part in fueling the flames further. She would act as an extension of me as discussed. She will ensure my will on the situation in my absence... Judgement day could not be stopped! Kumogskure will fall! Ha hahahaaahaaaaaa!!!


[Retirement/Kyoko is put into a coma]
[ooc: War Time]

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012

"Nooo waaay!!!!!! I don't flipping believe it! Sis!

I could not believe my eyes. The air was stale and my heart felt as if it had stopped but in actuality it was racing out of control. I could not breath and I could not hear. My soul concentration was on the body lying next to the shattered pieces and fragments of metal. Was it so? I have never seen Kyoko like this and for the first time in my life I felt powerless. I ran over to her not stopping for anything or anyone. The fact that there was a giant snake with Souji standing on top had not even phased me. I quickly attempted to check her pulse but with absolutely no medical knowledge or medical skills, I could not figure out how to. I only seen med shinobi do this a few times but never understood exactly how it all worked. I was truly helpless and powerless. My eyes began to tear as I kept talking to my sisters lifeless body... "Who did this? Big sis talk to me? Who did this to you? *sobs* Everything is alright now sis, everything is going to be ok... big sis? Help! Somebody... *sobs* ...Who? Who did this?

[ooc: eh I don't make it in time to fight... again :p]

[Edited: Didn't know Yumiko was trying to leave. Stopping Yumiko from leaving thread.]

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[If it wasn't suggested, since I couldn't tell if the fight was over or not, I had left the thread in my last post, I just blanked on doing the tags correctly.]

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Yumeko suddenly got stopped by a mysterious force and sighed before talking to herself. "If you want to stop me, you're gonna have to grab me, Bitch." She said before walking away from the village gates again. Though as she suddenly a somewhat large squirrel had appeared and started speaking to the new arrivals. It spoke about how it would wreck them before disappearing as well.

[Topic Left via Harry Houdini Card]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding Souji would turn to the appraoching entities with an hasteful eye. Sliding down the side of the snake along with Mito, he'd tilt his head, looking to Haruka then. . . Koyoko, "Status update? Your sister impersonated an outsider, attacked guardians at the gate, attacked me, Haruka, and the woman who just decided to leave.", Souji'd look into that direction for a moment and he'd leave a clone behind to continue the conversation while he went after the woman [Hidden action, Stunt Double]. Continuing though, "By law. She is a traitor. By Law it makes you all look like you had notice of this... I would like to believe I can trust you all however.", still winded from the battle Mito would look to Souji and nod, "Indeed, with all thats happened. I believe some honesty is best suited for this situation.", flicking her hair away from her eyes and looking up to Uzume the giant serpent seemed to tower... well no. It -did- tower over everyone, and it was definitively something that Souji would have to consider in the future.

"So? whats the answer before I have to make a decision with all of what I know there could be a war on our hands and a war that we may or may not want...", Souji would cross his arms and frown before rolling his shoulders, "If anything this could potentially break out in a civil war.", Souji would look to Haruka then back to the Ryujins, mostly Mikana this time, "She'll be fine... Her soul is still within the confines of her body... she is not dead, but she will be needing medical Assistance as soon as possible. So. . .", he'd tap his headset to the medical channel, ~//~"Guardian of Shadows, to the Hope Hospital, we require immediate medical assistance for one of the members of our village has been struck down. Come to Titans Keep.~//~" with that he'd wait.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Just take these once a day after a meal and if it doesn't get any better within a week come back, okay?"<i></i> Uka handed her patient a small jar full of white pills with a friendly smile. This had probably been her twentieth patient this morning and she was quickly beginning to understand how people could become completely desensitized towards everything work related. There was no rest for anyone however nor any time for even forgetting to care.

~//~"Guardian of Shadows, to the Hope Hospital, we require immediate medical assistance for one of the members of our village has been struck down. Come to Titans Keep.~//~"

The sudden announcement on her headset made her jump. Seriously what was going on lately. This was the emergency in a very short of time and at a busy time like this it was becoming crazy. However there wasn't time to idle about at all. It seemed like her decision to be in full kit, well more laziness than decision, had been correct in this case as Uka could just head over there now. Whether or not any of her colleagues would respond was a completely different idea though. -//-"This is The New Hope Hopsital we have resieved your message and are sending people over right now."-//-"<i></i> The sennin replied on the frequency as she ran down the corridors towards the exit. Telling somebody else to also follow her had completely slipped her mind, but hey nothing to be done about that. Now it was time to hurry after all.


