Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Watergate [Sennin Meeting]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Taking the information she had received from multiple sources, Megami knew what she had to do. Too much publically was open and not even procedures were being taken to assure the foundation of Iwagakure and the safety of it's citizens and warriors. Stepping into the meeting hall, mostly consisting of several large plush chairs and took a seat in one. She reached up to her radio headset, turning the dial to a private frequency that would be received by the other Sennin. //All Sennin, please report to Meeting Hall 218B.// The feed would disconnect shortly after and she folded her hands in her lap. She was unsure of how this meeting would go, and felt unease within her. She bowed her head a moment, giving a quick sigh, and her eyes opened swiftly. "Goddess, grant me strength." Though this she knew was just a prayer, she knew that she had the confidence and the ability to handle this situation with the other members.

As a warrior nation, much of their issues were handled primarily through common brutality, a test of capability and strength. Though many did not value knowledge, they valued the purity of heart, and the wisdom of the ancients. Intelligence served it's own unique purpose among the people. But it didn't mean much if you couldn't prove you had the right to voice and stake claim to those ideas. Megami wasn't sure her viewpoint on that. She simply served for the greater good, and whatever got the job done. So, it would simply be a matter of time before the others arrived. It would certainly be one hell of a discussion.


Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Uka was defiantly right, being a sennin was seriously hard work. It had been two and a half months since he had received the official paper assigning the fact that now he was officially the Co-sennin of the medical branch, and currently the only active one. He had been spending the past months basically running three jobs: one teaching in the academy, two his normal medical duties, and three his duties to the village as a whole as a sennin. It certainly was tough work. Most days he spent the mornings in the Spartan quarters, the afternoons in the hospital, and then the evenings and nights in the spire. In fact, Hissori couldn’t remember the last time he had spent a night at his apartment just reading a medical journal, and probably Kinji had turn his apartment into some crazy lion den. Today though, today was a bit different.

It was sometime close to the afternoon when Hissori had received a call for a meeting with the rest of the sennin. The young man had been making the trek over from the Spartan Quarters where he had been teaching the a lesson on medicine when he got the call. I guess grading the tests can wait. He thought with an inward sigh as he about faced and headed towards the Spire.

Hissori would be the second Sennin to make it there. Of course, the first was Megami the ANBU head whom he had trouble with the past though, but this seemed like a bit of different Hissori the women had first laid eyes upon him. First of all, Hissori’s face looked noticeably skinny. His strawberry blonde hair was spiky and placed as it normally was. Today though, he had on some sleek wire framed glasses, which slightly obscured the emerald green eyes. Even below them the toll of a new sennin showed with slightly dark bags under his normally youthful face. Even then below that his cloths which seemed to the normal black vest, white dress shirt, and black tie seemed to fit a bit looser. Then combined with the fact that Hissori’s Kirigakure Emblem belt seemed to be the only thing holding his black khaki pants above his hips, Hissori had seemed to have lost weight.

Buru though, Buru seemed as sleek and as fit as ever. His strong muscular frame and deep blue eyes were moving behind the sennin as he made his way into the Meeting Hall. Both Dog and Owner would bow in respect towards the other Sennin.

“Hello. Light was it? That was what Sabaku called you right? Would you rather me call you something else more formal?” Hissori would ask as he took a moment to set his bag down on the table.

“Also you won’t mind that while we wait, I grade some papers for the classes I have taught will you?” The medical sennin stated as he almost immediately went to work on grading the papers of the children he had taught. This was the life of the sennin.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2013
Receiving the call had Kamaru looking up from paperwork as he listened. Considering the message and the person speaking it sounded official and serious considering he didn’t know her to be the kind to joke or just call a casual meeting to just chit chat. Even when he popped in unannounced for minor concerns she took it seriously and as a matter of city level importance. That’s why his paperwork found him marking his place in the documentation before putting it away and grabbing his jacket. Leaving behind his desk and office for now while getting fully dressed, work was on pause it was just compounding probably.

Opening the door and shuffling in with a quick scan had Kamaru showing up late as he looked around the room walking in briskly surveying the scene; since two people were seated already they were probably ready to start. Only knowing the voice of the person who summoned him he moved in Kamaru nodded to the Guardian Sennin while unbuttoning his jacket as he took a chair. "Miss Lightning." he'd greet a familiar face before sizing up the other man inspecting his wardrobe and posture.

With a bit of paperwork out and dressed in a similar garb to himself although a little more loose than Kamaru wore his own attire it seemed Kamaru found someone else who had a bit of a rough time spent juggling things around in his daily life. He dismissed the thought for now as his glance went to the animal sitting in the room close to the man. Blinking a few times Kamaru processed it before staring full on at the other man in the room.
Kamaru would extend a hand out formally and introduce himself somewhat plainly somewhat vague.

”Namamoto Kamaru, Main Branch.”

Once introductions were done Kamaru would focus on Lightning and extend a hand to let her know the floor was hers.

(OoC: Took a few liberties)


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Seeing the other Sennin enter, Megami lifted a brow at seeing Hissori. Seems promoting these days was a bit...strange on the other fields, but she wasn't here for that. "You may address me as that, yes, Hissori." Kamaru entered shortly after, taking his seat, and she gave him a nod in greeting. As he gestured for her to start, she cleared her throat. "Thank you for attending on such short notice. I'm sure by now you realize that Iwa is in a struggle. Endo has left a devastating mark of a dictator upon our country. Though I am unaware of his whereabouts at this moment, I believe it is our jobs as figures of the government to rectify the mistake of a superior. And by this, I do mean, removing him from power before more damage can be done." She paused, allowing for this information to set in. She then picked up going into her reasoning. "Though we of stone are warrior people, many of us do not consider the act of bloodshed our first resort. But the Kage wanted war, the bloodshed of the innocent. Just as there are many other corrupt members among us that we strive to uncover, we must do our part to protect them as leaders. When he approached me, his only reasoning was to 'show the might of Iwa'. I believe in his thirst for power, he has lost his way. And we need to do something about it." Once more she looked towards the two men. She found it a difficult way to approach and relate to them, knowing that they did not grow up on the fundamentals of her culture. Would they be able to see the necessity for this?

She wanted to give them ample time to speak, but before she would wait to let them give their opinion, she would say one final word. "I understand that you are both not of Stone birth, but you have been with us for some time, and know it's citizens. Just as Iwa has given you refuge, please put a lot of consideration into what is best for the citizens in this time of need." And with that, the floor was given to the two men.

[OOC: Dialogue Post is Dialogue]

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Luckily, Hissori had gotten through a couple of the quizzes before the other sennin had arrived. He had heard of Kamaru, but never actually dealt with him. In fact, the only time they had ever talked was through the letters that got him put in place as a teacher at the academy. Now though, Hissori’s skilled hands were stacking the papers and putting them back in his bag. With all three of the Sennin’s assembled, and the majority of power assembled in this room, Hissori was interested to hear about what was going to be said. He did however; feel a lot tenser than he should have been.

It wasn’t just the tension of the situation, but Megami was adding to it. Hissori felt that she did not trust him, and more importantly, she did not even like him. In fact, from his interactions with Megami and Sabaku, Hissori knew that now he would have to watch his back, because after all, ANBU struck in the back; right? That was their job. Luckily Hissori always had Buru to watch his back, but still this lady did not seem above stabling a dog in the back to get what she wanted. She was talking though so he had to listen.

Listening to what she said seemed to be almost reflective what was felt in this room between the two. The village was at a crossroad. Simply put, Tsuchikage had seemed to gone crazy, and now was missing. Of course, he one of the heads of the inner Marushi had certainly heard rumors of what would happened. But what came next was something Hissori did not know; they were apparently going to war.

From a branch point of view, Hissori knew that the medical branch could not support a war. He had to wonder if Uka the other sennin had okay this positional movement. Still now it seemed to be the time for him to speak.

“The rumor around Inner Marushi, and the civilians around my hospital is that the death of Tuschikage Endo happened at the gates a couple of days ago. I don’t know if this has been confirmed yet, but as well someone came over the general headset frequency and claimed to be the Daimyo Haruka saying she did it and that she was the new Tsuchikage. Has anyone been able to confirm this? Because if so it would seem our Kage has already been removed from power. Carefully Hissori would wet his lips as he began to think of what to say next. A lot of was going through his head as he began to think about what to say, but finally he settled on his words.

