Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Walk of the Aeons [Open]


Aug 29, 2012
The streets were bustling left and right, it's been awhile since he had seen so many people moving from place to place. It was almost overwhelming. He kept his sash close to his face, The villages anbu shluld have gotten a report by now... Kouin was going to have to be low-key for the moment, he didnt want to start any wide spread havoc quite yet. He put the thought he the back of his head; no one saw him and no one will see him, he is basically a ghost.

Kouin observed the exotic wares the merchants were selling; they ranged fron exotic tools to flourished vases, it was a spectacular what craftsmanship a village can have. He continued walking peacefully and the thought of what awaited ahead of him, only time could tell, and time was always on his side.

Tanuki Rinko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012

Hashigaki Rinri

Rinri walked among the plaza crowds, her blonde bangs hiding her closed eyes as she kept her head down. Placing her in charge of delivering her brother's artwork was a bad idea. She clutched the small paper bag close to her miniscule breasts as she recalled her earlier bumbling. Already she had tripped three times, ran into a wall, and bumped into five pedestrians. Four of those citizens knew her, and gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder. The last was a stranger, and yelled at the dark-skinned teen for her insolence before realizing he was shouting at a little blind girl. He grumbled an apology before walking away briskly.

Remembering that scene caused a small smile to reach Rinri's lips. If nothing else, at least her blindness gave her an easy out. No matter how clumsy she was, people would take pity on her thanks to the lack of eyesight she had. Granted, she was inept because of it, but she would take what she could get. She quickened her pace a little, as she realized the vulgar man's interruption had lost her a decent amount of time. If she kept klutzing about, she'd never make it to the store in time.

With this faster velocity, Rinri's Sonar became even more useless. Though she could make out the torsos of the crowd, their limbs were fuzzy, or even invisible to her. She wished she could be hopped up on adrenaline all the time, so she could be useful in more than just battle. Maybe she could ask a doctor about that. This thought distracted her, and she narrowly stepped out of the way of a person coming straight at her. This diagonal movement caused her foot to hook with a certain mysterious stranger, and as she moved forward again, she fully tripped. The tug of her foot wasn't enough to cause the man to fall, or even stagger, but it was enough to know what had occurred as the blonde girl face-planted into the snow just past him. Her arms were stretched out over her, holding the paper bag just above the ground. The cold pavement on her face was all too familiar to Rinri, but the twinge of her elbows was new. She had smacked them against the street with each fall today, and they were beginning to bruise.

She pulled herself up, resting on her knees as she recovered from the blow. She placed a hand to her nose, checking for any blood, but lucky this fall had not resulted in a broken nose. Her ears twitched lightly as she awaited what was to come. It was a game she liked to play. 'Sorry, Bitch, You Okay?' Those were the usual three reactions. She had a feeling it was going to be the second one. She couldn't deny that it was her fault for going too fast. But she wasn't going to admit that out loud.

[Topic Entered with NPC]


Aug 29, 2012
[Ayyy thanks for joining twas lonely]

The atmosphere was lively, the energy of the crowd was resonating in his ears; he could see why his father had enjoyed plenty of years living here, yet you could catch glimpses of corruption: market men over charging, petty theif and brawls, Its as if people can't live in harmony.... Sad. Kouin released a heavy sigh and continued about his adventure.

Fresh mountain air. Nothing is quite refreshing as that; so clean and crisp. The last time he was in kumo Kouin was just young lad, yet old enough to develop nostalgia over such simplicity, it was odd being refreshed by just clean air, Its almost sarcastic. He uttered a chucklr at how bad that sounded coming out.

Little did he know what wad about to occur,. No amount of time or cognitive abilities could've foreseen this; a young girl snagged herself on his foot and sadly face planted, tragedy struck. Kouin calmly awaited for the girl to pull herself from the snow, he noticed almost a blankish stare in her eyes, which made him wonder, Is she blind.... Letting out a brief sigh, he gently gripped her arm, and while bracing her back he helped her up, Hey, sorry I didnt mean to get in your way; it's my first time visiting here so Im not quite familiar with the lay out. After a brief apology he wiped the remaining snow from her sleeves, Now for a proper introduction. .. With a pause and an elaborate bow, he brought himself back to eye level, Kaze Kou. A pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012

Oyadama Yakunan​

He had watched the young man as he'd walked through the village.

