Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Toraono Clan Anew C rank Mission (Samejima)

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
All but broken by the Cabal Kuro had to sacrifice a significant amount of power from three of his alternate bodies, Kyojin Kuro had maintained the tunnel till the puppets and engineers could make it stable then his giant form had crystallized from the abuse his embedded chakra gems had endured. His actual ogre body and armor remained inside the crystal as his giant form remained as a crystallized infrastructure forever to maintain the tunnel to the surface as his ogre body lost its giant transformation abilities as his blood was burned for power just like Mouko, and Sanryoukyougan Kuro. It was as if he had been reborn three times over in the course of events that had followed the mad rush to stop the Cabal from destroying much of Suna and in return the Toraono Clan had suffered the loss of much of their sacred lands which had been left to their guard by the First Men themselves. Still despite the destruction nothing compared to the loss of life Sunagakure had suffered. Kuro and the remaining elders had rounded up seventy percent of the forces assisting the Cabal and all of the escapees from the Obsidian Palace. Now all that remained were the soldiers and mercenaries that had been under Saiga's command. Kuro was still recovering from burning the kekkai genkai of two of his bodies and the blood contract of another. He now needed help to release his Kyojin form from the crystal. First he needed to make sure that someone hunted down the remaining soldiers. Without Saiga they would have no actual organization but they could still be a threat if they managed to find and maintain unit cohesion. Kuro asked for the assistance of the Toraono Clan's strongest genin, and with his request a new name was brought forth. A genius Hashigaki whom had just come into her own ability after training for only a couple of weeks to aid Sunagakure. Samejima Naoki... Kuro maintained Hyakujuuonouu's healing aura as he mended and healed those broken by the attacks. He awaited her arrival inside a makeshift healing ward just inside the dojo.

WC: 355


Aug 14, 2014
First time being summoned! And by Sennin Toraono Kuro too... I hope I'm not too nervous this time. I was way too loud last time I was involved with official business, so I should work on my volume. It'd be bad if I messed up anyone's recovery in that healing ward too, so being quiet is probably the right way to go. Yep, I just need to make sure I'm quiet. That won't be too hard will it?

Naoki was being led to a healing ward to receive her first mission as a genin of Sunagakure. Upon hearing the messenger's summons, she stood up abruptly and asked for a pinch on the cheek to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. It was all moving fast, very much fast. So fast that the narrator has no idea how to words.

Oh, is that him? She sensed a figure, larger and... fluffier than any others in the ward, who seemed to be waiting. I want to thank him for the hospitality his clan's shown me so far... But what if he's one of those strict types and has a tight schedule? What if I end up tripping over my words like I always do? Ahh, getting closer, volume, volume!

Facing straight ahead despite the Sennin being almost a metre taller than her, "Samejima Naoki, reporting for duty sir."

A pause.

Too low! Volume, you were too low! It looks like I have no willpower! Now what, what do I do! Naoki shook her head quickly, cleared her throat and did a retake, head tilted up this time.

"Samejima Naoki, reporting for duty sir! Umm, the Toraono clan has been taking care of me so far, and I hope to be of use in the days to come sir!"

There, that wasn't so hard was it Naoki? If possible though Naoki, next time start with this kind of introduction Naoki!! Inwardly, she was trying to nail the mindset she needed when handling these situations, hammering it into the wooden board of her conscious decisions.

Outwardly, she was tensed, shoulders raised and breath held.

WC: 349

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Akuma Kuro felt something familiar about her presence and then he realized that she had been at the battle to free Suna where he had fallen to Urufuu and was forced to sacrifice his Onmyouji blood, his demonbeast contract and his Kyojin form. He smiled as he realized his power had not been burnt away in vain. Some of it had actually found a willing recipient.