“Being that Inu Endo is presumed dead, I think it is best course of action is to start to figure out we solidify the head of this village, because without it… our village will begin to falter and fall.” Hissori said finally.

MTF 495


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

How did someone crash parties that they were not invited to? They simply just showed up. It wasn't a hard thing to do, especially when a person was a ninja dedicated to tracking down members of their village. High powered entities were no different in such a situation. Everyone was a person, and every person left a trail. That much she learned from the people that had taught her-- her mother and her father. Now, then. Pushing herself up to a stand, she would bring her braid from behind her back to lay over her shoulder and she would look around, casting aside the dark shroud that she had used to sit behind and simply just watch. Clearing her throat a bit, she would turn on her heels and walk forward. It wasn't a hard thing when they showed up in the same singular place. What a joke, right? Never put your strongest all in one location. And not to mention she was only feeding to the fire. Ah well, she knew this place not to be known for intelligence at this point, and she wouldn't expect it. As she walked, her dress billowed behind her and she would reach up, her hands pushing open the door to the meeting hall. Darkening the doorway for a moment or two, she would peer around the room. Most of her wounds, aside from the ones that had been stitched up, were gone. That was why she wore long sleeves, and other such things. No longer was the look of tiredness crossing over her features as she looked around the room.

"I trust that you've all gotten comfortable? That's a good thing." She would state, stepping forward into the room and allowing the door to shut behind her. Now, she would place her hand against her chest and bow her head just enough to make a polite entry. "I trust that by this point, you all heard the news and my announcement." With her statement now, she would slide into a seat and tuck her ankles, one behind the other, her hands folding into her lap. Her sapphire eyes would travel around the room now and she would let her lips dance into a small smile. "First off, you'll have to forgive me for my bold nature. That is simply the way that I was brought up. Secondly, I need you all to sit down and trust me down to your very cores that what I do is in the intention that it will be positive in nature for Iwagakure." She had waited at the door for people to finish speaking, so that was non-issue at this point.

"We have a bigger problem than the leadership of this village. It's what Inu Endo has done to bring our relations with other villages to a screeching, brutal halt. As you may, or may not, recall... I broadcasted that I would take over where Endo failed. I still plan on doing that mainly due to the fact that not only do I have strength of body, but I also have strength in politics and the ability to settle the dust before anything else can be broken. Endo killed an innocent: I do not know where he was from, or what his intentions were, just that he was a messenger with an ill-fate given to him." Clearing her throat now, "What happens when that messenger does not return to where he originally was from? They'll have known that he came to us for his messages to be delivered. At that point.... I do not know how much trouble we will be in, but there is trouble brewing on the horizon if we do not get it under control quickly." That was the cold, hard, and honest truth here. No one could deny as much.

"I looked to assume control and meet with you all rather than you all going through a lengthy process of fighting and choosing another leader. Right now, pitting our strongest and our best shinobi against one another is going to cause needless tension between our rankings. It will cause our village to schism. It will make us more than just sitting ducks. We leave ourselves open to chaos and destruction at that point." Her eyes would close and she would sigh a bit. The words chaos and destruction made a roll within her stomach. If only these people truly knew what Endo had done to her. The pain, without a doubt, would last longer than she wished for, but you did what you had to. You fought through the pain.

"I look for our village's best option rather than vainglory or pride. I don't need such silly notions like Endo did. I just need my people to thrive, survive, and continue doing what they are doing. I need your trust in that I will make everything right with other nations rather than look for war and fighting."

"Please, do not put our village in more of an awkward position than it is already in. I have a specific skill set to mend our nation's bruises and scrapes with anyone else. I hope that you all will hear me out and allow me to do so before we have any more calamity and catastrophe." Even if she were told to get out, to be quiet, she would continue speaking no matter whom had told her what. At this point, her mind was centered around the village's interests rather than anyone else's interests. It was time to get down to business.



Well-Known Member
May 23, 2013
In the very least Kamaru knew the name or surname of the other Sennin from Lightning’s words. He'd heard it somewhere but he couldn't put his finger on where. It seemed the meetings main purpose came to light. Kamaru wasn't unfamiliar with the scenario of a village teetering on the edge of imbalance. His former village having gone through similar situations in a way being much like a mass amount of explosive chakra ready to denote at the beginning of the war. Thing just got worse as time went on.

She pointed out the fact they were both not Earth Country born, and not 'truly' from Stone. There was a stigma behind that but Kamaru hadn't received any actual complaints from the people personally so he dismissed it as just part of the job.

Kamaru scratched the side of his chin as Hissori added to the information and situation. Even if it couldn't be verified yet it was a bit of an eye opener.

Kamaru weighed out the thoughts mentally when they were interrupted and listened to the young lady's addendum to the situation, her request or demands, and statements.

"I don't really know everyone from my branch buuut, if she's technically under my branch I apologize if she is for her actions." Kamaru stated quietly to the other two smoothing down his pants.
Holding up an index finger to the newcomer asking her to wait he'd looked to the other two sitting and spoke candidly, "We will need to do something about Endo and the situation, regardless of how he acted we need to verify if he's really dead and have the body returned, if there is one to find, upon verification then released for religious reasons if the family or clan requests it for burial or the 'release back to the elements', my apologies I haven't read too much into the religion. At least that’s what I think the protocol is, regardless of the man’s actions he was still Kage and you honor the dead sometimes more than the living version.
Having the head of the village do as he pleases as the leader was technically in his rights so we should probably do something about that considering what he's done regarding the next leader... but we'll have to put a pin in that for 'now'."
Kamaru stated discussing the formalities of the situation from his point of view it seemed logical and civil biting his lip and sighing.

After a pause he'd turn back to regard the new comer and her statements, "I enjoy nice words as much as the next person to put me as ease... your words plus your actions do not put me at ease though Miss." he stated plainly.
"If your bold nature is something we must forgive you that's under the implication you do realize you're asking us to overlook the idea to do away with people is your primary agenda versus going about things in a political or nonviolent manner which you state you have strength. Which is one of your strengths from what you’ve told us. Strength is not always displayed by use; restraint is also a measure that's calculated. Settling ‘the dust before anything else can be broken’ sounds more like the suggestion of a cover-up than anything else to me." Kamaru added before continuing looking at the other two sitting down with a glance. "She is right though in dealing with the messenger's death. I do think it is something we'll need to do. Finding out who he was and where he was from to send word needs to be completed first though. Explaining the situation honestly once we have the facts might be a bit rough but I do believe a level of transparency should be used out of good faith. Telling them our Kage killed their messenger and this lady or rather, you," Kamaru explained extending an open hand towards the young lady looking at her once again, "Killed him and we apologize for any inconvenience isn't probably going to cut it unless we want to see them blink a few times and slowly process the implication. They’ll need to be told something but until we find out who we need to tell we’ll need to research the situation to explain it. But we'll get to that later as well I think." he stated hands cast upwards from his chest to convey it was still up in the air on what to do and who to notify before clasping his hands in front of him.
"You assume a lot, such as why the former Diamyo would be seated as the new Kage after killing the former Kage, that’s without discussing your past at all plus that we should dismiss the traditional way of doing things since well... you don't like them it seems or it's an inconvenience to you. Friendly competition can in this case break things down, bones for example but some of those things are walls we've built up so to speak. If you think the people will suddenly fracture and divide because of following that tradition you're either hand waving what you already know of society and politics or you don't understand the people have and will be divided in this country like everywhere else by nature. Transient travelers in the country or village, or 'Outsider Filth'," he began putting a hand to his chest and smiling politely before taking on a serious look again, "Earth Country born, those born in Arcadia, and those born into Shinobi families in Stone Village for several generations are divided. They put up cultural and social walls that is a given. That is human nature to feel secure and protecting one's mental state as some cost to others in a way. But therein lies diversity and the ability regardless of prejudice to do a job and complete missions. At least that's the perception I've gathered from my time here. If we've supposedly pissed off the other villages that much taking some time to resolve the position you seem to think you’ve earned somehow by killing someone won't matter than if you're correct and it's been verified. The attack is inevitable I say we go about things by tradition me.

Although you tell me our best options for the village aren't based on vanity, glory, and pride, what you've stated in truth of your action has the feel of someone relishing in a recent kill with the vanity and pride of doing so apparent. You seem to have a similarity to Endo in a way I think you may not realize. I currently can't trust someone fully who speaks of doing things in a way not in line with war or fighting considering you've stated you put an end to what Endo's been doing.