You see, Yakunan was the kind of person who made it his business to know everyone elses business. In this case, he didn't know this young mans business and so he was of interest. His mind went through the vast lists of shinobi in Cloud and he couldn't quite recall one like this one.

Leaning against a wall he watched, brazenly, openly watched. If the boy looked at him he would know he was being watched, and by the way his eyes flickered around he knew there would be a time when they would spot the old man doing so. It seemed that the boy was friendly enough, he helped the young lady up. But what was his purpose? What was he wanting from life? How could he grow? How could Yakunan help him achieve these things?

That was what he wanted after all.

And perhaps, just perhaps, this boy was the last piece of the puzzle he was so busy trying to put together.


Aug 29, 2012
[Sorry for skipping you Tomo Q-Q]

Since he had entered the district he noticed a distinct pattern of footsteps, always staying in earshot, but never encroaching. He knew this meant one thing, he was being watched. He let out a deep sigh, he had full intention of staying under the radar for as long as he could, maybe all is not lost; the man or woman didnt physically know him, only that he didn't belong. What could they want, what tipped them off. I have to fine him or her... fast Taking in a deep breath he began his search.

His vision narrowed and pierced the crowd like daggers; he scattered his vision across the whole area searching for the perpetrators. His stare locked eyes with a grey haired man along with a matching beard; his stare was brazen and analytical, He's studying me... Interesting. He quickly turned to the young misses, I apologies for thr abrupt exit, but business must be dealt with. Allonsy!

With an invigored deposition he turned towards the man, he threw his scarf around his neck and set off. He made sure to approach the man carefully, he wasnt quite sure how strong this man could be; Kouin was no push over by any means, but an unknown enemy comes with unknow strength, always practice caution in unknown land As he neared the man he could see his features more clearly; he possessed eyes which flickered about randomly, an odd trait no doubt but of no concern to him. You've been watching me for a while now. Now I have two questions. 1. Why, and 2. Who are you. Concise and adamant, he left zero room for misinterpretation, Dont be an anbu...

[Mft 281]


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012

Oyadama Yakunan​

The boy looked his way, he'd been spotted... good. As he was approached he shunted himself lazily off of the building, full weight now on his feet as the other now stood clearly before him, confronting him. His eyes continues to scatter around as he watched everyone, everything, he needed to as he was known in the village, and he knew everyone. If ANBU spotted them together it would be well.

What is your dream?

The mans voice was filled with curiosity, and completely ignored the others questions. He didn't care for them, they didn't matter, they were so short sighted that they were the most obvious questions one would ask someone stalking another. It wasn't the answers to them that mattered anyway, it was the answer to his question which mattered most. Indeed it mattered most to the boy before him, and if it didn't, it should, for that was his end goal was it not, that was his 'ninja way' or some of the youth seemed to say.

His own dream was huge, it was too much for a single soul, but it was a dream, and that was its purpose. He would do what he could to walk that path, and if he could help others walk the path towards their dream while he did so then all the better.

As such, his mannerism, his stance, nothing suggested that he felt like he was ignoring anything, for as far as he was concerned the only thing that had really been said so far had been said by himself.


Aug 29, 2012
In a world of secrecy and covert operations, he shouldn't have b expected such answers. After all a ninjas greatest strength is what they offer. The mans stalwart stance threw him off, he tried to appear intimidating and objective, but it didnt even phase the man, yet he wasnt angered he would've reacted the same way. He eased off of the man, his eyes still flickering around Such an odd persona... The man asked about hus dreams, with a smirk on his face, he let out a deep sigh. Interesting question. A laconic pause lapsed for a moment while Kouin gathered his thoughts.

He gestured the man to a near by bench, no sense in talking on our feet; clasping his hands together he felt he had his answer. Before you must know the beginning. He grabbed hold of the pocket watch his father gave him, one of the few things he has left.

