Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Barynx [Event A-S]

Oct 22, 2012
Izura’s cursed seal spiraled out of control, sending arcs of powerful chakra reeling into the ranks of his peers. The lances of chakra leeched at Roku and Kasen, draining them of some of their life force as Izura tried his best to keep the effects of the cursed seal under control, all the while attempting to dodge the sandworm’s incoming attacks. He managed to counter one attack, using Izanagi to deny the reality of the harm befallen to him, but was soon hit by another attack that crushed his body, causing a moderate level of internal bleeding.

Fortunately for the Uchiha, the worm’s final moments were at hand, as the combined attacks from the remaining shinobi managed to take the behemoth down.

Finally managing to deactivate the cursed seal, he heard as Toraono Kuro explained to the crowd that they all might have contracted some sort of deadly disease.

Izura coughed up blood, as he fell to one knee atop his just as wounded bird, Soraka. Both of them were bleeding to moderate levels, but every bone in his body ached from that attack.

Analyzing the area around him, he used snapshot master rank to memorize the scene before him, also taking careful note to remember the chakra signatures of those he had encountered during this whole ordeal. Information was power, after all.

The plague was a cause for concern for most folk, but Izura figured that he’d be able to deny it’s effects on his body via the use of Izanagi. The very technique that allowed him to survive the battle in the first place. The defiance of fate itself.

Izura looked at Amaya for a brief moment before he took off on Soraka, soaring into the clouds and out of sight, before disappearing entirely. It would’ve been strange to anyone observing. He went into the cloud…and then simply disappeared completely, without a trace. Not even his bird was there…

(Izura and Soraka went into a cloud, before Izura dispelled the summon and teleported away.)

[Topic Left]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
...And that was Checkmate or so Amaya thought but it would seem the Barynx had one more move to make. Though it did not explode, it was revealed by the concerned parties that this thing had attacked before and like before it's defeat resulted in its toxic heart infecting the grounds with a deadly virus known to the wind country as RED DEATH. Such a portentous name but it wouldn't hurt to excerise caution. Amaya's biggest disappointment was in the delay of this information. She looked around at the sight of mortally injured shinobi and found Izura on his knees coughing and thus an opportunity was present. She walked over to him only to bear witness to his escape, looking up as he disappeared into the clouds...

"He flew away... oh well, I'll get him next time."

Her next point of interest was from a beast man offering relief of the ailment to allegedly befall today's combatants. Another with strange eyes but then again everything about him was strange. She would approach this man or beast and rudely stare though curiosity was clearly present in her eyes. Never had her eyes set on such a anomalous being before. It was not only titanic but mighty and radiated presence. Amaya was perturbed by it's very existence challenging her own and that one punch from the beast was enough to debilitate the fondation of the Barynx sturdy plates and halt it's advances. Amaya was unsure if this provoked feelings of pique or ire as the creature caste a big Shadow over her. She would hear his plan to seal not only the flesh of the Barynx but it's Toxic heart... this just would not do. Though another offered to aid in the Sealing, Amaya could not just let them seal this creature if there was any chance that such a prize could aid Sunagakure in becoming a greater super power than that of her people. But what could she do at this time? At the moment she was vastly out numbered and to include the Kazakage no less. She just witnessed their strengths and could surmise their weakness but the gamble would be high. Even if the perfect time to strike was now amongst so many injured, the threat of Red Death could be real and the huge man before her was the only one who seemed to have a cure. He also claimed to possess the skill to seal the heart and though the sealed heart of Barynx would be a threat to Iwagakure in the hands of any other nations, Sealing jutsu's were not of her strongest skill sets. She had to play this right. She would be rid of the Barynx ailment with their help first and then relieve Sunagakure of their sealed Barynx flesh and heart. She already manged to retrieve several of the Barynx broken off plates by use of the gravel shift jutsu. These would serve as even better materials for armor than that of the strongest minerals of earth found in wind country. For now she would play nice, she had to. Still standing before the beast of a man she would speak though he looked a bit busy looking around and concentrating beyond her.

"TORAONO DOJO... Are all the TORAONO clans men like you?"

[Fragments of Barynx plates aquired]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke listened to the Dark Sage's explanation of his power set, or how his worked in a slightly different way. He would take Barnyx into his own heart. That alone was enough to cause Sousuke's eyes to glow blue from beneath his helmet. He was considering it, but there were problems in that. "A curious concept. I am familiar with the skill set you speak of, and everyone has their own little way of making something different about it."<i></i> He looked to Barnyx. "I am not sure this works the way you would want it to. The enemy who ... resurrected Barnyx may have already bound himself to it. If a body is utterly destroyed ... is it still summonable?"<i></i> Some things even Sousuke did not know, and he would consider himself a well learned man. "Barnyx itself is a corruption, a disease, and ... several problems as a host unto itself. I do not desire for one of those who aided Sungakure to poison themselves and perish."<i></i> The concept of a Dark Sage may have existed in the time of the First Men, and it may have existed under a different name. The general term for this was sorcery.

"I'm Sousuke. Let's at least be able to ... refer to each other by names."<i></i> He offered. His gaze shifted as a woman was taking off the peices of plates from the now re-dead Barnyx. Sousuke said nothing but merely watched. It didn't take him much to figure out that she was going along with Kuro's suggestion from earlier. "I've got an arm made of a sandworm somewhere in my shop. It's a bit too heavy for my liking."<i></i> He would state out loud. "How much of a body do you need to for reanimation. There's a sandworm corpse at 56'43. It's been dead for a while, but the bones are still there. It's the sandworm that my ... arm is made up of. My other arm... if you're wondering."<i></i> Indeed. Sousuke lacked his arm. "We're not sealing Barnyx in Roku either. Man has already been through enough. He's only died ... now in the double digits."<i></i> Sousuke would answer Kuro.

Enzan would next point out that there was the possibility of Barnyx is a female. Sousuke would think back. "History ... ... ... did refer to her a female. That is a problem. I ... ..."<i></i> Well now. This just got even more difficult. Sousuke would hold his head now with his hands. Think. Think. Think. "On a technicality, if you resurrected a dead female carrying young or had carried young, wouldn't brain death have set in a long time ago?"<i></i> He would ask again of the same Sunaku. "Radiating the zone could be helpful. I have no qualms with that."<i></i>

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Well, this was over a lot faster than one might have expected. Still, there was always the question just how well a legendary best of old would deal with several individuals which, quite clearly, had just enough strength to match those who managed to best it in the past. after all, with the nature of the powers they all wielded it was not quite out of the question those who were here today would be the legends for years to come...and this wasn’t him thinking highly of himself...well, not completely. Many of the others had an impressive showing...maybe even more so then him. He did feel a bit of as he was grazed by one of the beasts attacks after his own. He was worried something like this would happen. he was trailing through the desert for the last few days...and he was still feeling..shaky after what has transpired as he vanished from the village. Still... he did well enough as the wyrm was now lying motionless...though the question was whether it was better this way or not was soon to be raised.

The familiar voice of his friend was least until the subject matter was raised. A bit of a bitter laughter came from the Sunan lips. Of course...never could be too easy huh? |For a moment he thought he could use the commotion to sneak of and then make his grand return once he figures some things out...didn’t quite seem like a possibility now. Some of the people kept around, some headed their way, some stayed around poking at the corpse of the wyrm...he might as well try and get the cat out of the bag by now. He did over hear one of those he didn’t quire recognized talking about eating the wyrm...considering they just learned it was a host of a deadly disease, that seemed like no the most safe idea.

Soon the dune walker garbed Sunan was close to Sousuke and those near him "I’m pretty sure if there were any young ones resurrected with her they would probably be coming to their mothers aid...or coming for their share of the meal. I’d say were safe for now...disregarding the whole disease part. do you believe separating the body from the ground would help in stopping the sickness from spreading further into the land?" he asked, while assessing in his mind just how he could help in getting rid of the thing. He didn’t make any attempt or removing his hood or introducing himself...perhaps still a bit to unsure of how he would be accepted if he were to do so...though he didn’t really try to hide his voice, and he doubted Sousuke or one of the few Kuro's around would pick up on who was speaking under the hood.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Episode 4: 'Idle Hand'|Barynx Returns Arc said:

The beast would collapse and those present would do some form of rejoicing or next step preparing, a couple even fled before all was said and done. He, however, stood there bloody and with a mangled arm, his hand missing from about the wrist. While blood was running from this newly created opening, the rest of his body would be just as bloody. The worm was truly terrifying, but the amount of damage he had sustained from those present, the humans, was even more terrifying. He had been sealed to siphon his health, he had been hit by a burning red mist and to top off everything, his friend, the Kazekage, had not only drawn his blade at him but had connected and further increased the bloody mess that was one of the three Suna Sennin.

Sousuke would begin to analyze and assess the situation outloud, but his attention would be elsewhere as his blood shot eyes glared down at the spot where his left hand used to reside. The seals upon his body would die down as his transformation would disperse, except on his left arm. The markings would seem to intensify and focus on his one limb as his flesh would begin to pulsate. His eyes would then shift to the fallen body of the worm. Slowly he would make his way to the beast and raise his bloody arm up. The pulsating flesh would suddenly shoot forth sending small flesh looking vines latching onto the carcass of Barynx. The flesh would not just stay latched upon the body, it would quickly begin to spread until not only engulfing one of the plates that once protected the giant worm but would appear to begin to borrow into the flesh under the plate.

"Seal its heart within me... might not be the first poisonous thing you'd find within me."

That damn woman in that damn hole...

Without any warning, his flesh would quickly begin rescind. As the flesh removed itself from the body of Barynx, it would become apparent that the plate of the beast it had originally covered was now more. It would also appear that a large chunk of the flesh of the beast under the plate would also seem to be gone, and if anyone was truly paying that close attention it would appear that Roku was actually in better shape than he was just a few moments ago. An interesting little skill he had recently learned about his body and its ability to assimilate certain things [Corrupted Regeneration Mastered], and while no one else might have noticed it, there was something about this reanimated worm that stood out to him, that called to him. There was a familiar touch, a familiar essence emanating from it.

Was daddy here...

All the flesh would finally make its way back to his arm which would no longer appear mangled from the bite of the worm. It would not look like a fully healed stump at his wrist.

This will actually be perfect. I can find a new hand later, but this look will make me immediately recognizable.

His height was always a concern for how he felt like it would eventually make him stand out while in his numerous masked forms but now with Roku missing a hand and his other personas eventually appearing with two hands... this could not have been a better moment that had verified witnesses. Now he needed to make sure as many people saw him, the one handed Sennin to further his new, and potentially, greatest cover for his extracurricular activities.

A smile would return to his face as he would raise his nub up into the air and wave it at Sousuke.

"Hey, need a hand, Kazekage?"

It was time to own his new appearance. Internally, his body would continue to work on assimilating the worm but being a creature that was neither human or Ancient, two of the components that made up his being, he wasn't fully sure how well this would work out, but that beast owed him a hand.