Putting our village in a more awkward position is something you’ve lost the right to convey considering your actions. Your specific skill set that you’ve displayed in the past few actions thus far is that of a murder of a man in the position of Kage, that you’ve bold enough to state you should have his position because you’ve killed him. But since you’ve interrupted the meeting with your personal agenda and desires excuse me things done for the sake of the people. Former Daimyo, killer of a Kage, abolisher of traditions ways, person who thinks their above the law, and I guess keeper of calamity and catastrophe which might be a tongue and cheek threat... What else would you like to tell us?”
Kamaru finished, ”Oh my apologies for my own rudeness and blunt points. Although I seem aloof I’m actually not an idiot, so without feeding us the lines of bull filled with hope and change and other nice words what do you really want. I’ve already dealt with one Daimyo who went insane claiming things were for the better of the people before he went on a war campaign for personal gain so choose your words carefully… Oh my apologies what would the two of you like to say to her.” Kamaru added his jaw relaxing as he looked to the other two Sennin politely before staring back at the young lady his jaw resetting and clenching.

Nakamura Hira

New Member
Aug 15, 2013
Walking, walking, walking. It felt as though walking was the only thing that he was purported entitlement of forthwith. Carrying one's self with each movement of a leg held its own symbolic significance, like each footstep was a decisive culmination of current reality. He trailed behind Haruka, surely. A path of her chilling energy leaving in its wake the perfect explanation of her agenda. He too naturally flowed in the ether of her magnetism. For birds of a feather indeed did flock together.

Standing before a doorway which was warm with her energy, he listened into the room for the charm of conversation and found himself bemused with the banter of the people within. It seemed like a conversation he remembered all to well from the times of old in Kirigakure, when one proponent of a certain ideal was politely combating another opposition with a shield of verbosity. This made him feel quite at home.

The door swung open gently, and he stepped in to the conversation somewhat defiantly. Perhaps he had no place in their eyes within this room, but he had done many things to get here. He had traveled an entire world over to see the great gates of Iwagakure, all to meet the daughter of the first great leader of his kin, and he now stood firmly in a den of wolves to whom he had no name with the full intention of culling them to his purposes.

I have spent plenty of time in this nation educating myself on its affairs as an outsider. I know enough to walk into this room and disregard the status of each of you, to speak my mind, and to guide your hands towards a beneficial decision.

Call me arrogant, if you will.

He laughed for a moment, before making clear eye contact with the first man he heard addressing Haruka upon his entrance. It seemed as though perhaps he had arrived a little bit past cocktail hour.

The woman who stands before you is an exemplary icon of strength and vigor. She is cunning, and loyal to the bone. Do not be mistaken by the visage of a vigilante who annihilated your captor Tsuchikage. She means the best for her nation, and she was the only shinobi in this village with the fortitude and integrity to do the oh so necessary deed of extirpating your former leader.

Stepping forward to the table in the room, he swiftly slammed a scroll upon the table. His gauntlets harshly struck the marble face of the edifice, echoing a chilling key through the room. There, within the scroll he held, Inu Endo's corpse slept. His repose was irreversible, and he would never return to oppress earth country again.

Before I go on, I would like to first identify myself to you as a group. My name is Nakamura Hira, one of the last surviving leaders and protectors of the secrets of Kirigakure. I have come here in search of shelter and answers, as a means of protecting the world from the discovery and misappropriation of my homelands secrets. Secrets which, in the wrong hands, could result in the same destruction worldwide that has befallen my home. This I certainly pray you to all be well aware of.

Sliding his hand off the table with the scroll containing his body, he stepped to the side of Haruka. His Byakugan hummed with the energy of his years, and he examined each contender in the room with clarity.

Minamoto-Kono Haruka has stepped forth and freed your country from a tyrant, whether or not you are all willing to acknowledge and respect this. She has fulfilled a blood oath by driving him into oblivion. She has risked all in the face of her adversary, and emerged the victor. All who stood by allowing this man to rule without doing so could easily be labeled cowards, and you, as his former cabinet, can surely see when a fight has been fairly won.

He meant not to insult them, but he likely did.

You owe her your allegiance. I urge you, as an undying supporter of her efforts, to look past your own egotistical qualms with her on an idealistic level. She is to be the next Tsuchikage. I stand by her side, and I will do everything in my power to ensure she is treated with the honor she has rightfully earned before you all.

Towering over all of them at 6'6", he placed his right arm on her shoulder with the scroll clutched within it. He was behind enemy lines, and he devoured the thrill of it all with a grin bigger than the world. The time had come for change to cast away superficiality. The future was now upon them. Whether they liked what they were facing, or not.

[Topic Entered]
Jul 18, 2014
This was unexpected, but when he found all these high chakras in his homeland, he knew one thing, if he guessed who they were correctly, he may be able to aide in the end. If not, he would be butchered and turn into slush, and thankfully the prior was true. Walking in just a few seconds after Hira finished, came in Gasu, who leaped to Haruka's side, opposite of the Mercenary, with his own sharingans turned on and spinning. He snarled out, "Dobrý den, moji vůdcové Země Země , přišel jsem sem, abych vyjádřil své vlastní emoce a myšlenky na toto úsilí , které vede k budoucnosti své rodné vesnice..." He blinked his eyes, and went on, "Haruka is the previous Daimyo... do any of you even understand what that means for Earth Country? She was a lord, so she has prior experience ruling, and I wish for all of you to remember what the spot of Kage is. Kage, is the strongest ninja of the village, and what has Haruka proved by killing the last? The last Kage was a faker, a murderer, and a sinner... so the rightful spot has been obtained to her. Next, what has she proven by standing here and confronting all three of you to listen to her? She proved she isn't a blood thirstier monster, but proved she can speak to others and is willing to do so, so that rules out being a psychopath."

He took a breath, then continued "Next, what does she have to gain in a spot of power? If she rules over a village, she simply makes orders, you sennin could theoretically veto her if all three of you appose her, so she has a check to her power. Another thing, If Haruka killed the last Kage, Inu Endo, doesn't that mean her motives would be to improve others? But if all of you are still so dense, pinkyi over there, if she is an ANBU, shouldn't she be able to extract Haruka's motives easily? Or is it the big bad ANBU is to unwilling to offer a peaceful situation and simply reject her without any proof except "murder is bad", when you teach your own bastards to do the same?" He tried to let that sink in, smiling demonically as the words spewed from his maw, this was his only chance to give some political opinion, so he was going to use it as much as he can. He finished it off with "Also, If any of you three honestly believe you are better then her, I can vouch against the pink head, but for Hissori I can vouch for. You may see me right now as a fool for even getting into this mess, but I must do what is best for the village, and I believe that Haruka is a blessing to the village at our current moment and struggle. We need someone who is both humble and assertive... who better then a previous Baron?" He finished his own speech, even if it was shorter then Kamaru, he needed this. Though he secretly always wanted to be in politics and leadership, he wanted a source of power that he can prove was not corrupt, and make some bloody changes.

[Topic Entered]
Hello my leaders of Earth Country, I came here to express my own emotions and thoughts on this endeavor that leads to the future of my home village..

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank


"And to think I came here in hopes of resigning... I guess it's true then."

Stepping from the shadows, who knew where exactly did I come from and how long exactly I had been here. Did it really matter at this point? It should not have been a surprise, after all I WAS the kage's guard. I mostly remained where he should be. The disturbing talk I was hearing was enough for me to intervene. It would seem Inu was dead and soI had failed my mission to protect him. He spoke with me once about the blonde girl and his suspicions of her being in league with Cloud... and now he was dead by her hands... I wanted to resign... to leave this all behind. Evil in this village just won't let me. The higher ups were here discussing important matters and now would have more on their plate than intended considering the new information given by Haruka. I walked over to stand beside Haruka facing the two others that had arrived. One belonging to me... the other I had seen but once before.

"Ryujin Gasu... stand down. Do not speak out of turn to your superiors. Such disrespect would warrant death even by Ryujin law. What's worst is that you'd put me in the uncomfortable position of being your executioner. You are still young and young eyes do not see well. Trust that these three have their positions in leadership for a reason. Though our laws permit the strongest to lead the free people... The passage of kageship is determined by combat the night after the death of the former Tsuchikage. This ceremony of sorts, held traditionally in front of an audience... is how we distinguish an assassination or murder from the one fit to rule. Now... until a new ruler is chosen I believe the authority here is to these three... Kamaru-sama, Lightening-sama, and Hissori-sama. Both you Ryujin Gasu and you with the nice flamboyant hair... I will ask you both to make your departure from here and allow these four to continue their meeting undisturbed."