The Titan's Keep was quickly getting closer and closer as the sennin surveyed it as carefully as possible. Sure they had mentioned where the emergency had occurred, but they hadn't said exactly where it was. As strange as it was finding it wasn't that hard in particular, mainly due to the fact that there was a huge snake just....standing?.... there. The medic flexed her mucles for a burst of speed as she finally approached the group. "Who nee....nevermind"<i></i> Uka began, but it was more than clear enough who the person needing the emergency care was. 'I know those two. If i recall they were the ones who got into a fight.' The medic noted as she knelt down next to Kyoko. Two of the three women here she knew and they were trouble for sure, but now wasn't the time for that. She sighed as her eyes focused on her patient.

One thing was absolutely certain - she was in a horrendous state. Bleeding was the least of her worries, but it had to be the first thing she dealt with. This was much worse than last time, well at least she was breathing. For now. How long she had even Uka didn't know but it was time to get started....

[Topic Entered]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

It seemed the party arrived. And departed, and attempted to stop departure, but Haruka still stood, her back to Kyoko and Mikana as she watched Souji address the duo in silence. As the male addressed her, her features would harden into Stone as she locked her jaw just so. If she had to go for round two here, then god damnit, she was more than just prepared. She felt overcharged and revitalized. Her yellowed eyes would drift over and she'd look from the fallen Kyoko, to Mikana, and then to Koyoko. Then, she would scoff. "What do you mean. . . potentially?" She would ask, her tone iced over as she flexed her hands. She didn't even break a sweat during that fight. What a shame. Her lips would form nothing more than a harsh line after her statement, no more words coming just as of now. Let them take it as they would, but if this were to become a war with Kumogakure as the enemy, then her people had fallen farther from grace than she thought in her time of absence.

Who would've known replacing her as a figurehead would cause rampant retardation all around? "This is war." The young woman would whisper, her body seeming to unravel from the tight coil she had bound herself up into. From her hip, she'd pull free the headband she wore there and she would let it drop down to the ground. And then she would retrieve her sword, and with a single hand, she'd slam it down through the emblem of that headband. And that was her silent protest.

"Where do you two stand?" She would speak, now turning on her feet, the heels she wore scraping across the ground. Her hand would remain upon the sword as snowflakes began to cascade down from the sky. Why? Why did she save Kyoko? She knew the perfectly morbid statement that she could make, but she knew far better that no one could martyr for the cause better than what she had done.

"You, medic, be sure to give the best of care to the traitor. Under no circumstances do we allow her to become some kind of fake martyr for this misguided cause."

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Mikana seemed to have no filter for her emotions and began to lose it. To be honest, her abrupt entrance combine with the tears that followed and the sight of my older sister unconscious caused a wave of overwhelming anger to build with in me. I clenched my teeth and tightened my grip on my sword but soon found release once Souji spoke on my sister's condition... she would live. I let out a sigh of relieve at this notion. It was comforting and relieving to hear him say this. Before now, it felt as if I had been holding my breath for hours. Mikana seemed to be ready to hurt someone and I guess the foreigner sensed this as she made her quick exit adding a taunt for insult. Infuriating as it was, I hadn't the time to chase after her. I knew her face and if needed I could hunt her down. For now the details were more important... I listened to Souji and friends as he explained things to be disturbing. For some reason I began pacing in a very uneasy manner. I paced back and forth as I listened to them, my eyes to Souji, to the ground, to Hakura, to the other unnatural entity that spoke and then back to Souji. My pacing soon came to a halt, I then took my sword and slammed it into the stone ground beneath us causing a rumble and the ground to split in place. My sword now sticking straight up from the ground, I closed my eyes and pondered the details. I needed to stay calm and unemotional to the situation in order to fully analyze correctly. For a split second, I blocked all outside influences in order to analyze...

  • "Your sister impersonated an outsider... Possibility and or likelihood at 50%

    ..But why?

