Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Survival 201 - ITS TIME TO DUAL!!!!

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
The background of the day was a beautiful tone of birds cheeping away, the quiet voices of students rushing down the corridors. Teachers talking to each other in rapid succession, each one was in a rather argumentative talk. Takeshi smiled as he walked past, out of the academy and into the training grounds, of course, this was the practical part of the lesson, but with a bit more of a twist. This would be how they reacted with each other and of course the teacher.

Let us see how they handle everything, let’s start with a simple bit of fun

His hands coming out as a single clone of the teacher popped up in front of him, his eyes admiring the figured for a few seconds before nodding to the clone. I walked away and took his normal standing position at the front of the training ground, hands behind back waiting for the students to join in. Takeshi instantly brought his hands together quickly and a cloud of smoke appeared around him.

Clearing up there stood a ten-year-old boy, one that had black hair, emo fringe and was frail it was a student he had to remember from back in the days. One that would blend in and suit this situation perfectly. Anyone joining it would simply appear that it was a student that had arrived early and before the rest. While the teacher maintained eye contact he allowed himself to smile slightly.

Tricks and traps are the way of a Shinobi, let’s see how these students do with today’s lesson.

[OOC Rules:]
• 48 hour post limit please keep to it, I want this to move at a quick pace.
• Strike system is as follows: - Failure to post in time gets a strike, three strikes you lose out on class rewards
• Last rule is to have fun and enjoy yourselves.
[Topic Entered]

Uchiha Yuuko

New Member
Jul 30, 2017
Yuuko had been wondering the academy, and heard there was some sort of a lesson or class today. Being curious and such, she had to find the classroom by herself which had been the training grounds. She had not cared much about finding this place by herself. Yuuko had made her into the training grounds officially and saw a student inside...?! Huh? Well, this is kind of nice. Perhaps she can try and talk to this person and get to know them? Yuuko was a bit hesitant, but spoke to the emo fringed looking student...

Not wanting to really acknowledge the teacher or anything, Yuuko had wanted to wait til this class had actually started before saying a word to the teacher person.

"Helllo..?!" Yuuko whispered, but hadn't gotten a response from this person. Were they asleep? Bored? Lazy? Who knows?

After she had confronted that student to see if they spoke. Well, guess they don't speak after all.... Oh well, whatever then. She ignored that student, looking in front of her and occasionally at the training grounds entrance.

"Huh, well, I guess we'll see if anymore people join up aside from this...student" She whispered to herself, hoping the student couldn't hear her talk to herself like some maniac. It was a bit weird to talk to yourself and all that and best to keep it in your own head.

Yuuko was inexperienced with a lot of things still.

[Word Count: 231]

[Topic Entered]

Hiyasu Shiori

New Member
Apr 22, 2017
Shiori had been waiting for a few days for the anticipated follow up to his last lesson. He had finally seen the slip on the board, and eagerly noted down the details. He had actually rather enjoyed the last one, finding it challenging to examine his own motivations and then work out how to present them, if such views should even be publicly shared.

He had no idea there were so many in training in the academy. Up until that last lesson, they had seemed so few, only himself, Megu, Hiroshi, Yuukio and Kaori. But in taking this class, he had learnt the truth. There were many more shinobi here wanting to advance and walk their own paths to the top.

Shiori smiled a little as he walked outside, fiddling with his ring. He would be better than all of them. Not today, not tomorrow. But eventually. Eventually he would stand astride this village like a colossus. He would be remembered forever as the best. The others would be footnotes in his tale, not the other way around.

He eventually happened upon the training ground, finding the teacher and two students already present. Neither were from the last class. It seemed that Takehsi’s classes, already burgeoning with students, were becoming ever more popular. He wondered what the secret was. Maybe that he was so prolific? He seemed to spend all his time doing something here in the academy. He nodded his head at the teacher, a mirror of last time.

“Hello again, sir. I’m here for the next lesson. I am looking forward to it.”

He looked at the students after, offering a nod. One was a frail boy, his small stature giving no clues about his age. The other girl was older than Shiori. He had never seen her before either. He was finding the influx of new students very interesting. He hoped that they had unique views that Shiori could reflect on.

WC- 330 [330]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
It would appear as though they would still be sticking around Leaf for a few more days. Kiri wasn’t exactly sure what Junko was up to, but he was certain that the latter was preparing for something important. He never did get to understand what it was in Sand that his adoptive father was after, especially since he was more like an extra baggage in this journey, made to come along because of the condition of his release from Kumogakure’s prison. Nevertheless, he would have to oblige with Junko’s will. For now though, since the medical sennin was seemingly busy in Konoha for something unknown to Kiri, it was only apt that the blonde would make sure he never missed an opportunity to grow.

At that, he once again came along the academy grounds hoping to find something interesting listed along the boards. The previous class was rather colorful, to say the least, with students from different backgrounds and seemingly diverse personalities. The teacher was, of course, the ANBU Captain he had met at the gates, and though he wasn’t expecting it from the beginning, he was amazed at how he handled the class. Normally it could get chaotic, or maybe he expecting that somewhere along the class he’d summon that undead assistant of his, or that bone monster or… well, Kiri had been thinking since the gate incident and he wondered if he could somehow get another opportunity to take on the said man, even if by sparring.

