Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

What must be done (Private)


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Part of traveling to Suna, he had arranged for his family to find a place to stay in Soon's Haven. The Harbor was full of life, and Hisao enjoyed the sea. He had an important ritual to complete with his family, as part of the next stage of his Wuyue, his five mountains. We have 3 mountains here ready to be formed, but first I must guide them to being ready for their roles. One final step, how ever unfortunate that step may be. He nodded to Yong, sitting in the corner sipping his ever present tea.

Hisao gathered the children in front of him, ready for the next stage of their development. He had given them one allowance in their upbringing, and it was time to correct the mistake the old man had made. We need warriors, not children, and its time to help them move to the next stage. They sat obedient, loyalty to Hisao ingrained in the very fibre of their being. Observing their surroundings, looking for the next trial or test.

”Kiko, Joben, Seijun,” Hisao looked at each one in turn, making eye contact without fear of their Sharingan, before continuing, ”Your training has been hard, as we have forged you into what you are now. But as Shinobi you still have one weakness in you, and even a single imperfection can destroy even the hardest steel. It’s time for that imperfection to be removed. Atsume?”

Hisao’s daughter moved into the room carrying a katana on a pillow. He had told her of the ritual he would be taking them through, a final test of will. She knelt next to the fire-pit in the center of the room and placed the blade into the coals. Hisao slowly paced over to the fire, the triplet’s attention riveted to him. ”I was born of Kohona, and in the land of fire, we have the Will of Fire. The village betrayed me, but I never betrayed my homeland. I have created the Wuyue with my own hands, and now I am extending those hands to you.” Taking a grip on the handle of the katana, he ignored the heat.

”In order for you to inherit that Will of Fire, weakness must be culled.” Looking into his daughter’s eyes, he thought about a time, long ago, when he would have hesitated, or blamed his coming actions on The Voice that he had long since removed from his head. Placing his hand on Atsume’s cheek he spoke softly, ”Thank you daughter, your service to this family has always been selfless.” In one movement, he drew the sword from the coals and struck, moving with unnatural speed.

”Don’t look away, watch. Focus on what has just happened. Let the anger burn into you, but control it. There is no reversing it, it is done, so harness it, use it. Your mother is gone and nothing will bring her back. Your weakness has been removed.” Ignoring the sound of Atsume’s body falling, he stared intently at his grandchildren, and suppressed a smile. He could see the turmoil fighting on each of their faces, and more importantly he could see the tomoe of their eyes change, elongating into variations of the Mangekyou patterns. Well done daughter, your children did not waste your sacrifice.

WC: 549


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Yong subconsciously kept vigil on his gently boiling teapot, the tealeaves stirring through the pure water under the gentle influence of a subtle gravity seal engraved on the inside. The tea ready, he poured himself a cup of the barely steaming, light green liquid. His old eyes watched on impassively as his old student called the kneeling triplet's mother into the room. She was well aware of the sacrifice she was about to make for her children, voluntarily extinguishing her own candle to fuel the children's own power. She was the catalyst.

The heated blade cauterized the fatal wound instantly as the precise executioner struck off his own daughters head for the sake of her children.

The uncomfortably mouth watering smell of burnt human flesh filled the senses of the old demon before he cleared it away with a large mouth-full of his aromatic tea. His supernatural precognitive senses warned him of the impending retaliation as Hisao concluded speaking. His demonic senses picking up the girls intentions possibly before she knew she was going to act herself.

His world turned to a deep shade of purple as he sliced time into more useful pieces. His old, wrinkled hand gently and carefully placed his cup of tea onto the ground. A few 'old man' grumbles were uttered as he 'slowly' stood up and walked to his statue like grandchildren. He had known that at least one of the children would act, it was what they had been trained to do after all. He let a grin come over his aged face as he observed his only granddaughter's currently passive expression despite her mothers ultimate sacrifice.

"I am glad it was you Kiko-chan, just between you and me you have always been my favourite."

She would not hear the words...

He returned his expression to that of cold observation. Gently placing the tips of his fingers onto her forehead, Yong pulsed demonic chakra through her body (Body Bind). He breathed out gently as he returned once more to normal, relative time.

A look of shock came over his granddaughters features as the bind took full effect.

"You have not yet surpassed your ancestors lass, to strike prematurely is to invite destruction"

The girls lips moved slowly though no sound was emitted, an impressive act in itself considering the chakra bind holding her in place. Yong looked at his fingertips touching her forehead, light blue flame raced across his old skin, quickly igniting half his torso and face.

A gasp of realisation escaped the girls throat as she suddenly comprehended that she had been the source of the Amaterasu that now burned her grandfathers skin from muscle at a startling rate.

The old sage slowly and intentionally removed the chakra bind on the girl, lowering his now aflame arm to his side. Both hands lifted slightly away from his body, palms turned forward and fingers repeating esoteric handseals. His still burning body lifted into the air, floating with his toes a few inches off of the ground (magnetism mastery).

"Impressive child..."

The unnatural flames scorched through muscle now, teeth easily visible through absent skin. Oily dark smoke began to plume off of his rapidly carbonising body. He floated away from his three progeny, though still facing their direction.

" manifest such a clean Amaterasu so soon after the ritual..."

He looked down calmly at the blackening flesh of his burning arm, tracing the fingers of his other hand through the flames. The flame spread to his fingertips as he raised his now burning left hand to inspect the consuming fire closely. He looked across all three of his grandchildren as he lowered his hands and began a gentle descent.