"Samejima Naoki, recent genin of Sunagakure, whom hails from a fishing family in Soon, considered a genius of study and reflection, upon activating your chakra centers you gave up your eyesight for strength, and continued to further improve yourself under the direct tutelage of Onimaru-sama Lord of the Hyou family of the Toraono Clan. You also assisted us in locating safe points to retrieve another tunnel to the surface to save Sunagakure and many refugees. Your help has been instrumental in saving many lives and as such I award you with a spoil of war, I grant you the power ring of Saiga, a master fighter from the Cabal whom was defeated by the actions of the Takahashi and the Toraono family. I also grant you a blood crystal that will allow you to speak to me directly from anywhere within the village so long as you hold it in your hand or place it upon living flesh. Just be careful it is very fragile and not meant for battle use. </COLOR><i></i> Kuro sat before her and placed the heavy black ring into Naoki's right hand and gently curled her hand around it to signify the passing of both a gift and a burden onto one so young. He then produced a small red crystal hung from a necklace of silverite chain and placed it around her neck.
--Naoki could hear the sound of the sea coming from it along with what sounded like the songs of whales and dolphins. Kuro could not, the ring would not respond to truly demon blooded individuals. ((Were she to place the ring on her finger it would conform to any shape or design of ring that suited her)) From the crystal she could actually hear a heartbeat, strong, slow, and steady, it was soothing--

" As I understand it from our reports you seek a family member that might well have been caught up in all the chaos we are undergoing. As such I commission you to find a minimum of two team mates and with their aid locate and capture the remnants of the Cabal forces, I also understand that you have yet to choose a specialty, think carefully about how you might best protect yourself and others. I can teach you ANBU tactics or Intermediate medical knowledge. I can also provide you with ways to regain enough eyesight to be able to locate certain objects you have to be able to see to notice. Last but not least there are ancient skillsets and groups that you may now apply yourself to. Should you accept this mission, this would be the first exam in our efforts to promote you to Chuunin ranks.”

Kuro eyes began to glow but all Naoki would notice is that his body had developed a distinct hum that she could actually hear in her mind. (((Be careful with the power you have absorbed Naoki, because it came from me it will allow me to speak to you with my mind when we are near but it can also cause you to become a berserker in battle, learn to wield it sparingly and I hope you find your Aunt safe and in good health. Should you need me simply speak directly into the crystal while holding it and I will come for you)))
<COLOR color="indigo">“It is my honor to acknowledge you as a member of the Hyou family, a trainee of the Toraono Clan and a genin of Sunagakure, may all your endeavors grant you the answers you seek.”<i></i>

WC: 640


Aug 14, 2014
Naoki let out the breath she'd been holding when the Sennin sat down. Likely due to a natural reaction to body language, she could tell that he was not, in fact, one of those strict types. The ring was placed in her hand, and she could hear the two most famous mammals of the sea. Whoa! What's with this ring! She held it up, closer to her right ear. Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. It's definitely coming from the ring... But how? It's a power ring right? How does anyone fight with this kind of sound distracting them? She'd ask about it, but it seemed like now was not the time, as Kuro proceeded to place a chain around her neck.

She began to hear the heartbeat from the crystal. This time it's a heartbeat! Her eyebrows went back to their normal state as she came up with a reason for these sounds coming from static objects. ...Am I going crazy? Is that it? This soon after I start my journey, it's over because I need to be sent to a hospital...? No, my journey isn't over! It's... It's chakra! That's gotta be it, yup, no doubt about it. Some kind of chakra thing I don't understand yet is in these right? Let's put these dangerous thoughts aside for now... Can't be thinking about me going crazy at a time like this!

Naoki didn't quite know how to react to praise since she didn't usually receive much more than several pats on the head for a job well done back at home. They were a family of little words aside from their pearls of wisdom, and for good reason, though Naoki understood it only as their familial trait of awkwardness in the spoken word. She also understood that the trait made it much harder for her to honestly accept praise. "Ah, umm... I-I didn't do anything out of the ordinary really, just my usual habits of thinking too much... Thank you very much sir." She was still gripping the ring in her right hand, since it was quite apparently too big for any of her fingers, but she'd would inevitably try it on some other time. For now though, she put it safely in her bag, where it was stowed inside a standard empty health pill bottle. What was that saying... forests and trees? It was something like this I think...

Talk of the mission now surfaced, and she was told to find not one teammate, but two. She nodded along for now, but would be at a loss about where exactly to begin finding these team members later if she wasn't told.