    Kyoko attacked guardians at the gate, Souji, Haruka, and the woman who just decided to leave... Possibility 33%

    ..But why?

    ...there could be a war on our hands and a war that we may or may not want... If anything this could potentially break out in a civil war.... Possibility ???

    ...War? What does he mean? What war? and why?

    Kyoko... a traitor... Possibility 12%

    ..More information... I need more information"

Breaking from concentration I nodded to Uka, the dragon slayer, and walked over to Souji. "Nothing you all are saying is making much sense... please show me..." Though I was accustomed to forcing mental information from the mind with my doujutsu, Souji was a friend. He wouldn't much appreciate me digging through his mind in that way especially given the situation. I would hope he would show me willingly to rest my mind but if not... If not, I'd have no choice but to respect his decision. I did not want to believe that Souji and the others attacked Kyoko first but I also did not want to believe that Kyoko, my sister, was a traitor either. I awaited Souji's answer or Haruka's if she obliged.


Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Souji would shake his head and show the snapshot he'd taken of the scenario, with a mixture of his sound ninjutsu affinity, Souji would recreate much of the sounds that were distorted through it. Everything that was said leading up to the point where right before Kyoko was knocked unconscious. The last thing they would hear was, "Before you ask... yes! I was sent here die... Listen... awhile ago, a Cloudie by the name Ayumi disappeared and she was an ambassador of Kumogakure. They blamed us for her disappearance and so I volunteered my life as retribution. My life to not only spare my village from war but also to spare my sister---...."<i></i>, Souji would release the jutsu after the scenes of the fight, and most of what was said.

"I'm sorry Koyoko. But this is exactly what happened as a result of Nokuzu [OOC: Souji's 'god'] knows what. So what is your answer? Where do you stand?", Souji would note the Sennin had come to visit. Taking heed to his call. More so he'd nod his head before allowing the others to take the floor, "This might turn into a war if we dont change the head of this administration which has led to this. . . and take out any person he's put into power that wants to follow his ideals of this War.", Souji stated knowing none of the Sennin truly wanted War. Kamaru was just a scapegoat Souji could handle later though. . . Being that he was a man that was not from the village it'd be easier to fan flames in his face as opposed to Uka who was the new Medical Sennin, she'd not be a target Souji wanted to dethrone. Same with Lightning. He knew her ideals, and felt the same as she in many ways... they were Guardians... and this would definitely be something they stood against. Souji was more speaking about the War Endo wanted to stir with Sand at one point. Though Endo was a man who wanted the world to see an iron fist that was merely concrete disguised as that indestructible Iron. "Where... do you stand. . .?"



Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Dealing with the bleeding was surprisingly easy. As it seemed most of the damage she had taken wasn't really inflicted by blades or rather she had managed to avoid serious injury by it. Whether it was sheer luck or skill there was absolutely no chance of knowing, but one thing was for certain - this was going to be the easiest part of treating her newly found patient. Impact injuries and strangely frostbite seemed to be most of the damage, but there also always existed the possibility of poison, which was in fact the most pressing matter. Uka carefully placed her hand underneath Kyokos' head, half-forcing an antidote down her throat and making sure she doesn't end up choking on it. Everything else was going to take a rather long while to deal with and it wasn't as pressing as a matter.

By the looks she had multiple sprains and fractures all over her body, which weren't going to magically fix themselves. It was going to take a lot of time to fix. The fact that her patient wasn't in any state whatsoever to move would help, but first she had to take care of the distractions. Uka stood up, brushing her trousers off and leaving her white lab coat carelessly flowing behind her. "Medics will help anyone no matter who they are. If you have a problem with the policy of my branch feel free to take it up with me in my office later, but for now please don't distract me."<i></i> The medic said with a cold and even voice. She didn't have time to deal with this now and she wasn't going to involve herself in the matter anymore either. If the woman wanted to discuss it later Uka would be perfectly fine, but for now there were other things to do.

"Mikana was it?"<i></i> The sennin shifted her attention over to the woman, who was the only person doing anything even remotely close to trying to help the wounded. "Can you hold her down? I'll need to deal with the fractures and her moving won't help me."<i></i> She asked without even looking to check whether Mikana would actually do it or not. A quick couple of handseals and one touch was all it took to give Kyoko a complete anesthetic. It was amazing how much medical ninjutsu could do that regular medicine couldn't, but only their combined efforts could make them become greater than the sum of their parts.