I let nothing of my opinion slip to open air... Instead I kept to my duties as both Gasu's superior and as a kage guard. The Ryujin was strong in Gasu, he showed no fear and speaking his mind to those who could have his head on a spike but his mind was young... Trading one Tyrant for another was no solution to anyone's problem.

Though Inu was killed my duties to him shifted to the three holding the meeting. Though I failed my mission with Inu, I would not fail them... Not while their was air in my lungs. I gave the two a polite frown and waited for them to move out the room. If they did, I'd follow them out. I was not needed in this meeting but seemingly at the door to prevent further disruptions and out breaks. Before leaving I would shift my eyes to Haruka... it was irrefutable at this point. Another monster... just like me. Fate was drawing us together, conspiring against us for one reason and one reason only... to see us battle to the death. Shifting my eyes from Haruka and back to the two in front of me, I accepted this inevitable fate...

[Topic Entered]
[ooc: I tried to stay out of it. Didn't have much of a choice... and with that I am back.]
Jul 18, 2014
Gasu snarled with pure hatred, his eyes flickering as the barrier between his Magenko Sharingan began to crack again. His blood boiled, his curse of hatred growing now not just on the man who severed his arm, but on these 'leaders'. He snarled out one last phrase, "...IF you denied the children everything but pain and suffering, you prove that even a clan of devils can hold gold." He lifted up his left stub, and walked to the door, finishing what he was saying, "...Because of following the orders of my superiors I lost both my life and my arm... why should I stand around and let them rule when all it does it make people suffer? Why should I not show up in spots that could get me killed? Because my life is meaningless compared to you big shots... All I ever wanted was to be like you guys... but never mind the ramblings of a stupid ignorant child who just wanted peace. Let you use your war games cowardly behind other people, wasting their lives..." The child had gained a form of depression since his last contact with that damned ANBU, and now with his curse of hatred expanding, there was nothing that could stop him, for not even a Kage can stop a curse of hatred that came from themselves. It was pure emotion, and emotion has no logic... it simply is a force that can only be controlled if you knew it, which Gasu did not. Gasu marched out of the room, not fearing for his life anymore and simply walking out with whatever he had. If they came to murder him or call him traitor for his opinion, that was all fine to him... death would be just like his sister, a call he listened to.

[ Attempting to leave topic, anyone can stop him]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
After Kamaru had finished his speech, laying every bit of his opinion out on the table, Megami couldn't help but sit in awe. She wanted to applaud the man. Perhaps she had misjudged him, but his speech right then and there proved enough of his worth to Iwa in her eyes. "Well said." Leaning forward in her own chair, she stared as one by one more newcomers poured in. Seems the guards had been rather lacking. However, a Ryujin was here, and she still wondered what they still stood to gain specifically, but for now, knowing that the job was at least being taken care of was good policing. But things needed to be moved forward. "She has done us a service. That does not mean she is entitled. There is a difference. Endo's removal, be it his death or diplomatic, was foreseeable, she simply got there first. And forcing herself into the position as a result doesn't seem like leadership quality. That is my opinion." Being a Guardian, meant that many a time they followed a conduct of morals. They followed laws, but they also considered what would be for the greater good. She didn't care that Endo was dead, he was forcing a war upon them, but the last thing she felt they needed was another dictator, and the steps taken thus far only seemed to hint as such a thing happening again. Megami turned her attention to the two other Sennin. Any could come in here and say what they wanted, claim wishes to be granted, but they were nothing more than words.

Megami was saddened upon the news of a messenger dying. Was it the one she had met? He had been a good man, sending them warning. She gave a moment of silence and prayed to the Goddess that his soul be at peace, before speaking up, if that was the case. "I know of a messenger, if it was the one you speak of. He delivered urgent news to the security department, had some letters. If that would be him, I will make arrangements to get in contact with his superiors." Giving herself ample time to gather her thoughts once more, still feeling disappointment from the prior news, she proceeded once more. "If anyone has forgotten tradition, a village competition is held to discover our next Kage. However, let us not forget that we had done without a Kage for 30 years before Endo. Perhaps that is our future. A government that stands on equal power, no more of this crippling one man show of leadership, as it seems obvious Endo did not care for other's input and his title gave him the ability to do as he pleased." She let that sink in. Obviously some would question, perhaps even oppose, but it could not be denied that they had gone without a Kage long before Endo, a Kage who had only a few years of leadership, took the position. If they had functioned then, they could function like that now. "However, in the event that you don't agree with that proposition, we should begin making the arrangements." Megami rested her head on the closed fist of her hand as she leaned against the arm of the chair. She felt like everything was running in circles, and maybe it was, but everyone felt like they were owed something.

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Woof, Woof, Woof. Normally Buru would be right beside his fellow companion, Hissori. However, Hissori was sitting in front of a window, and the sun was currently beating down on the back of the poor medical sennin. His dog though would have none of it. Shortly after sitting down to start grading his paper, Buru had moved to get to the back of the room into the shade to lay down and listen from far, which is what he was doing. Of course, the dog who had been around doing the politics of medicine for as long as Hissori, didn’t know want to get involve. He would still listen to the conversation that happened up until the door began to creep open.

Icy blue eyes would peak up from the back of the room spotting the assassin. The women whom had killed Endo had decided to be nice enough to grant the three remaining people in power. The dog would slowly adjust his seating to watch what was about to happen. Was Haruka here to kill them all? Or was she here to turn herself in? What was she here to do? All these questions were probably running through everyone’s mind, and with Buru separated from Hissori, the pair was certainly contemplating how to get to each other.

Buru’s blue eyes would watch, as the ice queen would take a seat, which at least showed that for the time being she was not being aggressive. She did not seem tired, but she seemed like she was on a mission, which was surprising for someone who had killed probably the strongest person in the village. Maybe this village really did breed true warriors? It also seemed to Buru that Haruka was coming to prove that the death of Endo was not a joke or a fluke. The tone the dog heard was one that demand negotiation.

It seemed that almost immediately Haruka would plead upbringing in what probably was the greatest sin of all in the medical world, interrupting meetings. Then the next thing she said she was here to help the village. Was this through killing them all or working with them? At this point this women seemed to go either way, and it seemed to be safe to move.

As she continued to address the sennin’s Buru would stand and slowly make his way to Hissori, taking a stealthy spot under the table by his feet, in fact if he had not been so far away, and there to begin with, maybe Haruka would not have even noticed the fact that Buru was there, but if like any shinobi she was able to track the slightest of movements the dog would have been easily spotted, his white fur blending in with nothing at all.

From his new spot, Buru would hear how she addressed what she thought the problems in the villages were. She seemed to want to address the fact that it seemed the village’s foreign affairs were in shambles, and for the dog that thought so much like Hissori it made a lot of sense. If anyone in Iwagakure would have some understanding of foreign relations it would be the pair of Inuzaka and Dog. Both Hissori and Buru had been around the world, in multiple villages, and multiple countries. More importantly, Buru and Hissori both caught the proclamation she made; Haruka was claiming the title of Kage for herself.

Haruka would then utter a key word for the dog, a command word if you will for Buru; fighting. At the sound of the word that Buru knew all too well, Hissori’s faithful companion hair began to stand on edge, and his pointy ears swiveled to listen in more intently. It seemed her intent though was to make peace with the stronger members of the village as to not fight with them, but both Hissori and Buru were leery of it.

There were a couple of times both Hissori and Buru had come across villages that been in the midst of violent upheaval, and most of the time the decision makers were going to pay for whatever was going on with their blood, certainly this could be the case with Hissori and Buru if they were not careful.

To both the dog and the human, it seemed that Haruka was now making her case for why she should get the chance to lead this village. Ultimately, she was making a decent case for why she should be the leader of this village. Instead of just wanting to kill and purge, she wanted to see her people thrive, and that was what Hissori wanted to see with their leader.

The rest of what she said though was just an attempt to sway the room towards her favor. No one actually KNEW what it would take to mend this village, and what would properly fix its relations so no one could really say they had that skill set. With that however, it seemed that Lady Haruka had finished speaking and was waiting for the sennin’s to reply. It seemed though that the room would be filled with a nervous and tense awkwardness. It was like a date, neither side would want to make a noise as such, nothing but silence would fill the room. The Main Branch sennin broke the silence luckily.