And perhaps he could. Eyes quickly found a posting showing the second part of a survival class. Immediately, it came together and Kiri knew he had to join for this was the very same class as before. But seeing how it was now the second part, and the location was the training grounds, it was certain that this was the practical aspect of it. A little workout would help him ease up again. And if, indeed, an opportunity will rise for him to encounter the teacher was in sight, all the more favourable.

Following the direction given by a guide, Kiri would soon find himself entering what seemed to be a rather wide training ground. It was definitely different from Kumogakure’s, though the usual training grounds he used back home was the arena’s, still it seemed as though Leaf was quite prepared, if not thoroughly advanced in their planning. And at the center of the grounds were three figures, Takeshi , that Shiori kid from the previous class, and a student he had to meet. Kiri waved at the teacher’s direction, making his presence known without having to call out as he approached them.

But he stopped midway. He glanced about for a bit before eyes narrowed along the teacher and the boy. It was a bit worrisome, he thought, as it felt strange, but he couldn’t really put a word to it. Then he would notice another student along the sitting areas. He nodded at her direction before he began to approach those in the centre. And as if he would come closer, he would stop once, a brows furrowing before he crossing his arms.

“I swear, something is always strange but I guess I’ll be up for your surprises. Here to join your class, again… Takeshi-san” said Kiri with an emphasis to the teacher’s name.

[WC: 556]

Yeong Su Han

New Member
Jul 7, 2017
Another morning, another cup of instant coffee made just the way he liked it. The smell of it alone was almost enough to perk him right up. Per his usual routine, he stirred the grounds into a carefully measured cup of pre-boiled water with the same container the grounds had been contained in. He usually found that by the time the paper container began to dissolve in the hot water, that the grounds would be mixed enough to drink. Tossing the soggy mess into a nearby waste bin, he took the first sip of the day and sighed contentedly.

As his eyes reopened to the world, the first thing to stand out to him was the pamphlet resting on his dresser. It was already creased in a number of places where it had been folded. A corner of it was stained where he had dripped some coffee on it by accident, but otherwise, it was wholly recognizable as the survival instructions he had been given in a classroom he had attended not less than a week ago. He had read the thing many times since then. It was a very rudimentary briefing on the basics of the subject, but it served its purpose.

That purpose was more than just reading the material, it was placed on his dresser to serve as a reminder when he awoke this morning. There was to be a follow-up class today, hopefully, a more advanced one that delivered something more than rhetorical debate without follow-up. His lips curled into a soft grin as he considered what that might mean. The term survival, even in the pamphlet, was a bit vague as to its use. The ninja world was filled with various applications of the word, from wilderness survival to combat survival. Either way, he hoped the day would prove far more productive than those that had followed the last class.

Looking out his window, he saw what a lovely day it appeared to be outside. The slight breeze catching his curtains and sending a cool draft through his room. Opening his closet, he chose a more lightly colored hanbok than usual to wear today. A solid light blue to match the sky, but with a pink lining to tie it all off with to match the binyeo, he pierced through his hair bun to keep it in place. Standing in front of the closet mirror, he smiled even wider at the painstaking care he took in his appearance before fleeing the room, eyes darting to the clock in his reflection. He did not want to be the last one to make an appearance.

Making his way through the Academy building, he noticed that the assigned classrooms were all occupied by different subjects than before. Moving past the room the last session had been held in, he noticed a different teacher and a different group of students learning about various forms of chakra control. Interesting, but already in session and not what he had prepared himself for. Feeling the corners of his lips twisting down, he looked around the hallway for something that might lend him some aid, he was sure today was the day.

If it wasn't for the appearance of a familiar blonde making his way through the halls, Yeong might have missed that day's class. The taller stranger known as Kiri, he recognized from the last Survival class, had just been pointed out a way by one of the monitors. Suspecting that someone might be just as lost as he was, he silently followed step a short distance behind the other man. Not exactly stealth, as he lacked the prerequisite skill in such matters... and his choice of clothing was as stand out as one could get. Merely a silent observation and following maneuver designed to not be left looking like a fool and disappointedly missing a class he had looked forwards to attending.

Walking out of an exit door, sliding sideways and slipping through just as it was about to close behind Kiri, he recognized the expanse that was the training grounds. This raised his interest levels quite a bit, as the expectations for some hands on training greatly increased with this presentation. That was if Kiri was going the same way he was. This raised doubt in his mind, but he inwardly shrugged at this. He had entered one class on such a whim, would it have been that much worse to do it again? Other than to miss out on the class he had intended to attend, that is...

As the Cloud ninja approached the open gathering, Yeong noticed at least one other student from the previous class already assembled there. This lent credence to this being the same group as before. Doubt once again crept in as he noticed two of the other students were entirely unknown to him as well. Fifty-fifty shot, it seemed. Slowing his steps to a leisurely pace, he did his best to appear to not have been following Kiri the entire time as he joined the group. As he filled into their congregation, he gave his customary low bow.

"A pleasant day, is it not?"
[ WC: 872 ]


Oct 28, 2012

Yomi didn’t have to be here. She was bored and could see a class was going on. Ah, the life of an Academy Student. She never was one, but, it was fun to see the boys and girls get on with their schooling. She often thought about what her life would be like had she not been raised by a group of cultists. As quickly as her thoughts shifted there, she reminded herself that had she not been there she would not have ascended to Godhood. Everything has its perks. She pranced over to the group in her workout gear not making eye contact with anyone. Technically she wasn’t a student, but, technically she did what she wanted to do anyway. She stood away from everyone assessing the situation.