A few words after that caught Naoki's attention. "You can tell me how to see again?" Mom won't worry about me when I go back... I'll be stronger... Normal! I'm going to see again, no matter what! The words 'Chuunin ranks' just barely registered, and she wasn't brought back out of her thoughts of regaining her eyesight until a hum sounded in her mind. She didn't speak much afterwards either, in a somewhat panicked state after the hum subsided, but calming down quickly when she realised what the hum told her. So that was from Kuro-dono... Scared me for a bit there.

At his last sentence, she straightened up and gave a final, enthusiastic nod. "Yessir! Thank you sir! I hope to be more useful from now on sir!" Still though, the first question that came to mind after that brief was, "Earlier, you said there was a way for me to see again? If you have time, could you show me how I could do that sir?"

Now that she's gotten the idea of restoring her eyesight in her head, she wasn't going to let it go. People might poke at this later on, saying something about one-track minds, but she wouldn't mind it in the least, not if it meant she wouldn't have to worry her mother to bits the first time she returned. Not if it meant she'd be stronger in battle.

Not if it meant she could be more like the other kids, with their 20/20 vision unaffected by strenuous circumstances.

WC: 700

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
" There are three somewhat strenuous but easily accomplished methods although once I explain them you may reconsider the effort necessary to accomplish the restoration of your sight. First option is that you may consider accepting eye implants. Due to the nature of our current chaos the Toraono Clan has an abundance of acceptable candidates for the surgery. These candidates would actually trade eyes with you and in turn receive compensation as well. The second option is to simply restore your sight through strenuous chakra and physical exercises that awaken the meridian points of your body and through this action your entire body transforms into a heightened state capable of some of the highest forms of martial arts. Your sight will return to a little better than your average person’s… somewhere around 20/10 and in respect your body will achieve heightened capabilities. The final method involves mastering the power you have already received and achieving a state known as Tenchi where you literally take the mystic energies of the Toraono Clan and use them to transform your body into that of a heavenly being. All of these paths have their own merit and I could advise you on each of them but I would rather simply show you.”
Kuro eyes would glow once more and Naoki would again notice is that his body had developed a distinct hum that she could actually hear in her mind then the humming ceased and she noted he was touching her forehead. As he did so she found not only could she see but she was in another place altogether. She could hear a slight echo and although she remembered Kuro touching her forehead she could now see that they were both floating.

((( Here in the dreamscape I can show you things better than I could ever explain them so behold these are the opportunities available to you once you find the path you seek for Chuunin training. )))
Naoki noticed that she was floating and that she looked incredibly beautiful. Kuro explained to her later that when you enter the dreamscape you see yourself as the being you most want to be.
The eye transplant surgeries offered abilities and special things all their own.
Byakugan Implant
Sharingan Implant

The advanced physical training also allowed her to become a warrior the likes of which she had only just now imagined, one of the visions he showed her even had a weapon that could talk to her.

The final vision had her covered in ancient runic tattoos that moved to her whims or disappeared completely, she could manifest weapons from her limbs and literally launch chakra bolts from her hands eyes and feet. She could sprout metallic wings to defend herself at will as well. Kuro explained to her that as a Tenchi she would have to be careful not to go berserk with power and keep a tight restraint upon herself.

What Kuro did not show her that she saw for herself was a beautiful woman followed by five other women with the same features as her and all 6 felt and looked incredibly powerful. She noticed they all had the same hair and eyes but she could also sense that Kuro had not shown her that potential what she was seeing was a glimpse of Kuro’s powers through her own inner eye.
Rikudo Sennin …
“Any of those options for training will restore and then further empower your sight.”<i></i>
Naoki could hear the call of the ocean in her pouch as the ring called out to her to place her on her person. She could feel the desperate need for contact and connection the ring had. It seemed that it needed her for some reason. Perhaps she might try it on.
Sea Mammal Contract Granted to Samejima Naoki

WC: 640



Aug 14, 2014
Stren-u-ous... Hmm... But trading eyes? That sounds really dangerous. I mean sure, mom said they have really good doctors here, but... Naoki couldn't put her worries into words, even in her own mind. She wasn't scared of it of course. That's gotta be better than just living with no sight! Something wasn't letting her seriously consider transplants however. Some nagging thought at the back of her head, some forgotten lesson. As if trying to shake it out of whatever's keeping it unknown, she rubbed the back of her head.