Both the dog’s mouth, and the human’s mouth were agape. The way this sennin was addressing the daimyo or former daimyo whichever she was completely rude and lack luster. He seemed to not know who she was, but really how does one of the leaders of the branch actually not know who someone who the daimyo was. That was just ignorant. Clenching his jaw a bit Hissori did his best to not speak out of turn.

This man seemed to not have any idea what was going on in the village. Furthermore, he didn’t understand that they were getting confirmation right here, and if Haruka was being hostile she could just as easily been holding their former leaders body for ransom. Maybe it was that the gravity of the situation was not sitting in, or maybe Hissori and Buru was just incredibly over reacting to what was going on, but whatever it was Kamaru began to start to talk to Haruka.

What he was saying was certainly true, but there was also a bit of façade to what he was saying in Hissori’s opinion. He was talking about how Haruka’s main goal was to kill them all. It was honestly, a truthful but ironic argument that he was trying to give. On one hand, the three of them had been called in to talk about disposing of Endo, but now the person who did dispose of him was here, she was being treated like a criminal. Would that have meant that ultimately, Hissori and lot would have been criminal too if they had achieved their goal?

Then though it came to the comments about strength. Everything he was saying was certainly true that sometimes the mightiest people were the people who did not show their strength. Then furthermore he was suggestion that Haruka wanted to kill Endo just to show off her strength and was using his tyranny as a cover for her egotistical ways. Of course, Haruka could not really tell which was the right answer as he only had one interaction with her, but at this point had she done anything to warrant this mistrust? Hypothetically, if she was a thief for taking the life of Endo, wasn’t this room filled with thieves as the three of them were about to plan his ousting?

At this point, Hissori’s emerald green eyes would meet with the man’s speaking, and it seemed like Hissori was about to explode, he wanted to talk he needed to talk, but couldn’t now though he had to listen though, and this was driving the young Medical Sennin insane. He did though complement her on the fact that she had offered advice about what to do with the messenger that had to be killed. It was an obvious answer that probably every sennin agreed on, but that really had to be pressed to the backburner as right now they needed to focus on their own village’s problems. Then adding to head turning of these events, Kamaru turned his attention back to Haruka’s own advances.

Hissori honestly, did not know in depth about every singular tradition or event that Iwagakure had ran in its pass, but if it had gotten them into the position that they were in now, wouldn’t that show maybe they weren’t the most affective?

Kamaru did not seem remorseful at all to address this women such a poor and lowly fashion. IT was a mistake in Hissori’s mind, but again it was just what he thought, and it was with that Kamaru seemed to end his rant about Haruka.

After all of that the pause from Kamaru would open the floor up to the other sennin’s, and that was it Hissori could finally release. Hissori could finally speak his time. It was finally his time. That was until he felt something move from under him. Buru was making his move. That damned dog.

Swiftly moving from his prone position at Hissori’s feet, Buru knew exactly where he was going. Climbing up onto Haruka’s lap at the head of the table, he placed his two front paws on the table and cleared his throat. The heavy dog certainly knew how to get the attention of the group by making such a bold move. Clearing his throat one more time, he began to do the unthinkable; he began to speak.

”Look at yourselves, all of you. Do you really see what you are doing? As lady Lightning said previously the three sennin’s, Lightning, Nanamoto Kamaru, and my companion Ii Hissori were all assembled here to do what Lady Haruka had already done. You’ll were all brought here to end the rule of Endo, and that was done. I have sat through sixteen years of shinobi and medical training constantly and listening much like one of your own children would have. Today though, today is something I have never seen.

The Death of a great leader is one that is often never happily received regardless of the manner in which they ruled. Kirigakrue when through a similar problem when we lost our Mizukage Yojimbo. My companion and I were but loyal medics at the time, but we remember the tension and nervous that spread through the village like a poison. It is the very tension that will radiate out of this room, and into the village from this day forward!

Man called Kamaru, you speak as if you three are infallible. You speak as if everything Lady Haruka the former daimyo, and a shinobi of this village is nothing but a common and petty thief caught for stealing bread in the markets of your common’s slums. However, in return I have seen this women personally handle duties that you seem so out of touch to deal with that we cannot even consider your voice of opinion a valid one because you don’t even know what branch she belongs too! While the answer is going to be a tough one to find, the answers and rudeness given is completely unacceptable, and I warn everyone do conduct yourselves like you are ALL the Kage for this village, because coming out of here one of you very may well be.

Now if you will Lady Haruka, there is an itch behind my left ear, can you get it for me?”
Buru had a deep animalistic rumble in his tone, and his piercing blue eyes were looking out upon them. Normally, he had been told not to speak, but it seemed a bit obvious to how these humans were handling the situation, they all were going to come out losers, and this dog was not one to see another village fail like his homeland did, the frost was not coming here. With his piece being said, Buru would slide into a rest position, have his body on Haruka’s lap, the other half lounging on the table. Again he seemed docile, but Hissori now looked angry and embarrassed.

Throughout this whole speech, Hissori’s eyes were staring daggers at his dog. His face, was tinted red with either embarrassment or anger at the fact that his dog, who shouldn’t have been talking had decided to talk to them in such a manner. He would have to apologize, but he had to figure out the proper way to speak about his dog’s insolence. Right when Hissori was about to open his mouth, Buru though sprang into action again. This time though was a bit more animal like.

After the couple of minutes of probable dumb silence that the people were in, Buru had heard something. Something was coming to the door. Leaping off of Haruka’s lap, the white wolf faced the door starting to bark. His bark was an incredibly loud one, and it sounded mean. He made a great guard dog it would seem that would be until the man stepped into the room.

Almost immediately Buru’s body positioning changed. It was someone from his homeland! It was an ally! Or someone who was an ally. Anyway, he moved over towards him sniffing him, inhaling the still faint scent of ocean breeze and mist that seemed to cling to ever Kiri shinobi.

“A kiri! A kiri! A Kiri!” The white wolf would bark happily as he seemed to run around him his tail wagging happily. Hissori was a little more guarded with his thoughts of what it meant that a former shinobi from mist was doing here. It had been years since he had seen Hira, and of course he recognized the ANBU captain who had helped him evacuating the village as the freeze came to destroy it.

Hissori was defiantly more worried about Hira’s presence than his dog. While Buru was excited and happy to see a face from his old village, Hissori was nervous and worried. What could he want? From the looks of it, he was being a lot more aggressive than when Haruka came and this made him incredibly worried. Maybe he was hired to kill the rest of the room as he was working for someone else? However, when he noticed the scroll in his hand, he seemed to have a better understanding of what was going on.

It used to be an old trick to carry the bodies of fallen shinobi back from missions in those scrolls so they could be buried and properly celebrated, was this the case here?

“I will assume that this in this scroll the body of Endo lies entombed, Hira?” Hissori said in a low cautious tone as he slowly reached to take the scroll back into the possession of the village. He chose to use the common language of the world instead of their native tongue of he could also communicate this fact with the rest of the village as he watched him.

As he continued to talk he seemed to make his side known, it was with Haruka. Hissori didn’t know which to side to take at this point, but at least it seemed that Hira would not attack without the consent of Haruka as he was serving him so as long as Haruka stayed calm, Hissori did not have to worry about battling a former Kirigakure shinobi.

With Hira it seemed like the flood gates were open. Many random people seemed to start to come in. First was the student that Hissori had saved from dying Gasu. Concerned now bloomed in the chest of Hissori as the strawberry blonde medic saw Gasu come in. He seemed to immediately get defensive when it came to Hira and he said something that Hissori did not really know. He really needed to teach himself the native tongue of this land at some point, which would probably come next on his list of miscellaneous things to do. Even if he was a student, he was entitled to an opinion, and honestly it probably was an important one because if it reflected the youth of the village the young shinobi would much rather follow Haruka than anyone else provided. However, Gasu exposed himself in his ignorance of what a sennin could actually do.

To Hissori’s knowledge in this village, the sennins could not go against the Kage as he was their ruler, but if they were not doing what this leader wanted they could just as easily throne out of power, than having Gasu’s head severed from his shoulders by the sennin he was trying to insult.

