Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Suzuhime & Kuro's Wedding (C Rank)

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Demon Kuro smiled as he his palm on a simple yet artistic seal on the far right wall that acted as form of communication for those attuned to them as they lived within the dojo. "As far as your follower in the medical chamber he has been receiving healing for his internal injuries for the past hour or so. I am certain he is fine by now...( Activates Intercom Seal )Sashi-san is the patient that was admitted earlier okay?"

Placing her hand on a corresponding seal Sashi replied to Kuro.
"Mizuki-san is sleeping comfortably on one of our customized medical couches. He has been asleep since his treatment, apparently being completely pain free is unusual to him. Is he needed?"

Kuro looked to Kagemaru, "Do you need him right now?, he's asleep according to our house physician...( Maintains Intercom Seal )I can ask her to wake him if you need."


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Tuesday : Toraono Dojo : 7:26PM​

Though extremely helpful, Toraono Kuro was misreading the situation. If that was on purpose or accident, Kagemaru didn't care. The real importance here was that he see Mizuki with his own eyes and validate his physical state and well being.

He doesn't need to be moved if he doesn't have to. But if its all the same to you, I'd like to see him as well. Could you ask... Sashi-san was it? Could you ask her to have Mizuki be awake by the time we get there. Its much appreciated. With that, Kagemaru was off to the medical wing of the dojo. He'd remembered the directions that Mizuki was told and would make his way there in the same manner as well. Hopefully Ginjiro was following as he'd left in a hurry without actually telling him to do so. It would only take a few minutes at a brisk pace to reach the medical ward and Kagemaru would have been more impressed with the decorum if he wasn't more concerned with Mizuki. As soon as he entered, Kagemaru looked at the red headed woman with a somewhat of a vexed look on his face.

Did Toraono-san not ask for him to be awoken by the time we got here? It was at this time that he'd taken a closer look at Mizuki and his eyes widened underneath his blindfold.

What kind of treatment did you give him?! Kagemaru was shocked at what he was seeing. He'd honestly never seen any kind of symptom like this before. What he was seeing within Mizuki made no sense at all. It was like he was dead but still alive at the same time. Shocked that this wasn't mentioned before, the two options that Kage instantly though of were that they did this on purpose to Mizuki since he was vulnerable or that this was an adverse reaction to the treatment method. Kagemaru was in honest hopes that it was the former of those two options as they were heavily behind enemy lines and a serious fight breaking out could prove detrimental.

His chakra has slowed to a near halt and its effecting his vital organs. Have you not noticed that his breathing is extremely slow? His vitals are still moving but even his heart is beating at an extremely slow pace. It looks like he's in some kinda coma like state... Just WHAT did you do to him? Speak quickly. For all he knew, they had done this to Mizuki on purpose and possibly kidnapped Zenichi when Kagemaru's guard was down. There were areas of this dojo he couldn't see through with his Hakumei Byakugan so that was a possibility. However it was unlikely that such a thing would be happening at this time. It just didn't seem to add up why someone would do such a thing. Unless Kagemaru was missing some information, he was leaning towards the possibility that this whole debacle was just a misunderstanding and coincidence.
OOC said:
Mizuki hasn't had internet for a while but I texted him about what was going on and he said it was fine to put his body in a vegetative state. The actual cause doesn't have to be set in stone.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Sashi pulled the record crystal and replayed the entire medical procedure to show Mizuki was neither tortured, nor put through any special treatment other than the standard treatment Toraono Clan personnel and personnel receiving medical treatment always received here although imparticular she did kiss Mizuki rather than have him take a sand pill. It was mostly because he was attractive. She played two more record crystals to show other men and women from visiting areas that had gotten the same treatment although he could hear and unknown to Sashi see the obvious difference was she had kissed Mizuki.

"I honestly thought he was simply sleeping, after rejuvenating his internal injuries, he relaxed and simply slept I have not checked on him since then and I did not feel he was in any danger. I take full responsibility for anything unexpected that may have occurred but I must assure you that the Toraono Clan is not in the business of placing visitors in coma's. If you request it I can take you through his treatment step by step and re enact it on someone else you can bring in witnesses as well. I am terribly sorry for any harm that I may have caused while healing him. I asked him if he had any specific abnormalities and was told no as well before his treatment." Sashi was honestly in tears and unable to comprehend how he had gotten to this state when he was recovering rather simply only an hour or so before.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Tuesday : Toraono Dojo : 7:26PM​

Sashi seemed terribly distrought once Kagemaru revealed to her what was going on with Mizuki's body. She'd been somewhat careless in watching him but Kage couldn't exactly blame her entirely. If the two of them had never fought in the first place, this wouldn't have happened at all. He was probably more to blame for this then she was. However, the suspicious behavior that Sashi had done wouldn't slip past Kagemaru's awareness.