MFT - 680
Name: Roku
Height: 6'2"
Build: Lean and Muscular
Eyes: Red
Blood Type: O Negative
Personal Data
[spoilername="Jutsu List"]*Fire Jutsu
- Fireball: Mastered [D]
- Dragon Fire: Mastered [C]
- Searing Eruption: Mastered [C]
- Scalding Ash Cloud: Mastered [C]
- Immolation Armor: Mastered [D]
- Heat Wave: Mastered [C]
- Firestorm: Mastered [B ]
- Infernal Ember [E] Rank 1
- Thermal Maw [E] Rank 1
- Combustive Seal [D] Rank 1
- Infernal Hellfire [ B] Rank 1
- Spontaneous Combustion [ B] Rank 1
- Ring of Fire [ B] Rank 1
- Dragon Flame Bomb [A] Rank 1
- Sol Fire Tempest [A] Rank 1
- Abysmal Harbinger [A] Rank 1
- Flame Shield [A] Rank 1

*Earth Jutsu
- Gravel Shift: Mastered [E]
- Sinkhole Fist: Mastered [D]
- Rock Golem: Mastered [C]
- Mud Clone: Mastered [D]
- Stone Bullet [E] Rank 1
- Earth Flow River [D] Rank 1
- Inner Earth Reflection Lure [C] Rank 1
- Earth Flow Wave [C] Rank 1
- Earthen Coating [C] Rank 1
- Bedrock Coffin [ B] Rank 1
- Weighted Rock Technique [ B] Rank 1
- Earth Spiker [ B] Rank 1
- Antlion Sinkhole [ B] Rank 1
- Fist of Gaia [A] Rank 1
- Earthen Magnitude [A] Rank 1
- Earthslide Wall [A] Rank 1
- Petrification [A] Rank 1

- Transformation: Mastered [E]
- Body Switch: Mastered [E]
- Cancel: Mastered [D]
- Contract Summoning Mastered [D]
- Combination Transformation Mastered [D]
- Crystal Eye Mastered [D]
- Spirit Lantern Mastered [D]
- Jutsu Sealing Mastered [C]
- Stunt Double Mastered [C]
- One Element Sealing Mastered [C]
- Elemental Negation Mastered [C]
- Elemental Clone: Mastered [C]
- Barrier Mastered [C]
- Shadow Shuriken Replication Mastered [ B]
- Energy Transfer Mastered[ B]
- Leech Seal Mastered[ B]
- Chakra Shield Mastered[ B]
- Chakra Blast Mastered[ B]
- Rasengan Mastered[ B]
- Advanced Combination Transformation Mastered[ B]
- Perfected Rasengan Mastered[A]
- Five Element Seal Mastered[A]
- Morality Sealing Mastered[A]
- Natures Guard Mastered[A]
- Stardust Nova Mastered[A]
- Gate of Enma Mastered[A]
- Curse Sealing Mastered[A]

- Storm Bolt Rank 1 [E]
- Thunderfist Rank 1 [E]
- Thunderclap Rank 1 [D]
- Electroshock Rank 1 [D]
- Electrocution Rank 1 [D]
- Zeus Flash Rank 1 [C]
- Lightning Torrent Rank 1 [C]
- Thunderstruck Rank 1 [C]
- Volt Charge Rank 1 [C]
- Gigavolt Cannon Rank 1 [ B]
- Chidori Rank 1 [ B]
- Lightning Beast Rank 1 [ B]
- Amp Field Rank 1 [ B]
- Raijin's Vengeance Rank 1 [A]
- Chidori Control Rank 1 [A]
- Kirin Rank 1 [A]
- Thunderdome Rank 1 [A]

-Pressurized Mist Mastered [E]
-Water Gun Mastered [E]
-Aqua Fang Mastered [D]
-Rinse Off Mastered [D]
-Water Whip Mastered [D]
-Grand Waterfall Mastered [C]
-Rain Dance Mastered [C]
-Impaling Hydro Jet Mastered [C]
-Water Prison Mastered [C]
-Mystical Pond [ B] Mastered
-Grand Hydra Excavation [A] Mastered
-Water Dragon Bullet [A] Mastered
-Scorn of Aquarius [A] Mastered
-Supreme Aqua Realm [A] Mastered

*Wind Jutsu
-Wind Slash [E] Mastered
-Pressure Burst [E] Mastered
-Air Bullet (Mastered) [D]
- Shredding Touch (Mastered) [D]
-Whirlwind Spin [D] Mastered
-Wind Scythe [C] Mastered
-Tempest [C] Mastered
-Gale Force [C] Mastered
-Wind Release [C] Mastered
-Great Wind Scythe [ B] Mastered
-Wind Scar [ B] Mastered
-Vacuum Sphere [ B] Mastered
-Cyclone Movement [ B] Mastered
-Tatsumaki [A] Mastered
-Hurricane [A] Mastered
-Ambiance of the Forbidden [A] Mastered
-Zephyr's Grace [A] Mastered

* Ice Jutsu
-Ice Shards [C] Mastered
-Frigid Ice Blast [C] Mastered
-Hypothermic Touch [C] Mastered
-Arctic Aether [C] Mastered
-Ice Transmutation [ B] Mastered
-Snowflake Shuriken [ B] Mastered
-Crystallize [ B] Mastered
-Ice Prison [ B] Mastered
-Hailstorm [A] Mastered
-Koorikan [A] Mastered
-Falling Snow [A] Mastered
-Subzero Purge [A] Mastered

*Wood Jutsu
- Vine Tangle Mastered [C]
- Armor of Thorns Mastered [C]
- Ingrain Mastered [C]
- Wood Hammer Mastered [C]
- Wrath of Nature Mastered [A]
- Sleeping Forest Mastered [A]

- Snap Shot: Mastered [D]
- Active Camo: Mastered [C]
- Chakra Sense: Mastered [C]
- Critical Exposure: Mastered [D]
- Mask Summon: Mastered[D]
- Black Blockade: Mastered [A]
- Shadow Servant Mastered [ B]
- Searchlight Rank 1 [ B]
- Intangible Passage Mastered [ B]
- Body Bind Mastered [A]
- Physical Imprisonment Seal Rank 1[A]
- Flock of Shadows Mastered[A]
- Incapacitate Rank 1 [ B]

- Shoryuken [Mastered] [C]
- Tiger Hook Mastered [C]
- 4 Hit Combo: Mastered [D]
- Dragon Assault Mastered [C]
- The One Two Mastered [E]
- Janken Mastered [E]
- Uncalled for Shot Mastered [E]
- Low Sweep Mastered[E]
- Nut Buster Mastered [D]
- Spinning Wind Mastered [D]
- Primary Lotus Mastered [ B]
- Suplex Mastered [ B]
- 16 Hit Combo (Mastered) [ B]
- Spear Hand (Mastered) [ B]
- Submission (Mastered) [ B]
- Shadow Step Strike (Mastered) [ B]
- Falcon Punch Mastered [A]
- Fist of Virtue Mastered [A]
- Fist of Sin Mastered [A]
- Dance of the Waxing Moon Mastered [A]
- Dynamic Entry (Mastered) [D]
- Dynamic Finish (Mastered) [D]
- Render Blitz [Mastered] [C]
- 7 Hit Combo Mastered [D]
- Concrete Blast Mastered [C]
- Blackjack Attack (Rank 1) [C]
- Rigor Mortis (Rank 1) [ B]
- Pillar of Four Dragons (Rank 1) [A]
- Blast Rush (Rank 1) [C]
- Skull Buster (Rank 1) [C]
- Carpe Noctem (Rank 1) [C]
- Carpe Diem (Rank 1) [C]
- Hex Breaker (Rank 1) [ B]
- Memento Mori (Rank 1) [A]
- Chakra Extension Mastered [C]
- Shadow Dance (Rank 1) [C]
- Gather (Rank 1) [C]
- Barrage (Rank 1) [C]
- Anabolic Frenzy (Rank 1) [ B]
- Devastating Aura (Mastered) [A]
- Awakening (Rank 1) [A]
- Unleashed (Mastered) [A]
- Limit Break (Mastered) [A]
- Lunar Steps Mastered [C]
- Slash Mastered [E]
- Whisperer Mastered [C]
- Steel Weaving Mastered [ B]
- Kill Driver Mastered [ B]
- Zantetsuken Mastered [A]
- Fatal Draw Mastered [A]
- Magnum Break Mastered [ B]
- Zero Slash Counter Mastered [C]
- Executioner Mastered [ B]
- Lotus Flower R1 [ B]
- Higuma Mastered [A]
- Annihilation Mastered [A]
- Heavenly Sword Mastered [A]

- Clone: Mastered [Level 2/Visual]
- Crippled: Mastered [Kinetic] C
- Silly Fingers: Mastered [Kinetic] C
- Mist of Deceit: Rank 1 [Kinetic] C
- Crossed Wires: Rank 1 [Kinetic] C
- Petrification: Mastered [Kinetic] B
- Lingering Spark: Rank 1 [Kinetic] B
- Pox: Rank 1 [Kinetic] B
- Pheonix Embrace: Rank 1 [Kinetic] B
- Crush Depth: Rank 1 [Kinetic] B

- Psychotic Affliction [Kin Ability]
- Cursed Will [Kin Ability]
- Partial Transformation Mastered [C]
- Accursed Protection Mastered [C]
- Corrupted Regeneration Mastered[ B]
- Malevolent Annihilation Mastered [A]
- Vile Mutation

- Trick Weapon x 2
- Razor Strike
- Vampiric
- Steady
- Vanguard
- Lantern
- Primal x 3
- Crippler
- Pressure
- Chakra Drain
- Toxify
- Wide Edge

Inventory List

- Lullaby Powder x2
- Serpent’s Blood x2
- Heaven’s Touch x3

- Belt Pouch x2
- Shoulder Bag
- Sealing Scroll
- Backpack
- Weapon Holster x2
- Headset[/spoilername]</B>
[spoilername="Stats"]<B>Stamina: 50,400
Chakra: 31,200
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600[/spoilername][spoilername="Dojo Info"]Sinister Six
HP: [(63+15)+6(Reckless Endurance)] x (600) = 50,400
CP: (37+15) x 600 = 31,200
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu, +1 Dodge
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Evasion, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Puppet Accuracy

OOC Rank: S

Core Ability: Reckless
Core Ability Choices:
Bloodlust - Passive (3 points)
Mastered Offensive Stance - Passive (3 points)
Monstrous Strength - Modification 2 points
Zaraki Style (2 points)
Endurance - Boost (1 point) x3
Huge Power - Boost (1 point) x3
No Limits - Passive (2 points)
Precision Blow - Dependent Special Move (2 points)

Kinjutsu: Abomination

Curse Seals:
Heaven Rank 3
Gaia Rank 3
Solar Rank 1
Lunar Rank 1

0. Psychotic Affliction (Kin Ability)
0. Cursed Will (Kin Ability)
0. Sentinel - ANBU Branch
0. Shinobi 101 - Kinetic Genjutsu -> Melee Accuracy
1. Called Shot
2. Bull's Strength
3. Acrobat
4. Healing Factor
5. Elemental Illusion
6. Duelist
7. Initiative
8. Quickdraw
9. Hyperactive
10. Kinjutsu
11. Kinjutsu
12. Kinjutsu

Major Affinities:
1. Earth
2. Fire
3. Non-Elemental
4. Wind
5. Water

Minor Affinities:
1. Wind
2. Water
3. Non-Elemental

Advanced Elements:
1. Wood
2. Ice

Muzan – Cruelty
Spoiler: show
Muzan was once a warhammer that has now been melted down and reforged into gauntlets. These metallic brutes might look like they would hurt, but their true power lies in the defensive side of battle
1. Steady
2. Vanguard
3. Lantern
Damage Type:
Unarmed - Handseals
Accuracy/Damage modifier:
-2 Accuracy, +10% Base Damage.