I was born in the mist village, before it froze over. My father hailed from here, right on thr Spine of the Worlds, as the locals call it. the frigid air stole his breath quickly, he wasnt quute acclimated to the higher altitude; regaining composure he elaborated more, My father fled this country; he told stories of corruption and deciet. He felt toxicity oozed from the village. He blamed the government. The echelon was corrupt and needed to be replaced. He was always told his father was crazy or just angry, but he knew better, he would be the one to show everyone he was right. He left this village, branded a traitor; he left seeking help but none would aid his endeavor. He had lost his hope and determination. He could almost feel his soul wrench as he recollects the same story his father had told him, You asked me my dream. My dream is to purge the heirarchy; not just here, mind you. Anywhere, and everywhere.

[Mft 322]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
"Interesting story, if any of it can be believed." spoke a deep monotone voice.

Three ANBU appeared in the vicinty of Kouin, all of which were equipped with masks over their faces.

It was the man in the middle who had spoke. "Frankly, I take the word of those who break the law with a grain of salt."

"Anyways, whoever you are, you are hereby directed under the authority of the ANBU Sennin of Kumogakure to be taken to the gates and escorted out of the village for illegal entry."

A brash voice quickly cut in. "We will harbor no illegal aliens here, there is a giant wall for a reason."

"If you wish to purge the hierarchy, do it with proper paperwork please."

The woman with long black hair sighed. "Will you comply with our request?"


[For the record: NPCs Oshiro Kagura and Kyokuju Itsuki are present in the topic]


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012

Oyadama Yakunan​

Damn, it was too late by the time he spotted them arrive. The boy might have noticed something was awry when Yakunan's eyes stopped and suddenly moved normally, following a particular target. There was no point running, he had done nothing wrong after all, if anything he had done well and held up a threat to the village. He offered Nobuyuki a smile. The man would know of Yakunan, after all, the man was on the watch list even if he didn't pop up very often. Watch, not arrest, after all even the ANBU only had the faintest of ideas of what he was up to.

Still, he had received his answer. The boy had been incredibly open about his goals. This said much about his personality, unfortunately it also put him in a troublesome position with the ANBU who had arrived, one of which being the ANBU Sennin.

Well then young man, I wish you all the best in your travels though your dream seems a little on the hard side. He reached out to shake the boys hand. If accepted he would pull him in close with enough force to stop any attempt at resistance for an unusually familiar hug, his spare hand patting him on the side of the head. Take care. he would say before releasing him.

Turning he would begin walking off as if nothing had happened.


Aug 29, 2012
It was inevitable; two anbu, and even the sennin had joined his little party. Interesting He looked at the three anbu clad with masks of various design. Kouin felt thr masks defined their characteristics; one having the ability to sear an enemy in a raging inferno. The left showing balance in power and control. Lastly the middle, the only male voice, raw courage and determination of a tiger; this was a vibrant group.

He turned towards the man he just spoke too, Hopefully I can work everything out here. If I died here how could o fulfill my dream? He clasped the mans hand and was abruptly pulled in. A weird hug youd get from someone familiar, then an even weirder pat on the side of the head. They both nodded and said their farewells.

He put himself in a interesting predicament, normally he would present his fathers passport, and use the fact that they looked a like yo get inside. Though he already gave way that he wasnt, so that plan was out the window for Kouin. Now see that is where we are all misunderstood, see I wouldn't have had to enter like that if the gate was properly watched. He was going out on a limb here, and hoped he could pull it off. I was standing at the gate since early morning, no later than two hours after dawn. I waited three hours after dusk. You tell me thats not rediculous. His inner rage, his santaru blood boiled, Where do you expect a person whos village is frozen over to go?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Oyadama was a concern, but at this point he was no more than a coincidence. The hug was weird, but that could be looked into later. After all, he was on the watch list.

Nobuyuki peered silently from behind his mask while excuses were made. He especially liked the last part, though his smile would remain unseen.

"Perhaps Wind Country? Iron Country? Fire Country? Tea Country? Bear, or even Grass country? All of which are closer to your frozen home." he responded. The woman with shorter hair chuckled softly.

"Maybe they have better gate procedures there, but that is not for me to comment on. Your excuses mean nothing, either comply and come with us, or you will be apprehended with force. This is your last warning."