You make a habit out of kissing your patients? Kagemaru was unsure on if she'd slipped something into his system. From the crystal he also saw that her treatment was somewhat prevasive. She actually entered the bodies of her patients. There was no telling what kind of effect she may have had on his body. But there was no way to tell and this situation was beyond delicate. If it were done purposely, there was a far larger problem underlying here then just this. If it were an accident then this woman was now liable for damage caused to a Leaf shinobi and possibly subject to the reprecusions of that. Either way, this was a mess and Kagemaru's patience was wearing thin.

Aside from that, tell me about the treatment. What is it for, how does it work, why did you use that treatment specifically? Please be as detailed as possible. I'll also need another telegram machine. I'll be needing to contact my superiors about this to get it resolved. With that, he looked over to Ginjiro. He knew how to send a message using the telegraph as he'd just done so only a little while ago.

Ginjiro, Caht y saccyka tenaldmo du Rugyka-cysy cdydehk drec: "Asankahlo cediydeuh yd dra Dunyuhu Tuzu. Sewige ryc paah ehlybyledydat yht ec eh y lusy mega cdyda tia du ihghufh lyicac yht Wahelre ec YFUM. Syeh pnyhlr cahheh Isycre ec rana ihaqbaldatmo. E ehdaht uh rihdehk tufh Wahelre du teclujan ev ra ryc paah dygah un ev ra'c nih. Ev ra ryc nih, E'mm tadyeh res ihdem E nalaeja funt uv ouin untanc.

Bmayca ytjeca." Drydc dra saccyka. Syga cina dryd kadc du res ycyb.
The language he spoke to Ginjiro was the Leaf ancient tongue and it was more then likely that Sashi wouldn't have understood what was said. She may even get more nervous due to Kagemaru using it in front of her as if her may have been talking about her in front of her. However, this was also part of the mental game he was playing with this woman. She may have been playing a game to act like placing Mizuki in a coma was an accident when it could just as easily have been done purposely. The video recording of her actions proved nothing as those could have been fabricated. Kagemaru himself could recreate a scene similar to that using low level jutsu like Clone and Transformation so he wouldn't take that evidence too heavily. For now, he would continue to wait for a better explination and the telegraph machine.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Sashi sat down and did her nervous finger-tip touching gestures, she had never made a healing mistake before. "Instead of What would normally be a pill of nutrient enriched chakra controlled sand, I used my own sand and simply infused my chakra into his wounded organs so I could heal his internal damage directly. His liver, his lungs, his heart, his kidneys and lower intestines were all repaired directly. She hoped this was not her fault, it couldn't be her fault could it. Wait where had his INTERNAL injuries come from?

As her mind began grasping at every possibility she began questioning how he came by such severe injuries. "I honestly have never failed at healing, how did he come by such deep internal injuries in the first place?"



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Following right alongside Kagemaru-sensei, Ginjiro took the opportunity to watch and listen. While Kagemaru-sensei would be asking the hard questions and pressing the Toraono for information, Ginjiro would lay low behind them all and simply observe. Being a spectator allowed one for a very unique look at things, giving someone the ability to clearly take in everything that was happening without having to worry about what was going on. Ginjiro was the silent observer, who would simply allow the situation to unfold around him. It had seemed that Mizuki-sempai had reacted badly to the treatment given, whatever it was, and was now suspended in a state of coma. Kagemaru-sensei demanded that they view the medical tapes, and before they knew it a rather...unorthodox method was revealed. Inserting chakra soaked sand directly into the patient's body to heal them? While it was a little terrible to say, Ginjiro was absolutely astounded with this medical technique. Having been a part of the Ayatsuri Clan, which was deeply involved with the body and medical techniques in general, Ginjiro could completely appreciate this sort of thing. In fact, Ginjiro felt inclined to speak up at that point before things got out of hand. "Kagemaru-sensei, if I may? Her medical technique, as described, should be valid. Applying chakra to an area directly, without having to bypass the skin and muscles, makes for a much more efficient medical technique. I have to say, it's quite astounding..." As he trailed off, Ginjiro looked once more to the tapes and then back at Sashi-san. Hesitating for a moment, the young boy continued. "That being said, it is not outside the realm of possibility that she could have caused the coma directly. While the healing properties of her technique need not be questioned, we should still not exclude the possibility of sabotage. With all of that sand directly inside his body, she could have easily sent a clump of sand up into his brain and caused a tumor." Ginjiro didn't mean to point fingers immediately. That wasn't the way he did things. Ginjiro merely wished to clarify as many points as he could for Kagemaru-sensei. It seemed, though, that Kagemaru-sensei had a course of action he wanted to follow, as he began to speak to Ginjiro in the ancient tongue of Fuego. Nodding to Kagemaru-sensei, Ginjiro then turned to wait for the telegraph machine so that he may send off the message Kagemaru-sensei had entrusted him with.

As the situation went on, though, there was one point that came up that made Ginjiro a little uneasy. He would never show it, but the floor had suddenly dropped right out from under him. When Sashi-san asked how Mizuki-sempai had gotten those injuries, Ginjiro knew that this could turn out very badly. If it got out that Kagemaru-sensei had caused the injuries, they would be sunk. Turning to Kagemaru-sensei, Ginjiro set to making it seem like he was responding to the comments that he had made a moment ago in Fuego.
"Taho ajanodrehk. Damm dras dryd fa fana yddylgat po pyhtedc vun kut'c cyga. Yhodrehk pid dra dnidr..." At this point, things could go either way. Ginjiro knew that Kagemaru-sensei could handle this situation. Still, the boy braced himself for a possible retreat out of here.