Rokushiki - "Six('s) Styles"
When you are this strong, you have to register your entire body as a deadly weapon! [Roku's entire body]
1. Primal
2. Crippler
3. Pressure
Damage Type:
Unarmed - Suppression
Accuracy/Damage modifier:
-2 Accuracy, +10% Base Damage

Primus Ex Machina
Spoiler: show
Activating a specialized armor that coats his whole body, which he says is imbued with not only the spirit of Primus but his wrath.
1. Chakra Drain
2. Trick Weapon: Slashing
3. Primal
Damage Type:
Unarmed - Hand Seals
Accuracy/Damage modifier:
-2 Accuracy, +10% Base Damage

Contracts: Bird[/spoilername]
Fight Data
Maintains: Armor of Thorns Mastered, Gaia Seal Rank 3, Zaraki Style, Wind - Chakra Style: Inner Current, Leech Seal Mastered - Special Action: increase Hp loss by +2%

*2.0 AP to use Partial Transformation Mastered
Ice Emperor's Gauntlets
Weapon Type: Unarmed - Handseals
Damage Type: +10% Ninjutsu Damage, -2 Ninjutsu ACC
Effect 1: +2 to all Secondaries from Rank 3 Heaven Seal
Effect 2: +8% to any secondary effects from Rank 3 Heaven Seal
Effect 3: Inflict +15% more damage from Rank 3 Heaven Seal
*3.0 AP to use Koorikan Mastered and using Affinity Move: Overcharge and Wind - Chakra Style: Inner Current special effect against Sandworm
*3.0 AP to use Zephyr's Grace Mastered- Special Action to increase Wind Slice chance and sacrifice Gaspless with Affinity Move: Debilitate and Wind - Chakra Style: Inner Current special effect against Sandworm
*2.0 AP to use Ice Shards Mastered - Special Action: Ice Spear with Affinity Move: Focus against Sandworm

*Any attack of 1 AP or higher targets Roku use Body Switch to dodge
*If a healing jutsu targets me, I accept and do not wish to dodge
*If Barynx is KO'ed before list of previous actions are completed, use Nature's Guard Mastered immediately
*Once Nature's Guard has been used rest for remainder of round

Rokushiki - "Six('s) Styles"
When you are this strong, you have to register your entire body as a deadly weapon! [Roku's entire body]
1. Primal
2. Crippler
3. Pressure
Damage Type:
Unarmed - Suppression
Accuracy/Damage modifier:
-2 Accuracy, +10% Base Damage
[spoilername="Inventory"]Weapon Holster: Rokushiki
Weapon Holster 2: Primus Ex Machina
1. Headset
2. Belt Pouch: A) Energy Drinks x3 B) Smoke Bombs x3
3. Belt Pouch 2: A) Explosive Notes x5 B) Kawarimi Target
4. Blood Pills x3
5. Muzan[/spoilername]
Pissing the Night AwayMood Music

Sunaku Isamu

New Member
Jul 4, 2013
Isamu was surprised to see that the knight knew of his own skills. This emant that the the knight has either dwelled in the sage craft his self, or knew someone who was in fact one. Luckily, this man had seemed to be more flexible as he didn't psh Isamu for anyd etails of how he acquired hsi pwoers, for that story alone could get him put in the bingo book. The knight pondered Isamu's offer, but eventually seemed to be settling against it.

"Yes, upon death....well the second death. The user can no longer sustain the technique and it is broken. The body that was being controlled should be destroyed. " Isamu paused to look at the beast's body. It remained dead as if it was truly alive when they fought it. It also fought as if it had it's own free will. It appeared to get frustrated and mad as they fought it. An Impure World Resurrection body has lost all free will and is controlled by the user. Those emotions would be gone. "I am sure the technique to raise Barynx from i's grave was far sinister than anything I have seen. Normally the body that is being linked would need to be in good condition for the technique to work. However, it would seem the technique used was able to not only resurrect Barynx, but give it flesh, organs, and it's plates back. My technique would have failed, if I had tried to raise Barynx to life, prior to it's now dead state."

Sosuke showed his concerns and Isamu would leave the decision at that with a little a remembrance. ""Well Sosuke, I am Isamu Sunkau. I agree with you that there may be risks, however it is still an option if you choose to use it. My body has endured much worse."<i></i> With that the discussion of Isamu sealing Barynx was decided, but what was the other alternative?

So far there just has been other problems. Sosuke turned his attention to a female who looked to have been stealing the plates from Barynx, yet Sosuke tend to allow it. Perhaps she wasn't stealing them but gathering them for the village. As it turned out Sosuke was missing an arm, Isamu would have never knew by looking at him. Of course, his suit hides almost anything identifiable about the man. After speaking of the other Dark sage present, a man by the name of Roku, Sosuke turned his attention back to him with a question.

Isamu thought about it and answered it best he could. "By normal means, then yes. although it would be possible for the unborn brood lings to be resurrected as well, although as the resurrection technique does not actually instill life in the target the purpose behind resurrecting the unborn fetuses would be unnecessary as they would stuck in time itself inside the body. " Now to actually face the question at hand. Isamu continued after a short pause. "However, As I stated earlier this may be a totally different technique. It was able to reanimate Barynx completely and what seemed to be with it's own free will. A technique of this magnitude, may very well be possible of giving life to Barynx's young inside of the amniotic sac. Now, if this is case there are a few possibilities. One is that Barynx's children are still too young to live on their own and will die with her now. A second option is that we are about to be greeted by Barynx's young as they fight their way out of their mother to be born into the world. Another option is that the young could have been born before we meet with Barynx, in which case they are living within the sands somewhere. Lastly, there is the chance that Barynx was not pregnant, or may even been able to have children. "<i></i> The other Sunaku approached them and stated that Barynx's young would be here if they had been born already. that was a true possibility as well. Isamu nodded in discretion.

Next was Isamu's answer to the problem he was trying to solve. Sosuke mentioned radiating the area. Technically, there was nothing wrong with the idea, as long as it worked. Isamu smiled "That would work." Not much more could be said, ti was a solution an what seems to be their only one. Next a man with a new found hand yelled at the Kazekage and waved. Isamu was shocked to see that the man was waving at Sosuke. Well that's interesting, Isamu would never have guessed the man beside him was the Kazekage. Still with an event this huge, Isamu should have realized that the Kazekage as well as the sennin would have gathered to fight it. Now the question was, who were the Sennin of the village hidden in the sand. Isamu had a guess that the man that was tearing up the sandwyrm was one, and he had meet with the medical sennin upon his first days in the village.

The surprise was on Isamu's face as he spoke absently out loud. "'re the Kazekage....." Isamu gathered his intelligence and spoke again. "My apologizes Kazekage. I am rather new to Sunagakure." If the Kazekage had been offended by Isamu not recognizing him, he had yet to let it be known. Still Isamu tries to be as polite as possible whenever he can. Just because violence is in his nature, does not mean he has to be a barbarian.


Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
The worm was a toxic perversion of existence. The universe had rules and the world followed them not out of subservience or even habit but because everything would unfurl. Nature was about balance and order and Barynx not once but twice had broken this natural order to wreck havoc on humanity. The ground thundered in his massive presence from ill-gotten gains, Barynx hungered for flesh and broke the one taboo: she ate her own kind. She became immensely powerful because of this and perhaps lived longer than her cohorts who simultaneously evaded her voracious appetite and held sacred natural law. Her heart had been poisoned by what she had done, like a terrible curse. The Gods of this world had certainly forgotten about the toiling men and women but this heart seemed to suggest that there might have been a time that the gods played an active hand in the lives of their followers.

The heart would seed corruption in those around it with its choking aura that seemed reminiscent of death, but much like memories of atrocities it would be slow to (if it would ever) decay. Despite being dead, the heart would still quiver and writhe within the chest of the slain monstrous annelid. With a great yawn, the flesh of the beast retracted, revealing the putrid remains of the creature. The stomach that the Sunan's fist plunged inside of was essentially empty less the powerful acid bath that seemed to fill this organic basin. If a scrap of cloth fell inside, he would see it disintegrate within seconds of landing into the caustic bath. Through the stomach wall there would be only more worm meat, ironically a delicacy in Sunagakure because of its difficulty procuring. Those here could fetch a pretty penny if they took it onto themselves to sell this meat to the varied local establishment (self-modded mission offer).

The heart of a sandworm is not located in the same place as a human heart between a pair of lungs and behind a wall of ribs. The heart was closer to the head and they would quiver even after death still. The part that would surprise them the most would be likely the fact that the source of the previous plague being the corruption seeded into the group by "the corrupted heart of Barynx" should have read hearts. They were indeed dangerous, something that some Sunans did well to remember. However, there was one additional, important thing to note. There was a hole from which Barynx emerged. This hole led back into the depths of the desert. What was in there -- unknown. Perhaps it would be a fair consideration for the truly curious or suicidal to find out (MIssion Offer).

Shiruko Makoto

Head Lorekeeper
Staff member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Some people were cut out for cleaning up the aftermath of a dangerous, potentially contagious creature attacking.

Some weren't, clearly.

Makoto bit his tongue whenever someone he classed as one of the latter spoke. The remarks about say, eating it, or trying to revive it and take control of it, fell into the latter category as far as he was concerned. What part of 'this is the source of a contagious and deadly disease' did these people not understand? At least the ones who were leaving were off to get themselves to somewhere they could be checked out, or at least it sounded that way. And Sousuke seemed to be on top of that one, phrasing it in a much gentler way than he would have.

The intentions are good, so there would be no need to snap his head off regardless.

I know. But knowing something and acting on it are two different things. Besides, just because someone intends to help doesn't mean the result of their actions is going to work out. That was a lesson he'd endeavored to learn to the bones himself, seeing as some people never did. Altruistic actions were all well and good, but you needed to take the time to understand what you were doing before you did it.

"That would be the sandworm we encountered on the way to the Storm God, no?" he asked, tuning back into the conversation properly. "Unless you make a habit of losing your arms to these creatures."

Perhaps set up some sort of automated defense sprinkler system for when a sandworm got too near the city? But they were still reconstructing it on the surface; that might be in the works. Or maybe they just didn't have the water to handle that. This was the desert, after all.

"You might also consider, for the future--if it's possible--some sort of advanced warning system if a sandworm gets too close the the city, if you don't have one already," Makoto added, readying a few radiation jutsu to use on the corpse. "Possibly with a sprinkler system, if it's feasible. Though I'm not certain how feasible it is out here; simply an idea."