None of this situation was good, and more importantly Gasu was putting himself in danger with basically everyone in this whole room. He needed to leave now! And more importantly they the sennins needed to get back to work. The problem was that this kid was trying to make himself to be something more, he was just a student, and nothing much in fact it, the question on whether or not would reach the rank of shinobi would be a lucky occasion for him. With him finishing his speech though, Hissori was about to open his mouth to try to get Gasu to leave when a noise from behind Gasu came. There was another person.

Even if Hissori did not know, it seemed that this young female was the sibling of Gasu. She was also one of the former Kage’s guardsmen. As any shinobi would be, Hissori was pretty engaged to see someone like this at the moment. Regardless of what the room’s opinion was on Endo, it was this ladies duty to protect him. It was probably the most important mission in the village, and she had failed, miserably.

Sitting forward in his chair he continued to listen to her chastise Gasu about being here, and maybe that would be good enough to get him to leave. However, her continuing on was something rather anyone. At this point there was way too many surgeons in the operating room and a couple of them were defiantly not qualified to handle the knife. His nails dug enough wooden table a bit as he finally snapped a bit.

“ENOUGH! Everyone! The only opinions who actually are important here are Lady Haruka, Sennin Lightning, and Sennin Kamaru. Gasu! You need to leave now. This is not your fight, go back to the academy or the hospital and wait there. Now for you former Kage Guard member. I don’t know if how the Kage guard works here, but where I came from the Kage Guard wasn’t paid to think and speak their opinion, they were paid to protect their kage, which by the way you failed, so please, either shut up and stand there quietly until we as sennin discuss if you and the rest of your guard should even be kept on as shinobi or get out. You are not needed here because guess what, the kage you were sworn to protect died, and for some reason you are still alive.” Hissori spat in annoyed tone, people really needed to learn their place.

Now, Hissori would turn his attention to Hira as he drew a breath, while still angry at his meeting, at least he brought something worthwhile.

Hira, В то время как я благодарю вас за возвращение тела к этой группе , мне нужно, чтобы либо ждать снаружи , или тихо сидеть , а также. Мы можем догнать позже Hissori said in a low tone that he felt confident in saying that only he and the purple hair man would know what he actually said, after all no one else was from Kirigakure, and at this point in the world’s life, his true tongue was a dead language.

Drawing in a breath he gave a low apology for his outburst towards the people at the table, and turned to see Gasu leaving. Ultimately, even if Hissori had not been as harsh sound as he was, he would have figured out a way to get Gasu to leave, it was for his safety after all, he just didn’t want him to die. However, also as soon as Gasu said his last words and left, Megami started to speak again.

It would seem though by her words that Hissori was the only one on a different page. It was like he was reading from a different book nothing that was being said made sense. First of all Megami made it seem like they were on higher ground to do this. In fact, she made it seem the sennins who had gathered in this room today to basically commit treason against their commanding officer were on the higher ground where as if they had been caught by Endo they would have been executed just like Haruka had been if she had been bested in battle.
Then she talked about tradition, about how they were supposed to have this famed tournament to decide who should be the next Kage for this village.

“I believe a tournament to decide the next kage is the worst possible idea to cross at this moment. What does a tournament ACTUALLY prove? It only proves who can fight better. In what world will that actually help in leading a village? Cool Shinobi A is the best fighter in the village. Excellent, let’s go send him to kill another Kage.

You see that is the problem with this village? People like Endo were only focused on power. He ruled over the shinobi with an iron fist just like the shinobi rule over the inner Marushi with an iron fist. You people don’t understand that while up here in the Arcadia, living the lives of heroes and villain’s people down in Inner Marushi are struggling to survive. It is absolutely deplorable.

Furthermore, you talk about this tradition of a tournament you all do, My Lightning you said it yourself that tradition was broken thirty years ago when this place did not have a kage all the way up to when Endo took power. That isn’t a tradition, that is a habit, and it is that habit of people in power who only understands the kunai that has gotten this village to a brink of war. It is THAT reason that you personally assembled us to this room to throw Endo out of power.

Then when it comes to this tradition of trail by battle. What does it exactly prove? Am I looking something over that I clearly haven’t spent my years wandering the world understood? A person could win the battle and at best, they are the better fighter, and at worse the dice known as fate rolled in their favor on that day. A battle really proves absolutely nothing, because taking myself as a person example. In one day, I may get lucky and best everyone in this room in battle, but does that exactly make me the best fighter and candidate for the Kageship? Absolutely not, because I know for a fact, this purple hair man is a better leader than I was when we were both in Kirigakure, and then also we were both in Kirigakure, and from the obvious looks of it Lady Haruka is a better fighter than me.

I would go as far to say that you all are being hypocritical. You all are talking about peace, and wanting it. You all are talking about avoiding this war with whatever village Endo wanted to attack and killed the messenger of, yet you actually are wanting to promote a battle to figure out who should rule. Basically, what you are paying lip service to the way everyone wants this village to run yet you are promoting the old ways of Endo’s rules.

What I would have to suggest is that we let Haruka see how she handles this problem with this foreign village to actually see if she can avoid the war, and then if she does she has proven be the best of both worlds. She will have been a strong enough fighter to kill Endo, and a smart enough politician to peacefully solve a war that could wipe out the might of this village.”
Hissori said slowly trailing off as he looked around the room. With everything that happened, Hissori wonder how his opinion was taken or if would just be ignored like the rest of the unwanted opinions the sennins should have heard.

MTF 4000+
TL;DR its a roleplay, I worked 3 days on it, read it. Reading is good for you![

Edit: I was informed by overseer lord Sunuke that I needed to provide a translated part of my Mizugo so here it is: "Hira While I thank you for returning the body to this group, I need you to either wait outside, or sit quietly as well. We can catch up later."


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
And so, a speech was given by the one who was the most quiet. Kane entered the hallway of the conference room of where the meeting had been. He was tracking down Hira through his chakra signature using his Senjutsu chakra. The thing was, Hira wasn't alone. He recognized the chakra of one other that he knew, Ryujin Koyoko. Kane had missed the speech of the dog, that would have interested Kane a lot if he had heard that. A talking dog? Now that would be interesting.

Kane would be wearing his normal get up. A Kirigakure blue kimono with a long black robe that covered his entire get up. Kane had done something that he had previously and purposely left out, he had put the Kirigakure logo on his robe now. A small logo over where his heart would be and on the back of the robe across the upper back. The symbol was in silver to compliment off the black robe. Killing that pirate that day back in moon and taking his robe was one of Kane's better situations. Not perfect obviously, but it was a smarter decision than letting the pirate live. Plus, who doesn't like a little blood shed every now and then? The Kirigakure mercenary stood at nearly six feet tall with long black hair and today, his eyes were an emerald green, not exactly glowing, but had a chakra shine to them. None of the people here would know what exactly was going on with Kane's eyes but Kane did. His Chakra

Kane would enter the room quietly, standing almost directly behind Ryujin Koyoko. He wouldn't say a word, but his dark sage chakra would be felt well enough by the Ryujin. It had become a more sadistic and darker feeling than what she would remember from the gates. Kane was also in a slightly pissed off mood. He still hadn't found Koa but he knew what her mission was for coming to Stone now. It was to come here and make sure Haruka became Kage. They were Haruka's back up. And Kane would follow the mission as directed. None of these people, besides Haruka and Irotsuya, also known as Hira, mattered to him. The Kirigakure Shinobi stood there for a moment. Three sennin most likely, Haruka-san, Irotsuya-san, Koyoko-san and a wolf.... This will definitely be fun.

And then... The dark sage spoke. "Don't mind me. I'm just here to make sure my own personal goal or should I say my friend's personal goal, is completed. I wouldn't want to upset Lady Koa. Her ice can be such a pain sometimes but alas, she means well. But by all means, please continue this discussion." And with that, he stood there waiting to hear what else would be said. Koyoko could say anything she wanted, he wasn't leaving the room. They would have to kill him first.

He looked to Irotsuya and spoke "Я здесь, чтобы защитить Харука. Я обещал ее сестру я бы помочь сделать это все произойдет." and with that... the Kirigakure Mercenary held his peace.