I apologize for my lateness. Finals are done, and I'm back up to speed.
Marked for Training.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Tuesday : Toraono Dojo : 7:30PM​

Fryd tet E damm oui ypuid moehk? Kagemaru responded to Ginjiro in their native tongue. The response was rather quick and sharp tongued as Kage was beginning to become frustrated at the subject. Ginjiro may have thought Kage was being short with him, but that wasn't the case. However, he understood that that question could potentially do more harm then good and so Kage knew they were in a pickle. Turning back to Sashi, he'd answer he question.

You're the doctor, did you not do pre-screening before treatment? Did you not ask him what was ailing him, or how he received that damage before treating him? How do you know what the best treatment is if you don't know what the cause of the issues are? Even if he did tell you, I would hope you were capable enough to realize that his wounds weren't severe at all. After all, he was capable of not only sleeping through the night, but making his way here the next day and talking to you about it. A counter question for Sashi. Though he wasn't looking to place blame on someone, he simply wanted to resolve this situation and part of that was to find out if she was or wasn't at fault.

In any case, I'm no medical shinobi but we'll need to examine him back in Leaf to determine the true cause. For the time being I'll have to entrust my teammates safety to another Leaf nin that's here while we go out and search for our other teammate. Turning to Ginjiro once more he spoke.

Dryd syh E fyc cbaygehk du nalahdmo, ra ehdnutilat rescamv yc Regyne Ahwyh. Ra'c naymmo dra syeh pnyhlr cahheh. Tuh'd muug cinbnecat... Yhofyo, vadlr res, ehvuns res uv dra cediydeuh yht ryja res du fydlr ujan Sewige rana. E cdemm haat oui du caht dryd saccyka du Gyse cu oui'mm ryja du cdyo pareht yc famm. Then back once more to Sashi

An innocent woman has nothing to cry about. Harden your resolve if you'r'e truly not to blame for this situation. We'll get to the bottom and if your words are true then I'll apologize in full for accusing you. However for the time being it doesn't look good for you or this dojo. Now if you'll excuse me. Meant to be words of encouragement as well as warning, Kagemaru was still reading her expressions to get a sense of how she truly felt about the situation and unless she was an extraordinary actress, he was seeing no signs of hiding the truth from her movements or facial expressions. As he turned to leave, Kagemaru was now making his way out of the Dojo. He had a teammate to find, but not first before casting Chakra Sense on Ginjiro. He'd lost one teammate due to carelessness, he wouldn't lose another.

[Topic Left]

[ooc: I plan to come back o.o hopefully.]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Sashi nodded , she had screened him and asked questions that could easily be answered without digging too far within his history or who he really was. She simply sought to heal him and make sure he was comfortable with the least invasive techniques she knew. Subsequently when Ginjiro offered his analysis she could only nod at the thoroughness of his insight and the apology for the accusation completely blew her away. "I thank you for your honest consideration and I assure you I asked what questions I could before granting him the procedure with as light a contact as I could. Please take this crystal record of the events with you and should I need to go stand before his family to show I bear him no ill will or stand in court I will. Thank you for your kindness despite this unusual accident."

After a quick review of his entire medical procedure and a recording that could be replayed by anyone that could use sound or crystal jutsu. She then pressed a seal release recalling one of four telegraph devices to the chamber for their use

OOC: Yeah hope you can make it back soon

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Before any more declarations about upcoming combat or the lack of thereof could be made, the bride and the groom had entered the main hall, assaulted by the waves of other guests congratulating them. Watching it from afar Haru was tugged to the side by his father who whispered sharply to him "What's the matter with you? I thought you to fight and adapt as the battle goes on, not go into a fight asking questions...I don’t need you to make our clan look weak..." to which the younger Sunaku replied "This isn’t a battlefield father...this is a wedding. So excuse me that I didn’t come here decked out in my mission attire." The elder Sunaku furrowed his brows while saying "You have to understand, this is not just some leisure visit. You, me and everyone else here are representing the Sunaku clan. If we're challenged we need to show that were not to be pushed around..." to which his son replied again " As of now no one has actually challenged anyone. And there is more to a position of a clan then just combat prowess... I know what I need to do, but I’ll do it when the time is right...isn’t fighting on your own terms something you taught me as well father?" the two Sunaku looking into their eyes with a somewhat heated gaze.

Before any more of the argument could come to, Kohana would approach the two while saying "Now, we don’t need the whole village to see you two squabble about...Besides, when you two were conversing, everyone else seemed to move to more interesting things..." she said with a chuckle. It was the that both Haru and Shigeo noticed most of the people moved away from them. From a distance, they could see Kuro and two people Haru had no recollection of conversing, before the other two headed away.