He was busy focusing a ray of concentrated radiation on what remained of the sandworm's body, more focusing around it to irradiate the area in an attempt to block off the spread of the disease, when one, then two people mentioning the Kazekage made him take notice. He blinked and looked up, letting the jutsu go; it was close to finishing anyway.

"...Kazekage?" He looked over to Sousuke, who he had met before. "Um. Hm. I actually wasn't aware of that previously. I'm assuming I didn't say or do anything offensive, since neither you nor anyone else said anything? Sorry, I'm not from a ninja village."


Makoto? Were you really unaware of this previously?

Ahaha...yes? In retrospect, it's not surprising. Everyone was answering to him, and he's one of the most levelheaded people I've met, not to mention he can more than hold his own in a fight. I just didn't...realize.

Well then.

No laughing.

I would not dream of it. But there was definite amusement there.

He resumed casting his radiation jutsu then, walking at a distance around the body and slowly outlining the area. He had to recast a few times, due to the size of the corpse and his desire to be thorough. It was doing this he encountered something.

"Hey, there's something over here!" he called. "A...tunnel? A hole? It looks like a tunnel."

Yeah, he wasn't jumping down that one. He resumed bathing the area in radiation. It wouldn't be too dangerous to a ninja, but it would sterilize the place. Hopefully, anyway. Well, that was the idea.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Akira Amaya addressed Akuma Kuro as he levitated Barnyx's corpse surgically stripping it of flesh as he searched for the heart of Barnyx only to find out this monster had more than one. A sigh that sounded suspiciously like someone saying "shhhhhiii***" emerged before he responded to the dark haired beauty. She was a great distraction as warrior women always reminded him of the woman he loved the most.
"TORAONO DOJO... Are all the TORAONO clans men like you?"

Kuro responded trying not to sound interested "Few of us are truly alike and if I had a twin I would not curse him with a duplicate existence of mine own. However if you are in need of teaching, or learning we are open to all, right now I suggest you head to our field hospital for blood cleansing and treatment... warrior woman."

Akuma Kuro's arm regenerated from the fracture it had sustained but Mouko Kuro would require extensive surgery to replace his leg. Sousuke would require a new arm and treatment for Red Death. Kuro had mentioned using Roku to seal Barnyx's heart since he felt energy capable of destroying Barnyx's heart within Roku. Sousuke was against it and with that it seemed Kuro would need the help of another until it was determined there was more than one heart. THIS would be a true problem... but Kuro had a couple of solutions in mind due to his archive research projects. The hearts would be sealed traditionally and immediately then. "Kazekage-sama you might disagree with me on this but I will not push the subject further. I believe Roku has the capacity within him to destroy a heart from this monster with little ill effect other than the threat we already face. If you don't want to ensure the destruction of any of these hearts the quick way then I can seal them in stasis till a better method is available. Mother has Dr. Toa ready with a prosthetic replacement awaiting your purview and augmentations after you receive proper medical attention. I would also be honored to receive your aid crafting a new leg for my close combat form. If everyone capable of securing this flesh without direct physical contact could use their techniques we can get this job done quicker and then all head to the field hospital for treatment. Isamu san if I heard you correctIy then you are a fellow sage I will need your aid in sealing these bones so that they cannot be used for resurrection ever again."

As the massive hearts were located Kuro's medic form summoned his hunter form directly into a suspension chamber to begin the blood cleansing process and treatment for prosthetic replacement and construction.

WC: 425


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Episode 5: 'A Hole'|Barynx Returns Arc said:
[col]His eyes would immediately lock onto the massive hole that it appeared the giant beast worm would have emerged from.

Could pops still be down there, or maybe he left me another piece of himself around there.

Absorbing remains of Nao's energy wasn't his only calling in life, but it did make him feel like he was growing stronger. Using the power of the man who created him against him, the ultimate poetic justice.

"Hey, Sousuke.... Imma gonna search where the worm came from. Maybe there are some clues or something left over down there. It seems, and I'd bet I'm not the only one thinking this, that Barynx was more of a diversion than an actual threat, although killing us with a rampaging worm wouldn't have probably went against their prerogative. Just curious to see what, if anything, we can glean from the source of this big bitch."

He would then raise his left hand up to his ear to press his comm device to call out to the shinobi ranks. At the moment his brain would expect touching the button, feeling the pressure against the object, there would be nothing. He would attempt it a second time before the realization would wash over his face,

"Ah... well... that is unfortunate..."

His right arm would slink around the back of his neck, going the longer route than he had just brought it across his chest, and hit the device.

"This is Sennin Roku, I am looking for strong shinobi to explore the site of a recent disaster level event. The scene could be viral, please dress accordingly, and I would be looking for members of all branches for this expedition, but would prefer if at least one Med-Nin was present. As one of the Sennin, I will request branch rewards fitting of your service in this request. Please meet in the desert expanse at the following coordinates..."

He had a couple of ANBU and high powered AiT that could use a bit of a rank up, this would suffice. It was telling, however, that this new Roku was more prone to do this without his own mask. Was it laziness, was it a change in personality or was it simply that he was wanting to get his new handless persona out there to more in the village.

Who knew, who cared... it was time to explore a worm hole.

His glance would scan around the area, to the non-village shinobi still present, as he would offer them the same ticket to fun;

"Any of y'all wanna go on an adventure?"

There was still a chance that eventually the effects of the plague would cripple him, but that was something for another day.
Meanwhile, within the depths of Roku, a change that had been building since his encounter with Shiori seemed to finally start to take shape. The energy of the Ancient, Mother Suna, the residual energy of Nao lingering from summoning the worm, and the essence of Barynx, a legendary beast itself, all began to merge within him. The concoction was a volatile mixture of extremely powerful, extremely old, and dark energy. Each of three were legends, even if Nao was less known because of his own need to remain in the shadows but those that knew of him knew the lengths of his ability. Now, all three resided within his body, a body designed to take these foreign energies, mix in his own power and assimilate it all into his own being. He was designed to consume, adapt and grow.

The tattoos that coated most of his body would begin to glow as the pain would rise once more within him. Not wishing to draw the attention of the others, the strained face of Roku would wave to the group and stumble off, making his way around the large carapace of the worm and providing himself some cover as he would collapse to the ground. The energy swelling within him, a mixture of humanity's limits, the limits of the sandwryms and the depths of the beings known as Ancients, all of them would be something unnatural that stood as abominations within this reality. Within his body, this would not change. The energy being converted from these sources into his own essence would also be something that challenged the very reality of the natural world.

A power would start to emanate from him, causing the air around him to wrinkle. It was similar to the effects of steam or mist, causing a minor distortion in one's visual field, but these distortions would begin to intensify as Roku's body began to twitch. A primal growl would ring forth from his body as it would slump over and onto the sands. The energy fuming from his body would begin to die down a bit.

"What... hell... aargh.... AAAAHHHH!!!!"

The words would come out faint and low but the grunts would begin to pick up steam and come out louder until his body would raise up in a full on scream. His right hand would be clenched to the side as the force that was dwelling within him would shoot out once more, but this time it would be more concentrated. The power could cause now clearly visible rifts within reality as an inverted picture of the world would be seen within the tears. Next to Roku, two feint visages of himself would begin to form as the energy continued to build up. And then, without much warning, it would all stop. The world would return to normal and the image of the man would be completely disappeared from the scene, the only trace of any of this occurring would be the markings in the sand and a small tear still closing in reality.

A new Roku had finally emerged from its cocoon.

(519 words for application)
Depending on who was paying attention, Roku would suddenly reappear back where he was once standing, as if he just magically popped back into place. Putting his right hand over his face he would await any takers fro his adventure.
MFT - 1000 words
Name: Roku
Height: 6'2"
Build: Lean and Muscular
Eyes: Red
Blood Type: O Negative
Personal Data
[spoilername="Jutsu List"]*Fire Jutsu
- Fireball: Mastered [D]
- Dragon Fire: Mastered [C]
- Searing Eruption: Mastered [C]
- Scalding Ash Cloud: Mastered [C]
- Immolation Armor: Mastered [D]
- Heat Wave: Mastered [C]
- Firestorm: Mastered [B ]
- Infernal Ember [E] Rank 1
- Thermal Maw [E] Rank 1
- Combustive Seal [D] Rank 1
- Infernal Hellfire [ B] Rank 1
- Spontaneous Combustion [ B] Rank 1
- Ring of Fire [ B] Rank 1
- Dragon Flame Bomb [A] Rank 1
- Sol Fire Tempest [A] Rank 1
- Abysmal Harbinger [A] Rank 1
- Flame Shield [A] Rank 1

*Earth Jutsu
- Gravel Shift: Mastered [E]
- Sinkhole Fist: Mastered [D]
- Rock Golem: Mastered [C]
- Mud Clone: Mastered [D]
- Stone Bullet [E] Rank 1
- Earth Flow River [D] Rank 1
- Inner Earth Reflection Lure [C] Rank 1
- Earth Flow Wave [C] Rank 1
- Earthen Coating [C] Rank 1
- Bedrock Coffin [ B] Rank 1
- Weighted Rock Technique [ B] Rank 1
- Earth Spiker [ B] Rank 1
- Antlion Sinkhole [ B] Rank 1
- Fist of Gaia [A] Rank 1
- Earthen Magnitude [A] Rank 1
- Earthslide Wall [A] Rank 1
- Petrification [A] Rank 1

- Transformation: Mastered [E]
- Body Switch: Mastered [E]
- Cancel: Mastered [D]
- Contract Summoning Mastered [D]
- Combination Transformation Mastered [D]
- Crystal Eye Mastered [D]
- Spirit Lantern Mastered [D]
- Jutsu Sealing Mastered [C]
- Stunt Double Mastered [C]
- One Element Sealing Mastered [C]
- Elemental Negation Mastered [C]
- Elemental Clone: Mastered [C]
- Barrier Mastered [C]
- Shadow Shuriken Replication Mastered [ B]
- Energy Transfer Mastered[ B]
- Leech Seal Mastered[ B]
- Chakra Shield Mastered[ B]
- Chakra Blast Mastered[ B]
- Rasengan Mastered[ B]
- Advanced Combination Transformation Mastered[ B]
- Perfected Rasengan Mastered[A]
- Five Element Seal Mastered[A]
- Morality Sealing Mastered[A]
- Natures Guard Mastered[A]
- Stardust Nova Mastered[A]
- Gate of Enma Mastered[A]
- Curse Sealing Mastered[A]

- Storm Bolt Rank 1 [E]
- Thunderfist Rank 1 [E]
- Thunderclap Rank 1 [D]
- Electroshock Rank 1 [D]
- Electrocution Rank 1 [D]
- Zeus Flash Rank 1 [C]
- Lightning Torrent Rank 1 [C]
- Thunderstruck Rank 1 [C]
- Volt Charge Rank 1 [C]
- Gigavolt Cannon Rank 1 [ B]
- Chidori Rank 1 [ B]
- Lightning Beast Rank 1 [ B]
- Amp Field Rank 1 [ B]
- Raijin's Vengeance Rank 1 [A]
- Chidori Control Rank 1 [A]
- Kirin Rank 1 [A]
- Thunderdome Rank 1 [A]