There's that word again. Stre-nu-ous? And what are meridian points? She lit up at 'highest forms of martial arts', jumping in place. So if I get stronger, I'll be able to see again anyway? How does that work... Though she did want to ask, she figured the details would follow anyway, and kept quiet as the third method was given to her.

Tenchi... It sounded like a myth she remembered her mother telling her about once, when she was about to fall asleep. As such, she didn't remember it well. That sounds so cool... Transforming? Her imagination went out of control as she thought of the things she might transform into, until she felt some pressure on her forehead.

Ahh, it's slipping off, slipping!

The headband fell into Naoki's hand, and she opened her eyes for the first time in two days.

I can see... Is my sight back? I can see! She broke out into a huge grin, and giggled a little, before she saw that she was also floating. Huh? That confused her until she heard 'dreamscape', and though she didn't know what a dreamscape was, she did know about dreams. Oh... It's not real... She calmed down and tied the headband around her forehead, where she'd want it to go if she didn't... if she hadn't lost her sight.

She saw each vision of a possible future, laid out in front of her. Eye transplants, forbidden techniques, and a full-on transformation, along with something that looked like a posse of not-quite clones. These weren't things a 9-year-old could decide on, and Naoki found herself wishing she was back home, where things were simpler. That's weird right? I always told mom I'd be fine, I can take care of myself... I thought I could figure all these things out on my own, but... mom... dad... What now?

Back in the real world, Naoki was once more unable to see. The initial surprise caused her eyes to widen, wanting to restore sight, but as reality set in, she pulled the headband back down to cover her eyes once more. "Thank you for the information sir." She paused here, unsure of how to process it. She asked for it herself after all, she could only blame herself for how life-changing all those options seemed to be. How can she continue, what was the right way to go? She made a note here to go to the Academy later on, and maybe find people who knew about what she just saw. "If it's okay, could I go to the Academy later on? I might be able to find teammates there too, and there are things I want to know before I-"

The sounds of the sea mammals seemed to have gotten louder in her ears, and she felt like she needed to put it on, like some ancient bond was trying to link itself to her. "Excuse me for one second sir..." she said, checking her bag for the ring and taking it out. Now's as good a time as any, since I still don't know what I'm going to work for in the future anyway... And it seems like Kuro-dono is willing to answer my questions, maybe I should ask one more...

"Sir, about this ring... How has it been making whale calls and dolphin chirps?" She tilted her head to the left, and decided to try and put it on anyway, despite how much larger it was. Slipping it onto the thumb of her right hand, she played with its looseness for a little while until she felt it tighten. Any changes to the ring that followed and any animals that may or may not appear later on would see a popsicle of a genin, not believing her ears or tactile resources as the ring transformed itself to a reasonably simple design.

Th-this... But it was just... I didn't mean to... What just happened?! Am I really back in reality right now? But I can't see... Can I? She didn't move though, not wanting to trigger any more bizarre events, and waited for some understanding to reach her. Wait. Wait a minute. D-did I break it... Did I break the power ring of Saiga?! Slowly, she faced the Sennin once more with confusion rolling off her very posture and worry dripping off her expression, prepared to accept any consequences. "S...sir... This..."

WC: 820

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro smiled and patted her hand, "I cannot hear the song the ring sings, I can only sense that it is happy in your presence."<i></i>
(((No matter what happens however, we will restore your sight, that is a promise to you.)))
(((Look for a young swordsman by the name of Surutameni and his companion Tenrousei, my reports say they are near your age and would make for good companions. If you find anyone else that seems like they may be of help bring them along to assist you. You are hereby recognized as a Team leader and I will make sure you are compensated for all your efforts.)))

Naoki noticed that his mental telepathy was much easier to deal with since their quick jaunt to the dreamscape. It seemed she could do very little wrong now. She noticed that her thumb was bleeding very lightly from a pinprick from the ring. She would immediately realize that the ring required a small blood sacrifice to activate it and allow her to summon marine mammal allies. This meant she would have to learn how to perform summoning jutsu. The world was quickly opening up to her and she had gained a significant amount of allies in a very short time. Such was the way she was at the moment, as constant as the seas.