Seeing this as a good chance as any, Haru would grab his father and mother by their arm and nudge them towards the Sennin. Once they were next to him, Haru would start saying "Kuro san! So good to finally see you. Me and my parents would like to wish you all the best on this grand occasion" smiling at the large Sennin. Shigeo shook his head a bit but gave Kuro a bow saying "Toranao-san, thank you for inviting my clan to this day. Marriage is an important day for any man. I hope you and your spouse will lead the Toranao into a prosperous age, and that you children will grow stronger than any of you clan before them". Kohana would add after that "And for them to come to our world healthy of course. I'm sure a clan with such strong blood needn’t worry about miscarrying a baby. I also give you my sincere best wishes". As soon as she ended Shigeo would speak up again "Now with all hat out of the had mentioned this competition son would surely be glad to accept you invitation..." before being interrupted by Haru "I WOULD...however, I would still like to know a bit more about the nature of the spar. Any limitations, rules? I was prepared for fighting to be part of the festivities, especially after your engagement Kuro-san" he said with a laugh, remembering that whole mess from a few weeks before. Yes, with the Toranao clan, you could be sure combat would be involved, one way or another.
First off, my deep apologies for how long I’ve taken. I know everything moved along somewhat smoothly, but I still feel bad for not being part of it somehow. Had an extremely busy period. Really sorry.
Secondly, if my post makes no sense for some reason or another, then I’ll adjust accordingly once I know what to do.
Thirdly, yay colors :eek:

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Demon Kuro smiled at his favorite Sunaku artist, "Thank you for all your well wishes and the gift of your presence. It is actually very hard to have a child in the main bloodline of the Toraono Clan but then again we are extremely long lived thanks to the blessings of the First Men and the curses of actions from war. As far as sparring goes the only limit we actually have is killing and maiming. Otherwise those whom spar set the rules of engagement and the manner in which one wins."<i></i> Demon Kuro then proceeded to produce a book of recorded matches, their outcomes, and techniques used or recognized. "In the end we treat every match as a learning experience so win or lose Suna always gets the benefits and learns effective tactics."<i></i>

Sharingan Kuro monitored Sashi's explanation of the visitor's medical reception. He nodded at the validity of everyone's actions even though he was certain she had done no harm directly, indirectly or intentionally.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ginjiro sat back as Kagemaru-sensei spoke some more to Sashi-san. Having successfully dodged the bullet of explaining the nature of Mizuki-sempai's injuries, Ginjiro sighed mentally as he witnessed the transactions that occurred between the two. When Kagemaru-sensei spoke again to Ginjiro, it was again in the native tongue of Fuego. Nodding to his sensei as the man finished, Ginjiro responded quickly. "U ortihmdert. Kyyt cosg, Gekileho-mirmiu." And with that, the man would waste no time in heading out to find their missing teammate. Knowing what he had to do, Ginjiro turned immediately to the telegraph machine that had appeared for his use. Setting up immediately, Ginjiro began transmitting within a minute.
Telegraph said:
.-..-. -- ..- -. - / .-. ..- --. -.-- -.- .- --..-- / -.-- --- -.-- -.. -.-. .. -. . / -.- . .... --.. . -. ..- / -. .- -... ..- -. -.. . .... -.- / . .... .-.-.- / -.. .-. .- / ...- ..- -- -- ..- ..-. . .... -.- / ... .- -.-. -.-. -.-- -.- .- / .-. -.-- -.-. / .--. .- .- .... / -.. -. -.-- .... -.-. .-.. -. . .--. .- - / ...- ..- -. / -.. .-. .- / -.-- .... .--. .. / ..- -... .- -. -.-- -.. . .--- .- / .----. --. -.-- -.- .- ... -.-- -. .. .----. / -. .- -.- -.-- -. - . .... -.- / ..- .. -. / ... . -.-. -.-. . ..- .... / . .... / -.-. .. .... -.-- -.- -.-- --. .. -. .- .-.-.- / -.. .-. .- / ... .- -.-. -.-. -.-- -.- .- / -. .- -.-- - -.-. / -.-- -.-. / ...- ..- -- -- ..- ..-. -.-. .-.-.- / .- ... .- -. -.- .- .... .-.. --- / -.-. . -.. .. -.-- -.. . ..- .... / -.-- -.. / -.. .-. .- / -.. ..- -. -.-- ..- .... ..- / - ..- --.. ..- .-.-.- / ... . .-- .. --. . / .-. -.-- -.-. / .--. .- .- .... / . .... .-.. -.-- -... -.-- .-.. . -.. -.-- -.. .- - / -.-- .... - / . -.-. / . .... / -.-- / .-.. ..- ... -.-- / -- . --. .- / -.-. -.. -.-- -.. .- / - .. .- / -.. ..- / .. .... --. .... ..- ..-. .... / .-.. -.-- .. -.-. .- -.-. / -.-- .... - / .-- .- .... . .-.. .-. . / . -.-. / -.-- ..-. ..- -- .-.-.- / ... -.-- . .... / .--. -. -.-- .... .-.. .-. / -.-. .- .... .... . .... / .. ... -.-- -.-. .-. . / . -.-. / .-. .- -. .- / .. .... .- --.- -... .- .-.. -.. .- - -- --- .-.-.- / . / . .... -.. .- .... - / ..- .... / .-. .. .... -.. . .... -.- / - ..- ..-. .... / .-- .- .... . .-.. .-. . / -.. ..- / - . -.-. .-.. ..- .--- .- -. / . ...- / .-. .- / .-. -.-- -.-. / .--. .- .- .... / -.. -.-- --. .- .... / ..- -. / . ...- / .-. .- .----. -.-. / -. .. .... .-.-.- / . ...- / .-. .- / .-. -.-- -.-. / -. .. .... --..-- / . .----. -- -- / - .- -.. -.-- . .... / .-. . ... / .. .... -.. . -- / . / -. .- .-.. .- . .--- .- / ..-. ..- -. - / ..- ...- / --- ..- .. -. / ..- -. - .- -. -.-. .-.-.- / -... -- .- -.-- -.-. .- / -.-- - .--- . -.-. .- .-.-.- .-..-.