[topic entered]

(OOC: I'm more a bystander. I'm not here to really interject much. But this thread is important to how my character develops, one way or another. So the play through of the topic is important for him)

(OOC2: love the post Joukuu!!!! buru can talk? WHAT!! xD)

EDIT: translation for above speech
I'm here to protect Haruka. I promised her sister I would help make it all happen


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012

Flat on the floor, a body draped in soft linens lay still. Cyan eyes staring upwards at the rotting ceiling of a small musty apartment, the arms of light from the sun prying through the tattered curtains to fall upon her pale skin. A slender hand gripping onto a cigarette as she stared into the smokey room, full of an artificial twilight. She did not smoke it, but let it burn in her hands in a soft red glow. Long black tresses pillowing her body from the muddy brown carpet below her body. She listened to quiet music, closing her eyes as she let it fill her mind, and the smoke fill her lungs. Peace. Tranquility... Interruption.

A broadcast, loud and booming, echoed through her man-made haven. Her body shooting up right, those cyan eyes staring forward at the tattered curtains as she listened to a female voice. "People of Iwagakure. . . Rejoice, as today is the day that you are freed from your tyrant's grips." The woman rose to her bare feet, dropping the cigarette, still burning, in an ash tray, and moving to the window, throwing the curtain open. Her eyes squinting as the light brutally blinded her, and she through the window open. The voice no longer muffled by the barrier, it continued to speak. "Inu Endo planned on war with any and all nations that he could get his hands on," Ah, yes, Kitanai was aware of this. In fact, she planned on doing something about it herself--so what was this female broadcasting about?

"As much as this notion is feared, it is my intention to use my political prowess to attempt to patch up any and all relations with the other Shinobi nations. I will make right what was wronged. Simply have faith in me to make a tight situation better. We may walk on egg shells for days or weeks after our ex-leader's treason, but I promise you that I will not allow this to lead into months nor years of tension and anger." It took her a minute, perhaps even more, to realize what this woman was saying. Her eyes widened as she listened to the woman talk about her new found political power. Her heart swelled up as she stared out the window into the voice of a new uprising. "Inu Endo has died."




"NO!" Kita's voice screeched through the stale air of the poor residential district. She slammed her window shut, and whipped around to the dresser as the woman continued to speak. "Damn! How could this happen!?" She rambled angrily to herself as she pulled on a white tank top and long black cargo pants, tucking them into a pair of black boots. And as the voice continued to broadcast outside, Kitanai froze as the female voice admitted to being the one to put him down. The black cat froze, her hands still on the dresser as she stood in the sound of the muffled broadcast. "Today, as preposterous as it may sound, I, Minamoto-Kono Haruka, the Twenty-third Daimyo, daughter of Mizukage Minamoto Taro, and the hand of Justice, will take up the mantle of the protectorate of this village. I, whether there is objection or not, take up the position of Tsuchikage as mandated by the old laws of Iwagakure. Where one falls, another must rise. And I will rise to the occasion. Any opposition, please take the time to sleep on it, perhaps mull over breakfast on it... Because I will not back down from the challenge of leading this great nation into something great. Sennin, we will meet on this later to discuss the implications of this situation. For now, Iwagakure, I hope you all have a wonderful day. Transmission, over." The strong shinobi hands that gripped the drawer of the dresser pulsed in white rage as she ripped the drawer from it's mother and threw it across the room. "Minamoto-Kono Haruka," She hissed as she pulled her hair into a high ponytail, the locks still falling past the small of her back, "I will find you today."
* * *​

She moved quickly towards the spike in the sky, her eyes blazing as she put on a pair of black gloves, to mask her finger prints, and moved swiftly inside, composing herself in sight of the receptionist. She stared at her for a moment, giving a brisk smile, "The offices are upstairs, right, dear, yeah, thanks." She didn't give her a moment to answer, and let the blonde continue to obnoxiously snap her bubble gum as she moved to the chakra powered elevator, and boosted herself upwards. She moved into the hallway, and began to whip open doors like a killer in a public restroom. One door at a time. Empty. Empty. Whoops, pardon me, I'm not looking for you. Empty. Empty. Em-- aha. The room was filled with all sorts of character, many of which she was not familiar with. In fact, she didn't know a single one. Her eyes flashed a few times, standing with her chest rising and falling with deep breaths of anger. She had stepped in just in time for a man to be speaking about the importance of the opinions of...

"Lady Haruka," Her voice repeated right after he spoke it, her eyes following his gaze to a blonde seated all prim and proper. Sapphire eyes and radiating skin--not something you would expect from a killer who had just destroyed the best job a hit man had ever received. "You bitch." She said simply, locking eyes with her. "Do you know how much money you just cost me?" Her voice was low, brutal, and shaking with rage. So much yen she was going to acquire, thrown down the drain by a hasty killing that was publicly announced. "And you broadcast it to the whole nation? Are you proud? Or are you stupid?" She shook her head a few times, looking around the conference room to the other people, giving a grim grimace. "I'm not crazy, right? Would any of you stand on your high horse and announce without anonymity that you had just slaughtered a political figure?" Her head would whip back to the woman, "I am not here to kill you. In fact, I wasn't really here to smack your hand at how unfathomably un-witty that move you made was. I'm here to let you know that you have put yourself in some grave danger with some dark and deep parts of Stone you probably don't even know exist."

There were so many people hired to have the head of Inu Endo for his rash acts. For his political statements. The rats of the sewer were promised a helluva lot of money for his head, only to find it was taken by them. They'd be angry no matter what--but they're certainly even angrier knowing exactly who it is, and that they're in a position of power now. Her bounty was raising as they spoke no doubt. That was the thing about being in power. That was the thing about being a little bit cocky about it. They'll always be a price on your head. "You have done yourself a grave danger, miss." Kitanai said sorrowfully, appearing to of settled down from her own anger. Her senses seeming to come in contact as she realized something rather important:

She had interrupted what was now appearing to be something...really interesting and vital.

Nakamura Hira

New Member
Aug 15, 2013
The pace had quickened. Energy was moving in and out of the space from multiple directions. A student came and went. Words with far more significance were entirely ignored. A former 'relative' of sorts had entered the fray. It was all becoming rather chaotic, and the chaos was intoxicating. Apparently, one key difference between Tsuchigakure and Kirigakure was that fewer people had a keen sense of place. After being addressed by the first entrant (Koyoko), he rebutted quickly.

I am Haruka-Sama's vassal. I am of foreign interest, and reside here presently to maintain a status quo. I will not be leaving this meeting unless my lady dismisses me. Your concern is appreciated.

Turning from that subject, he stared at Megami blankly for a moment. She might have spoken the most vacant words of any person in the room. Her responses were so entirely empty that there could be no proper response to them. For the moment, he disregarded her exactly as she had clearly disregarded the full gravity of the situation she was in. After all, people treat others how they wish to be treated.

After stating what needed to be stated, dust had only just began to settle. Upon first arrival, Hira had not identified Ii Hissori to be a patron in the group. A former comrade from his homeland was present, and in leadership in Stone Village? His blood boiled for a moment. The disappointment was something he didn't intend on showing here, but he had no other choice to return with some kind of answer.

Protocols change in place and time, Hissori-san. Садитесь . Предатель моей рода нет места , советуя мои действия . Вы должны считать себя счастливым , что я нахожусь в этой комнате на более высокой цели , Hissori.

Brushing his hair from his eyes, he placed the scroll containing Endo's body inside of his bag. How far the world had truly come. If it took this much effort to control people, the world was doomed to an ill fate. While Hissori spoke truth in the symbolic over-arching nature of the conversation at hand, it was useless. It was useless because people were motivated by self-interest to vie for power, when they had done nothing at all to earn it but act entitled. Haruka had killed the former Tsuchikage. No one wanted to see the reality as it was, even if it was painfully clear.

He waited quietly for any sign of speech from Haruka, silencing himself. He had faith in her ability to strike order. He simply watched the events of the day unfold. He gave a nod to Kane, who spoke in his homeland's tongue once more. It was as if Kirigakure had been resurrected, and the ghosts claimed by time and death had all emerged to play some phantasmal orchestra.

But then.

Some one woke up with the intention of making a mistake. Oh what a mistake it was. Entering the room with an insult as an introduction, she was more brazen than the student that had came and went moments before. Stepping between Haruka and the woman, he imposed with his physical stature. She had no place here.

Do not speak another word, or I will break every last vertebrae in your spine and shuck you until you are nothing but a husk bleeding out on the floor. It appears you have done yourself one far more grave.

Impudent knaves. Stone village had quickly revealed itself to be full of stubborn people with heads as hard as rocks. Hopefully they weren't as dumb. Hopefully nature had gifted them with some good sense.