Aug 14, 2014
So it's... supposed to do this? Phew! Naoki sighed a breath of relief, and nodded firmly after the first telepathic sentence.

The following one however, was troubling. (((S-sir, I don't know if I'm ready to be a leader... I've just started learning how to defend myself, I have no idea what to do if I had to look out for my team too! Isn't there someone else, maybe the swordsman could lead instead...))) As if testing it, she used the telepathic link to speak instead, and was happy to find that it worked, her voice in her head taking on a certain quality, like it was vibrating in a different way somehow.

Regarding the matter at hand though, her eyebrows moved to join each other (temporarily) as she concentrated hard. To think a rookie like me could be able to do anything like lead a team! ...Right? She thought some more, and shook her head out of habit. Kuro-dono is a Sennin... He knows what he's doing, maybe there's something I'm missing... (((I... I understand.))) She nodded in a way that she thought best conveyed 'roger that', and stood at attention, chest puffed out and everything. (((I understand sir. For now I'll go and find um... Surutameni and Tenrousei, and I'll come back later with them.)))

She felt a slight pain in her thumb, and wiggled it a little. Must've been from the battle just now... It'll heal soon enough.

Naoki waited for further instruction, and if told to go, the first place she'd go is the Shinobi Foundation Complex... unless told otherwise.

[Topic left?]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro waved as she left, once she had a team of her own she could start rounding up the remnants of the Cabal still scurrying about Suna, she was much stronger than any genin he knew of at her age save his sisters, but then again they had been trained by Mother and even Kuro remembered how painful just a few months of training with her had been. "You will do well Naoki san, so very few could possibly compare to you. Return once you have gathered a team and we shall make sure they are ready for the trials ahead of you all."<i></i> As she left he turned his focus to retrieving Kyojin Kuro from his chakra crystal transformation. He would need to get back to full strength soon. Suna was more vulnerable and somehow more secure than ever. It would not do to let the world know how badly they had received a buttkicking from just a few select acts of terrorism.


Aug 14, 2014
They were almost at the healing ward, and Naoki managed to think of a few questions she had for her teammate. "Do you live here? I came from a place close to the sea a week or so ago, haven't been inside the village though. It's really big! I might get lost here, haha..." She didn't exactly have to watch where she was going, but she did snap her fingers from time to time. If asked about that, she'd explain her use of sound to navigate.

There was a little of an awkward silence, but she'd timed her questions so that there wasn't too much of a gap between each one.

When they got there, she stood in front of the ward, snapping her fingers to make sure she wasn't interrupting some sort of meeting. Satisfied with the current state of the inside, she began walking up to the Sennin, pausing when she sensed that it seemed like he was concentrating on something. "Sir...?" She waited to be sure he had time for a report, and if Surutameni came in after she did, she'd go stand to his right, turn her head to face him and tilt it to the right a little, as if to ask, 'do you know anything about this?'

[Topic entered from [here] with Surutameni]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro looked up from his meditation to release his ogre magi avatar from his self-imposed carmot prison. With his titan form pushed beyond the limit, while maintaining the emergency tunnel's infrastructure. With his chakra crystals overpowered during his efforts his entire giant form had transformed into chakra crystal. Now with the efforts of Naoki and Surutameni Kuro would locate the last Cabal cells and make certain they all paid for their crimes against Sunagakure. "Welcome back Naoki, I see you have managed to locate a partner, one is better than none. First off the two of you will patrol the Sietch and look for any signs of remaining Cabal personnel. I will give you both a blood crystal. Speak into it should you encounter a threat too dangerous for you to handle and I will appear. Do either of you have any questions?"<i></i> Kuro could sense Naoki because of her seal but oddly enough the presence he sensed within Surutameni dwarfed his own it reminded him of sitting before his mother during his swordsmanship lessons. He would have to monitor Surutameni after he retrieved his ogre avatar.


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
Surutameni followed his new 'partner' without question. Sure, it was a little strange to him that she had been sent by Kuro to find him. He was apparently his uncle? No wait, he was his Nephew? The boy shook his head, it was all confusing trying to follow the new lines of detail about his family that he had been told recently. He stuffed his hands in his pockets as the duo continued their trek through Sunagakure, only looking around here and there to see if Unmei was anywhere near by. His attention was else where as the crow had been oddly distant since his encounter with Senshi-Sensei.