Uka knelt back down next to her patient, trying to choose how to proceed.The medic carefully pressed down on areas where her clothes had been damaged, trying to see whether or not there was any damage there. Checking those places first was about all she could do considering Kyoko sure wasn't going to tell her where the pain was. It seemed as if most of the damage had been done to her legs and hands, but it was probably safe to assume she had taken some other damage to places hidden to the human eye. Whether or not there was any head trauma there was no way of telling right now, but it was something to keep in mind for sure. First however it was time to deal with the more obvious things. With swift and careful movements she set about adjusting and putting back any bones, which weren't where they were supposed to be. A broken finger or two and a couple of twisted joints was all it amounted to on the outside, but on the inside who knew. However there was two things she could try. They weren't easy techniques, but for this situation they absolutely perfect.

The medic took a deep breath and quickly began going through long sets of handseals. They were both very new techniques for her, but she would have to do her absolute best to make sure they did their job. A couple of seconds later Kyoko appeared to have a calming, gentle green aura surrounding her entire body. In front of everyone's eyes cuts closed and bruises slowly disappeared, but this didn't mean everything would just disappear. No. It would take a long time for her to completely recover from this if she ever completely recovered from it. For now it was far too early to tell

Full list:
Anestetic Infusion
Angelic Blessing


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Rushed but still managing to pick his way through the chaos of what had just previously been a battlefield, Endo's keen eyesight picked up what was clearly a group with which there was a story to tell. Word traveled fast about random fights at the gates and with all the world changing events going on, no attack at the gates was to be taken lightly. So much for keeping the peace at the gates. Of the ones that he noticed offhand was Souji, followed by the Ryujin . . . or two of them at least. What he only could make out as he approached closer was that of Uka, over the body of Kyoko. His stomach did a few flips but then he noticed that the building that he'd simply disregarded was actually a snake and then . . . Wait, Haruka the former Daimyo? Crap . . . crap, crap. Screw it, there was no point in walking up as if he didn't notice all of the commotion that the battle had brought on. Adjusting his glasses, he made a simple hand sign and summoned his own enforcer. After all, there was no point in not bringing a dish to the potluck. Sliding the hood from over his head he was comforted by the somewhat intoxicating giggle of his familiar.

"Sorry to call you under the circumstances Yayoi love . . ." he coursed. Sighing, the elegant humanoid bat-lady shook her head as she inspected the landscape. "True peace can only be found in the cold darkness." Endo had to agree but now he was among his own and he didn't want to appear anymore rude then most people assumed that he was already. Taking one last look at things as he stepped behind residual ice shards, he locked eye's just barely with the woman standing next to Souji and he swore that something was familiar about her but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Oh well, on with the political rhetoric. "A leader is always supposed to keep his feelings in check but I won't act like I'm instinctively angered by the fact that one of my own lies before me with my best medic over her." His piercing emerald eyes darted from face to face looking for some clue to the mystery set before him, but he trusted Souji the most. "Forgive my rudeness for being brief but . . . what happened here and who is to blame for this?" There was a fine line between being bold and being foolish but hopefully he wouldn't get an estrogen overload in a time when he needed answers especially. Meanwhile, Yayoi would fly up, face to face with the rather large snake and . . . quizzically inspect it. So much for expecting a necrophiliac to actually care about keeping him safe.

OOC: #YOLO#NoFlexZone
Yayoi my bat-summon is floating up near Souji's . . . summon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

One too many people had become invited to this little shindig. And the last person in the world that she wanted to see had managed to crawl his way into the area. How quaint was that? Showing up in all of the places that you were not wanted. It must've sucked to be the most despised man in the room. Feeling an odd sensation cascading down the tips of her fingers and along her blade, she'd peer at the blood that collected there and she'd blink. "...Oh." She'd mouth. That fucking iron coffin that was shattered down to the ground must've caught her at an awkward angle. It was worth it though. She didn't need anyone dying for some kind of bizarre cause. Curling her fingers, she'd flick the blood away and it would disperse into a fine mist only to rain down upon Kyoko and Uka who were not too far away from her. She would fold her hands atop of the blade that was stabbed down into the cold ground, her legs standing on either side of the fissure that had been created there as she watched the newcomer with her golden eyes. "Don't insult me." She'd murmur, tilting her chin up. "You know perfectly well the circumstances of this battle." Her lips would slowly spread into a smile, one tainted with an odd backdrop. The northern wind would sweep through the area, taking her blonde strands along with it as she held her silence for a few moments there.