Not to far away, moved Oda Kazuo through the crowds of people in the area, his eyes peeled for anything interesting. It had been a good long while since receiving his mission, but most interesting things happened in places where he just couldn't find. But not today! Today he stumbled upon a scene that was most interesting indeed. He floated his way towards a good vantage point and watched the two opposing forces. This would finally be something to bring to his superiors.

[Topic Entered with gNPC Oda Kazuo]​


Aug 29, 2012
People just couldnt let people be. You force enter into a village they brand you a alien; such rude, hateful words. Cloud, a village said to be allies to the once prosperous Mist, yet why were they turning him away? He had some sense that the law is the law, after all he was the same way, Mist would've treated him no different than this Sennin. You're right, all those countries are closer, but shouldnt i be able to join the village of my father, and not be branded some alien? Maybe you have no sense. He clenched his fist he couldn't let this man stop him, he had potentially just found the missing piece to his dream.

He could feel his blood begin to electrify, he knew this man wouldn't just let him go unattended, that left any sneaky segways impossible, he would have to stand his ground, I may not be a natural born, hell I may not even be familiar with customs, but the bloodline of Raiden, Deity of Kumogakure; the Santaru blood runs through my veins, just as my father before me. He casted his hand to his scarf and threw it aside revealing the rest of his face. His eyes narrowed, and visualized his surroundings, he had to make sure where he could run or worse yet, where he would get flanked from. Kouin let out a sigh, he was about to enter a troubling situation, yet it was positively exhilarating and breath taking; all this is why he left Mist. Livelines, the feeling of all your cells vibrating at a singular frequency to be the person you are today and will be tomorrow.

He let open a chuckle, Mr. Anbu-san, I humbly do appreciate the multiple attempts you have given me to leave quietly... He gave the sennin a respectiful, yet satirical bow. Though i must humbly decline such an offer, for you know my kind to be tenacious and unnerved. So please, accept my one request. ..

His eyes started turning a hue of blue, and lightning could be heard approaching, Entertain me, that is my one request. I dont like being bored.

[Bmod called]
[Sending stuff when Bmod arrives]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Nobuyuki sighed. He wasn't even going to bring up the fact he disqualified himself for asylum or citizenship by entering illegally.

It seemed that force would be the solution here. However, Nobuyuki had been a shinobi a long time and had learned to never underestimate his enemies. He would need to take some time to analyze this new opponent of his before formulating a strategy to defeat him. He was familiar with the Santaru clan of Kumogakure, however there was always the opportunity for an ace up the mans sleeve, so he advised himself with caution.

[Sending Actions to Bmod upon Arrival]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank

HP: 50400

CP: 31500 - 8250 = 23250

AP: 10 - 9.5 = 10.5

Status: Moving fast! / Guiding a Storm

Equiped:: Nothing



HP: 40200 - 5900 = 34300

CP: 37800 - 900 = 36900

AP: 10 - 3 = 11

Status: Bleeding R1.5 (not a typo)

Equiped:: Nothing

Round Actions:

~Kouin decides to duel Nobuyuki!

~Kouin becomes hasty in his step!

~Nobuyuki creates a Ring of Fire around himself Kagura and Itsuki.

~Nobuyuki readies his signal flare

~Kouin activates his trap card and ensnares Nobuyuki in a water cage!

~ Nobuyuki shoots his signal flare . . . but it bounces off of the water cage and lands back at his feet!

~Kouin hastily creates a storm!

~Nobuyuki wants to do something but he’s trapped in the cage!

~Kouin opens up the Gates to Babylon in a flash! (Water Cage absorbs 5544 damage)(Hit WC / Hit WC / Hit WC (WC destroyed) + Spillover to Nobuyuki (spillover was 1 dmg . . .) / Hit Nobuyuki / Crit Hit (Bloodly Mess activates)

~Nobuyuki tries to do something but runs out of time!

OOC Notes:

~ Scorn of the Aquarius special action has been deemed fit for a justifiable nerf. It only allows for actions targeting the water cage or oneself (if trapped within). In discussing this particular “perfect storm” of a situation, signal flare would have been caught within the water cage and thus not truly activated once used. This affected the rest of Nobuyuki’s actions in that he could only target the cage/outside/Kouin or buff himself and in his case with his actions it simply left him standing there until Kouin broke the cage. This instance was delivered to Dev as well as an Admin before the mod was posted. If there are any questions, please feel free to PM me.