Translated Telegraph said:
[ This is what anyone who tries to intercept the telegraph would get. ]


With that, Ginjiro was finished. He had no more use for this telegraph machine, so he turned to return it Sashi-san so that she could reseal it. However, as he did, an idea struck him. He knew he needed to find the man that Kagemaru-sensei had spoken of, but this was also important. Approaching the woman, Ginjiro began to speak. "Excuse me madam, I am finished with the telegraph machine. However, I was you by any chance have a spare machine that I may purchase? I promise to pay handsomely." What the heck was this kid up to? Whatever it was, he certainly had something important going through his mind. Otherwise, he never would have decided to dilly-dally with Kagemaru-sensei's orders.

Telegraph sent to Leaf Gates. Four hours (420 minutes) to reach Leaf Gates.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Sashi produced a much smaller and wooden device with a few severely heavy brass points. It was curiously made to resemble a horse but it was more than workable. As she glanced at the nin in a coma she actually worried about his health on a personal level and felt horrible that she could not fix him. "Here you go, please take of my personal items whatever you need, and when he wakes please have him message me. I am certain my healing did not cause his coma but to hear from him in any fashion would help my conscious." She wrapped it in a soft slightly oiled brown sand crushed cotton cloth. The scent of cinnamon and ginger hung heavy on the device, it was obvious the device was custom made for her and here she was giving it away in hope.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Recognizing an ignoring presence when it was shown to him, Umashi opted to part ways with the folks that had so kindly welcomed him. It wasn't that he was overly offended but then again, with all the people talking around him instead of towards him, it did do little to ease his ego. More so to the point, Kagemaru was out and he was the focal point of the mission. Well, he and the rest of the plans. Seeing as how there wasn't going to be any noteworthy duels, Umashi backtracked his way towards the gates out of this place. Assuming the same bit of a guise as he did when he entered the place, he respectively excused himself and would attempt to be on his way. Missing children and sickly ones to boot, he was looking for much bigger pearls with which to assemble the finest jewelry. He'd send word when he got to the next leg of his journey.

OOC: [Topic Left]
Oct 10, 2012
"Don't worry, Chizuru. I haven't done anything to make her mad." He would say with a smile as he lightly pat the girl on the head before taking her hand, leading both her and Suzuhime outside. They would be greeted by a most curious sight as a number of carriages began to arrive, their passengers soon stepping out and waving towards them. The Yamazaki clan, or at least as many that could manage to attend, flooding the courtyard as more appeared. Red would be a predominant color here when it came to hair colors along with the same green eyes that Iori and Suzuhime possessed, but there were also a wide variety of colors mixed in as well, even some quite unnatural ones due to either modifications or accidents that might have occurred. And of course there were the creations, both mechanical and biological, from crossbreeds of animals that nature never intended to occur to puppets that were almost lifelike in appearance, most either pets or servants while some were actually Yamazaki themselves. "In the invitations I sent them I specified that they shouldn't bring any non-essential...'guests'. It seemed that part was ignored." He would muse to his sister and daughter, waving to the crowd as they approached them. Respectful bows, handshakes, and hugs would be given to Iori, even more hugs and words of endearment were showered upon Chizuru, and of course many of them congratulated Suzuhime on her wedding, showing her the kind of love and support one would expect from a family-centric clan as the Yamazaki. Soon however their excited chatter would begin to wane, heads turning and bodies stepping aside as they let someone through their ranks.

Yamazaki Susumu, the former patriarch of the family, a respected man who had continued his own father's work in establishing a stable home in Sunagakure, and who's guidance had groomed Iori into a more than suitable successor for him.

Yamazaki Ryoko, the former matriarch and a stern woman who's glare was thought to be cold enough to freeze even the most ardent of flames, a woman who was known within the family as a great example of what all should strive for when it comes to the name of science, and one who was known outside of it as a highly dangerous criminal who was wanted in 10 different countries.