Sit down. A traitor of my kind has no place advising my actions. You should consider yourself lucky that I am in this room on a higher purpose, Hissori.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank


"Tell you what, you can leave on your own accord or... *Draws massive weapon and points it at Hira* I can escort you in small crispy pieces..."

The level of disrespect had escalated out of control... more people began popping up from their oh so busy days to... spectate. One in specific thought it wise to raise disrespect in my direction after I gave clear instructions to leave the room... bad move. Even an infant knew not to make such bold sudden movements in the presence of its predator. I liked chopping people up... I liked chopping people up a lot... I was trying to get help with my obsession but pilgrims like this one kept me at my bad habits. Did he feel safe right now? Was there some outside force insuring his protection from me? I wonder... what other reason one would have... to talk back to me?

"...I'm starting to want to chop you up regardless of your choice... you have five seconds to comply... and I have already used up two of them with this warning. Everyone not a Sennin or Haruka... LEAVE!"

[ooc: I'm going to call a b mod next post if you all don't clear out or the sennin doesn't verbally request I stand down or excuse any of you to stay. Announcing this as a courtesy so that everyone who does not want to be held up in this topic for an extended amount of time until the B mod system is back, you have an opportunity to leave. The absence of a B mod system will not stop me from rping my character. @Sennin; ordering Koyoko to stand down is not a guaranteed solution FYI, it also depends on if she is further disrespected... once again I gotta stay true to my character. well, this was fun ;)]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
You currently cannot call a bmod, threatening to stall a topic with doing so is also a bad thing to do. Calling one now will not hold things up until the system is back online, it'll simply be ignored.


Nov 21, 2012
[legend=""Now it’s a PARTY!""]
The day had been pretty lax, Reishii had spent the day actually being a good student and was studying, she’d many things she wished to master if she wanted to become as strong as Haruka after all. She’d set herself up in a quiet part of the academy grounds and sat herself under a tree surrounded by books and scrolls, some for writing notes in, others for reading. “So… if I can mold two different elements together I get a new element… but how do I… Buuuh.” She bemoaned, bringing her head up from a scroll she’d been reading and resting her head against the tree, looking up at the leaves. “This is to hard! It’s hard enough to use ONE freaking element without hurting myself and now I gotta mix ‘em?!” She let out an exasperated sigh and closed her eyes, she’d always found herself to be rather talented so she was able to keep actual studying to a minimum, however that natural talent seemed to begin and end rather quickly and sensing that she’d decided to hit the books, it was a pain though as she’d never read to much in her entire life.

As the tiny teen reached up to rub at the bridge of her nose, a voice came on over the speaker systems that had been put in place around the village, so that people of importance could announce good or bad things and the courses of action the citizens could take. The voice that came on through however was one that Reishii had come to know. “Haru?” She said softly to herself inquisitively, a small smile on her face. She listened intently to the soothing voice of her surrogate mother and couldn’t help but chuckle, not at the fact that she had killed a man, nor the fact that she was proclaiming herself to be the new leader, but because she was staying true to her word. “The only thing that can kill you is old age… not even a kage can take you down… You’re creating a big gap for me to get across, Haru.” She smiled, getting up onto her feet and stretching a little. “Guess I better go congratulate her! Plus I haven’t seen her for a lil while and I want a damn hug!” She laughed and hastily packed away her study materials before dashing off to the spire.

She made her way through the strange halls of the spire, the building was nothing if not humongous and it would be easy to get lost, however that wouldn’t deter the young pyromaniac as she moved through the building, trying to open up each and every door she moved past on the way, most of them were indeed locked as would be expected but a few were open, though looked to be either boring, empty and unused room or were currently occupied by the higher ups of the village who simply gave her a look as she backed out apologizing. “There has got to be an easier way to do this!” She said loudly to herself and she continued to walk. After checking through what must have been three dozen rooms and checking well over a hundred doors, she spotted someone she recognised coming out of a room, Gasu. She waved over to him, “Hey! If it isn’t my favourite Mexican! The one armed bandit!” She said jovially and with a cheezy grin. “Did you come here to speak to Haru too! I guess she’s in that room huh?” She’d ask as she moved past him in a hurry, rushing to the door and pushing it on open with a big ole grin. Her emerald eyes looked around the room amazed at the amount of people already here, she even recognised one of the Sennin, Hissori, those who turned to the door would see a tiny girl wearing an odd looking hooded jacket, black and red in colour and with two horn like things protruding from the sides with bells on the end, luckily they seem to have been de-balled so they wouldn’t jingle, thankfully for the sanity of those around her. After a quick look around she realised she really did know a single person except for Hissori and Haruka, who happened to be her target. She waltzed on over to the blonde with a giggle on her breath and hopped on over the desk and onto the womans lap where she wrapped her arms around the womans neck and snuggled her cutely. “Jeez! You know I won’t catch up to you if you keep getting more and more badass!” She chuckled softly and then looked around at the others. “So, is this some kinda party for Haru-mama!? Whose bringing the alcohol and cake!” She asked honestly, having misread the situation clearly, not that she really cared, she was happy for Haruka and wanted to celebrate with what seemed to be her peers, in her young eyes anyway.

[ooc – dun worry about the posting order for me, I’ll pop in if I’m addressed directly and what not :3 keep this moving smoothly as can be~ =D]
[ooc 2 - also if Gasu wishes, he can choose to be stopped or not by this post, up to himself~]
Jul 18, 2014
Gasu looked at Reishii as she passed by, seeing all the joy at her face. How long had it been since he felt joy or pleasure...? He looked to his own hands for a second, before he made fists, and walked back into the room, alongside Reishii. He smiled to her, finally understanding something. Even in death and despair, you could have fun with a friend, couldn't you? Gasu intensified his sharingan, as he thought he heard the cracks of another wall breaking. He thought 'Father... i will honor you soon...' when he finished blinking and talking to himself, he looked up to the group. Gasu then did something only a fool would, or someone who has had enough. Gasu put a hand to his eye, as flames coated his right arm and then he twirled it around, turning it into another element, the essence of the earth, Lava. He broke the orb, as it turned into ash and flew into the air. 'Would it matter if i gave it another try...?' He stepped forward, and then screamed. "I know i have made a fool of myself today in your eyes... but currently the statistics here are more then 3 against 1 in Haruka's case! But that doesn't matter now..." his thoughts tried to hit him, '...Would it matter at all?' He spoke loud, "All the chances I have been given are slim and far between, but in this case I have learned something about Iwagakure! We all are powerful in our own way! If we are strength by ourselves, why do we bicker? Because what we all want is not what is best for any of us! Only those who agree are those who are like minded in their ends!" His thoughts, why did they try to betray him? 'Would anybody care if you lived...?' Gasu gripped his head for a moment, but then continued "I am a Shinobi! I have given my body and my soul for my village" He ripped open his cloak, revealing his 3rd degree burns all over his torso, and his missing left forearm. If the ANBU sennin had got the correct reports on one of the last AIT exams, she would know what happened to him. "If my own leaders kill me, if my own brothers and sisters murder me, I will not care! For In the end, I have given all i can for my family, my friends, and my village! Everyone here who stands with me, knows what I mean! If we don't agree, Iwagakure will be destroyed by its own sins and greed! We need a leader! Which one of you is stepping up other then Haruka? She is doing what I am doing here, Going up infront of a group that can easily kill her if they tried, all to make a change they believe in! My very blood and my very honor is on the line.. my Family honor! If we die today for our belief, and our self-sacrifice... then all those who murder can see is the darkness. I stand before you as Ryujin Gasu, The ninja who dreams of one day being someone who matters... someone who wants to be better... But my time has not come yet... Yours is in order! Listen to your own souls, ask yourselves... "What will my ideals lead to in the future"? "Who will like my ideals, who will hate my ideals?" But most importantly, "Am I serving my king with these Ideals? Am I serving my village.. my children... my brothers.. my sisters... all of my family... the way they deserve to be treated? Or am I just simply doing what is best for a select one of us?" Gasu took a breath, as he then stepped back, and finished "Thank you for heading my words..." The daemons inside... they kept on asking him questions... Who is your king...? If you died here.. what does it accomplish? Will you love yourself or regret everything?" They were questions he wanted answers to, but he knew that if he tried to answer them, in the end it would simply make it worse.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