~There are NPCs within the topic that can be targeted but only deliberately. Only if someone deliberately targets one will I put their HP up in the mod. Otherwise, there is no danger of them being hit by splash damage.

~[Updated] Binds can't have crit hits made against them. This reduced the damage that Kouin did.

~[Updated] I originally shorted Kouin his duelist damage buff. This has been added in but it still resulted in less overall damage due to the update above.

~[Updated] Checked once more with admin/bmod/dev. Water Cage works as I had it put originally and it will be changed ASAP in the shop to keep it from being abused.

~If there are any questions or concerns, please PM or Skype me

Battle RP:

I’m Charged Up!

Akin to much any other East Coast or West Coast beef, the fact that Kouin and Nobuyuki were in this bout was lost unto all save for the most devoted follower of Jashin. Hailing from the Wild Wild West, there were no tricks that Nobuyuki would leave out and this was most evident in the fact that he brought his posse with him. A spunky kid from the state of liberty and prosperity, Kouin showed little fear as he sized up the competition and threw his dukes up. He was used to fighting uneven battles and this would simply prove to be another notch on his belt.

Quickly getting the upper hand on a defensive minded Nobuyuki, Kouin blocked not one, not two, but three attempts at slinking into the shadows and letting his goons do all the work. Clearly, the true goblin king was proving himself to be one who worked best when his back was up against the wall. As the initial round came to a close, there were questions that did linger in anticipation as to their answers. Would Nobuyuki channel his inner warrior and make it rain from beyond the arc, or would he let the location wise oxymoron of a giant in Kouin cruise his way to a victory in the end zone? Whatever the case, the “rumor has it” hadn’t done anybody any good this time around.

Random Lightning Fact: The science of lightning is known as fulminology.​


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
It seemed that Raiden favored his enemy that day, as the God's above deemed his strategy much to meta and struck it down with righteous glory!

But Nobuyuki would not be discouraged. With two pretty ladies on either side of him acting as cheerleaders, there was nothing that could stand in his way. His adversary just happened to get lucky and call the right jutsu into play, or was it luck? Was his ocular acuity so fine that he recognized the hand-seals? Questions needed answering, but it was apparent that the man would need more observation before finally figuring out what to do with him. Thankfully he was focusing on Nobuyuki and not his cheerleaders. This was a definite plus. What a bro.

[Actions Sent]


Aug 29, 2012
It had appeared that the mysterious stranger had attempted to call allies, Sorry Sennin-san, but that won't work the first time. He hagged his finger at him satirically. His decisive strategy in immobilizing the enemy had worked in his fair; buying time before their back up arrived was paramount. He might be able to handle the lone "assailant", but were he to get back up, Oh my wouldnt I be in trouble . Even in the heat of battle he managed a chuckle.

He had to continue observing, since he had him captured he only saw a Ring of Fire, which doesnt denote much strength really; their had to be more to this man, Mr. Sennin-san, I hope you realize by now i wont go quietly. Trying to call an ally is smart and tactical, but the true victory is whoever falls first, and you've yet to hit me. Boring. He scoffed and planned his next super magical mega jutsu, but what to calll it...

[Actions sent]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank

HP: 50400

CP: 23250 - 6930 = 16320

AP: 10.5 - 7 = 11

Status: Moving fast! / Guiding a Storm

Equiped:: A Bloody Syringe!



HP: 33038 - 20025 = 11807

CP: 36900 - 6075 = 30825

AP: 11 - 8.5 = 11

Status: Bleeding R4.5 (not a typo), In the Shadow Dimension

Equiped:: Nothing


HP: 27500

CP: 22000

AP: 6

Status: Purring

Equiped:: Nothing

Round Actions:

~Kouin quickly stabs Nobuyuki with a syringe! (Crit)(Bloody Mess)

~Nobuyuki is affected by the serpent’s blood!

~Nobuyuki equips his signal flare.

~Nobuyuki activates his signal flare beckoning more of his goon squad to join the party!