They seemed like total opposites, with Susumu sporting an excited grimace on his face as approached the trio, and with Ryoko seeming as if she would rather be anywhere else. Her expression softened however as she spotted little Chizuru, the faintest of smiles forming at the corner of her lips as Susumu moved to lift the girl into his arms. "Chizuru, what are they feeding you? You seem to be getting bigger and bigger every time I see you!" He would laugh as he tossed the girl up in the air, easily catching her before turning her towards Ryoko. "A diet full of sweets, it seems. Why else would her cheeks be so pinchable?" Ryoko would say as she gently pinched her granddaughters cheek before leaning in to give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Mother, Father, I'm happy that you two were able to make it." Iori would say as he offered them a smile, Ryoko shifting her attention towards him. "The trip was terrible but I wasn't going to miss my only daughters wedding. Speaking of which...." Eyes would slide over to Suzuhime, focusing on her as Susumu set Chizuru down and moved to join them, looking back and forth between the two before he spoke up. "'ve grown up so fast. We're so happy that...." Susumu would be cut off as Ryoko suddenly moved towards Suzuhime, arms opening up to pull her in for a hug. The woman loved her family very much but such a loving gesture was rare from her, embracing her daughter tightly. Glancing towards Iori Susumu would smile, moving to join them as he also embraced Suzuhime, letting their actions speak for them.
Oct 22, 2012
Suzuhime would be led outside, the dusk beginning to set in around the outside portion of the village. The dojo located in the perfect spot to escape the diamond storm. Suzu gently grasped her brother's arm until they would stop. A loud rumbling sound being heard from a single direction. And then followed by an army of carriages. Suzuhime looked bewildered for a moment, wondering why so many were arriving at once. People piling out of their carriages, usually with red hair, or green eyes, both, or some variation of the two, but there of course were some that lacked either. And then there were their 'little' experiments accompanying the parade of mad scientists. However, they weren't mad. Yamazaki were just very dedicated to their craft of course!

"I'm sure they were essential for the others Iori."

She couldn't help but respond in her shocked state. Her mouth slightly agape from the unusual surprise. Shaking her shock off as the group surged forward to say their greetings to the patriarch, the youngest and only daughter, and of course the patriarch's precious daughter. Suzuhime could quickly feel herself smiling widely as she continued to hear the words being showered upon her. Meeting many clan members she remembered seeing, and some she did not. It made her wonder how many of them had to come from other countries just to be here. Suzuhime thanking each one gratefully until the chattering stopped in disturbing synchronization. Suzuhime noticed a carriage a little bigger than the others, and it seemed that's where the others divided themselves from. Separating away from the two walking figures like Moses and the Red Sea. Suzuhime returned to her state of shock when she saw an aged gray head peak out from above the crowd, and soon after she saw the stern face of her mother Ryoko.

His stitched skin, trademark cigarette, large glasses, lab-coat and bleak turtle neck. And the most trademark of her father's appearance would certainly be the large black bolt that stuck out of either side of his head. Susumu was very tall of course, either taller or as tall as his own son. Despite his rough appearance, Susumu was still considered quite handsome even at his age. Susumu enjoyed messing around a lot, which could make one question just how successful he was as a scientist. Often making even their stern and straightforward mother giggle in the middle of important matters. Much to her chagrin. He was the main influence in Suzuhime's life, thus labeling Suzuhime as a 'daddy's girl.'

And of course her mother was at her father's side. They were very much inseparable as a couple. The few times Suzu could remember they've fought, they would make up directly after. Ryoko was easily classified as unkempt beauty. With even a bloodshot pupil and permanent bags under her eyes, and of course her long unkempt brunette hair. She was dressed for business as always. But when you put all of those features together, combined with that fact that she was actually a bit buxom. Ryoko was pretty easy for the eyes if you could ignore her perpetual state of seriousness. One could easily see were Suzuhime got most of her looks from, Suzuhime however taking a bit more care of herself then her mother. And now that she was to become the next matriarch of the Toraono, she had an army of servants to assist her.

The looks on their faces somewhat disheartened Suzuhime. Ryoko looked like she didn't want to be here, and Susumu of course looked interested in everything. He sure did like dissecting things... but that was besides the point. Suzuhime could feel her heart catch in her throat as they advanced closer to herself, Iori, and Chizuru. Of course they would give some affection to Chizuru. One does not simply see Chizuru and not love her. Suzuhime could feel her breathing become erratic when Ryoko turned to her. Her father began to say the typical things a father would say before his daughter's wedding. Until her mother cut him off mid sentence and pulled Suzuhime into a motherly embrace. Suzuhime could feel her emotions breaking down at the gesture. Her 'swollen tongue' had been holding back her immense emotions. These feelings finally spilling forth as she returned the hug with her mother eagerly. Suzuhime cried profusely into her mother's clothes, hugging her tightly as if she never wanted to let go. Her father soon joining the two women, having to bend down slightly to hug Suzuhime on a more comfortable level. Suzuhime still cried never ending tears of joy. Feeling a soft hand reach from behind her hood and began stroking her head lovingly. Susumu lightly dragging his fingers across her face like he did when Suzu was just a little girl. The two of them speaking sweet words to her. Such a moment was rare. It was unheard of enough to for Ryoko to be showing blatant and physical affection. But for the two of them at the same time? That was as rare as it got. And Suzuhime was the fortunate soul to have it happen too.