“I see.” She said to herself as scanned the group. They were hopelessly outnumbered by the guys. She made a beeline towards Yukko. Yukko seemed to be the only girl here and Yomi had a special place in her heart for little girls. How she came up left her feeling a kind of way when she saw men around a girl. Not that Yukko needed any one to save her or anything like that. Yomi, in her Godly wisdom, thought that she should at the very least keep an eye out for her. As she came up to the Uchiha, she pulled down her hood as she introduced herself.

“Hello, I’ll be joining your class today. My name is Yomi, who might you be?” It didn’t occur to her that her obvious age difference might be off putting. After all she was well into her 20s. What could she possibly be doing here? Again, she did not care in the slightest about what people thought as she was using this as an opportunity to assuage her boredom.

[Topic Entered WC: 306 MFT]

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Before Kaori became hunted by the Shrine...

Survival training never hurt. She had the basic understanding of survival, having had to live off of the land for several days in search for food to bring back to the Shrine. That was, however, only very limited survival knowledge and she wasn't equipped with dealing with being stranded in-place for several days, weeks, or even months in an environment that would be hostile with very little food or water. A long adventure like that was what she wasn't ready for. Temporary survival wasn't hard and anyone could do it with just the basic understanding but prolonged survival had to be taught (or self-learned by the best of the best).

The birds were chirping happily as Kaori made her way to the Training Grounds. A delightful smile was across her face as she waved to a familiar face by the name of Hiyasu Shiori. Her eyes then drifted to another person she saw outside of the gates by the name of Kiri. A surprise struck her, not expecting someone so hesitant to enter the gates to be within the village. She waved to Kiri as well. "You're inside the gates. Guess you had to come here to deliver your message after-all, hm?" she asked.

There were other people that she had never seen before. There were a couple genin, one wearing some rather flashy clothing and the other being a run-of-the-mill cute girl. And then another person, who looked like a full-grown adult was there as well. She looked between Yomi and Takeshi, trying to figure out which one of them was the sensei. No, trying to think that hard would probably hurt her brain. She ought to just let it develop naturally. Right now, however, she should go say 'hi' to Shiori as she knows him the best out of all of these people.

"Oh, hey, Shiori-kun!" she said with a simple wave to him. She flashed him a bright smile. "Seems like we have a lot of people here today, huh?" she asked. Strangely, she felt that her and Shiori might be the only students in this lesson, which can be quite intimidating. It was then that she spotted the emo-child standing around that she tilted her head. "At least we aren't the only students this time around?" she asked inquisitively in response to the strange emo-kid. The aesthetic of the child was just so odd to Kaori, wondering why someone would want to wear such dark tones like that.

She leaned in to speak with Shiori again. "Any day now, we'll be in our exam and we're going to finally be able to do things other than catch cats up a tree or stop petty home invasions," she said in a rather impatient tone. She felt strong enough to take on real missions, but was stuck playing the children's game for now. She felt bored with the same grind over and over and over again. It seemed to never end. Give Mr X this letter, clean Mrs Y's apartment, play against Mr Z's gifted child in checkers. As easy as those jobs were, they didn't stimulate Kaori's ability to perform any more and because such a chore. She wanted something that was a challenge, something that'll push her to become stronger. Playing games and doing chores won't do that.​

WC: 558
WC Total: 558

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
It has not been long since the previous lesson, with very few days passing Yukio had still been pondering on those questions from the previous lesson less complete focus and more passing through as the boy as he stepped onto the training grounds. Seeing those who had already gathered he was pleased to see many from the previous lesson had come once again with a few from many weeks ago joining once more and some new faces to him. The same curiosity that had always been on his mind at this moment came once more wondering how much they had all grown and what each person present was capable of.

Observing the new faces to ensure he could remember them in the future he was good at remembering names, on occasion faces would be a blur in his mind unless a great impression was made by the individual he knew this was most likely a side effect of his tendency to let his mind drift and wander he was still young and such things were common at his age, he looked across the field nodding to Takeshi upon seeing him.

"A pleasure to see you again Sensei"

He had grown used to having Takeshi as his tutor finding his methods of teaching effective and at times unorthodox though he did wonder what had happened to the teacher he had taken classes with alongside Hiroshi and Megu for it had been some time since she had appeared around the academy. Finding his way in amongst the slowly gathering group he crossed his arms and waited to discover what they would be learning today.

[WC: 273]

Nyura Katawa

New Member
Jul 14, 2017
WC: 231
Total WC: 231​
In the time that had elapsed since her last lesson with Takeshi, she had learned much about the shinobi world and the questions he proposed gave her a deeper insight to her own goals and aspirations. This mentality that Nyura had developed was coming to fruition; always alert and aware of possibilities, questioning everything and playing the scenarios over in her mind. She felt this was her duty as a kunoichi, and she did not intend to let her guard down, especially not on a training ground.