"Do you live here? I came from a place close to the sea a week or so ago, haven't been inside the village though. It's really big! I might get lost here, haha..."

Suru's amber hued orbs snapped away from the air around them as he heard Naoki's voice pipe up. He rolled his eyes and slouched a little as they walked, he was never very happy with questions about where he lived or his parents, as since with the new information he did not know how to respond. "Mhmm..." His response was drawn out and rather lack luster, his emotions not completely apparent. He had indeed grown up in Suna, but he didn't really want to talk about it. "The sea? I have never been there..." The boy trailed off as he spoke, his voice growing quiet quite possibly before he finished his sentence. He really had never even thought about going to the sea, but maybe he would be able to some day. The boy remained quiet for the rest of their walk, but he was beginning to notice the rather well timed snaps.

As they approached the front he would look around, inspecting the place. "So, this is where my family is from?" That was the only thought that crossed his mind. He noted the impressive place but that was about all he got to do before Noaki stood near him and gave him a quizzical expression. He shrugged and stuffed his hands once more into his pockets. He had never been taken on a mission and was not sure of the proceedings.

"Welcome back Naoki, I see you have managed to locate a partner, one is better than none. First off the two of you will patrol the Sietch and look for any signs of remaining Cabal personnel. I will give you both a blood crystal. Speak into it should you encounter a threat too dangerous for you to handle and I will appear. Do either of you have any questions?"

Surutameni simply nodded, he was amused that he would be sending the two of them out on a mission to find the last of the Cabal members. Seemed a little out of his league, and if it were up to him he probably would've said no, but he wanted to figure out what his family line was capable of and he wanted to become a great Shinobi. The logical choice was obvious to him. "Why send for me?" That was the only question that managed to stumble from his mouth as he sat in relative silence with Naoki at his side.


Aug 14, 2014
Patrolling... It sounds pretty important, patrolling is what keeps the streets safe after all. I might be able to find that person mom told me about too, if we pass through the Red Lights. I hope she hasn't told mom she hasn't seen me. I don't want her to worry...

Absently, she recalled the tuna she was supposed to bring as collateral. She'd forgotten to go get it, assuming it was even still edible after all that time. Whoever was taking her in would throw a fit. It's not like Naoki couldn't repay it now though, with her newly awakened abilities. Maybe she lost an earring somewhere and would agree to keep me there for finding it... Naah, what kind of person would be that ni... She ducked her head and smiled to herself. Dad would for sure, and so would mom. Here's hoping their relatives are as nice as they are.

Naoki fidgeted a little, feeling as if there was some kind of aura she couldn't detect in the room. It made her hesitate. The boy next to her asked a question, and she waited for his to be answered before asking hers. Of course, if it happened to be a surprising answer, it was likely that she'd stand there stunned for a bit before proceeding. She intended to ask about how exactly they were to identify Cabal members, not having much information about them at all, and what to do with them if any were found, and repeated words to this effect this to herself in her head to make sure she didn't trip over her words.

"U-um, sir, would the Cabal members have anything setting them apart from regular shinobi? And what do we do with them if we find any, take them back here or to the... the jail?" She still didn't know what the prison in Sunagakure was called, apart from that it had something to do with black, from what her father told her offhandedly about in preparation for the trip here.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Akuma Kuro smiled genuinely as questions were ask and the young man with the familiar scent asked him why was he requested then Naoki asked how they were supposed to spot them, what might they do that shinobi couldn't and should they bring them to the dojo or take them to jail. "Well Surutameni, the reason you were requested is because my mother's swordmaster from her childhood claimed you were worthy of claiming and wielding one of her sacred blades and as such you should be tasked to wield your sword in her name at any given time. As such with a bit of research we sent for you and another of high potential around your age to be grouped together as a team to identify any other threats that remain, from common criminals, Cabal, or anything else that may have slipped through our now meager defenses to cause harm to our people. To further explain, I am not asking you to take on every threat you encounter merely mark their habits and call in their location should you consider them to great a threat for you to take down. Now you may ask yourselves why I am deferring to your judgement & abilities in these matters. Simply put you, at your age are more perceptive than we adults, are senses are trained, streamlined, and apparently easily duped by those that have studied what we are looking for in a threat. You two however are not so jaded, you will see things with fresh uncluttered senses, you will hear things others will not say around people like me. Hence I need you to find what I cannot, if you find yourself capable, defeat what presents itself to you. Use your best judgement, you are trusted by me to carry out your mission in the best way you see fit. Our enemies are many and our resources while abundant are not infinite. Do what you can but do not risk your lives, there is nothing wrong with discretion, you do not have to face every threat head on."<i></i>