~Kouin opens the Gates of Babylon in a flash! (Miss, Miss, Sneak Crit! (Bloody Mess), Miss, Impale Crit (Bloody Mess cannot activate twice for this jutsu)

~Kouin hastily overcharges and opens the Gates of Babylon . . . again . . . (Miss, Impale Crit (Bloody Mess), Hit, Crit (Bloody Mess cannot activate twice for this jutsu), Hit)

~Nobuyuki and company travel into the shadow dimension. Kouin is not invited because he’s a dastardly nuke-nin.

~Kouin is a sad panda because he wasn’t invited into the shadow dimension so he just stands around wanting to pull a “Daichi Three-Peat”

~Nobuyuki throws out a pokeball and out pops his Shiny Persian!

OOC Notes:

~If there are any questions or concerns, please PM or Skype me

~Don’t forget to vote!!!

Battle RP:

Hotline Bling!!!

Apparently all sorts of honorable combat rules went out the window when high ranking shinobi and the children of not so honorable (but still somehow claiming to be honorable unto themselves) rogue shinobi clashed egos. This was even more evident when Nobuyuki finally managed to set off a round of fireworks alerting all of the war mongers and build testing fiends who had absolutely nothing to do but complain about the lack of logic in this version of the shinobi world’s rules. Although all of them couldn’t take part, at least two might slide in somewhere or another. If they showed up in time then perhaps they could save their pacifist leader from an untimely fall of grace. Even more head scratching was why said leader opted to use signals when he used to call people on their cellphones . . . or headsets, whichever was closer. The theme music would change when he finally went into his gothic clubhouse of horrors to play his new pocket monster game but with a tenacious son of biscuit eating bulldog right outside of his gates, the question begged to be asked if all of his bases would belong to the bastard child of the sky faring one.

Random Lightning Fact: Thunder can only be heard about 12 miles away under good quiet outdoor conditions.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"A flare!? The mental thought ran through his mind as his head tilted slightly. This allowed his eyes to follow the arching pattern of the flare, determining it to have come from an area quite a few blocks away. His body shifted, instantly becoming replaced by warped images of himself before phasing away. Appearing with a small plume of smoke along the ledge of a nearby rooftop, Hosuto was pressing a black anbu mask to his face. That flare was not for show or for celebration, something was wrong and blood was being spilled. He lunged, easily pushing his body from one rooftop to another moving to respond to the emergency. A crackle of static was present before his voice entered Anbu's com channel.

"This is Onyx responding to a shot flare at the Dawnbringer's Plaza. Asking any other agents to respond...Estimated arrival time, thirty seconds"

He pushed his body to move as fast as he had been trained to, pushing his bodies muscles while also mentally preparing for may await.

[Topic Entered]
[Battle entered in 3 Rounds]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

'Seems its time to go~'

Mindless self indulgence... a state of mine that led Zo to do the craziest of things, but from his class he could see it outside of the window... a beacon of light shooting in the air and with the trajectory it was inside the village. Looking at the kids he would shake his head and head out of the room within an instant. No pause in his game, and summoning his mask to his face he'd rush off towards the trail of smoke the beacon left. Hopefully he would make it in time.

"Mori on the arrival to the destination of the Signal Flare... On standby. I''ll arrive around the same time Onyx arrives."<i></i>

[Topic Entered]
[Battle Entered in 3 rounds]


Aug 29, 2012
He could feel the pulsing of his chakra flow though his veins. The raw unbridled force of lightning repeatedly striking his target, proving lightning can strike the same place twice. Even though he wasnt a pure breed Santaru like his father, his storm alignment was still more intuned than any of these plebian cloud nin, but he couldnt fully blame them. They didnt have the same upbringing as him. His father, when Kouin was still a young lad; his father taught he everything he needed to know to control the forces above, not to his mastery but rather close.

Wave after wave, he witnessed as the sheer force of Babylon rained down on the sennin. He would not relent; with his signal flare discharged, Kouin would have little time to finish what was in front of him. He studied the trajectory of which the signal flare went, and tried to recall the visibility of the surrounding area, I have about thrity seconds before backup arrives.. Plenty of time. A wide grin swept across his face; he had tasted blood, and now it was time to finish this Sennin.

[Sending actions a bit later]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