With steady strides upon black shika-tabi, the young woman approached the gathering with a hand raised; hitched up into the air with a friendly wave to greet those who cared to comment. Arriving upon the dirt field beside the others after a few moments, she'd bow her posture respectively and out of custom to her instructor at the front. Takeshi seemed as vibrant as ever, more so even, and she smiled momentarily as she returned to an aware posture beside the other students. She'd briefly survey those that had decided to participate, seeing a few familiar faces, and a small boy. The boy was frail, and seemed to be an academy student, or a lucky genin...

Paying him no more mind then an odd gaze, she'd return her vision to her instructor at the front of the congregation, anticipating the class to begin.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to glance at the group, or the boy did at least, as he moved beside what could be described as happy guy. He looked at him quickly playing the innocent and afraid child to the young male, his eyes covered and his head down as he tried to do what could be considered small talk. It was nothing special but he at least tried to do his best.

“Hello, my name is Osada Jin. This is my first ever lesson, is there any pointers you can give to help me out. I’m kind of nervous about what to expect”

Suddenly everything was silent as the teacher stepped forward. Takeshi green hair and gear looked different stripped away from the usual gear he wore and very much a changed man.

Damn I look good

Takeshi new form shook his head slightly but stayed standing beside his new-found friend for this lesson, deciding to use him as the ride hitcher so to speak. Takeshi coughed slightly before addressing the class, deciding to tell them all that this was the more serious part of Survival. Last time they had just spoke about everything, this time it would be practical. His eyes scanning the ground he decided to change things up a bit.

“This lesson is about survival; one team will hunt the other team will evade capture. Simple anything goes bar death, I don’t care how you get your target back here, just bring them back alive. So for this I have decided to split you into two teams.”

Let’s see how we should split the teams, I think I have an idea so I will have to borrow the help of a friend that I know and we can go from there, it will be the easiest way to get around this turn up of unfamiliar faces.

“Yomi, you will be the evasion team leader, please step forward and let’s get this over with quickly, while I have a friend coming he will take the capture team leader roll”

With his words, a new face turned up that not many of them had seen before, Rin walked across in his black cloak with a fur collar up covered his body completely. His white complexion wasn’t going to be a massive surprise. The red ribbons came from his long pony tail and hands, a flute hanging to his side as he walked forward standing beside the Teacher as he glanced to the kids.

“What a sprite little bunch, though the one with horns looks weird. The rest look semi normal, I’m surprised Takeshi it’s not your normal company that you hang around with. Your making me so proud, though where is that pretty red head of yours? Though this one seemed to look great as well.”

Takeshi sighed as he listened to Rin talk, always the same he seemed to never change. This was something he had gotten used to though most of the time, so nothing special here. As even pointed out Yomi as another candidate for his weird conversations. Takeshi broke this up quickly before it escalated.

“Right so teams will be as follows!”

Looking at the clipboard he looked at the list of names, this could make the lesson more interesting buy just splitting them up into random groups. It would be interesting to see how they worked.

“Evasion team: Yomi (Leader), Uchiha Yuuko, Kiri, Hyuuga Yukio, Nyura Katawa. You will have a head start into the trees, make sure you avoid capture for a total of three hours. Your time starts now!.”

“Capture Team: Rinku Mimoto (Leader), Tenkawa Kaori, Yeong Su Han, Hiyasu Shiori, Osada Jin. Your job is to now capture them and bring them back here. Where I will give you credit for the capture. How you do it and how they resist is up to them, let them head off into the forest then you have ten minutes before you can chase.”

Takeshi or the clone looked around already splitting the teams up he wondered how well things would go, before waiting to see how all of the students reacted to this.


- Evasion Team as follows: Yomi (Leader), Uchiha Yuuko, Kiri, Hyuuga Yukio, Nyura Katawa.
- Capture Team: Rinku Mimoto (Leader), Tenkawa Kaori, Yeong Su Han, Hiyasu Shiori, Osada Jin.
- Evasion team you have the lead before the capture team begins pursuit.
- I will mod if you fight, you can hold your own, run do whatever just avoid capture
- Capture team you can do whatever to bring them back.

Uchiha Yuuko

New Member
Jul 30, 2017
Yuuko noticed that someone had come up toward her, and she had looked their way. This person was someone who she hadn't met or known before. They had looked much older than she had been, and so figured why the heck not? May as well listen to what she has to say as the person did look like a she anyway.

"I see then. Well...welcome aboard I guess. Not like much is going on yet." Yuuko looked at the other speaking to her. She didn't really know what to say about the situation yet or this elderly girl standing before her. "My name is Yuuko, it is nice to meet you too." Yuuko responded right back to Yomi in exchange, looking at her and giving her attention to Yomi.

"I guess we should be quiet....." yuuko whispered, and thought she had seen the teacher come in and arrive in the classroom so suddenly now. As Yuuko now saw the class was now in session, she had looked forward and was focused on the "lesson" that was gonna be taught today. Yuuko was now engaged and saw Takeshi appear.

Yuuko hadn't seem bothered by today's lesson after the sensei went off about what to do and then saw the list of people being assigned to a team. She had been happy she was getting a headstart though. Yuuko, however, had been further shocked to see the team's leader was this girl she had been speaking to. Yomi...right? That was the other female's name who spoke to her. All of a sudden she had felt a ease. Almost as if like nothing could go wrong...

It hadn't been until the "...Catch them however you need to" bit that scared her on the inside. She knew Takeshi said death isn't allowed, but there's still scary jutsu out there without killing a person right away.... It hadn't been like she knew much about every element or jutsu, but either way....