-Pressurized Mist Mastered [E]
-Water Gun Mastered [E]
-Aqua Fang Mastered [D]
-Rinse Off Mastered [D]
-Water Whip Mastered [D]
-Grand Waterfall Mastered [C]
-Rain Dance Mastered [C]
-Impaling Hydro Jet Mastered [C]
-Water Prison Mastered [C]
-Mystical Pond [ B] Mastered
-Grand Hydra Excavation [A] Mastered
-Water Dragon Bullet [A] Mastered
-Scorn of Aquarius [A] Mastered
-Supreme Aqua Realm [A] Mastered

*Wind Jutsu
-Wind Slash [E] Mastered
-Pressure Burst [E] Mastered
-Air Bullet (Mastered) [D]
- Shredding Touch (Mastered) [D]
-Whirlwind Spin [D] Mastered
-Wind Scythe [C] Mastered
-Tempest [C] Mastered
-Gale Force [C] Mastered
-Wind Release [C] Mastered
-Great Wind Scythe [ B] Mastered
-Wind Scar [ B] Mastered
-Vacuum Sphere [ B] Mastered
-Cyclone Movement [ B] Mastered
-Tatsumaki [A] Mastered
-Hurricane [A] Mastered
-Ambiance of the Forbidden [A] Mastered
-Zephyr's Grace [A] Mastered

* Ice Jutsu
-Ice Shards [C] Mastered
-Frigid Ice Blast [C] Mastered
-Hypothermic Touch [C] Mastered
-Arctic Aether [C] Mastered
-Ice Transmutation [ B] Mastered
-Snowflake Shuriken [ B] Mastered
-Crystallize [ B] Mastered
-Ice Prison [ B] Mastered
-Hailstorm [A] Mastered
-Koorikan [A] Mastered
-Falling Snow [A] Mastered
-Subzero Purge [A] Mastered

*Wood Jutsu
- Vine Tangle Mastered [C]
- Armor of Thorns Mastered [C]
- Ingrain Mastered [C]
- Wood Hammer Mastered [C]
- Wrath of Nature Mastered [A]
- Sleeping Forest Mastered [A]

- Snap Shot: Mastered [D]
- Active Camo: Mastered [C]
- Chakra Sense: Mastered [C]
- Critical Exposure: Mastered [D]
- Mask Summon: Mastered[D]
- Black Blockade: Mastered [A]
- Shadow Servant Mastered [ B]
- Searchlight Rank 1 [ B]
- Intangible Passage Mastered [ B]
- Body Bind Mastered [A]
- Physical Imprisonment Seal Rank 1[A]
- Flock of Shadows Mastered[A]
- Incapacitate Rank 1 [ B]

- Shoryuken [Mastered] [C]
- Tiger Hook Mastered [C]
- 4 Hit Combo: Mastered [D]
- Dragon Assault Mastered [C]
- The One Two Mastered [E]
- Janken Mastered [E]
- Uncalled for Shot Mastered [E]
- Low Sweep Mastered[E]
- Nut Buster Mastered [D]
- Spinning Wind Mastered [D]
- Primary Lotus Mastered [ B]
- Suplex Mastered [ B]
- 16 Hit Combo (Mastered) [ B]
- Spear Hand (Mastered) [ B]
- Submission (Mastered) [ B]
- Shadow Step Strike (Mastered) [ B]
- Falcon Punch Mastered [A]
- Fist of Virtue Mastered [A]
- Fist of Sin Mastered [A]
- Dance of the Waxing Moon Mastered [A]
- Dynamic Entry (Mastered) [D]
- Dynamic Finish (Mastered) [D]
- Render Blitz [Mastered] [C]
- 7 Hit Combo Mastered [D]
- Concrete Blast Mastered [C]
- Blackjack Attack (Rank 1) [C]
- Rigor Mortis (Rank 1) [ B]
- Pillar of Four Dragons (Rank 1) [A]
- Blast Rush (Rank 1) [C]
- Skull Buster (Rank 1) [C]
- Carpe Noctem (Rank 1) [C]
- Carpe Diem (Rank 1) [C]
- Hex Breaker (Rank 1) [ B]
- Memento Mori (Rank 1) [A]
- Chakra Extension Mastered [C]
- Shadow Dance (Rank 1) [C]
- Gather (Rank 1) [C]
- Barrage (Rank 1) [C]
- Anabolic Frenzy (Rank 1) [ B]
- Devastating Aura (Mastered) [A]
- Awakening (Rank 1) [A]
- Unleashed (Mastered) [A]
- Limit Break (Mastered) [A]
- Lunar Steps Mastered [C]
- Slash Mastered [E]
- Whisperer Mastered [C]
- Steel Weaving Mastered [ B]
- Kill Driver Mastered [ B]
- Zantetsuken Mastered [A]
- Fatal Draw Mastered [A]
- Magnum Break Mastered [ B]
- Zero Slash Counter Mastered [C]
- Executioner Mastered [ B]
- Lotus Flower R1 [ B]
- Higuma Mastered [A]
- Annihilation Mastered [A]
- Heavenly Sword Mastered [A]

- Clone: Mastered [Level 2/Visual]
- Crippled: Mastered [Kinetic] C
- Silly Fingers: Mastered [Kinetic] C
- Mist of Deceit: Rank 1 [Kinetic] C
- Crossed Wires: Rank 1 [Kinetic] C
- Petrification: Mastered [Kinetic] B
- Lingering Spark: Rank 1 [Kinetic] B
- Pox: Rank 1 [Kinetic] B
- Pheonix Embrace: Rank 1 [Kinetic] B
- Crush Depth: Rank 1 [Kinetic] B

- Psychotic Affliction [Kin Ability]
- Cursed Will [Kin Ability]
- Partial Transformation Mastered [C]
- Accursed Protection Mastered [C]
- Corrupted Regeneration Mastered[ B]
- Malevolent Annihilation Mastered [A]
- Vile Mutation

- Trick Weapon x 2
- Razor Strike
- Vampiric
- Steady
- Vanguard
- Lantern
- Primal x 3
- Crippler
- Pressure
- Chakra Drain
- Toxify
- Wide Edge

Inventory List

- Lullaby Powder x2
- Serpent’s Blood x2
- Heaven’s Touch x3

- Belt Pouch x2
- Shoulder Bag
- Sealing Scroll
- Backpack
- Weapon Holster x2
- Headset[/spoilername]</B>
[spoilername="Stats"]<B>Stamina: 50,400
Chakra: 31,200
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600[/spoilername][spoilername="Dojo Info"]Sinister Six
HP: [(63+15)+6(Reckless Endurance)] x (600) = 50,400
CP: (37+15) x 600 = 31,200
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu, +1 Dodge
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Evasion, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Puppet Accuracy

OOC Rank: S

Core Ability: Reckless
Core Ability Choices:
Bloodlust - Passive (3 points)
Mastered Offensive Stance - Passive (3 points)
Monstrous Strength - Modification 2 points
Zaraki Style (2 points)
Endurance - Boost (1 point) x3
Huge Power - Boost (1 point) x3
No Limits - Passive (2 points)
Precision Blow - Dependent Special Move (2 points)

Kinjutsu: Abomination

Curse Seals:
Heaven Rank 3
Gaia Rank 3
Solar Rank 1
Lunar Rank 1

0. Psychotic Affliction (Kin Ability)
0. Cursed Will (Kin Ability)
0. Sentinel - ANBU Branch
0. Shinobi 101 - Kinetic Genjutsu -> Melee Accuracy
1. Called Shot
2. Bull's Strength
3. Acrobat
4. Healing Factor
5. Elemental Illusion
6. Duelist
7. Initiative
8. Quickdraw
9. Hyperactive
10. Kinjutsu
11. Kinjutsu
12. Kinjutsu

Major Affinities:
1. Earth
2. Fire
3. Non-Elemental
4. Wind
5. Water

Minor Affinities:
1. Wind
2. Water
3. Non-Elemental

Advanced Elements:
1. Wood
2. Ice

Muzan – Cruelty
Spoiler: show
Muzan was once a warhammer that has now been melted down and reforged into gauntlets. These metallic brutes might look like they would hurt, but their true power lies in the defensive side of battle
1. Steady
2. Vanguard
3. Lantern
Damage Type:
Unarmed - Handseals
Accuracy/Damage modifier:
-2 Accuracy, +10% Base Damage.

Rokushiki - "Six('s) Styles"
When you are this strong, you have to register your entire body as a deadly weapon! [Roku's entire body]
1. Primal
2. Crippler
3. Pressure
Damage Type:
Unarmed - Suppression
Accuracy/Damage modifier:
-2 Accuracy, +10% Base Damage

Primus Ex Machina
Spoiler: show
Activating a specialized armor that coats his whole body, which he says is imbued with not only the spirit of Primus but his wrath.
1. Chakra Drain
2. Trick Weapon: Slashing
3. Primal
Damage Type:
Unarmed - Hand Seals
Accuracy/Damage modifier:
-2 Accuracy, +10% Base Damage

Contracts: Bird[/spoilername]
Fight Data
Maintains: Armor of Thorns Mastered, Gaia Seal Rank 3, Zaraki Style, Wind - Chakra Style: Inner Current, Leech Seal Mastered - Special Action: increase Hp loss by +2%

*2.0 AP to use Partial Transformation Mastered
Ice Emperor's Gauntlets
Weapon Type: Unarmed - Handseals
Damage Type: +10% Ninjutsu Damage, -2 Ninjutsu ACC
Effect 1: +2 to all Secondaries from Rank 3 Heaven Seal
Effect 2: +8% to any secondary effects from Rank 3 Heaven Seal
Effect 3: Inflict +15% more damage from Rank 3 Heaven Seal
*3.0 AP to use Koorikan Mastered and using Affinity Move: Overcharge and Wind - Chakra Style: Inner Current special effect against Sandworm
*3.0 AP to use Zephyr's Grace Mastered- Special Action to increase Wind Slice chance and sacrifice Gaspless with Affinity Move: Debilitate and Wind - Chakra Style: Inner Current special effect against Sandworm
*2.0 AP to use Ice Shards Mastered - Special Action: Ice Spear with Affinity Move: Focus against Sandworm

*Any attack of 1 AP or higher targets Roku use Body Switch to dodge
*If a healing jutsu targets me, I accept and do not wish to dodge
*If Barynx is KO'ed before list of previous actions are completed, use Nature's Guard Mastered immediately
*Once Nature's Guard has been used rest for remainder of round

Rokushiki - "Six('s) Styles"
When you are this strong, you have to register your entire body as a deadly weapon! [Roku's entire body]
1. Primal
2. Crippler
3. Pressure
Damage Type:
Unarmed - Suppression
Accuracy/Damage modifier:
-2 Accuracy, +10% Base Damage
[spoilername="Inventory"]Weapon Holster: Rokushiki
Weapon Holster 2: Primus Ex Machina
1. Headset
2. Belt Pouch: A) Energy Drinks x3 B) Smoke Bombs x3
3. Belt Pouch 2: A) Explosive Notes x5 B) Kawarimi Target
4. Blood Pills x3
5. Muzan[/spoilername]
Pissing the Night AwayMood Music
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
[col]Matsu had grumbled for lack of a better word. He really hated getting those kinds of calls that asked for adventures and strong aid and all the likes. However, his particular set of skills was typically useful. Although he was not a med-nin himself, he was a particularly well versed poisoner. Very few in their country had the same level of knowledge of beasts, virulence, nor of pathogens than he despite his lack of medical training. Or so he told himself. But, he was quite good at purging and harvesting toxins and venoms. Properly, Matsu donned his hunting attire and affixed his clothing as properly as he could. It had been quite a while since he had a grand enough hunt and after his cousin decided that he should focus his attentions on worthless endeavors he needed to clear his mind. Pressing gently onto his headset apparatus, Matsu spoke. "This is Takahashi Matsu. I will be en route shortly. I'm not a medic, but given the toxic nature I believe I will be of great service. Do you need anything brought out in particular?" Matsu kept it relatively polite and to the point. He didn't like wasting time if he could help it.