"The next time you wish to play games, remember to inform us." She'd clear her throat now, removing her hands from the sword now. Now her smile would reveal the incredibly sharp and undeniably inhuman canines that were in her mouth. "I'll make sure I don't break your toys next time." She'd step, one foot in front of the other towards him and she'd snap her fingers, lifting a hand up to grab her mask from midair. Her heels would collide against the ground in a manner that stated that she was not phased by anyone standing there within the battlefield. Then, she would stop in front of Endo and she would tilt her head off to the side now.

"Leave the sisters alone. You will not send Koyoko-- I believe that is what the woman called her-- to her death. Nor her other sister. Because of your negligence, a woman struggles for her life today. A shinobi of Iwagakure." Her eyes would harden now, standing incredibly tall now with unwavering stature. "You throw the word blame around so easily: If you wish to know whom to blame. . . Look in the mirror." From her pocket, she'd pull free a makeup compact and toss it at him before brushing past him, walking away from the scene. "Keep the makeup. You made yourself look more than enough like a bitch today." She had nothing more to say. This was nothing more than a child's game, and she would turn it into something real soon enough.

[ Topic Left ]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
There was rude and then there was rude, and currently, Haruka was doing absolutely too much. Yayoi spoke before Endo could though, and her words pretty summed up the bulk of what some small part of Endo wanted to say. "Ah honey. Is that all you got?" the woman coursed from atop of the snakes head. She really was getting a little too comfortable as she was hovering so close to the large snake that one might have assumed that she was something akin to lazily resting on it. Endo however kept his composure, and kept his calm . . . as well as he should have considering that he was very tired of people not giving him the respect that he warranted. Starting off low, the Tsuchikage declared just where he stood on the divide between power and the illusion of such. "Out of sheer respect for your mother and the fact that you and I grew up in the academy together, I'll excuse your tone. I understand that going from being a dainty Daimyo to a common shinobi can be taxing on the mind, really I do." he paused at that and then continued. "However, unless you plan on outright assassinating me right now, when I ask serious questions, I get serious results . . . period, not sassy attitudes. Am I to be understood milady?" Okay, maybe the "milady" was a bit much he had to admit. By now his glasses had drooped too far down his nose and he had to adjust them again, and there was a clear vexation to his normally calm demeanor.

As he pushed his glasses up, he looked from the Kyoko's body to the now walking away Haruka and eyed her peculiarly. Did he really have the assurance that he could win a civil war between forces loyal to an ousted Daimyo and a he himself the lackadaisical Kage? Maybe he should exercise his might a little more.
"Do I make myself clear Haruka? If so, then it would behoove you to help protect the scene as I'm briefed on the matter." Stopping only to turn around to Souji and get something akin to a clear answer, Endo rubbed his temples as he blinked away a headache and shook his head clearing his mind and getting back to be the nice guy. "Souji, please, what is Haruka talking about in regards to this here? I'm only going to assume that you want to take a swipe at me seven days out of the week as I'm fully aware of being in the running for the d-bag of the century but I'm not keen on being blamed for matters of which I'm not informed of. So again, who or what did this to Kyoko and why?" Haruka wasn't ready for war, and Endo wasn't all that sure that he held Souji's loyalty either but he for a certain fact wasn't about to just stand for anything . . . plus he knew where to spend good coin for a few hired hands. If this moment proved to be the jump off, he had concerns for the ever loyal Ryujin and Uka first. Then came Souji and his lady friend according to where they fell and Haruka was going to earn a good nights rest on the house. As his mind tried to beat Souji's response to the punch, Endo summoned a rather special clone to block Haruka from leaving. So much for reelection.

OOC: Stopping Haruka from leaving via a Clay Clone. Sorry to break posting order.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
OOC: I cant let you do that StarFox.