[WC: 327]

Hiyasu Shiori

New Member
Apr 22, 2017
"Oh, hey, Shiori-kun!"

Shiori turned towards the voice, recognising it to be Kaori. He smiled back at her, waving. He hadn’t seen her since their lesson with Tamashii, the lesson that focussed on teamwork.

“It seems we may be. Takeshi’s lessons seem to take all sorts.” He punctuated the statement by nodding to the much older woman. She seems to have just wandered in. Well, if Takeshi had no issues with it, Shiori would raise none either. Kaori seemed to notice the sickly child as well. In fact, the slight boy drew a lot of surreptitious attention from the rest of the class. After all, he was new, most of the class had participated in the last lesson together.

"Any day now, we'll be in our exam and we're going to finally be able to do things other than catch cats up a tree or stop petty home invasions,"

His smile became a grin at the prospect of their exam. It seems she was as frustrated with student life as him. He was looking forward to making those first marks on the pages of his story as a ninja. A tome that would eventually be filled to the brim with the great deeds of the greatest ninja in the world. He enjoyed the work he did for Suo, and the way he was allowed to use his abilities freely to do so, but he wanted to start being seen giving back to the village. Maybe hunting some bandits, or fighting some other criminals...

“It will be nice to do some actual ninja work.”

Shiori waved to Yukio as he walked in, but the boy seemed to want to keep to himself, so he made no further attempts at conversation.

Seemingly randomly, Takeshi stepped forwards, causing the class to quieten down. Shiori waited eagerly for what the subject of the class would be. Maybe the rudiments of building shelter, or identifying edible flora, or making a good fire.

And then Takeshi explained the lesson, and Shiori worked hard to suppress his grin. A chase! He fancied his chances here as he looked around, fiddling with his ring as he did so, a small smile breaking through the control. And he was on the capture team! The freedom to hunt an opponent down! He had never done that before, but the idea excited him. He quickly moved to the pale man that would be their team leader as the groups formed up. He would have Kaori with him, who he trusted to put in a good showing, she was as driven as him, and could put up a good fight. Along with Kaori, there was also the older boy with odd attire, and the frail child. He knew next to nothing about them, they were an unknown factor. He supposed the frail child would be the weak link.

He nodded his head to Rin, his mop of black hair ruffling as he did so.

“My name is Hiyasu Shiori. I’m only an academy student, but I’ve had my share of fights. I look forward to working with you.”

WC: 518 [848]

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
More people started to pour into the class only for one of the individuals to be someone she somewhat recognized. She entered into an ANBU class to test the waters only for the taste of ANBU to run bitter upon her tongue. She did, however,
focus a lot of her attention on a boy named Megu who she found absolutely adorable, in appearance only, so she didn't take too much time to really examine Yukio during that class. Yukio was also a cute boy, but not one that would warrant cheek pinching as a result of his looks. If anything, the boy looked much older than his age would reveal.

Yomi was then chosen by the sensei to be the leader of the Evasion Team while a douchebag with a flute would be the leader of the Pursuit Team which Kaori would soon find out that she was a part of. Wonderful, a pompous person was going to be her team leader for this class's objective. Her eyes expressed annoyance at the man before annoyance turned to panic as the man mentioned horns. Kaori quickly tugged at the bright red ribbons she wore, ribbons that became a staple of her outfit, to further conceal her horns. They were concealed for a reason: so she wouldn't be ridiculed by other humans and be called a demon for being born with a birth defect. These horns were the reason behind her becoming the Dragon Shrine Priestess and the hill fate she'd be a part of later on in her life.

It wasn't the fact that her horns were stated that bothered her, it was the fact that this pompous pricked said she wasn't normal which bothered her immensely. This man could be a potential catalyst of bullying from the rest of the students and if it came to that, she had several options; options that she would most definitely keep to herself.

It was then that the teams were divided up and she was on the same team as Shiori. She looked at him and gave him a big smile with the peace sign. As the Evasion Team took off, Kaori cleared her throat and closed her eyes for a moment before activating the Ryuugan (Byakkugan) causing her eyes to turn completely black before a dark purple dot appeared where her iris would. The colors then shifted from the black turning into a darker shade of lavender and the dark purple turning into a glowing red dot.

The world around her started to become amplified. This was the first time she had activated the Ryuugan when it had ascended into a higher state.
Everything around her became visible in a 360 degree panorama and everything seemed to be put into perfect focus, capable of zooming in at all angles without losing field of view. There were no diminishing angles upon amplification and everyone started to glow with different intensities depending on their chakra signature. She noticed that several of those in attendance had a massive chakra signature, causing them to illuminate brightly while there were some that had fairly weak chakra signatures.

Kaori felt a bit disoriented for a moment before shaking her head and trying to focus on the task at hand. She had a visual on most of them for the most part until they started to create distance from them, making focusing on each individual person increasingly difficult. Her attention, even with her panoramic view, turned towards the prickish team-leader of the Pursuit Team and awaited instructions to begin pursuit.​

WC: 587
WC Total: 558 + 587 = 1145

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Seeing the remaining students arrive Yukio was surprised at how popular Takeshi's lessons had become. When it was the beginning of them he could remember only him, Megu and Hiroshi being members of the ANBU related ones. It was a nice change he had to admit seeing more people allowed for more interesting scenarios to say the least and he was curious about what Takeshi had in store for them he was not disappointed as he discovered what the lesson entailed.