"The power in the blood that courses through your veins feeds off of suffering, terror and violence. Your's or other's it matters not. Know this. Accept this."

His toes touched cold stone as the blue flames blinked from existence and the scorched flesh and bone reknit itself as if reconstructed by the mystical hand of a clever god. His wounds fully healed by the time his toes touched the floor.

Tears began to swell under the girls bright red Sharingan, she looked up to her grandfather both literally and metaphorically.

"I am sorry..."

He interrupted her words with his own, affectionately whipping a tear from the girls cheek.

"Never be sorry. Never feel remorse. Embrace these truths and you three will be gods of this realm. Then, and only then will you be strong enough..."


Sequestered in the rafters above the five humans lay two tiny, blue gnome things. They observed the events below, considering it their duty and privilege to follow the old man and report to the Hag if he did anything weird.

The smaller of the two nudged the other with a laugh.

"The ol' git dn'nt half-stroke what he been self imaginin'."

The other nodded sternly.

"Ei', wha' a twat!"

[OOC: topic entered. 820 words.]


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Hisao’s Doujutsu caught the movement of his friend Yong, the familiar purple smudge to his chakra meant that he was taking action. Hisao did not react, not that he could in time, trusting his friend was acting as he needed to. He had sense the anger from Kiko forming, but had expected more restraint from her. Yong had obviously felt the intent to attack and acted on it, binding her in place. Thus preventing the need to correct the behaviour with harsher measures, well done brother.

Seeing the Amaterasu take hold on Yong caused Hisao’s eyebrows to raise, impressed as he was. Its been seconds since her Mangekyou formed, and she already has lashed out by instinct. We did wonders obviously. She will have to be monitored closely. Allowing Yong to finish his lesson with the girl, he waiting for the fire to die out, and his wisdom to be imparted.

”Kiko, Joben, Seijun, I think that is enough for today. Go to your training, find the limits of your new abilities. We will be along for sparring later.” Waving his hand at his grandchildren, he ignored Atsume’s corpse for now. He would deal with it later. It wasn’t going anywhere. The triplets stood, bowed to their masters and walked out of the room, as they were instructed. Old habits cause him to draw his flask and take a sip, though the emotional attachment to the movement no longer existed.

Gesturing to the departed students, he spoke to Yong: ”Well, that went perfectly. All three of them. We have managed to not waste any of our time. Looks like your wild pup you picked up was the catalyst we needed to produce excellent shinobi.” Taking another sip, he walked to the map he had on the wall. Konoha had a kunai in it, as did Suna and Kumo. All locations they intended to plant roots in. ”I know Migoya is doing his thing making alliances, but I think we need to consider our own power base. We cannot always be begging for scraps from the Myakashi Clan.”

”We need our own place to establish power. Room to train and recruit. Space for workers and expansion. Snow or Marsh Country would do nicely. They are both central to each village. Snow would be best, an island is easier to control. We would need a demonstration first. Something to show we mean business. And a name, though I already have a suggestion for that. Wuyue. The Five Great mountains. Myself Saikō Kengen as the leader, and Songshan as the centre mountain. Yourself shall be Hunan, the southern mountain, with Kiko, Joben, Seijun, being Taishan, Huashan and Shanxi respectively or East, West and North.”

Turning to his friend, he waiting for his responses. ”Anything else we can come up with as we go, I just wanted the core defined. What do you think?”

WC: 480


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Yong reached into his seemingly endless satchel and removed a second teacup. He poured the warm tea into the cup and offered it to his brother.

"Yes the children will be great weapons with further training. They show so much promise."<i></i>

He took another sip of his own cup as Hisao spoke briefly on his plans to make some sort of organisation.

”These names, titles, badges... Symbolism does not hold much weight to me. I don't mind helping you if you need it though, could be fun."<i></i>

Yong spoke cheerfully, gently blowing the steam from the warm china teacup he now held in both hands. He took another sip before placing the tea onto the ground once more.

"But... If you think a little formal structure would be good for the children then by all means call me what ever you want. Perhaps some active field work to develop these new skills."<i></i>

Removing a dog-eared cigarette from seeming empty space behind his ear, Yong pointed to the recently inhumed woman laying unceremoniously where she had fallen.

"You move on so quick brother, dismissing miracles as almost common place. Today we controlled raw nature, forced evolutions hand. I think have come to a realisation brother, I think our place is not to control this world, allies in the shadows and such things. No Hisao, I am pretty sure we are the cancer we were seeking to cut from it.

Perhaps we are not here to heal the injustices. Perhaps we are here simply to kill and revel in the act. It is what we are made for after all...

This world has changed, you have seen it yourself. Shinobi squabble over politics, trade agreements and money. Kage send messages about festivals and parties whilst the humans revel in their corpulence. This world is to loud, to lazy, to fat... ripe for the slaughter... I can feel it in my blood Hisao... I feel it..."

He let the words trail off as he reached for his cup whilst taking a drag on the seemingly magically ignited cigarette.

He gave his brother a friendly grin, his old eyes wrinkling at the edges like crinkled paper.

"I get the feeling I may need to kill them all Hisao. I think I may have became a Kami at some point... Not sure when so don't ask... And I'm pretty sure I'm not one of the good ones..."<i></i>

He gave his brother a gentle nudge with his elbow and a conspiratorial wink.

"Lets not even get started on what the hell you are..."<i></i>

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