Matsu strapped his poison vessels tightly to his body and tightened the coils on his lanterns so they would not fall away. Making sure he had everything from his home he would set out. He might need to make a trip into market on his way to the site, but he would make post haste. Twice in recent memory he dawned such attired. It was becoming a trend. Perhaps this would become his standard look like his cousin clad in his living plate. Bah. Even then, he felt, he moved a fair bit faster than his cousin. He might not be as intellectual, but he definitely thought himself more resilient.
OOC: I stole your code like a monster. Also, as it said to respond here, is a simple "I'll be on my way" enough or shall travel through the gates to this location also be required?|
[legend="[glow=#55141C][b][size=5]A Simple Madman[/size][/b][/glow]"]

Name: Matsu
Epithet: Perhaps...violence?
Height: 5'10"
Build: Lean
Eyes: Black sclera, red irises
Blood Type: O Negative
Personal Data
Stamina: Unknown
Chakra: Unknown
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600
Fight Data
Belt Pouch
Belt Pouch
Weapon Holster
Weapon Holster
  • Earth Major / Minor Affinity
  • Fire Major / Minor Affinity
  • Water Major / Minor Affinity
  • Wind Major / Minor Affinity
  • Lightning Minor Affinity
  • None-Elemental Minor Affinity
  • Vapor Minor Affinity
  • Poison Major / Minor Affinity
  • Scorch Minor Affinity
  • Shadow Minor Affinity
Enjoy~Mood Music X

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
For a time Sousuke said nothing. He just watched as Roku just regenerated, like it was nothing. That was new. Roku did mention earlier that he ate an Ancient. Unfortunately in the heat of battle, sometimes things go unrealized. Fortunately little details were something that could be recorded and played at a later time and date. "Wait. So that is what Fuu meant."<i></i> He spoke more to himself when she said he, being Roku, was not well. Sousuke would twitch slightly. Wait. Which Ancient did he eat? He was very much in the realm of what the Sovereign were doing, and that was a very dangerous thing, which then meant by proxy that Mikaboshi was in danger too ultimately, which meant Katuso. Roku had absolutely no issue with hurting and probably killing Katsuo by accident, or perhaps on purpose because of how much Mikaboshi was despised. Sousuke would cover half of the side of his face in a strange show of frustration. "Roku you are just going to make it harder and harder for me to keep you alive. There will be a price to be paid eventually, and I might be the one writing the cheque to cover the damage."<i></i> No one would guess it, but Sousuke did have Roku brought back to life through modern day medical science. He was resuscitated quite a number of times on Sousuke's orders, mainly because it was what Sousuke had willed. "Not that you're going to hear me complaining about signing that cheque."<i></i> He added. Roku was becoming and dealing in that one thing Sousuke abhorred the absolute most. Mysticism. Roku would then just wave his lack of hand at Sousuke. That gesture earned himself a 'think fast' moment whereas Sousuke would force the metal he was sensing earlier to their current position and formed a metal clone. Sousuke would take the hand of the metal clone and begin working on it before throwing it with significant force at Roku. "You take a hand. Attach it and allow the needles to make the necessary connections, it'll hurt but ... you're an equal or greater glutton for punishment than I am."<i></i> Whether or not Roku took the hand was up to him, but he would inform of his intentions. "Yeah. That's fine. You do be careful though, that's an order. Bring back some carmot for me. Yes, I realize what I'm asking but you, if you ever paid attention to my workings, know just how useful and powerful carmot is... more importantly this is Barynx of course... but it might all be moot considering we're in the ... odd situation we're on right now. "<i></i>

Sousuke would turn back to the Dark Sage who he was speaking with. He listened intently to the explanations provided to him. This was very educational seeing as how Sousuke was filling in the gaps of what knowledge he lacked when it came to Dark Sages. So it would seem that the resurrection technique being used was more of a snap shot of a particular moment in one's life. They would not age past that, so a child would remain a child. "I ... do not think Barynx was being controlled, if it was it would have went straight for the village and ignored us... being that we were insects unto it. Granted ... well we did best it."<i></i> Sousuke would grow silent as he was considering the problems ever resent. Solutions were hard to come by. He needed time to consider things. There were problems in just about every single solution presented. "Even if it's radiated the problem is the heart, it's an end-game force event problem. It just doesn't resolve itself easily enough it just. ... "<i></i> Sousuke would pause and go silent for a time. He would continue to mull things over in his head. "Huh?"<i></i> He would snap back as the Dark Sage would announce his title. Sousuke had phased out for a moment, and in that moment he was trying to figure out things in his head. Unfortunately the logistics were not there, Sousuke could not give Isamu the go ahead to reanimate Barnyx. "Oh. Right. Yeah I am the Kazekage, but that's not really important right now. Given Barnyx's size I don't think it is just ... possible for one of your abilities to control. I assume you can control animals and the like, but this well beyond the range of this. This is like trying to control a natural disaster and then trying to keep your mind intact instead of being the aftermath of something in a blender set to mush levels."<i></i> Sousuke would rub his temples. This was very much frustrating. "Not to mention this is perhaps the worst way of becoming familiar with this lands - being that you've combated a man made natural disaster. Yes ... so apologies that this has gone so poorly."<i></i>

Sousuke's frustrations with the whole situation were slowly fading as Makoto proceeded to blast the area with radiation. "It takes six weeks to form a habit, this is a habit I do not wish to acquire... but yes I am speaking of the same sandworm."<i></i> He tapped his forehead with his index fingers. "The sprinkler system would have to use pipes underground, and if the sandworm ran into them those pipes would have to be replaced, which is far easier than not having to replace and rebuild a city, which I am very good at doing... if I'm allowed to be vain or proud in any regard."<i></i> Sousuke was not a proud person. He was not a vain person. He was a humble person, perhaps too humble. While he was brilliant in some regards, he was very much challenged in others. He was not a social person, and being in front of so many people right now was a bit overwhelming for him, but he endured it just as he endured and fought Barnyx. If he had a choice over the matter, he would fight Barynx one thousand times rather than try to be a master of ceremonies for a public event, or speak some grand inspiring speech to people. He hated speeches. He hated crowds. He hated most people, mainly because socializing was required, and small talk was extraordinarily difficult for the man. That is why he had Lord Nobu do all the parties, and the hosting and the speeches. "And ... yes ... I am the Kazekage. Is ... can we like move past this? Please?"<i></i> He would inquire as he was now rubbing his temples and trying to work his way out of this situation.

Wait. Tunnel. Crap. Crap. Crap. "Oh... no. Barnyx more than likely destroyed the underground. That's ... that's a problem. A very big one on its own."<i></i> Sousuke would then grit his teeth. "Okay. Let's deconstruct this problem."<i></i> Sousuke would look up and over to Gambunta. The two didn't really speak much. Sousuke liked that about his large companion. The toad would then unsheathe his very large blade and begin cutting into Barnyx. At this point now, Kuro was talking to Sousuke who was going through a very quiet panic attack of sorts. "Roku isn't a garbage disposal, but then again he ate an Ancient so ... what do I know anymore. Putting the heart in status is a no go, who knows if Plague Preservers are present in some form. The movement may have went underground. I recommend direct and absolute destruction entirely. This threat has to be contained, controlled, and dispensed with."<i></i> Sousuke would go quiet then as Harupia next spoke to him. There was no words, just a blank stare at his old friend.

(OOC: For the record I've checked with the DM, and Barnyx is not body material for dark sages)


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
She heard the devastating roar and felt the world shudder in its presence, it was not the first time Barynx had ravaged these lands. She did not engage the legendary annelid, she was so small and while savory she knew how to remain beneath the worm's notice. She sat cross legged far enough to not be a bother, she did not see the fight. Oh no-no-no, she knew better. It was not out of fear or even a need for self-preservation that prevented her involvement, rather it was the idle hope that she would see more blood. She was disappointed that everyone survived. She could not make out who those specks were this far away, only that the same number remained at the beginning and the end. She let out a disgruntled sigh when she saw that glorious creature die, "bet nobody every considered how she became a monster... or even why."

She slid off the rock in a rather lazy fashion, she had no intention of making an appearance among the victorious masses. That was until she got a call:

"This is Sennin Roku, I am looking for strong shinobi to explore the site of a recent disaster level event. The scene could be viral, please dress accordingly, and I would be looking for members of all branches for this expedition, but would prefer if at least one Med-Nin was present. As one of the Sennin, I will request branch rewards fitting of your service in this request. Please meet in the desert expanse at the following coordinates..."

She had heard the name, never knew the man. He had the bright idea that they should look into the hole from which the most dangerous non sentient creature in Wind Country to ever live had come from. Sounded like a suicide mission -- Perfect. She tapped her headset and sent him back a reply. "This is ANBU inductee Neophyte, I have your coordinates and will be there shortly. Over." That was all she said, she did not need to say anything more as she sat down on the ground and started wrapping her limbs. The journey to the site would be about ten minutes at most, the wrappings, one the other hand, were a bit more time consuming not that she cared or that it mattered. She would arrive 24 minutes after she received the transmission, wearing a cloak and a muffler, her body covered in bandages and a simple, featureless mask. The same one originally provided to her, she had no need for another. It hid her face, muffled her voice and gave her a different name. That was all she wanted and all she needed.

[Entering when Adventure Thread is Made]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
[Ooc: and me!]

Talk of Devouring Ancients, reanimatIng the dead, and Sealing of toxic deadly hearts... it all was a lot to follow but the the tactician extremist did her best to. All of this would probably serve a purpose in the future but for now she'd focus on the more important tid bits of information. It would seem that both the Kazakage, Sousuke, and his Sennin, Roku, were present. This was pleasantly unexpected and present quite the opportunities. If Sand was truely a threat to Stone then today was a good day for espionage and reconnaissance. Amaya had taken mental note of the tactics and prowess of the Kazakage and those obviously of his allegiance as the Intel would give Stone the advantages necessary in case needed. For now, Amaya would step aside from the beast of a man who referred to her as "Warrior Woman" and allowed him to continue his concentration.