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
That hardly gives me much of a reason.... But... This family is strange....

Surutameni's thoughts ate at him as Kuro spoke. He was not overly fond of the specific reasoning behind finding him, but if it was what he had to do to become a better Shinobi... Then so be it. The boy simply nodded as the man before them finished his explaination. He would do this, but he was not particularly sure a child's perception was what would be needed to weed out the lasting Cabal members and other criminals.

"What if we have no choice?" Suru blurted out the question without really thinking. To him there wasn't always the option of choosing the things you did or the things that happen to you. And there was that potential with this particular mission. The Cabal... The enemies of Sunagakure were great, he knew this, and as such he thought that there would be a high chance of them not actually being able to get out of certain fights. He looked to his partner, to him she seemed rather unassuming, and with his lack of knowledge about the girl he was hesitant to trust her.

The boy tapped his chin with a single finger, thinking about what they actually had to do. There was a high chance they wouldn't find any Cabal members, but they would be the hardest to deal with. At least, in his opinion they would be. He sighed and shrugged. Fine... Finally, his mind had settled on just going along with the mission without asking further questions. He understood what they were being asked to do, and if he could get a hold of Unmei it would be that much easier.


Aug 14, 2014
Hmm... I guess it's because it's harder to tell that we're on a mission at all, since we're kids. But I don't know if that sort of cover would work for Suru-kun... He's scary enough to take as a kid chuunin at least...

Naoki shrunk a little, involuntarily, as that aura she couldn't detect earlier began to make itself known to her. It was coming from her partner on this mission, it was intimidating, and it was making her cringe. She dared not turn her head in his direction, as it wouldn't have made a difference anyway, but wanted to try and make out any more details, any detail at all that would make him less overpowering. So she took a deep breath, and as she exhaled, she sensed some feathers on him. She'd thought they were parts of a ragged sleeve before now as she hadn't been paying much attention to his outfit.

He... likes birds? Or messing around with dusters. The only birds I've ever seen were seagulls, but I don't think they'd be able to make it through that storm... Or have such big feathers... I should ask him what kinds of birds he hangs around with! I do like them, but they bother dad a lot so he doesn't. Mom's fine with them, but sometimes we have chicken and it's about the same size as a seagull instead of as big as the traveling chicken vendor's chickens. ...Maybe that's why she's fine with them. Anyway, talking about things he likes is probably going to help with passing the time. Dad did say patrols were boring for the most part...

In the time she'd spent with her inner monologue, the boy scary enough to be considered a kid chuunin in Naoki's mind had asked another question, and she waited for an answer. It was something she'd have liked to know herself, though of course she hadn't considered what would need to happen if they ever got cornered. She just figured her partner was capable of doing very cool things, which was why the Sennin told her to find him in the first place, and those very cool things were what would get them out of any messes.


Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
ooc: forgive me for the late posting I had believed that it was Suru's turn to post... ((kicks self))

Kuro directed them to a recently made model of the remains of Sunagakure, He pointed out the trouble spots in the Seitch in the South and Western areas specifically where their presence would go unnoticed. "I only require you both to report what you find daily, I expect your reports to match or go into better detail than the adults moving about out there as many of the Toraono Clan were identified by the Cabal long ago and through recent discoveries only the records of the children and recent refugees remained untouched and intact. Using residual psychometry on the records expert recovery teams from the Hyou family we have determined that the Cabal had never gotten to the family records nor had they come in contact with the refugee registry."<i></i> Using diagrams to show criminal activity and possible leads Kuro explained one final time that they were only to engage criminals as a last resort and whenever possible simply speak into the blood crystal and one of his bunshin would arrive.