Souji would stand between Haruka and the Clay clone, "Not so fast, let the woman leave, you'd rather not deal with her when she's angsty like this... We just got done fighting. I'm tired, and I dont feel like bullshit.", Soujis eyes shifting to green as he'd allow Haruka to leave the meeting grounds for another day of living but Souji was the Shadow Guardian. The Onyx Guard who protected all of Earth's people. Haruka was also his friend, so he knew what was going on in that fucked up head of hers, "Stand down Tsuchikage-sama. Its not worth it. Not now at least, if you have a problem you can talk with me about it. I'm worth that much, eh?", Souji shook his head looking into the man's eyes for a moment before looking back at Mito and Uzume. "Now if you wanna know what happened I have everything right here... but I'd like to be in front of all the Sennin and leaders of this nation when I show off all the info I do infact have...", nodding he'd pant a bit still recovering his chakra from the fight before, it was straining to do everything.

"Fair enough Tsuchikage?", looking at everyone else it would seem he was outnumbered if a fight broke out but what did that matter? If anything happened Haruka would know he didnt make it... which would be cause enough, but maybe that was the plan. "What...A...Drag...", shaking his head he'd sigh and let go standing up straight noting that Haruka would be gone at this point.

[Onyx Guard Ability Used.]

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012
Still sobbing I embrassed my big sis tightly. Imagine my relief when I saw Uka arrive at the seen. I must seem so pathetic... a fighter, crying her eyes out, unable to anything for her loved ones but cry... the strange looking one scurried away talking trash but for now that was ok. I'd mess her teeth up later. Uka immediately began working on big sis causing me to slowly scoot back recognizing my uselessness. She was so strong and useful... my clan never saw much use or gave much respect to the other branches. My family saw the anbu and medical feilds as the cowards route, the profession of those who could not gut being a real warrior but... who was useless now? What could bronze do in a situation like this? I did not like this feeling... the feeling of being insignificant!

"Can you hold her down? I'll need to deal with the fractures and her moving won't help me."

These words were calming... comforting. I dried my tears and held my sister down. She would not be able to move. My eyes looking to Uka for further instructions... she was so strong and helped me get out of my depressed feelings by making me useful. In such a short time she became the medical sennin in recognition of her skill and ability. She was strong and I wanted to be like that. I wanted to be like her, useful, kind, brave, strong, unyielding. I want the power to protect my friends and family. I paid little mind to what was being talked about and what was going on outside helping my sis. I did hear things that was beginning to piss me off but... I needed to concentrate, focus even... if it weren't for Uka being here... I might have been swinging my sword right about now.

"Uka-cha no... Uka-sama, thank you."

[Ooc: wow you guys are funny. Going to request to join the medic branch now lol]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

After viewing the snap shot recordings, I found myself at a loss for words. Even when Souji asked about my allegiance I had no answer... How could I? I was feeling so many things and yet I allowed my face to give way to none. The fact that Souji led the brigade that put my sister in this sorry state made me feel hatred for a man bound by his duty and his love for his home. He was only protecting the gates of our home but because of this my sister may not live... on the other hand, Kyoko's final words also struck me deep. The fact that she would go through with something like this just to protect her home, family, and friends... I was troubled by mixed emotions at this point and there was no way to answer Souji at the time. Who was the blame and who was my enemy? Should I hate my own village for allowing Kyoko to go through with this decision and not just allow Iwagakure to go to war with Kumogakure? If so, how many more Ryujin or others would have died because of this war? I'm sure Kyoko asked herself this exact question and so here she is... Should I hate Souji and the others for stopping her, beating her, and almost killing her? No, they did not know what was going on and saved her once they figured it all out. However that other one who escaped may have been of Kumogakure which explains her haste to deal a finishing blow after Kyoko explained her reasoning and it would also explain her hasty retreat... Was Kumogakure to blame? They were blaming us for that girls disappearance and because of that my sister is here in the first place... or was it... me? Had I not fought with Ayumi that day in the temple... Just then my thoughts were interrupted by Inu Endo who had caught wind of the commotion. Once again I said nothing and observed the interactions of the others. Words were exchanged and so were disrespectful actions. What was I witnessing? The man I was charged to protect, excepting blatant disrespect yet again before my eyes. First by Haruka and followed by Souji. Perhaps it was Inu Endo's fault, all of this... Perhaps if he ruled with greater strength than what has been displayed, Kumogakure would not dare blame us for Ayumi's disappearance out of sear fear and respect. They threaten to wage war and we cowardly send a Ryujin to her death in exchange for our safety... how pathetic, how laughable... even as a joke, it's not very funny...