For minutes her parent's embraced her tightly while she cried until her eyes hurt. She apologized for ever doubting their love for her. For speaking so poorly of them without listening to their reason. For being ungrateful for all the years she spent with them. All the emotions of having never seen her parents for seven years spilling out in the span of a few minutes. Suzuhime would pull away from her parents. Susumu moving to stand next to Ryoko and put his arm around Ryoko's shoulder. Both of them speaking at the same time.

"We're proud of you Suzuhime. And never forget that we love you."

Suzuhime wiped away the tears forming from the words. Clenching her teeth tightly to keep herself from wailing more. Nodding her head rapidly in understanding as she choked out the words.

"I know... I know..."

Sniffing and wiping away her tears with her hands, she took a deep breath. Turning to Iori and kissing him on the cheek. And giving him a quick hug as well.

"Thank you Iori... this is... the best thing you could have ever done for me. And that includes repairing my limbs."

She would break away and practically skip over to her parents again, planting kisses on both of them before she turned to the crowd of Yamazaki.

"On behalf of the Toraono clan, I welcome you all to... well. My wedding! Please enjoy yourselves, and I only ask one thing from all of you. The Toraono are very religious and spiritual, so please try not to offend that. Now please enjoy the night!"

Suzuhime would snap her fingers and two of her crimson guardians would open the large doors. The large crowd surging forward to join the wedding party. Suzuhime sporting a wide smile on her face, looking over at her parents, to see them both still with happy expressions on their faces...

Suzuhime was still skeptical about the whole spiritual premise of the clan she was marrying into, but dare she say... she felt blessed to have been born Yamazaki. Flaw and all.​

WC: 1193
Oct 23, 2012
Chizuru thought that Iori had some large sized gift or something waiting outside for Suzu to see and that was why they were going outside. The more she though tabout it, the more unlikely that seemed because she would have known about it. There were no secret areas that Iori could have kept such a thing secret from Chizuru in the mansion and he had traveled here with her so that wasn't it. Soon, she was to be surprised and delighted by the rumbling of a convoy of carriages and things that counted as carriages but were not all quite such. The ol Yamazaki Convoy was on it's way and Chi-chan could not be more delighted. She LOVED her family and they loved her right back. She didn't get to see them too often but when she did it was always a grandiose event.

“This is so wonderful!”

Once the carriages come to a halt, she bolts off from her father's side and becomes a little hugging machine as she greets her family, both receiving and giving many a hug or kiss and compliment. She was no attention whore, but she sure as hell loved the attention they were lavishing upon her. After the initial meet and greet, she'd return to Iori's side just in time for her grand parents to make their appearance and make the little one squeal with delight. Oh How she loved her grandparents so. They were the greatest grandparents EVER. Before she knew it, Chizuru was up in Susumu's arms and being tosses up into the air.

“Wheeeee! Hehe...I do most of the cooking at the house Grandpa. I have been using various family recipes so I eat rather well, but you know I have not grown an iota, grandpa.”

She knew he was just saying it to be nice, but Chizuru was well aware of her rather stunted growth. Being dead kind of had such an affect on one. As Ryoko chimes in to pinch the girl on the cheeks she'd blush and giggle with such delight before holding her hands up to her cheeks just in time for that kiss to her forehead.

“I try not to eat too many sweets Gramma, but I have to keep my cheeks pinch-able for when you come by.”

This was Suzu's time to shine, and yet in just a few moments those two had made Chizuru feel like it was all about her. Once she was set down though she'd step away so Suzu could have her time with them. While that was going on Chizuru disappears into the crowd of Yamazaki, trying to see if Sunako had shown up.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro, Suzuhime's Kuro, strode forth back in full regalia after his impromptu match had been called off due to a medical emergency for one of the visiting men. He took a knee before Suzuhime's parents. "Welcome to the Toraono Dojo, parents of my beloved. It's an honor you could make it for the ceremony. Please feel free to stay as long as you wish, if we have it to give name it and it is yours because you have given my family the greatest gift of all. The love of your wonderful daughter, the goddess of my spirit, and the caretaker of my heart."<i></i>

Kuro looked somehow stronger, more potent even as he kneeled he seemed to radiate power as if he was offering them a small piece of immortality.

ooc: Sorry about the short post, didn't want to overshadow the happiness.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Accepting Sashi-sama's gift of the telegraph machine, Ginjiro didn't know what to say. He had not been expecting such a generous gift, nor did he expect her to give away one that was hers personally. Left speechless for a few moments, Ginjiro could only smile and bow to the woman. "Thank you so much, Sashi-sama. I'll be sure to send the message myself as soon as Mizuki-sempai gets better. Take care!" Tucking the telegraph machine into his backpack, Ginjiro was then off to fulfill Kagemaru-sensei's request. He was to find the man that his sensei had been talking to earlier, who had been called Enzan, and to stay with him until Kagemaru-sensei could come back. That had been the plan anyways. As Ginjiro showed back up at the formal party area, he began to look high and low for the man. At first, he had no luck. The young boy figured that the two of them were just circling each other by chance. But as he kept looking, Ginjiro began to realize the truth: the man known as Enzan had disappeared from the premises. "Oh damn it all! How could he have left already? I was only gone for ten stinking minutes!" Ginjiro was starting to get worried, now. As the boy stopped to think, he tried to figure out the best possible strategy for himself. He couldn't stay here by himself, but he couldn't chase after Kagemaru-sensei either. He was forced into making an impossible choice. What was he to do?