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
Surutameni eyed the miniature model of the city, looking to the areas Kuro pointed out as he spoke. The boy simply nodded about the information they were to provide each day and at the fact that the Cabal hadn't touched the family records. The motions to his side caused his attention to turn briefly as his 'partner' shrunk away from him. It was peculiar, but not completely unexpected. Most other kids around his age tended to shy away from him, which was why Unmei was far more of a friend than he would allow any child to be. Suru shook his head and looked back to the large man before him.

"Understood." He gave a curt bow and turned to leave, expecting there to be no more information that was needed to be provided. Unless, on the off chance Naoki opened her mouth. He took a step past her and waited for her to follow suit.

Hopefully I can find Unmei... And hopefully she isn't going to ask too many questions.

((OOC: Sorry that it took me so long. My wrist was in the beginning stages of carpel tunnel so i had to stay off of it for a time. BUT! I am back now and ready to move forward! =D))


Aug 14, 2014
Re-zi-ju... uhh... Deducing that the last part was only to explain some unknown theory further, Naoki figured she really only needed to understand the first part. Daily reports, got it! "Understood sir! We'll be back with today's report... uh, soon, sir!" Still quite nervous, even she could tell that her voice was shaky as she gave a short bow to the Sennin.

Surutameni had already taken a step towards the exit, and she followed, wanting to keep up.

She wasn't good with people her age. But they would have to communicate, mainly about what areas they were to patrol first, so she cleared her throat and asked, "S-so Suru-kun, where should we patrol first?" She did have some ideas, but she found it might be better to ask the boy who knew his way around the village. If said boy didn't answer immediately, or didn't have something already in mind, she'd continue, "I was thinking we should patrol around where you live first, and go from there? Since it wouldn't be weird for you to be there, and you know it well right? Um, so you'd be able to tell if there was anything off?"

Of course, if he had other ideas she'd consider them thoroughly before deciding on a course of action.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma lay atop one of the rooftops near a busy street, listening to those who walked pass after. He found this to be a good subtle way of finding intel while he rested, just so it happened he heard a young girl talking of patrols to an elder boy. The demon sage stood up in a flash and casually strolled alongside the two youths except atop the roofs, his Toraono robes shining in the sun. Those massive horns of his giving him an eery shadow to those who briefly say it. Sanguine colored eyes watched the two as the continued on in an obvious uncomfortable awkwardness. 'I wonder what patrols their doing and why is there so much tension between children?' he thought to himself sometimes he thought humans were even weirder then himself. After all what did children have to truly squabble over, well he wouldn't drive himself crazy thinking about it why not ask them. Leaping from the rooftop he'd land in front of the two crouched down yet still towering above the two children. Smiling a shark-like grin those blood red eyes slid from one student to the other. The shinobi's horns were each over a foot long and his pointed demonic tail flicked with interest as his gazed moved between them. "I'm Miroku Akkuma my apologies but I couldn't help over hearing you before..." he leaned between them to whisper so only the could hear. "Where are we patrolling and what or who are we after?" he would say leaning back with a devilish grin.

Standing at his full 6'4ft the charcoal haired demon bowed "Head of the Miroku Clan, friend to Mother Suna and her children. So come enlighten me children what is our objective?" he would ask he'd been brushing up on his sunagakurian culture, excitedly turning on the spot placing a hand on both the Academy Students shoulders attempting to march them onwards. The Large Summoning Scroll on his back was tied loosely and if they looked close enough the children would notice runic glyphs on the mans wrists and neck occasionally revealed by the movement of his walking. "Also there seems to be some tension between you two what's going on? You can't let yourselves get distracted by emotions its not the ninja way...then again I give into mine quite often so who am I to say?" he'd ask chuckling hoping to lighten the mood of a spontaneous demon encounter. What would the two think of their new partner 'Hopefully I won't get myself in trouble interfering with village business. Then again I'm sure an experienced shinobi on these patrols couldn't hurt, after all I'm just lending a hand. Although he knew how often he tended to attract bad luck, then again maybe it'd help draw out whoever they were looking for quicker.

{Mission-Bombed} -That's right its a thing- <3
^-< looking forward to rping with you's.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