"No... Not fair enough Souji... Something needs to change and today, right here and right now. I excepted the title of Kage Guard to ensure the survival of a strong leader. A leader who would lead his people and the Ryujin clan to greatness. But what am I witnessing here? The leader of the Stone shinobi is considered the strongest among us but... what is this? Inu-sama, you decide to send a single shinobi, my sister, to end a war before it starts while you sit comfortably behind a desk pushing paperwork and ink, you let the blonde girl verbally disrespect you, you let Souji disrespect you by allowing him to stop you from stopping her, and now... now I'm here questioning your ability to lead the strong people of Iwagakure. Perhaps Souji should be in charge and I his Kage Guard. He is clearly running things and telling you what to do. Do you fear Souji? Do you think the strong people of Stone will follow a man lugging fear around and hiding behind fancy words? If you disagree then prove me wrong, not with those fancy words you like to defend with but with the fist of Stone we the people look up to. Prove it here and now or lose the respect of the entire Ryujin clan and me... Show me why I should follow what ever route you decide..."

I wanted to have faith in my leader but if he did not slap Souji out of his way and started demanding some respect then he could forget being the leader of Iwagakure. You could not be the strongest among us and allow your subjects bully you around. If they did not respect him, then what reason did any other village have to respect Iwagakure?



Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Her breath was slowly becoming heavier and heavier, but it was far from the point of being exhausted or even tired. Both of the techniques she used were very heavy on the users chakra and weren't something she would normally use just like that. They were just too dangerous to use in most situations unless it was absolutely necessary like now. There was something which was bugging her. By now Kyoko should have showed at least some signs of waking up, but there was nothing. Nothing at all. It was strange, unnatural.

The medic let her chakra trail off, dropping her technique. She carefully placed her ear on Kyokos' chest directly over her heart and carefully listened. All the sounds around her slowly but surely disappeared, leaving only the rhythmic, stable heartbeat. It was normal, but only to a point. A healthy person would have a much faster heartbeat than this. It was as if her body was somehow shut down, yet alive. 'Can't be...' Uka half-jumped back into a sitting position and quickly turned her attention to her patients' head. It was quite possible she could have hit it somewhere during the fight, so that could be a likely cause, however the question remained whether or not it was true. The medic carefully opened Kyokos' left and then right eye, examining each one before taking her lab coat off and folding it into a pillow. She placed it under the head of the fallen warrior and slowly stood up.

Her surroundings slowly came back into focus, adrenaline still running through her veins in excessive quantities. Maybe it was because of that or because of how glum her thoughts were becoming, but everything that happened was somehow sped up. The Kages' arrival and confrontation were like flashes as she struggled to process all the possibilities of Kyokos' condition. No matter how much she span it around in her mind there really was only one explanation and it was one she dreaded the though of or well did until discussions of war reached her ears.