It was right then that Ginjiro made a decision. Forget what Kagemaru-sensei had said, this was his call now. The plan had changed, and Ginjiro knew what he was going to do. No way was he going to let Kagemaru-sensei have all the fun by himself. Ginjiro was as strong as any Chuunin out there; in fact, the only reason he hadn't already been promoted to Genin and then Chuunin was the Akazora Invasion back at home. Leaf City had suspended all exams until they could get the situation under control. And since Ginjiro was just as strong as a Chuunin, that meant he should be able to make a decision like this as if he was one. Right? Either way, it didn't matter. The young boy was going for it. He would be able to follow his master's footprints in the sand, and he even knew which direction the man had gone in. It couldn't be far. So, with that settled, Ginjiro decided to make his leave from the estate and to venture forth into the night.
"Man, Kagemaru-sensei's going to kill me..."

Marked for Training.
Topic Left.
Oct 10, 2012
"Honestly I didn't do much more than send out the invitations. Did you really think that the clan would miss out on your wedding? You're precious to all of us." He would say with a sincere smile, eyes moving over to track Chizuru's movement through the crowd. With that the clan would begin to disperse among the guests, either mingling with the crowd or trying to find a spot to call their own. After Kuro came to meet with Ryoko and Susumu the two would look at each other, a grin forming on the latter's lips before looking back at Kuro. "And thank you for bringing her such happiness. We're just overjoyed that she was able to meet and fall in love with such a courageous man as yourself. We know that you two will make a truly wonderful couple." Susumu would say as he extended his hand to Kuro to shake, Ryoko merely cocking her head to the side as she looked down at the kneeling beastman.

As Chizuru moved through the dispersing crowd the roar of an engine could be heard rumbling up the path to the dojo, soon coming into view as it passed the gates. A chakracycle identical to the one Iori owned except a metallic blue in color, screeching to a halt a few feet from Chizuru. As the engine died down the figure on it would look up, hands moving to undo her helmet before pulling it off, red hair falling over her shoulders in twin ponytails as green eyes settled on the girl. "Hey, little lady!" sunako would grin as she hopped off the machine, hanging the helmet off a handlebar before approaching Chizuru. She would kneel down to give her a close hug, a gloved hand gently running through her hair. "I ain't late, am I? The hotel I was staying in had a pretty messy electrical fire so I got held up while that was being taken care of. Apparently their weak circuits couldn't hand supercharging a toaster." She would say as she stood up and gently took her hand, moving over towards the group. "Well'en! Suzu! Lookit you! All fancied up and getting married! Congratulations!" The woman would grin as she moved towards her cousin, seeking to give her a close hug. Hugs would also be administered to Iori and Susumu, though Sunako knew better than to try something like that on Ryoko, instead giving the woman a very respectful bow.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro gratefully took Susumu's hands and after standing took care to bow before Ryoko. He smiled at Suzuhime again whom seemed to finally be relieved an then another family member arrived upon one of the famous Yamazaki Clan inventions. Kuro waited while her family showered her with kind, heartfelt words. Kuro didn't whisper but he did speak in low tones as he pulled Suzuhime to him briefly. Kuro sighed deeply as he looked down upon the floor. All the preparations were complete for this private ceremony but this wasn't just a wedding it was a joining of souls, his bond with Suzuhime would be much deeper and might fundamentally change his fiancé for the worse.

”My beloved once stage one of our spirit bond is complete, you will have access to my feelings and occasionally you will even be able to hear what I am thinking but that is rudimentary. Your bonding with me will grant you access to a power that equals what you had as an avatar of Amaterasu. Your body, your soul, your mind will all change and I want to make sure that if it changes it is for the better. I don’t want you under any delusions that the final link of our bonding will be so gentle. I am of true demonbeast blood, and I harbor my own Uncle, a demonbeast that once fought for and against the ancient celestials as a guardian of Amaterasu, goddess of the sun. Only half of his power is sealed within me, and the other half will be part of you as both your true Guardian and your burden. As a descendant of the Yamazaki you have the potential to become Amaterasu incarnate. I won’t let you lose yourself, but I can’t help you when it is time to bind the dark side of Hyakujuuonouu within you. He will be chained, and blindfolded when you draw him forth but his power is still that of a devourer and a guardian. I promise you I will never let you go so long as I have life in me and you have faith in me.”<i></i>

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