Another pursuit similar to the one he had done a few weeks ago and being somewhat the same but with only more pursuers which suited him just fine. An air of confidence surrounded him as he was ready to run with the team he had been placed in. He know some of the members of the evasion team though only in passing thought only really knowing them from what they had said in previous lessons but he was couldn't dismiss anything from just listening to causal talk the only thing he wished to know was how could each of them use their skills to complete the task given to them.

As rin approached them he couldn't help but chuckle at his rather nonchalant comments it was good to see there was a ninja who was more than a bit chilled out compared to what he was used to the serious nature of previous lessons when getting into the think of it making him sigh.

As he activated his Byakugans he couldn't help but feel Kaori's eyes cross him looking over his shoulder to her with a raised eyebrow but thought against saying anything the time for talk would come later right now he had to focus on the three hours they had to escape ahead of their captors. Beginning to back off from the group watching where the others would go with his Byakugans not having to turn to look at them to speak considering he could see all of them.

"I would suggest a game plan once we gain some distance from the other group, otherwise were going to be scattered like a leaf on the wind and picked off one by one"

There wasn't a commanding tone in his voice only a suggesting one hoping they would agree with this line of thought and come up with a plan good enough to give them the time they needed to escape and maintain distance.

[WC: 406]
[WT: 679]


Oct 28, 2012
Yomi wanted to roll her eyes so bad it made her want to scream. She just came here to observe and maybe cause a little mischief. How did she end up as team leader? She was in her gym clothes with no useful items to speak of, besides her fists. This was all way too much. Her eyes flashed a bright red at Takeshi before they settled down to their normal color, she hoped he noticed. The med-nin wondered if he knew she was willing to slaughter him in front of all these pups for his infraction? The Goddess took a deep breath and stepped up, swallowing her rapid onset desire to kill him because she did interrupt his lesson. He was lucky she had grown some patience and developed a tolerance for disrespect.

Yomi stepped up in silence and waited for her team to assemble. As they did, she eyed them all and took in their eager faces before she began.

“If I were the other team, I’d bring us in by any means necessary. You all best be prepared for a fight. This is your lesson, not mine, so if it comes to combat, I’ll leave that to you. We’re obviously going to take evasive maneuvers, so be on your guard.” Yomi had more to say, but, wouldn’t say it in front of their eventual pursuers. One of them spoke, he was a Hyuuga giving out practical advice. How convenient!

“Let’s head out.”

As the group made their way deep into the wooded area Yomi stopped them. “Gather round quickly.” Quickly with her hand seals she placed her hand on each of them one at a time, inscribing a nice little ward on their chests, low enough that it would escape detection from surveying parties.

“These are just in case. Don’t do anything rash unless necessary, however, pretend that your life is on the line. Also, if you can conceal your chakra to avoid detection this little game of hide and seek should be able to go off without a hitch. Lastly, try to stay together, because they will try to divide and conquer us. The rest, I leave to you to figure out as I said this is your lesson not mine.” Yomi would make them work for these wards and her overall presence. After all, should she declare it, they would all die right here by her hand. Goddess rationale.

“Suggestions for how we should evade capture would be appreciated with whatever special skills you all have. I am also fine with just standing right here.”

As she waited for quick and efficient ideas, she thought about her former team, the Yoko Kami. There was no need to even have these types of conversations in the field. Everyone knew their roles, Asuka made sure of that. Their training and devotions together also helped cement their bond. This was not that, Yomi felt a difficult emotion rise in her gut. She suppressed that as well and would seek Asuka’s council later.

WC: 504
Total WC: 306+504=810

Strategist 5 Prep Slots:
1. Casts Medical Ward on Yuuko
2. Casts Medical Ward on Kiri
3. Casts Medical Ward on Yukio
4. Casts Medical Ward on Nyura
5. Casts Medical Ward on Self


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Soon enough, the class would begin when enough persons have arrived. Kiri gave another glance around him, taking notice of those whom he had encountered in the previous one, marking a couple home he had first thought interesting, such as the Haku boy, the funny Yeong, and the stern Shiori… and wait, he stopped for a moment and looked at the shrine maiden he had met in the outer village area’s forest before. He gave her a nod and a smile, acknowledging her presence before he quickly put his attention back to the teacher at hand. And for some reason, he couldn’t help but glance at the frail boy who seemed rather out of place.

Without further ado, however, Takeshi would give them the instruction. It was simply, really. It was a game of cat and mouse, everything was permitted except for death, and well, he was with the group who were supposed to play as the mouse. He couldn’t help but show a bit of dissatisfaction there, even if briefly, because he had always been a predator. Even when there were predators abound, he would still stay true and fight on as a predator, never letting up to be dragged down to a prey. But in this exercise, he would seem to be forced to play that part.

And with the signal given, Kiri hesitantly turned to face the forest. With the rest of his team already on their way, he took a bit of time before looking back to the teacher, then to the pale Rin whom he had fought in the gates. Honestly, he was surprised when he appeared and for a moment Kiri felt a chill down his back as if he was about to suddenly fight seriously. Oh but that meant that he shouldn’t let his guard down and that while this was a class, it was still all about survival. So he gave Rin a long stare, not bothering about the headstart, before he raised a hand and pointed at him without a word. As if his intention was relayed without any need of conversation, Kiri would then head out towards the forest.