Uka jumped into attention, her gaze becoming sharper and muscles tightening. "So let me get this straight."<i></i> She cut in as soon as Koyoko finished. "There is a possibility that war is coming.."<i></i> The Sennin started counting out on her left hand, keeping it about chest height so that everyone who wanted to see it could. "Your sister is injured after a fight...Everyone is pointing unnecessary fingers and you want to discuss leadership now?"<i></i> She just couldn't believe it. Sure anyone would become enraged if one of their relatives was in such a state and the ones responsible were there, but this was not the way to deal with this. These siblings were always going to end up causing more work for her, but such was the world and that didn't matter in this situation. "I'm sorry but are you out of your mind? There is a time and place for anything and this is not it. Everyone here has just had one hell of a difficult day and that stress is more than likely to affect any sort of decisions they make, therefore leading this discussion now is plainly a stupid idea. Nobody present here is going anywhere meaning this can be done at another time and place when everyone is actually in a state for it, including your sister."<i></i> There was no doubt that Uka was only really able to be as blunt as she was because of all the stimuli within her system, but maybe it was better that way. Continuing now would only lead to something at least someone would regret even if it was only her. The idea of war was something she just couldn't get out of her mind. All the monstrosities which followed it were something nobody wanted and without a doubt everyone regretted. "If a war is indeed coming now is not the time for internal fights like this. We will need to prepare and be ready, because if we don't we will end up sustaining far more casualties than we can handle with our current strength and supplies. Continue this discussion if you want, but not now. Not if it can lead to something we will all regret later. Our duty is to the people first then to whatever you believe in and right now we need to prepare to fulfill that duty."<i></i> Anger was slowly building up as a gleam in her eyes, but it wasn't showing itself in either her posture or her voice. She realized now wasn't the time to become agitated and she had to do her best to avoid it, however it was just hard keeping it all in.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Souji was smirking on the inside because his hatred that had boiled through for Endo was reaching a point of no return. "Alright then I'll say this. . .", speaking a bit after Koyoko then turnint to Endo fully. "I say this with my full heart. Everything that is wrong with this country can be noted back to the first meeting I had with this man. Speaking of starting a war for just the notions of showing Stone's Might. While I'm not completely against this, I am against placing innocent people in danger of a war that we start for simple greed and injustice without merit.", Souji's features hardened and he could not take it anymore.

"You do not deserve the title of Tsuchikage. Because of how you wanted to do things. Going behind the backs of these people placing foreigners in power... giving them clearances that they should never have had. And you made me into a puppet for too long. I went along with it, helping you and everything. . . but the night you asked me to go over the head of my superior with a blood pact I said to myself that I would not be your play thing anymore Inu Endo.", his voice cold but there was no reason he had to lie, Koyoko and Mikana were there, they know the deals they made that night. . . Souji would never forget a detail. With also a meeting that never came to pass. His body hardened and his chakra rumbling a bit he'd continue, "And to think I killed in your name. . . and guess who the first person I came to was? You Endo. However, I was given nothing in all my days... My family has been nothing but the Shadow to the regimes that ran this country while they worked on our hard work and determination. No more.", shaking his head he'd become increasingly angry.

"I wont stand here why you act like a dumbass like you dont know what you've done here. You are the reason Kyoko was sent out here. Because I know for a fact due to their reactions poise and responses that Koyoko and Mikana dont even know about your little thing with Kyoko, Hell I dont even know the whole thing but I'd be damned if I didnt figure part of it out.", looking to Koyoko and Mikana, Souji would continue speaking, "Do you want to know everything else your sister said right before she passed out from the fight?", nodding he would raise his hand to and begin playing the scene.

"Before you ask... yes! I was sent here *smiles at Souji* die... Listen... awhile ago, a Cloudie by the name Ayumi disappeared and she was an ambassador of Kumogakure. They blamed us for her disappearance and so I volunteered my life as retribution. My life to not only spare my village from war but also to spare my sister Koyoko... Now, this was a secret operation in which only a few know about... and so I must keep it that way understand? Prepare yourselves!", After that was played Souji would look to them then to Endo, "Riddle me this captain. . . Who gave her the bright idea of going? I know Mikana and Kokoyo didnt. Who else would have the power to tell her that? Kamaru? Hah, dont make me laugh. . .", shaking his head again he'd frown deeply, "You sent her here. You sent her knowing that what Kumogakure was potentially doing was right. . . Because of how you handled it I killed Ayumi. And whenever your final days have gone and you've taken your last breath... I'll go to Kumo and relinquish her body like I should've long ago.", with that Souji would turn his heel and begin out. . .

"Where will you stand when the earth crumbles beneath your feet. Where will you stand in the midst of an enraged ocean that is looking to take your life. Where will you stand when a nation wont take your bullshit anymore...", shifting into his shadow he would not await any retort. It wasnt time for this now. Souji was tired, and once Souji shifted the IWR body shifted into a shadow and the Snake would dissipate... The women would only wink to them as she waved shifting into the shadows...

[Snapshot again]
[Topic left - Dont bother stopping me using the Harry Houdini card. e.e]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