"Call me Fang. I may just take you up on that offer."

With nothing more than a faint smile Amaya would Wave Roku down as she approached him. "If you have room for one more then sign me up. My injuries if any are sustainable." Though she had fought the Barynx like the others, she had recieved very little injuries and with her abnormal healing factor the small scraps would be gone in a matter of hours.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro kept up his reverie of dismantling Barynx to its base components. Sousuke would not have Roku eat the hearts and Kuro knew that they could not be destroyed easily. Then it came to him, Carnasaurs ate sandwyrms and Kuro knew of several nests. He could warp the hearts there and insure their legitimate destruction. "Understood Kazekage, I will use a traditional and natural method of destruction for the hearts of Barynx so that this monster plagues us no more." With that stated Akuma Kuro called upon his assassin avatar to travel to the entrance of the largest den. Once Akuma Kuro had the hearts divested from the corpse and the creature completely de-boned and fileted he would summon himself to the den and dispense with the hearts to their natural antithesis. Content with his solution Kuro released his heightened form and maintained his telekinesis making the shortest work possible of Barynx's corpse. "I will not be able to join you on this expedition until these hearts are disposed of. Sennin Roku if you need further back-up you may call upon me via headset simply say Tora Tora and I will home in on the headset you wear and arrive with all due haste." Visibly upset that he could not do more Akuma Kuro decimated and desecrated the legendary beast's corpse. His job was quickly done, viscera and muscle were separated from the flesh and armored carapace leaving a construction capable and massive skeletal structure once more. Placing a barrier seal of his own design upon the near indestructible skeleton Akuma Kuro disappeared in a pop of air with the remaining hearts in tow. It was time to feed the carnasaurs and then report to the field hospital.

Topic left unless stopped

WC: 280


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Episode 6: 'A Hole pt 2'|Barynx Returns Arc said:
[col]Sousuke would seemed troubled by his recent actions, or potentially something he had said. That was fine, he understood how much of a hassle he was for his friend. Then the Kazekage would toss him the hand he had ripped from a metal creation.

"Rather cheap trick, aye Journeyman?"

Removing his right hand from his face, the strain now completely died down, he would take hold of the metal item and give it a once over. There would be a child-like frustrated look on his face, like a spoiled brat that received a gift but it wasn't what they were expecting.

"Thanks, boss."

He'd glance over to Kuro.

"I think we should be fine, it'll probably be a boring trip, but I will ring if needed. However, depending on the depth and distance of the hole, communications might go out. You may come join us when you are free if you are concerned, you happen to have a better communication trick than most, right?"

He assumed that however the trick with the multiple Kuro's worked, it was probably through some mental communication that was leagues better than a head set.

Halfhearted platitude. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate the gesture, it just flew against the strategy he had formed internally moments ago. Placing the metal hand between his left arm, he would respond back to the two voices that had responded to him. One name was one he had not heard before, or maybe he had but had not had a last interaction with the individual, but seeing as they were a Takahashi, there was almost a fifty-fifty chance they would either get along or be bizarre. Neophyte, on the other hand.

Damn it... I completely forgot about her... Wonder if she is still a bit of a loose cannon...

His attention would be then caught by the approaching of a female, one of the individuals that had fought the worm. She was not of the village, in both appearance and actions she would have definitely found a way on his radar. He would give her a bow as he returned his right hand to his face.

"I will never be one to deny the request of a lady, especially one that dished out a beating to that monster like yourself."

He'd give her a friendly wink as from within his hand a mask would begin to form. Mentally, he had taken a note on several of the individuals present, with this female, due to her attack power, being one of them. A couple he owed a return punch, but this female and the man who had been talking as a familiar to Sousuke were the two he would not be eager to do so. Between the three of them and the man who could grow his limbs, the four of them seemed to be the most comfortable in combat with a giant monster worm, which for him meant that the four of them were all probably monstrous in their own rights.

The mask would finish forming, a neat trick thanks to his ANBU skills, and he would turn his attention to the hole.

Continued here


Name: Roku
Height: 6'2"
Build: Lean and Muscular
Eyes: Red
Blood Type: O Negative
Personal Data
[spoilername="Jutsu List"]*Fire Jutsu
- Fireball: Mastered [D]
- Dragon Fire: Mastered [C]
- Searing Eruption: Mastered [C]
- Scalding Ash Cloud: Mastered [C]
- Immolation Armor: Mastered [D]
- Heat Wave: Mastered [C]
- Firestorm: Mastered [B ]
- Infernal Ember [E] Rank 1
- Thermal Maw [E] Rank 1
- Combustive Seal [D] Rank 1
- Infernal Hellfire [ B] Rank 1
- Spontaneous Combustion [ B] Rank 1
- Ring of Fire [ B] Rank 1
- Dragon Flame Bomb [A] Rank 1
- Sol Fire Tempest [A] Rank 1
- Abysmal Harbinger [A] Rank 1
- Flame Shield [A] Rank 1

*Earth Jutsu
- Gravel Shift: Mastered [E]
- Sinkhole Fist: Mastered [D]
- Rock Golem: Mastered [C]
- Mud Clone: Mastered [D]
- Stone Bullet [E] Rank 1
- Earth Flow River [D] Rank 1
- Inner Earth Reflection Lure [C] Rank 1
- Earth Flow Wave [C] Rank 1
- Earthen Coating [C] Rank 1
- Bedrock Coffin [ B] Rank 1
- Weighted Rock Technique [ B] Rank 1
- Earth Spiker [ B] Rank 1
- Antlion Sinkhole [ B] Rank 1
- Fist of Gaia [A] Rank 1
- Earthen Magnitude [A] Rank 1
- Earthslide Wall [A] Rank 1
- Petrification [A] Rank 1

- Transformation: Mastered [E]
- Body Switch: Mastered [E]
- Cancel: Mastered [D]
- Contract Summoning Mastered [D]
- Combination Transformation Mastered [D]
- Crystal Eye Mastered [D]
- Spirit Lantern Mastered [D]
- Jutsu Sealing Mastered [C]
- Stunt Double Mastered [C]
- One Element Sealing Mastered [C]
- Elemental Negation Mastered [C]
- Elemental Clone: Mastered [C]
- Barrier Mastered [C]
- Shadow Shuriken Replication Mastered [ B]
- Energy Transfer Mastered[ B]
- Leech Seal Mastered[ B]
- Chakra Shield Mastered[ B]
- Chakra Blast Mastered[ B]
- Rasengan Mastered[ B]
- Advanced Combination Transformation Mastered[ B]
- Perfected Rasengan Mastered[A]
- Five Element Seal Mastered[A]
- Morality Sealing Mastered[A]
- Natures Guard Mastered[A]
- Stardust Nova Mastered[A]
- Gate of Enma Mastered[A]
- Curse Sealing Mastered[A]

- Storm Bolt Rank 1 [E]
- Thunderfist Rank 1 [E]
- Thunderclap Rank 1 [D]
- Electroshock Rank 1 [D]
- Electrocution Rank 1 [D]
- Zeus Flash Rank 1 [C]
- Lightning Torrent Rank 1 [C]
- Thunderstruck Rank 1 [C]
- Volt Charge Rank 1 [C]
- Gigavolt Cannon Rank 1 [ B]
- Chidori Rank 1 [ B]
- Lightning Beast Rank 1 [ B]
- Amp Field Rank 1 [ B]
- Raijin's Vengeance Rank 1 [A]
- Chidori Control Rank 1 [A]
- Kirin Rank 1 [A]
- Thunderdome Rank 1 [A]

-Pressurized Mist Mastered [E]
-Water Gun Mastered [E]
-Aqua Fang Mastered [D]
-Rinse Off Mastered [D]
-Water Whip Mastered [D]
-Grand Waterfall Mastered [C]
-Rain Dance Mastered [C]
-Impaling Hydro Jet Mastered [C]
-Water Prison Mastered [C]
-Mystical Pond [ B] Mastered
-Grand Hydra Excavation [A] Mastered
-Water Dragon Bullet [A] Mastered
-Scorn of Aquarius [A] Mastered
-Supreme Aqua Realm [A] Mastered

*Wind Jutsu
-Wind Slash [E] Mastered
-Pressure Burst [E] Mastered
-Air Bullet (Mastered) [D]
- Shredding Touch (Mastered) [D]
-Whirlwind Spin [D] Mastered
-Wind Scythe [C] Mastered
-Tempest [C] Mastered
-Gale Force [C] Mastered
-Wind Release [C] Mastered
-Great Wind Scythe [ B] Mastered
-Wind Scar [ B] Mastered
-Vacuum Sphere [ B] Mastered
-Cyclone Movement [ B] Mastered
-Tatsumaki [A] Mastered
-Hurricane [A] Mastered
-Ambiance of the Forbidden [A] Mastered
-Zephyr's Grace [A] Mastered

* Ice Jutsu
-Ice Shards [C] Mastered
-Frigid Ice Blast [C] Mastered
-Hypothermic Touch [C] Mastered
-Arctic Aether [C] Mastered
-Ice Transmutation [ B] Mastered
-Snowflake Shuriken [ B] Mastered
-Crystallize [ B] Mastered
-Ice Prison [ B] Mastered
-Hailstorm [A] Mastered
-Koorikan [A] Mastered
-Falling Snow [A] Mastered
-Subzero Purge [A] Mastered

*Wood Jutsu
- Vine Tangle Mastered [C]
- Armor of Thorns Mastered [C]
- Ingrain Mastered [C]
- Wood Hammer Mastered [C]
- Wrath of Nature Mastered [A]
- Sleeping Forest Mastered [A]

- Snap Shot: Mastered [D]
- Active Camo: Mastered [C]
- Chakra Sense: Mastered [C]
- Critical Exposure: Mastered [D]
- Mask Summon: Mastered[D]
- Black Blockade: Mastered [A]
- Shadow Servant Mastered [ B]
- Searchlight Rank 1 [ B]
- Intangible Passage Mastered [ B]
- Body Bind Mastered [A]
- Physical Imprisonment Seal Rank 1[A]
- Flock of Shadows Mastered[A]
- Incapacitate Rank 1 [ B]