Deep inside, he would follow to where his team had gathered and began to discuss about their plans. He thanked the team leader, Yomi, as she placed a medical ward on them, a bit surprised and curious to see how the latter did it with minimal effort. Kiri als knew of it. And with the strategising began, he spoke, “I want to stay here and stall them. I think I’m capable enough of that. Besides, that Rin fellow… as much as I would want to say that all has been forgiven, I’m now rather curious to go back and fight him head on once more. Ah, but also, because I think moving as a group would be too easy for them, and at the same time, it would be hard to deal with them as a group. So maybe, we can try and break them up. And did I say I’m up for the challenge of doing just that?”

WC: 518

Yeong Su Han

New Member
Jul 7, 2017



Word Count: 634

Total Count: 1506[/col3]
Feeling the twitch of his lips, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at hearing the teacher announce that today's lesson amounted to nothing more than a heightened game of hide and seek. Then there was the matter of getting snubbed by everyone at his offhand attempt at conversation. At least he had been given the courtesy of being placed on the seeker's team, his current outfit serving him no end of good unless he chose to hide in the sky... an option that didn't exist in the first place. Clutching his hands together beneath the sleeves of his hanbok, he gazed around the field to those moving away and those gathering together.

There were certain things he could infer on name alone. The team that was to be hiding had both an Uchiha and a Hyuuga, which meant the possibility of two different types of dōjutsu to be faced up against. Among the seekers he had heard no such names to suggest to him any great kekkei genkai, whether this was proven to be true or not he could not rely on. He was in the midst of turning to scan the treeline for possible clues when he heard the clearing of a throat emitted from behind him. Turning to see who was trying to get who's attention, he saw the blue haired little girl do something which caused her eyes to shift colors.

Making a mental note of the possible dōjutsu, he regarded the rest of his assembled teammates. It seemed he was being paired with actual children, for the most part, seeming almost ten years his junior. He knew that held no bearing towards their actual competency, but it was just a bit disconcerting. There was the tiny girl with the horns growing out of her head, the one currently activating a dōjutsu by the looks of it. Strange, but more noteworthy than off-putting. Then there was the equally short dark haired mop, who chose the moment of the other team's head start to get acquainted with the two other unknowns. Mimoto and Jin, he had never seen either of them in the village before. Neither seemed to be doing anything particularly productive with their time either.

With a sigh, he walked towards Kaori. "What is it, might I ask, that you are doing?" Without a hint of ridicule, he brought one hand out from his sleeve tapped at the side of his own face... indicating to the sides of his eyes. Most dōjutsu had a well known and familiar look to them. The Hyuuga tended to strain themselves to such a degree as to cause the veins of their face to pop out, the Uchiha had a telltale symbology that decorated their iris's. This discoloration in her eyes, he had neither seen it or heard of it before. Being that she was currently facing the rest of the team, he awaited her response before interjecting towards Mimoto.

"Excuse me if my suggestion is out of place, but if anything goes short of killing. What if we simply burned them out of the trees? Without anywhere to hide they would be driven into the open which would make for easier capture. At the very least the smoke might drive them out into a more advantageous position." It was something he had considered the moment he had heard Takeshi mention that they were to hide in the trees. He had no special skills to find someone that was hiding, it just wasn't his bailiwick. If he could force an opponent to fight him on his terms, rather than theirs, then the advantage might turn back to his favor.

Nyura Katawa

New Member
Jul 14, 2017
Ambient Music
WC: 463
Total WC: 694
This lesson was something she had been looking forward to, and she did not intend to squander the opportunity of displaying her prowess as a shinobi in front of an audience. Having kept her mouth shut for the majority of the introduction, save for a short greeting to her instructor Takeshi, it was her time to express her thoughts on their task. Their groups had divided into two different sections, and her team mates were close by in a small huddle. Shuffling over to the group and hunching her posture over slightly, giving a stern gaze to each of them, Nyura smirked and spoke in a hushed tone. "Our goal is evasion, and so long as we move quickly and establish ourselves and any traps we can deploy, we'll be successful."

The morning leading up to these events was uneventful; she woke up early and had plenty of time to proceed to the training ground for the lesson. A subtle act of a recluse, she walked at a slow pace as to ensure she'd be there but not be pointed out or noticed by those around her. The thought of responsibility in a scenario like this weighed on her after prior experiences, and only her mental fortitude held her back from reminiscing on the death of a former friend and student of the Konoha Academy. Her equipment consisted of thick shika-tabi boots, dark cloth leggings, a set of shorts accompanied by various wrappings, and a tunic and strap that held her sheathed blade upon her back.

"I can perform a few evasion techniques with the use of Genjutsu, but I don't think I'll be able to influence a whole crowd for three whole hours..." she'd cast her head downward, as if ashamed of her lack of discipline in training thus far. "... If worst comes to worse, I have a few Ninjutsu that will work well with my swordplay!" Finishing her statement with a determined gaze, she'd survey the members of her group for their consensus before motioning for them to proceed into the forest so that she may accompany them.

Allowing the members of the group to digest her ideas and feedback, she'd recede back from the huddle and carry along beside them as they continued onward into the foliage as to evade their aggressors for this training scenario. It was set in Nyura's mind that she was going to succeed alongside her team, or if that wasn't possible she'd blend in with her environment as an individual. Being a sole shinobi allowed for far less ruckus during movements and offered the benefit of an unlikely move in a team exercise, but she did not intend to abandon her team for the sake of ego.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked to his team for a few seconds before a small grin came to his lips, he was unsure whether this disguise would work. But right now, they needed to get involved in the action, and he wasn’t above hunting people down. He allowed his eyes to look around to the class, knowing that he would have to give up the pretend act in his next few seconds. Shutting his eyes before a cloud of smoke appeared around him. Takeshi opened the eyes as the Sharigan stared at the students in his team as he looked towards Rin.

“You know you gave up your look way to easily, like hell man you did that quicker than groupies came back to my place after a concert.”

“Rin, please not in front of the kids, lets focus on capture of the other team, shall we?”

“That’s fine I still want round two at that snotty cloud kid, we have a score to settle”

“Indeed, we do, let’s see what happens shall we?”

Takeshi shut his eyes once more as they opened the true sight of a Uchiha’s power glowed brightly, gone were the normal Sharingan now what stood in the way where those of the Mangekyo Sharingan in its place. As he stood there he looked at the students he had to give them all the credit for being here. He allowed himself to take a small step towards the hunting pack as he looked at each of them for a few seconds. Most of them he had already been in a lesson with and a few he knew by name. Though of course they had all developed a lot more since he had seen them last.

“Shiori it has been too long, how are you doing these days?”

His attention got turned to the girl that he had met a few times now, a broad smile on his face as he considered her eyes. Of course, she had come along way as well.

“I see you found your bloodline and activated it, that is impressive to say the least. Not many people have been able to do that, well done for that, those eyes will come handy this lesson. I apologize about Rin he just says what he wants to say without thinking”

“Pfft, not like we all were thinking it. If it’s any consolation it makes you unique and you should build on that one”

“Apologize, again he opens his mouth without speaking, it’s a bad habit. He will kick it out one day”

Takeshi turned back to the other students that were around him, a small twisted smile on his lips as he knew that he still had a craving to enjoy the hunt. Turning to the group he allowed a small smirk to come to his lips before Rin looked back into the forest where everyone had just headed. It seemed that they wanted to take the initiative and scatter the question was would they want to hunt straight away.

“I believe that we should head after them. Keep together and engage them one at a time. Should mean that all our skills would work well together. For this though let’s stick together shall we”

Takeshi allowed himself to look at the students before he headed in, wondering who he would encounter first. Rin would be the scouting party of course as he headed in Takeshi stepping forward as he beckoned for the group to follow with him. It seemed he was ready to take the situation to the others, and he didn’t want to waste time by letting there trial go cold.

- Takeshi now is out of transformation jutsu
- Activated the Mangekyo Sharingan
- Rin has headed into the woods first to scout out
- Takeshi has headed in taking the group with him

Yeong Su Han

New Member
Jul 7, 2017



Word Count: 537

Total Count: 2043[/col3]
Yeong had envisioned a scene which would play to his personal strengths, mainly to the fact that he wasn't a fighter. His frail form was better suited to the arts than it was to melee fighting or even ranged combat. The odds of him simply stumbling across a far better-trained student of the academy was increasingly low. Capturing one as well, he might as well put himself down as failing the course right now. It was why he had suggested burning the forest. It was an exceedingly extreme suggestion, but one made in earnest.

He could see it now... the smoke would clog the woods as fire engulfed the bark of the trees. It would drive down visibility, sure, but it would also make it hard to breathe and limit most of the movement to ground level. Those foolish enough to remain would risk becoming enveloped in the fire and smoke, making them weaker and thus easier to catch. Those that the fire herded out of the woods would be driven right into the waiting arms of the capture team. There would no doubt be some counter play involved, but it seemed a better plan than to just walk into an obvious ambush.

So it was with some trepidation and not just more than a little anger that he watched as the teacher not only failed to even regard him as he spoke but completely ignored the suggestion. There was the fact that he had fooled them into believing he was another student as well, some form of shape change jutsu to appear like a younger version of himself he guessed? It made little sense, seeing as he had reverted back to his normal form at the tests outset. Having been fooled, then ignored by not just his contemporary but his sensei... it was infuriating.

"I'll take up the rear to prevent a total ambush." His words were laced with as little venom as he could manage to hold in. There was always the chance that today's lesson had less to do with living up to one's own potential and more to do with acting as a team. If teamwork was the goal rather than achieving the objective, then he would be hard pressed not to follow the team leaders instructions. Granted, he was being led into a less than advantageous situation for himself... Takeshi was far and away superior to him in skill and experience, so it behooved him to acquiesce to such knowledge.

Following the group into the woods, he held his palms together beneath the sleeves of his hanbok. Anyone looking his way would be sure to make out his bright colored outfit, but at least he might be able to hide what threat he might pose to the other side. It seemed unlikely, given the other team's goal to remain hidden, that they would seek to attack their pursuers. Then, it was hard to comprehend the mindset of a cornered animal. In reality, he had brought no tools with him and should worse come to worse it was going to have to be hand signs and jutsu to win him the day.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