- Shoryuken [Mastered] [C]
- Tiger Hook Mastered [C]
- 4 Hit Combo: Mastered [D]
- Dragon Assault Mastered [C]
- The One Two Mastered [E]
- Janken Mastered [E]
- Uncalled for Shot Mastered [E]
- Low Sweep Mastered[E]
- Nut Buster Mastered [D]
- Spinning Wind Mastered [D]
- Primary Lotus Mastered [ B]
- Suplex Mastered [ B]
- 16 Hit Combo (Mastered) [ B]
- Spear Hand (Mastered) [ B]
- Submission (Mastered) [ B]
- Shadow Step Strike (Mastered) [ B]
- Falcon Punch Mastered [A]
- Fist of Virtue Mastered [A]
- Fist of Sin Mastered [A]
- Dance of the Waxing Moon Mastered [A]
- Dynamic Entry (Mastered) [D]
- Dynamic Finish (Mastered) [D]
- Render Blitz [Mastered] [C]
- 7 Hit Combo Mastered [D]
- Concrete Blast Mastered [C]
- Blackjack Attack (Rank 1) [C]
- Rigor Mortis (Rank 1) [ B]
- Pillar of Four Dragons (Rank 1) [A]
- Blast Rush (Rank 1) [C]
- Skull Buster (Rank 1) [C]
- Carpe Noctem (Rank 1) [C]
- Carpe Diem (Rank 1) [C]
- Hex Breaker (Rank 1) [ B]
- Memento Mori (Rank 1) [A]
- Chakra Extension Mastered [C]
- Shadow Dance (Rank 1) [C]
- Gather (Rank 1) [C]
- Barrage (Rank 1) [C]
- Anabolic Frenzy (Rank 1) [ B]
- Devastating Aura (Mastered) [A]
- Awakening (Rank 1) [A]
- Unleashed (Mastered) [A]
- Limit Break (Mastered) [A]
- Lunar Steps Mastered [C]
- Slash Mastered [E]
- Whisperer Mastered [C]
- Steel Weaving Mastered [ B]
- Kill Driver Mastered [ B]
- Zantetsuken Mastered [A]
- Fatal Draw Mastered [A]
- Magnum Break Mastered [ B]
- Zero Slash Counter Mastered [C]
- Executioner Mastered [ B]
- Lotus Flower R1 [ B]
- Higuma Mastered [A]
- Annihilation Mastered [A]
- Heavenly Sword Mastered [A]

- Clone: Mastered [Level 2/Visual]
- Crippled: Mastered [Kinetic] C
- Silly Fingers: Mastered [Kinetic] C
- Mist of Deceit: Rank 1 [Kinetic] C
- Crossed Wires: Rank 1 [Kinetic] C
- Petrification: Mastered [Kinetic] B
- Lingering Spark: Rank 1 [Kinetic] B
- Pox: Rank 1 [Kinetic] B
- Pheonix Embrace: Rank 1 [Kinetic] B
- Crush Depth: Rank 1 [Kinetic] B

- Psychotic Affliction [Kin Ability]
- Cursed Will [Kin Ability]
- Partial Transformation Mastered [C]
- Accursed Protection Mastered [C]
- Corrupted Regeneration Mastered[ B]
- Malevolent Annihilation Mastered [A]
- Vile Mutation

- Trick Weapon x 2
- Razor Strike
- Vampiric
- Steady
- Vanguard
- Lantern
- Primal x 3
- Crippler
- Pressure
- Chakra Drain
- Toxify
- Wide Edge

Inventory List

- Lullaby Powder x2
- Serpent’s Blood x2
- Heaven’s Touch x3

- Belt Pouch x2
- Shoulder Bag
- Sealing Scroll
- Backpack
- Weapon Holster x2
- Headset[/spoilername]</B>
[spoilername="Stats"]<B>Stamina: 50,400
Chakra: 31,200
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600[/spoilername][spoilername="Dojo Info"]Sinister Six
HP: [(63+15)+6(Reckless Endurance)] x (600) = 50,400
CP: (37+15) x 600 = 31,200
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu, +1 Dodge
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Evasion, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Puppet Accuracy

OOC Rank: S

Core Ability: Reckless
Core Ability Choices:
Bloodlust - Passive (3 points)
Mastered Offensive Stance - Passive (3 points)
Monstrous Strength - Modification 2 points
Zaraki Style (2 points)
Endurance - Boost (1 point) x3
Huge Power - Boost (1 point) x3
No Limits - Passive (2 points)
Precision Blow - Dependent Special Move (2 points)

Kinjutsu: Abomination

Curse Seals:
Heaven Rank 3
Gaia Rank 3
Solar Rank 1
Lunar Rank 1

0. Psychotic Affliction (Kin Ability)
0. Cursed Will (Kin Ability)
0. Sentinel - ANBU Branch
0. Shinobi 101 - Kinetic Genjutsu -> Melee Accuracy
1. Called Shot
2. Bull's Strength
3. Acrobat
4. Healing Factor
5. Elemental Illusion
6. Duelist
7. Initiative
8. Quickdraw
9. Hyperactive
10. Kinjutsu
11. Kinjutsu
12. Kinjutsu

Major Affinities:
1. Earth
2. Fire
3. Non-Elemental
4. Wind
5. Water

Minor Affinities:
1. Wind
2. Water
3. Non-Elemental

Advanced Elements:
1. Wood
2. Ice

Muzan – Cruelty
Spoiler: show
Muzan was once a warhammer that has now been melted down and reforged into gauntlets. These metallic brutes might look like they would hurt, but their true power lies in the defensive side of battle
1. Steady
2. Vanguard
3. Lantern
Damage Type:
Unarmed - Handseals
Accuracy/Damage modifier:
-2 Accuracy, +10% Base Damage.

Rokushiki - "Six('s) Styles"
When you are this strong, you have to register your entire body as a deadly weapon! [Roku's entire body]
1. Primal
2. Crippler
3. Pressure
Damage Type:
Unarmed - Suppression
Accuracy/Damage modifier:
-2 Accuracy, +10% Base Damage

Primus Ex Machina
Spoiler: show
Activating a specialized armor that coats his whole body, which he says is imbued with not only the spirit of Primus but his wrath.
1. Chakra Drain
2. Trick Weapon: Slashing
3. Primal
Damage Type:
Unarmed - Hand Seals
Accuracy/Damage modifier:
-2 Accuracy, +10% Base Damage

Contracts: Bird[/spoilername]
Fight Data
Maintains: Armor of Thorns Mastered, Gaia Seal Rank 3, Zaraki Style, Wind - Chakra Style: Inner Current, Leech Seal Mastered - Special Action: increase Hp loss by +2%

*2.0 AP to use Partial Transformation Mastered
Ice Emperor's Gauntlets
Weapon Type: Unarmed - Handseals
Damage Type: +10% Ninjutsu Damage, -2 Ninjutsu ACC
Effect 1: +2 to all Secondaries from Rank 3 Heaven Seal
Effect 2: +8% to any secondary effects from Rank 3 Heaven Seal
Effect 3: Inflict +15% more damage from Rank 3 Heaven Seal
*3.0 AP to use Koorikan Mastered and using Affinity Move: Overcharge and Wind - Chakra Style: Inner Current special effect against Sandworm
*3.0 AP to use Zephyr's Grace Mastered- Special Action to increase Wind Slice chance and sacrifice Gaspless with Affinity Move: Debilitate and Wind - Chakra Style: Inner Current special effect against Sandworm
*2.0 AP to use Ice Shards Mastered - Special Action: Ice Spear with Affinity Move: Focus against Sandworm

*Any attack of 1 AP or higher targets Roku use Body Switch to dodge
*If a healing jutsu targets me, I accept and do not wish to dodge
*If Barynx is KO'ed before list of previous actions are completed, use Nature's Guard Mastered immediately
*Once Nature's Guard has been used rest for remainder of round

Rokushiki - "Six('s) Styles"
When you are this strong, you have to register your entire body as a deadly weapon! [Roku's entire body]
1. Primal
2. Crippler
3. Pressure
Damage Type:
Unarmed - Suppression
Accuracy/Damage modifier:
-2 Accuracy, +10% Base Damage
[spoilername="Inventory"]Weapon Holster: Rokushiki
Weapon Holster 2: Primus Ex Machina
1. Headset
2. Belt Pouch: A) Energy Drinks x3 B) Smoke Bombs x3
3. Belt Pouch 2: A) Explosive Notes x5 B) Kawarimi Target
4. Blood Pills x3
5. Muzan[/spoilername]
Pissing the Night AwayMood Music

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke doubted this would be the last of Barnyx, it would return. It was defeated by the First Men. Then caused problems over a hundred years later, and then it was resurrected ... oh not that long ago. Time was a flat circle. Whatever happened would merely happen again and again. That was just the natural order of things. Barnyx would return, and then it would be defeated, only then to cause more problems in the form of its diseased rotting core. The Kazekage wondered how many of them would have reached this conclusion? He doubted Kuro did. Maybe Roku.

Roku seemed to take to his new hand, "On a short notice, yes. Will create a better one for later, but for now ... we're operating on a Code Red."<i></i> Roku would ultimately thank him. Roku and Kuro exchanged words. They were rather cordial since Roku and Kuro never did get along really. Roku distrusted Kuro, and that was that. Kuro's decision making process was rather questionable at times. He had again just demonstrated such when he suggested Roku to eat the heart of Barnyx. What could go wrong there? EVERYTHING. The heart of Barnyx was a disease ridden construct, and Roku would endanger hundreds or thousands if he had it in his system and went into densely populated areas.

Sousuke again would focus on the metal in the area. Causing it to force pull towards him. As the chunks of metal were flying towards them, he began to wave his fingers. He was crafting something. It didn't come as a surprise that he was doing so, such was in his nature. "Time to go to work. Well, in the sense that this is a job, on top of another job, on top of another job. Working like three different jobs within the same time frame."<i></i> The metallic fragmented he had pulled towards him had arrived and they were already constructing themselves into a new suit of armour. Sousuke would not take any chances going into the depths... and he doubted Rioshi, despite being smarter than most, had the knowhow of what straps or levers had to be pulled to send out a new set of armour to him. She didn't even know what a duel ended photonic cutter was. How would she know the difference between a cluster set and a Ebonite casing? She didn't. That was that.

[Topic left, heading to the new one]

Gotō Daiji

Nov 1, 2012
And like that? They had all gone their separate ways.

Several of his temporary uh..."companions" splintered off to go explore the hole the gigantic Barynx had emerged from. It sounded like a fun time and normally the rose-haired boy was game for any sort of adventure, deadly or not. seemed like they were already full up on people. Besides, his stomach was growling something fierce. He had to get some food in him, and fast! Apparently grilling the massive sandworm wasn't an option, a revelation that brought a frown to the boy's face. Ever since his first encounter with one he had wanted to try tasting it. There was always next time...and knowing Keiatsu's propensity to get into trouble, there was SURE to be a next time. So without another word the strange young man turned and began walking in the general direction of Sunagakure. Which was astonishing really...because normally he couldn't navigate himself out of a straight corridor...

...maybe he got hit harder than he thought?

[Topic Left]

Sunaku Isamu

New Member
Jul 4, 2013
IT would seem the Kazekage was not big on formalities, in fact ti would seem he hated them. That information was stored for later use, if needed. A rather large man by the name of Kuro asked for Isamu's assistance in destroying the flesh of the sand worm, which he answered with a motion telling him be there in a second. Isamu waved a goodbye at the Kazekage and spoke "It's been a pleasure to fight alongside you." With that Isamu trotted his way over to Kuro to help do his part in cleaning up this mess. His head wound has begun to crust up and had stopped bleeding profusely.

Isamu overheard the conversation about a rather large hole that would needed explored but once he got time to reply, a five man team had been formed and were eager to get on the way. He still had some time left with his current task and would not be able to go for quite sometime. Once their task was complete Kuro vanished without a word. Isamu decided to follow Akujin's instructions and go to the field clinic.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
